//===-- ARMBuildAttrs.h - ARM Build Attributes ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file contains enumerations and support routines for ARM build attributes
// as defined in ARM ABI addenda document (ABI release 2.08).


namespace llvm {
namespace ARMBuildAttrs {

  enum SpecialAttr {
    // This is for the .cpu asm attr. It translates into one or more
    // AttrType (below) entries in the .ARM.attributes section in the ELF.

  enum AttrType {
    // Rest correspond to ELF/.ARM.attributes
    File                      = 1,
    Section                   = 2,
    Symbol                    = 3,
    CPU_raw_name              = 4,
    CPU_name                  = 5,
    CPU_arch                  = 6,
    CPU_arch_profile          = 7,
    ARM_ISA_use               = 8,
    THUMB_ISA_use             = 9,
    VFP_arch                  = 10,
    WMMX_arch                 = 11,
    Advanced_SIMD_arch        = 12,
    PCS_config                = 13,
    ABI_PCS_R9_use            = 14,
    ABI_PCS_RW_data           = 15,
    ABI_PCS_RO_data           = 16,
    ABI_PCS_GOT_use           = 17,
    ABI_PCS_wchar_t           = 18,
    ABI_FP_rounding           = 19,
    ABI_FP_denormal           = 20,
    ABI_FP_exceptions         = 21,
    ABI_FP_user_exceptions    = 22,
    ABI_FP_number_model       = 23,
    ABI_align8_needed         = 24,
    ABI_align8_preserved      = 25,
    ABI_enum_size             = 26,
    ABI_HardFP_use            = 27,
    ABI_VFP_args              = 28,
    ABI_WMMX_args             = 29,
    ABI_optimization_goals    = 30,
    ABI_FP_optimization_goals = 31,
    compatibility             = 32,
    CPU_unaligned_access      = 34,
    FP_HP_extension           = 36,
    ABI_FP_16bit_format       = 38,
    MPextension_use           = 42, // was 70, 2.08 ABI
    DIV_use                   = 44,
    nodefaults                = 64,
    also_compatible_with      = 65,
    T2EE_use                  = 66,
    conformance               = 67,
    Virtualization_use        = 68,
    MPextension_use_old       = 70

  // Magic numbers for .ARM.attributes
  enum AttrMagic {
    Format_Version  = 0x41

  // Legal Values for CPU_arch, (=6), uleb128
  enum CPUArch {
    Pre_v4       = 0,
    v4       = 1,   // e.g. SA110
    v4T      = 2,   // e.g. ARM7TDMI
    v5T      = 3,   // e.g. ARM9TDMI
    v5TE     = 4,   // e.g. ARM946E_S
    v5TEJ    = 5,   // e.g. ARM926EJ_S
    v6       = 6,   // e.g. ARM1136J_S
    v6KZ     = 7,   // e.g. ARM1176JZ_S
    v6T2     = 8,   // e.g. ARM1156T2F_S
    v6K      = 9,   // e.g. ARM1136J_S
    v7       = 10,  // e.g. Cortex A8, Cortex M3
    v6_M     = 11,  // e.g. Cortex M1
    v6S_M    = 12,  // v6_M with the System extensions
    v7E_M    = 13,  // v7_M with DSP extensions
    v8       = 14   // v8, AArch32

  enum CPUArchProfile { // (=7), uleb128
    Not_Applicable = 0, // pre v7, or cross-profile code
    ApplicationProfile = (0x41), // 'A' (e.g. for Cortex A8)
    RealTimeProfile = (0x52), // 'R' (e.g. for Cortex R4)
    MicroControllerProfile = (0x4D), // 'M' (e.g. for Cortex M3)
    SystemProfile = (0x53) // 'S' Application or real-time profile

  // The following have a lot of common use cases
  enum {
    Not_Allowed = 0,
    Allowed = 1,

    // Tag_ARM_ISA_use (=8), uleb128

    // Tag_THUMB_ISA_use, (=9), uleb128
    AllowThumb32 = 2, // 32-bit Thumb (implies 16-bit instructions)

    // Tag_FP_arch (=10), uleb128 (formerly Tag_VFP_arch = 10)
    AllowFPv2  = 2, // v2 FP ISA permitted (implies use of the v1 FP ISA)
    AllowFPv3A = 3, // v3 FP ISA permitted (implies use of the v2 FP ISA)
    AllowFPv3B = 4, // v3 FP ISA permitted, but only D0-D15, S0-S31
    AllowFPv4A = 5, // v4 FP ISA permitted (implies use of v3 FP ISA)
    AllowFPv4B = 6, // v4 FP ISA was permitted, but only D0-D15, S0-S31
    AllowFPARMv8A = 7, // Use of the ARM v8-A FP ISA was permitted
    AllowFPARMv8B = 8, // Use of the ARM v8-A FP ISA was permitted, but only D0-D15, S0-S31

    // Tag_WMMX_arch, (=11), uleb128
    AllowWMMXv1 = 1,  // The user permitted this entity to use WMMX v1
    AllowWMMXv2 = 2,  // The user permitted this entity to use WMMX v2

    // Tag_Advanced_SIMD_arch, (=12), uleb128
    AllowNeon = 1, // SIMDv1 was permitted
    AllowNeon2 = 2, // SIMDv2 was permitted (Half-precision FP, MAC operations)
    AllowNeonARMv8 = 3, // ARM v8-A SIMD was permitted

    // Tag_ABI_FP_denormal, (=20), uleb128
    PreserveFPSign = 2, // sign when flushed-to-zero is preserved

    // Tag_ABI_FP_number_model, (=23), uleb128
    AllowRTABI = 2,  // numbers, infinities, and one quiet NaN (see [RTABI])
    AllowIEE754 = 3, // this code to use all the IEEE 754-defined FP encodings

    // Tag_ABI_HardFP_use, (=27), uleb128
    HardFPImplied = 0, // FP use should be implied by Tag_FP_arch
    HardFPSinglePrecision = 1, // Single-precision only

    // Tag_ABI_VFP_args, (=28), uleb128
    BaseAAPCS = 0,
    HardFPAAPCS = 1,

    // Tag_FP_HP_extension, (=36), uleb128
    AllowHPFP = 1, // Allow use of Half Precision FP

    // Tag_MPextension_use, (=42), uleb128
    AllowMP = 1, // Allow use of MP extensions

    // Tag_DIV_use, (=44), uleb128
    AllowDIVIfExists = 0, // Allow hardware divide if available in arch, or no info exists.
    DisallowDIV = 1, // Hardware divide explicitly disallowed
    AllowDIVExt = 2, // Allow hardware divide as optional architecture extension above
                     // the base arch specified by Tag_CPU_arch and Tag_CPU_arch_profile.

    // Tag_Virtualization_use, (=68), uleb128
    AllowTZ = 1,
    AllowVirtualization = 2,
    AllowTZVirtualization = 3

} // namespace ARMBuildAttrs
} // namespace llvm