/*- * Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Maxime Henrion * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "detailer.h" #include "fattr.h" #include "fixups.h" #include "globtree.h" #include "keyword.h" #include "lister.h" #include "misc.h" #include "mux.h" #include "proto.h" #include "queue.h" #include "stream.h" #include "threads.h" #include "updater.h" struct killer { pthread_t thread; sigset_t sigset; struct mux *mux; int killedby; }; static void killer_start(struct killer *, struct mux *); static void *killer_run(void *); static void killer_stop(struct killer *); static int proto_waitconnect(int); static int proto_greet(struct config *); static int proto_negproto(struct config *); static int proto_login(struct config *); static int proto_fileattr(struct config *); static int proto_xchgcoll(struct config *); static struct mux *proto_mux(struct config *); static int proto_escape(struct stream *, const char *); static void proto_unescape(char *); static int proto_waitconnect(int s) { fd_set readfd; socklen_t len; int error, rv, soerror; FD_ZERO(&readfd); FD_SET(s, &readfd); do { rv = select(s + 1, &readfd, NULL, NULL, NULL); } while (rv == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (rv == -1) return (-1); /* Check that the connection was really successful. */ len = sizeof(soerror); error = getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &soerror, &len); if (error) { /* We have no choice but faking an error here. */ errno = ECONNREFUSED; return (-1); } if (soerror) { errno = soerror; return (-1); } return (0); } /* Connect to the CVSup server. */ int proto_connect(struct config *config, int family, uint16_t port) { char addrbuf[NI_MAXHOST]; /* Enough to hold sizeof("cvsup") or any port number. */ char servname[8]; struct addrinfo *res, *ai, hints; int error, opt, s; s = -1; if (port != 0) snprintf(servname, sizeof(servname), "%d", port); else { strncpy(servname, "cvsup", sizeof(servname) - 1); servname[sizeof(servname) - 1] = '\0'; } memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = family; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; error = getaddrinfo(config->host, servname, &hints, &res); /* * Try with the hardcoded port number for OSes that don't * have cvsup defined in the /etc/services file. */ if (error == EAI_SERVICE) { strncpy(servname, "5999", sizeof(servname) - 1); servname[sizeof(servname) - 1] = '\0'; error = getaddrinfo(config->host, servname, &hints, &res); } if (error) { lprintf(0, "Name lookup failure for \"%s\": %s\n", config->host, gai_strerror(error)); return (STATUS_TRANSIENTFAILURE); } for (ai = res; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next) { s = socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol); if (s != -1) { error = 0; if (config->laddr != NULL) { opt = 1; (void)setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof(opt)); error = bind(s, config->laddr, config->laddrlen); } if (!error) { error = connect(s, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen); if (error && errno == EINTR) error = proto_waitconnect(s); } if (error) close(s); } (void)getnameinfo(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen, addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); if (s == -1 || error) { lprintf(0, "Cannot connect to %s: %s\n", addrbuf, strerror(errno)); continue; } lprintf(1, "Connected to %s\n", addrbuf); freeaddrinfo(res); config->socket = s; return (STATUS_SUCCESS); } freeaddrinfo(res); return (STATUS_TRANSIENTFAILURE); } /* Greet the server. */ static int proto_greet(struct config *config) { char *line, *cmd, *msg, *swver; struct stream *s; s = config->server; line = stream_getln(s, NULL); cmd = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (cmd == NULL) goto bad; if (strcmp(cmd, "OK") == 0) { (void)proto_get_ascii(&line); /* major number */ (void)proto_get_ascii(&line); /* minor number */ swver = proto_get_ascii(&line); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "!") == 0) { msg = proto_get_rest(&line); if (msg == NULL) goto bad; lprintf(-1, "Rejected by server: %s\n", msg); return (STATUS_TRANSIENTFAILURE); } else goto bad; lprintf(2, "Server software version: %s\n", swver != NULL ? swver : "."); return (STATUS_SUCCESS); bad: lprintf(-1, "Invalid greeting from server\n"); return (STATUS_FAILURE); } /* Negotiate protocol version with the server. */ static int proto_negproto(struct config *config) { struct stream *s; char *cmd, *line, *msg; int error, maj, min; s = config->server; proto_printf(s, "PROTO %d %d %s\n", PROTO_MAJ, PROTO_MIN, PROTO_SWVER); stream_flush(s); line = stream_getln(s, NULL); cmd = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (cmd == NULL || line == NULL) goto bad; if (strcmp(cmd, "!") == 0) { msg = proto_get_rest(&line); lprintf(-1, "Protocol negotiation failed: %s\n", msg); return (1); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "PROTO") != 0) goto bad; error = proto_get_int(&line, &maj, 10); if (!error) error = proto_get_int(&line, &min, 10); if (error) goto bad; if (maj != PROTO_MAJ || min != PROTO_MIN) { lprintf(-1, "Server protocol version %d.%d not supported " "by client\n", maj, min); return (STATUS_FAILURE); } return (STATUS_SUCCESS); bad: lprintf(-1, "Invalid PROTO command from server\n"); return (STATUS_FAILURE); } static int proto_login(struct config *config) { struct stream *s; char hostbuf[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; char *line, *login, *host, *cmd, *realm, *challenge, *msg; int error; s = config->server; error = gethostname(hostbuf, sizeof(hostbuf)); hostbuf[sizeof(hostbuf) - 1] = '\0'; if (error) host = NULL; else host = hostbuf; login = getlogin(); proto_printf(s, "USER %s %s\n", login != NULL ? login : "?", host != NULL ? host : "?"); stream_flush(s); line = stream_getln(s, NULL); cmd = proto_get_ascii(&line); realm = proto_get_ascii(&line); challenge = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (challenge == NULL || line != NULL) goto bad; if (strcmp(realm, ".") != 0 || strcmp(challenge, ".") != 0) { lprintf(-1, "Authentication required by the server and not " "supported by client\n"); return (STATUS_FAILURE); } proto_printf(s, "AUTHMD5 . . .\n"); stream_flush(s); line = stream_getln(s, NULL); cmd = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (cmd == NULL || line == NULL) goto bad; if (strcmp(cmd, "OK") == 0) return (STATUS_SUCCESS); if (strcmp(cmd, "!") == 0) { msg = proto_get_rest(&line); if (msg == NULL) goto bad; lprintf(-1, "Server error: %s\n", msg); return (STATUS_FAILURE); } bad: lprintf(-1, "Invalid server reply to AUTHMD5\n"); return (STATUS_FAILURE); } /* * File attribute support negotiation. */ static int proto_fileattr(struct config *config) { fattr_support_t support; struct stream *s; char *line, *cmd; int error, i, n, attr; s = config->server; lprintf(2, "Negotiating file attribute support\n"); proto_printf(s, "ATTR %d\n", FT_NUMBER); for (i = 0; i < FT_NUMBER; i++) proto_printf(s, "%x\n", fattr_supported(i)); proto_printf(s, ".\n"); stream_flush(s); line = stream_getln(s, NULL); if (line == NULL) goto bad; cmd = proto_get_ascii(&line); error = proto_get_int(&line, &n, 10); if (error || line != NULL || strcmp(cmd, "ATTR") != 0 || n > FT_NUMBER) goto bad; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { line = stream_getln(s, NULL); if (line == NULL) goto bad; error = proto_get_int(&line, &attr, 16); if (error) goto bad; support[i] = fattr_supported(i) & attr; } for (i = n; i < FT_NUMBER; i++) support[i] = 0; line = stream_getln(s, NULL); if (line == NULL || strcmp(line, ".") != 0) goto bad; memcpy(config->fasupport, support, sizeof(config->fasupport)); return (STATUS_SUCCESS); bad: lprintf(-1, "Protocol error negotiating attribute support\n"); return (STATUS_FAILURE); } /* * Exchange collection information. */ static int proto_xchgcoll(struct config *config) { struct coll *coll; struct stream *s; struct globtree *diraccept, *dirrefuse; struct globtree *fileaccept, *filerefuse; char *line, *cmd, *collname, *pat; char *msg, *release, *ident, *rcskey, *prefix; size_t i, len; int error, flags, options; s = config->server; lprintf(2, "Exchanging collection information\n"); STAILQ_FOREACH(coll, &config->colls, co_next) { if (coll->co_options & CO_SKIP) continue; proto_printf(s, "COLL %s %s %o %d\n", coll->co_name, coll->co_release, coll->co_umask, coll->co_options); for (i = 0; i < pattlist_size(coll->co_accepts); i++) { proto_printf(s, "ACC %s\n", pattlist_get(coll->co_accepts, i)); } for (i = 0; i < pattlist_size(coll->co_refusals); i++) { proto_printf(s, "REF %s\n", pattlist_get(coll->co_refusals, i)); } proto_printf(s, ".\n"); } proto_printf(s, ".\n"); stream_flush(s); STAILQ_FOREACH(coll, &config->colls, co_next) { if (coll->co_options & CO_SKIP) continue; coll->co_norsync = globtree_false(); line = stream_getln(s, NULL); if (line == NULL) goto bad; cmd = proto_get_ascii(&line); collname = proto_get_ascii(&line); release = proto_get_ascii(&line); error = proto_get_int(&line, &options, 10); if (error || line != NULL) goto bad; if (strcmp(cmd, "COLL") != 0 || strcmp(collname, coll->co_name) != 0 || strcmp(release, coll->co_release) != 0) goto bad; coll->co_options = (coll->co_options | (options & CO_SERVMAYSET)) & ~(~options & CO_SERVMAYCLEAR); while ((line = stream_getln(s, NULL)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(line, ".") == 0) break; cmd = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (cmd == NULL) goto bad; if (strcmp(cmd, "!") == 0) { msg = proto_get_rest(&line); if (msg == NULL) goto bad; lprintf(-1, "Server message: %s\n", msg); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "PRFX") == 0) { prefix = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (prefix == NULL || line != NULL) goto bad; coll->co_cvsroot = xstrdup(prefix); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "KEYALIAS") == 0) { ident = proto_get_ascii(&line); rcskey = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (rcskey == NULL || line != NULL) goto bad; error = keyword_alias(coll->co_keyword, ident, rcskey); if (error) goto bad; } else if (strcmp(cmd, "KEYON") == 0) { ident = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (ident == NULL || line != NULL) goto bad; error = keyword_enable(coll->co_keyword, ident); if (error) goto bad; } else if (strcmp(cmd, "KEYOFF") == 0) { ident = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (ident == NULL || line != NULL) goto bad; error = keyword_disable(coll->co_keyword, ident); if (error) goto bad; } else if (strcmp(cmd, "NORS") == 0) { pat = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (pat == NULL || line != NULL) goto bad; coll->co_norsync = globtree_or(coll->co_norsync, globtree_match(pat, FNM_PATHNAME)); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "RNORS") == 0) { pat = proto_get_ascii(&line); if (pat == NULL || line != NULL) goto bad; coll->co_norsync = globtree_or(coll->co_norsync, globtree_match(pat, FNM_PATHNAME | FNM_LEADING_DIR)); } else goto bad; } if (line == NULL) goto bad; keyword_prepare(coll->co_keyword); diraccept = globtree_true(); fileaccept = globtree_true(); dirrefuse = globtree_false(); filerefuse = globtree_false(); if (pattlist_size(coll->co_accepts) > 0) { globtree_free(diraccept); globtree_free(fileaccept); diraccept = globtree_false(); fileaccept = globtree_false(); flags = FNM_PATHNAME | FNM_LEADING_DIR | FNM_PREFIX_DIRS; for (i = 0; i < pattlist_size(coll->co_accepts); i++) { pat = pattlist_get(coll->co_accepts, i); diraccept = globtree_or(diraccept, globtree_match(pat, flags)); len = strlen(pat); if (coll->co_options & CO_CHECKOUTMODE && (len == 0 || pat[len - 1] != '*')) { /* We must modify the pattern so that it refers to the RCS file, rather than the checked-out file. */ xasprintf(&pat, "%s,v", pat); fileaccept = globtree_or(fileaccept, globtree_match(pat, flags)); free(pat); } else { fileaccept = globtree_or(fileaccept, globtree_match(pat, flags)); } } } for (i = 0; i < pattlist_size(coll->co_refusals); i++) { pat = pattlist_get(coll->co_refusals, i); dirrefuse = globtree_or(dirrefuse, globtree_match(pat, 0)); len = strlen(pat); if (coll->co_options & CO_CHECKOUTMODE && (len == 0 || pat[len - 1] != '*')) { /* We must modify the pattern so that it refers to the RCS file, rather than the checked-out file. */ xasprintf(&pat, "%s,v", pat); filerefuse = globtree_or(filerefuse, globtree_match(pat, 0)); free(pat); } else { filerefuse = globtree_or(filerefuse, globtree_match(pat, 0)); } } coll->co_dirfilter = globtree_and(diraccept, globtree_not(dirrefuse)); coll->co_filefilter = globtree_and(fileaccept, globtree_not(filerefuse)); /* At this point we don't need the pattern lists anymore. */ pattlist_free(coll->co_accepts); pattlist_free(coll->co_refusals); coll->co_accepts = NULL; coll->co_refusals = NULL; /* Set up a mask of file attributes that we don't want to sync with the server. */ if (!(coll->co_options & CO_SETOWNER)) coll->co_attrignore |= FA_OWNER | FA_GROUP; if (!(coll->co_options & CO_SETMODE)) coll->co_attrignore |= FA_MODE; if (!(coll->co_options & CO_SETFLAGS)) coll->co_attrignore |= FA_FLAGS; } return (STATUS_SUCCESS); bad: lprintf(-1, "Protocol error during collection exchange\n"); return (STATUS_FAILURE); } static struct mux * proto_mux(struct config *config) { struct mux *m; struct stream *s, *wr; struct chan *chan0, *chan1; int id; s = config->server; lprintf(2, "Establishing multiplexed-mode data connection\n"); proto_printf(s, "MUX\n"); stream_flush(s); m = mux_open(config->socket, &chan0); if (m == NULL) { lprintf(-1, "Cannot open the multiplexer\n"); return (NULL); } id = chan_listen(m); if (id == -1) { lprintf(-1, "ChannelMux.Listen failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); mux_close(m); return (NULL); } wr = stream_open(chan0, NULL, (stream_writefn_t *)chan_write, NULL); proto_printf(wr, "CHAN %d\n", id); stream_close(wr); chan1 = chan_accept(m, id); if (chan1 == NULL) { lprintf(-1, "ChannelMux.Accept failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); mux_close(m); return (NULL); } config->chan0 = chan0; config->chan1 = chan1; return (m); } /* * Initializes the connection to the CVSup server, that is handle * the protocol negotiation, logging in, exchanging file attributes * support and collections information, and finally run the update * session. */ int proto_run(struct config *config) { struct thread_args lister_args; struct thread_args detailer_args; struct thread_args updater_args; struct thread_args *args; struct killer killer; struct threads *workers; struct mux *m; int i, status; /* * We pass NULL for the close() function because we'll reuse * the socket after the stream is closed. */ config->server = stream_open_fd(config->socket, stream_read_fd, stream_write_fd, NULL); status = proto_greet(config); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) status = proto_negproto(config); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) status = proto_login(config); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) status = proto_fileattr(config); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) status = proto_xchgcoll(config); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) return (status); /* Multi-threaded action starts here. */ m = proto_mux(config); if (m == NULL) return (STATUS_FAILURE); stream_close(config->server); config->server = NULL; config->fixups = fixups_new(); killer_start(&killer, m); /* Start the worker threads. */ workers = threads_new(); args = &lister_args; args->config = config; args->status = -1; args->errmsg = NULL; args->rd = NULL; args->wr = stream_open(config->chan0, NULL, (stream_writefn_t *)chan_write, NULL); threads_create(workers, lister, args); args = &detailer_args; args->config = config; args->status = -1; args->errmsg = NULL; args->rd = stream_open(config->chan0, (stream_readfn_t *)chan_read, NULL, NULL); args->wr = stream_open(config->chan1, NULL, (stream_writefn_t *)chan_write, NULL); threads_create(workers, detailer, args); args = &updater_args; args->config = config; args->status = -1; args->errmsg = NULL; args->rd = stream_open(config->chan1, (stream_readfn_t *)chan_read, NULL, NULL); args->wr = NULL; threads_create(workers, updater, args); lprintf(2, "Running\n"); /* Wait for all the worker threads to finish. */ status = STATUS_SUCCESS; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { args = threads_wait(workers); if (args->rd != NULL) stream_close(args->rd); if (args->wr != NULL) stream_close(args->wr); if (args->status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { assert(args->errmsg != NULL); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { status = args->status; /* Shutdown the multiplexer to wake up all the other threads. */ mux_shutdown(m, args->errmsg, status); } free(args->errmsg); } } threads_free(workers); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { lprintf(2, "Shutting down connection to server\n"); chan_close(config->chan0); chan_close(config->chan1); chan_wait(config->chan0); chan_wait(config->chan1); mux_shutdown(m, NULL, STATUS_SUCCESS); } killer_stop(&killer); fixups_free(config->fixups); status = mux_close(m); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { lprintf(1, "Finished successfully\n"); } else if (status == STATUS_INTERRUPTED) { lprintf(-1, "Interrupted\n"); if (killer.killedby != -1) kill(getpid(), killer.killedby); } return (status); } /* * Write a string into the stream, escaping characters as needed. * Characters escaped: * * SPACE -> "\_" * TAB -> "\t" * NEWLINE -> "\n" * CR -> "\r" * \ -> "\\" */ static int proto_escape(struct stream *wr, const char *s) { size_t len; ssize_t n; char c; /* Handle characters that need escaping. */ do { len = strcspn(s, " \t\r\n\\"); n = stream_write(wr, s, len); if (n == -1) return (-1); c = s[len]; switch (c) { case ' ': n = stream_write(wr, "\\_", 2); break; case '\t': n = stream_write(wr, "\\t", 2); break; case '\r': n = stream_write(wr, "\\r", 2); break; case '\n': n = stream_write(wr, "\\n", 2); break; case '\\': n = stream_write(wr, "\\\\", 2); break; } if (n == -1) return (-1); s += len + 1; } while (c != '\0'); return (0); } /* * A simple printf() implementation specifically tailored for csup. * List of the supported formats: * * %c Print a char. * %d or %i Print an int as decimal. * %x Print an int as hexadecimal. * %o Print an int as octal. * %t Print a time_t as decimal. * %s Print a char * escaping some characters as needed. * %S Print a char * without escaping. * %f Print an encoded struct fattr *. * %F Print an encoded struct fattr *, specifying the supported * attributes. */ int proto_printf(struct stream *wr, const char *format, ...) { fattr_support_t *support; long long longval; struct fattr *fa; const char *fmt; va_list ap; char *cp, *s, *attr; ssize_t n; size_t size; off_t off; int rv, val, ignore; char c; n = 0; rv = 0; fmt = format; va_start(ap, format); while ((cp = strchr(fmt, '%')) != NULL) { if (cp > fmt) { n = stream_write(wr, fmt, cp - fmt); if (n == -1) return (-1); } if (*++cp == '\0') goto done; switch (*cp) { case 'c': c = va_arg(ap, int); rv = stream_printf(wr, "%c", c); break; case 'd': case 'i': val = va_arg(ap, int); rv = stream_printf(wr, "%d", val); break; case 'x': val = va_arg(ap, int); rv = stream_printf(wr, "%x", val); break; case 'o': val = va_arg(ap, int); rv = stream_printf(wr, "%o", val); break; case 'O': off = va_arg(ap, off_t); rv = stream_printf(wr, "%llu", off); break; case 'S': s = va_arg(ap, char *); assert(s != NULL); rv = stream_printf(wr, "%s", s); break; case 's': s = va_arg(ap, char *); assert(s != NULL); rv = proto_escape(wr, s); break; case 't': longval = (long long)va_arg(ap, time_t); rv = stream_printf(wr, "%lld", longval); break; case 'f': fa = va_arg(ap, struct fattr *); attr = fattr_encode(fa, NULL, 0); rv = proto_escape(wr, attr); free(attr); break; case 'F': fa = va_arg(ap, struct fattr *); support = va_arg(ap, fattr_support_t *); ignore = va_arg(ap, int); attr = fattr_encode(fa, *support, ignore); rv = proto_escape(wr, attr); free(attr); break; case 'z': size = va_arg(ap, size_t); rv = stream_printf(wr, "%zu", size); break; case '%': n = stream_write(wr, "%", 1); if (n == -1) return (-1); break; } if (rv == -1) return (-1); fmt = cp + 1; } if (*fmt != '\0') { rv = stream_printf(wr, "%s", fmt); if (rv == -1) return (-1); } done: va_end(ap); return (0); } /* * Unescape the string, see proto_escape(). */ static void proto_unescape(char *s) { char *cp, *cp2; cp = s; while ((cp = strchr(cp, '\\')) != NULL) { switch (cp[1]) { case '_': *cp = ' '; break; case 't': *cp = '\t'; break; case 'r': *cp = '\r'; break; case 'n': *cp = '\n'; break; case '\\': *cp = '\\'; break; default: *cp = *(cp + 1); } cp2 = ++cp; while (*cp2 != '\0') { *cp2 = *(cp2 + 1); cp2++; } } } /* * Get an ascii token in the string. */ char * proto_get_ascii(char **s) { char *ret; ret = strsep(s, " "); if (ret == NULL) return (NULL); /* Make sure we disallow 0-length fields. */ if (*ret == '\0') { *s = NULL; return (NULL); } proto_unescape(ret); return (ret); } /* * Get the rest of the string. */ char * proto_get_rest(char **s) { char *ret; if (s == NULL) return (NULL); ret = *s; proto_unescape(ret); *s = NULL; return (ret); } /* * Get an int token. */ int proto_get_int(char **s, int *val, int base) { char *cp; int error; cp = proto_get_ascii(s); if (cp == NULL) return (-1); error = asciitoint(cp, val, base); return (error); } /* * Get a size_t token. */ int proto_get_sizet(char **s, size_t *val, int base) { unsigned long long tmp; char *cp, *end; cp = proto_get_ascii(s); if (cp == NULL) return (-1); errno = 0; tmp = strtoll(cp, &end, base); if (errno || *end != '\0') return (-1); *val = (size_t)tmp; return (0); } /* * Get a time_t token. * * Ideally, we would use an intmax_t and strtoimax() here, but strtoll() * is more portable and 64bits should be enough for a timestamp. */ int proto_get_time(char **s, time_t *val) { long long tmp; char *cp, *end; cp = proto_get_ascii(s); if (cp == NULL) return (-1); errno = 0; tmp = strtoll(cp, &end, 10); if (errno || *end != '\0') return (-1); *val = (time_t)tmp; return (0); } /* Start the killer thread. It is used to protect against some signals during the multi-threaded run so that we can gracefully fail. */ static void killer_start(struct killer *k, struct mux *m) { int error; k->mux = m; k->killedby = -1; sigemptyset(&k->sigset); sigaddset(&k->sigset, SIGINT); sigaddset(&k->sigset, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&k->sigset, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&k->sigset, SIGPIPE); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &k->sigset, NULL); error = pthread_create(&k->thread, NULL, killer_run, k); if (error) err(1, "pthread_create"); } /* The main loop of the killer thread. */ static void * killer_run(void *arg) { struct killer *k; int error, sig, old; k = arg; again: error = sigwait(&k->sigset, &sig); assert(!error); if (sig == SIGINT || sig == SIGHUP || sig == SIGTERM) { if (k->killedby == -1) { k->killedby = sig; /* Ensure we don't get canceled during the shutdown. */ pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &old); mux_shutdown(k->mux, "Cleaning up ...", STATUS_INTERRUPTED); pthread_setcancelstate(old, NULL); } } goto again; } /* Stop the killer thread. */ static void killer_stop(struct killer *k) { void *val; int error; error = pthread_cancel(k->thread); assert(!error); pthread_join(k->thread, &val); assert(val == PTHREAD_CANCELED); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &k->sigset, NULL); }