/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: sig_24.c,v 1.66 2007-06-19 23:47:17 tbox Exp $ */ /* Reviewed: Fri Mar 17 09:05:02 PST 2000 by gson */ /* RFC2535 */ #ifndef RDATA_GENERIC_SIG_24_C #define RDATA_GENERIC_SIG_24_C #define RRTYPE_SIG_ATTRIBUTES (0) static inline isc_result_t fromtext_sig(ARGS_FROMTEXT) { isc_token_t token; unsigned char c; long i; dns_rdatatype_t covered; char *e; isc_result_t result; dns_name_t name; isc_buffer_t buffer; isc_uint32_t time_signed, time_expire; REQUIRE(type == 24); UNUSED(type); UNUSED(rdclass); UNUSED(callbacks); /* * Type covered. */ RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_string, ISC_FALSE)); result = dns_rdatatype_fromtext(&covered, &token.value.as_textregion); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS && result != ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED) { i = strtol(DNS_AS_STR(token), &e, 10); if (i < 0 || i > 65535) RETTOK(ISC_R_RANGE); if (*e != 0) RETTOK(result); covered = (dns_rdatatype_t)i; } RETERR(uint16_tobuffer(covered, target)); /* * Algorithm. */ RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_string, ISC_FALSE)); RETTOK(dns_secalg_fromtext(&c, &token.value.as_textregion)); RETERR(mem_tobuffer(target, &c, 1)); /* * Labels. */ RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_number, ISC_FALSE)); if (token.value.as_ulong > 0xffU) RETTOK(ISC_R_RANGE); c = (unsigned char)token.value.as_ulong; RETERR(mem_tobuffer(target, &c, 1)); /* * Original ttl. */ RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_number, ISC_FALSE)); RETERR(uint32_tobuffer(token.value.as_ulong, target)); /* * Signature expiration. */ RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_string, ISC_FALSE)); RETTOK(dns_time32_fromtext(DNS_AS_STR(token), &time_expire)); RETERR(uint32_tobuffer(time_expire, target)); /* * Time signed. */ RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_string, ISC_FALSE)); RETTOK(dns_time32_fromtext(DNS_AS_STR(token), &time_signed)); RETERR(uint32_tobuffer(time_signed, target)); /* * Key footprint. */ RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_number, ISC_FALSE)); RETERR(uint16_tobuffer(token.value.as_ulong, target)); /* * Signer. */ RETERR(isc_lex_getmastertoken(lexer, &token, isc_tokentype_string, ISC_FALSE)); dns_name_init(&name, NULL); buffer_fromregion(&buffer, &token.value.as_region); origin = (origin != NULL) ? origin : dns_rootname; RETTOK(dns_name_fromtext(&name, &buffer, origin, options, target)); /* * Sig. */ return (isc_base64_tobuffer(lexer, target, -1)); } static inline isc_result_t totext_sig(ARGS_TOTEXT) { isc_region_t sr; char buf[sizeof("4294967295")]; dns_rdatatype_t covered; unsigned long ttl; unsigned long when; unsigned long exp; unsigned long foot; dns_name_t name; dns_name_t prefix; isc_boolean_t sub; REQUIRE(rdata->type == 24); REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr); /* * Type covered. */ covered = uint16_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 2); /* * XXXAG We should have something like dns_rdatatype_isknown() * that does the right thing with type 0. */ if (dns_rdatatype_isknown(covered) && covered != 0) { RETERR(dns_rdatatype_totext(covered, target)); } else { char buf[sizeof("65535")]; sprintf(buf, "%u", covered); RETERR(str_totext(buf, target)); } RETERR(str_totext(" ", target)); /* * Algorithm. */ sprintf(buf, "%u", sr.base[0]); isc_region_consume(&sr, 1); RETERR(str_totext(buf, target)); RETERR(str_totext(" ", target)); /* * Labels. */ sprintf(buf, "%u", sr.base[0]); isc_region_consume(&sr, 1); RETERR(str_totext(buf, target)); RETERR(str_totext(" ", target)); /* * Ttl. */ ttl = uint32_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 4); sprintf(buf, "%lu", ttl); RETERR(str_totext(buf, target)); RETERR(str_totext(" ", target)); /* * Sig exp. */ exp = uint32_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 4); RETERR(dns_time32_totext(exp, target)); if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0) RETERR(str_totext(" (", target)); RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target)); /* * Time signed. */ when = uint32_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 4); RETERR(dns_time32_totext(when, target)); RETERR(str_totext(" ", target)); /* * Footprint. */ foot = uint16_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 2); sprintf(buf, "%lu", foot); RETERR(str_totext(buf, target)); RETERR(str_totext(" ", target)); /* * Signer. */ dns_name_init(&name, NULL); dns_name_init(&prefix, NULL); dns_name_fromregion(&name, &sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, name_length(&name)); sub = name_prefix(&name, tctx->origin, &prefix); RETERR(dns_name_totext(&prefix, sub, target)); /* * Sig. */ RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target)); RETERR(isc_base64_totext(&sr, tctx->width - 2, tctx->linebreak, target)); if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0) RETERR(str_totext(" )", target)); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } static inline isc_result_t fromwire_sig(ARGS_FROMWIRE) { isc_region_t sr; dns_name_t name; REQUIRE(type == 24); UNUSED(type); UNUSED(rdclass); dns_decompress_setmethods(dctx, DNS_COMPRESS_NONE); isc_buffer_activeregion(source, &sr); /* * type covered: 2 * algorithm: 1 * labels: 1 * original ttl: 4 * signature expiration: 4 * time signed: 4 * key footprint: 2 */ if (sr.length < 18) return (ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND); isc_buffer_forward(source, 18); RETERR(mem_tobuffer(target, sr.base, 18)); /* * Signer. */ dns_name_init(&name, NULL); RETERR(dns_name_fromwire(&name, source, dctx, options, target)); /* * Sig. */ isc_buffer_activeregion(source, &sr); isc_buffer_forward(source, sr.length); return (mem_tobuffer(target, sr.base, sr.length)); } static inline isc_result_t towire_sig(ARGS_TOWIRE) { isc_region_t sr; dns_name_t name; dns_offsets_t offsets; REQUIRE(rdata->type == 24); REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0); dns_compress_setmethods(cctx, DNS_COMPRESS_NONE); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr); /* * type covered: 2 * algorithm: 1 * labels: 1 * original ttl: 4 * signature expiration: 4 * time signed: 4 * key footprint: 2 */ RETERR(mem_tobuffer(target, sr.base, 18)); isc_region_consume(&sr, 18); /* * Signer. */ dns_name_init(&name, offsets); dns_name_fromregion(&name, &sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, name_length(&name)); RETERR(dns_name_towire(&name, cctx, target)); /* * Signature. */ return (mem_tobuffer(target, sr.base, sr.length)); } static inline int compare_sig(ARGS_COMPARE) { isc_region_t r1; isc_region_t r2; dns_name_t name1; dns_name_t name2; int order; REQUIRE(rdata1->type == rdata2->type); REQUIRE(rdata1->rdclass == rdata2->rdclass); REQUIRE(rdata1->type == 24); REQUIRE(rdata1->length != 0); REQUIRE(rdata2->length != 0); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata1, &r1); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata2, &r2); INSIST(r1.length > 18); INSIST(r2.length > 18); r1.length = 18; r2.length = 18; order = isc_region_compare(&r1, &r2); if (order != 0) return (order); dns_name_init(&name1, NULL); dns_name_init(&name2, NULL); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata1, &r1); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata2, &r2); isc_region_consume(&r1, 18); isc_region_consume(&r2, 18); dns_name_fromregion(&name1, &r1); dns_name_fromregion(&name2, &r2); order = dns_name_rdatacompare(&name1, &name2); if (order != 0) return (order); isc_region_consume(&r1, name_length(&name1)); isc_region_consume(&r2, name_length(&name2)); return (isc_region_compare(&r1, &r2)); } static inline isc_result_t fromstruct_sig(ARGS_FROMSTRUCT) { dns_rdata_sig_t *sig = source; REQUIRE(type == 24); REQUIRE(source != NULL); REQUIRE(sig->common.rdtype == type); REQUIRE(sig->common.rdclass == rdclass); REQUIRE(sig->signature != NULL || sig->siglen == 0); UNUSED(type); UNUSED(rdclass); /* * Type covered. */ RETERR(uint16_tobuffer(sig->covered, target)); /* * Algorithm. */ RETERR(uint8_tobuffer(sig->algorithm, target)); /* * Labels. */ RETERR(uint8_tobuffer(sig->labels, target)); /* * Original TTL. */ RETERR(uint32_tobuffer(sig->originalttl, target)); /* * Expire time. */ RETERR(uint32_tobuffer(sig->timeexpire, target)); /* * Time signed. */ RETERR(uint32_tobuffer(sig->timesigned, target)); /* * Key ID. */ RETERR(uint16_tobuffer(sig->keyid, target)); /* * Signer name. */ RETERR(name_tobuffer(&sig->signer, target)); /* * Signature. */ return (mem_tobuffer(target, sig->signature, sig->siglen)); } static inline isc_result_t tostruct_sig(ARGS_TOSTRUCT) { isc_region_t sr; dns_rdata_sig_t *sig = target; dns_name_t signer; REQUIRE(rdata->type == 24); REQUIRE(target != NULL); REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0); sig->common.rdclass = rdata->rdclass; sig->common.rdtype = rdata->type; ISC_LINK_INIT(&sig->common, link); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr); /* * Type covered. */ sig->covered = uint16_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 2); /* * Algorithm. */ sig->algorithm = uint8_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 1); /* * Labels. */ sig->labels = uint8_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 1); /* * Original TTL. */ sig->originalttl = uint32_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 4); /* * Expire time. */ sig->timeexpire = uint32_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 4); /* * Time signed. */ sig->timesigned = uint32_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 4); /* * Key ID. */ sig->keyid = uint16_fromregion(&sr); isc_region_consume(&sr, 2); dns_name_init(&signer, NULL); dns_name_fromregion(&signer, &sr); dns_name_init(&sig->signer, NULL); RETERR(name_duporclone(&signer, mctx, &sig->signer)); isc_region_consume(&sr, name_length(&sig->signer)); /* * Signature. */ sig->siglen = sr.length; sig->signature = mem_maybedup(mctx, sr.base, sig->siglen); if (sig->signature == NULL) goto cleanup; sig->mctx = mctx; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup: if (mctx != NULL) dns_name_free(&sig->signer, mctx); return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); } static inline void freestruct_sig(ARGS_FREESTRUCT) { dns_rdata_sig_t *sig = (dns_rdata_sig_t *) source; REQUIRE(source != NULL); REQUIRE(sig->common.rdtype == 24); if (sig->mctx == NULL) return; dns_name_free(&sig->signer, sig->mctx); if (sig->signature != NULL) isc_mem_free(sig->mctx, sig->signature); sig->mctx = NULL; } static inline isc_result_t additionaldata_sig(ARGS_ADDLDATA) { REQUIRE(rdata->type == 24); UNUSED(rdata); UNUSED(add); UNUSED(arg); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } static inline isc_result_t digest_sig(ARGS_DIGEST) { REQUIRE(rdata->type == 24); UNUSED(rdata); UNUSED(digest); UNUSED(arg); return (ISC_R_NOTIMPLEMENTED); } static inline dns_rdatatype_t covers_sig(dns_rdata_t *rdata) { dns_rdatatype_t type; isc_region_t r; REQUIRE(rdata->type == 24); dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &r); type = uint16_fromregion(&r); return (type); } static inline isc_boolean_t checkowner_sig(ARGS_CHECKOWNER) { REQUIRE(type == 24); UNUSED(name); UNUSED(type); UNUSED(rdclass); UNUSED(wildcard); return (ISC_TRUE); } static inline isc_boolean_t checknames_sig(ARGS_CHECKNAMES) { REQUIRE(rdata->type == 24); UNUSED(rdata); UNUSED(owner); UNUSED(bad); return (ISC_TRUE); } #endif /* RDATA_GENERIC_SIG_24_C */