# $File: wordprocessors,v 1.19 2015/10/16 15:11:07 christos Exp $
# wordprocessors:  file(1) magic fo word processors.
####### PWP file format used on Smith Corona Personal Word Processors:
2	string	\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040ML4D\040'92	Smith Corona PWP
>24	byte	2	\b, single spaced
>24	byte	3	\b, 1.5 spaced
>24	byte	4	\b, double spaced
>25	byte	0x42	\b, letter
>25	byte	0x54	\b, legal
>26	byte	0x46	\b, A4

# Corel/WordPerfect
0	string	\xffWPC
# WordPerfect
>8	byte	1
>>9	byte	1	WordPerfect macro
>>9	byte	2	WordPerfect help file
>>9	byte	3	WordPerfect keyboard file
>>9	byte	10	WordPerfect document
>>9	byte	11	WordPerfect dictionary
>>9	byte	12	WordPerfect thesaurus
>>9	byte	13	WordPerfect block
>>9	byte	14	WordPerfect rectangular block
>>9	byte	15	WordPerfect column block
>>9	byte	16	WordPerfect printer data
>>9	byte	19	WordPerfect printer data
>>9	byte	20	WordPerfect driver resource data
>>9	byte	22	WordPerfect graphic image
>>9	byte	23	WordPerfect hyphenation code
>>9	byte	24	WordPerfect hyphenation data
>>9	byte	25	WordPerfect macro resource data
>>9	byte	27	WordPerfect hyphenation lex
>>9	byte	29	WordPerfect wordlist
>>9	byte	30	WordPerfect equation resource data
>>9	byte	33	WordPerfect spell rules
>>9	byte	34	WordPerfect dictionary rules
>>9	byte	39	WordPerfect spell rules (Microlytics)
>>9	byte	43	WordPerfect settings file
>>9	byte	44	WordPerfect 3.5 document
>>9	byte	45	WordPerfect 4.2 document
>>9	byte	69	WordPerfect dialog file
>>9	byte	76	WordPerfect button bar
>>9	default x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel WordPerfect: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Shell
>8	byte	2
>>9	byte	1	Corel shell macro
>>9	byte	10	Corel shell definition
>>9	default x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Shell: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Notebook
>8	byte	3
>>9	byte	1	Corel Notebook macro
>>9	byte	2	Corel Notebook help file
>>9	byte	3	Corel Notebook keyboard file
>>9	byte	10	Corel Notebook definition
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Notebook: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Calculator
>8	byte	4
>>9	byte	2	Corel Calculator help file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Calculator: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel File Manager
>8	byte	5
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel File Manager: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Calendar
>8	byte	6
>>9	byte 	2	Corel Calendar help file
>>9	byte 	10	Corel Calendar data file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Calendar: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Program Editor/Ed Editor
>8	byte	7
>>9	byte	1	Corel Editor macro
>>9	byte	2	Corel Editor help file
>>9	byte	3	Corel Editor keyboard file
>>9	byte	25	Corel Editor macro resource file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Program Editor/Ed Editor: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Macro Editor
>8	byte	8
>>9	byte 	1	Corel Macro editor macro
>>9	byte 	2	Corel Macro editor help file
>>9	byte	3	Corel Macro editor keyboard file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Macro Editor: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Plan Perfect
>8	byte	9
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Plan Perfect: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel DataPerfect
>8	byte	10
# CHECK: Don't these belong into product 9?
>>9	byte	1	Corel PlanPerfect macro
>>9	byte	2	Corel PlanPerfect help file
>>9	byte	3	Corel PlanPerfect keyboard file
>>9	byte	10	Corel PlanPerfect worksheet
>>9	byte	15	Corel PlanPerfect printer definition
>>9	byte	18	Corel PlanPerfect graphic definition
>>9	byte	19	Corel PlanPerfect data
>>9	byte	20	Corel PlanPerfect temporary printer
>>9	byte	25	Corel PlanPerfect macro resource data
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel DataPerfect: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Mail
>8	byte	11
>>9	byte	2	Corel Mail help file
>>9	byte	5	Corel Mail distribution list
>>9	byte	10	Corel Mail out box
>>9	byte	11	Corel Mail in box
>>9	byte	20	Corel Mail users archived mailbox
>>9	byte	21	Corel Mail archived message database
>>9	byte	22	Corel Mail archived attachments
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Mail: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Printer
>8	byte	12
>>9	byte	11	Corel Printer temporary file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Printer: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Scheduler
>8	byte	13
>>9	byte	2	Corel Scheduler help file
>>9	byte	10	Corel Scheduler in file
>>9	byte	11	Corel Scheduler out file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Scheduler: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel WordPerfect Office
>8	byte	14
>>9	byte	10	Corel GroupWise settings file
>>9	byte	17	Corel GroupWise directory services
>>9	byte	43	Corel GroupWise settings file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel WordPerfect Office: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel DrawPerfect
>8	byte	15
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel DrawPerfect: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel LetterPerfect
>8	byte	16
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel LetterPerfect: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel Terminal
>8	byte	17
>>9	byte	10	Corel Terminal resource data
>>9	byte	11	Corel Terminal resource data
>>9	byte	43	Corel Terminal resource data
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Terminal: Unknown filetype %d
# Corel loadable file
>8	byte	18
>>9	byte	10	Corel loadable file
>>9	byte	11	Corel GUI loadable text
>>9	byte	12	Corel graphics resource data
>>9	byte	13	Corel printer settings file
>>9	byte	14	Corel port definition file
>>9	byte	15	Corel print queue parameters
>>9	byte	16	Corel compressed file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel loadable file: Unknown filetype %d
>>15	byte	0	\b, optimized for Intel
>>15	byte	1	\b, optimized for Non-Intel
# Network service
>8	byte	20
>>9	byte	10	Corel Network service msg file
>>9	byte	11	Corel Network service msg file
>>9	byte	12	Corel Async gateway login msg
>>9	byte	14	Corel GroupWise message file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	Corel Network service: Unknown filetype %d
# GroupWise
>8	byte	31
>>9	byte	20	GroupWise admin domain database
>>9	byte	21	GroupWise admin host database
>>9	byte	23	GroupWise admin remote host database
>>9	byte	24	GroupWise admin ADS deferment data file
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	GroupWise: Unknown filetype %d
# IntelliTAG
>8	byte	33
>>9	byte	10	IntelliTAG (SGML) compiled DTD
>>9	default	x
>>>9	byte	x	IntelliTAG: Unknown filetype %d
# everything else
>8	default x
>>8	byte	x	Unknown Corel/Wordperfect product %d,
>>>9	byte	x	file type %d
>10	byte	0	\b, v5.
>10	byte	!0	\b, v%d.
>11	byte	x	\b%d

# Hangul (Korean) Word Processor File
0	string	HWP\ Document\ File	Hangul (Korean) Word Processor File 3.0
# From: Won-Kyu Park <wkpark@kldp.org>
512	string		R\0o\0o\0t\0	Hangul (Korean) Word Processor File 2000
!:mime	application/x-hwp

# CosmicBook, from Benoit Rouits
0       string  CSBK    Ted Neslson's CosmicBook hypertext file

2       string  EYWR    AmigaWriter file

# chi:  file(1) magic for ChiWriter files
0       string          \\1cw\          ChiWriter file
>5      string          >\0             version %s
0       string          \\1cw           ChiWriter file

# Quark Express from http://www.garykessler.net/library/file_sigs.html
2	string	IIXPR3			Intel Quark Express Document (English)
2	string	IIXPRa			Intel Quark Express Document (Korean)
2	string	MMXPR3			Motorola Quark Express Document (English)
!:mime	application/x-quark-xpress-3
2	string	MMXPRa			Motorola Quark Express Document (Korean)

# adobe indesign (document, whatever...) from querkan
0	belong	0x0606edf5		Adobe InDesign
>16	string	DOCUMENT		Document

# ichitaro456: file(1) magic for Just System Word Processor Ichitaro
# Contributor kenzo-:
# Reversed-engineered JS Ichitaro magic numbers

0	string		DOC
>43	byte		0x14	Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v4
!:mime	application/x-ichitaro4
>144	string	JDASH		application/x-ichitaro4

0	string		DOC
>43	byte		0x15	Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v5
!:mime	application/x-ichitaro5

0	string		DOC
>43	byte		0x16	Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v6
!:mime	application/x-ichitaro6

# Type: Freemind mindmap documents
# From: Jamie Thompson <debian-bugs@jamie-thompson.co.uk>
0	string/w	\<map\ version	Freemind document
!:mime	application/x-freemind

# Type: Freeplane mindmap documents
# From: Felix Natter <fnatter@gmx.net>
0       string/w        \<map\ version="freeplane  Freeplane document
!:mime  application/x-freeplane

# Type:        Scribus
# From:        Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
0	string	\<SCRIBUSUTF8\ Version		Scribus Document
0	string	\<SCRIBUSUTF8NEW\ Version	Scribus Document
!:mime	application/x-scribus

# help files .hlp compiled from html and used by gfxboot added by Joerg Jenderek
# markups page=0x04,label=0x12, followed by strings like "opt" or "main" and title=0x14
0	ulelong&0x8080FFFF	0x00001204	gfxboot compiled html help file