#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require Config; import Config; unless ($Config{'d_msg'} eq 'define' && $Config{'d_sem'} eq 'define') { print "1..0\n"; exit; } } # These constants are common to all tests. # Later the sem* tests will import more for themselves. use IPC::SysV qw(IPC_PRIVATE IPC_NOWAIT IPC_STAT IPC_RMID S_IRWXU S_IRWXG S_IRWXO); use strict; print "1..16\n"; my $msg; my $sem; $SIG{__DIE__} = 'cleanup'; # will cleanup $msg and $sem if needed # FreeBSD is known to throw this if there's no SysV IPC in the kernel. $SIG{SYS} = sub { print STDERR <= 0; print "ok 1\n"; #Putting a message on the queue my $msgtype = 1; my $msgtext = "hello"; msgsnd($msg,pack("L a*",$msgtype,$msgtext),0) or print "not "; print "ok 2\n"; my $data; msgctl($msg,IPC_STAT,$data) or print "not "; print "ok 3\n"; print "not " unless length($data); print "ok 4\n"; my $msgbuf; msgrcv($msg,$msgbuf,256,0,IPC_NOWAIT) or print "not "; print "ok 5\n"; my($rmsgtype,$rmsgtext) = unpack("L a*",$msgbuf); print "not " unless($rmsgtype == $msgtype && $rmsgtext eq $msgtext); print "ok 6\n"; } else { for (1..6) { print "ok $_\n"; # fake it } } if($Config{'d_semget'} eq 'define' && $Config{'d_semctl'} eq 'define') { use IPC::SysV qw(IPC_CREAT GETALL SETALL); $sem = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, 10, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO | IPC_CREAT); # Very first time called after machine is booted value may be 0 die "semget: $!\n" unless defined($sem) && $sem >= 0; print "ok 7\n"; my $data; semctl($sem,0,IPC_STAT,$data) or print "not "; print "ok 8\n"; print "not " unless length($data); print "ok 9\n"; my $template; # Find the pack/unpack template capable of handling native C shorts. if ($Config{shortsize} == 2) { $template = "s"; } elsif ($Config{shortsize} == 4) { $template = "l"; } elsif ($Config{shortsize} == 8) { # Try quad last because not supported everywhere. foreach my $t (qw(i q)) { # We could trap the unsupported quad template with eval # but if we get this far we should have quad support anyway. if (length(pack($t, 0)) == 8) { $template = $t; last; } } } die "$0: cannot pack native shorts\n" unless defined $template; $template .= "*"; my $nsem = 10; semctl($sem,0,SETALL,pack($template,(0) x $nsem)) or print "not "; print "ok 10\n"; $data = ""; semctl($sem,0,GETALL,$data) or print "not "; print "ok 11\n"; print "not " unless length($data) == length(pack($template,(0) x $nsem)); print "ok 12\n"; my @data = unpack($template,$data); my $adata = "0" x $nsem; print "not " unless @data == $nsem and join("",@data) eq $adata; print "ok 13\n"; my $poke = 2; $data[$poke] = 1; semctl($sem,0,SETALL,pack($template,@data)) or print "not "; print "ok 14\n"; $data = ""; semctl($sem,0,GETALL,$data) or print "not "; print "ok 15\n"; @data = unpack($template,$data); my $bdata = "0" x $poke . "1" . "0" x ($nsem-$poke-1); print "not " unless join("",@data) eq $bdata; print "ok 16\n"; } else { for (7..16) { print "ok $_\n"; # fake it } } sub cleanup { msgctl($msg,IPC_RMID,0) if defined $msg; semctl($sem,0,IPC_RMID,undef) if defined $sem; } cleanup;