//===--- CommentParser.cpp - Doxygen comment parser -----------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/AST/CommentParser.h" #include "clang/AST/CommentSema.h" #include "clang/AST/CommentDiagnostic.h" #include "clang/AST/CommentCommandTraits.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h" namespace clang { namespace comments { /// Re-lexes a sequence of tok::text tokens. class TextTokenRetokenizer { llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator; Parser &P; /// This flag is set when there are no more tokens we can fetch from lexer. bool NoMoreInterestingTokens; /// Token buffer: tokens we have processed and lookahead. SmallVector<Token, 16> Toks; /// A position in \c Toks. struct Position { unsigned CurToken; const char *BufferStart; const char *BufferEnd; const char *BufferPtr; SourceLocation BufferStartLoc; }; /// Current position in Toks. Position Pos; bool isEnd() const { return Pos.CurToken >= Toks.size(); } /// Sets up the buffer pointers to point to current token. void setupBuffer() { assert(!isEnd()); const Token &Tok = Toks[Pos.CurToken]; Pos.BufferStart = Tok.getText().begin(); Pos.BufferEnd = Tok.getText().end(); Pos.BufferPtr = Pos.BufferStart; Pos.BufferStartLoc = Tok.getLocation(); } SourceLocation getSourceLocation() const { const unsigned CharNo = Pos.BufferPtr - Pos.BufferStart; return Pos.BufferStartLoc.getLocWithOffset(CharNo); } char peek() const { assert(!isEnd()); assert(Pos.BufferPtr != Pos.BufferEnd); return *Pos.BufferPtr; } void consumeChar() { assert(!isEnd()); assert(Pos.BufferPtr != Pos.BufferEnd); Pos.BufferPtr++; if (Pos.BufferPtr == Pos.BufferEnd) { Pos.CurToken++; if (isEnd() && !addToken()) return; assert(!isEnd()); setupBuffer(); } } /// Add a token. /// Returns true on success, false if there are no interesting tokens to /// fetch from lexer. bool addToken() { if (NoMoreInterestingTokens) return false; if (P.Tok.is(tok::newline)) { // If we see a single newline token between text tokens, skip it. Token Newline = P.Tok; P.consumeToken(); if (P.Tok.isNot(tok::text)) { P.putBack(Newline); NoMoreInterestingTokens = true; return false; } } if (P.Tok.isNot(tok::text)) { NoMoreInterestingTokens = true; return false; } Toks.push_back(P.Tok); P.consumeToken(); if (Toks.size() == 1) setupBuffer(); return true; } static bool isWhitespace(char C) { return C == ' ' || C == '\n' || C == '\r' || C == '\t' || C == '\f' || C == '\v'; } void consumeWhitespace() { while (!isEnd()) { if (isWhitespace(peek())) consumeChar(); else break; } } void formTokenWithChars(Token &Result, SourceLocation Loc, const char *TokBegin, unsigned TokLength, StringRef Text) { Result.setLocation(Loc); Result.setKind(tok::text); Result.setLength(TokLength); #ifndef NDEBUG Result.TextPtr = "<UNSET>"; Result.IntVal = 7; #endif Result.setText(Text); } public: TextTokenRetokenizer(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, Parser &P): Allocator(Allocator), P(P), NoMoreInterestingTokens(false) { Pos.CurToken = 0; addToken(); } /// Extract a word -- sequence of non-whitespace characters. bool lexWord(Token &Tok) { if (isEnd()) return false; Position SavedPos = Pos; consumeWhitespace(); SmallString<32> WordText; const char *WordBegin = Pos.BufferPtr; SourceLocation Loc = getSourceLocation(); while (!isEnd()) { const char C = peek(); if (!isWhitespace(C)) { WordText.push_back(C); consumeChar(); } else break; } const unsigned Length = WordText.size(); if (Length == 0) { Pos = SavedPos; return false; } char *TextPtr = Allocator.Allocate<char>(Length + 1); memcpy(TextPtr, WordText.c_str(), Length + 1); StringRef Text = StringRef(TextPtr, Length); formTokenWithChars(Tok, Loc, WordBegin, Pos.BufferPtr - WordBegin, Text); return true; } bool lexDelimitedSeq(Token &Tok, char OpenDelim, char CloseDelim) { if (isEnd()) return false; Position SavedPos = Pos; consumeWhitespace(); SmallString<32> WordText; const char *WordBegin = Pos.BufferPtr; SourceLocation Loc = getSourceLocation(); bool Error = false; if (!isEnd()) { const char C = peek(); if (C == OpenDelim) { WordText.push_back(C); consumeChar(); } else Error = true; } char C = '\0'; while (!Error && !isEnd()) { C = peek(); WordText.push_back(C); consumeChar(); if (C == CloseDelim) break; } if (!Error && C != CloseDelim) Error = true; if (Error) { Pos = SavedPos; return false; } const unsigned Length = WordText.size(); char *TextPtr = Allocator.Allocate<char>(Length + 1); memcpy(TextPtr, WordText.c_str(), Length + 1); StringRef Text = StringRef(TextPtr, Length); formTokenWithChars(Tok, Loc, WordBegin, Pos.BufferPtr - WordBegin, Text); return true; } /// Put back tokens that we didn't consume. void putBackLeftoverTokens() { if (isEnd()) return; bool HavePartialTok = false; Token PartialTok; if (Pos.BufferPtr != Pos.BufferStart) { formTokenWithChars(PartialTok, getSourceLocation(), Pos.BufferPtr, Pos.BufferEnd - Pos.BufferPtr, StringRef(Pos.BufferPtr, Pos.BufferEnd - Pos.BufferPtr)); HavePartialTok = true; Pos.CurToken++; } P.putBack(llvm::makeArrayRef(Toks.begin() + Pos.CurToken, Toks.end())); Pos.CurToken = Toks.size(); if (HavePartialTok) P.putBack(PartialTok); } }; Parser::Parser(Lexer &L, Sema &S, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, const SourceManager &SourceMgr, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, const CommandTraits &Traits): L(L), S(S), Allocator(Allocator), SourceMgr(SourceMgr), Diags(Diags), Traits(Traits) { consumeToken(); } void Parser::parseParamCommandArgs(ParamCommandComment *PC, TextTokenRetokenizer &Retokenizer) { Token Arg; // Check if argument looks like direction specification: [dir] // e.g., [in], [out], [in,out] if (Retokenizer.lexDelimitedSeq(Arg, '[', ']')) S.actOnParamCommandDirectionArg(PC, Arg.getLocation(), Arg.getEndLocation(), Arg.getText()); if (Retokenizer.lexWord(Arg)) S.actOnParamCommandParamNameArg(PC, Arg.getLocation(), Arg.getEndLocation(), Arg.getText()); } void Parser::parseTParamCommandArgs(TParamCommandComment *TPC, TextTokenRetokenizer &Retokenizer) { Token Arg; if (Retokenizer.lexWord(Arg)) S.actOnTParamCommandParamNameArg(TPC, Arg.getLocation(), Arg.getEndLocation(), Arg.getText()); } void Parser::parseBlockCommandArgs(BlockCommandComment *BC, TextTokenRetokenizer &Retokenizer, unsigned NumArgs) { typedef BlockCommandComment::Argument Argument; Argument *Args = new (Allocator.Allocate<Argument>(NumArgs)) Argument[NumArgs]; unsigned ParsedArgs = 0; Token Arg; while (ParsedArgs < NumArgs && Retokenizer.lexWord(Arg)) { Args[ParsedArgs] = Argument(SourceRange(Arg.getLocation(), Arg.getEndLocation()), Arg.getText()); ParsedArgs++; } S.actOnBlockCommandArgs(BC, llvm::makeArrayRef(Args, ParsedArgs)); } BlockCommandComment *Parser::parseBlockCommand() { assert(Tok.is(tok::command)); ParamCommandComment *PC; TParamCommandComment *TPC; BlockCommandComment *BC; bool IsParam = false; bool IsTParam = false; const CommandInfo *Info = Traits.getCommandInfo(Tok.getCommandID()); if (Info->IsParamCommand) { IsParam = true; PC = S.actOnParamCommandStart(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getEndLocation(), Tok.getCommandID()); } if (Info->IsTParamCommand) { IsTParam = true; TPC = S.actOnTParamCommandStart(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getEndLocation(), Tok.getCommandID()); } else { BC = S.actOnBlockCommandStart(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getEndLocation(), Tok.getCommandID()); } consumeToken(); if (Tok.is(tok::command) && Traits.getCommandInfo(Tok.getCommandID())->IsBlockCommand) { // Block command ahead. We can't nest block commands, so pretend that this // command has an empty argument. ParagraphComment *Paragraph = S.actOnParagraphComment( ArrayRef<InlineContentComment *>()); if (IsParam) { S.actOnParamCommandFinish(PC, Paragraph); return PC; } else if (IsTParam) { S.actOnTParamCommandFinish(TPC, Paragraph); return TPC; } else { S.actOnBlockCommandFinish(BC, Paragraph); return BC; } } if (IsParam || IsTParam || Info->NumArgs > 0) { // In order to parse command arguments we need to retokenize a few // following text tokens. TextTokenRetokenizer Retokenizer(Allocator, *this); if (IsParam) parseParamCommandArgs(PC, Retokenizer); else if (IsTParam) parseTParamCommandArgs(TPC, Retokenizer); else parseBlockCommandArgs(BC, Retokenizer, Info->NumArgs); Retokenizer.putBackLeftoverTokens(); } BlockContentComment *Block = parseParagraphOrBlockCommand(); // Since we have checked for a block command, we should have parsed a // paragraph. ParagraphComment *Paragraph = cast<ParagraphComment>(Block); if (IsParam) { S.actOnParamCommandFinish(PC, Paragraph); return PC; } else if (IsTParam) { S.actOnTParamCommandFinish(TPC, Paragraph); return TPC; } else { S.actOnBlockCommandFinish(BC, Paragraph); return BC; } } InlineCommandComment *Parser::parseInlineCommand() { assert(Tok.is(tok::command)); const Token CommandTok = Tok; consumeToken(); TextTokenRetokenizer Retokenizer(Allocator, *this); Token ArgTok; bool ArgTokValid = Retokenizer.lexWord(ArgTok); InlineCommandComment *IC; if (ArgTokValid) { IC = S.actOnInlineCommand(CommandTok.getLocation(), CommandTok.getEndLocation(), CommandTok.getCommandID(), ArgTok.getLocation(), ArgTok.getEndLocation(), ArgTok.getText()); } else { IC = S.actOnInlineCommand(CommandTok.getLocation(), CommandTok.getEndLocation(), CommandTok.getCommandID()); } Retokenizer.putBackLeftoverTokens(); return IC; } HTMLStartTagComment *Parser::parseHTMLStartTag() { assert(Tok.is(tok::html_start_tag)); HTMLStartTagComment *HST = S.actOnHTMLStartTagStart(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getHTMLTagStartName()); consumeToken(); SmallVector<HTMLStartTagComment::Attribute, 2> Attrs; while (true) { switch (Tok.getKind()) { case tok::html_ident: { Token Ident = Tok; consumeToken(); if (Tok.isNot(tok::html_equals)) { Attrs.push_back(HTMLStartTagComment::Attribute(Ident.getLocation(), Ident.getHTMLIdent())); continue; } Token Equals = Tok; consumeToken(); if (Tok.isNot(tok::html_quoted_string)) { Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_doc_html_start_tag_expected_quoted_string) << SourceRange(Equals.getLocation()); Attrs.push_back(HTMLStartTagComment::Attribute(Ident.getLocation(), Ident.getHTMLIdent())); while (Tok.is(tok::html_equals) || Tok.is(tok::html_quoted_string)) consumeToken(); continue; } Attrs.push_back(HTMLStartTagComment::Attribute( Ident.getLocation(), Ident.getHTMLIdent(), Equals.getLocation(), SourceRange(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getEndLocation()), Tok.getHTMLQuotedString())); consumeToken(); continue; } case tok::html_greater: S.actOnHTMLStartTagFinish(HST, S.copyArray(llvm::makeArrayRef(Attrs)), Tok.getLocation(), /* IsSelfClosing = */ false); consumeToken(); return HST; case tok::html_slash_greater: S.actOnHTMLStartTagFinish(HST, S.copyArray(llvm::makeArrayRef(Attrs)), Tok.getLocation(), /* IsSelfClosing = */ true); consumeToken(); return HST; case tok::html_equals: case tok::html_quoted_string: Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_doc_html_start_tag_expected_ident_or_greater); while (Tok.is(tok::html_equals) || Tok.is(tok::html_quoted_string)) consumeToken(); if (Tok.is(tok::html_ident) || Tok.is(tok::html_greater) || Tok.is(tok::html_slash_greater)) continue; S.actOnHTMLStartTagFinish(HST, S.copyArray(llvm::makeArrayRef(Attrs)), SourceLocation(), /* IsSelfClosing = */ false); return HST; default: // Not a token from an HTML start tag. Thus HTML tag prematurely ended. S.actOnHTMLStartTagFinish(HST, S.copyArray(llvm::makeArrayRef(Attrs)), SourceLocation(), /* IsSelfClosing = */ false); bool StartLineInvalid; const unsigned StartLine = SourceMgr.getPresumedLineNumber( HST->getLocation(), &StartLineInvalid); bool EndLineInvalid; const unsigned EndLine = SourceMgr.getPresumedLineNumber( Tok.getLocation(), &EndLineInvalid); if (StartLineInvalid || EndLineInvalid || StartLine == EndLine) Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_doc_html_start_tag_expected_ident_or_greater) << HST->getSourceRange(); else { Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_doc_html_start_tag_expected_ident_or_greater); Diag(HST->getLocation(), diag::note_doc_html_tag_started_here) << HST->getSourceRange(); } return HST; } } } HTMLEndTagComment *Parser::parseHTMLEndTag() { assert(Tok.is(tok::html_end_tag)); Token TokEndTag = Tok; consumeToken(); SourceLocation Loc; if (Tok.is(tok::html_greater)) { Loc = Tok.getLocation(); consumeToken(); } return S.actOnHTMLEndTag(TokEndTag.getLocation(), Loc, TokEndTag.getHTMLTagEndName()); } BlockContentComment *Parser::parseParagraphOrBlockCommand() { SmallVector<InlineContentComment *, 8> Content; while (true) { switch (Tok.getKind()) { case tok::verbatim_block_begin: case tok::verbatim_line_name: case tok::eof: assert(Content.size() != 0); break; // Block content or EOF ahead, finish this parapgaph. case tok::unknown_command: Content.push_back(S.actOnUnknownCommand(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getEndLocation(), Tok.getUnknownCommandName())); consumeToken(); continue; case tok::command: { const CommandInfo *Info = Traits.getCommandInfo(Tok.getCommandID()); if (Info->IsBlockCommand) { if (Content.size() == 0) return parseBlockCommand(); break; // Block command ahead, finish this parapgaph. } if (Info->IsVerbatimBlockEndCommand) { Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_verbatim_block_end_without_start) << Info->Name << SourceRange(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getEndLocation()); consumeToken(); continue; } if (Info->IsUnknownCommand) { Content.push_back(S.actOnUnknownCommand(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getEndLocation(), Info->getID())); consumeToken(); continue; } assert(Info->IsInlineCommand); Content.push_back(parseInlineCommand()); continue; } case tok::newline: { consumeToken(); if (Tok.is(tok::newline) || Tok.is(tok::eof)) { consumeToken(); break; // Two newlines -- end of paragraph. } if (Content.size() > 0) Content.back()->addTrailingNewline(); continue; } // Don't deal with HTML tag soup now. case tok::html_start_tag: Content.push_back(parseHTMLStartTag()); continue; case tok::html_end_tag: Content.push_back(parseHTMLEndTag()); continue; case tok::text: Content.push_back(S.actOnText(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getEndLocation(), Tok.getText())); consumeToken(); continue; case tok::verbatim_block_line: case tok::verbatim_block_end: case tok::verbatim_line_text: case tok::html_ident: case tok::html_equals: case tok::html_quoted_string: case tok::html_greater: case tok::html_slash_greater: llvm_unreachable("should not see this token"); } break; } return S.actOnParagraphComment(S.copyArray(llvm::makeArrayRef(Content))); } VerbatimBlockComment *Parser::parseVerbatimBlock() { assert(Tok.is(tok::verbatim_block_begin)); VerbatimBlockComment *VB = S.actOnVerbatimBlockStart(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getVerbatimBlockID()); consumeToken(); // Don't create an empty line if verbatim opening command is followed // by a newline. if (Tok.is(tok::newline)) consumeToken(); SmallVector<VerbatimBlockLineComment *, 8> Lines; while (Tok.is(tok::verbatim_block_line) || Tok.is(tok::newline)) { VerbatimBlockLineComment *Line; if (Tok.is(tok::verbatim_block_line)) { Line = S.actOnVerbatimBlockLine(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getVerbatimBlockText()); consumeToken(); if (Tok.is(tok::newline)) { consumeToken(); } } else { // Empty line, just a tok::newline. Line = S.actOnVerbatimBlockLine(Tok.getLocation(), ""); consumeToken(); } Lines.push_back(Line); } if (Tok.is(tok::verbatim_block_end)) { const CommandInfo *Info = Traits.getCommandInfo(Tok.getVerbatimBlockID()); S.actOnVerbatimBlockFinish(VB, Tok.getLocation(), Info->Name, S.copyArray(llvm::makeArrayRef(Lines))); consumeToken(); } else { // Unterminated \\verbatim block S.actOnVerbatimBlockFinish(VB, SourceLocation(), "", S.copyArray(llvm::makeArrayRef(Lines))); } return VB; } VerbatimLineComment *Parser::parseVerbatimLine() { assert(Tok.is(tok::verbatim_line_name)); Token NameTok = Tok; consumeToken(); SourceLocation TextBegin; StringRef Text; // Next token might not be a tok::verbatim_line_text if verbatim line // starting command comes just before a newline or comment end. if (Tok.is(tok::verbatim_line_text)) { TextBegin = Tok.getLocation(); Text = Tok.getVerbatimLineText(); } else { TextBegin = NameTok.getEndLocation(); Text = ""; } VerbatimLineComment *VL = S.actOnVerbatimLine(NameTok.getLocation(), NameTok.getVerbatimLineID(), TextBegin, Text); consumeToken(); return VL; } BlockContentComment *Parser::parseBlockContent() { switch (Tok.getKind()) { case tok::text: case tok::unknown_command: case tok::command: case tok::html_start_tag: case tok::html_end_tag: return parseParagraphOrBlockCommand(); case tok::verbatim_block_begin: return parseVerbatimBlock(); case tok::verbatim_line_name: return parseVerbatimLine(); case tok::eof: case tok::newline: case tok::verbatim_block_line: case tok::verbatim_block_end: case tok::verbatim_line_text: case tok::html_ident: case tok::html_equals: case tok::html_quoted_string: case tok::html_greater: case tok::html_slash_greater: llvm_unreachable("should not see this token"); } llvm_unreachable("bogus token kind"); } FullComment *Parser::parseFullComment() { // Skip newlines at the beginning of the comment. while (Tok.is(tok::newline)) consumeToken(); SmallVector<BlockContentComment *, 8> Blocks; while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof)) { Blocks.push_back(parseBlockContent()); // Skip extra newlines after paragraph end. while (Tok.is(tok::newline)) consumeToken(); } return S.actOnFullComment(S.copyArray(llvm::makeArrayRef(Blocks))); } } // end namespace comments } // end namespace clang