# $File: motorola,v 1.11 2014/04/30 21:41:02 christos Exp $
# motorola:  file(1) magic for Motorola 68K and 88K binaries
# 68K
0	beshort		0520		mc68k COFF
>18	beshort		^00000020	object
>18	beshort		&00000020	executable
>12	belong		>0		not stripped
>168	string		.lowmem		Apple toolbox
>20	beshort		0407		(impure)
>20	beshort		0410		(pure)
>20	beshort		0413		(demand paged)
>20	beshort		0421		(standalone)
0	beshort		0521		mc68k executable (shared)
>12	belong		>0		not stripped
0	beshort		0522		mc68k executable (shared demand paged)
>12	belong		>0		not stripped
# Motorola/UniSoft 68K Binary Compatibility Standard (BCS)
0	beshort		0554		68K BCS executable
# 88K
# Motorola/88Open BCS
0	beshort		0555		88K BCS executable
# Motorola S-Records, from Gerd Truschinski <gt@freebsd.first.gmd.de>
0   string      S0          Motorola S-Record; binary data in text format

# ATARI ST relocatable PRG
# from Oskar Schirmer <schirmer@scara.com> Feb 3, 2001
# (according to Roland Waldi, Oct 21, 1987)
# besides the magic 0x601a, the text segment size is checked to be
# not larger than 1 MB (which is a lot on ST).
# The additional 0x601b distinction I took from Doug Lee's magic.
0	belong&0xFFFFFFF0	0x601A0000	Atari ST M68K contiguous executable
>2	belong			x		(txt=%d,
>6	belong			x		dat=%d,
>10	belong			x		bss=%d,
>14	belong			x		sym=%d)
0	belong&0xFFFFFFF0	0x601B0000	Atari ST M68K non-contig executable
>2	belong			x		(txt=%d,
>6	belong			x		dat=%d,
>10	belong			x		bss=%d,
>14	belong			x		sym=%d)

# Atari ST/TT... program format (sent by Wolfram Kleff <kleff@cs.uni-bonn.de>)
0       beshort         0x601A          Atari 68xxx executable,
>2      belong          x               text len %u,
>6      belong          x               data len %u,
>10     belong          x               BSS len %u,
>14     belong          x               symboltab len %u,
>18     belong          0
>22     belong          &0x01           fastload flag,
>22     belong          &0x02           may be loaded to alternate RAM,
>22     belong          &0x04           malloc may be from alternate RAM,
>22     belong          x               flags: 0x%X,
>26     beshort         0               no relocation tab
>26     beshort         !0              + relocation tab
>30     string          SFX             [Self-Extracting LZH SFX archive]
>38     string          SFX             [Self-Extracting LZH SFX archive]
>44     string          ZIP!            [Self-Extracting ZIP SFX archive]

0       beshort         0x0064          Atari 68xxx CPX file
>8      beshort         x               (version %04x)