/* passwd.c: The opiepasswd() library function. %%% copyright-cmetz This software is Copyright 1996 by Craig Metz, All Rights Reserved. The Inner Net License Version 2 applies to this software. You should have received a copy of the license with this software. If you didn't get a copy, you may request one from . History: Modified by cmetz for OPIE 2.3. Split most of the function off and turned this into a front-end for the new __opiewriterec(). Added code to compute the key from the secret. Use the opie_ prefix. Use new opieatob8() and opiebtoa8() return values. Created by cmetz for OPIE 2.22. */ #include "opie_cfg.h" #include "opie.h" int opiepasswd FUNCTION((old, mode, principal, n, seed, ks), struct opie *old AND int mode AND char *principal AND int n AND char *seed AND char *ks) { int i; struct opie opie; if ((mode & 1) && opieinsecure()) return -1; memset(&opie, 0, sizeof(struct opie)); if (old) { opie.opie_flags = old->opie_flags; opie.opie_recstart = old->opie_recstart; opie.opie_extrecstart = old->opie_extrecstart; } opie.opie_principal = principal; opie.opie_n = n; opie.opie_seed = seed; if (ks) { char key[8]; if (mode & 1) { if (opiekeycrunch(MDX, key, seed, ks)) return -1; for (i = n; i; i--) opiehash(key, MDX); if (!(opie.opie_val = opiebtoa8(opie.opie_buf, key))) return -1; if (opiekeycrunch(MDX | 0x10, key, seed, ks)) return -1; if (!(opie.opie_reinitkey = opiebtoa8(opie.opie_extbuf, key))) return -1; } else { if ((opieetob(key, ks) != 1) && !opieatob8(key, ks)) return 1; if (!(opie.opie_val = opiebtoa8(opie.opie_buf, key))) return 1; } } if (opielock(principal)) return -1; i = __opiewriterec(&opie); if (opieunlock()) return -1; return i; }