CVS Development Policies This file, DEVEL-CVS, contains the policies by which the CVS development group operates. Also see the HACKING file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Charter for the devel-cvs mailing list: The CVS Developers' List exists to help people with access to the CVS source repository co-ordinate changes, make releases, and administer the repository. Everyone who has been given checkin access to the repository for the CVS sources should read devel-cvs. Only those with checkin access may send messages to the list. The devel-cvs list may be used to discuss: - administrivia regarding the CVS source repository and release process, and - changes and features intended for inclusion in the official CVS release (either source code or documentation), which someone plans to implement, or has implemented. The devel-cvs list should not be used to discuss: - changes or features to packages other than the CVS release (e.g., related packages like tkCVS, RAD/CVS, or other groups' distributions of CVS, like RCVS, etc.), - changes which nobody has offered to implement, or - the philosophy of CVS (as opposed to a specific change to CVS). These topics should either go on info-cvs, or have a new mailing list created for them. The topic restrictions in this charter do not reflect the development group's future plans for CVS; rather, they reflect a topic classification which the group finds helpful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Policies regarding the CVS source repository: By checking items into the repository, developers agree to permit distribution of such items under the terms of the GNU Public License. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure for dealing with people who want to be developers: People who want checkin access (checkout-only access is available primarily via snapshots, for technical reasons) are first requested to send patches and have them reviewed by a developer. If they submit some good ones (preferably over a period of time, to demonstrate sustained interest), then one of the developers can ask the devel-cvs mailing list whether it is OK to make this person a developer (after first sending the prospective developer a copy of this file and then having the prospective developer say they want to be a developer). If there are no objections, an account will be created.