BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; unshift @INC, './pod'; require ""; import TestPodIncPlainText; } my %options = map { $_ => 1 } @ARGV; ## convert cmdline to options-hash my $passed = testpodplaintext \%options, $0; exit( ($passed == 1) ? 0 : -1 ) unless $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE}; __END__ ==head1 NAME B - insert an rdb table into a PostgreSQL database ==head1 SYNOPSIS B [I=I ...] ==head1 PARAMETERS B uses an IRAF-compatible parameter interface. A template parameter file is in F. ==over 4 ==item B I The B file to insert into the database. If the given name is the string C, it reads from the UNIX standard input stream. ==back ==head1 DESCRIPTION B will enter the data from an B database into a PostgreSQL database table, optionally creating the database and the table if they do not exist. It automatically determines the PostgreSQL data type from the column definition in the B file, but may be overriden via a series of definition files or directly via one of its parameters. The target database and table are specified by the C and C parameters. If they do not exist, and the C parameter is set, they will be created. Table field definitions are determined in the following order: