path: root/utils/llvm-build/llvmbuild/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/llvm-build/llvmbuild/')
1 files changed, 868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/llvm-build/llvmbuild/ b/utils/llvm-build/llvmbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36bca87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/llvm-build/llvmbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+import StringIO
+import os
+import sys
+import componentinfo
+import configutil
+from util import *
+def cmake_quote_string(value):
+ """
+ cmake_quote_string(value) -> str
+ Return a quoted form of the given value that is suitable for use in CMake
+ language files.
+ """
+ # Currently, we only handle escaping backslashes.
+ value = value.replace("\\", "\\\\")
+ return value
+def cmake_quote_path(value):
+ """
+ cmake_quote_path(value) -> str
+ Return a quoted form of the given value that is suitable for use in CMake
+ language files.
+ """
+ # CMake has a bug in it's Makefile generator that doesn't properly quote
+ # strings it generates. So instead of using proper quoting, we just use "/"
+ # style paths. Currently, we only handle escaping backslashes.
+ value = value.replace("\\", "/")
+ return value
+def mk_quote_string_for_target(value):
+ """
+ mk_quote_string_for_target(target_name) -> str
+ Return a quoted form of the given target_name suitable for including in a
+ Makefile as a target name.
+ """
+ # The only quoting we currently perform is for ':', to support msys users.
+ return value.replace(":", "\\:")
+def make_install_dir(path):
+ """
+ make_install_dir(path) -> None
+ Create the given directory path for installation, including any parents.
+ """
+ # os.makedirs considers it an error to be called with an existant path.
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+class LLVMProjectInfo(object):
+ @staticmethod
+ def load_infos_from_path(llvmbuild_source_root):
+ def recurse(subpath):
+ # Load the LLVMBuild file.
+ llvmbuild_path = os.path.join(llvmbuild_source_root + subpath,
+ 'LLVMBuild.txt')
+ if not os.path.exists(llvmbuild_path):
+ fatal("missing LLVMBuild.txt file at: %r" % (llvmbuild_path,))
+ # Parse the components from it.
+ common,info_iter = componentinfo.load_from_path(llvmbuild_path,
+ subpath)
+ for info in info_iter:
+ yield info
+ # Recurse into the specified subdirectories.
+ for subdir in common.get_list("subdirectories"):
+ for item in recurse(os.path.join(subpath, subdir)):
+ yield item
+ return recurse("/")
+ @staticmethod
+ def load_from_path(source_root, llvmbuild_source_root):
+ infos = list(
+ LLVMProjectInfo.load_infos_from_path(llvmbuild_source_root))
+ return LLVMProjectInfo(source_root, infos)
+ def __init__(self, source_root, component_infos):
+ # Store our simple ivars.
+ self.source_root = source_root
+ self.component_infos = list(component_infos)
+ self.component_info_map = None
+ self.ordered_component_infos = None
+ def validate_components(self):
+ """validate_components() -> None
+ Validate that the project components are well-defined. Among other
+ things, this checks that:
+ - Components have valid references.
+ - Components references do not form cycles.
+ We also construct the map from component names to info, and the
+ topological ordering of components.
+ """
+ # Create the component info map and validate that component names are
+ # unique.
+ self.component_info_map = {}
+ for ci in self.component_infos:
+ existing = self.component_info_map.get(
+ if existing is not None:
+ # We found a duplicate component name, report it and error out.
+ fatal("found duplicate component %r (at %r and %r)" % (
+, ci.subpath, existing.subpath))
+ self.component_info_map[] = ci
+ # Disallow 'all' as a component name, which is a special case.
+ if 'all' in self.component_info_map:
+ fatal("project is not allowed to define 'all' component")
+ # Add the root component.
+ if '$ROOT' in self.component_info_map:
+ fatal("project is not allowed to define $ROOT component")
+ self.component_info_map['$ROOT'] = componentinfo.GroupComponentInfo(
+ '/', '$ROOT', None)
+ self.component_infos.append(self.component_info_map['$ROOT'])
+ # Topologically order the component information according to their
+ # component references.
+ def visit_component_info(ci, current_stack, current_set):
+ # Check for a cycles.
+ if ci in current_set:
+ # We found a cycle, report it and error out.
+ cycle_description = ' -> '.join(
+ '%r (%s)' % (, relation)
+ for relation,ci in current_stack)
+ fatal("found cycle to %r after following: %s -> %s" % (
+, cycle_description,
+ # If we have already visited this item, we are done.
+ if ci not in components_to_visit:
+ return
+ # Otherwise, mark the component info as visited and traverse.
+ components_to_visit.remove(ci)
+ # Validate the parent reference, which we treat specially.
+ if ci.parent is not None:
+ parent = self.component_info_map.get(ci.parent)
+ if parent is None:
+ fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
+, ci.parent, 'parent'))
+ ci.set_parent_instance(parent)
+ for relation,referent_name in ci.get_component_references():
+ # Validate that the reference is ok.
+ referent = self.component_info_map.get(referent_name)
+ if referent is None:
+ fatal("component %r has invalid reference %r (via %r)" % (
+, referent_name, relation))
+ # Visit the reference.
+ current_stack.append((relation,ci))
+ current_set.add(ci)
+ visit_component_info(referent, current_stack, current_set)
+ current_set.remove(ci)
+ current_stack.pop()
+ # Finally, add the component info to the ordered list.
+ self.ordered_component_infos.append(ci)
+ # FIXME: We aren't actually correctly checking for cycles along the
+ # parent edges. Haven't decided how I want to handle this -- I thought
+ # about only checking cycles by relation type. If we do that, it falls
+ # out easily. If we don't, we should special case the check.
+ self.ordered_component_infos = []
+ components_to_visit = set(self.component_infos)
+ while components_to_visit:
+ visit_component_info(iter(components_to_visit).next(), [], set())
+ # Canonicalize children lists.
+ for c in self.ordered_component_infos:
+ c.children.sort(key = lambda c:
+ def print_tree(self):
+ def visit(node, depth = 0):
+ print '%s%-40s (%s)' % (' '*depth,, node.type_name)
+ for c in node.children:
+ visit(c, depth + 1)
+ visit(self.component_info_map['$ROOT'])
+ def write_components(self, output_path):
+ # Organize all the components by the directory their LLVMBuild file
+ # should go in.
+ info_basedir = {}
+ for ci in self.component_infos:
+ # Ignore the $ROOT component.
+ if ci.parent is None:
+ continue
+ info_basedir[ci.subpath] = info_basedir.get(ci.subpath, []) + [ci]
+ # Compute the list of subdirectories to scan.
+ subpath_subdirs = {}
+ for ci in self.component_infos:
+ # Ignore root components.
+ if ci.subpath == '/':
+ continue
+ # Otherwise, append this subpath to the parent list.
+ parent_path = os.path.dirname(ci.subpath)
+ subpath_subdirs[parent_path] = parent_list = subpath_subdirs.get(
+ parent_path, set())
+ parent_list.add(os.path.basename(ci.subpath))
+ # Generate the build files.
+ for subpath, infos in info_basedir.items():
+ # Order the components by name to have a canonical ordering.
+ infos.sort(key = lambda ci:
+ # Format the components into llvmbuild fragments.
+ fragments = []
+ # Add the common fragments.
+ subdirectories = subpath_subdirs.get(subpath)
+ if subdirectories:
+ fragment = """\
+subdirectories = %s
+""" % (" ".join(sorted(subdirectories)),)
+ fragments.append(("common", fragment))
+ # Add the component fragments.
+ num_common_fragments = len(fragments)
+ for ci in infos:
+ fragment = ci.get_llvmbuild_fragment()
+ if fragment is None:
+ continue
+ name = "component_%d" % (len(fragments) - num_common_fragments)
+ fragments.append((name, fragment))
+ if not fragments:
+ continue
+ assert subpath.startswith('/')
+ directory_path = os.path.join(output_path, subpath[1:])
+ # Create the directory if it does not already exist.
+ if not os.path.exists(directory_path):
+ os.makedirs(directory_path)
+ # In an effort to preserve comments (which aren't parsed), read in
+ # the original file and extract the comments. We only know how to
+ # associate comments that prefix a section name.
+ f = open(infos[0]._source_path)
+ comments_map = {}
+ comment_block = ""
+ for ln in f:
+ if ln.startswith(';'):
+ comment_block += ln
+ elif ln.startswith('[') and ln.endswith(']\n'):
+ comments_map[ln[1:-2]] = comment_block
+ else:
+ comment_block = ""
+ f.close()
+ # Create the LLVMBuild fil[e.
+ file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, 'LLVMBuild.txt')
+ f = open(file_path, "w")
+ # Write the header.
+ header_fmt = ';===- %s %s-*- Conf -*--===;'
+ header_name = '.' + os.path.join(subpath, 'LLVMBuild.txt')
+ header_pad = '-' * (80 - len(header_fmt % (header_name, '')))
+ header_string = header_fmt % (header_name, header_pad)
+ print >>f, """\
+; The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+; This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+; License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+; This is an LLVMBuild description file for the components in this subdirectory.
+; For more information on the LLVMBuild system, please see:
+""" % header_string
+ # Write out each fragment.each component fragment.
+ for name,fragment in fragments:
+ comment = comments_map.get(name)
+ if comment is not None:
+ f.write(comment)
+ print >>f, "[%s]" % name
+ f.write(fragment)
+ if fragment is not fragments[-1][1]:
+ print >>f
+ f.close()
+ def write_library_table(self, output_path):
+ # Write out the mapping from component names to required libraries.
+ #
+ # We do this in topological order so that we know we can append the
+ # dependencies for added library groups.
+ entries = {}
+ for c in self.ordered_component_infos:
+ # Only certain components are in the table.
+ if c.type_name not in ('Library', 'LibraryGroup', 'TargetGroup'):
+ continue
+ # Compute the llvm-config "component name". For historical reasons,
+ # this is lowercased based on the library name.
+ llvmconfig_component_name = c.get_llvmconfig_component_name()
+ # Get the library name, or None for LibraryGroups.
+ if c.type_name == 'Library':
+ library_name = c.get_prefixed_library_name()
+ else:
+ library_name = None
+ # Get the component names of all the required libraries.
+ required_llvmconfig_component_names = [
+ self.component_info_map[dep].get_llvmconfig_component_name()
+ for dep in c.required_libraries]
+ # Insert the entries for library groups we should add to.
+ for dep in c.add_to_library_groups:
+ entries[dep][2].append(llvmconfig_component_name)
+ # Add the entry.
+ entries[] = (llvmconfig_component_name, library_name,
+ required_llvmconfig_component_names)
+ # Convert to a list of entries and sort by name.
+ entries = entries.values()
+ # Create an 'all' pseudo component. We keep the dependency list small by
+ # only listing entries that have no other dependents.
+ root_entries = set(e[0] for e in entries)
+ for _,_,deps in entries:
+ root_entries -= set(deps)
+ entries.append(('all', None, root_entries))
+ entries.sort()
+ # Compute the maximum number of required libraries, plus one so there is
+ # always a sentinel.
+ max_required_libraries = max(len(deps)
+ for _,_,deps in entries) + 1
+ # Write out the library table.
+ make_install_dir(os.path.dirname(output_path))
+ f = open(output_path, 'w')
+ print >>f, """\
+//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Component Library Depenedency Table
+// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
+ print >>f, 'struct AvailableComponent {'
+ print >>f, ' /// The name of the component.'
+ print >>f, ' const char *Name;'
+ print >>f, ''
+ print >>f, ' /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).'
+ print >>f, ' const char *Library;'
+ print >>f, ''
+ print >>f, '\
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.'
+ print >>f, ' const char *RequiredLibraries[%d];' % (
+ max_required_libraries)
+ print >>f, '} AvailableComponents[%d] = {' % len(entries)
+ for name,library_name,required_names in entries:
+ if library_name is None:
+ library_name_as_cstr = '0'
+ else:
+ library_name_as_cstr = '"lib%s.a"' % library_name
+ print >>f, ' { "%s", %s, { %s } },' % (
+ name, library_name_as_cstr,
+ ', '.join('"%s"' % dep
+ for dep in required_names))
+ print >>f, '};'
+ f.close()
+ def get_required_libraries_for_component(self, ci, traverse_groups = False):
+ """
+ get_required_libraries_for_component(component_info) -> iter
+ Given a Library component info descriptor, return an iterator over all
+ of the directly required libraries for linking with this component. If
+ traverse_groups is True, then library and target groups will be
+ traversed to include their required libraries.
+ """
+ assert ci.type_name in ('Library', 'LibraryGroup', 'TargetGroup')
+ for name in ci.required_libraries:
+ # Get the dependency info.
+ dep = self.component_info_map[name]
+ # If it is a library, yield it.
+ if dep.type_name == 'Library':
+ yield dep
+ continue
+ # Otherwise if it is a group, yield or traverse depending on what
+ # was requested.
+ if dep.type_name in ('LibraryGroup', 'TargetGroup'):
+ if not traverse_groups:
+ yield dep
+ continue
+ for res in self.get_required_libraries_for_component(dep, True):
+ yield res
+ def get_fragment_dependencies(self):
+ """
+ get_fragment_dependencies() -> iter
+ Compute the list of files (as absolute paths) on which the output
+ fragments depend (i.e., files for which a modification should trigger a
+ rebuild of the fragment).
+ """
+ # Construct a list of all the dependencies of the Makefile fragment
+ # itself. These include all the LLVMBuild files themselves, as well as
+ # all of our own sources.
+ #
+ # Many components may come from the same file, so we make sure to unique
+ # these.
+ build_paths = set()
+ for ci in self.component_infos:
+ p = os.path.join(self.source_root, ci.subpath[1:], 'LLVMBuild.txt')
+ if p not in build_paths:
+ yield p
+ build_paths.add(p)
+ # Gather the list of necessary sources by just finding all loaded
+ # modules that are inside the LLVM source tree.
+ for module in sys.modules.values():
+ # Find the module path.
+ if not hasattr(module, '__file__'):
+ continue
+ path = getattr(module, '__file__')
+ if not path:
+ continue
+ # Strip off any compiled suffix.
+ if os.path.splitext(path)[1] in ['.pyc', '.pyo', '.pyd']:
+ path = path[:-1]
+ # If the path exists and is in the source tree, consider it a
+ # dependency.
+ if (path.startswith(self.source_root) and os.path.exists(path)):
+ yield path
+ def write_cmake_fragment(self, output_path):
+ """
+ write_cmake_fragment(output_path) -> None
+ Generate a CMake fragment which includes all of the collated LLVMBuild
+ information in a format that is easily digestible by a CMake. The exact
+ contents of this are closely tied to how the CMake configuration
+ integrates LLVMBuild, see CMakeLists.txt in the top-level.
+ """
+ dependencies = list(self.get_fragment_dependencies())
+ # Write out the CMake fragment.
+ make_install_dir(os.path.dirname(output_path))
+ f = open(output_path, 'w')
+ # Write the header.
+ header_fmt = '\
+#===-- %s - LLVMBuild Configuration for LLVM %s-*- CMake -*--===#'
+ header_name = os.path.basename(output_path)
+ header_pad = '-' * (80 - len(header_fmt % (header_name, '')))
+ header_string = header_fmt % (header_name, header_pad)
+ print >>f, """\
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This file contains the LLVMBuild project information in a format easily
+# consumed by the CMake based build system.
+# This file is autogenerated by llvm-build, do not edit!
+""" % header_string
+ # Write the dependency information in the best way we can.
+ print >>f, """
+# LLVMBuild CMake fragment dependencies.
+# CMake has no builtin way to declare that the configuration depends on
+# a particular file. However, a side effect of configure_file is to add
+# said input file to CMake's internal dependency list. So, we use that
+# and a dummy output file to communicate the dependency information to
+# CMake.
+# FIXME: File a CMake RFE to get a properly supported version of this
+# feature."""
+ for dep in dependencies:
+ print >>f, """\
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/DummyConfigureOutput)""" % (
+ cmake_quote_path(dep),)
+ # Write the properties we use to encode the required library dependency
+ # information in a form CMake can easily use directly.
+ print >>f, """
+# Explicit library dependency information.
+# The following property assignments effectively create a map from component
+# names to required libraries, in a way that is easily accessed from CMake."""
+ for ci in self.ordered_component_infos:
+ # We only write the information for libraries currently.
+ if ci.type_name != 'Library':
+ continue
+ print >>f, """\
+set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVMBUILD_LIB_DEPS_%s %s)""" % (
+ ci.get_prefixed_library_name(), " ".join(sorted(
+ dep.get_prefixed_library_name()
+ for dep in self.get_required_libraries_for_component(ci))))
+ f.close()
+ def write_make_fragment(self, output_path):
+ """
+ write_make_fragment(output_path) -> None
+ Generate a Makefile fragment which includes all of the collated
+ LLVMBuild information in a format that is easily digestible by a
+ Makefile. The exact contents of this are closely tied to how the LLVM
+ Makefiles integrate LLVMBuild, see Makefile.rules in the top-level.
+ """
+ dependencies = list(self.get_fragment_dependencies())
+ # Write out the Makefile fragment.
+ make_install_dir(os.path.dirname(output_path))
+ f = open(output_path, 'w')
+ # Write the header.
+ header_fmt = '\
+#===-- %s - LLVMBuild Configuration for LLVM %s-*- Makefile -*--===#'
+ header_name = os.path.basename(output_path)
+ header_pad = '-' * (80 - len(header_fmt % (header_name, '')))
+ header_string = header_fmt % (header_name, header_pad)
+ print >>f, """\
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This file contains the LLVMBuild project information in a format easily
+# consumed by the Makefile based build system.
+# This file is autogenerated by llvm-build, do not edit!
+""" % header_string
+ # Write the dependencies for the fragment.
+ #
+ # FIXME: Technically, we need to properly quote for Make here.
+ print >>f, """\
+# Clients must explicitly enable LLVMBUILD_INCLUDE_DEPENDENCIES to get
+# these dependencies. This is a compromise to help improve the
+# performance of recursive Make systems."""
+ print >>f, 'ifeq ($(LLVMBUILD_INCLUDE_DEPENDENCIES),1)'
+ print >>f, "# The dependencies for this Makefile fragment itself."
+ print >>f, "%s: \\" % (mk_quote_string_for_target(output_path),)
+ for dep in dependencies:
+ print >>f, "\t%s \\" % (dep,)
+ print >>f
+ # Generate dummy rules for each of the dependencies, so that things
+ # continue to work correctly if any of those files are moved or removed.
+ print >>f, """\
+# The dummy targets to allow proper regeneration even when files are moved or
+# removed."""
+ for dep in dependencies:
+ print >>f, "%s:" % (mk_quote_string_for_target(dep),)
+ print >>f, 'endif'
+ f.close()
+def add_magic_target_components(parser, project, opts):
+ """add_magic_target_components(project, opts) -> None
+ Add the "magic" target based components to the project, which can only be
+ determined based on the target configuration options.
+ This currently is responsible for populating the required_libraries list of
+ the "all-targets", "Native", "NativeCodeGen", and "Engine" components.
+ """
+ # Determine the available targets.
+ available_targets = dict((,ci)
+ for ci in project.component_infos
+ if ci.type_name == 'TargetGroup')
+ # Find the configured native target.
+ # We handle a few special cases of target names here for historical
+ # reasons, as these are the names configure currently comes up with.
+ native_target_name = { 'x86' : 'X86',
+ 'x86_64' : 'X86',
+ 'Unknown' : None }.get(opts.native_target,
+ opts.native_target)
+ if native_target_name is None:
+ native_target = None
+ else:
+ native_target = available_targets.get(native_target_name)
+ if native_target is None:
+ parser.error("invalid native target: %r (not in project)" % (
+ opts.native_target,))
+ if native_target.type_name != 'TargetGroup':
+ parser.error("invalid native target: %r (not a target)" % (
+ opts.native_target,))
+ # Find the list of targets to enable.
+ if opts.enable_targets is None:
+ enable_targets = available_targets.values()
+ else:
+ # We support both space separated and semi-colon separated lists.
+ if ' ' in opts.enable_targets:
+ enable_target_names = opts.enable_targets.split()
+ else:
+ enable_target_names = opts.enable_targets.split(';')
+ enable_targets = []
+ for name in enable_target_names:
+ target = available_targets.get(name)
+ if target is None:
+ parser.error("invalid target to enable: %r (not in project)" % (
+ name,))
+ if target.type_name != 'TargetGroup':
+ parser.error("invalid target to enable: %r (not a target)" % (
+ name,))
+ enable_targets.append(target)
+ # Find the special library groups we are going to populate. We enforce that
+ # these appear in the project (instead of just adding them) so that they at
+ # least have an explicit representation in the project LLVMBuild files (and
+ # comments explaining how they are populated).
+ def find_special_group(name):
+ info = info_map.get(name)
+ if info is None:
+ fatal("expected project to contain special %r component" % (
+ name,))
+ if info.type_name != 'LibraryGroup':
+ fatal("special component %r should be a LibraryGroup" % (
+ name,))
+ if info.required_libraries:
+ fatal("special component %r must have empty %r list" % (
+ name, 'required_libraries'))
+ if info.add_to_library_groups:
+ fatal("special component %r must have empty %r list" % (
+ name, 'add_to_library_groups'))
+ info._is_special_group = True
+ return info
+ info_map = dict((, ci) for ci in project.component_infos)
+ all_targets = find_special_group('all-targets')
+ native_group = find_special_group('Native')
+ native_codegen_group = find_special_group('NativeCodeGen')
+ engine_group = find_special_group('Engine')
+ # Set the enabled bit in all the target groups, and append to the
+ # all-targets list.
+ for ci in enable_targets:
+ all_targets.required_libraries.append(
+ ci.enabled = True
+ # If we have a native target, then that defines the native and
+ # native_codegen libraries.
+ if native_target and native_target.enabled:
+ native_group.required_libraries.append(
+ native_codegen_group.required_libraries.append(
+ '%sCodeGen' %
+ # If we have a native target with a JIT, use that for the engine. Otherwise,
+ # use the interpreter.
+ if native_target and native_target.enabled and native_target.has_jit:
+ engine_group.required_libraries.append('JIT')
+ engine_group.required_libraries.append(
+ else:
+ engine_group.required_libraries.append('Interpreter')
+def main():
+ from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+ parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]")
+ group = OptionGroup(parser, "Input Options")
+ group.add_option("", "--source-root", dest="source_root", metavar="PATH",
+ help="Path to the LLVM source (inferred if not given)",
+ action="store", default=None)
+ group.add_option("", "--llvmbuild-source-root",
+ dest="llvmbuild_source_root",
+ help=(
+ "If given, an alternate path to search for LLVMBuild.txt files"),
+ action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH")
+ group.add_option("", "--build-root", dest="build_root", metavar="PATH",
+ help="Path to the build directory (if needed) [%default]",
+ action="store", default=None)
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ group = OptionGroup(parser, "Output Options")
+ group.add_option("", "--print-tree", dest="print_tree",
+ help="Print out the project component tree [%default]",
+ action="store_true", default=False)
+ group.add_option("", "--write-llvmbuild", dest="write_llvmbuild",
+ help="Write out the LLVMBuild.txt files to PATH",
+ action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH")
+ group.add_option("", "--write-library-table",
+ dest="write_library_table", metavar="PATH",
+ help="Write the C++ library dependency table to PATH",
+ action="store", default=None)
+ group.add_option("", "--write-cmake-fragment",
+ dest="write_cmake_fragment", metavar="PATH",
+ help="Write the CMake project information to PATH",
+ action="store", default=None)
+ group.add_option("", "--write-make-fragment",
+ dest="write_make_fragment", metavar="PATH",
+ help="Write the Makefile project information to PATH",
+ action="store", default=None)
+ group.add_option("", "--configure-target-def-file",
+ dest="configure_target_def_files",
+ help="""Configure the given file at SUBPATH (relative to
+the inferred or given source root, and with a '.in' suffix) by replacing certain
+substitution variables with lists of targets that support certain features (for
+example, targets with AsmPrinters) and write the result to the build root (as
+given by --build-root) at the same SUBPATH""",
+ metavar="SUBPATH", action="append", default=None)
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ group = OptionGroup(parser, "Configuration Options")
+ group.add_option("", "--native-target",
+ dest="native_target", metavar="NAME",
+ help=("Treat the named target as the 'native' one, if "
+ "given [%default]"),
+ action="store", default=None)
+ group.add_option("", "--enable-targets",
+ dest="enable_targets", metavar="NAMES",
+ help=("Enable the given space or semi-colon separated "
+ "list of targets, or all targets if not present"),
+ action="store", default=None)
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ # Determine the LLVM source path, if not given.
+ source_root = opts.source_root
+ if source_root:
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(source_root, 'lib', 'VMCore',
+ 'Function.cpp')):
+ parser.error('invalid LLVM source root: %r' % source_root)
+ else:
+ llvmbuild_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ llvm_build_path = os.path.dirname(llvmbuild_path)
+ utils_path = os.path.dirname(llvm_build_path)
+ source_root = os.path.dirname(utils_path)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(source_root, 'lib', 'VMCore',
+ 'Function.cpp')):
+ parser.error('unable to infer LLVM source root, please specify')
+ # Construct the LLVM project information.
+ llvmbuild_source_root = opts.llvmbuild_source_root or source_root
+ project_info = LLVMProjectInfo.load_from_path(
+ source_root, llvmbuild_source_root)
+ # Add the magic target based components.
+ add_magic_target_components(parser, project_info, opts)
+ # Validate the project component info.
+ project_info.validate_components()
+ # Print the component tree, if requested.
+ if opts.print_tree:
+ project_info.print_tree()
+ # Write out the components, if requested. This is useful for auto-upgrading
+ # the schema.
+ if opts.write_llvmbuild:
+ project_info.write_components(opts.write_llvmbuild)
+ # Write out the required library table, if requested.
+ if opts.write_library_table:
+ project_info.write_library_table(opts.write_library_table)
+ # Write out the make fragment, if requested.
+ if opts.write_make_fragment:
+ project_info.write_make_fragment(opts.write_make_fragment)
+ # Write out the cmake fragment, if requested.
+ if opts.write_cmake_fragment:
+ project_info.write_cmake_fragment(opts.write_cmake_fragment)
+ # Configure target definition files, if requested.
+ if opts.configure_target_def_files:
+ # Verify we were given a build root.
+ if not opts.build_root:
+ parser.error("must specify --build-root when using "
+ "--configure-target-def-file")
+ # Create the substitution list.
+ available_targets = [ci for ci in project_info.component_infos
+ if ci.type_name == 'TargetGroup']
+ substitutions = [
+ ' '.join('LLVM_TARGET(%s)' %
+ for ci in available_targets)),
+ ' '.join('LLVM_ASM_PRINTER(%s)' %
+ for ci in available_targets
+ if ci.has_asmprinter)),
+ ' '.join('LLVM_ASM_PARSER(%s)' %
+ for ci in available_targets
+ if ci.has_asmparser)),
+ ' '.join('LLVM_DISASSEMBLER(%s)' %
+ for ci in available_targets
+ if ci.has_disassembler))]
+ # Configure the given files.
+ for subpath in opts.configure_target_def_files:
+ inpath = os.path.join(source_root, subpath + '.in')
+ outpath = os.path.join(opts.build_root, subpath)
+ result = configutil.configure_file(inpath, outpath, substitutions)
+ if not result:
+ note("configured file %r hasn't changed" % outpath)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ main()
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud