/* * Copyright (C) 2012 by Darren Reed. * * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing. * * Added redirect stuff and a variety of bug fixes. (mcn@EnGarde.com) */ #include "ipf.h" #if !defined(lint) static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id: printactiveaddr.c,v 2012/07/22 08:04:24 darren_r Exp $"; #endif void printactiveaddress(v, fmt, addr, ifname) int v; char *fmt, *ifname; i6addr_t *addr; { switch (v) { case 4 : PRINTF(fmt, inet_ntoa(addr->in4)); break; #ifdef USE_INET6 case 6 : printaddr(AF_INET6, FRI_NORMAL, ifname, 0, (u_32_t *)&addr->in6, NULL); break; #endif default : break; } }