path: root/usr.sbin/xntpd/gadget/sm0228.lpr
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.sbin/xntpd/gadget/sm0228.lpr')
1 files changed, 744 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/gadget/sm0228.lpr b/usr.sbin/xntpd/gadget/sm0228.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd39c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.sbin/xntpd/gadget/sm0228.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+%%Title: PADS Postscript Driver Header
+%%Creator: Andy Montalvo, 18 Lupine St., Lowell, MA 01851
+%%CreationDate: 06/08/90
+%%For: CAD Software, Littleton, MA
+%%BeginProcSet: Markers 1.0 0
+% marker attributes
+/MAttr_Width 1 def
+/MAttr_Size 0 def
+/MAttr_Type /M1 def
+% procedures
+/M1 { %def
+% draw marker 1: plus
+% Stack: - M1 -
+ -2 0 rmoveto
+ 4 0 rlineto
+ -2 2 rmoveto
+ 0 -4 rlineto
+} bind def
+/M2 { %def
+% draw marker 2: cross
+% Stack: - M2 -
+ -2 -2 rmoveto
+ 4 4 rlineto
+ -4 0 rmoveto
+ 4 -4 rlineto
+} bind def
+/M3 { %def
+% draw marker 3: square
+% Stack: - M3 -
+ 0 2 rlineto
+ 2 0 rlineto
+ 0 -4 rlineto
+ -4 0 rlineto
+ 0 4 rlineto
+ 2 0 rlineto
+} bind def
+/M4 { %def
+% draw marker 4: diamond
+% Stack: - M4 -
+ 0 2 rlineto
+ 2 -2 rlineto
+ -2 -2 rlineto
+ -2 2 rlineto
+ 2 2 rlineto
+} bind def
+/M5 { %def
+% draw marker 5: hourglass
+% Stack: - M5 -
+ 2 2 rlineto
+ -4 0 rlineto
+ 4 -4 rlineto
+ -4 0 rlineto
+ 2 2 rlineto
+} bind def
+/M6 { %def
+% draw marker 6: bowtie
+% Stack: - M6 -
+ 2 2 rlineto
+ 0 -4 rlineto
+ -4 4 rlineto
+ 0 -4 rlineto
+ 2 2 rlineto
+} bind def
+/M7 { %def
+% draw marker 7: small plus (goes with char marker)
+% Stack: - M7 -
+ -1 0 rmoveto
+ 2 0 rlineto
+ -1 1 rmoveto
+ 0 -2 rlineto
+} bind def
+/Marker { %def
+% Command from driver: draw marker
+% STACK: x y Marker -
+ MAttr_Size 0 gt
+ {
+ gsave
+ moveto
+ MAttr_Size 4 div dup scale
+ MAttr_Type load exec
+ 4 MAttr_Size div dup scale
+ MAttr_Width setlinewidth
+ stroke
+ grestore
+ } if
+} def
+%%EndProcSet: Markers 1.0 0
+%%BeginProcSet: Lib 1.0 0
+/sg { %def
+% Command from driver: set the gray scale 0 - 100
+% STACK: greylevel sg
+ 100 div dup setgray /glev exch def
+} bind def
+/Circle { %def
+% draw a circle
+% STACK: x y radius Circle -
+ 0 360 arc
+} bind def
+/RndAper { %def
+% select a round aperture
+% STACK: - RndAper -
+ 1 setlinejoin
+ 1 setlinecap
+} bind def
+/SqrAper { %def
+% select a square aperture
+% STACK: - SqrAper -
+ 0 setlinejoin
+ 2 setlinecap
+} bind def
+/Line { %def
+% draw a set of connected lines
+% STACK: x1 y1 [ x2 y2 ... xn yn ] Line -
+ 3 1 roll
+ moveto
+ true
+ exch
+ % This pushes the x then the y then does lineto
+ { exch { false } { lineto true } ifelse } forall
+ pop
+} bind def
+/Clipto { %def
+% set clipping rectangle from 0,0 to new values
+% STACK: x y Clipto -
+ 0 0 moveto
+ dup 0 exch lineto
+ 2 copy lineto
+ pop
+ 0 lineto
+ closepath
+ clip
+ newpath
+} bind def
+/Clip4 { %def
+% set clipping rectangle from xmin,ymin to xmax,ymax
+% STACK: xmin ymin xmax ymax Clip4 -
+ 4 copy pop pop moveto
+ 4 copy pop exch lineto pop
+ 2 copy lineto
+ exch pop exch pop lineto
+ closepath
+ clip
+ newpath
+} bind def
+%%EndProcSet: Lib 1.0 0
+%%BeginProcSet: Lines 1.0 0
+% line attributes %
+/LAttr_Width 1 def
+% line procedures
+/PLine { %def
+% Cammand from driver: draw a set of connected lines
+% STACK: x1 y1 [ x2 y2 ... xn yn ] PLine -
+ Line
+ LAttr_Width setlinewidth
+ stroke
+} bind def % PLine
+/Char { %def
+% Command from driver: draw a character at the current position
+% STACK: type x y stroke_array Char -
+% stroke array -- [ stroke1 stroke2 ... stroken ]
+% stroke -- connected staight lines
+% type = 0 if text 1 if marker
+ gsave
+ 4 1 roll
+ translate
+ 0 eq { TAttr_Width } { MAttr_Width } ifelse setlinewidth
+ {
+ dup length 2 gt
+ {
+ dup dup 0 get exch 1 get % get starting point
+ 3 -1 roll % put x y before array
+ dup length 2 sub 2 exch getinterval % delete first items from array
+ Line
+ stroke
+ }
+ {
+ aload pop currentlinewidth 2 div Circle fill
+ } ifelse
+ } forall
+ grestore
+} bind def % Char
+/PArc { %def
+% Command from driver: draw an arc
+% STACK: x y radius startangle deltaangle Arc -
+ 10 div exch 10 div exch
+ 2 copy pop add
+ arc
+ LAttr_Width setlinewidth
+ stroke
+} bind def
+/PCircle { %def
+% Command from driver: draw an circle
+% STACK: x y radius PCircle -
+ Circle
+ LAttr_Width setlinewidth
+ stroke
+} bind def
+%%EndProcSet: Lines 1.0 0
+%%BeginProcSet: Polygon 1.0 0
+% polygon attributes %
+/PAttr_ExtWidth 1 def
+/PAttr_IntWidth 1 def
+/PAttr_Grid 1 def
+% polygon procedures
+/LoopSet { %def
+% set up for loop condition
+% STACK: start end LoopSet low gridwidth high
+ 2 copy lt { exch } if
+ % make grid line up to absolute coordinates
+ PAttr_Grid div truncate PAttr_Grid mul exch
+ PAttr_Grid exch
+} bind def
+/Hatch { %def
+% draw cross hatch pattern in current path
+% STACK: - Hatch -
+ pathbbox
+ /ury exch def
+ /urx exch def
+ /lly exch def
+ /llx exch def
+ clip
+ newpath
+ llx urx LoopSet
+ { % x loop
+ dup lly exch ury moveto lineto
+ } for
+ lly ury LoopSet
+ { % y loop
+ llx exch dup urx exch moveto lineto
+ } for
+ PAttr_IntWidth setlinewidth
+ stroke
+} bind def
+/PPoly { %def
+% Command from driver: draw a plygon
+% STACK: x1 y1 [ x2 y2 ... xn yn ] PLine -
+ Line
+ closepath
+ gsave
+ PAttr_IntWidth PAttr_Grid ge {fill} {Hatch} ifelse
+ grestore
+ PAttr_ExtWidth setlinewidth
+ stroke
+} bind def
+%%EndProcSet: Polygon 1.0 0
+%%BeginProcSet: Text 1.0 0
+% text attributes %
+/TAttr_Mirr 0 def
+/TAttr_Orient 0 def
+/TAttr_Width 1 def
+% text procedures
+/Text { %def
+% Command from driver: Draw text
+% STACK: x y width string Text -
+ gsave
+ 4 2 roll
+ translate
+ TAttr_Mirr 0 gt
+ {
+ -1 1 scale
+ } if
+ TAttr_Orient rotate
+ 0 0 moveto
+ dup length dup 1 gt
+ {
+ exch dup stringwidth pop
+ 4 -1 roll
+ exch 2 copy
+ lt
+ {
+ div 1 scale show
+ }
+ {
+ sub
+ 3 -1 roll 1 sub div
+ 0 3 -1 roll ashow
+ }
+ ifelse
+ }
+ {
+ pop
+ show
+ } ifelse
+ grestore
+} bind def
+%%EndProcSet: Text 1.0 0
+%%BeginProcSet: FlashSymbols 1.0 0
+% flash symbol attributes %
+/FAttr_Type /PRndPad def
+/FAttr_Width 0 def
+/FAttr_Length 1 def
+/FAttr_Orient 0 def
+% flash symbol procedures
+/PRndPad { %def
+% Command from driver: draw an circular pad
+% STACK: - PCirclePad -
+ FAttr_Width dup scale
+ 0 0 .5 Circle
+ fill
+} bind def
+/PSqrPad { %def
+% Draw an Square pad
+% STACK: - PRectPad -
+ FAttr_Width dup scale
+ .5 .5 moveto
+ -.5 .5 lineto
+ -.5 -.5 lineto
+ .5 -.5 lineto
+ closepath
+ fill
+} bind def
+/PRectPad { %def
+% Draw an rectangular pad
+% STACK: - PRectPad -
+ FAttr_Length FAttr_Width scale
+ .5 .5 moveto
+ -.5 .5 lineto
+ -.5 -.5 lineto
+ .5 -.5 lineto
+ closepath
+ fill
+} bind def
+/POvalPad { %def
+% Draw an oval pad
+% STACK: - POvalPad -
+ FAttr_Width setlinewidth
+ FAttr_Length FAttr_Width sub 2 div dup
+ neg 0 moveto
+ 0 lineto
+ RndAper
+ stroke
+} bind def
+/Anl { %def
+ 0 0 .5 Circle
+ fill
+ FAttr_Length FAttr_Width lt
+ { % inner circle
+ 0 0
+ FAttr_Length 0 gt { FAttr_Length FAttr_Width div } { .5 } ifelse
+ 2 div Circle
+ 1 setgray
+ fill
+ glev setgray
+ } if
+} bind def
+/PAnlPad { %def
+% Draw an annular pad
+% STACK: - PAnlPad -
+ FAttr_Width dup scale
+ Anl
+} bind def
+/PRelPad { %def
+% Draw an thermal relief pad
+% STACK: - PRelPad -
+ PAnlPad
+ 1 setgray
+ .17 setlinewidth
+ 0 setlinecap % the x
+ 45 rotate
+ .5 0 moveto -.5 0 lineto
+ 0 .5 moveto 0 -.5 lineto
+ stroke
+ glev setgray
+} bind def
+/Flash { %def
+% Command from driver: Flash a symbol
+% STACK: x y Flash -
+ FAttr_Width 0 gt
+ {
+ gsave
+ translate
+ FAttr_Orient rotate
+ FAttr_Type load exec
+ grestore
+ } if
+} def
+%%EndProcSet: FlashSymbols 1.0 0
+%%BeginProcSet: SetAttr 1.0 0
+/SetLine { %def
+% Set the width of the lines
+% STACK: linewidth SetLine -
+ /LAttr_Width exch def
+ RndAper
+} bind def
+/SetPoly { %def
+% Set attribute of polygon
+% STACK: external_width internal_grid_width grid_spacing SetPoly -
+ /PAttr_Grid exch def
+ /PAttr_IntWidth exch def
+ /PAttr_ExtWidth exch def
+ RndAper
+} bind def
+/SetFlash { %def
+% Set Attributed of flash pad
+% STACK: orientation_angle length width aperture_type SetFlash -
+ /FAttr_Type exch def
+ FAttr_Type /PSqrPad eq FAttr_Type /PRectPad eq or
+ { SqrAper } { RndAper } ifelse
+ /FAttr_Width exch def
+ /FAttr_Length exch def
+ /FAttr_Orient exch 10 div def
+} bind def
+/SetMkr { %def
+% Set attributes of markers
+% STACK: linewidth size type SetMkr -
+ /MAttr_Type exch def
+ /MAttr_Size exch def
+ /MAttr_Width exch def
+ RndAper
+} bind def
+/SetText1 { %def
+% Set attributes of text
+% STACK: fontname height orient mirror SetMkr -
+ /TAttr_Mirr exch def
+ /TAttr_Orient exch 10 div def
+ exch findfont exch scalefont setfont
+ RndAper
+} bind def
+/SetText2 { %def
+% Set attributes of text
+% STACK: linewidth height mirror orient SetMkr -
+ /TAttr_Width exch def
+ RndAper
+} bind def
+%%EndProcSet: SetAttr 1.0 0
+%%BeginProcSet: Initialize 1.0 0
+/Init { %def
+% Initialize the driver
+% STACK: Init -
+ 72 1000 div dup scale % Scale to 1/1000 inch
+ 250 250 translate % make origin 1/4 inch from bottom left
+ 1.5 setmiterlimit 1 RndAper % set line defaults
+ 0 setgray % set color default
+ /glev 0 def
+} def
+%%EndProcSet: Initialize 1.0 0
+/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
+35 760 moveto
+(gadget.job - Fri Aug 21 03:35:33 1992) show
+8000 10500 Clipto
+4000 2800 translate
+0 rotate
+1 1 div dup scale
+75 sg
+50 sg
+25 sg
+0 sg
+10 SetLine
+-1350 4700 [ -1350 4900 ] PLine
+-1350 4900 [ -1150 4900 ] PLine
+10 SetLine
+1150 4900 [ 1350 4900 ] PLine
+1350 4900 [ 1350 4700 ] PLine
+10 SetLine
+1150 0 [ 1350 0 ] PLine
+1350 0 [ 1350 200 ] PLine
+10 SetLine
+-1350 200 [ -1350 0 ] PLine
+-1350 0 [ -1150 0 ] PLine
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-1100 1450 Flash
+-1100 1150 Flash
+300 3300 Flash
+-100 3300 Flash
+-100 3100 Flash
+300 3100 Flash
+300 3500 Flash
+-100 3500 Flash
+-400 3700 Flash
+-1200 3700 Flash
+-100 1300 Flash
+-900 1300 Flash
+-200 2800 Flash
+600 2800 Flash
+-1200 2800 Flash
+-400 2800 Flash
+0 2500 Flash
+0 2100 Flash
+-1200 3400 Flash
+-1200 3000 Flash
+-900 2300 Flash
+-1200 2300 Flash
+-1200 2500 Flash
+-900 2500 Flash
+800 2800 Flash
+1100 2800 Flash
+1250 1900 Flash
+450 1900 Flash
+-100 900 Flash
+-1200 900 Flash
+-700 4000 Flash
+-1100 4000 Flash
+1100 3000 Flash
+700 3000 Flash
+-300 3700 Flash
+0 3700 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+100 900 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+600 900 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+700 3700 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+200 3700 Flash
+0 0 80 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-750 550 Flash
+-750 450 Flash
+0 550 Flash
+0 450 Flash
+750 550 Flash
+750 450 Flash
+-648 4479 Flash
+-540 4479 Flash
+-432 4479 Flash
+-324 4479 Flash
+-216 4479 Flash
+-108 4479 Flash
+0 4479 Flash
+108 4479 Flash
+216 4479 Flash
+324 4479 Flash
+432 4479 Flash
+540 4479 Flash
+648 4479 Flash
+-594 4593 Flash
+-486 4593 Flash
+-378 4593 Flash
+-270 4593 Flash
+-162 4593 Flash
+-54 4593 Flash
+54 4593 Flash
+162 4593 Flash
+270 4593 Flash
+378 4593 Flash
+486 4593 Flash
+594 4593 Flash
+0 0 187 /PRndPad SetFlash
+940 4536 Flash
+-940 4536 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+950 150 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+1050 150 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+-50 150 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+50 150 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+-1050 150 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-950 150 Flash
+0 0 60 /PRndPad SetFlash
+950 3524 Flash
+1026 3612 Flash
+950 3700 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+-1200 1600 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-1100 1700 Flash
+-1200 1800 Flash
+300 1700 Flash
+-100 1700 Flash
+200 1300 Flash
+600 1300 Flash
+-700 2300 Flash
+-300 2300 Flash
+-700 4200 Flash
+-1100 4200 Flash
+1100 3200 Flash
+700 3200 Flash
+-700 2500 Flash
+-300 2500 Flash
+-700 2100 Flash
+-300 2100 Flash
+-800 2100 Flash
+-1200 2100 Flash
+600 1100 Flash
+200 1100 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+1200 2450 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+1100 2350 Flash
+1200 2250 Flash
+-100 1900 Flash
+300 1900 Flash
+0 1500 Flash
+400 1500 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+-900 1600 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-800 1600 Flash
+-700 1600 Flash
+-600 1600 Flash
+-500 1600 Flash
+-400 1600 Flash
+-300 1600 Flash
+-300 1900 Flash
+-400 1900 Flash
+-500 1900 Flash
+-600 1900 Flash
+-700 1900 Flash
+-800 1900 Flash
+-900 1900 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+200 2200 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+300 2200 Flash
+400 2200 Flash
+500 2200 Flash
+600 2200 Flash
+700 2200 Flash
+800 2200 Flash
+900 2200 Flash
+900 2500 Flash
+800 2500 Flash
+700 2500 Flash
+600 2500 Flash
+500 2500 Flash
+400 2500 Flash
+300 2500 Flash
+200 2500 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+200 3900 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+300 3900 Flash
+400 3900 Flash
+500 3900 Flash
+600 3900 Flash
+700 3900 Flash
+800 3900 Flash
+900 3900 Flash
+1000 3900 Flash
+1100 3900 Flash
+1100 4200 Flash
+1000 4200 Flash
+900 4200 Flash
+800 4200 Flash
+700 4200 Flash
+600 4200 Flash
+500 4200 Flash
+400 4200 Flash
+300 4200 Flash
+200 4200 Flash
+0 0 70 /PSqrPad SetFlash
+-1000 3100 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-900 3100 Flash
+-800 3100 Flash
+-700 3100 Flash
+-600 3100 Flash
+-500 3100 Flash
+-400 3100 Flash
+-300 3100 Flash
+-300 3400 Flash
+-400 3400 Flash
+-500 3400 Flash
+-600 3400 Flash
+-700 3400 Flash
+-800 3400 Flash
+-900 3400 Flash
+-1000 3400 Flash
+0 0 80 /PRndPad SetFlash
+900 800 Flash
+1100 800 Flash
+1000 800 Flash
+0 0 187 /PRndPad SetFlash
+1000 1550 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+0 4000 Flash
+0 4200 Flash
+0 0 260 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-1100 450 Flash
+1100 450 Flash
+0 0 70 /PRndPad SetFlash
+1100 3400 Flash
+700 3400 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-200 2350 Flash
+-200 1750 Flash
+200 1400 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+300 1100 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+175 3300 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+1000 2650 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-450 2100 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-650 2600 Flash
+-100 2600 Flash
+-100 2250 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+800 1800 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+700 1900 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+600 1700 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+500 1600 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+0 4100 Flash
+900 4100 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+800 3000 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+600 3700 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+450 2700 Flash
+-400 2700 Flash
+-400 2300 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+350 3800 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-850 3700 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+400 1300 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-1050 1050 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+0 4475 Flash
+75 4000 Flash
+1000 4000 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+950 3200 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+850 1200 Flash
+-600 1200 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-550 3900 Flash
+-350 3900 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-800 4300 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+-750 4350 Flash
+0 0 65 /PRndPad SetFlash
+400 3400 Flash
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