#include "clang/AST/CommentLexer.h" #include "clang/AST/CommentCommandTraits.h" #include "clang/AST/CommentDiagnostic.h" #include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h" #include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h" namespace clang { namespace comments { void Token::dump(const Lexer &L, const SourceManager &SM) const { llvm::errs() << "comments::Token Kind=" << Kind << " "; Loc.dump(SM); llvm::errs() << " " << Length << " \"" << L.getSpelling(*this, SM) << "\"\n"; } static inline bool isHTMLNamedCharacterReferenceCharacter(char C) { return isLetter(C); } static inline bool isHTMLDecimalCharacterReferenceCharacter(char C) { return isDigit(C); } static inline bool isHTMLHexCharacterReferenceCharacter(char C) { return isHexDigit(C); } static inline StringRef convertCodePointToUTF8( llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, unsigned CodePoint) { char *Resolved = Allocator.Allocate<char>(UNI_MAX_UTF8_BYTES_PER_CODE_POINT); char *ResolvedPtr = Resolved; if (llvm::ConvertCodePointToUTF8(CodePoint, ResolvedPtr)) return StringRef(Resolved, ResolvedPtr - Resolved); else return StringRef(); } namespace { #include "clang/AST/CommentHTMLTags.inc" #include "clang/AST/CommentHTMLNamedCharacterReferences.inc" } // unnamed namespace StringRef Lexer::resolveHTMLNamedCharacterReference(StringRef Name) const { // Fast path, first check a few most widely used named character references. return llvm::StringSwitch<StringRef>(Name) .Case("amp", "&") .Case("lt", "<") .Case("gt", ">") .Case("quot", "\"") .Case("apos", "\'") // Slow path. .Default(translateHTMLNamedCharacterReferenceToUTF8(Name)); } StringRef Lexer::resolveHTMLDecimalCharacterReference(StringRef Name) const { unsigned CodePoint = 0; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Name.size(); i != e; ++i) { assert(isHTMLDecimalCharacterReferenceCharacter(Name[i])); CodePoint *= 10; CodePoint += Name[i] - '0'; } return convertCodePointToUTF8(Allocator, CodePoint); } StringRef Lexer::resolveHTMLHexCharacterReference(StringRef Name) const { unsigned CodePoint = 0; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Name.size(); i != e; ++i) { CodePoint *= 16; const char C = Name[i]; assert(isHTMLHexCharacterReferenceCharacter(C)); CodePoint += llvm::hexDigitValue(C); } return convertCodePointToUTF8(Allocator, CodePoint); } void Lexer::skipLineStartingDecorations() { // This function should be called only for C comments assert(CommentState == LCS_InsideCComment); if (BufferPtr == CommentEnd) return; switch (*BufferPtr) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\v': { const char *NewBufferPtr = BufferPtr; NewBufferPtr++; if (NewBufferPtr == CommentEnd) return; char C = *NewBufferPtr; while (isHorizontalWhitespace(C)) { NewBufferPtr++; if (NewBufferPtr == CommentEnd) return; C = *NewBufferPtr; } if (C == '*') BufferPtr = NewBufferPtr + 1; break; } case '*': BufferPtr++; break; } } namespace { /// Returns pointer to the first newline character in the string. const char *findNewline(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { if (isVerticalWhitespace(*BufferPtr)) return BufferPtr; } return BufferEnd; } const char *skipNewline(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { if (BufferPtr == BufferEnd) return BufferPtr; if (*BufferPtr == '\n') BufferPtr++; else { assert(*BufferPtr == '\r'); BufferPtr++; if (BufferPtr != BufferEnd && *BufferPtr == '\n') BufferPtr++; } return BufferPtr; } const char *skipNamedCharacterReference(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { if (!isHTMLNamedCharacterReferenceCharacter(*BufferPtr)) return BufferPtr; } return BufferEnd; } const char *skipDecimalCharacterReference(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { if (!isHTMLDecimalCharacterReferenceCharacter(*BufferPtr)) return BufferPtr; } return BufferEnd; } const char *skipHexCharacterReference(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { if (!isHTMLHexCharacterReferenceCharacter(*BufferPtr)) return BufferPtr; } return BufferEnd; } bool isHTMLIdentifierStartingCharacter(char C) { return isLetter(C); } bool isHTMLIdentifierCharacter(char C) { return isAlphanumeric(C); } const char *skipHTMLIdentifier(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { if (!isHTMLIdentifierCharacter(*BufferPtr)) return BufferPtr; } return BufferEnd; } /// Skip HTML string quoted in single or double quotes. Escaping quotes inside /// string allowed. /// /// Returns pointer to closing quote. const char *skipHTMLQuotedString(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { const char Quote = *BufferPtr; assert(Quote == '\"' || Quote == '\''); BufferPtr++; for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { const char C = *BufferPtr; if (C == Quote && BufferPtr[-1] != '\\') return BufferPtr; } return BufferEnd; } const char *skipWhitespace(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { if (!isWhitespace(*BufferPtr)) return BufferPtr; } return BufferEnd; } bool isWhitespace(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { return skipWhitespace(BufferPtr, BufferEnd) == BufferEnd; } bool isCommandNameStartCharacter(char C) { return isLetter(C); } bool isCommandNameCharacter(char C) { return isAlphanumeric(C); } const char *skipCommandName(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { if (!isCommandNameCharacter(*BufferPtr)) return BufferPtr; } return BufferEnd; } /// Return the one past end pointer for BCPL comments. /// Handles newlines escaped with backslash or trigraph for backslahs. const char *findBCPLCommentEnd(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { const char *CurPtr = BufferPtr; while (CurPtr != BufferEnd) { while (!isVerticalWhitespace(*CurPtr)) { CurPtr++; if (CurPtr == BufferEnd) return BufferEnd; } // We found a newline, check if it is escaped. const char *EscapePtr = CurPtr - 1; while(isHorizontalWhitespace(*EscapePtr)) EscapePtr--; if (*EscapePtr == '\\' || (EscapePtr - 2 >= BufferPtr && EscapePtr[0] == '/' && EscapePtr[-1] == '?' && EscapePtr[-2] == '?')) { // We found an escaped newline. CurPtr = skipNewline(CurPtr, BufferEnd); } else return CurPtr; // Not an escaped newline. } return BufferEnd; } /// Return the one past end pointer for C comments. /// Very dumb, does not handle escaped newlines or trigraphs. const char *findCCommentEnd(const char *BufferPtr, const char *BufferEnd) { for ( ; BufferPtr != BufferEnd; ++BufferPtr) { if (*BufferPtr == '*') { assert(BufferPtr + 1 != BufferEnd); if (*(BufferPtr + 1) == '/') return BufferPtr; } } llvm_unreachable("buffer end hit before '*/' was seen"); } } // unnamed namespace void Lexer::lexCommentText(Token &T) { assert(CommentState == LCS_InsideBCPLComment || CommentState == LCS_InsideCComment); switch (State) { case LS_Normal: break; case LS_VerbatimBlockFirstLine: lexVerbatimBlockFirstLine(T); return; case LS_VerbatimBlockBody: lexVerbatimBlockBody(T); return; case LS_VerbatimLineText: lexVerbatimLineText(T); return; case LS_HTMLStartTag: lexHTMLStartTag(T); return; case LS_HTMLEndTag: lexHTMLEndTag(T); return; } assert(State == LS_Normal); const char *TokenPtr = BufferPtr; assert(TokenPtr < CommentEnd); while (TokenPtr != CommentEnd) { switch(*TokenPtr) { case '\\': case '@': { // Commands that start with a backslash and commands that start with // 'at' have equivalent semantics. But we keep information about the // exact syntax in AST for comments. tok::TokenKind CommandKind = (*TokenPtr == '@') ? tok::at_command : tok::backslash_command; TokenPtr++; if (TokenPtr == CommentEnd) { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } char C = *TokenPtr; switch (C) { default: break; case '\\': case '@': case '&': case '$': case '#': case '<': case '>': case '%': case '\"': case '.': case ':': // This is one of \\ \@ \& \$ etc escape sequences. TokenPtr++; if (C == ':' && TokenPtr != CommentEnd && *TokenPtr == ':') { // This is the \:: escape sequence. TokenPtr++; } StringRef UnescapedText(BufferPtr + 1, TokenPtr - (BufferPtr + 1)); formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::text); T.setText(UnescapedText); return; } // Don't make zero-length commands. if (!isCommandNameStartCharacter(*TokenPtr)) { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } TokenPtr = skipCommandName(TokenPtr, CommentEnd); unsigned Length = TokenPtr - (BufferPtr + 1); // Hardcoded support for lexing LaTeX formula commands // \f$ \f[ \f] \f{ \f} as a single command. if (Length == 1 && TokenPtr[-1] == 'f' && TokenPtr != CommentEnd) { C = *TokenPtr; if (C == '$' || C == '[' || C == ']' || C == '{' || C == '}') { TokenPtr++; Length++; } } const StringRef CommandName(BufferPtr + 1, Length); const CommandInfo *Info = Traits.getCommandInfoOrNULL(CommandName); if (!Info) { if ((Info = Traits.getTypoCorrectCommandInfo(CommandName))) { StringRef CorrectedName = Info->Name; SourceLocation Loc = getSourceLocation(BufferPtr); SourceRange CommandRange(Loc.getLocWithOffset(1), getSourceLocation(TokenPtr)); Diag(Loc, diag::warn_correct_comment_command_name) << CommandName << CorrectedName << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(CommandRange, CorrectedName); } else { formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::unknown_command); T.setUnknownCommandName(CommandName); Diag(T.getLocation(), diag::warn_unknown_comment_command_name); return; } } if (Info->IsVerbatimBlockCommand) { setupAndLexVerbatimBlock(T, TokenPtr, *BufferPtr, Info); return; } if (Info->IsVerbatimLineCommand) { setupAndLexVerbatimLine(T, TokenPtr, Info); return; } formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, CommandKind); T.setCommandID(Info->getID()); return; } case '&': lexHTMLCharacterReference(T); return; case '<': { TokenPtr++; if (TokenPtr == CommentEnd) { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } const char C = *TokenPtr; if (isHTMLIdentifierStartingCharacter(C)) setupAndLexHTMLStartTag(T); else if (C == '/') setupAndLexHTMLEndTag(T); else formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } case '\n': case '\r': TokenPtr = skipNewline(TokenPtr, CommentEnd); formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::newline); if (CommentState == LCS_InsideCComment) skipLineStartingDecorations(); return; default: { size_t End = StringRef(TokenPtr, CommentEnd - TokenPtr). find_first_of("\n\r\\@&<"); if (End != StringRef::npos) TokenPtr += End; else TokenPtr = CommentEnd; formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } } } } void Lexer::setupAndLexVerbatimBlock(Token &T, const char *TextBegin, char Marker, const CommandInfo *Info) { assert(Info->IsVerbatimBlockCommand); VerbatimBlockEndCommandName.clear(); VerbatimBlockEndCommandName.append(Marker == '\\' ? "\\" : "@"); VerbatimBlockEndCommandName.append(Info->EndCommandName); formTokenWithChars(T, TextBegin, tok::verbatim_block_begin); T.setVerbatimBlockID(Info->getID()); // If there is a newline following the verbatim opening command, skip the // newline so that we don't create an tok::verbatim_block_line with empty // text content. if (BufferPtr != CommentEnd && isVerticalWhitespace(*BufferPtr)) { BufferPtr = skipNewline(BufferPtr, CommentEnd); State = LS_VerbatimBlockBody; return; } State = LS_VerbatimBlockFirstLine; } void Lexer::lexVerbatimBlockFirstLine(Token &T) { again: assert(BufferPtr < CommentEnd); // FIXME: It would be better to scan the text once, finding either the block // end command or newline. // // Extract current line. const char *Newline = findNewline(BufferPtr, CommentEnd); StringRef Line(BufferPtr, Newline - BufferPtr); // Look for end command in current line. size_t Pos = Line.find(VerbatimBlockEndCommandName); const char *TextEnd; const char *NextLine; if (Pos == StringRef::npos) { // Current line is completely verbatim. TextEnd = Newline; NextLine = skipNewline(Newline, CommentEnd); } else if (Pos == 0) { // Current line contains just an end command. const char *End = BufferPtr + VerbatimBlockEndCommandName.size(); StringRef Name(BufferPtr + 1, End - (BufferPtr + 1)); formTokenWithChars(T, End, tok::verbatim_block_end); T.setVerbatimBlockID(Traits.getCommandInfo(Name)->getID()); State = LS_Normal; return; } else { // There is some text, followed by end command. Extract text first. TextEnd = BufferPtr + Pos; NextLine = TextEnd; // If there is only whitespace before end command, skip whitespace. if (isWhitespace(BufferPtr, TextEnd)) { BufferPtr = TextEnd; goto again; } } StringRef Text(BufferPtr, TextEnd - BufferPtr); formTokenWithChars(T, NextLine, tok::verbatim_block_line); T.setVerbatimBlockText(Text); State = LS_VerbatimBlockBody; } void Lexer::lexVerbatimBlockBody(Token &T) { assert(State == LS_VerbatimBlockBody); if (CommentState == LCS_InsideCComment) skipLineStartingDecorations(); lexVerbatimBlockFirstLine(T); } void Lexer::setupAndLexVerbatimLine(Token &T, const char *TextBegin, const CommandInfo *Info) { assert(Info->IsVerbatimLineCommand); formTokenWithChars(T, TextBegin, tok::verbatim_line_name); T.setVerbatimLineID(Info->getID()); State = LS_VerbatimLineText; } void Lexer::lexVerbatimLineText(Token &T) { assert(State == LS_VerbatimLineText); // Extract current line. const char *Newline = findNewline(BufferPtr, CommentEnd); const StringRef Text(BufferPtr, Newline - BufferPtr); formTokenWithChars(T, Newline, tok::verbatim_line_text); T.setVerbatimLineText(Text); State = LS_Normal; } void Lexer::lexHTMLCharacterReference(Token &T) { const char *TokenPtr = BufferPtr; assert(*TokenPtr == '&'); TokenPtr++; if (TokenPtr == CommentEnd) { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } const char *NamePtr; bool isNamed = false; bool isDecimal = false; char C = *TokenPtr; if (isHTMLNamedCharacterReferenceCharacter(C)) { NamePtr = TokenPtr; TokenPtr = skipNamedCharacterReference(TokenPtr, CommentEnd); isNamed = true; } else if (C == '#') { TokenPtr++; if (TokenPtr == CommentEnd) { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } C = *TokenPtr; if (isHTMLDecimalCharacterReferenceCharacter(C)) { NamePtr = TokenPtr; TokenPtr = skipDecimalCharacterReference(TokenPtr, CommentEnd); isDecimal = true; } else if (C == 'x' || C == 'X') { TokenPtr++; NamePtr = TokenPtr; TokenPtr = skipHexCharacterReference(TokenPtr, CommentEnd); } else { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } } else { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } if (NamePtr == TokenPtr || TokenPtr == CommentEnd || *TokenPtr != ';') { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } StringRef Name(NamePtr, TokenPtr - NamePtr); TokenPtr++; // Skip semicolon. StringRef Resolved; if (isNamed) Resolved = resolveHTMLNamedCharacterReference(Name); else if (isDecimal) Resolved = resolveHTMLDecimalCharacterReference(Name); else Resolved = resolveHTMLHexCharacterReference(Name); if (Resolved.empty()) { formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); return; } formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::text); T.setText(Resolved); return; } void Lexer::setupAndLexHTMLStartTag(Token &T) { assert(BufferPtr[0] == '<' && isHTMLIdentifierStartingCharacter(BufferPtr[1])); const char *TagNameEnd = skipHTMLIdentifier(BufferPtr + 2, CommentEnd); StringRef Name(BufferPtr + 1, TagNameEnd - (BufferPtr + 1)); if (!isHTMLTagName(Name)) { formTextToken(T, TagNameEnd); return; } formTokenWithChars(T, TagNameEnd, tok::html_start_tag); T.setHTMLTagStartName(Name); BufferPtr = skipWhitespace(BufferPtr, CommentEnd); const char C = *BufferPtr; if (BufferPtr != CommentEnd && (C == '>' || C == '/' || isHTMLIdentifierStartingCharacter(C))) State = LS_HTMLStartTag; } void Lexer::lexHTMLStartTag(Token &T) { assert(State == LS_HTMLStartTag); const char *TokenPtr = BufferPtr; char C = *TokenPtr; if (isHTMLIdentifierCharacter(C)) { TokenPtr = skipHTMLIdentifier(TokenPtr, CommentEnd); StringRef Ident(BufferPtr, TokenPtr - BufferPtr); formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::html_ident); T.setHTMLIdent(Ident); } else { switch (C) { case '=': TokenPtr++; formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::html_equals); break; case '\"': case '\'': { const char *OpenQuote = TokenPtr; TokenPtr = skipHTMLQuotedString(TokenPtr, CommentEnd); const char *ClosingQuote = TokenPtr; if (TokenPtr != CommentEnd) // Skip closing quote. TokenPtr++; formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::html_quoted_string); T.setHTMLQuotedString(StringRef(OpenQuote + 1, ClosingQuote - (OpenQuote + 1))); break; } case '>': TokenPtr++; formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::html_greater); State = LS_Normal; return; case '/': TokenPtr++; if (TokenPtr != CommentEnd && *TokenPtr == '>') { TokenPtr++; formTokenWithChars(T, TokenPtr, tok::html_slash_greater); } else formTextToken(T, TokenPtr); State = LS_Normal; return; } } // Now look ahead and return to normal state if we don't see any HTML tokens // ahead. BufferPtr = skipWhitespace(BufferPtr, CommentEnd); if (BufferPtr == CommentEnd) { State = LS_Normal; return; } C = *BufferPtr; if (!isHTMLIdentifierStartingCharacter(C) && C != '=' && C != '\"' && C != '\'' && C != '>') { State = LS_Normal; return; } } void Lexer::setupAndLexHTMLEndTag(Token &T) { assert(BufferPtr[0] == '<' && BufferPtr[1] == '/'); const char *TagNameBegin = skipWhitespace(BufferPtr + 2, CommentEnd); const char *TagNameEnd = skipHTMLIdentifier(TagNameBegin, CommentEnd); StringRef Name(TagNameBegin, TagNameEnd - TagNameBegin); if (!isHTMLTagName(Name)) { formTextToken(T, TagNameEnd); return; } const char *End = skipWhitespace(TagNameEnd, CommentEnd); formTokenWithChars(T, End, tok::html_end_tag); T.setHTMLTagEndName(Name); if (BufferPtr != CommentEnd && *BufferPtr == '>') State = LS_HTMLEndTag; } void Lexer::lexHTMLEndTag(Token &T) { assert(BufferPtr != CommentEnd && *BufferPtr == '>'); formTokenWithChars(T, BufferPtr + 1, tok::html_greater); State = LS_Normal; } Lexer::Lexer(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags, const CommandTraits &Traits, SourceLocation FileLoc, const char *BufferStart, const char *BufferEnd): Allocator(Allocator), Diags(Diags), Traits(Traits), BufferStart(BufferStart), BufferEnd(BufferEnd), FileLoc(FileLoc), BufferPtr(BufferStart), CommentState(LCS_BeforeComment), State(LS_Normal) { } void Lexer::lex(Token &T) { again: switch (CommentState) { case LCS_BeforeComment: if (BufferPtr == BufferEnd) { formTokenWithChars(T, BufferPtr, tok::eof); return; } assert(*BufferPtr == '/'); BufferPtr++; // Skip first slash. switch(*BufferPtr) { case '/': { // BCPL comment. BufferPtr++; // Skip second slash. if (BufferPtr != BufferEnd) { // Skip Doxygen magic marker, if it is present. // It might be missing because of a typo //< or /*<, or because we // merged this non-Doxygen comment into a bunch of Doxygen comments // around it: /** ... */ /* ... */ /** ... */ const char C = *BufferPtr; if (C == '/' || C == '!') BufferPtr++; } // Skip less-than symbol that marks trailing comments. // Skip it even if the comment is not a Doxygen one, because //< and /*< // are frequent typos. if (BufferPtr != BufferEnd && *BufferPtr == '<') BufferPtr++; CommentState = LCS_InsideBCPLComment; if (State != LS_VerbatimBlockBody && State != LS_VerbatimBlockFirstLine) State = LS_Normal; CommentEnd = findBCPLCommentEnd(BufferPtr, BufferEnd); goto again; } case '*': { // C comment. BufferPtr++; // Skip star. // Skip Doxygen magic marker. const char C = *BufferPtr; if ((C == '*' && *(BufferPtr + 1) != '/') || C == '!') BufferPtr++; // Skip less-than symbol that marks trailing comments. if (BufferPtr != BufferEnd && *BufferPtr == '<') BufferPtr++; CommentState = LCS_InsideCComment; State = LS_Normal; CommentEnd = findCCommentEnd(BufferPtr, BufferEnd); goto again; } default: llvm_unreachable("second character of comment should be '/' or '*'"); } case LCS_BetweenComments: { // Consecutive comments are extracted only if there is only whitespace // between them. So we can search for the start of the next comment. const char *EndWhitespace = BufferPtr; while(EndWhitespace != BufferEnd && *EndWhitespace != '/') EndWhitespace++; // Turn any whitespace between comments (and there is only whitespace // between them -- guaranteed by comment extraction) into a newline. We // have two newlines between C comments in total (first one was synthesized // after a comment). formTokenWithChars(T, EndWhitespace, tok::newline); CommentState = LCS_BeforeComment; break; } case LCS_InsideBCPLComment: case LCS_InsideCComment: if (BufferPtr != CommentEnd) { lexCommentText(T); break; } else { // Skip C comment closing sequence. if (CommentState == LCS_InsideCComment) { assert(BufferPtr[0] == '*' && BufferPtr[1] == '/'); BufferPtr += 2; assert(BufferPtr <= BufferEnd); // Synthenize newline just after the C comment, regardless if there is // actually a newline. formTokenWithChars(T, BufferPtr, tok::newline); CommentState = LCS_BetweenComments; break; } else { // Don't synthesized a newline after BCPL comment. CommentState = LCS_BetweenComments; goto again; } } } } StringRef Lexer::getSpelling(const Token &Tok, const SourceManager &SourceMgr, bool *Invalid) const { SourceLocation Loc = Tok.getLocation(); std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = SourceMgr.getDecomposedLoc(Loc); bool InvalidTemp = false; StringRef File = SourceMgr.getBufferData(LocInfo.first, &InvalidTemp); if (InvalidTemp) { *Invalid = true; return StringRef(); } const char *Begin = File.data() + LocInfo.second; return StringRef(Begin, Tok.getLength()); } } // end namespace comments } // end namespace clang