.TH IPSCAN 8 .SH NAME ipscan \- user interface to the IPFilter content scanning .SH SYNOPSIS .B ipscan [ .B \-dlnrsv ] [ ] .B \-f <\fIfilename\fP> .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBipscan\fP opens the filename given (treating "\-" as stdin) and parses the file to build up a content scanning configuration to load into the kernel. Currently only the first 16 bytes of a connection can be compared. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-d Toggle debugging of processing the configuration file. .TP .B \-l Show the list of currently configured content scanning entries. .TP .B \-n This flag (no-change) prevents \fBipscan\fP from actually making any ioctl calls or doing anything which would alter the currently running kernel. .TP .B \-r Remove commands from kernel configuration as they are read from the configuration file rather than adding new ones. .TP .B \-s Retrieve and display content scanning statistics .TP .B \-v Turn verbose mode on. .DT .SH FILES /dev/ipscan /etc/ipscan.conf .SH SEE ALSO ipscan(5), ipf(8)