/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: keytable.c,v 1.34 2007-06-19 23:47:16 tbox Exp $ */ /*! \file */ #include #include #include #include /* Required for HP/UX (and others?) */ #include #include #include #include #include struct dns_keytable { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_mutex_t lock; isc_rwlock_t rwlock; /* Locked by lock. */ isc_uint32_t active_nodes; /* Locked by rwlock. */ isc_uint32_t references; dns_rbt_t *table; }; #define KEYTABLE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('K', 'T', 'b', 'l') #define VALID_KEYTABLE(kt) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(kt, KEYTABLE_MAGIC) struct dns_keynode { unsigned int magic; dst_key_t * key; struct dns_keynode * next; }; #define KEYNODE_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('K', 'N', 'o', 'd') #define VALID_KEYNODE(kn) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(kn, KEYNODE_MAGIC) static void free_keynode(void *node, void *arg) { dns_keynode_t *keynode = node; isc_mem_t *mctx = arg; REQUIRE(VALID_KEYNODE(keynode)); dst_key_free(&keynode->key); if (keynode->next != NULL) free_keynode(keynode->next, mctx); isc_mem_put(mctx, keynode, sizeof(dns_keynode_t)); } isc_result_t dns_keytable_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, dns_keytable_t **keytablep) { dns_keytable_t *keytable; isc_result_t result; /* * Create a keytable. */ REQUIRE(keytablep != NULL && *keytablep == NULL); keytable = isc_mem_get(mctx, sizeof(*keytable)); if (keytable == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); keytable->table = NULL; result = dns_rbt_create(mctx, free_keynode, mctx, &keytable->table); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup_keytable; result = isc_mutex_init(&keytable->lock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup_rbt; result = isc_rwlock_init(&keytable->rwlock, 0, 0); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup_lock; keytable->mctx = mctx; keytable->active_nodes = 0; keytable->references = 1; keytable->magic = KEYTABLE_MAGIC; *keytablep = keytable; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup_lock: DESTROYLOCK(&keytable->lock); cleanup_rbt: dns_rbt_destroy(&keytable->table); cleanup_keytable: isc_mem_put(mctx, keytable, sizeof(*keytable)); return (result); } void dns_keytable_attach(dns_keytable_t *source, dns_keytable_t **targetp) { /* * Attach *targetp to source. */ REQUIRE(VALID_KEYTABLE(source)); REQUIRE(targetp != NULL && *targetp == NULL); RWLOCK(&source->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_write); INSIST(source->references > 0); source->references++; INSIST(source->references != 0); RWUNLOCK(&source->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_write); *targetp = source; } void dns_keytable_detach(dns_keytable_t **keytablep) { isc_boolean_t destroy = ISC_FALSE; dns_keytable_t *keytable; /* * Detach *keytablep from its keytable. */ REQUIRE(keytablep != NULL && VALID_KEYTABLE(*keytablep)); keytable = *keytablep; RWLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_write); INSIST(keytable->references > 0); keytable->references--; LOCK(&keytable->lock); if (keytable->references == 0 && keytable->active_nodes == 0) destroy = ISC_TRUE; UNLOCK(&keytable->lock); RWUNLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_write); if (destroy) { dns_rbt_destroy(&keytable->table); isc_rwlock_destroy(&keytable->rwlock); DESTROYLOCK(&keytable->lock); keytable->magic = 0; isc_mem_put(keytable->mctx, keytable, sizeof(*keytable)); } *keytablep = NULL; } isc_result_t dns_keytable_add(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dst_key_t **keyp) { isc_result_t result; dns_keynode_t *knode; dns_rbtnode_t *node; dns_name_t *keyname; /* * Add '*keyp' to 'keytable'. */ REQUIRE(VALID_KEYTABLE(keytable)); REQUIRE(keyp != NULL); keyname = dst_key_name(*keyp); knode = isc_mem_get(keytable->mctx, sizeof(*knode)); if (knode == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); RWLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_write); node = NULL; result = dns_rbt_addnode(keytable->table, keyname, &node); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS || result == ISC_R_EXISTS) { knode->magic = KEYNODE_MAGIC; knode->key = *keyp; knode->next = node->data; node->data = knode; *keyp = NULL; knode = NULL; result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; } RWUNLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_write); if (knode != NULL) isc_mem_put(keytable->mctx, knode, sizeof(*knode)); return (result); } isc_result_t dns_keytable_findkeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *name, dns_secalg_t algorithm, dns_keytag_t tag, dns_keynode_t **keynodep) { isc_result_t result; dns_keynode_t *knode; void *data; /* * Search for a key named 'name', matching 'algorithm' and 'tag' in * 'keytable'. */ REQUIRE(VALID_KEYTABLE(keytable)); REQUIRE(dns_name_isabsolute(name)); REQUIRE(keynodep != NULL && *keynodep == NULL); RWLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_read); /* * Note we don't want the DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH from dns_rbt_findname() * as that indicates that 'name' was not found. * * DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH indicates that the name was found but we * didn't get a match on algorithm and key id arguments. */ knode = NULL; data = NULL; result = dns_rbt_findname(keytable->table, name, 0, NULL, &data); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { INSIST(data != NULL); for (knode = data; knode != NULL; knode = knode->next) { if (algorithm == dst_key_alg(knode->key) && tag == dst_key_id(knode->key)) break; } if (knode != NULL) { LOCK(&keytable->lock); keytable->active_nodes++; UNLOCK(&keytable->lock); *keynodep = knode; } else result = DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH; } else if (result == DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH) result = ISC_R_NOTFOUND; RWUNLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_read); return (result); } isc_result_t dns_keytable_findnextkeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_keynode_t *keynode, dns_keynode_t **nextnodep) { isc_result_t result; dns_keynode_t *knode; /* * Search for the next key with the same properties as 'keynode' in * 'keytable'. */ REQUIRE(VALID_KEYTABLE(keytable)); REQUIRE(VALID_KEYNODE(keynode)); REQUIRE(nextnodep != NULL && *nextnodep == NULL); for (knode = keynode->next; knode != NULL; knode = knode->next) { if (dst_key_alg(keynode->key) == dst_key_alg(knode->key) && dst_key_id(keynode->key) == dst_key_id(knode->key)) break; } if (knode != NULL) { LOCK(&keytable->lock); keytable->active_nodes++; UNLOCK(&keytable->lock); result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; *nextnodep = knode; } else result = ISC_R_NOTFOUND; return (result); } isc_result_t dns_keytable_finddeepestmatch(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *name, dns_name_t *foundname) { isc_result_t result; void *data; /* * Search for the deepest match in 'keytable'. */ REQUIRE(VALID_KEYTABLE(keytable)); REQUIRE(dns_name_isabsolute(name)); REQUIRE(foundname != NULL); RWLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_read); data = NULL; result = dns_rbt_findname(keytable->table, name, 0, foundname, &data); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS || result == DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH) result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; RWUNLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_read); return (result); } void dns_keytable_detachkeynode(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_keynode_t **keynodep) { /* * Give back a keynode found via dns_keytable_findkeynode(). */ REQUIRE(VALID_KEYTABLE(keytable)); REQUIRE(keynodep != NULL && VALID_KEYNODE(*keynodep)); LOCK(&keytable->lock); INSIST(keytable->active_nodes > 0); keytable->active_nodes--; UNLOCK(&keytable->lock); *keynodep = NULL; } isc_result_t dns_keytable_issecuredomain(dns_keytable_t *keytable, dns_name_t *name, isc_boolean_t *wantdnssecp) { isc_result_t result; void *data; /* * Is 'name' at or beneath a trusted key? */ REQUIRE(VALID_KEYTABLE(keytable)); REQUIRE(dns_name_isabsolute(name)); REQUIRE(wantdnssecp != NULL); RWLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_read); data = NULL; result = dns_rbt_findname(keytable->table, name, 0, NULL, &data); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS || result == DNS_R_PARTIALMATCH) { INSIST(data != NULL); *wantdnssecp = ISC_TRUE; result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; } else if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) { *wantdnssecp = ISC_FALSE; result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; } RWUNLOCK(&keytable->rwlock, isc_rwlocktype_read); return (result); } dst_key_t * dns_keynode_key(dns_keynode_t *keynode) { /* * Get the DST key associated with keynode. */ REQUIRE(VALID_KEYNODE(keynode)); return (keynode->key); }