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-Network Working Group Zaw-Sing Su (SRI)
-Request for Comments: 819 Jon Postel (ISI)
- August 1982
- The Domain Naming Convention for Internet User Applications
-1. Introduction
- For many years, the naming convention "<user>@<host>" has served the
- ARPANET user community for its mail system, and the substring
- "<host>" has been used for other applications such as file transfer
- (FTP) and terminal access (Telnet). With the advent of network
- interconnection, this naming convention needs to be generalized to
- accommodate internetworking. A decision has recently been reached to
- replace the simple name field, "<host>", by a composite name field,
- "<domain>" [2]. This note is an attempt to clarify this generalized
- naming convention, the Internet Naming Convention, and to explore the
- implications of its adoption for Internet name service and user
- applications.
- The following example illustrates the changes in naming convention:
- ARPANET Convention: Fred@ISIF
- Internet Convention: Fred@F.ISI.ARPA
- The intent is that the Internet names be used to form a
- tree-structured administrative dependent, rather than a strictly
- topology dependent, hierarchy. The left-to-right string of name
- components proceeds from the most specific to the most general, that
- is, the root of the tree, the administrative universe, is on the
- right.
- The name service for realizing the Internet naming convention is
- assumed to be application independent. It is not a part of any
- particular application, but rather an independent name service serves
- different user applications.
-2. The Structural Model
- The Internet naming convention is based on the domain concept. The
- name of a domain consists of a concatenation of one or more <simple
- names>. A domain can be considered as a region of jurisdiction for
- name assignment and of responsibility for name-to-address
- translation. The set of domains forms a hierarchy.
- Using a graph theory representation, this hierarchy may be modeled as
- a directed graph. A directed graph consists of a set of nodes and a
-Su & Postel [Page 1]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- collection of arcs, where arcs are identified by ordered pairs of
- distinct nodes [1]. Each node of the graph represents a domain. An
- ordered pair (B, A), an arc from B to A, indicates that B is a
- subdomain of domain A, and B is a simple name unique within A. We
- will refer to B as a child of A, and A a parent of B. The directed
- graph that best describes the naming hierarchy is called an
- "in-tree", which is a rooted tree with all arcs directed towards the
- root (Figure 1). The root of the tree represents the naming universe,
- ancestor of all domains. Endpoints (or leaves) of the tree are the
- lowest-level domains.
- U
- / | \
- / | \ U -- Naming Universe
- ^ ^ ^ I -- Intermediate Domain
- | | | E -- Endpoint Domain
- I E I
- / \ |
- ^ ^ ^
- | | |
- E E I
- / | \
- ^ ^ ^
- | | |
- E E E
- Figure 1
- The In-Tree Model for Domain Hierarchy
- The simple name of a child in this model is necessarily unique within
- its parent domain. Since the simple name of the child's parent is
- unique within the child's grandparent domain, the child can be
- uniquely named in its grandparent domain by the concatenation of its
- simple name followed by its parent's simple name.
- For example, if the simple name of a child is "C1" then no other
- child of the same parent may be named "C1". Further, if the
- parent of this child is named "P1", then "P1" is a unique simple
- name in the child's grandparent domain. Thus, the concatenation
- C1.P1 is unique in C1's grandparent domain.
- Similarly, each element of the hierarchy is uniquely named in the
- universe by its complete name, the concatenation of its simple name
- and those for the domains along the trail leading to the naming
- universe.
- The hierarchical structure of the Internet naming convention supports
- decentralization of naming authority and distribution of name service
- capability. We assume a naming authority and a name server
-Su & Postel [Page 2]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- associated with each domain. In Sections 5 and 6 respectively the
- name service and the naming authority are discussed.
- Within an endpoint domain, unique names are assigned to <user>
- representing user mailboxes. User mailboxes may be viewed as
- children of their respective domains.
- In reality, anomalies may exist violating the in-tree model of naming
- hierarchy. Overlapping domains imply multiple parentage, i.e., an
- entity of the naming hierarchy being a child of more than one domain.
- It is conceivable that ISI can be a member of the ARPA domain as well
- as a member of the USC domain (Figure 2). Such a relation
- constitutes an anomaly to the rule of one-connectivity between any
- two points of a tree. The common child and the sub-tree below it
- become descendants of both parent domains.
- U
- / | \
- / . \
- . . ARPA
- . . | \
- USC | \
- \ | .
- \ | .
- Figure 2
- Anomaly in the In-Tree Model
- Some issues resulting from multiple parentage are addressed in
- Appendix B. The general implications of multiple parentage are a
- subject for further investigation.
-3. Advantage of Absolute Naming
- Absolute naming implies that the (complete) names are assigned with
- respect to a universal reference point. The advantage of absolute
- naming is that a name thus assigned can be universally interpreted
- with respect to the universal reference point. The Internet naming
- convention provides absolute naming with the naming universe as its
- universal reference point.
- For relative naming, an entity is named depending upon the position
- of the naming entity relative to that of the named entity. A set of
- hosts running the "unix" operating system exchange mail using a
- method called "uucp". The naming convention employed by uucp is an
- example of relative naming. The mail recipient is typically named by
- a source route identifying a chain of locally known hosts linking the
-Su & Postel [Page 3]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- sender's host to the recipient's. A destination name can be, for
- example,
- "alpha!beta!gamma!john",
- where "alpha" is presumably known to the originating host, "beta" is
- known to "alpha", and so on.
- The uucp mail system has demonstrated many of the problems inherent
- to relative naming. When the host names are only locally
- interpretable, routing optimization becomes impossible. A reply
- message may have to traverse the reverse route to the original sender
- in order to be forwarded to other parties.
- Furthermore, if a message is forwarded by one of the original
- recipients or passed on as the text of another message, the frame of
- reference of the relative source route can be completely lost. Such
- relative naming schemes have severe problems for many of the uses
- that we depend upon in the ARPA Internet community.
-4. Interoperability
- To allow interoperation with a different naming convention, the names
- assigned by a foreign naming convention need to be accommodated.
- Given the autonomous nature of domains, a foreign naming environment
- may be incorporated as a domain anywhere in the hierarchy. Within
- the naming universe, the name service for a domain is provided within
- that domain. Thus, a foreign naming convention can be independent of
- the Internet naming convention. What is implied here is that no
- standard convention for naming needs to be imposed to allow
- interoperations among heterogeneous naming environments.
- For example:
- There might be a naming convention, say, in the FOO world,
- something like "<user>%<host>%<area>". Communications with an
- entity in that environment can be achieved from the Internet
- community by simply appending ".FOO" on the end of the name in
- that foreign convention.
- John%ISI-Tops20-7%California.FOO
- Another example:
- One way of accommodating the "uucp world" described in the last
- section is to declare it as a foreign system. Thus, a uucp
- name
- "alpha!beta!gamma!john"
-Su & Postel [Page 4]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- might be known in the Internet community as
- "alpha!beta!gamma!john.UUCP".
- Communicating with a complex subdomain is another case which can
- be treated as interoperation. A complex subdomain is a domain
- with complex internal naming structure presumably unknown to the
- outside world (or the outside world does not care to be concerned
- with its complexity).
- For the mail system application, the names embedded in the message
- text are often used by the destination for such purpose as to reply
- to the original message. Thus, the embedded names may need to be
- converted for the benefit of the name server in the destination
- environment.
- Conversion of names on the boundary between heterogeneous naming
- environments is a complex subject. The following example illustrates
- some of the involved issues.
- For example:
- A message is sent from the Internet community to the FOO
- environment. It may bear the "From" and "To" fields as:
- From: Fred@F.ISI.ARPA
- To: John%ISI-Tops20-7%California.FOO
- where "FOO" is a domain independent of the Internet naming
- environment. The interface on the boundary of the two
- environments may be represented by a software module. We may
- assume this interface to be an entity of the Internet community
- as well as an entity of the FOO community. For the benefit of
- the FOO environment, the "From" and "To" fields need to be
- modified upon the message's arrival at the boundary. One may
- view naming as a separate layer of protocol, and treat
- conversion as a protocol translation. The matter is
- complicated when the message is sent to more than one
- destination within different naming environments; or the
- message is destined within an environment not sharing boundary
- with the originating naming environment.
- While the general subject concerning conversion is beyond the scope
- of this note, a few questions are raised in Appendix D.
-Su & Postel [Page 5]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
-5. Name Service
- Name service is a network service providing name-to-address
- translation. Such service may be achieved in a number of ways. For
- a simple networking environment, it can be accomplished with a single
- central database containing name-to-address correspondence for all
- the pertinent network entities, such as hosts.
- In the case of the old ARPANET host names, a central database is
- duplicated in each individual host. The originating module of an
- application process would query the local name service (e.g., make a
- system call) to obtain network address for the destination host. With
- the proliferation of networks and an accelerating increase in the
- number of hosts participating in networking, the ever growing size,
- update frequency, and the dissemination of the central database makes
- this approach unmanageable.
- The hierarchical structure of the Internet naming convention supports
- decentralization of naming authority and distribution of name service
- capability. It readily accommodates growth of the naming universe.
- It allows an arbitrary number of hierarchical layers. The addition
- of a new domain adds little complexity to an existing Internet
- system.
- The name service at each domain is assumed to be provided by one or
- more name servers. There are two models for how a name server
- completes its work, these might be called "iterative" and
- "recursive".
- For an iterative name server there may be two kinds of responses.
- The first kind of response is a destination address. The second
- kind of response is the address of another name server. If the
- response is a destination address, then the query is satisfied. If
- the response is the address of another name server, then the query
- must be repeated using that name server, and so on until a
- destination address is obtained.
- For a recursive name server there is only one kind of response --
- a destination address. This puts an obligation on the name server
- to actually make the call on another name server if it can't
- answer the query itself.
- It is noted that looping can be avoided since the names presented for
- translation can only be of finite concatenation. However, care
- should be taken in employing mechanisms such as a pointer to the next
- simple name for resolution.
- We believe that some name servers will be recursive, but we don't
- believe that all will be. This means that the caller must be
-Su & Postel [Page 6]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- prepared for either type of server. Further discussion and examples
- of name service is given in Appendix C.
- The basic name service at each domain is the translation of simple
- names to addresses for all of its children. However, if only this
- basic name service is provided, the use of complete (or fully
- qualified) names would be required. Such requirement can be
- unreasonable in practice. Thus, we propose the use of partial names
- in the context in which their uniqueness is preserved. By
- construction, naming uniqueness is preserved within the domain of a
- common ancestry. Thus, a partially qualified name is constructed by
- omitting from the complete name ancestors common to the communicating
- parties. When a partially qualified name leaves its context of
- uniqueness it must be additionally qualified.
- The use of partially qualified names places a requirement on the
- Internet name service. To satisfy this requirement, the name service
- at each domain must be capable of, in addition to the basic service,
- resolving simple names for all of its ancestors (including itself)
- and their children. In Appendix B, the required distinction among
- simple names for such resolution is addressed.
-6. Naming Authority
- Associated with each domain there must be a naming authority to
- assign simple names and ensure proper distinction among simple names.
- Note that if the use of partially qualified names is allowed in a
- sub-domain, the uniqueness of simple names inside that sub-domain is
- insufficient to avoid ambiguity with names outside the subdomain.
- Appendix B discusses simple name assignment in a sub-domain that
- would allow the use of partially qualified names without ambiguity.
- Administratively, associated with each domain there is a single
- person (or office) called the registrar. The registrar of the naming
- universe specifies the top-level set of domains and designates a
- registrar for each of these domains. The registrar for any given
- domain maintains the naming authority for that domain.
-7. Network-Oriented Applications
- For user applications such as file transfer and terminal access, the
- remote host needs to be named. To be compatible with ARPANET naming
- convention, a host can be treated as an endpoint domain.
- Many operating systems or programming language run-time environments
- provide functions or calls (JSYSs, SVCs, UUOs, SYSs, etc.) for
- standard services (e.g., time-of-day, account-of-logged-in-user,
- convert-number-to-string). It is likely to be very helpful if such a
-Su & Postel [Page 7]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- function or call is developed for translating a host name to an
- address. Indeed, several systems on the ARPANET already have such
- facilities for translating an ARPANET host name into an ARPANET
- address based on internal tables.
- We recommend that this provision of a standard function or call for
- translating names to addresses be extended to accept names of
- Internet convention. This will promote a consistent interface to the
- users of programs involving internetwork activities. The standard
- facility for translating Internet names to Internet addresses should
- include all the mechanisms available on the host, such as checking a
- local table or cache of recently checked names, or consulting a name
- server via the Internet.
-8. Mail Relaying
- Relaying is a feature adopted by more and more mail systems.
- Relaying facilitates, among other things, interoperations between
- heterogeneous mail systems. The term "relay" is used to describe the
- situation where a message is routed via one or more intermediate
- points between the sender and the recipient. The mail relays are
- normally specified explicitly as relay points in the instructions for
- message delivery. Usually, each of the intermediate relays assume
- responsibility for the relayed message [3].
- A point should be made on the basic difference between mail
- relaying and the uucp naming system. The difference is that
- although mail relaying with absolute naming can also be considered
- as a form of source routing, the names of each intermediate points
- and that of the destination are universally interpretable, while
- the host names along a source route of the uucp convention is
- relative and thus only locally interpretable.
- The Internet naming convention explicitly allows interoperations
- among heterogeneous systems. This implies that the originator of a
- communication may name a destination which resides in a foreign
- system. The probability is that the destination network address may
- not be comprehensible to the transport system of the originator.
- Thus, an implicit relaying mechanism is called for at the boundary
- between the domains. The function of this implicit relay is the same
- as the explicit relay.
-Su & Postel [Page 8]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
-9. Implementation
- The Actual Domains
- The initial set of top-level names include:
- This represents the set of organizations involved in the
- Internet system through the authority of the U.S. Defense
- Advanced Research Projects Agency. This includes all the
- research and development hosts on the ARPANET and hosts on
- many other nets as well. But note very carefully that the
- top-level domain "ARPA" does not map one-to-one with the
- ARPANET -- domains are administrative, not topological.
- Transition
- In the transition from the ARPANET naming convention to the
- Internet naming convention, a host name may be used as a simple
- name for an endpoint domain. Thus, if "USC-ISIF" is an ARPANET
- host name, then "USC-ISIF.ARPA" is the name of an Internet domain.
-10. Summary
- A hierarchical naming convention based on the domain concept has been
- adopted by the Internet community. It is an absolute naming
- convention defined along administrative rather than topological
- boundaries. This naming convention is adaptive for interoperations
- with other naming conventions. Thus, no standard convention needs to
- be imposed for interoperations among heterogeneous naming
- environments.
- This Internet naming convention allows distributed name service and
- naming authority functions at each domain. We have specified these
- functions required at each domain. Also discussed are implications
- on network-oriented applications, mail systems, and administrative
- aspects of this convention.
-Su & Postel [Page 9]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- The BNF Specification
- We present here a rather detailed "BNF" definition of the allowed
- form for a computer mail "mailbox" composed of a "local-part" and a
- "domain" (separated by an at sign). Clearly, the domain can be used
- separately in other network-oriented applications.
- <mailbox> ::= <local-part> "@" <domain>
- <local-part> ::= <string> | <quoted-string>
- <string> ::= <char> | <char> <string>
- <quoted-string> ::= """ <qtext> """
- <qtext> ::= "\" <x> | "\" <x> <qtext> | <q> | <q> <qtext>
- <char> ::= <c> | "\" <x>
- <domain> ::= <naming-domain> | <naming-domain> "." <domain>
- <naming-domain> ::= <simple-name> | <address>
- <simple-name> ::= <a> <ldh-str> <let-dig>
- <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
- <let-dig> ::= <a> | <d>
- <let-dig-hyp> ::= <a> | <d> | "-"
- <address> :: = "#" <number> | "[" <dotnum> "]"
- <number> ::= <d> | <d> <number>
- <dotnum> ::= <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum>
- <snum> ::= one, two, or three digits representing a decimal integer
- value in the range 0 through 255
- <a> ::= any one of the 52 alphabetic characters A through Z in upper
- case and a through z in lower case
- <c> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters except <s> or <SP>
- <d> ::= any one of the ten digits 0 through 9
-Su & Postel [Page 10]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- <q> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters except CR, LF, quote ("),
- or backslash (\)
- <x> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters (no exceptions)
- <s> ::= "<", ">", "(", ")", "[", "]", "\", ".", ",", ";", ":", "@",
- """, and the control characters (ASCII codes 0 through 31 inclusive
- and 127)
- Note that the backslash, "\", is a quote character, which is used to
- indicate that the next character is to be used literally (instead of
- its normal interpretation). For example, "Joe\,Smith" could be used
- to indicate a single nine character user field with comma being the
- fourth character of the field.
- The simple names that make up a domain may contain both upper and
- lower case letters (as well as digits and hyphen), but these names
- are not case sensitive.
- Hosts are generally known by names. Sometimes a host is not known to
- the translation function and communication is blocked. To bypass
- this barrier two forms of addresses are also allowed for host
- "names". One form is a decimal integer prefixed by a pound sign, "#".
- Another form, called "dotted decimal", is four small decimal integers
- separated by dots and enclosed by brackets, e.g., "[]",
- which indicates a 32-bit ARPA Internet Address in four 8-bit fields.
- (Of course, these numeric address forms are specific to the Internet,
- other forms may have to be provided if this problem arises in other
- transport systems.)
-Su & Postel [Page 11]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- An Aside on the Assignment of Simple Names
- In the following example, there are two naming hierarchies joining at
- the naming universe 'U'. One consists of domains (S, R, N, J, P, Q,
- B, A); and the other (L, E, F, G, H, D, C, K, B, A). Domain B is
- assumed to have multiple parentage as shown.
- U
- / \
- / \
- J L
- / \
- N E
- / \ / \
- R P D F
- / \ | \ \
- S Q C (X) G
- \ / \ \
- B K H
- /
- A
- Figure 3
- Illustration of Requirements for the Distinction of Simple Names
- Suppose someone at A tries to initiate communication with destination
- H. The fully qualified destination name would be
- H.G.F.E.L.U
- Omitting common ancestors, the partially qualified name for the
- destination would be
- H.G.F
- To permit the case of partially qualified names, name server at A
- needs to resolve the simple name F, i.e., F needs to be distinct from
- all the other simple names in its database.
- To enable the name server of a domain to resolve simple names, a
- simple name for a child needs to be assigned distinct from those of
- all of its ancestors and their immediate children. However, such
- distinction would not be sufficient to allow simple name resolution
- at lower-level domains because lower-level domains could have
- multiple parentage below the level of this domain.
- In the example above, let us assume that a name is to be assigned
-Su & Postel [Page 12]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- to a new domain X by D. To allow name server at D to resolve
- simple names, the name for X must be distinct from L, E, D, C, F,
- and J. However, allowing A to resolve simple names, X needs to be
- also distinct from A, B, K, as well as from Q, P, N, and R.
- The following observations can be made.
- Simple names along parallel trails (distinct trails leading from
- one domain to the naming universe) must be distinct, e.g., N must
- be distinct from E for B or A to properly resolve simple names.
- No universal uniqueness of simple names is called for, e.g., the
- simple name S does not have to be distinct from that of E, F, G,
- H, D, C, K, Q, B, or A.
- The lower the level at which a domain occurs, the more immune it
- is to the requirement of naming uniqueness.
- To satisfy the required distinction of simple names for proper
- resolution at all levels, a naming authority needs to ensure the
- simple name to be assigned distinct from those in the name server
- databases at the endpoint naming domains within its domain. As an
- example, for D to assign a simple name for X, it would need to
- consult databases at A and K. It is, however, acceptable to have
- simple names under domain A identical with those under K. Failure of
- such distinct assignment of simple names by naming authority of one
- domain would jeopardize the capability of simple name resolution for
- entities within the subtree under that domain.
-Su & Postel [Page 13]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- Further Discussion of Name Service and Name Servers
- The name service on a system should appear to the programmer of an
- application program simply as a system call or library subroutine.
- Within that call or subroutine there may be several types of methods
- for resolving the name string into an address.
- First, a local table may be consulted. This table may be a
- complete table and may be updated frequently, or it may simply be
- a cache of the few latest name to address mappings recently
- determined.
- Second, a call may be made to a name server to resolve the string
- into a destination address.
- Third, a call may be made to a name server to resolve the string
- into a relay address.
- Whenever a name server is called it may be a recursive server or an
- interactive server.
- If the server is recursive, the caller won't be able to tell if
- the server itself had the information to resolve the query or
- called another server recursively (except perhaps for the time it
- takes).
- If the server is iterative, the caller must be prepared for either
- the answer to its query, or a response indicating that it should
- call on a different server.
- It should be noted that the main name service discussed in this memo
- is simply a name string to address service. For some applications
- there may be other services needed.
- For example, even within the Internet there are several procedures
- or protocols for actually transferring mail. One need is to
- determine which mail procedures a destination host can use.
- Another need is to determine the name of a relay host if the
- source and destination hosts do not have a common mail procedure.
- These more specialized services must be specific to each
- application since the answers may be application dependent, but
- the basic name to address translation is application independent.
-Su & Postel [Page 14]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- Further Discussion of Interoperability and Protocol Translations
- The translation of protocols from one system to another is often
- quite difficult. Following are some questions that stem from
- considering the translations of addresses between mail systems:
- What is the impact of different addressing environments (i.e.,
- environments of different address formats)?
- It is noted that the boundary of naming environment may or may not
- coincide with the boundary of different mail systems. Should the
- conversion of naming be independent of the application system?
- The boundary between different addressing environments may or may
- not coincide with that of different naming environments or
- application systems. Some generic approach appears to be
- necessary.
- If the conversion of naming is to be independent of the
- application system, some form of interaction appears necessary
- between the interface module of naming conversion with some
- application level functions, such as the parsing and modification
- of message text.
- To accommodate encryption, conversion may not be desirable at all.
- What then can be an alternative to conversion?
-Su & Postel [Page 15]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- address
- An address is a numerical identifier for the topological location
- of the named entity.
- name
- A name is an alphanumeric identifier associated with the named
- entity. For unique identification, a name needs to be unique in
- the context in which the name is used. A name can be mapped to an
- address.
- complete (fully qualified) name
- A complete name is a concatenation of simple names representing
- the hierarchical relation of the named with respect to the naming
- universe, that is it is the concatenation of the simple names of
- the domain structure tree nodes starting with its own name and
- ending with the top level node name. It is a unique name in the
- naming universe.
- partially qualified name
- A partially qualified name is an abbreviation of the complete name
- omitting simple names of the common ancestors of the communicating
- parties.
- simple name
- A simple name is an alphanumeric identifier unique only within its
- parent domain.
- domain
- A domain defines a region of jurisdiction for name assignment and
- of responsibility for name-to-address translation.
- naming universe
- Naming universe is the ancestor of all network entities.
- naming environment
- A networking environment employing a specific naming convention.
-Su & Postel [Page 16]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- name service
- Name service is a network service for name-to-address mapping.
- name server
- A name server is a network mechanism (e.g., a process) realizing
- the function of name service.
- naming authority
- Naming authority is an administrative entity having the authority
- for assigning simple names and responsibility for resolving naming
- conflict.
- parallel relations
- A network entity may have one or more hierarchical relations with
- respect to the naming universe. Such multiple relations are
- parallel relations to each other.
- multiple parentage
- A network entity has multiple parentage when it is assigned a
- simple name by more than one naming domain.
-Su & Postel [Page 17]
-RFC 819 August 1982;
- [1] F. Harary, "Graph Theory", Addison-Wesley, Reading,
- Massachusetts, 1969.
- [2] J. Postel, "Computer Mail Meeting Notes", RFC-805,
- USC/Information Sciences Institute, 8 February 1982.
- [3] J. Postel, "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC-821,
- USC/Information Sciences Institute, August 1982.
- [4] D. Crocker, "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
- Messages", RFC-822, Department of Electrical Engineering, University
- of Delaware, August 1982.
-Su & Postel [Page 18]
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