// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * Gaius Mulley (gaius@glam.ac.uk) wrote html-text.cc * * html-text.cc * * provide a troff like state machine interface which * generates html text. */ /* This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "driver.h" #include "stringclass.h" #include "cset.h" #if !defined(TRUE) # define TRUE (1==1) #endif #if !defined(FALSE) # define FALSE (1==0) #endif #include "html-text.h" html_text::html_text (simple_output *op) : stackptr(NULL), lastptr(NULL), out(op), space_emitted(TRUE), current_indentation(-1), pageoffset(-1), linelength(-1) { } html_text::~html_text () { flush_text(); } /* * end_tag - shuts down the tag. */ void html_text::end_tag (tag_definition *t) { switch (t->type) { case I_TAG: out->put_string(""); break; case B_TAG: out->put_string(""); break; case P_TAG: out->put_string("

").nl().enable_newlines(FALSE); break; case SUB_TAG: out->put_string(""); break; case SUP_TAG: out->put_string(""); break; case TT_TAG: out->put_string(""); break; case PRE_TAG: out->put_string(""); if (! is_present(TABLE_TAG)) { out->nl(); out->enable_newlines(TRUE); } break; case SMALL_TAG: out->put_string(""); break; case BIG_TAG: out->put_string(""); break; case TABLE_TAG: issue_table_end(); break; default: error("unrecognised tag"); } } /* * issue_tag - writes out an html tag with argument. */ void html_text::issue_tag (char *tagname, char *arg) { if ((arg == 0) || (strlen(arg) == 0)) { out->put_string(tagname); out->put_string(">"); } else { out->put_string(tagname); out->put_string(" "); out->put_string(arg); out->put_string(">"); } } /* * start_tag - starts a tag. */ void html_text::start_tag (tag_definition *t) { switch (t->type) { case I_TAG: issue_tag("arg1); break; case B_TAG: issue_tag("arg1); break; case P_TAG: issue_tag("\narg1); out->enable_newlines(TRUE); break; case SUB_TAG: issue_tag("arg1); break; case SUP_TAG: issue_tag("arg1); break; case TT_TAG: issue_tag("arg1); break; case PRE_TAG: out->nl(); issue_tag("arg1); out->enable_newlines(FALSE); break; case SMALL_TAG: issue_tag("arg1); break; case BIG_TAG: issue_tag("arg1); break; case TABLE_TAG: issue_table_begin(t); break; case BREAK_TAG: break; default: error("unrecognised tag"); } } int html_text::table_is_void (tag_definition *t) { if (linelength > 0) { return( current_indentation*100/linelength <= 0 ); } else { return( FALSE ); } } void html_text::issue_table_begin (tag_definition *t) { if (linelength > 0) { int width=current_indentation*100/linelength; if (width > 0) { out->put_string("").nl(); out->put_string("").nl(); if ((t->arg1 == 0) || (strcmp(t->arg1, "") == 0)) out->put_string(""); else { out->put_string(""); t->arg1[0] = (char)0; } out->put_string("
").nl(); out->put_string(t->arg1).put_string("").nl(); } } } void html_text::issue_table_end (void) { out->put_string("
").nl(); out->enable_newlines(TRUE); } /* * flush_text - flushes html tags which are outstanding on the html stack. */ void html_text::flush_text (void) { int notext=TRUE; tag_definition *p=stackptr; while (stackptr != 0) { notext = (notext && (! stackptr->text_emitted)); if (! notext) { end_tag(stackptr); } p = stackptr; stackptr = stackptr->next; free(p); } lastptr = NULL; } /* * is_present - returns TRUE if tag is already present on the stack. */ int html_text::is_present (HTML_TAG t) { tag_definition *p=stackptr; while (p != NULL) { if (t == p->type) { return( TRUE ); } p = p->next; } return( FALSE ); } /* * push_para - adds a new entry onto the html paragraph stack. */ void html_text::push_para (HTML_TAG t, char *arg) { tag_definition *p=(tag_definition *)malloc(sizeof(tag_definition)); p->type = t; p->arg1 = arg; p->text_emitted = FALSE; /* * if t is a P_TAG or TABLE_TAG or PRE_TAG make sure it goes on the end of the stack. * But we insist that a TABLE_TAG is always after a PRE_TAG * and that a P_TAG is always after a TABLE_TAG */ if (((t == P_TAG) || (t == PRE_TAG) || (t == TABLE_TAG)) && (lastptr != NULL)) { if (((lastptr->type == TABLE_TAG) && (t == PRE_TAG)) || ((lastptr->type == P_TAG) && (t == TABLE_TAG))) { /* * insert p before the lastptr */ if (stackptr == lastptr) { /* * only on element of the stack */ p->next = stackptr; stackptr = p; } else { /* * more than one element is on the stack */ tag_definition *q = stackptr; while (q->next != lastptr) { q = q->next; } q->next = p; p->next = lastptr; } } else { /* * store, p, at the end */ lastptr->next = p; lastptr = p; p->next = NULL; } } else { p->next = stackptr; if (stackptr == NULL) lastptr = p; stackptr = p; } } /* * do_indent - remember the indent parameters and if * indent is > pageoff and indent has changed * then we start a html table to implement the indentation. */ void html_text::do_indent (char *arg, int indent, int pageoff, int linelen) { if ((current_indentation != -1) && (pageoffset+current_indentation != indent+pageoff)) { /* * actual indentation of text has changed, we need to put * a table tag onto the stack. */ do_table(arg); } current_indentation = indent; pageoffset = pageoff; linelength = linelen; } void html_text::do_table (char *arg) { int in_pre = is_in_pre(); // char *para_type = done_para(); done_pre(); shutdown(TABLE_TAG); // shutdown a previous table, if present remove_break(); if (in_pre) { do_pre(); } // do_para(para_type); push_para(TABLE_TAG, arg); } /* * done_table - terminates a possibly existing table. */ void html_text::done_table (void) { shutdown(TABLE_TAG); space_emitted = TRUE; } /* * do_italic - changes to italic */ void html_text::do_italic (void) { done_bold(); done_tt(); if (! is_present(I_TAG)) { push_para(I_TAG, ""); } } /* * do_bold - changes to bold. */ void html_text::do_bold (void) { done_italic(); done_tt(); if (! is_present(B_TAG)) { push_para(B_TAG, ""); } } /* * do_tt - changes to teletype. */ void html_text::do_tt (void) { done_bold(); done_italic(); if ((! is_present(TT_TAG)) && (! is_present(PRE_TAG))) { push_para(TT_TAG, ""); } } /* * do_pre - changes to preformated text. */ void html_text::do_pre (void) { done_bold(); done_italic(); done_tt(); (void)done_para(); if (! is_present(PRE_TAG)) { push_para(PRE_TAG, ""); } } /* * is_in_pre - returns TRUE if we are currently within a preformatted *

int html_text::is_in_pre (void)
  return( is_present(PRE_TAG) );

 *  is_in_table - returns TRUE if we are currently within a table.

int html_text::is_in_table (void)
  return( is_present(TABLE_TAG) );

 *  shutdown - shuts down an html tag.

char *html_text::shutdown (HTML_TAG t)
  char *arg=NULL;

  if (is_present(t)) {
    tag_definition *p    =stackptr;
    tag_definition *temp =NULL;
    int notext           =TRUE;
    while ((stackptr != NULL) && (stackptr->type != t)) {
      notext = (notext && (! stackptr->text_emitted));
      if (! notext) {

       *  pop tag
      p        = stackptr;
      stackptr = stackptr->next;
      if (stackptr == NULL)
	lastptr = NULL;
       *  push tag onto temp stack
      p->next  = temp;
      temp     = p;

     *  and examine stackptr
    if ((stackptr != NULL) && (stackptr->type == t)) {
      if (stackptr->text_emitted) {
      if (t == P_TAG) {
	arg = stackptr->arg1;
      p        = stackptr;
      stackptr = stackptr->next;
      if (stackptr == NULL)
	lastptr = NULL;

     *  and restore unaffected tags
    while (temp != NULL) {
      push_para(temp->type, temp->arg1);
      p    = temp;
      temp = temp->next;
  return( arg );

 *  done_bold - shuts downs a bold tag.

void html_text::done_bold (void)

 *  done_italic - shuts downs an italic tag.

void html_text::done_italic (void)

 *  done_sup - shuts downs a sup tag.

void html_text::done_sup (void)

 *  done_sub - shuts downs a sub tag.

void html_text::done_sub (void)

 *  done_tt - shuts downs a tt tag.

void html_text::done_tt (void)

 *  done_pre - shuts downs a pre tag.

void html_text::done_pre (void)

 *  done_small - shuts downs a small tag.

void html_text::done_small (void)

 *  done_big - shuts downs a big tag.

void html_text::done_big (void)

 *  check_emit_text - ensures that all previous tags have been emitted (in order)
 *                    before the text is written.

void html_text::check_emit_text (tag_definition *t)
  if ((t != NULL) && (! t->text_emitted)) {
     *  we peep and see whether there is a 

before the * in which case we skip the

*/ if (t->type == TABLE_TAG) { if (table_is_void(t)) { tag_definition *n = t->next; remove_def(t); check_emit_text(n); } else { /* * a table which will be emitted, is there a

succeeding it? */ if ((t->next != NULL) && (t->next->type == P_TAG) && ((t->next->arg1 == 0) || strcmp(t->next->arg1, "") == 0)) { /* * yes skip the

*/ check_emit_text(t->next->next); } else { check_emit_text(t->next); } t->text_emitted = TRUE; start_tag(t); } } else { check_emit_text(t->next); t->text_emitted = TRUE; start_tag(t); } } } /* * do_emittext - tells the class that text was written during the current tag. */ void html_text::do_emittext (char *s, int length) { if ((! is_present(P_TAG)) && (! is_present(PRE_TAG))) do_para(""); if (is_present(BREAK_TAG)) { int text = remove_break(); check_emit_text(stackptr); if (text) { if (is_present(PRE_TAG)) { out->nl(); } else { out->put_string("
").nl(); } } } else { check_emit_text(stackptr); } out->put_string(s, length); space_emitted = FALSE; } /* * do_para- starts a new paragraph */ void html_text::do_para (char *arg) { done_pre(); if (! is_present(P_TAG)) { remove_sub_sup(); if ((arg != 0) && (strcmp(arg, "") != 0)) { remove_tag(TABLE_TAG); } push_para(P_TAG, arg); space_emitted = TRUE; } } /* * done_para - shuts down a paragraph tag. */ char *html_text::done_para (void) { space_emitted = TRUE; return( shutdown(P_TAG) ); } /* * do_space - issues an end of paragraph */ void html_text::do_space (void) { if (is_in_pre()) { do_emittext("", 0); } else { do_para(done_para()); } space_emitted = TRUE; } /* * do_break - issue a break tag. */ void html_text::do_break (void) { if (! is_present(PRE_TAG)) { if (emitted_text()) { if (! is_present(BREAK_TAG)) { push_para(BREAK_TAG, ""); } } } space_emitted = TRUE; } /* * do_newline - issue a newline providing that we are inside a


void html_text::do_newline (void)
  if (is_present(PRE_TAG)) {
    do_emittext("\n", 1);
    space_emitted = TRUE;

 *  emitted_text - returns FALSE if white space has just been written.

int html_text::emitted_text (void)
  return( ! space_emitted);

 *  emit_space - writes a space providing that text was written beforehand.

void html_text::emit_space (void)
  if (space_emitted) {
    if (is_present(PRE_TAG)) {
      do_emittext(" ", 1);
  } else {
    space_emitted = TRUE;

 *  remove_def - removes a definition, t, from the stack.

void html_text::remove_def (tag_definition *t)
  tag_definition *p    = stackptr;
  tag_definition *l    = 0;
  tag_definition *q    = 0;
  while ((p != 0) && (p != t)) {
    l = p;
    p = p->next;
  if ((p != 0) && (p == t)) {
    if (p == stackptr) {
      stackptr = stackptr->next;
      if (stackptr == NULL)
	lastptr = NULL;
      q = stackptr;
    } else if (l == 0) {
      error("stack list pointers are wrong");
    } else {
      l->next = p->next;
      q = p->next;
      if (l->next == NULL)
	lastptr = l;

 *  remove_tag - removes a tag from the stack.

void html_text::remove_tag (HTML_TAG tag)
  tag_definition *p = stackptr;
  while ((p != 0) && (p->type != tag)) {
    p = p->next;
  if ((p != 0) && (p->type == tag))

 *  remove_sub_sup - removes a sub or sup tag, should either exist on the stack.

void html_text::remove_sub_sup (void)
  if (is_present(SUB_TAG)) {
  if (is_present(SUP_TAG)) {
  if (is_present(PRE_TAG)) {

 *  remove_break - break tags are not balanced thus remove it once it has been emitted.
 *                 It returns TRUE if text was emitted before the 
was issued. */ int html_text::remove_break (void) { tag_definition *p = stackptr; tag_definition *l = 0; tag_definition *q = 0; while ((p != 0) && (p->type != BREAK_TAG)) { l = p; p = p->next; } if ((p != 0) && (p->type == BREAK_TAG)) { if (p == stackptr) { stackptr = stackptr->next; if (stackptr == NULL) lastptr = NULL; q = stackptr; } else if (l == 0) { error("stack list pointers are wrong"); } else { l->next = p->next; q = p->next; if (l->next == NULL) lastptr = l; } free(p); } /* * now determine whether text was issued before
*/ while (q != 0) { if (q->text_emitted) { return( TRUE ); } else { q = q->next; } } return( FALSE ); } /* * do_small - potentially inserts a tag into the html stream. * However we check for a tag, if present then we terminate it. * Otherwise a tag is inserted. */ void html_text::do_small (void) { if (is_present(BIG_TAG)) { done_big(); } else { push_para(SMALL_TAG, ""); } } /* * do_big - is the mirror image of do_small. */ void html_text::do_big (void) { if (is_present(SMALL_TAG)) { done_small(); } else { push_para(BIG_TAG, ""); } } /* * do_sup - save a superscript tag on the stack of tags. */ void html_text::do_sup (void) { push_para(SUP_TAG, ""); } /* * do_sub - save a subscript tag on the stack of tags. */ void html_text::do_sub (void) { push_para(SUB_TAG, ""); }