//===------------------------ UnwindRegistersSave.S -----------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "assembly.h" .text #if defined(__i386__) # # extern int unw_getcontext(unw_context_t* thread_state) # # On entry: # + + # +-----------------------+ # + thread_state pointer + # +-----------------------+ # + return address + # +-----------------------+ <-- SP # + + # DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_FUNCTION(unw_getcontext) push %eax movl 8(%esp), %eax movl %ebx, 4(%eax) movl %ecx, 8(%eax) movl %edx, 12(%eax) movl %edi, 16(%eax) movl %esi, 20(%eax) movl %ebp, 24(%eax) movl %esp, %edx addl $8, %edx movl %edx, 28(%eax) # store what sp was at call site as esp # skip ss # skip eflags movl 4(%esp), %edx movl %edx, 40(%eax) # store return address as eip # skip cs # skip ds # skip es # skip fs # skip gs movl (%esp), %edx movl %edx, (%eax) # store original eax popl %eax xorl %eax, %eax # return UNW_ESUCCESS ret #elif defined(__x86_64__) # # extern int unw_getcontext(unw_context_t* thread_state) # # On entry: # thread_state pointer is in rdi # DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_FUNCTION(unw_getcontext) movq %rax, (%rdi) movq %rbx, 8(%rdi) movq %rcx, 16(%rdi) movq %rdx, 24(%rdi) movq %rdi, 32(%rdi) movq %rsi, 40(%rdi) movq %rbp, 48(%rdi) movq %rsp, 56(%rdi) addq $8, 56(%rdi) movq %r8, 64(%rdi) movq %r9, 72(%rdi) movq %r10, 80(%rdi) movq %r11, 88(%rdi) movq %r12, 96(%rdi) movq %r13,104(%rdi) movq %r14,112(%rdi) movq %r15,120(%rdi) movq (%rsp),%rsi movq %rsi,128(%rdi) # store return address as rip # skip rflags # skip cs # skip fs # skip gs xorl %eax, %eax # return UNW_ESUCCESS ret # elif defined(__mips__) # # extern int unw_getcontext(unw_context_t* thread_state) # # Just trap for the time being. DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_FUNCTION(unw_getcontext) teq $0, $0 #elif defined(__ppc__) ; ; extern int unw_getcontext(unw_context_t* thread_state) ; ; On entry: ; thread_state pointer is in r3 ; DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_FUNCTION(unw_getcontext) stw r0, 8(r3) mflr r0 stw r0, 0(r3) ; store lr as ssr0 stw r1, 12(r3) stw r2, 16(r3) stw r3, 20(r3) stw r4, 24(r3) stw r5, 28(r3) stw r6, 32(r3) stw r7, 36(r3) stw r8, 40(r3) stw r9, 44(r3) stw r10, 48(r3) stw r11, 52(r3) stw r12, 56(r3) stw r13, 60(r3) stw r14, 64(r3) stw r15, 68(r3) stw r16, 72(r3) stw r17, 76(r3) stw r18, 80(r3) stw r19, 84(r3) stw r20, 88(r3) stw r21, 92(r3) stw r22, 96(r3) stw r23,100(r3) stw r24,104(r3) stw r25,108(r3) stw r26,112(r3) stw r27,116(r3) stw r28,120(r3) stw r29,124(r3) stw r30,128(r3) stw r31,132(r3) ; save VRSave register mfspr r0,256 stw r0,156(r3) ; save CR registers mfcr r0 stw r0,136(r3) ; save CTR register mfctr r0 stw r0,148(r3) ; save float registers stfd f0, 160(r3) stfd f1, 168(r3) stfd f2, 176(r3) stfd f3, 184(r3) stfd f4, 192(r3) stfd f5, 200(r3) stfd f6, 208(r3) stfd f7, 216(r3) stfd f8, 224(r3) stfd f9, 232(r3) stfd f10,240(r3) stfd f11,248(r3) stfd f12,256(r3) stfd f13,264(r3) stfd f14,272(r3) stfd f15,280(r3) stfd f16,288(r3) stfd f17,296(r3) stfd f18,304(r3) stfd f19,312(r3) stfd f20,320(r3) stfd f21,328(r3) stfd f22,336(r3) stfd f23,344(r3) stfd f24,352(r3) stfd f25,360(r3) stfd f26,368(r3) stfd f27,376(r3) stfd f28,384(r3) stfd f29,392(r3) stfd f30,400(r3) stfd f31,408(r3) ; save vector registers subi r4,r1,16 rlwinm r4,r4,0,0,27 ; mask low 4-bits ; r4 is now a 16-byte aligned pointer into the red zone #define SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(_vec, _offset) \ stvx _vec,0,r4 @\ lwz r5, 0(r4) @\ stw r5, _offset(r3) @\ lwz r5, 4(r4) @\ stw r5, _offset+4(r3) @\ lwz r5, 8(r4) @\ stw r5, _offset+8(r3) @\ lwz r5, 12(r4) @\ stw r5, _offset+12(r3) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v0, 424+0x000) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v1, 424+0x010) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v2, 424+0x020) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v3, 424+0x030) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v4, 424+0x040) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v5, 424+0x050) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v6, 424+0x060) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v7, 424+0x070) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v8, 424+0x080) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED( v9, 424+0x090) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v10, 424+0x0A0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v11, 424+0x0B0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v12, 424+0x0C0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v13, 424+0x0D0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v14, 424+0x0E0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v15, 424+0x0F0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v16, 424+0x100) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v17, 424+0x110) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v18, 424+0x120) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v19, 424+0x130) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v20, 424+0x140) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v21, 424+0x150) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v22, 424+0x160) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v23, 424+0x170) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v24, 424+0x180) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v25, 424+0x190) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v26, 424+0x1A0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v27, 424+0x1B0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v28, 424+0x1C0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v29, 424+0x1D0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v30, 424+0x1E0) SAVE_VECTOR_UNALIGNED(v31, 424+0x1F0) li r3, 0 ; return UNW_ESUCCESS blr #elif defined(__arm64__) || defined(__aarch64__) // // extern int unw_getcontext(unw_context_t* thread_state) // // On entry: // thread_state pointer is in x0 // .p2align 2 DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_FUNCTION(unw_getcontext) stp x0, x1, [x0, #0x000] stp x2, x3, [x0, #0x010] stp x4, x5, [x0, #0x020] stp x6, x7, [x0, #0x030] stp x8, x9, [x0, #0x040] stp x10,x11, [x0, #0x050] stp x12,x13, [x0, #0x060] stp x14,x15, [x0, #0x070] stp x16,x17, [x0, #0x080] stp x18,x19, [x0, #0x090] stp x20,x21, [x0, #0x0A0] stp x22,x23, [x0, #0x0B0] stp x24,x25, [x0, #0x0C0] stp x26,x27, [x0, #0x0D0] stp x28,x29, [x0, #0x0E0] str x30, [x0, #0x0F0] mov x1,sp str x1, [x0, #0x0F8] str x30, [x0, #0x100] // store return address as pc // skip cpsr stp d0, d1, [x0, #0x110] stp d2, d3, [x0, #0x120] stp d4, d5, [x0, #0x130] stp d6, d7, [x0, #0x140] stp d8, d9, [x0, #0x150] stp d10,d11, [x0, #0x160] stp d12,d13, [x0, #0x170] stp d14,d15, [x0, #0x180] stp d16,d17, [x0, #0x190] stp d18,d19, [x0, #0x1A0] stp d20,d21, [x0, #0x1B0] stp d22,d23, [x0, #0x1C0] stp d24,d25, [x0, #0x1D0] stp d26,d27, [x0, #0x1E0] stp d28,d29, [x0, #0x1F0] str d30, [x0, #0x200] str d31, [x0, #0x208] mov x0, #0 // return UNW_ESUCCESS ret #elif defined(__arm__) && !defined(__APPLE__) #if !defined(__ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM) .thumb #endif @ @ extern int unw_getcontext(unw_context_t* thread_state) @ @ On entry: @ thread_state pointer is in r0 @ @ Per EHABI #4.7 this only saves the core integer registers. @ EHABI #7.4.5 notes that in general all VRS registers should be restored @ however this is very hard to do for VFP registers because it is unknown @ to the library how many registers are implemented by the architecture. @ Instead, VFP registers are demand saved by logic external to unw_getcontext. @ .p2align 2 DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_FUNCTION(unw_getcontext) #if !defined(__ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM) stm r0, {r0-r7} mov r2, sp mov r3, lr str r2, [r0, #52] str r3, [r0, #56] str r3, [r0, #60] @ store return address as pc #else @ 32bit thumb-2 restrictions for stm: @ . the sp (r13) cannot be in the list @ . the pc (r15) cannot be in the list in an STM instruction stm r0, {r0-r12} str sp, [r0, #52] str lr, [r0, #56] str lr, [r0, #60] @ store return address as pc #endif #if __ARM_ARCH_ISA_THUMB == 1 @ T1 does not have a non-cpsr-clobbering register-zeroing instruction. @ It is safe to use here though because we are about to return, and cpsr is @ not expected to be preserved. movs r0, #0 @ return UNW_ESUCCESS #else mov r0, #0 @ return UNW_ESUCCESS #endif JMP(lr) @ @ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::saveVFPWithFSTMD(unw_fpreg_t* values) @ @ On entry: @ values pointer is in r0 @ .p2align 2 .fpu vfpv3-d16 DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_PRIVATE_FUNCTION(_ZN9libunwind13Registers_arm16saveVFPWithFSTMDEPy) vstmia r0, {d0-d15} JMP(lr) @ @ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::saveVFPWithFSTMX(unw_fpreg_t* values) @ @ On entry: @ values pointer is in r0 @ .p2align 2 .fpu vfpv3-d16 DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_PRIVATE_FUNCTION(_ZN9libunwind13Registers_arm16saveVFPWithFSTMXEPy) vstmia r0, {d0-d15} @ fstmiax is deprecated in ARMv7+ and now behaves like vstmia JMP(lr) @ @ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::saveVFPv3(unw_fpreg_t* values) @ @ On entry: @ values pointer is in r0 @ .p2align 2 .fpu vfpv3 DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_PRIVATE_FUNCTION(_ZN9libunwind13Registers_arm9saveVFPv3EPy) @ VFP and iwMMX instructions are only available when compiling with the flags @ that enable them. We do not want to do that in the library (because we do not @ want the compiler to generate instructions that access those) but this is @ only accessed if the personality routine needs these registers. Use of @ these registers implies they are, actually, available on the target, so @ it's ok to execute. @ So, generate the instructions using the corresponding coprocessor mnemonic. vstmia r0, {d16-d31} JMP(lr) @ @ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::saveiWMMX(unw_fpreg_t* values) @ @ On entry: @ values pointer is in r0 @ .p2align 2 DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_PRIVATE_FUNCTION(_ZN9libunwind13Registers_arm9saveiWMMXEPy) #if (!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6M__) && !defined(__ARM_ARCH_6SM__)) || defined(__ARM_WMMX) stcl p1, cr0, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR0, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr1, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR1, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr2, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR2, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr3, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR3, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr4, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR4, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr5, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR5, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr6, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR6, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr7, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR7, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr8, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR8, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr9, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR9, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr10, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR10, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr11, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR11, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr12, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR12, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr13, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR13, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr14, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR14, [r0], #8 stcl p1, cr15, [r0], #8 @ wstrd wR15, [r0], #8 #endif JMP(lr) @ @ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::saveiWMMXControl(unw_uint32_t* values) @ @ On entry: @ values pointer is in r0 @ .p2align 2 DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_PRIVATE_FUNCTION(_ZN9libunwind13Registers_arm16saveiWMMXControlEPj) #if (!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6M__) && !defined(__ARM_ARCH_6SM__)) || defined(__ARM_WMMX) stc2 p1, cr8, [r0], #4 @ wstrw wCGR0, [r0], #4 stc2 p1, cr9, [r0], #4 @ wstrw wCGR1, [r0], #4 stc2 p1, cr10, [r0], #4 @ wstrw wCGR2, [r0], #4 stc2 p1, cr11, [r0], #4 @ wstrw wCGR3, [r0], #4 #endif JMP(lr) #elif defined(__or1k__) # # extern int unw_getcontext(unw_context_t* thread_state) # # On entry: # thread_state pointer is in r3 # DEFINE_LIBUNWIND_FUNCTION(unw_getcontext) l.sw 0(r3), r0 l.sw 4(r3), r1 l.sw 8(r3), r2 l.sw 12(r3), r3 l.sw 16(r3), r4 l.sw 20(r3), r5 l.sw 24(r3), r6 l.sw 28(r3), r7 l.sw 32(r3), r8 l.sw 36(r3), r9 l.sw 40(r3), r10 l.sw 44(r3), r11 l.sw 48(r3), r12 l.sw 52(r3), r13 l.sw 56(r3), r14 l.sw 60(r3), r15 l.sw 64(r3), r16 l.sw 68(r3), r17 l.sw 72(r3), r18 l.sw 76(r3), r19 l.sw 80(r3), r20 l.sw 84(r3), r21 l.sw 88(r3), r22 l.sw 92(r3), r23 l.sw 96(r3), r24 l.sw 100(r3), r25 l.sw 104(r3), r26 l.sw 108(r3), r27 l.sw 112(r3), r28 l.sw 116(r3), r29 l.sw 120(r3), r30 l.sw 124(r3), r31 #elif defined(__riscv__) /* RISCVTODO */ #endif .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits