/* * $Source: /usr/cvs/src/eBones/kadmin/kadmin.c,v $ * $Author: mark $ * * Copyright 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * Copyright.MIT. * * Kerberos database administrator's tool. * * The default behavior of kadmin is if the -m option is given * on the commandline, multiple requests are allowed to be given * with one entry of the admin password (until the tickets expire). * If you do not want this to be an available option, compile with * NO_MULTIPLE defined. */ #ifndef lint static char rcsid_kadmin_c[] = "BonesHeader: /afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/kerberos/src/kadmin/RCS/kadmin.c,v 4.5 89/09/26 14:17:54 qjb Exp "; #endif lint #include #include #include #include #include "krb_err.h" #include "kadm.h" #define BAD_PW 1 #define GOOD_PW 0 #define FUDGE_VALUE 15 /* for ticket expiration time */ #define PE_NO 0 #define PE_YES 1 #define PE_UNSURE 2 /* for get_password, whether it should do the swapping...necessary for using vals structure, unnecessary for change_pw requests */ #define DONTSWAP 0 #define SWAP 1 extern int kadm_init_link(); extern char *error_message(); extern void krb_set_tkt_string(); static void do_init(); void clean_up(); extern ss_request_table admin_cmds; static char myname[ANAME_SZ]; static char default_realm[REALM_SZ]; /* default kerberos realm */ static char krbrlm[REALM_SZ]; /* current realm being administered */ #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE static int multiple = 0; /* Allow multiple requests per ticket */ #endif main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int sci_idx; int code; char tktstring[MAXPATHLEN]; void quit(); sci_idx = ss_create_invocation("admin", "2.0", (char *) NULL, &admin_cmds, &code); if (code) { ss_perror(sci_idx, code, "creating invocation"); exit(1); } (void) sprintf(tktstring, "/tmp/tkt_adm_%d",getpid()); krb_set_tkt_string(tktstring); do_init(argc, argv); printf("Welcome to the Kerberos Administration Program, version 2\n"); printf("Type \"help\" if you need it.\n"); ss_listen(sci_idx, &code); printf("\n"); quit(); exit(0); } int setvals(vals, string) Kadm_vals *vals; char *string; { char realm[REALM_SZ]; int status = KADM_SUCCESS; bzero(vals, sizeof(*vals)); bzero(realm, sizeof(realm)); SET_FIELD(KADM_NAME,vals->fields); SET_FIELD(KADM_INST,vals->fields); if (status = kname_parse(vals->name, vals->instance, realm, string)) { printf("kerberos error: %s\n", krb_err_txt[status]); return status; } if (!realm[0]) strcpy(realm, default_realm); if (strcmp(realm, krbrlm)) { strcpy(krbrlm, realm); if ((status = kadm_init_link(PWSERV_NAME, KRB_MASTER, krbrlm)) != KADM_SUCCESS) printf("kadm error for realm %s: %s\n", krbrlm, error_message(status)); } if (status) return 1; else return KADM_SUCCESS; } void change_password(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { Kadm_vals old, new; int status; char pw_prompt[BUFSIZ]; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: change_password loginname\n"); return; } if (setvals(&old, argv[1]) != KADM_SUCCESS) return; new = old; SET_FIELD(KADM_DESKEY,new.fields); if (princ_exists(old.name, old.instance, krbrlm) != PE_NO) { /* get the admin's password */ if (get_admin_password() != GOOD_PW) return; /* get the new password */ (void) sprintf(pw_prompt, "New password for %s:", argv[1]); if (get_password(&new.key_low, &new.key_high, pw_prompt, SWAP) == GOOD_PW) { status = kadm_mod(&old, &new); if (status == KADM_SUCCESS) { printf("Password changed for %s.\n", argv[1]); } else { printf("kadmin: %s\nwhile changing password for %s", error_message(status), argv[1]); } } else printf("Error reading password; password unchanged\n"); bzero((char *)&new, sizeof(new)); #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE if (!multiple) clean_up(); #endif } else printf("kadmin: Principal does not exist.\n"); return; } /*ARGSUSED*/ void change_admin_password(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { des_cblock newkey; unsigned long low, high; int status; char prompt_pw[BUFSIZ]; if (argc != 1) { printf("Usage: change_admin_password\n"); return; } /* get the admin's password */ if (get_admin_password() != GOOD_PW) return; (void) sprintf(prompt_pw, "New password for %s.admin:",myname); if (get_password(&low, &high, prompt_pw, DONTSWAP) == GOOD_PW) { bcopy((char *)&low,(char *) newkey,4); bcopy((char *)&high, (char *)(((long *) newkey) + 1),4); low = high = 0L; if ((status = kadm_change_pw(newkey)) == KADM_SUCCESS) printf("Admin password changed\n"); else printf("kadm error: %s\n",error_message(status)); bzero((char *)newkey, sizeof(newkey)); } else printf("Error reading password; password unchanged\n"); #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE if (!multiple) clean_up(); #endif return; } void add_new_key(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { Kadm_vals new; char pw_prompt[BUFSIZ]; int status; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: add_new_key user_name.\n"); return; } if (setvals(&new, argv[1]) != KADM_SUCCESS) return; SET_FIELD(KADM_DESKEY,new.fields); if (princ_exists(new.name, new.instance, krbrlm) != PE_YES) { /* get the admin's password */ if (get_admin_password() != GOOD_PW) return; /* get the new password */ (void) sprintf(pw_prompt, "Password for %s:", argv[1]); if (get_password(&new.key_low, &new.key_high, pw_prompt, SWAP) == GOOD_PW) { status = kadm_add(&new); if (status == KADM_SUCCESS) { printf("%s added to database.\n", argv[1]); } else { printf("kadm error: %s\n",error_message(status)); } } else printf("Error reading password; %s not added\n",argv[1]); bzero((char *)&new, sizeof(new)); #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE if (!multiple) clean_up(); #endif } else printf("kadmin: Principal already exists.\n"); return; } void get_entry(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int status; u_char fields[4]; Kadm_vals vals; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: get_entry username\n"); return; } bzero(fields, sizeof(fields)); SET_FIELD(KADM_NAME,fields); SET_FIELD(KADM_INST,fields); SET_FIELD(KADM_EXPDATE,fields); SET_FIELD(KADM_ATTR,fields); SET_FIELD(KADM_MAXLIFE,fields); if (setvals(&vals, argv[1]) != KADM_SUCCESS) return; if (princ_exists(vals.name, vals.instance, krbrlm) != PE_NO) { /* get the admin's password */ if (get_admin_password() != GOOD_PW) return; if ((status = kadm_get(&vals, fields)) == KADM_SUCCESS) prin_vals(&vals); else printf("kadm error: %s\n",error_message(status)); #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE if (!multiple) clean_up(); #endif } else printf("kadmin: Principal does not exist.\n"); return; } void help(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { if (argc == 1) { printf("Welcome to the Kerberos administration program."); printf("Type \"?\" to get\n"); printf("a list of requests that are available. You can"); printf(" get help on each of\n"); printf("the commands by typing \"help command_name\"."); printf(" Some functions of this\n"); printf("program will require an \"admin\" password"); printf(" from you. This is a password\n"); printf("private to you, that is used to authenticate"); printf(" requests from this\n"); printf("program. You can change this password with"); printf(" the \"change_admin_password\"\n"); printf("(or short form \"cap\") command. Good Luck! \n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "change_password") || !strcmp(argv[1], "cpw")) { printf("Usage: change_password user_name.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("user_name is the name of the user whose password"); printf(" you wish to change. \n"); printf("His/her password is changed in the kerberos database\n"); printf("When this command is issued, first the \"Admin\""); printf(" password will be prompted\n"); printf("for and if correct the user's new password will"); printf(" be prompted for (twice with\n"); printf("appropriate comparison). Note: No minimum password"); printf(" length restrictions apply, but\n"); printf("longer passwords are more secure.\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "change_admin_password") || !strcmp(argv[1], "cap")) { printf("Usage: change_admin_password.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("This command takes no arguments and is used"); printf(" to change your private\n"); printf("\"Admin\" password. It will first prompt for"); printf(" the (current) \"Admin\"\n"); printf("password and then ask for the new password"); printf(" by prompting:\n"); printf("\n"); printf("New password for .admin:\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Enter the new admin password that you desire"); printf(" (it will be asked for\n"); printf("twice to avoid errors).\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "add_new_key") || !strcmp(argv[1], "ank")) { printf("Usage: add_new_key user_name.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("user_name is the name of a new user to put"); printf(" in the kerberos database. Your\n"); printf("\"Admin\" password and the user's password"); printf(" are prompted for. The user's\n"); printf("password will be asked for"); printf(" twice to avoid errors.\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "get_entry") || !strcmp(argv[1], "get")) { printf("Usage: get_entry user_name.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("user_name is the name of a user whose"); printf(" entry you wish to review. Your\n"); printf("\"Admin\" password is prompted for. "); printf(" The key field is not filled in, for\n"); printf("security reasons.\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "destroy_tickets") || !strcmp(argv[1], "dest")) { printf("Usage: destroy_tickets\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Destroy your admin tickets. This will"); printf(" cause you to be prompted for your\n"); printf("admin password on your next request.\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "list_requests") || !strcmp(argv[1], "lr") || !strcmp(argv[1], "?")) { printf("Usage: list_requests\n"); printf("\n"); printf("This command lists what other commands are"); printf(" currently available.\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "exit") || !strcmp(argv[1], "quit") || !strcmp(argv[1], "q")) { printf("Usage: quit\n"); printf("\n"); printf("This command exits this program.\n"); } else { printf("Sorry there is no such command as %s."); printf(" Type \"help\" for more information. \n", argv[1]); } return; } go_home(str,x) char *str; int x; { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", str, error_message(x)); clean_up(); exit(1); } static int inited = 0; void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: kadmin [-u admin_name] [-r default_realm]"); #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE fprintf(stderr, " [-m]"); #endif fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE fprintf(stderr, " -m allows multiple admin requests to be "); fprintf(stderr, "serviced with one entry of admin\n"); fprintf(stderr, " password.\n"); #endif exit(1); } static void do_init(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { struct passwd *pw; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int c; #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE #define OPTION_STRING "u:r:m" #else #define OPTION_STRING "u:r:" #endif bzero(myname, sizeof(myname)); if (!inited) { /* * This is only as a default/initial realm; we don't care * about failure. */ if (krb_get_lrealm(default_realm, 1) != KSUCCESS) strcpy(default_realm, KRB_REALM); /* * If we can reach the local realm, initialize to it. Otherwise, * don't initialize. */ if (kadm_init_link(PWSERV_NAME, KRB_MASTER, krbrlm) != KADM_SUCCESS) bzero(krbrlm, sizeof(krbrlm)); else strcpy(krbrlm, default_realm); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTION_STRING)) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'u': strncpy(myname, optarg, sizeof(myname) - 1); break; case 'r': bzero(default_realm, sizeof(default_realm)); strncpy(default_realm, optarg, sizeof(default_realm) - 1); break; #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE case 'm': multiple++; break; #endif default: usage(); break; } if (optind < argc) usage(); if (!myname[0]) { pw = getpwuid((int) getuid()); if (!pw) { fprintf(stderr, "You aren't in the password file. Who are you?\n"); exit(1); } (void) strcpy(myname, pw->pw_name); } inited = 1; } } #ifdef NOENCRYPTION #define read_long_pw_string placebo_read_pw_string #else #define read_long_pw_string des_read_pw_string #endif extern int read_long_pw_string(); int get_admin_password() { int status; char admin_passwd[MAX_KPW_LEN]; /* Admin's password */ int ticket_life = 1; /* minimum ticket lifetime */ #ifndef NO_MULTIPLE CREDENTIALS c; if (multiple) { /* If admin tickets exist and are valid, just exit. */ bzero(&c, sizeof(c)); if (krb_get_cred(PWSERV_NAME, KADM_SINST, krbrlm, &c) == KSUCCESS) /* * If time is less than lifetime - FUDGE_VALUE after issue date, * tickets will probably last long enough for the next * transaction. */ if (time(0) < (c.issue_date + (5 * 60 * c.lifetime) - FUDGE_VALUE)) return(KADM_SUCCESS); ticket_life = DEFAULT_TKT_LIFE; } #endif if (princ_exists(myname, "admin", krbrlm) != PE_NO) { if (read_long_pw_string(admin_passwd, sizeof(admin_passwd)-1, "Admin password:", 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading admin password.\n"); goto bad; } status = krb_get_pw_in_tkt(myname, "admin", krbrlm, PWSERV_NAME, KADM_SINST, ticket_life, admin_passwd); bzero(admin_passwd, sizeof(admin_passwd)); } else status = KDC_PR_UNKNOWN; switch(status) { case GT_PW_OK: return(GOOD_PW); case KDC_PR_UNKNOWN: printf("Principal %s.admin@%s does not exist.\n", myname, krbrlm); goto bad; case GT_PW_BADPW: printf("Incorrect admin password.\n"); goto bad; default: com_err("kadmin", status+krb_err_base, "while getting password tickets"); goto bad; } bad: bzero(admin_passwd, sizeof(admin_passwd)); (void) dest_tkt(); return(BAD_PW); } void clean_up() { (void) dest_tkt(); return; } void quit() { printf("Cleaning up and exiting.\n"); clean_up(); exit(0); } int princ_exists(name, instance, realm) char *name; char *instance; char *realm; { int status; status = krb_get_pw_in_tkt(name, instance, realm, "krbtgt", realm, 1, ""); if ((status == KSUCCESS) || (status == INTK_BADPW)) return(PE_YES); else if (status == KDC_PR_UNKNOWN) return(PE_NO); else return(PE_UNSURE); } int get_password(low, high, prompt, byteswap) unsigned long *low, *high; char *prompt; int byteswap; { char new_passwd[MAX_KPW_LEN]; /* new password */ des_cblock newkey; do { if (read_long_pw_string(new_passwd, sizeof(new_passwd)-1, prompt, 1)) return(BAD_PW); if (strlen(new_passwd) == 0) printf("Null passwords are not allowed; try again.\n"); } while (strlen(new_passwd) == 0); #ifdef NOENCRYPTION bzero((char *) newkey, sizeof(newkey)); #else des_string_to_key(new_passwd, newkey); #endif bzero(new_passwd, sizeof(new_passwd)); bcopy((char *) newkey,(char *)low,4); bcopy((char *)(((long *) newkey) + 1), (char *)high,4); bzero((char *) newkey, sizeof(newkey)); #ifdef NOENCRYPTION *low = 1; #endif if (byteswap != DONTSWAP) { *low = htonl(*low); *high = htonl(*high); } return(GOOD_PW); }