path: root/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source
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Diffstat (limited to 'usr.sbin/lpr/common_source')
4 files changed, 325 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/common.c b/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/common.c
index 9a70f80..67a1725 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/common.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/common.c
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ static const char rcsid[] =
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
@@ -256,6 +258,289 @@ status_file_name(pp, buf, len)
return buf;
+/* routine to get a current timestamp, optionally in a standard-fmt string */
+lpd_gettime(tsp, strp, strsize)
+ struct timespec *tsp;
+ char *strp;
+ int strsize;
+ struct timespec local_ts;
+ struct timeval btime;
+ char *destp;
+ char tempstr[TIMESTR_SIZE];
+ if (tsp == NULL)
+ tsp = &local_ts;
+ /* some platforms have a routine called clock_gettime, but the
+ * routine does nothing but return "not implemented". */
+ memset(tsp, 0, sizeof(struct timespec));
+ if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, tsp)) {
+ /* nanosec-aware rtn failed, fall back to microsec-aware rtn */
+ memset(tsp, 0, sizeof(struct timespec));
+ gettimeofday(&btime, NULL);
+ tsp->tv_sec = btime.tv_sec;
+ tsp->tv_nsec = btime.tv_usec * 1000;
+ }
+ /* caller may not need a character-ized version */
+ if ((strp == NULL) || (strsize < 1))
+ return;
+ localtime(&tsp->tv_sec));
+ /*
+ * This check is for implementations of strftime which treat %z
+ * (timezone as [+-]hhmm ) like %Z (timezone as characters), or
+ * completely ignore %z. This section is not needed on freebsd.
+ * I'm not sure this is completely right, but it should work OK
+ * for EST and EDT...
+ */
+ destp = strrchr(tempstr, ':');
+ if (destp != NULL) {
+ destp += 3;
+ if ((*destp != '+') && (*destp != '-')) {
+ char savday[6];
+ int tzmin = timezone / 60;
+ int tzhr = tzmin / 60;
+ if (daylight)
+ tzhr--;
+ strcpy(savday, destp + strlen(destp) - 4);
+ snprintf(destp, (destp - tempstr), "%+03d%02d",
+ (-1*tzhr), tzmin % 60);
+ strcat(destp, savday);
+ }
+ }
+ if (strsize > TIMESTR_SIZE) {
+ strsize = TIMESTR_SIZE;
+ strp[TIMESTR_SIZE+1] = '\0';
+ }
+ strncpy(strp, tempstr, strsize);
+/* routines for writing transfer-statistic records */
+trstat_init(pp, fname, filenum)
+ struct printer *pp;
+ const char *fname;
+ int filenum;
+ register const char *srcp;
+ register char *destp, *endp;
+ /*
+ * Figure out the job id of this file. The filename should be
+ * 'cf', 'df', or maybe 'tf', followed by a letter (or sometimes
+ * two), followed by the jobnum, followed by a hostname.
+ * The jobnum is usually 3 digits, but might be as many as 5.
+ * Note that some care has to be taken parsing this, as the
+ * filename could be coming from a remote-host, and thus might
+ * not look anything like what is expected...
+ */
+ memset(pp->jobnum, 0, sizeof(pp->jobnum));
+ pp->jobnum[0] = '0';
+ srcp = strchr(fname, '/');
+ if (srcp == NULL)
+ srcp = fname;
+ destp = &(pp->jobnum[0]);
+ endp = destp + 5;
+ while (*srcp != '\0' && (*srcp < '0' || *srcp > '9'))
+ srcp++;
+ while (*srcp >= '0' && *srcp <= '9' && destp < endp)
+ *(destp++) = *(srcp++);
+ /* get the starting time in both numeric and string formats, and
+ * save those away along with the file-number */
+ pp->jobdfnum = filenum;
+ lpd_gettime(&pp->tr_start, pp->tr_timestr, TIMESTR_SIZE);
+ return;
+trstat_write(pp, sendrecv, bytecnt, userid, otherhost, orighost)
+ struct printer *pp;
+ tr_sendrecv sendrecv;
+ size_t bytecnt;
+ const char *userid;
+ const char *otherhost;
+ const char *orighost;
+#define STATLINE_SIZE 1024
+ double trtime;
+ int remspace;
+ int statfile;
+ char thishost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1], statline[STATLINE_SIZE];
+ const char *rectype, *statfname;
+ const char *lprhost, *sendhost, *recvhost, *recvdev;
+ char *eostat;
+#define UPD_EOSTAT(xStr) do { \
+ eostat = strchr(xStr, '\0'); \
+ remspace = eostat - xStr; \
+} while(0)
+ lpd_gettime(&pp->tr_done, NULL, 0);
+ trtime = DIFFTIME_TS(pp->tr_done, pp->tr_start);
+ gethostname(thishost, sizeof(thishost));
+ lprhost = sendhost = recvhost = recvdev = NULL;
+ switch (sendrecv) {
+ case TR_SENDING:
+ rectype = "send";
+ statfname = pp->stat_send;
+ sendhost = thishost;
+ recvhost = otherhost;
+ break;
+ case TR_RECVING:
+ rectype = "recv";
+ statfname = pp->stat_recv;
+ sendhost = otherhost;
+ recvhost = thishost;
+ break;
+ /* copying to a device (presumably local, though things
+ * like 'net/CAP' can confuse this assumption...) */
+ rectype = "prnt";
+ statfname = pp->stat_send;
+ sendhost = thishost;
+ recvdev = _PATH_DEFDEVLP;
+ if (pp->lp) recvdev = pp->lp;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* internal error... should we syslog/printf an error? */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (statfname == NULL) return;
+ /*
+ * the original-host and userid are found out by reading thru the
+ * cf (control-file) for the job. Unfortunately, on incoming jobs
+ * the df's (data-files) are sent before the matching cf, so the
+ * orighost & userid are generally not-available for incoming jobs.
+ *
+ * (it would be nice to create a work-around for that..)
+ */
+ if (orighost && (*orighost != '\0'))
+ lprhost = orighost;
+ else
+ lprhost = ".na.";
+ if (*userid == '\0') userid = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Format of statline.
+ * Some of the keywords listed here are not implemented here, but
+ * they are listed to reserve the meaning for a given keyword.
+ * Fields are separated by a blank. The fields in statline are:
+ * <tstamp> - time the transfer started
+ * <ptrqueue> - name of the printer queue (the short-name...)
+ * <hname> - hostname the file originally came from (the
+ * 'lpr host'), if known, or "_na_" if not known.
+ * <xxx> - id of job from that host (generally three digits)
+ * <n> - file count (# of file within job)
+ * <rectype> - 4-byte field indicating the type of transfer
+ * statistics record. "send" means it's from the
+ * host sending a datafile, "recv" means it's from
+ * a host as it receives a datafile.
+ * user=<userid> - user who sent the job (if known)
+ * secs=<n> - seconds it took to transfer the file
+ * bytes=<n> - number of bytes transfered (ie, "bytecount")
+ * bps=<n.n>e<n> - Bytes/sec (if the transfer was "big enough"
+ * for this to be useful)
+ * ! top=<str> - type of printer (if the type is defined in
+ * printcap, and if this statline is for sending
+ * a file to that ptr)
+ * ! qls=<n> - queue-length at start of send/print-ing a job
+ * ! qle=<n> - queue-length at end of send/print-ing a job
+ * sip=<addr> - IP address of sending host, only included when
+ * receiving a job.
+ * shost=<hname> - sending host (if that does != the original host)
+ * rhost=<hname> - hostname receiving the file (ie, "destination")
+ * rdev=<dev> - device receiving the file, when the file is being
+ * send to a device instead of a remote host.
+ *
+ * Note: A single print job may be transferred multiple times. The
+ * original 'lpr' occurs on one host, and that original host might
+ * send to some interim host (or print server). That interim host
+ * might turn around and send the job to yet another host (most likely
+ * the real printer). The 'shost=' parameter is only included if the
+ * sending host for this particular transfer is NOT the same as the
+ * host which did the original 'lpr'.
+ *
+ * Many values have 'something=' tags before them, because they are
+ * in some sense "optional", or their order may vary. "Optional" may
+ * mean in the sense that different SITES might choose to have other
+ * fields in the record, or that some fields are only included under
+ * some circumstances. Programs processing these records should not
+ * assume the order or existence of any of these keyword fields.
+ */
+ snprintf(statline, STATLINE_SIZE, "%s %s %s %s %03ld %s",
+ pp->tr_timestr, pp->printer, lprhost,
+ pp->jobnum, pp->jobdfnum, rectype);
+ UPD_EOSTAT(statline);
+ if (userid != NULL) {
+ snprintf(eostat, remspace, " user=%s", userid);
+ UPD_EOSTAT(statline);
+ }
+ snprintf(eostat, remspace, " secs=%#.2f bytes=%u", trtime, bytecnt);
+ UPD_EOSTAT(statline);
+ /* the bps field duplicates info from bytes and secs, so do not
+ * bother to include it for very small files */
+ if ((bytecnt > 25000) && (trtime > 1.1)) {
+ snprintf(eostat, remspace, " bps=%#.2e",
+ ((double)bytecnt/trtime));
+ UPD_EOSTAT(statline);
+ }
+ if (sendrecv == TR_RECVING) {
+ if (remspace > 5+strlen(from_ip) ) {
+ snprintf(eostat, remspace, " sip=%s", from_ip);
+ UPD_EOSTAT(statline);
+ }
+ }
+ if (0 != strcmp(lprhost, sendhost)) {
+ if (remspace > 7+strlen(sendhost) ) {
+ snprintf(eostat, remspace, " shost=%s", sendhost);
+ UPD_EOSTAT(statline);
+ }
+ }
+ if (recvhost) {
+ if (remspace > 7+strlen(recvhost) ) {
+ snprintf(eostat, remspace, " rhost=%s", recvhost);
+ UPD_EOSTAT(statline);
+ }
+ }
+ if (recvdev) {
+ if (remspace > 6+strlen(recvdev) ) {
+ snprintf(eostat, remspace, " rdev=%s", recvdev);
+ UPD_EOSTAT(statline);
+ }
+ }
+ if (remspace > 1) {
+ strcpy(eostat, "\n");
+ } else {
+ /* probably should back up to just before the final " x=".. */
+ strcpy(statline+STATLINE_SIZE-2, "\n");
+ }
+ statfile = open(statfname, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND, 0664);
+ if (statfile < 0) {
+ /* statfile was given, but we can't open it. should we
+ * syslog/printf this as an error? */
+ return;
+ }
+ write(statfile, statline, strlen(statline));
+ close(statfile);
+ return;
+#undef UPD_EOSTAT
#ifdef __STDC__
#include <stdarg.h>
diff --git a/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/lp.h b/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/lp.h
index c7a960e..276108a 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/lp.h
+++ b/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/lp.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include <sys/queue.h>
+#include <time.h>
* All this information used to be in global static variables shared
@@ -80,9 +81,22 @@ struct printer {
char *spool_dir; /* SD: spool directory */
long no_formfeed; /* SF: suppress FF on each print job */
long no_header; /* SH: suppress header page */
+ char *stat_recv; /* SR: statistics file, receiving jobs */
+ char *stat_send; /* SS: statistics file, sending jobs */
char *status_file; /* ST: status file name */
char *trailer; /* TR: trailer string send when Q empties */
char *mode_set; /* MS: mode set, a la stty */
+ /* variables used by trstat*() to keep statistics on file transfers */
+#define JOBNUM_SIZE 8
+ char jobnum[JOBNUM_SIZE];
+ long jobdfnum; /* current datafile number within job */
+ struct timespec tr_start, tr_done;
+#define TIMESTR_SIZE 40 /* holds result from LPD_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN */
+ char tr_timestr[TIMESTR_SIZE];
+#define DIFFTIME_TS(endTS,startTS) \
+ ((double)(endTS.tv_sec - startTS.tv_sec) \
+ + (endTS.tv_nsec - startTS.tv_nsec) * 1.0e-9)
@@ -142,6 +156,8 @@ extern char *name; /* program name */
/* host machine name */
extern char host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
extern char *from; /* client's machine name */
+#define MAXIPSTRLEN 32 /* maxlen of an IP-address as a string */
+extern char from_ip[MAXIPSTRLEN]; /* client machine's IP address */
extern int requ[]; /* job number of spool entries */
extern int requests; /* # of spool requests */
@@ -157,6 +173,18 @@ struct queue {
char q_name[MAXNAMLEN+1]; /* control file name */
+/* lpr/lpd generates readable timestamps for logfiles, etc. Have all those
+ * timestamps be in the same format wrt strftime(). This is ISO 8601 format,
+ * with the addition of an easy-readable day-of-the-week field. Note that
+ * '%T' = '%H:%M:%S', and that '%z' is not available on all platforms.
+ */
+#define LPD_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z %a"
+ * Codes to indicate which statistic records trstat_write should write.
+ */
+typedef enum { TR_SENDING, TR_RECVING, TR_PRINTING } tr_sendrecv;
* Error codes for our mini printcap library.
@@ -218,6 +246,7 @@ void ldump __P((char *, char *, int));
void lastprinter __P((void));
int lockchk __P((struct printer *pp, char *));
char *lock_file_name __P((const struct printer *pp, char *buf, size_t len));
+void lpd_gettime __P((struct timespec *_tsp, char *_strp, int _strsize));
int nextprinter __P((struct printer *pp, int *status));
char *pcaperr __P((int error));
@@ -230,5 +259,9 @@ void show __P((char *, char *, int));
int startdaemon __P((const struct printer *pp));
char *status_file_name __P((const struct printer *pp, char *buf,
size_t len));
+void trstat_init __P((struct printer *pp, const char *fname, int filenum));
+void trstat_write __P((struct printer *pp, tr_sendrecv sendrecv,
+ size_t bytecnt, const char *userid,
+ const char *otherhost, const char *orighost));
ssize_t writel __P((int s, ...));
diff --git a/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/net.c b/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/net.c
index 4f5c0c5..4cfabfa 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/net.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/net.c
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ static const char rcsid[] =
#include "lp.local.h"
#include "pathnames.h"
- /* host machine name */
-char *from = host; /* client's machine name */
+char host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; /* host machine name */
+char *from = host; /* client's machine name */
+char from_ip[MAXIPSTRLEN] = ""; /* client machine's IP address */
extern uid_t uid, euid;
diff --git a/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/printcap.c b/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/printcap.c
index 7b6d124..390de46 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/printcap.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/lpr/common_source/printcap.c
@@ -251,6 +251,8 @@ getprintcap_int(bp, pp)
CHK(capdb_getaltstr(bp, "sd", "spool.dir", _PATH_DEFSPOOL,
+ CHK(capdb_getaltstr(bp, "sr", "stat.recv", 0, &pp->stat_recv));
+ CHK(capdb_getaltstr(bp, "ss", "stat.send", 0, &pp->stat_send));
CHK(capdb_getaltstr(bp, "st", "spool.status", DEFSTAT,
CHK(capdb_getaltstr(bp, "tr", "job.trailer", 0, &pp->trailer));
@@ -346,6 +348,8 @@ free_printer(struct printer *pp)
+ cfree(pp->stat_recv);
+ cfree(pp->stat_send);
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