#ifndef FILE_HANDLING_TEST_H #define FILE_HANDLING_TEST_H #include "stdlib.h" #include "sntptest.h" #include #include enum DirectoryType { INPUT_DIR = 0, OUTPUT_DIR = 1 }; const char * CreatePath(const char* filename, enum DirectoryType argument) { char * path = malloc (sizeof (char) * 256); /* if (m_params.size() >= argument + 1) { path = m_params[argument]; } if (path[path.size()-1] != DIR_SEP && !path.empty()) { path.append(1, DIR_SEP); } */ //strcpy(path,filename); //path.append(filename); //return path; char cwd[1024]; if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL) printf("Current working dir: %s\n", cwd); printf("builddir is <.>\n"); printf("abs_srcdir is \n"); strcpy(path,"/deacon/backroom/snaps/ntp-stable/sntp/tests/data/"); //strcpy(path,""); strcat(path,filename); printf("PATH IS : %s\n",path); return path; } int GetFileSize(FILE *file) { fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END); int length = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET); //int initial = file.tellg(); //file.seekg(0, ios::end); //int length = file.tellg(); //file.seekg(initial); return length; } bool CompareFileContent(FILE* expected, FILE* actual) { int currentLine = 1; char actualLine[1024]; char expectedLine[1024]; size_t lenAct = sizeof actualLine; size_t lenExp = sizeof expectedLine; while ( ( (fgets(actualLine, lenAct, actual)) != NULL) && ( (fgets(expectedLine, lenExp, expected)) != NULL ) ) { //printf("%s",actualLine); //printf("%s",expectedLine); if( strcmp(actualLine,expectedLine) !=0 ){ printf("Comparision failed on line %d",currentLine); return FALSE; } //I removed this and modified the test kodFile.c, because there shouldn't be any ASSERTs in .h files! //TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(actualLine,expectedLine);//EXPECT_EQ(expectedLine, actualLine) << "Comparision failed on line " << currentLine; currentLine++; } return TRUE; } void ClearFile(const char * filename) { FILE * clear = fopen(filename, "w");//ios::trunc); //similar to truncate, I GUESS???! //I removed this because there shouldn't be any ASSERTs in .h files! //TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(clear != NULL); fclose(clear); } #endif // FILE_HANDLING_TEST_H