//===- DWARFUnit.cpp ------------------------------------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFUnit.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDebugAbbrev.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDebugInfoEntry.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFDie.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFFormValue.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataExtractor.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

using namespace llvm;
using namespace dwarf;

void DWARFUnitSectionBase::parse(DWARFContext &C, const DWARFSection &Section) {
  parseImpl(C, Section, C.getDebugAbbrev(), &C.getRangeSection(),
            C.getStringSection(), C.getStringOffsetSection(),
            &C.getAddrSection(), C.getLineSection(), C.isLittleEndian(), false);

void DWARFUnitSectionBase::parseDWO(DWARFContext &C,
                                    const DWARFSection &DWOSection,
                                    DWARFUnitIndex *Index) {
  parseImpl(C, DWOSection, C.getDebugAbbrevDWO(), &C.getRangeDWOSection(),
            C.getStringDWOSection(), C.getStringOffsetDWOSection(),
            &C.getAddrSection(), C.getLineDWOSection(), C.isLittleEndian(),

DWARFUnit::DWARFUnit(DWARFContext &DC, const DWARFSection &Section,
                     const DWARFDebugAbbrev *DA, const DWARFSection *RS,
                     StringRef SS, const DWARFSection &SOS,
                     const DWARFSection *AOS, const DWARFSection &LS, bool LE,
                     bool IsDWO, const DWARFUnitSectionBase &UnitSection,
                     const DWARFUnitIndex::Entry *IndexEntry)
    : Context(DC), InfoSection(Section), Abbrev(DA), RangeSection(RS),
      LineSection(LS), StringSection(SS), StringOffsetSection(SOS),
      AddrOffsetSection(AOS), isLittleEndian(LE), isDWO(IsDWO),
      UnitSection(UnitSection), IndexEntry(IndexEntry) {

DWARFUnit::~DWARFUnit() = default;

bool DWARFUnit::getAddrOffsetSectionItem(uint32_t Index,
                                                uint64_t &Result) const {
  uint32_t Offset = AddrOffsetSectionBase + Index * getAddressByteSize();
  if (AddrOffsetSection->Data.size() < Offset + getAddressByteSize())
    return false;
  DWARFDataExtractor DA(*AddrOffsetSection, isLittleEndian,
  Result = DA.getRelocatedAddress(&Offset);
  return true;

bool DWARFUnit::getStringOffsetSectionItem(uint32_t Index,
                                           uint64_t &Result) const {
  unsigned ItemSize = getDwarfOffsetByteSize();
  uint32_t Offset = StringOffsetSectionBase + Index * ItemSize;
  if (StringOffsetSection.Data.size() < Offset + ItemSize)
    return false;
  DWARFDataExtractor DA(StringOffsetSection, isLittleEndian, 0);
  Result = DA.getRelocatedValue(ItemSize, &Offset);
  return true;

bool DWARFUnit::extractImpl(DataExtractor debug_info, uint32_t *offset_ptr) {
  Length = debug_info.getU32(offset_ptr);
  // FIXME: Support DWARF64.
  FormParams.Format = DWARF32;
  FormParams.Version = debug_info.getU16(offset_ptr);
  uint64_t AbbrOffset;
  if (FormParams.Version >= 5) {
    UnitType = debug_info.getU8(offset_ptr);
    FormParams.AddrSize = debug_info.getU8(offset_ptr);
    AbbrOffset = debug_info.getU32(offset_ptr);
  } else {
    AbbrOffset = debug_info.getU32(offset_ptr);
    FormParams.AddrSize = debug_info.getU8(offset_ptr);
  if (IndexEntry) {
    if (AbbrOffset)
      return false;
    auto *UnitContrib = IndexEntry->getOffset();
    if (!UnitContrib || UnitContrib->Length != (Length + 4))
      return false;
    auto *AbbrEntry = IndexEntry->getOffset(DW_SECT_ABBREV);
    if (!AbbrEntry)
      return false;
    AbbrOffset = AbbrEntry->Offset;

  bool LengthOK = debug_info.isValidOffset(getNextUnitOffset() - 1);
  bool VersionOK = DWARFContext::isSupportedVersion(getVersion());
  bool AddrSizeOK = getAddressByteSize() == 4 || getAddressByteSize() == 8;

  if (!LengthOK || !VersionOK || !AddrSizeOK)
    return false;

  // Keep track of the highest DWARF version we encounter across all units.

  Abbrevs = Abbrev->getAbbreviationDeclarationSet(AbbrOffset);
  return Abbrevs != nullptr;

bool DWARFUnit::extract(DataExtractor debug_info, uint32_t *offset_ptr) {

  Offset = *offset_ptr;

  if (debug_info.isValidOffset(*offset_ptr)) {
    if (extractImpl(debug_info, offset_ptr))
      return true;

    // reset the offset to where we tried to parse from if anything went wrong
    *offset_ptr = Offset;

  return false;

bool DWARFUnit::extractRangeList(uint32_t RangeListOffset,
                                 DWARFDebugRangeList &RangeList) const {
  // Require that compile unit is extracted.
  DWARFDataExtractor RangesData(*RangeSection, isLittleEndian,
  uint32_t ActualRangeListOffset = RangeSectionBase + RangeListOffset;
  return RangeList.extract(RangesData, &ActualRangeListOffset);

void DWARFUnit::clear() {
  Offset = 0;
  Length = 0;
  Abbrevs = nullptr;
  FormParams = DWARFFormParams({0, 0, DWARF32});
  BaseAddr = 0;
  RangeSectionBase = 0;
  AddrOffsetSectionBase = 0;

const char *DWARFUnit::getCompilationDir() {
  return dwarf::toString(getUnitDIE().find(DW_AT_comp_dir), nullptr);

Optional<uint64_t> DWARFUnit::getDWOId() {
  return toUnsigned(getUnitDIE().find(DW_AT_GNU_dwo_id));

void DWARFUnit::extractDIEsToVector(
    bool AppendCUDie, bool AppendNonCUDies,
    std::vector<DWARFDebugInfoEntry> &Dies) const {
  if (!AppendCUDie && !AppendNonCUDies)

  // Set the offset to that of the first DIE and calculate the start of the
  // next compilation unit header.
  uint32_t DIEOffset = Offset + getHeaderSize();
  uint32_t NextCUOffset = getNextUnitOffset();
  DWARFDebugInfoEntry DIE;
  DWARFDataExtractor DebugInfoData = getDebugInfoExtractor();
  uint32_t Depth = 0;
  bool IsCUDie = true;

  while (DIE.extractFast(*this, &DIEOffset, DebugInfoData, NextCUOffset,
                         Depth)) {
    if (IsCUDie) {
      if (AppendCUDie)
      if (!AppendNonCUDies)
      // The average bytes per DIE entry has been seen to be
      // around 14-20 so let's pre-reserve the needed memory for
      // our DIE entries accordingly.
      Dies.reserve(Dies.size() + getDebugInfoSize() / 14);
      IsCUDie = false;
    } else {

    if (const DWARFAbbreviationDeclaration *AbbrDecl =
            DIE.getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr()) {
      // Normal DIE
      if (AbbrDecl->hasChildren())
    } else {
      // NULL DIE.
      if (Depth > 0)
      if (Depth == 0)
        break;  // We are done with this compile unit!

  // Give a little bit of info if we encounter corrupt DWARF (our offset
  // should always terminate at or before the start of the next compilation
  // unit header).
  if (DIEOffset > NextCUOffset)
    fprintf(stderr, "warning: DWARF compile unit extends beyond its "
                    "bounds cu 0x%8.8x at 0x%8.8x'\n", getOffset(), DIEOffset);

size_t DWARFUnit::extractDIEsIfNeeded(bool CUDieOnly) {
  if ((CUDieOnly && !DieArray.empty()) ||
      DieArray.size() > 1)
    return 0; // Already parsed.

  bool HasCUDie = !DieArray.empty();
  extractDIEsToVector(!HasCUDie, !CUDieOnly, DieArray);

  if (DieArray.empty())
    return 0;

  // If CU DIE was just parsed, copy several attribute values from it.
  if (!HasCUDie) {
    DWARFDie UnitDie = getUnitDIE();
    auto BaseAddr = toAddress(UnitDie.find({DW_AT_low_pc, DW_AT_entry_pc}));
    if (BaseAddr)
    AddrOffsetSectionBase = toSectionOffset(UnitDie.find(DW_AT_GNU_addr_base), 0);
    RangeSectionBase = toSectionOffset(UnitDie.find(DW_AT_rnglists_base), 0);

    // In general, we derive the offset of the unit's contibution to the
    // debug_str_offsets{.dwo} section from the unit DIE's
    // DW_AT_str_offsets_base attribute. In dwp files we add to it the offset
    // we get from the index table.
    StringOffsetSectionBase =
        toSectionOffset(UnitDie.find(DW_AT_str_offsets_base), 0);
    if (IndexEntry)
      if (const auto *C = IndexEntry->getOffset(DW_SECT_STR_OFFSETS))
        StringOffsetSectionBase += C->Offset;

    // Don't fall back to DW_AT_GNU_ranges_base: it should be ignored for
    // skeleton CU DIE, so that DWARF users not aware of it are not broken.

  return DieArray.size();

bool DWARFUnit::parseDWO() {
  if (isDWO)
    return false;
  if (DWO.get())
    return false;
  DWARFDie UnitDie = getUnitDIE();
  if (!UnitDie)
    return false;
  auto DWOFileName = dwarf::toString(UnitDie.find(DW_AT_GNU_dwo_name));
  if (!DWOFileName)
    return false;
  auto CompilationDir = dwarf::toString(UnitDie.find(DW_AT_comp_dir));
  SmallString<16> AbsolutePath;
  if (sys::path::is_relative(*DWOFileName) && CompilationDir &&
      *CompilationDir) {
    sys::path::append(AbsolutePath, *CompilationDir);
  sys::path::append(AbsolutePath, *DWOFileName);
  auto DWOId = getDWOId();
  if (!DWOId)
    return false;
  auto DWOContext = Context.getDWOContext(AbsolutePath);
  if (!DWOContext)
    return false;

  DWARFCompileUnit *DWOCU = DWOContext->getDWOCompileUnitForHash(*DWOId);
  if (!DWOCU)
    return false;
  DWO = std::shared_ptr<DWARFCompileUnit>(std::move(DWOContext), DWOCU);
  // Share .debug_addr and .debug_ranges section with compile unit in .dwo
  DWO->setAddrOffsetSection(AddrOffsetSection, AddrOffsetSectionBase);
  auto DWORangesBase = UnitDie.getRangesBaseAttribute();
  DWO->setRangesSection(RangeSection, DWORangesBase ? *DWORangesBase : 0);
  return true;

void DWARFUnit::clearDIEs(bool KeepCUDie) {
  if (DieArray.size() > (unsigned)KeepCUDie) {
    // std::vectors never get any smaller when resized to a smaller size,
    // or when clear() or erase() are called, the size will report that it
    // is smaller, but the memory allocated remains intact (call capacity()
    // to see this). So we need to create a temporary vector and swap the
    // contents which will cause just the internal pointers to be swapped
    // so that when temporary vector goes out of scope, it will destroy the
    // contents.
    std::vector<DWARFDebugInfoEntry> TmpArray;
    // Save at least the compile unit DIE
    if (KeepCUDie)

void DWARFUnit::collectAddressRanges(DWARFAddressRangesVector &CURanges) {
  DWARFDie UnitDie = getUnitDIE();
  if (!UnitDie)
  // First, check if unit DIE describes address ranges for the whole unit.
  const auto &CUDIERanges = UnitDie.getAddressRanges();
  if (!CUDIERanges.empty()) {
    CURanges.insert(CURanges.end(), CUDIERanges.begin(), CUDIERanges.end());

  // This function is usually called if there in no .debug_aranges section
  // in order to produce a compile unit level set of address ranges that
  // is accurate. If the DIEs weren't parsed, then we don't want all dies for
  // all compile units to stay loaded when they weren't needed. So we can end
  // up parsing the DWARF and then throwing them all away to keep memory usage
  // down.
  const bool ClearDIEs = extractDIEsIfNeeded(false) > 1;

  // Collect address ranges from DIEs in .dwo if necessary.
  bool DWOCreated = parseDWO();
  if (DWO)
  if (DWOCreated)

  // Keep memory down by clearing DIEs if this generate function
  // caused them to be parsed.
  if (ClearDIEs)

void DWARFUnit::updateAddressDieMap(DWARFDie Die) {
  if (Die.isSubroutineDIE()) {
    for (const auto &R : Die.getAddressRanges()) {
      // Ignore 0-sized ranges.
      if (R.LowPC == R.HighPC)
      auto B = AddrDieMap.upper_bound(R.LowPC);
      if (B != AddrDieMap.begin() && R.LowPC < (--B)->second.first) {
        // The range is a sub-range of existing ranges, we need to split the
        // existing range.
        if (R.HighPC < B->second.first)
          AddrDieMap[R.HighPC] = B->second;
        if (R.LowPC > B->first)
          AddrDieMap[B->first].first = R.LowPC;
      AddrDieMap[R.LowPC] = std::make_pair(R.HighPC, Die);
  // Parent DIEs are added to the AddrDieMap prior to the Children DIEs to
  // simplify the logic to update AddrDieMap. The child's range will always
  // be equal or smaller than the parent's range. With this assumption, when
  // adding one range into the map, it will at most split a range into 3
  // sub-ranges.
  for (DWARFDie Child = Die.getFirstChild(); Child; Child = Child.getSibling())

DWARFDie DWARFUnit::getSubroutineForAddress(uint64_t Address) {
  if (AddrDieMap.empty())
  auto R = AddrDieMap.upper_bound(Address);
  if (R == AddrDieMap.begin())
    return DWARFDie();
  // upper_bound's previous item contains Address.
  if (Address >= R->second.first)
    return DWARFDie();
  return R->second.second;

DWARFUnit::getInlinedChainForAddress(uint64_t Address,
                                     SmallVectorImpl<DWARFDie> &InlinedChain) {
  // Try to look for subprogram DIEs in the DWO file.
  // First, find the subroutine that contains the given address (the leaf
  // of inlined chain).
  DWARFDie SubroutineDIE =
      (DWO ? DWO.get() : this)->getSubroutineForAddress(Address);

  while (SubroutineDIE) {
    if (SubroutineDIE.isSubroutineDIE())
    SubroutineDIE  = SubroutineDIE.getParent();

const DWARFUnitIndex &llvm::getDWARFUnitIndex(DWARFContext &Context,
                                              DWARFSectionKind Kind) {
  if (Kind == DW_SECT_INFO)
    return Context.getCUIndex();
  assert(Kind == DW_SECT_TYPES);
  return Context.getTUIndex();

DWARFDie DWARFUnit::getParent(const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *Die) {
  if (!Die)
    return DWARFDie();
  const uint32_t Depth = Die->getDepth();
  // Unit DIEs always have a depth of zero and never have parents.
  if (Depth == 0)
    return DWARFDie();
  // Depth of 1 always means parent is the compile/type unit.
  if (Depth == 1)
    return getUnitDIE();
  // Look for previous DIE with a depth that is one less than the Die's depth.
  const uint32_t ParentDepth = Depth - 1;
  for (uint32_t I = getDIEIndex(Die) - 1; I > 0; --I) {
    if (DieArray[I].getDepth() == ParentDepth)
      return DWARFDie(this, &DieArray[I]);
  return DWARFDie();

DWARFDie DWARFUnit::getSibling(const DWARFDebugInfoEntry *Die) {
  if (!Die)
    return DWARFDie();
  uint32_t Depth = Die->getDepth();
  // Unit DIEs always have a depth of zero and never have siblings.
  if (Depth == 0)
    return DWARFDie();
  // NULL DIEs don't have siblings.
  if (Die->getAbbreviationDeclarationPtr() == nullptr)
    return DWARFDie();
  // Find the next DIE whose depth is the same as the Die's depth.
  for (size_t I = getDIEIndex(Die) + 1, EndIdx = DieArray.size(); I < EndIdx;
       ++I) {
    if (DieArray[I].getDepth() == Depth)
      return DWARFDie(this, &DieArray[I]);
  return DWARFDie();