This is groff, produced by makeinfo version 4.3d from ./groff.texinfo. This manual documents GNU `troff' version 1.19. Copyright (C) 1994-2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being `A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled `GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: `You have freedom to copy and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the Free Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development." INFO-DIR-SECTION Typesetting START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Groff: (groff). The GNU troff document formatting system. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File: groff, Node: Register Index, Next: Macro Index, Prev: Operator Index, Up: Top Register Index ************** The macro package or program a specific register belongs to is appended in brackets. A register name `x' consisting of exactly one character can be accessed as `\nx'. A register name `xx' consisting of exactly two characters can be accessed as `\n(xx'. Register names `xxx' of any length can be accessed as `\n[xxx]'. * Menu: * $$: Built-in Registers. * %: Page Layout. * .$: Parameters. * .a: Manipulating Spacing. * .A: Built-in Registers. * .b: Artificial Fonts. * .C: Implementation Differences. * .c: Built-in Registers. * .cdp: Environments. * .ce: Manipulating Filling and Adjusting. * .cht: Environments. * .color: Colors. * .csk: Environments. * .d: Diversions. * .ev: Environments. * .f: Font Positions. * .F: Built-in Registers. * .fam: Font Families. * .fn: Font Families. * .fp: Font Positions. * .g: Built-in Registers. * .h: Diversions. * .H: Built-in Registers. * .height: Artificial Fonts. * .hla: Manipulating Hyphenation. * .hlc: Manipulating Hyphenation. * .hlm: Manipulating Hyphenation. * .hy: Manipulating Hyphenation. * .hym: Manipulating Hyphenation. * .hys: Manipulating Hyphenation. * .i: Line Layout. * .in: Line Layout. * .int: Line Control. * .j: Manipulating Filling and Adjusting. * .k: Page Motions. * .kern: Ligatures and Kerning. * .l: Line Layout. * .L: Manipulating Spacing. * .lg: Ligatures and Kerning. * .linetabs: Tabs and Fields. * .ll: Line Layout. * .lt: Page Layout. * .n: Environments. * .ne: Page Location Traps. * .ns: Manipulating Spacing. * .o: Line Layout. * .p: Page Layout. * .P: Built-in Registers. * .pe: Page Location Traps. * .pn: Page Layout. * .ps: Fractional Type Sizes. * .psr: Fractional Type Sizes. * .pvs: Changing Type Sizes. * .rj: Manipulating Filling and Adjusting. * .s: Changing Type Sizes. * .slant: Artificial Fonts. * .sr: Fractional Type Sizes. * .ss: Manipulating Filling and Adjusting. * .sss: Manipulating Filling and Adjusting. * .t: Page Location Traps. * .T: Built-in Registers. * .tabs: Tabs and Fields. * .trunc: Page Location Traps. * .u: Manipulating Filling and Adjusting. * .v: Changing Type Sizes. * .V: Built-in Registers. * .vpt: Page Location Traps. * .w: Environments. * .warn: Debugging. * .x: Built-in Registers. * .Y: Built-in Registers. * .y: Built-in Registers. * .z: Diversions. * c.: Built-in Registers. * ct: Page Motions. * dl: Diversions. * dn: Diversions. * dw: Built-in Registers. * dy: Built-in Registers. * FF [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * FI [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * FL [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * FM [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * HM [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * hours: Built-in Registers. * hp: Page Motions. * LL [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * llx: Miscellaneous. * lly: Miscellaneous. * ln: Built-in Registers. * LT [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * MINGW [ms] <1>: Additional ms Macros. * MINGW [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * minutes: Built-in Registers. * mo: Built-in Registers. * nl: Page Control. * opmaxx: Suppressing output. * opmaxy: Suppressing output. * opminx: Suppressing output. * opminy: Suppressing output. * PD [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * PI [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * PO [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * PS [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * ps4html [grohtml]: grohtml specific registers and strings. * QI [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * rsb: Page Motions. * rst: Page Motions. * sb: Page Motions. * seconds: Built-in Registers. * skw: Page Motions. * slimit: Debugging. * ssc: Page Motions. * st: Page Motions. * systat: I/O. * urx: Miscellaneous. * ury: Miscellaneous. * VS [ms]: ms Document Control Registers. * year: Built-in Registers. * yr: Built-in Registers.  File: groff, Node: Macro Index, Next: String Index, Prev: Register Index, Up: Top Macro Index *********** The macro package a specific macro belongs to is appended in brackets. They appear without the leading control character (normally `.'). * Menu: * 1C [ms]: ms Multiple Columns. * 2C [ms]: ms Multiple Columns. * [ [ms]: ms Insertions. * ] [ms]: ms Insertions. * AB [ms]: ms Cover Page Macros. * AE [ms]: ms Cover Page Macros. * AI [ms]: ms Cover Page Macros. * AM [ms] <1>: Additional ms Macros. * AM [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * AT [man]: Miscellaneous man macros. * AU [ms]: ms Cover Page Macros. * B [man]: Man font macros. * B [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * B1 [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * B2 [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * BD [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * BI [man]: Man font macros. * BI [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * BR [man]: Man font macros. * BT [man]: Optional man extensions. * BX [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * CD [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * CT [man]: Optional man extensions. * CW [man]: Optional man extensions. * CW [ms] <1>: Additional ms Macros. * CW [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * DA [ms]: ms Cover Page Macros. * De [man]: Optional man extensions. * DE [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * Ds [man]: Optional man extensions. * DS [ms] <1>: Additional ms Macros. * DS [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * DT [man]: Miscellaneous man macros. * EE [man]: Optional man extensions. * EF [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * EH [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * EN [ms]: ms Insertions. * EQ [ms]: ms Insertions. * EX [man]: Optional man extensions. * FE [ms]: ms Footnotes. * FS [ms]: ms Footnotes. * G [man]: Optional man extensions. * GL [man]: Optional man extensions. * HB [man]: Optional man extensions. * HP [man]: Man usage. * I [man]: Man font macros. * I [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * IB [man]: Man font macros. * ID [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * IP [man]: Man usage. * IP [ms]: Lists in ms. * IR [man]: Man font macros. * IX [ms]: Additional ms Macros. * KE [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * KF [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * KS [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * LD [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * LG [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * LP [man]: Man usage. * LP [ms]: Paragraphs in ms. * MC [ms]: ms Multiple Columns. * MS [man]: Optional man extensions. * ND [ms]: ms Cover Page Macros. * NE [man]: Optional man extensions. * NH [ms]: Headings in ms. * NL [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * NT [man]: Optional man extensions. * OF [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * OH [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * P [man]: Man usage. * PD [man]: Miscellaneous man macros. * PE [ms]: ms Insertions. * Pn [man]: Optional man extensions. * PN [man]: Optional man extensions. * PP [man]: Man usage. * PP [ms]: Paragraphs in ms. * PS [ms]: ms Insertions. * PT [man]: Optional man extensions. * PX [ms]: ms TOC. * QP [ms]: Paragraphs in ms. * R [man]: Optional man extensions. * R [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * RB [man]: Man font macros. * RD [ms]: ms Displays and Keeps. * RE [man]: Man usage. * RE [ms]: Indents in ms. * RI [man]: Man font macros. * RN [man]: Optional man extensions. * RP [ms]: ms Cover Page Macros. * RS [man]: Man usage. * RS [ms]: Indents in ms. * SB [man]: Man font macros. * SH [man]: Man usage. * SH [ms]: Headings in ms. * SM [man]: Man font macros. * SM [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * SS [man]: Man usage. * TA [ms]: Tabstops in ms. * TB [man]: Optional man extensions. * TC [ms]: ms TOC. * TE [ms]: ms Insertions. * TH [man]: Man usage. * TL [ms]: ms Cover Page Macros. * TP [man]: Man usage. * TS [ms]: ms Insertions. * UC [man]: Miscellaneous man macros. * UL [ms]: Highlighting in ms. * VE [man]: Optional man extensions. * VS [man]: Optional man extensions. * XA [ms]: ms TOC. * XE [ms]: ms TOC. * XP [ms]: Paragraphs in ms. * XS [ms]: ms TOC.  File: groff, Node: String Index, Next: Glyph Name Index, Prev: Macro Index, Up: Top String Index ************ The macro package or program a specific string belongs to is appended in brackets. A string name `x' consisting of exactly one character can be accessed as `\*x'. A string name `xx' consisting of exactly two characters can be accessed as `\*(xx'. String names `xxx' of any length can be accessed as `\*[xxx]'. * Menu: * ! [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * ' [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * * [ms]: ms Footnotes. * *Q [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * *U [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * , [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * - [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * . [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * .T: Built-in Registers. * 3 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * 8 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * ? [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * \*[] [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * ^ [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * _ [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * ` [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * ABSTRACT [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * Ae [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * ae [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * CF [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * CH [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * d- [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * D- [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * HF [man]: Predefined man strings. * LF [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * LH [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * lq [man]: Predefined man strings. * MONTH1 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH10 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH11 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH12 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH2 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH3 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH4 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH5 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH6 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH7 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH8 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * MONTH9 [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * o [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * q [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * R [man]: Predefined man strings. * REFERENCES [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * RF [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * RH [ms]: ms Headers and Footers. * rq [man]: Predefined man strings. * S [man]: Predefined man strings. * th [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * Th [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * Tm [man]: Predefined man strings. * TOC [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * v [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters. * www-image-template [grohtml]: grohtml specific registers and strings. * ~ [ms]: ms Strings and Special Characters.  File: groff, Node: Glyph Name Index, Next: Font File Keyword Index, Prev: String Index, Up: Top Glyph Name Index **************** A glyph name `xx' consisting of exactly two characters can be accessed as `\(xx'. Glyph names `xxx' of any length can be accessed as `\[xxx]'.  File: groff, Node: Font File Keyword Index, Next: Program and File Index, Prev: Glyph Name Index, Up: Top Font File Keyword Index *********************** * Menu: * #: Font File Format. * ---: Font File Format. * biggestfont: DESC File Format. * charset <1>: Font File Format. * charset: DESC File Format. * family <1>: DESC File Format. * family <2>: Font Positions. * family: Changing Fonts. * fonts <1>: DESC File Format. * fonts <2>: Special Fonts. * fonts: Using Symbols. * hor: DESC File Format. * kernpairs: Font File Format. * ligatures: Font File Format. * name: Font File Format. * papersize: DESC File Format. * pass_filenames: DESC File Format. * postpro: DESC File Format. * prepro: DESC File Format. * print: DESC File Format. * res: DESC File Format. * sizes: DESC File Format. * sizescale: DESC File Format. * slant: Font File Format. * spacewidth: Font File Format. * spare1: DESC File Format. * spare2: DESC File Format. * special <1>: Font File Format. * special: Artificial Fonts. * styles <1>: DESC File Format. * styles <2>: Font Positions. * styles <3>: Font Families. * styles: Changing Fonts. * tcommand: DESC File Format. * unitwidth: DESC File Format. * use_charnames_in_special <1>: DESC File Format. * use_charnames_in_special: Postprocessor Access. * vert: DESC File Format.  File: groff, Node: Program and File Index, Next: Concept Index, Prev: Font File Keyword Index, Up: Top Program and File Index ********************** * Menu: * an.tmac: man. * changebar: Miscellaneous. * composite.tmac: Using Symbols. * cp1047.tmac: Input Encodings. * DESC <1>: Special Fonts. * DESC <2>: Using Symbols. * DESC <3>: Font Positions. * DESC <4>: Font Families. * DESC: Changing Fonts. * DESC file format: DESC File Format. * DESC, and font mounting: Font Positions. * DESC, and use_charnames_in_special: Postprocessor Access. * ditroff: History. * ec.tmac: Input Encodings. * eqn: ms Insertions. * freeeuro.pfa: Input Encodings. * geqn: Groff Options. * geqn, invocation in manual pages: Preprocessors in man pages. * ggrn: Groff Options. * gpic: Groff Options. * grap: Groff Options. * grefer: Groff Options. * grefer, invocation in manual pages: Preprocessors in man pages. * groff: Groff Options. * grog: grog. * grohtml: Miscellaneous man macros. * gsoelim: Groff Options. * gtbl: Groff Options. * gtbl, invocation in manual pages: Preprocessors in man pages. * gtroff: Groff Options. * Manipulating Hyphenation. * Manipulating Hyphenation. * latin1.tmac: Input Encodings. * latin2.tmac: Input Encodings. * latin9.tmac: Input Encodings. * makeindex: Indices. * man, invocation of preprocessors: Preprocessors in man pages. * man-old.tmac: man. * man.local <1>: Optional man extensions. * man.local: Man usage. * man.tmac: man. * man.ultrix: Optional man extensions. * nrchbar: Miscellaneous. * papersize.tmac: Paper Size. * perl: I/O. * pic: ms Insertions. * post-grohtml: Groff Options. * pre-grohtml: Groff Options. * refer: ms Insertions. * soelim: Debugging. * tbl: ms Insertions. * trace.tmac: Writing Macros. * troffrc <1>: Line Layout. * troffrc <2>: Troff and Nroff Mode. * troffrc <3>: Manipulating Hyphenation. * troffrc <4>: Paper Size. * troffrc: Groff Options. * troffrc-end <1>: Troff and Nroff Mode. * troffrc-end <2>: Manipulating Hyphenation. * troffrc-end: Groff Options. * tty.tmac: Troff and Nroff Mode.