#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, './pod', '../lib'; require "testpchk.pl"; import TestPodChecker; } my %options = map { $_ => 1 } @ARGV; ## convert cmdline to options-hash my $passed = testpodchecker \%options, $0; exit( ($passed == 1) ? 0 : -1 ) unless $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE}; ### Deliberately throw in some blank but non-empty lines ### The above line should contain spaces __END__ =head1 NAME poderrors.t - test Pod::Checker on some pod syntax errors =unknown1 this is an unknown command with two N and D interior sequences. This is some paragraph text with some unknown interior sequences, such as Q, A, and Y>. Now try some unterminated sequences like I>> =head2 Garbled entities E E> E> =head2 Unresolved internal links L L<"end with begin"> L =head2 Some links with problems L L<> L<"Warnings"> this one is ok =head2 Warnings L L< some text|page/"section" > =over 4 =item bla =back 200 =begin html What? =end xml =over 4 =back see these unescaped < and > in the text? =cut