//===--- CompilationGraph.cpp - The LLVM Compiler Driver --------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open // Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // Compilation graph - implementation. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/CompilerDriver/BuiltinOptions.h" #include "llvm/CompilerDriver/CompilationGraph.h" #include "llvm/CompilerDriver/Error.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/Support/DOTGraphTraits.h" #include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <iterator> #include <limits> #include <queue> using namespace llvm; using namespace llvmc; namespace llvmc { const std::string* LanguageMap::GetLanguage(const sys::Path& File) const { StringRef suf = File.getSuffix(); LanguageMap::const_iterator Lang = this->find(suf.empty() ? "*empty*" : suf); if (Lang == this->end()) { PrintError("File '" + File.str() + "' has unknown suffix '" + suf.str() + '\''); return 0; } return &Lang->second; } } namespace { /// ChooseEdge - Return the edge with the maximum weight. Returns 0 on error. template <class C> const Edge* ChooseEdge(const C& EdgesContainer, const InputLanguagesSet& InLangs, const std::string& NodeName = "root") { const Edge* MaxEdge = 0; int MaxWeight = 0; bool SingleMax = true; // TODO: fix calculation of SingleMax. for (typename C::const_iterator B = EdgesContainer.begin(), E = EdgesContainer.end(); B != E; ++B) { const Edge* e = B->getPtr(); int EW = e->Weight(InLangs); if (EW < 0) { // (error) invocation in TableGen -> we don't need to print an error // message. return 0; } if (EW > MaxWeight) { MaxEdge = e; MaxWeight = EW; SingleMax = true; } else if (EW == MaxWeight) { SingleMax = false; } } if (!SingleMax) { PrintError("Node " + NodeName + ": multiple maximal outward edges found!" " Most probably a specification error."); return 0; } if (!MaxEdge) { PrintError("Node " + NodeName + ": no maximal outward edge found!" " Most probably a specification error."); return 0; } return MaxEdge; } } void Node::AddEdge(Edge* Edg) { // If there already was an edge between two nodes, modify it instead // of adding a new edge. const std::string& ToolName = Edg->ToolName(); for (container_type::iterator B = OutEdges.begin(), E = OutEdges.end(); B != E; ++B) { if ((*B)->ToolName() == ToolName) { llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Edge>(Edg).swap(*B); return; } } OutEdges.push_back(llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Edge>(Edg)); } CompilationGraph::CompilationGraph() { NodesMap["root"] = Node(this); } Node* CompilationGraph::getNode(const std::string& ToolName) { nodes_map_type::iterator I = NodesMap.find(ToolName); if (I == NodesMap.end()) { PrintError("Node " + ToolName + " is not in the graph"); return 0; } return &I->second; } const Node* CompilationGraph::getNode(const std::string& ToolName) const { nodes_map_type::const_iterator I = NodesMap.find(ToolName); if (I == NodesMap.end()) { PrintError("Node " + ToolName + " is not in the graph!"); return 0; } return &I->second; } // Find the tools list corresponding to the given language name. const CompilationGraph::tools_vector_type* CompilationGraph::getToolsVector(const std::string& LangName) const { tools_map_type::const_iterator I = ToolsMap.find(LangName); if (I == ToolsMap.end()) { PrintError("No tool corresponding to the language " + LangName + " found"); return 0; } return &I->second; } void CompilationGraph::insertNode(Tool* V) { if (NodesMap.count(V->Name()) == 0) NodesMap[V->Name()] = Node(this, V); } int CompilationGraph::insertEdge(const std::string& A, Edge* Edg) { Node* B = getNode(Edg->ToolName()); if (B == 0) return 1; if (A == "root") { const char** InLangs = B->ToolPtr->InputLanguages(); for (;*InLangs; ++InLangs) ToolsMap[*InLangs].push_back(IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Edge>(Edg)); NodesMap["root"].AddEdge(Edg); } else { Node* N = getNode(A); if (N == 0) return 1; N->AddEdge(Edg); } // Increase the inward edge counter. B->IncrInEdges(); return 0; } // Pass input file through the chain until we bump into a Join node or // a node that says that it is the last. int CompilationGraph::PassThroughGraph (const sys::Path& InFile, const Node* StartNode, const InputLanguagesSet& InLangs, const sys::Path& TempDir, const LanguageMap& LangMap) const { sys::Path In = InFile; const Node* CurNode = StartNode; while(true) { Tool* CurTool = CurNode->ToolPtr.getPtr(); if (CurTool->IsJoin()) { JoinTool& JT = static_cast<JoinTool&>(*CurTool); JT.AddToJoinList(In); break; } Action CurAction; if (int ret = CurTool->GenerateAction(CurAction, In, CurNode->HasChildren(), TempDir, InLangs, LangMap)) { return ret; } if (int ret = CurAction.Execute()) return ret; if (CurAction.StopCompilation()) return 0; const Edge* Edg = ChooseEdge(CurNode->OutEdges, InLangs, CurNode->Name()); if (Edg == 0) return 1; CurNode = getNode(Edg->ToolName()); if (CurNode == 0) return 1; In = CurAction.OutFile(); } return 0; } // Find the head of the toolchain corresponding to the given file. // Also, insert an input language into InLangs. const Node* CompilationGraph:: FindToolChain(const sys::Path& In, const std::string* ForceLanguage, InputLanguagesSet& InLangs, const LanguageMap& LangMap) const { // Determine the input language. const std::string* InLang = LangMap.GetLanguage(In); if (InLang == 0) return 0; const std::string& InLanguage = (ForceLanguage ? *ForceLanguage : *InLang); // Add the current input language to the input language set. InLangs.insert(InLanguage); // Find the toolchain for the input language. const tools_vector_type* pTV = getToolsVector(InLanguage); if (pTV == 0) return 0; const tools_vector_type& TV = *pTV; if (TV.empty()) { PrintError("No toolchain corresponding to language " + InLanguage + " found"); return 0; } const Edge* Edg = ChooseEdge(TV, InLangs); if (Edg == 0) return 0; return getNode(Edg->ToolName()); } // Helper function used by Build(). // Traverses initial portions of the toolchains (up to the first Join node). // This function is also responsible for handling the -x option. int CompilationGraph::BuildInitial (InputLanguagesSet& InLangs, const sys::Path& TempDir, const LanguageMap& LangMap) { // This is related to -x option handling. cl::list<std::string>::const_iterator xIter = Languages.begin(), xBegin = xIter, xEnd = Languages.end(); bool xEmpty = true; const std::string* xLanguage = 0; unsigned xPos = 0, xPosNext = 0, filePos = 0; if (xIter != xEnd) { xEmpty = false; xPos = Languages.getPosition(xIter - xBegin); cl::list<std::string>::const_iterator xNext = llvm::next(xIter); xPosNext = (xNext == xEnd) ? std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() : Languages.getPosition(xNext - xBegin); xLanguage = (*xIter == "none") ? 0 : &(*xIter); } // For each input file: for (cl::list<std::string>::const_iterator B = InputFilenames.begin(), CB = B, E = InputFilenames.end(); B != E; ++B) { sys::Path In = sys::Path(*B); // Code for handling the -x option. // Output: std::string* xLanguage (can be NULL). if (!xEmpty) { filePos = InputFilenames.getPosition(B - CB); if (xPos < filePos) { if (filePos < xPosNext) { xLanguage = (*xIter == "none") ? 0 : &(*xIter); } else { // filePos >= xPosNext // Skip xIters while filePos > xPosNext while (filePos > xPosNext) { ++xIter; xPos = xPosNext; cl::list<std::string>::const_iterator xNext = llvm::next(xIter); if (xNext == xEnd) xPosNext = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); else xPosNext = Languages.getPosition(xNext - xBegin); xLanguage = (*xIter == "none") ? 0 : &(*xIter); } } } } // Find the toolchain corresponding to this file. const Node* N = FindToolChain(In, xLanguage, InLangs, LangMap); if (N == 0) return 1; // Pass file through the chain starting at head. if (int ret = PassThroughGraph(In, N, InLangs, TempDir, LangMap)) return ret; } return 0; } // Sort the nodes in topological order. int CompilationGraph::TopologicalSort(std::vector<const Node*>& Out) { std::queue<const Node*> Q; Node* Root = getNode("root"); if (Root == 0) return 1; Q.push(Root); while (!Q.empty()) { const Node* A = Q.front(); Q.pop(); Out.push_back(A); for (Node::const_iterator EB = A->EdgesBegin(), EE = A->EdgesEnd(); EB != EE; ++EB) { Node* B = getNode((*EB)->ToolName()); if (B == 0) return 1; B->DecrInEdges(); if (B->HasNoInEdges()) Q.push(B); } } return 0; } namespace { bool NotJoinNode(const Node* N) { return N->ToolPtr ? !N->ToolPtr->IsJoin() : true; } } // Call TopologicalSort and filter the resulting list to include // only Join nodes. int CompilationGraph:: TopologicalSortFilterJoinNodes(std::vector<const Node*>& Out) { std::vector<const Node*> TopSorted; if (int ret = TopologicalSort(TopSorted)) return ret; std::remove_copy_if(TopSorted.begin(), TopSorted.end(), std::back_inserter(Out), NotJoinNode); return 0; } int CompilationGraph::Build (const sys::Path& TempDir, const LanguageMap& LangMap) { InputLanguagesSet InLangs; bool WasSomeActionGenerated = !InputFilenames.empty(); // Traverse initial parts of the toolchains and fill in InLangs. if (int ret = BuildInitial(InLangs, TempDir, LangMap)) return ret; std::vector<const Node*> JTV; if (int ret = TopologicalSortFilterJoinNodes(JTV)) return ret; // For all join nodes in topological order: for (std::vector<const Node*>::iterator B = JTV.begin(), E = JTV.end(); B != E; ++B) { const Node* CurNode = *B; JoinTool* JT = &static_cast<JoinTool&>(*CurNode->ToolPtr.getPtr()); // Are there any files in the join list? if (JT->JoinListEmpty() && !(JT->WorksOnEmpty() && InputFilenames.empty())) continue; WasSomeActionGenerated = true; Action CurAction; if (int ret = JT->GenerateAction(CurAction, CurNode->HasChildren(), TempDir, InLangs, LangMap)) { return ret; } if (int ret = CurAction.Execute()) return ret; if (CurAction.StopCompilation()) return 0; const Edge* Edg = ChooseEdge(CurNode->OutEdges, InLangs, CurNode->Name()); if (Edg == 0) return 1; const Node* NextNode = getNode(Edg->ToolName()); if (NextNode == 0) return 1; if (int ret = PassThroughGraph(sys::Path(CurAction.OutFile()), NextNode, InLangs, TempDir, LangMap)) { return ret; } } if (!WasSomeActionGenerated) { PrintError("no input files"); return 1; } return 0; } int CompilationGraph::CheckLanguageNames() const { int ret = 0; // Check that names for output and input languages on all edges do match. for (const_nodes_iterator B = this->NodesMap.begin(), E = this->NodesMap.end(); B != E; ++B) { const Node & N1 = B->second; if (N1.ToolPtr) { for (Node::const_iterator EB = N1.EdgesBegin(), EE = N1.EdgesEnd(); EB != EE; ++EB) { const Node* N2 = this->getNode((*EB)->ToolName()); if (N2 == 0) return 1; if (!N2->ToolPtr) { ++ret; errs() << "Error: there is an edge from '" << N1.ToolPtr->Name() << "' back to the root!\n\n"; continue; } const char* OutLang = N1.ToolPtr->OutputLanguage(); const char** InLangs = N2->ToolPtr->InputLanguages(); bool eq = false; for (;*InLangs; ++InLangs) { if (std::strcmp(OutLang, *InLangs) == 0) { eq = true; break; } } if (!eq) { ++ret; errs() << "Error: Output->input language mismatch in the edge '" << N1.ToolPtr->Name() << "' -> '" << N2->ToolPtr->Name() << "'!\n" << "Expected one of { "; InLangs = N2->ToolPtr->InputLanguages(); for (;*InLangs; ++InLangs) { errs() << '\'' << *InLangs << (*(InLangs+1) ? "', " : "'"); } errs() << " }, but got '" << OutLang << "'!\n\n"; } } } } return ret; } int CompilationGraph::CheckMultipleDefaultEdges() const { int ret = 0; InputLanguagesSet Dummy; // For all nodes, just iterate over the outgoing edges and check if there is // more than one edge with maximum weight. for (const_nodes_iterator B = this->NodesMap.begin(), E = this->NodesMap.end(); B != E; ++B) { const Node& N = B->second; int MaxWeight = 0; // Ignore the root node. if (!N.ToolPtr) continue; for (Node::const_iterator EB = N.EdgesBegin(), EE = N.EdgesEnd(); EB != EE; ++EB) { int EdgeWeight = (*EB)->Weight(Dummy); if (EdgeWeight > MaxWeight) { MaxWeight = EdgeWeight; } else if (EdgeWeight == MaxWeight) { ++ret; errs() << "Error: there are multiple maximal edges stemming from the '" << N.ToolPtr->Name() << "' node!\n\n"; break; } } } return ret; } int CompilationGraph::CheckCycles() { unsigned deleted = 0; std::queue<Node*> Q; Node* Root = getNode("root"); if (Root == 0) return 1; Q.push(Root); // Try to delete all nodes that have no ingoing edges, starting from the // root. If there are any nodes left after this operation, then we have a // cycle. This relies on '--check-graph' not performing the topological sort. while (!Q.empty()) { Node* A = Q.front(); Q.pop(); ++deleted; for (Node::iterator EB = A->EdgesBegin(), EE = A->EdgesEnd(); EB != EE; ++EB) { Node* B = getNode((*EB)->ToolName()); if (B == 0) return 1; B->DecrInEdges(); if (B->HasNoInEdges()) Q.push(B); } } if (deleted != NodesMap.size()) { errs() << "Error: there are cycles in the compilation graph!\n" << "Try inspecting the diagram produced by " << "'llvmc --view-graph'.\n\n"; return 1; } return 0; } int CompilationGraph::Check () { // We try to catch as many errors as we can in one go. int errs = 0; int ret = 0; // Check that output/input language names match. ret = this->CheckLanguageNames(); if (ret < 0) return 1; errs += ret; // Check for multiple default edges. ret = this->CheckMultipleDefaultEdges(); if (ret < 0) return 1; errs += ret; // Check for cycles. ret = this->CheckCycles(); if (ret < 0) return 1; errs += ret; return errs; } // Code related to graph visualization. namespace llvm { template <> struct DOTGraphTraits<llvmc::CompilationGraph*> : public DefaultDOTGraphTraits { DOTGraphTraits (bool isSimple=false) : DefaultDOTGraphTraits(isSimple) {} template<typename GraphType> static std::string getNodeLabel(const Node* N, const GraphType&) { if (N->ToolPtr) if (N->ToolPtr->IsJoin()) return N->Name() + "\n (join" + (N->HasChildren() ? ")" : std::string(": ") + N->ToolPtr->OutputLanguage() + ')'); else return N->Name(); else return "root"; } template<typename EdgeIter> static std::string getEdgeSourceLabel(const Node* N, EdgeIter I) { if (N->ToolPtr) { return N->ToolPtr->OutputLanguage(); } else { const char** InLangs = I->ToolPtr->InputLanguages(); std::string ret; for (; *InLangs; ++InLangs) { if (*(InLangs + 1)) { ret += *InLangs; ret += ", "; } else { ret += *InLangs; } } return ret; } } }; } int CompilationGraph::writeGraph(const std::string& OutputFilename) { std::string ErrorInfo; raw_fd_ostream O(OutputFilename.c_str(), ErrorInfo); if (ErrorInfo.empty()) { errs() << "Writing '"<< OutputFilename << "' file..."; llvm::WriteGraph(O, this); errs() << "done.\n"; } else { PrintError("Error opening file '" + OutputFilename + "' for writing!"); return 1; } return 0; } void CompilationGraph::viewGraph() { llvm::ViewGraph(this, "compilation-graph"); }