path: root/usr.bin
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Diffstat (limited to 'usr.bin')
17 files changed, 644 insertions, 4792 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/ b/usr.bin/ee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8850af2..0000000
--- a/usr.bin/ee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Neither Hewlett-Packard nor
- Hugh Mahon shall be liable for errors contained herein, nor for
- incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
- furnishing, performance or use of this material. Neither
- Hewlett-Packard nor Hugh Mahon assumes any responsibility for
- the use or reliability of this software or documentation. This
- software and documentation is totally UNSUPPORTED. There is no
- support contract available. Hewlett-Packard has done NO
- Quality Assurance on ANY of the program or documentation. You
- may find the quality of the materials inferior to supported
- materials.
- This software may be distributed under the terms of Larry Wall's
- Artistic license, a copy of which is included in this distribution.
- This notice must be included with this software and any
- derivatives.
- Any modifications to this software by anyone but the original author
- must be so noted.
-The editor 'ee' (easy editor) is intended to be a simple, easy to use
-terminal-based screen oriented editor that requires no instruction to
-use. Its primary use would be for people who are new to computers, or who
-use computers only for things like e-mail.
-ee's simplified interface is highlighted by the use of pop-up menus which
-make it possible for users to carry out tasks without the need to
-remember commands. An information window at the top of the screen shows
-the user the operations available with control-keys.
-ee allows users to use full eight-bit characters. If the host system has
-the capabilities, ee can use message catalogs, which would allow users to
-translate the message catalog into other languages which use eight-bit
-characters. See the file for more details.
-ee relies on the virtual memory abilities of the platform it is running on
-and does not have its own memory management capabilities.
-I am releasing ee because I hate to see new users and non-computer types
-get frustrated by vi, and would like to see more intuitive interfaces for
-basic tools (both character-based and graphical) become more pervasive.
-Terminal capabilities and communication speeds have evolved considerably
-since the time in which vi's interface was created, allowing much more
-intuitive interfaces to be used. Since character-based I/O won't be
-completely replaced by graphical user interfaces for at least a few more
-years, I'd like to do what I can to make using computers with less
-glamorous interfaces as easy to use as possible. If terminal interfaces
-are still used in ten years, I hope neophytes won't still be stuck with
-only vi.
-For a text editor to be easy to use requires a certain set of abilities. In
-order for ee to work, a terminal must have the ability to position the cursor
-on the screen, and should have arrow keys that send unique sequences
-(multiple characters, the first character is an "escape", octal code
-'\033'). All of this information needs to be in a database called "terminfo"
-(System V implementations) or "termcap" (usually used for BSD systems). In
-case the arrow keys do not transmit unique sequences, motion operations are
-mapped to control keys as well, but this at least partially defeats the
-purpose. The curses package is used to handle the I/O which deals with the
-terminal's capabilities.
-While ee is based on curses, I have included here the source code to
-new_curse, a subset of curses developed for use with ee. 'curses' often
-will have a defect that reduces the usefulness of the editor relying upon
-The file new_curse.c contains a subset of 'curses', a package for
-applications to use to handle screen output. Unfortunately, curses
-varies from system to system, so I developed new_curse to provide
-consistent behavior across systems. It works on both SystemV and BSD
-systems, and while it can sometimes be slower than other curses packages,
-it will get the information on the screen painted correctly more often
-than vendor supplied curses. Unless problems occur during the building
-of ee, it is recommended that you use new_curse rather than the curses
-supplied with your system.
-If you experience problems with data being displayed improperly, check
-your terminal configuration, especially if you're using a terminal
-emulator, and make sure that you are using the right terminfo entry
-before rummaging through code. Terminfo entries often contain
-inaccuracies, or incomplete information, or may not totally match the
-terminal or emulator the terminal information is being used with.
-Complaints that ee isn't working quite right often end up being something
-else (like the terminal emulator being used).
-Both ee and new_curse were developed using K&R C (also known as "classic
-C"), but it can also be compiled with ANSI C. You should be able to
-build ee by simply typing "make". A make file which takes into account
-the characteristics of your system will be created, and then ee will be
-built. If there are problems encountered, you will be notified about
-ee is the result of several conflicting design goals. While I know that it
-solves the problems of some users, I also have no doubt that some will decry
-its lack of more features. I will settle for knowing that ee does fulfill
-the needs of a minority (but still large number) of users. The goals of ee
- 1. To be so easy to use as to require no instruction.
- 2. To be easy to compile and, if necessary, port to new platforms
- by people with relatively little knowledge of C and UNIX.
- 3. To have a minimum number of files to be dealt with, for compile
- and installation.
- 4. To have enough functionality to be useful to a large number of
- people.
-Hugh Mahon |___| | |
- |\ /|
- | \/ |
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/create.make b/usr.bin/ee/create.make
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c41f89..0000000
--- a/usr.bin/ee/create.make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-# This script will determine if the system is a System V or BSD based
-# UNIX system and create a makefile for ee appropriate for the system.
-# $Header: /home/hugh/sources/old_ae/RCS/create.make,v 1.6 1995/08/21 02:25:23 hugh Exp $
-# test for existence of termcap (exists on both BSD and SysV systems)
-if [ -f /etc/termcap -o -f /usr/share/lib/termcap ]
- termcap_exists="TRUE"
- termcap_exists=""
-# test for terminfo directory (exists on SysV systems)
-if [ -d /usr/lib/terminfo -o -d /usr/share/lib/terminfo ]
- terminfo_exists=""
- terminfo_exists="-DCAP"
-# test for existence of termio header (on SysV systems)
-if [ -f /usr/include/termio.h ]
- termio="-DSYS5"
- termio=""
-# test for sgtty header (on BSD systems)
-if [ -f /usr/include/sgtty.h ]
- sgtty="TRUE"
- sgtty=""
-# look for select call in headers, make sure headers exist
-if [ -f /usr/include/sys/time.h ]
- HEADER_FILES="/usr/include/sys/time.h "
-if [ -f /usr/include/sys/types.h ]
- HEADER_FILES="$HEADER_FILES /usr/include/sys/types.h"
-if [ -n "$HEADER_FILES" ]
- string="`grep select $HEADER_FILES`"
- if [ -n "$string" ]
- then
- else
- fi
-# check for existence of select.h (on AIX)
-if [ -f /usr/include/sys/select.h ]
- select_hdr="-DSLCT_HDR"
- select_hdr=""
-# check for stdlib.h
-if [ -f /usr/include/stdlib.h ]
-# check for stdarg.h
-if [ -f /usr/include/stdarg.h ]
-# check for unistd.h
-if [ -f /usr/include/unistd.h ]
-# check for ctype.h
-if [ -f /usr/include/ctype.h ]
-# check for sys/ioctl.h
-if [ -f /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h ]
-# check for sys/wait.h
-if [ -f /usr/include/sys/wait.h ]
-# check for localization headers
-if [ -f /usr/include/locale.h -a -f /usr/include/nl_types.h ]
- catgets=""
- catgets="-DNO_CATGETS"
-# make decisions about use of new_curse.c (use of new_curse is recommended
-# rather than local curses)
-if [ -n "$terminfo_exists" -a -z "$termcap_exists" ]
- echo "Neither terminfo or termcap are on this system! "
- if [ -f /usr/include/curses.h ]
- then
- echo "Relying on local curses implementation."
- else
- cat <<-EOF
- Don't know where to find curses, you'll need to modify
- source code to be able to build!
- Modify the file make.default and build ee by typing:
- make -f make.default
- exit 1
- fi
- TARGET="curses"
- curses=""
- curses="-DNCURSE"
- TARGET="ee"
-if [ -z "$termio" -a -z "$sgtty" ]
- echo "Neither termio.h or sgtty.h are on this system! "
- if [ -f /usr/include/curses.h ]
- then
- echo "Relying on local curses implementation."
- else
- cat <<-EOF
- Don't know where to find curses, you'll need to modify
- source code to be able to build!
- Modify the file make.default and build ee by typing:
- make -f make.default
- exit 1
- fi
- TARGET="curses"
- curses=""
-# check if this is a SunOS system
-if [ -d /usr/5include ]
- five_include="-I/usr/5include"
- five_include=""
-if [ -d /usr/5lib ]
- five_lib="-L/usr/5lib"
- five_lib=""
-if [ -n "$CFLAGS" ]
- if [ -z "`echo $CFLAGS | grep '[-]g'`" ]
- then
- other_cflags="${CFLAGS} -s"
- else
- other_cflags="${CFLAGS}"
- fi
- other_cflags="-s"
-# time to write the makefile
-echo "Generating make.local"
-if [ -f make.local ]
- mv make.local make.lcl.old
-echo "DEFINES = $termio $terminfo_exists $BSD_SELECT $catgets $select $curses " > make.local
-echo "" >> make.local
-echo "CFLAGS = $HAS_UNISTD $HAS_STDARG $HAS_STDLIB $HAS_CTYPE $HAS_SYS_IOCTL $HAS_SYS_WAIT $five_lib $five_include $select_hdr $other_cflags" >> make.local
-echo "" >> make.local
-echo "" >> make.local
-echo "all : $TARGET" >> make.local
-cat >> make.local << EOF
-curses : ee.c
- cc ee.c -o ee \$(CFLAGS) -lcurses
-ee : ee.o new_curse.o
- cc -o ee ee.o new_curse.o \$(CFLAGS)
-ee.o : ee.c new_curse.h
- cc -c ee.c \$(DEFINES) \$(CFLAGS)
-new_curse.o : new_curse.c new_curse.h
- cc new_curse.c -c \$(DEFINES) \$(CFLAGS)
-if [ -f make.lcl.old ]
- diffs="`cmp make.lcl.old make.local`"
- if [ -n "${diffs}" ]
- then
- rm -f ee.o new_curse.o ee
- fi
- rm -f make.lcl.old
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/doc/Artistic b/usr.bin/ee/doc/Artistic
deleted file mode 100644
index fbf7989..0000000
--- a/usr.bin/ee/doc/Artistic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- The "Artistic License"
- Preamble
-The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a
-Package may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some
-semblance of artistic control over the development of the package,
-while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute
-the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make
-reasonable modifications.
- "Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the
- Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files
- created through textual modification.
- "Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been
- modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes
- of the Copyright Holder.
- "Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or
- copyrights for the package.
- "You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing
- this Package.
- "Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the
- basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved,
- and so on. (You will not be required to justify it to the
- Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large
- as a market that must bear the fee.)
- "Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item
- itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item.
- It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it
- under the same conditions they received it.
-1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
-Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
-duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
-2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications
-derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package
-modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
-3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided
-that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and
-when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the
- a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
- Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or
- an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive
- site such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include
- your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
- b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
- c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict
- with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide
- a separate manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly
- documents how it differs from the Standard Version.
- d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
-4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or
-executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
- a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
- together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where
- to get the Standard Version.
- b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of
- the Package with your modifications.
- c) accompany any non-standard executables with their corresponding
- Standard Version executables, giving the non-standard executables
- non-standard names, and clearly documenting the differences in manual
- pages (or equivalent), together with instructions on where to get
- the Standard Version.
- d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
-5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
-Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package.
-You may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However,
-you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly
-commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software
-distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a
-product of your own.
-6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as
-output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall
-under the copyright of this Package, but belong to whomever generated
-them, and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this
-7. C subroutines supplied by you and linked into this Package in order
-to emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this
-Package shall not be considered part of this Package, but are the
-equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6, provided these subroutines do
-not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the
-regression tests for the language.
-8. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
-products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- The End
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/doc/ b/usr.bin/ee/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0850c2e..0000000
--- a/usr.bin/ee/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-Easy Editor ("ee") provides the ability to translate the messages displayed to
-the user and the commands entered. This is done via message catalogs,
-following X/Open standards. ee only supports eight bit characters.
-(The name is for "ee internationalization guide". The i18n
-abbreviation is used because there are 18 characters between the first
-letter ("i") and last ("n") of "internationalization".)
-All of the messages, warnings, information, and commands, are contained in the
-message catalog. Each numbered entry represents an individual string used by
-ee. Some strings contain formatting information for formatted print
-statements, which are of the form "%s", or "%d", these must be preserved in
-the translation, or the correct information will not be displayed. For those
-strings containing multiple formatting codes, the order of each item must be
-preserved as well.
-Message content
-1 title for modes, or settings menu
-2 - 8 entries for modes menu, each line should be the same length
- (padded with spaces)
-9 - 34 other menu titles and entries
-35 - 56 help screen
-57 - 61 actions assigned to control keys
-62 - 66 commands information
-67 message displayed when info window turned off
-68 indication that no file name was entered when invoking ee
-69 prompt for decimal value of character to be entered
-70 message displaying the print command being invoked
-71 prompt for command
-72 prompt for name of file to be written
-73 prompt for name of file to be read
-74 string used to display the decimal value of the character
- the cursor is on
-75 string displaying an unrecognized command
-76 string indicating that the command entered is not a unique
- substring of a valid command
-77 string indicating the current line number
-78 string for displaying the length of the line
-79 string for displaying the name of the file
-80 - 83 strings showing how to invoke ee, and its options
-84 message indicating that the file entered is a directory, not a
- text file
-85 message informing that the entered file does not yet exist
-86 message informing that the file can't be opened (because of
- permission problems)
-87 message after file has been read with the file name and number
- of lines read
-88 message indicating that the file has been read
-89 message indicating that the file is being read
-90 message indicating that permissions only allow the file to be
- read, not written
-91 message after file has been read with the file name and number
- of lines read
-92 prompt for name of file to be saved (used when no name was
- entered for a file to edit)
-93 message indicating that the file was not written, since no
- name was entered at the prompt
-94 prompt asking user if changes should not be saved ("yes_char"
- will be expected for affirmative response)
-95 "yes" character, single character expected to confirm action
- (can be upper or lower case, will be converted to upper-case
- during test)
-96 prompt
-97 error message
-98 message indicating that the named file is being written
-99 message indicating the name of the file written, the number of
- lines, and the number of characters (order of items must be
- maintained)
-100 search in progress message
-101 message that the string was not found
-102 prompt for search
-103 message that string could not be executed
-104 self-explanatory
-105 message for menus, indicating that the Escape character will
- allow the user to exit the menu
-106 error message indicating the menu won't fit on the screen
-107 self-explanatory
-108 prompt for shell command
-109 message displayed while formatting a paragraph
-110 string which places message for spell checking at top of
- buffer (the portions 'list of unrecognized words' and
- '-=-=-=-=-=-' may be replaced, but the rest must remain the
- same)
-111 message informing that spell checking is in progress
-112 prompt for right margin
-113 error informing user that operation is not permitted in ree
-114 string indicating mode is turned 'on' in modes menu
-115 string indicating mode is turned 'off' in modes menu
-116 - 131 strings used for commands (some also used for initialization)
-132 - 144 strings used for initialization
-145 entry for settings menu for emacs key bindings settings
-146 - 153 help screen entries for emacs key bindings info
-154 - 158 info window entries for emacs key bindings info
-159 string for turning on emacs key bindings in the init file
-160 string for turning off emacs key bindings in the init file
-Care should be taken when translating commands and initialization keywords
-because the algorithm used for detecting uniqueness of entered commands
-will not be able to distinguish words that are not unique before the end
-of the shorter word, for example, it would not be able to distinguish the
-command 'abcd' from 'abcde'.
-After translating the messages, use the 'gencat' command to create the compiled
-catalog used when running the software. The standard syntax would be:
- gencat ee.msg
-Where ee.msg is the file containing the translations, and is the
-compiled catalog. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
-Check the documentation for your system for proper syntax.
-Message catalog placement varies from system to system. A common location
-for message catalogs is in /usr/lib/nls. In this directory are
-directories with the names of other languages. The default language is
-'C'. There is also an environment variable, named NLSPATH used to
-determine where message catalogs can be found. This variable is similar
-to the PATH variable used for commands, but with some differences. The
-NLSPATH variable must have the ability to handle different names for
-languages and the catalog files, so it has field descriptors for these. A
-typical setting for NLSPATH could be:
- NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/%L/
-Where "%L" is the field descriptor for the language (obtained from the
-LANG environment variable) and "%N" is the name of the file (with the
-".cat" appended by the path variable, it is not passed from the requesting
-program). The colon (:) is used to separate paths, so in the above
-example there are two paths possible for message catalogs. You may wish
-to maintain catalogs for applications that are not supported by your
-system vendor in a location unique for you, and this is facilitated by the
-NLSPATH variable. Remember to set and export both the LANG and NLSPATH
-variables for each user that expects to use localization either in a
-system-wide profile or in each user's profile. See your system
-documentation for more information.
-The message catalog supplied with ee also uses the '$quote' directive to
-specify a quote around strings to ensure proper padding. This directive
-may not be supported on all systems, and lead to quotes being included in
-the string used in ee, which will cause incorrect behavior. If the
-'$quote' directive is not supported by your system's gencat command, edit
-the msg file to remove the leading and trailing quotation marks.
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/doc/new_curse.c b/usr.bin/ee/doc/new_curse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e6cd54..0000000
--- a/usr.bin/ee/doc/new_curse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3574 +0,0 @@
- | new_curse.c
- |
- | A subset of curses developed for use with ae.
- |
- | written by Hugh Mahon
- |
- | Hewlett-Packard nor Hugh Mahon shall be liable
- | for errors contained herein, nor for
- | incidental or consequential damages in
- | connection with the furnishing, performance or
- | use of this material. Neither Hewlett-Packard
- | nor Hugh Mahon assumes any responsibility for
- | the use or reliability of this software or
- | documentation. This software and
- | documentation is totally UNSUPPORTED. There
- | is no support contract available. Hewlett-
- | Packard has done NO Quality Assurance on ANY
- | of the program or documentation. You may find
- | the quality of the materials inferior to
- | supported materials.
- |
- | This software is not a product of Hewlett-Packard, Co., or any
- | other company. No support is implied or offered with this software.
- | You've got the source, and you're on your own.
- |
- | This software may be distributed under the terms of Larry Wall's
- | Artistic license, a copy of which is included in this distribution.
- |
- | This notice must be included with this software and any derivatives.
- |
- | Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Hugh Mahon
- | All are rights reserved.
- |
- | $Header: /home/hugh/sources/old_ae/RCS/new_curse.c,v 1.37 1995/08/28 23:49:26 hugh Exp $
- |
- */
-char *copyright_message[] = { "Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Hugh Mahon",
- "All rights are reserved."};
-char * new_curse_name= "@(#) new_curse.c $Revision: 1.37 $";
-#include "new_curse.h"
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef SYS5
-#include <string.h>
-#include <strings.h>
-#ifdef BSD_SELECT
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#ifdef SLCT_HDR
-#include <sys/select.h> /* on AIX */
-#endif /* SLCT_HDR */
-#endif /* BSD_SELECT */
-#ifdef HAS_STDLIB
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#if defined(__STDC__)
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <varargs.h>
-#ifdef HAS_UNISTD
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-WINDOW *curscr;
-static WINDOW *virtual_scr;
-WINDOW *stdscr;
-WINDOW *last_window_refreshed;
- struct winsize ws;
-#define min(a, b) (a < b ? a : b)
-#ifndef CAP
-#define String_Out(table, stack, place) Info_Out(table, stack, place)
-#define String_Out(table, stack, place) Cap_Out(table, stack, place)
-#define bw__ 0 /* booleans */
-#define am__ 1
-#define xb__ 2
-#define xs__ 3 /* hp glitch (standout not erased by overwrite) */
-#define xn__ 4
-#define eo__ 5
-#define gn__ 6 /* generic type terminal */
-#define hc__ 7 /* hardcopy terminal */
-#define km__ 8
-#define hs__ 9
-#define in__ 10
-#define da__ 11
-#define db__ 12
-#define mi__ 13 /* safe to move during insert mode */
-#define ms__ 14 /* safe to move during standout mode */
-#define os__ 15
-#define es__ 16
-#define xt__ 17
-#define hz__ 18 /* hazeltine glitch */
-#define ul__ 19
-#define xo__ 20
-#define chts__ 21
-#define nxon__ 22
-#define nrrmc__ 23
-#define npc__ 24
-#define mc5i__ 25
-#define co__ 0 /* number of columns */ /* numbers */
-#define it__ 1 /* spaces per tab */
-#define li__ 2 /* number of lines */
-#define lm__ 3
-#define sg__ 4 /* magic cookie glitch */
-#define pb__ 5
-#define vt__ 6
-#define ws__ 7
-#define cols__ 0
-#define lines__ 2
-#define xmc__ 4
-#define vt__ 6
-#define wsl__ 7
-#define nlab__ 8
-#define lh__ 9
-#define lw__ 10
-#define bt__ 0 /* back tab */ /* strings */
-#define bl__ 1 /* bell */
-#define cr__ 2 /* carriage return */
-#define cs__ 3 /* change scroll region */
-#define ct__ 4 /* clear all tab stops */
-#define cl__ 5 /* clear screen and home cursor */
-#define ce__ 6 /* clear to end of line */
-#define cd__ 7 /* clear to end of display */
-#define ch__ 8 /* set cursor column */
-#define CC__ 9 /* term, settable cmd char in */
-#define cm__ 10 /* screen rel cursor motion, row, column */
-#define do__ 11 /* down one line */
-#define ho__ 12 /* home cursor */
-#define vi__ 13 /* make cursor invisible */
-#define le__ 14 /* move cursor left one space */
-#define CM__ 15 /* memory rel cursor addressing */
-#define ve__ 16 /* make cursor appear normal */
-#define nd__ 17 /* non-destructive space (cursor right) */
-#define ll__ 18 /* last line, first col */
-#define up__ 19 /* cursor up */
-#define vs__ 20
-#define dc__ 21 /* delete character */
-#define dl__ 22 /* delete line */
-#define ds__ 23
-#define hd__ 24
-#define as__ 25
-#define mb__ 26
-#define md__ 27 /* turn on bold */
-#define ti__ 28
-#define dm__ 29 /* turn on delete mode */
-#define mh__ 30 /* half bright mode */
-#define im__ 31 /* insert mode */
-#define mk__ 32
-#define mp__ 33
-#define mr__ 34
-#define so__ 35 /* enter standout mode */
-#define us__ 36
-#define ec__ 37
-#define ae__ 38
-#define me__ 39
-#define te__ 40
-#define ed__ 41
-#define ei__ 42 /* exit insert mode */
-#define se__ 43 /* exit standout mode */
-#define ue__ 44
-#define vb__ 45
-#define ff__ 46
-#define fs__ 47
-#define i1__ 48
-#define i2__ 49
-#define i3__ 50
-#define if__ 51
-#define ic__ 52
-#define al__ 53
-#define ip__ 54
-#define kb__ 55 /* backspace key */
-#define ka__ 56
-#define kC__ 57
-#define kt__ 58
-#define kD__ 59
-#define kL__ 60
-#define kd__ 61
-#define kM__ 62
-#define kE__ 63
-#define kS__ 64
-#define k0__ 65
-#define k1__ 66
-#define kf10__ 67
-#define k2__ 68
-#define k3__ 69
-#define k4__ 70
-#define k5__ 71
-#define k6__ 72
-#define k7__ 73
-#define k8__ 74
-#define k9__ 75
-#define kh__ 76
-#define kI__ 77
-#define kA__ 78
-#define kl__ 79
-#define kH__ 80
-#define kN__ 81
-#define kP__ 82
-#define kr__ 83
-#define kF__ 84
-#define kR__ 85
-#define kT__ 86
-#define ku__ 87 /* key up */
-#define ke__ 88
-#define ks__ 89
-#define l0__ 90
-#define l1__ 91
-#define la__ 92
-#define l2__ 93
-#define l3__ 94
-#define l4__ 95
-#define l5__ 96
-#define l6__ 97
-#define l7__ 98
-#define l8__ 99
-#define l9__ 100
-#define mo__ 101
-#define mm__ 102
-#define nw__ 103
-#define pc__ 104
-#define DC__ 105
-#define DL__ 106
-#define DO__ 107
-#define IC__ 118
-#define SF__ 109
-#define AL__ 110
-#define LE__ 111
-#define RI__ 112
-#define SR__ 113
-#define UP__ 114
-#define pk__ 115
-#define pl__ 116
-#define px__ 117
-#define ps__ 118
-#define pf__ 119
-#define po__ 120
-#define rp__ 121
-#define r1__ 122
-#define r2__ 123
-#define r3__ 124
-#define rf__ 125
-#define rc__ 126
-#define cv__ 127
-#define sc__ 128
-#define sf__ 129
-#define sr__ 130
-#define sa__ 131 /* sgr */
-#define st__ 132
-#define wi__ 133
-#define ta__ 134
-#define ts__ 135
-#define uc__ 136
-#define hu__ 137
-#define iP__ 138
-#define K1__ 139
-#define K2__ 140
-#define K3__ 141
-#define K4__ 142
-#define K5__ 143
-#define pO__ 144
-#define ml__ 145
-#define mu__ 146
-#define rmp__ 145
-#define acsc__ 146
-#define pln__ 147
-#define kcbt__ 148
-#define smxon__ 149
-#define rmxon__ 150
-#define smam__ 151
-#define rmam__ 152
-#define xonc__ 153
-#define xoffc__ 154
-#define enacs__ 155
-#define smln__ 156
-#define rmln__ 157
-#define kbeg__ 158
-#define kcan__ 159
-#define kclo__ 160
-#define kcmd__ 161
-#define kcpy__ 162
-#define kcrt__ 163
-#define kend__ 164
-#define kent__ 165
-#define kext__ 166
-#define kfnd__ 167
-#define khlp__ 168
-#define kmrk__ 169
-#define kmsg__ 170
-#define kmov__ 171
-#define knxt__ 172
-#define kopn__ 173
-#define kopt__ 174
-#define kprv__ 175
-#define kprt__ 176
-#define krdo__ 177
-#define kref__ 178
-#define krfr__ 179
-#define krpl__ 180
-#define krst__ 181
-#define kres__ 182
-#define ksav__ 183
-#define kspd__ 184
-#define kund__ 185
-#define kBEG__ 186
-#define kCAN__ 187
-#define kCMD__ 188
-#define kCPY__ 189
-#define kCRT__ 190
-#define kDC__ 191
-#define kDL__ 192
-#define kslt__ 193
-#define kEND__ 194
-#define kEOL__ 195
-#define kEXT__ 196
-#define kFND__ 197
-#define kHLP__ 198
-#define kHOM__ 199
-#define kIC__ 200
-#define kLFT__ 201
-#define kMSG__ 202
-#define kMOV__ 203
-#define kNXT__ 204
-#define kOPT__ 205
-#define kPRV__ 206
-#define kPRT__ 207
-#define kRDO__ 208
-#define kRPL__ 209
-#define kRIT__ 210
-#define kRES__ 211
-#define kSAV__ 212
-#define kSPD__ 213
-#define kUND__ 214
-#define rfi__ 215
-#define kf11__ 216
-#define kf12__ 217
-#define kf13__ 218
-#define kf14__ 219
-#define kf15__ 220
-#define kf16__ 221
-#define kf17__ 222
-#define kf18__ 223
-#define kf19__ 224
-#define kf20__ 225
-#define kf21__ 226
-#define kf22__ 227
-#define kf23__ 228
-#define kf24__ 229
-#define kf25__ 230
-#define kf26__ 231
-#define kf27__ 232
-#define kf28__ 233
-#define kf29__ 234
-#define kf30__ 235
-#define kf31__ 236
-#define kf32__ 237
-#define kf33__ 238
-#define kf34__ 239
-#define kf35__ 240
-#define kf36__ 241
-#define kf37__ 242
-#define kf38__ 243
-#define kf39__ 244
-#define kf40__ 245
-#define kf41__ 246
-#define kf42__ 247
-#define kf43__ 248
-#define kf44__ 249
-#define kf45__ 250
-#define kf46__ 251
-#define kf47__ 252
-#define kf48__ 253
-#define kf49__ 254
-#define kf50__ 255
-#define kf51__ 256
-#define kf52__ 257
-#define kf53__ 258
-#define kf54__ 259
-#define kf55__ 260
-#define kf56__ 261
-#define kf57__ 262
-#define kf58__ 263
-#define kf59__ 264
-#define kf60__ 265
-#define kf61__ 266
-#define kf62__ 267
-#define kf63__ 268
-#define el1__ 269
-#define mgc__ 270
-#define smgl__ 271
-#define smgr__ 272
-#ifdef CAP
-char *Boolean_names[] = {
-"bw", "am", "xb", "xs", "xn", "eo", "gn", "hc", "km", "hs", "in", "da", "db",
-"mi", "ms", "os", "es", "xt", "hz", "ul", "xo", "HC", "nx", "NR", "NP", "5i"
-char *Number_names[] = {
-"co#", "it#", "li#", "lm#", "sg#", "pb#", "vt#", "ws#", "Nl#", "lh#", "lw#"
-char *String_names[] = {
-"bt=", "bl=", "cr=", "cs=", "ct=", "cl=", "ce=", "cd=", "ch=", "CC=", "cm=",
-"do=", "ho=", "vi=", "le=", "CM=", "ve=", "nd=", "ll=", "up=", "vs=", "dc=",
-"dl=", "ds=", "hd=", "as=", "mb=", "md=", "ti=", "dm=", "mh=", "im=", "mk=",
-"mp=", "mr=", "so=", "us=", "ec=", "ae=", "me=", "te=", "ed=", "ei=", "se=",
-"ue=", "vb=", "ff=", "fs=", "i1=", "i2=", "i3=", "if=", "ic=", "al=", "ip=",
-"kb=", "ka=", "kC=", "kt=", "kD=", "kL=", "kd=", "kM=", "kE=", "kS=", "k0=",
-"k1=", "k;=", "k2=", "k3=", "k4=", "k5=", "k6=", "k7=", "k8=", "k9=", "kh=",
-"kI=", "kA=", "kl=", "kH=", "kN=", "kP=", "kr=", "kF=", "kR=", "kT=", "ku=",
-"ke=", "ks=", "l0=", "l1=", "la=", "l2=", "l3=", "l4=", "l5=", "l6=", "l7=",
-"l8=", "l9=", "mo=", "mm=", "nw=", "pc=", "DC=", "DL=", "DO=", "IC=", "SF=",
-"AL=", "LE=", "RI=", "SR=", "UP=", "pk=", "pl=", "px=", "ps=", "pf=", "po=",
-"rp=", "r1=", "r2=", "r3=", "rf=", "rc=", "cv=", "sc=", "sf=", "sr=", "sa=",
-"st=", "wi=", "ta=", "ts=", "uc=", "hu=", "iP=", "K1=", "K3=", "K2=", "K4=",
-"K5=", "pO=", "rP=", "ac=", "pn=", "kB=", "SX=", "RX=", "SA=", "RA=", "XN=",
-"XF=", "eA=", "LO=", "LF=", "@1=", "@2=", "@3=", "@4=", "@5=", "@6=", "@7=",
-"@8=", "@9=", "@0=", "%1=", "%2=", "%3=", "%4=", "%5=", "%6=", "%7=", "%8=",
-"%9=", "%0=", "&1=", "&2=", "&3=", "&4=", "&5=", "&6=", "&7=", "&8=", "&9=",
-"&0=", "*1=", "*2=", "*3=", "*4=", "*5=", "*6=", "*7=", "*8=", "*9=", "*0=",
-"#1=", "#2=", "#3=", "#4=", "%a=", "%b=", "%c=", "%d=", "%e=", "%f=", "%g=",
-"%h=", "%i=", "%j=", "!1=", "!2=", "!3=", "RF=", "F1=", "F2=", "F3=", "F4=",
-"F5=", "F6=", "F7=", "F8=", "F9=", "FA=", "FB=", "FC=", "FD=", "FE=", "FF=",
-"FG=", "FH=", "FI=", "FJ=", "FK=", "FL=", "FM=", "FN=", "FO=", "FP=", "FQ=",
-"FR=", "FS=", "FT=", "FU=", "FV=", "FW=", "FX=", "FY=", "FZ=", "Fa=", "Fb=",
-"Fc=", "Fd=", "Fe=", "Ff=", "Fg=", "Fh=", "Fi=", "Fj=", "Fk=", "Fl=", "Fm=",
-"Fn=", "Fo=", "Fp=", "Fq=", "Fr=", "cb=", "MC=", "ML=", "MR="
-char *new_curse = "October 1987";
-char in_buff[100]; /* buffer for ungetch */
-int bufp; /* next free position in in_buff */
-char *TERMINAL_TYPE = NULL; /* terminal type to be gotten from environment */
-int Data_Line_len = 0;
-int Max_Key_len; /* max length of a sequence sent by a key */
-char *Data_Line = NULL;
-char *TERM_PATH = NULL;
-char *TERM_data_ptr = NULL;
-char *Term_File_name = NULL; /* name of file containing terminal description */
-FILE *TFP; /* file pointer to file with terminal des. */
-int Fildes; /* file descriptor for terminfo file */
-int STAND = FALSE; /* is standout mode activated? */
-int TERM_INFO = FALSE; /* is terminfo being used (TRUE), or termcap (FALSE) */
-int Time_Out; /* set when time elapsed while trying to read function key */
-int Curr_x; /* current x position on screen */
-int Curr_y; /* current y position on the screen */
-int LINES;
-int COLS;
-int Move_It; /* flag to move cursor if magic cookie glitch */
-int initialized = FALSE; /* tells whether new_curse is initialized */
-float speed;
-float chars_per_millisecond;
-int Repaint_screen; /* if an operation to change screen impossible, repaint screen */
-int Intr; /* storeage for interrupt character */
-int Parity; /* 0 = no parity, 1 = odd parity, 2 = even parity */
-int Noblock; /* for BSD systems */
-int Num_bits; /* number of bits per character */
-int Flip_Bytes; /* some systems have byte order reversed */
-int interrupt_flag = FALSE; /* set true if SIGWINCH received */
-#ifndef CAP
-char *Strings;
-struct KEYS {
- int length; /* length of string sent by key */
- char *string; /* string sent by key */
- int value; /* CURSES value of key (9-bit) */
- };
-struct KEY_STACK {
- struct KEYS *element;
- struct KEY_STACK *next;
- };
-struct Parameters {
- int value;
- struct Parameters *next;
- };
-int Key_vals[] = {
- 0407, 0526, 0515, 0525, 0512, 0510, 0402, 0514, 0517, 0516, 0410, 0411,
- 0422, 0412, 0413, 0414, 0415, 0416, 0417, 0420, 0421, 0406, 0513, 0511,
- 0404, 0533, 0522, 0523, 0405, 0520, 0521, 0524, 0403,
- 0534, 0535, 0536, 0537, 0540, 0541, 0542, 0543, 0544, 0545, 0546, 0547,
- 0550, 0527, 0551, 0552, 0553, 0554, 0555, 0556, 0557, 0560, 0561, 0562,
- 0532, 0563, 0564, 0565, 0566, 0567, 0570, 0571, 0627, 0630, 0572, 0573,
- 0574, 0575, 0576, 0577, 0600, 0601, 0602, 0603, 0604, 0605, 0606, 0607,
- 0610, 0611, 0612, 0613, 0614, 0615, 0616, 0617, 0620, 0621, 0622, 0623,
- 0624, 0625, 0626, 0423, 0424, 0425, 0426, 0427, 0430, 0431,
- 0432, 0433, 0434, 0435, 0436, 0437, 0440, 0441, 0442, 0443, 0444, 0445,
- 0446, 0447, 0450, 0451, 0452, 0453, 0454, 0455, 0456, 0457, 0460, 0461,
- 0462, 0463, 0464, 0465, 0466, 0467, 0470, 0471, 0472, 0473, 0474, 0475,
- 0476, 0477, 0500, 0501, 0502, 0503, 0504, 0505, 0506, 0507
-int attributes_set[9];
-#ifdef SYS5
-struct termio Terminal;
-struct termio Saved_tty;
-struct sgttyb Terminal;
-struct sgttyb Saved_tty;
-char *tc_;
-int Booleans[128];
-int Numbers[128];
-char *String_table[1024];
-int *virtual_lines;
-static char nc_scrolling_ability = FALSE;
-#ifdef CAP
-#if __STDC__ || defined(__cplusplus)
-#define P_(s) s
-#define P_(s) ()
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-int tc_Get_int P_((int));
-void CAP_PARSE P_((void));
-void Find_term P_((void));
-#undef P_
-#endif /* CAP */
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#ifndef HAS_STDLIB
-extern char *fgets();
-extern char *malloc();
-extern char *getenv();
-FILE *fopen(); /* declaration for open function */
-#endif /* HAS_STDLIB */
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-#ifdef SIGWINCH
- | Copy the contents of one window to another.
- */
-copy_window(origin, destination)
-WINDOW *origin, *destination;
- int row, column;
- struct _line *orig, *dest;
- orig = origin->first_line;
- dest = destination->first_line;
- for (row = 0;
- row < (min(origin->Num_lines, destination->Num_lines));
- row++)
- {
- for (column = 0;
- column < (min(origin->Num_cols, destination->Num_cols));
- column++)
- {
- dest->row[column] = orig->row[column];
- dest->attributes[column] = orig->attributes[column];
- }
- dest->changed = orig->changed;
- dest->scroll = orig->scroll;
- dest->last_char = min(orig->last_char, destination->Num_cols);
- orig = orig->next_screen;
- dest = dest->next_screen;
- }
- destination->LX = min((destination->Num_cols - 1), origin->LX);
- destination->LY = min((destination->Num_lines - 1), origin->LY);
- destination->Attrib = origin->Attrib;
- destination->scroll_up = origin->scroll_up;
- destination->scroll_down = origin->scroll_down;
- destination->SCROLL_CLEAR = origin->SCROLL_CLEAR;
-int foo;
- WINDOW *local_virt;
- WINDOW *local_std;
- WINDOW *local_cur;
- signal(SIGWINCH, reinitscr);
- if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) >= 0)
- {
- if (ws.ws_row == LINES && ws.ws_col == COLS)
- return;
- if (ws.ws_row > 0)
- LINES = ws.ws_row;
- if (ws.ws_col > 0)
- COLS = ws.ws_col;
- }
-#endif /* TIOCGWINSZ */
- local_virt = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0);
- local_std = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0);
- local_cur = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0);
- copy_window(virtual_scr, local_virt);
- copy_window(stdscr, local_std);
- copy_window(curscr, local_cur);
- delwin(virtual_scr);
- delwin(stdscr);
- delwin(curscr);
- virtual_scr = local_virt;
- stdscr = local_std;
- curscr = local_cur;
- free(virtual_lines);
- virtual_lines = (int *) malloc(LINES * (sizeof(int)));
- interrupt_flag = TRUE;
-#endif /* SIGWINCH */
-initscr() /* initialize terminal for operations */
- int value;
- char *lines_string;
- char *columns_string;
-#ifdef CAP
- char *pointer;
-#endif /* CAP */
-#ifdef DIAG
-printf("starting initscr \n");fflush(stdout);
- if (initialized)
- return;
-#ifdef BSD_SELECT
- setbuf(stdin, NULL);
-#endif /* BSD_SELECT */
- Flip_Bytes = FALSE;
- Parity = 0;
- Time_Out = FALSE;
- bufp = 0;
- Move_It = FALSE;
- Noblock = FALSE;
-#ifdef SYS5
- value = ioctl(0, TCGETA, &Terminal);
- if (Terminal.c_cflag & PARENB)
- {
- if (Terminal.c_cflag & PARENB)
- Parity = 1;
- else
- Parity = 2;
- }
- if ((Terminal.c_cflag & CS8) == CS8)
- {
- Num_bits = 8;
- }
- else if ((Terminal.c_cflag & CS7) == CS7)
- Num_bits = 7;
- else if ((Terminal.c_cflag & CS6) == CS6)
- Num_bits = 6;
- else
- Num_bits = 5;
- value = Terminal.c_cflag & 037;
- switch (value) {
- case 01: speed = 50.0;
- break;
- case 02: speed = 75.0;
- break;
- case 03: speed = 110.0;
- break;
- case 04: speed = 134.5;
- break;
- case 05: speed = 150.0;
- break;
- case 06: speed = 200.0;
- break;
- case 07: speed = 300.0;
- break;
- case 010: speed = 600.0;
- break;
- case 011: speed = 900.0;
- break;
- case 012: speed = 1200.0;
- break;
- case 013: speed = 1800.0;
- break;
- case 014: speed = 2400.0;
- break;
- case 015: speed = 3600.0;
- break;
- case 016: speed = 4800.0;
- break;
- case 017: speed = 7200.0;
- break;
- case 020: speed = 9600.0;
- break;
- case 021: speed = 19200.0;
- break;
- case 022: speed = 38400.0;
- break;
- default: speed = 0.0;
- }
- value = ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &Terminal);
- if (Terminal.sg_flags & EVENP)
- Parity = 2;
- else if (Terminal.sg_flags & ODDP)
- Parity = 1;
- value = Terminal.sg_ospeed;
- switch (value) {
- case 01: speed = 50.0;
- break;
- case 02: speed = 75.0;
- break;
- case 03: speed = 110.0;
- break;
- case 04: speed = 134.5;
- break;
- case 05: speed = 150.0;
- break;
- case 06: speed = 200.0;
- break;
- case 07: speed = 300.0;
- break;
- case 010: speed = 600.0;
- break;
- case 011: speed = 1200.0;
- break;
- case 012: speed = 1800.0;
- break;
- case 013: speed = 2400.0;
- break;
- case 014: speed = 4800.0;
- break;
- case 015: speed = 9600.0;
- break;
- default: speed = 0.0;
- }
- chars_per_millisecond = (0.001 * speed) / 8.0;
- TERMINAL_TYPE = getenv("TERM");
- {
- printf("unknown terminal type\n");
- exit(0);
- }
-#ifndef CAP
- Fildes = -1;
- TERM_PATH = getenv("TERMINFO");
- if (TERM_PATH != NULL)
- {
- Data_Line_len = 23 + strlen(TERM_PATH) + strlen(TERMINAL_TYPE);
- Term_File_name = malloc(Data_Line_len);
- sprintf(Term_File_name, "%s/%c/%s", TERM_PATH, *TERMINAL_TYPE, TERMINAL_TYPE);
- Fildes = open(Term_File_name, O_RDONLY);
- }
- if (Fildes == -1)
- {
- TERM_PATH = "/usr/lib/terminfo";
- Data_Line_len = 23 + strlen(TERM_PATH) + strlen(TERMINAL_TYPE);
- Term_File_name = malloc(Data_Line_len);
- sprintf(Term_File_name, "%s/%c/%s", TERM_PATH, *TERMINAL_TYPE, TERMINAL_TYPE);
- Fildes = open(Term_File_name, O_RDONLY);
- }
- if (Fildes == -1)
- {
- TERM_PATH = "/usr/share/lib/terminfo";
- Data_Line_len = 23 + strlen(TERM_PATH) + strlen(TERMINAL_TYPE);
- Term_File_name = malloc(Data_Line_len);
- sprintf(Term_File_name, "%s/%c/%s", TERM_PATH, *TERMINAL_TYPE, TERMINAL_TYPE);
- Fildes = open(Term_File_name, O_RDONLY);
- }
- if (Fildes == -1)
- {
- free(Term_File_name);
- Term_File_name = NULL;
- }
- else
- /*
- | termcap information can be in the TERMCAP env variable, if so
- | use that, otherwise check the /etc/termcap file
- */
- if ((pointer = Term_File_name = getenv("TERMCAP")) != NULL)
- {
- if (*Term_File_name != '/')
- Term_File_name = "/etc/termcap";
- }
- else
- {
- Term_File_name = "/etc/termcap";
- }
- if ((TFP = fopen(Term_File_name, "r")) == NULL)
- {
- printf("unable to open /etc/termcap file \n");
- exit(0);
- }
- for (value = 0; value < 1024; value++)
- String_table[value] = NULL;
- for (value = 0; value < 128; value++)
- Booleans[value] = 0;
- for (value = 0; value < 128; value++)
- Numbers[value] = 0;
- Data_Line = malloc(512);
- if (pointer && *pointer != '/')
- {
- TERM_data_ptr = pointer;
- }
- else
- {
- Find_term();
- }
- if (String_table[pc__] == NULL)
- String_table[pc__] = "\0";
- if ((String_table[cm__] == NULL) || (Booleans[hc__]))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "sorry, unable to use this terminal type for screen editing\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- Key_Get();
- LINES = Numbers[li__];
- COLS = Numbers[co__];
- if ((lines_string = getenv("LINES")) != NULL)
- {
- value = atoi(lines_string);
- if (value > 0)
- LINES = value;
- }
- if ((columns_string = getenv("COLUMNS")) != NULL)
- {
- value = atoi(columns_string);
- if (value > 0)
- COLS = value;
- }
- /*
- | get the window size
- */
- if (ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) >= 0)
- {
- if (ws.ws_row > 0)
- LINES = ws.ws_row;
- if (ws.ws_col > 0)
- COLS = ws.ws_col;
- }
- virtual_scr = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0);
- stdscr = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0);
- curscr = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0);
- wmove(stdscr, 0, 0);
- werase(stdscr);
- Repaint_screen = TRUE;
- initialized = TRUE;
- virtual_lines = (int *) malloc(LINES * (sizeof(int)));
-#ifdef SIGWINCH
- /*
- | reset size of windows and LINES and COLS if term window
- | changes size
- */
- signal(SIGWINCH, reinitscr);
-#endif /* SIGWINCH */
- /*
- | check if scrolling is available
- */
- nc_scrolling_ability = ((String_table[al__] != NULL) &&
- (String_table[dl__])) || ((String_table[cs__])
- && (String_table[sr__]));
-#ifndef CAP
-Get_int() /* get a two-byte integer from the terminfo file */
- int High_byte;
- int Low_byte;
- int temp;
- Low_byte = *((unsigned char *) TERM_data_ptr++);
- High_byte = *((unsigned char *) TERM_data_ptr++);
- if (Flip_Bytes)
- {
- temp = Low_byte;
- Low_byte = High_byte;
- High_byte = temp;
- }
- if ((High_byte == 255) && (Low_byte == 255))
- return (-1);
- else
- return(Low_byte + (High_byte * 256));
-INFO_PARSE() /* parse off the data in the terminfo data file */
- int offset;
- int magic_number = 0;
- int counter = 0;
- int Num_names = 0;
- int Num_bools = 0;
- int Num_ints = 0;
- int Num_strings = 0;
- int string_table_len = 0;
- char *temp_ptr;
- TERM_data_ptr = Data_Line = malloc((10240 * (sizeof(char))));
- Data_Line_len = read(Fildes, Data_Line, 10240);
- if ((Data_Line_len >= 10240) || (Data_Line_len < 0))
- return(0);
- /*
- | get magic number
- */
- magic_number = Get_int();
- /*
- | if magic number not right, reverse byte order and check again
- */
- if (magic_number != 282)
- {
- Flip_Bytes = TRUE;
- TERM_data_ptr--;
- TERM_data_ptr--;
- magic_number = Get_int();
- if (magic_number != 282)
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- | get the number of each type in the terminfo data file
- */
- Num_names = Get_int();
- Num_bools = Get_int();
- Num_ints = Get_int();
- Num_strings = Get_int();
- string_table_len = Get_int();
- Strings = malloc(string_table_len);
- while (Num_names > 0)
- {
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- Num_names--;
- }
- counter = 0;
- while (Num_bools)
- {
- Num_bools--;
- Booleans[counter++] = *TERM_data_ptr++;
- }
- if (((unsigned int) TERM_data_ptr) & 1) /* force alignment */
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- counter = 0;
- while (Num_ints)
- {
- Num_ints--;
- Numbers[counter] = Get_int();
- counter++;
- }
- temp_ptr = TERM_data_ptr + Num_strings + Num_strings;
- memcpy(Strings, temp_ptr, string_table_len);
- counter = bt__;
- while (Num_strings)
- {
- Num_strings--;
- if ((offset=Get_int()) != -1)
- {
- if (String_table[counter] == NULL)
- String_table[counter] = Strings + offset;
- }
- else
- String_table[counter] = NULL;
- counter++;
- }
- close(Fildes);
- free(Data_Line);
- return(TRUE);
-#endif /* ifndef CAP */
-AtoI() /* convert ascii text to integers */
- int Temp;
- Temp = 0;
- while ((*TERM_data_ptr >= '0') && (*TERM_data_ptr <= '9'))
- {
- Temp = (Temp * 10) + (*TERM_data_ptr - '0');
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- }
- return(Temp);
-Key_Get() /* create linked list with all key sequences obtained from terminal database */
- int Counter;
- int Klen;
- int key_def;
- struct KEY_STACK *Spoint;
- Max_Key_len = 0;
- Counter = 0;
- key_def = kb__;
- while (key_def <= kf63__)
- {
- if (key_def == ke__)
- key_def = K1__;
- else if (key_def == (K5__ + 1))
- key_def = kcbt__;
- else if (key_def == (kcbt__ + 1))
- key_def = kbeg__;
- else if (key_def == (kUND__ + 1))
- key_def = kf11__;
- if (String_table[key_def] != NULL)
- {
- if (KEY_TOS == NULL)
- Spoint = KEY_TOS = (struct KEY_STACK *) malloc(sizeof(struct KEY_STACK));
- else
- {
- Spoint = KEY_TOS;
- while (Spoint->next != NULL)
- Spoint = Spoint->next;
- Spoint->next = (struct KEY_STACK *) malloc(sizeof(struct KEY_STACK));
- Spoint = Spoint->next;
- }
- Spoint->next = NULL;
- Spoint->element = (struct KEYS *) malloc(sizeof(struct KEYS));
- Spoint->element->string = String_table[key_def];
- Spoint->element->length = strlen(String_table[key_def]);
- Spoint->element->value = Key_vals[Counter];
- Klen = strlen(Spoint->element->string);
- if (Klen > Max_Key_len)
- Max_Key_len = Klen;
- /*
- | Some terminal types accept keystrokes of the form
- | \E[A and \EOA, substituting '[' for 'O'. Make a
- | duplicate of such key strings (since the
- | database will only have one version) so new_curse
- | can understand both.
- */
- if ((Spoint->element->length > 1) &&
- ((String_table[key_def][1] == '[') ||
- (String_table[key_def][1] == 'O')))
- {
- Spoint->next = (struct KEY_STACK *) malloc(sizeof(struct KEY_STACK));
- Spoint = Spoint->next;
- Spoint->next = NULL;
- Spoint->element = (struct KEYS *) malloc(sizeof(struct KEYS));
- Spoint->element->length = strlen(String_table[key_def]);
- Spoint->element->string = malloc(Spoint->element->length + 1);
- strcpy(Spoint->element->string, String_table[key_def]);
- Spoint->element->value = Key_vals[Counter];
- Klen = strlen(Spoint->element->string);
- if (Klen > Max_Key_len)
- Max_Key_len = Klen;
- if (String_table[key_def][1] == '[')
- Spoint->element->string[1] = 'O';
- else
- Spoint->element->string[1] = '[';
- }
- }
- key_def++;
- Counter++;
- }
-#ifdef CAP
-char *
-String_Get(param) /* read the string */
-char *param;
- char *String;
- char *Temp;
- int Counter;
- if (param == NULL)
- {
- while (*TERM_data_ptr != '=')
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- Temp = ++TERM_data_ptr;
- Counter = 1;
- while ((*Temp != ':') && (*Temp != (char)NULL))
- {
- Counter++;
- Temp++;
- }
- if (Counter == 1) /* no data */
- return(NULL);
- String = Temp = malloc(Counter);
- while ((*TERM_data_ptr != ':') && (*TERM_data_ptr != (char)NULL))
- {
- if (*TERM_data_ptr == '\\')
- {
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- if (*TERM_data_ptr == 'n')
- *Temp = '\n';
- else if (*TERM_data_ptr == 't')
- *Temp = '\t';
- else if (*TERM_data_ptr == 'b')
- *Temp = '\b';
- else if (*TERM_data_ptr == 'r')
- *Temp = '\r';
- else if (*TERM_data_ptr == 'f')
- *Temp = '\f';
- else if ((*TERM_data_ptr == 'e') || (*TERM_data_ptr == 'E'))
- *Temp = '\033'; /* escape */
- else if (*TERM_data_ptr == '\\')
- *Temp = '\\';
- else if (*TERM_data_ptr == '\'')
- *Temp = '\'';
- else if ((*TERM_data_ptr >= '0') && (*TERM_data_ptr <= '9'))
- {
- Counter = 0;
- while ((*TERM_data_ptr >= '0') && (*TERM_data_ptr <= '9'))
- {
- Counter = (8 * Counter) + (*TERM_data_ptr - '0');
- TERM_data_ptr++; /* ? */
- }
- *Temp = Counter;
- TERM_data_ptr--;
- }
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- Temp++;
- }
- else if (*TERM_data_ptr == '^')
- {
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- if ((*TERM_data_ptr >= '@') && (*TERM_data_ptr <= '_'))
- *Temp = *TERM_data_ptr - '@';
- else if (*TERM_data_ptr == '?')
- *Temp = 127;
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- Temp++;
- }
- else
- *Temp++ = *TERM_data_ptr++;
- }
- *Temp = (char)NULL;
- param = String;
- }
- else
- {
- while ((*TERM_data_ptr != (char)NULL) && (*TERM_data_ptr != ':'))
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- }
- return(param);
-tc_Get_int(param) /* read the integer */
-int param;
- int Itemp;
- if (param == 0)
- {
- while ((*TERM_data_ptr != (char)NULL) && (*TERM_data_ptr != '#'))
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- Itemp = AtoI();
- param = Itemp;
- }
- else
- {
- while (*TERM_data_ptr != ':')
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- }
- return(param);
-Find_term() /* find terminal description in termcap file */
- char *Name;
- char *Ftemp;
- Ftemp = Name = malloc(strlen(TERMINAL_TYPE + 1) + 1);
- strcpy(Name, TERMINAL_TYPE);
- while (*Ftemp != (char)NULL)
- Ftemp++;
- *Ftemp++ = '|';
- *Ftemp = (char)NULL;
- Data_Line_len = strlen(TERMINAL_TYPE) + 1;
- while ((!CFOUND) && ((TERM_data_ptr=fgets(Data_Line, 512, TFP)) != NULL))
- {
- if ((*TERM_data_ptr != ' ') && (*TERM_data_ptr != '\t') && (*TERM_data_ptr != '#'))
- {
- while ((!CFOUND) && (*TERM_data_ptr != (char)NULL))
- {
- CFOUND = !strncmp(TERM_data_ptr, Name, Data_Line_len);
- while ((*TERM_data_ptr != (char)NULL) && (*TERM_data_ptr != '|') && (*TERM_data_ptr != '#') && (*TERM_data_ptr != ':'))
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- if (*TERM_data_ptr == '|')
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- else if (!CFOUND)
- *TERM_data_ptr = (char)NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!CFOUND)
- {
- printf("terminal type %s not found\n", TERMINAL_TYPE);
- exit(0);
- }
-CAP_PARSE() /* parse off the data in the termcap data file */
- int offset;
- int found;
- do
- {
- while (*TERM_data_ptr != (char)NULL)
- {
- for (found = FALSE, offset = 0; (!found) && (offset < 26); offset++)
- {
- if (!strncmp(TERM_data_ptr, Boolean_names[offset], 2))
- {
- found = TRUE;
- Booleans[offset] = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- for (found = FALSE, offset = 0; (!found) && (offset < lw__); offset++)
- {
- if (!strncmp(TERM_data_ptr, Number_names[offset], 3))
- {
- found = TRUE;
- Numbers[offset] = tc_Get_int(Numbers[offset]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- for (found = FALSE, offset = 0; (!found) && (offset < smgr__); offset++)
- {
- if (!strncmp(TERM_data_ptr, String_names[offset], 3))
- {
- found = TRUE;
- String_table[offset] = String_Get(String_table[offset]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!strncmp(TERM_data_ptr, "tc=", 3))
- tc_ = String_Get(NULL);
- while ((*TERM_data_ptr != ':') && (*TERM_data_ptr != (char)NULL))
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- if (*TERM_data_ptr == ':')
- TERM_data_ptr++;
- }
- } while (((TERM_data_ptr = fgets(Data_Line, 512, TFP)) != NULL) && ((*TERM_data_ptr == ' ') || (*TERM_data_ptr == '\t')));
- if (tc_ != NULL)
- {
- rewind(TFP);
- Find_term();
- free(tc_);
- tc_ = NULL;
- }
- else
- fclose(TFP);
-#endif /* ifdef CAP */
-struct _line *
-int columns;
- int i;
- struct _line *tmp;
- tmp = (struct _line *) malloc(sizeof (struct _line));
- tmp->row = malloc(columns + 1);
- tmp->attributes = malloc(columns + 1);
- tmp->prev_screen = NULL;
- tmp->next_screen = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < columns; i++)
- {
- tmp->row[i] = ' ';
- tmp->attributes[i] = (char) NULL;
- }
- tmp->scroll = tmp->changed = FALSE;
- tmp->row[0] = (char) NULL;
- tmp->attributes[0] = (char) NULL;
- tmp->row[columns] = (char) NULL;
- tmp->attributes[columns] = (char) NULL;
- tmp->last_char = 0;
- return(tmp);
-WINDOW *newwin(lines, cols, start_l, start_c)
-int lines, cols; /* number of lines and columns to be in window */
-int start_l, start_c; /* starting line and column to be inwindow */
- WINDOW *Ntemp;
- struct _line *temp_screen;
- int i;
- Ntemp = (WINDOW *) malloc(sizeof(WINDOW));
- Ntemp->SR = start_l;
- Ntemp->SC = start_c;
- Ntemp->Num_lines = lines;
- Ntemp->Num_cols = cols;
- Ntemp->LX = 0;
- Ntemp->LY = 0;
- Ntemp->scroll_down = Ntemp->scroll_up = 0;
- Ntemp->Attrib = FALSE;
- Ntemp->first_line = temp_screen = Screenalloc(cols);
- Ntemp->first_line->number = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < lines; i++)
- {
- temp_screen->next_screen = Screenalloc(cols);
- temp_screen->next_screen->number = i;
- temp_screen->next_screen->prev_screen = temp_screen;
- temp_screen = temp_screen->next_screen;
- }
- Ntemp->first_line->prev_screen = NULL;
- temp_screen->next_screen = NULL;
- return(Ntemp);
-#ifdef CAP
-Cap_Out(string, p_list, place) /* interpret the output string if necessary */
-char *string;
-int p_list[]; /* stack of values */
-int place; /* place keeper of top of stack */
- char *Otemp; /* temporary string pointer to parse output */
- int delay;
- int p1, p2, temp;
- float chars;
- if (string == NULL)
- return;
- if (p_list != NULL)
- {
- p1 = p_list[--place];
- p2 = p_list[--place];
- }
- delay = 0;
- Otemp = string;
- if ((*Otemp >= '0') && (*Otemp <= '9'))
- {
- delay = atoi(Otemp);
- while ((*Otemp >= '0') && (*Otemp <= '9'))
- Otemp++;
- if (*Otemp == '*')
- Otemp++;
- }
- while (*Otemp != (char)NULL)
- {
- if (*Otemp == '%')
- {
- Otemp++;
- if ((*Otemp == 'd') || (*Otemp == '2') || (*Otemp == '3') || (*Otemp == '.') || (*Otemp == '+'))
- {
- if (*Otemp == 'd')
- printf("%d", p1);
- else if (*Otemp == '2')
- printf("%02d", p1);
- else if (*Otemp == '3')
- printf("%03d", p1);
- else if (*Otemp == '+')
- {
- Otemp++;
- p1 += *Otemp;
- putchar(p1);
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '.')
- putchar(p1);
- p1 = p2;
- p2 = 0;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '>')
- {
- Otemp++;
- if (p1 > *Otemp)
- {
- Otemp++;
- p1 += *Otemp;
- }
- else
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'r')
- {
- temp = p1;
- p1 = p2;
- p2 = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'i')
- {
- p1++;
- p2++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '%')
- putchar(*Otemp);
- else if (*Otemp == 'n')
- {
- p1 ^= 0140;
- p2 ^= 0140;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'B')
- {
- p1 = (16 * (p1/10)) + (p1 % 10);
- p2 = (16 * (p2/10)) + (p2 % 10);
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'D')
- {
- p1 = (p1 - 2 * (p1 % 16));
- p2 = (p2 - 2 * (p2 % 16));
- }
- }
- else
- putchar (*Otemp);
- Otemp++;
- }
- if (delay != 0)
- {
- chars = delay * chars_per_millisecond;
- delay = chars;
- if ((chars - delay) > 0.0)
- delay++;
- for (; delay > 0; delay--)
- putchar(*String_table[pc__]);
- }
- fflush(stdout);
- char *Otemp; /* temporary string pointer to parse output */
- float chars;
- int p[10];
- int variable[27];
-Operation(Temp_Stack, place) /* handle conditional operations */
-int Temp_Stack[];
-int place;
- int temp;
- if (*Otemp == 'd')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- printf("%d", temp);
- }
- else if (!strncmp(Otemp, "2d", 2))
- {
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- printf("%2d", temp);
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (!strncmp(Otemp, "3d", 2))
- {
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- printf("%0d", temp);
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (!strncmp(Otemp, "02d", 3))
- {
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- printf("%02d", temp);
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (!strncmp(Otemp, "03d", 3))
- {
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- printf("%03d", temp);
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '+')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp += Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '-')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp -= Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '*')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp *= Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '/')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp /= Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'm')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp %= Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '&')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp &= Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '|')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp |= Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '^')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp ^= Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '=')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp = (temp == Temp_Stack[--place]);
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '>')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp = temp > Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '<')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = Temp_Stack[--place];
- temp = temp < Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'c')
- {
- Otemp++;
- putchar(Temp_Stack[--place]);
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'i')
- {
- Otemp++;
- p[1]++;
- p[2]++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '%')
- {
- putchar(*Otemp);
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '!')
- {
- temp = ! Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '~')
- {
- temp = ~Temp_Stack[--place];
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'p')
- {
- Otemp++;
- Temp_Stack[place++] = p[*Otemp - '0'];
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'P')
- {
- Otemp++;
- Temp_Stack[place++] = variable[*Otemp - 'a'];
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == 'g')
- {
- Otemp++;
- variable[*Otemp - 'a'] = Temp_Stack[--place];
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '\'')
- {
- Otemp++;
- Temp_Stack[place++] = *Otemp;
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else if (*Otemp == '{')
- {
- Otemp++;
- temp = atoi(Otemp);
- Temp_Stack[place++] = temp;
- while (*Otemp != '}')
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- return(place);
-Info_Out(string, p_list, place) /* interpret the output string if necessary */
-char *string;
-int p_list[];
-int place;
- char *tchar;
- int delay;
- int temp;
- int Cond_FLAG;
- int EVAL;
- int Cond_Stack[128];
- int Cond_place;
- int Stack[128];
- int Top_of_stack;
- if (string == NULL)
- return;
- Cond_FLAG = FALSE;
- Cond_place = 0;
- Top_of_stack = 0;
- p[0] = 0;
- p[1] = 0;
- p[2] = 0;
- p[3] = 0;
- p[4] = 0;
- p[5] = 0;
- p[6] = 0;
- p[7] = 0;
- p[8] = 0;
- p[9] = 0;
- if (p_list != NULL)
- {
- for (temp = 1; (place != 0); temp++)
- {
- p[temp] = p_list[--place];
- }
- }
- delay = 0;
- Otemp = string;
- while (*Otemp != (char) NULL)
- {
- if (*Otemp == '%')
- {
- Otemp++;
- if ((*Otemp == '?') || (*Otemp == 't') || (*Otemp == 'e') || (*Otemp == ';'))
- {
- if (*Otemp == '?')
- {
- Otemp++;
- Cond_FLAG = TRUE;
- while (EVAL)
- {
- /*
- | find the end of the
- | conditional statement
- */
- while ((strncmp(Otemp, "%t", 2)) && (*Otemp != (char) NULL))
- {
- /*
- | move past '%'
- */
- Otemp++;
- Cond_place = Operation(Cond_Stack, Cond_place);
- }
- /*
- | if condition is true
- */
- if ((Cond_place > 0) && (Cond_Stack[Cond_place-1]))
- {
- /*
- | end conditional
- | parsing
- */
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else /* condition is false */
- {
- /*
- | find 'else' or end
- | of if statement
- */
- while ((strncmp(Otemp, "%e", 2)) && (strncmp(Otemp, "%;", 2)) && (*Otemp != (char) NULL))
- Otemp++;
- /*
- | if an 'else' found
- */
- if ((*Otemp != (char) NULL) && (!strncmp(Otemp, "%e", 2)))
- {
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- tchar = Otemp;
- /*
- | check for 'then' part
- */
- while ((*tchar != (char) NULL) && (strncmp(tchar, "%t", 2)) && (strncmp(tchar, "%;", 2)))
- tchar++;
- /*
- | if end of string
- */
- if (*tchar == (char) NULL)
- {
- Cond_FLAG = FALSE;
- Otemp = tchar;
- }
- /*
- | if end of if found,
- | set up to parse
- | info
- */
- else if (!strncmp(tchar, "%;", 2))
- /*
- | otherwise, check
- | conditional in
- | 'else'
- */
- }
- /*
- | if end of if found,
- | get out of if
- | statement
- */
- else if ((*Otemp != (char) NULL) && (!strncmp(Otemp, "%;", 2)))
- {
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- else /* Otemp == NULL */
- {
- Cond_FLAG = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Otemp++;
- Cond_FLAG = FALSE;
- if (*Otemp != ';')
- {
- while ((*Otemp != (char) NULL) && (strncmp(Otemp, "%;", 2)))
- Otemp++;
- if (*Otemp != (char) NULL)
- {
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- }
- }
- else
- Otemp++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Top_of_stack = Operation(Stack, Top_of_stack);
- }
- }
- else if (!strncmp(Otemp, "$<", 2))
- {
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- delay = atoi(Otemp);
- while (*Otemp != '>')
- Otemp++;
- Otemp++;
- chars = delay * chars_per_millisecond;
- delay = chars;
- if ((chars - delay) > 0.0)
- delay++;
- if (String_table[pc__] == NULL)
- temp = 0;
- else
- temp = *String_table[pc__];
- for (; delay > 0; delay--)
- putc(temp, stdout);
- }
- else
- {
- putchar(*Otemp);
- Otemp++;
- }
- }
- fflush(stdout);
-wmove(window, row, column) /* move cursor to indicated position in window */
-WINDOW *window;
-int row, column;
- if ((row < window->Num_lines) && (column < window->Num_cols))
- {
- window->LX = column;
- window->LY = row;
- }
-clear_line(line, column, cols)
-struct _line *line;
-int column;
-int cols;
- int j;
- if (column > line->last_char)
- line->row[line->last_char] = ' ';
- line->last_char = column;
- line->row[column] = (char) NULL;
- line->attributes[column] = (char) NULL;
- line->changed = TRUE;
- for (j = column + 1; j < cols; j++)
- {
- line->row[j] = ' ';
- line->attributes[j] = (char) NULL;
- }
-werase(window) /* clear the specified window */
-WINDOW *window;
- int i;
- struct _line *tmp;
- window->scroll_up = window->scroll_down = 0;
- for (i = 0, tmp = window->first_line; i < window->Num_lines; i++, tmp = tmp->next_screen)
- clear_line(tmp, 0, window->Num_cols);
-wclrtoeol(window) /* erase from current cursor position to end of line */
-WINDOW *window;
- int column, row;
- struct _line *tmp;
- column = window->LX;
- row = window->LY;
- for (row = 0, tmp = window->first_line; row < window->LY; row++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- clear_line(tmp, column, window->Num_cols);
-wrefresh(window) /* flush all previous output */
-WINDOW *window;
- wnoutrefresh(window);
-#ifdef DIAG
- struct _line *temp;
- int value;
- fprintf(stderr, "columns=%d, lines=%d, SC=%d, SR=%d\n",window->Num_cols, window->Num_lines, window->SC, window->SR);
- for (value = 0, temp = window->first_line; value < window->Num_lines; value++, temp = temp->next_screen)
- {
- if (temp->number == -1)
- fprintf(stderr, "line moved ");
- if (temp->scroll)
- fprintf(stderr, "scroll_x is set: ");
- fprintf(stderr, "lc%d=%s|\n", temp->last_char, temp->row);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "+-------------------- virtual screen ----------------------------------------+\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "columns=%d, lines=%d \n",virtual_scr->Num_cols, virtual_scr->Num_lines);
- for (value = 0, temp = virtual_scr->first_line; value < virtual_scr->Num_lines; value++, temp = temp->next_screen)
- {
- if (temp->number == -1)
- fprintf(stderr, "line moved ");
- if (temp->scroll)
- fprintf(stderr, "scroll_x is set: ");
- fprintf(stderr, "lc%d=%s|\n", temp->last_char, temp->row);
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "columns=%d, lines=%d \n",curscr->Num_cols, curscr->Num_lines);
- for (value = 0, temp = curscr->first_line; value < curscr->Num_lines; value++, temp = temp->next_screen)
- fprintf(stderr, "line=%s|\n", temp->row);
- doupdate();
- virtual_scr->SCROLL_CLEAR = FALSE;
- virtual_scr->scroll_down = virtual_scr->scroll_up = 0;
- fflush(stdout);
-WINDOW *window;
- struct _line *user_line;
- int line_counter = 0;
- for (line_counter = 0, user_line = window->first_line;
- line_counter < window->Num_lines; line_counter++)
- {
- user_line->changed = TRUE;
- }
- window->SCROLL_CLEAR = TRUE;
-WINDOW *window;
- struct _line *user_line;
- struct _line *virtual_line;
- int line_counter = 0;
- int user_col = 0;
- int virt_col = 0;
- if (window->SR >= virtual_scr->Num_lines)
- return;
- user_line = window->first_line;
- virtual_line = virtual_scr->first_line;
- virtual_scr->SCROLL_CLEAR = window->SCROLL_CLEAR;
- virtual_scr->LX = window->LX + window->SC;
- virtual_scr->LY = window->LY + window->SR;
- virtual_scr->scroll_up = window->scroll_up;
- virtual_scr->scroll_down = window->scroll_down;
- if ((last_window_refreshed == window) && (!window->SCROLL_CLEAR))
- return;
- for (line_counter = 0; line_counter < window->SR; line_counter++)
- {
- virtual_line = virtual_line->next_screen;
- }
- for (line_counter = 0; (line_counter < window->Num_lines)
- && ((line_counter + window->SR) < virtual_scr->Num_lines);
- line_counter++)
- {
- if ((last_window_refreshed != window) || (user_line->changed) || ((SCROLL | CLEAR) & window->SCROLL_CLEAR))
- {
- for (user_col = 0, virt_col = window->SC;
- (virt_col < virtual_scr->Num_cols)
- && (user_col < window->Num_cols);
- virt_col++, user_col++)
- {
- virtual_line->row[virt_col] = user_line->row[user_col];
- virtual_line->attributes[virt_col] = user_line->attributes[user_col];
- }
- }
- if (virtual_scr->Num_cols != window->Num_cols)
- {
- if (virtual_line->last_char < (user_line->last_char + window->SC))
- {
- if (virtual_line->row[virtual_line->last_char] == (char) NULL)
- virtual_line->row[virtual_line->last_char] = ' ';
- virtual_line->last_char =
- min(virtual_scr->Num_cols,
- (user_line->last_char + window->SC));
- }
- else if (virtual_line->last_char > (user_line->last_char + window->SC))
- {
- virtual_line->row[min(virtual_scr->Num_cols,
- (user_line->last_char + window->SC))] = ' ';
- }
- }
- else
- virtual_line->last_char = user_line->last_char;
- virtual_line->row[virtual_line->last_char] = (char) NULL;
- virtual_line->changed = user_line->changed;
- virtual_line = virtual_line->next_screen;
- user_line = user_line->next_screen;
- }
- window->scroll_up = window->scroll_down = 0;
- last_window_refreshed = window;
-flushinp() /* flush input */
-ungetch(c) /* push a character back on input */
-int c;
- if (bufp < 100)
- in_buff[bufp++] = c;
-#ifdef BSD_SELECT
- struct timeval tv;
- fd_set fds;
- int ret_val;
- int nfds = 1;
- char temp;
- FD_ZERO(&fds);
- tv.tv_sec = 0;
- tv.tv_usec = 500000; /* half a second */
- FD_SET(0, &fds);
- Time_Out = FALSE; /* just in case */
- ret_val = select(nfds, &fds, 0, 0, &tv);
- /*
- | if ret_val is less than zero, there was no input
- | otherwise, get a character and return it
- */
- if (ret_val <= 0)
- {
- Time_Out = TRUE;
- return(-1);
- }
- return(read(0, &temp, 1)? temp : -1);
-wgetch(window) /* get character from specified window */
-WINDOW *window;
- int in_value;
- char temp;
-#ifndef SYS5
- int old_arg;
-#endif /* SYS5 */
-#ifdef BSD_SELECT
- if (Noblock)
- in_value = ((bufp > 0) ? in_buff[--bufp] : timed_getchar());
- else
- in_value = ((bufp > 0) ? in_buff[--bufp] : read(0, &temp, 1)? temp : -1);
-#else /* BSD_SELECT */
-#ifdef SYS5
- in_value = ((bufp > 0) ? in_buff[--bufp] :
- (read(0, &temp, 1)> 0) ? temp : -1);
-#else /* SYS5 */
- if (Noblock)
- {
- Time_Out = FALSE;
- old_arg = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
- in_value = fcntl(0, F_SETFL, old_arg | FNDELAY);
- }
- in_value = ((bufp > 0) ? in_buff[--bufp] : read(0, &temp, 1)? temp : -1);
- if (Noblock)
- {
- fcntl(0, F_SETFL, old_arg);
- if (Time_Out)
- in_value = -1;
- }
-#endif /* SYS5 */
-#endif /* BSD_SELECT */
- if (in_value != -1)
- {
- in_value &= 0xff;
- if ((Parity) && (Num_bits < 8))
- /* strip eighth bit if parity in use */
- in_value &= 0177;
- }
- else if (interrupt_flag)
- {
- interrupt_flag = FALSE;
- in_value = wgetch(window);
- }
- if ((in_value == '\033') || (in_value == '\037'))/* escape character */
- in_value = Get_key(in_value);
- return(in_value);
-#ifndef BSD_SELECT
-Clear(arg) /* notify that time out has occurred */
-int arg;
- Time_Out = TRUE;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-fprintf(stderr, "inside Clear()\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-#endif /* BSD_SELECT */
-Get_key(first_char) /* try to decode key sequence */
-int first_char; /* first character of sequence */
- int in_char;
- int Count;
- char string[128];
- char *Gtemp;
- int Found;
-#ifdef SYS5
- struct termio Gterminal;
- struct sgttyb Gterminal;
- struct KEY_STACK *St_point;
-#if (!defined( BSD_SELECT)) || (!defined(SYS5))
- int value;
-#endif /* BSD_SELECT */
- Count = 0;
- Gtemp = string;
- string[Count++] = first_char;
- string[Count] = (char) NULL;
- Time_Out = FALSE;
-#ifndef BSD_SELECT
- signal(SIGALRM, Clear);
- value = alarm(1);
-#endif /* BSD_SELECT */
- Noblock = TRUE;
-#ifdef SYS5
- Gterminal.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* timeout value */
- Gterminal.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; /* disable canonical operation */
- Gterminal.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; /* disable echo */
- Count = 1;
- Found = FALSE;
- while ((Count < Max_Key_len) && (!Time_Out) && (!Found))
- {
- in_char = wgetch(stdscr);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-fprintf(stderr, "back in GetKey()\n");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- if (in_char != -1)
- {
- string[Count++] = in_char;
- string[Count] = (char) NULL;
- St_point = KEY_TOS;
- while ((St_point != NULL) && (!Found))
- {
- if (!strcmp(string, St_point->element->string))
- Found = TRUE;
- else
- St_point = St_point->next;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifndef BSD_SELECT
- if (!Time_Out)
- value = alarm(0);
-#endif /* BSD_SELECT */
-#ifdef SYS5
-/* value = ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Terminal);*/
- value = ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &Terminal);
-/* value = fcntl(0, F_SETFL, old_arg);*/
- Noblock = FALSE;
- if (Found)
- {
- return(St_point->element->value);
- }
- else
- {
- while (Count > 1)
- {
- if ((string[--Count] != -1) &&
- ((unsigned char) (string[Count]) != 255))
- {
-#ifdef DIAG
-fprintf(stderr, "ungetting character %d\n", string[Count]);fflush(stdout);
- ungetch(string[Count]);
- }
- }
- return(first_char);
- }
-waddch(window, c) /* output the character in the specified window */
-WINDOW *window;
-int c;
- int row, column;
- int shift; /* number of spaces to shift if a tab */
- struct _line *tmpline;
-#ifdef DIAG
-/*printf("starting waddch \n");fflush(stdout);*/
- row = window->LY;
- column = window->LX;
- if (c == '\t')
- {
- shift = (column + 1) % 8;
- if (shift == 0)
- shift++;
- else
- shift = 9 - shift;
- while (shift > 0)
- {
- shift--;
- waddch(window, ' ');
- }
- }
- else if ((column < window->Num_cols) && (row < window->Num_lines))
- {
- if ((c == '~') && (Booleans[hz__]))
- c = '@';
- if (( c != '\b') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r'))
- {
- row = 0;
- tmpline = window->first_line;
- while (row < window->LY)
- {
- row++;
- tmpline = tmpline->next_screen;
- }
- tmpline->row[column] = c;
- tmpline->attributes[column] = window->Attrib;
- tmpline->changed = TRUE;
- if (column >= tmpline->last_char)
- {
- if (column > tmpline->last_char)
- tmpline->row[tmpline->last_char] = ' ';
- tmpline->row[column + 1] = (char) NULL;
- tmpline->attributes[column + 1] = (char) NULL;
- tmpline->last_char = column + 1;
- }
- }
- if (c == '\n')
- {
- wclrtoeol(window);
- window->LX = window->Num_cols;
- }
- else if (c == '\r')
- window->LX = 0;
- else if (c == '\b')
- window->LX--;
- else
- window->LX++;
- }
- if (window->LX >= window->Num_cols)
- {
- window->LX = 0;
- window->LY++;
- if (window->LY >= window->Num_lines)
- {
- window->LY = window->Num_lines - 1;
-/* window->LY = row;
- wmove(window, 0, 0);
- wdeleteln(window);
- wmove(window, row, 0);*/
- }
- }
-winsertln(window) /* insert a blank line into the specified window */
-WINDOW *window;
- int row, column;
- struct _line *tmp;
- struct _line *tmp1;
- window->scroll_down += 1;
- column = window->LX;
- row = window->LY;
- for (row = 0, tmp = window->first_line; (row < window->Num_lines) && (tmp->next_screen != NULL); row++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- if (tmp->prev_screen != NULL)
- tmp->prev_screen->next_screen = NULL;
- tmp1 = tmp;
- clear_line(tmp1, 0, window->Num_cols);
- tmp1->number = -1;
- for (row = 0, tmp = window->first_line; (row < window->LY) && (tmp->next_screen != NULL); row++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- if ((window->LY == (window->Num_lines - 1)) && (window->Num_lines > 1))
- {
- tmp1->next_screen = tmp->next_screen;
- tmp->next_screen = tmp1;
- tmp->changed = TRUE;
- tmp->next_screen->prev_screen = tmp;
- }
- else if (window->Num_lines > 1)
- {
- if (tmp->prev_screen != NULL)
- tmp->prev_screen->next_screen = tmp1;
- tmp1->prev_screen = tmp->prev_screen;
- tmp->prev_screen = tmp1;
- tmp1->next_screen = tmp;
- tmp->changed = TRUE;
- tmp->scroll = DOWN;
- }
- if (window->LY == 0)
- window->first_line = tmp1;
-wdeleteln(window) /* delete a line in the specified window */
-WINDOW *window;
- int row, column;
- struct _line *tmp;
- struct _line *tmpline;
- if (window->Num_lines > 1)
- {
- window->scroll_up += 1;
- column = window->LX;
- row = window->LY;
- for (row = 0, tmp = window->first_line; row < window->LY; row++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- if (window->LY == 0)
- window->first_line = tmp->next_screen;
- if (tmp->prev_screen != NULL)
- tmp->prev_screen->next_screen = tmp->next_screen;
- if (tmp->next_screen != NULL)
- {
- tmp->next_screen->changed = TRUE;
- tmp->next_screen->scroll = UP;
- tmp->next_screen->prev_screen = tmp->prev_screen;
- }
- tmpline = tmp;
- clear_line(tmpline, 0, window->Num_cols);
- tmpline->number = -1;
- for (row = 0, tmp = window->first_line; tmp->next_screen != NULL; row++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- if (tmp != NULL)
- {
- tmp->next_screen = tmpline;
- tmp->next_screen->prev_screen = tmp;
- tmp->changed = TRUE;
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- }
- else
- tmp = tmpline;
- tmp->next_screen = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- clear_line(window->first_line, 0, window->Num_cols);
- }
-wclrtobot(window) /* delete from current position to end of the window */
-WINDOW *window;
- int row, column;
- struct _line *tmp;
- window->SCROLL_CLEAR |= CLEAR;
- column = window->LX;
- row = window->LY;
- for (row = 0, tmp = window->first_line; row < window->LY; row++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- clear_line(tmp, column, window->Num_cols);
- for (row = (window->LY + 1); row < window->Num_lines; row++)
- {
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- clear_line(tmp, 0, window->Num_cols);
- }
- wmove(window, row, column);
-wstandout(window) /* begin standout mode in window */
-WINDOW *window;
- if (Numbers[sg__] < 1) /* if not magic cookie glitch */
- window->Attrib |= A_STANDOUT;
-wstandend(window) /* end standout mode in window */
-WINDOW *window;
- window->Attrib &= ~A_STANDOUT;
-waddstr(window, string) /* write 'string' in window */
-WINDOW *window;
-char *string;
- char *wstring;
- for (wstring = string; *wstring != (char) NULL; wstring++)
- waddch(window, *wstring);
-clearok(window, flag) /* erase screen and redraw at next refresh */
-WINDOW *window;
-int flag;
- Repaint_screen = TRUE;
-echo() /* turn on echoing */
- int value;
-#ifdef SYS5
- Terminal.c_lflag |= ECHO; /* enable echo */
- value = ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
- Terminal.sg_flags |= ECHO; /* enable echo */
- value = ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
-noecho() /* turn off echoing */
- int value;
-#ifdef SYS5
- Terminal.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; /* disable echo */
- value = ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
- Terminal.sg_flags &= ~ECHO; /* disable echo */
- value = ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
-raw() /* set to read characters immediately */
- int value;
-#ifdef SYS5
- Intr = Terminal.c_cc[VINTR]; /* get the interrupt character */
- Terminal.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; /* disable canonical operation */
- Terminal.c_lflag &= ~ISIG; /* disable signal checking */
-#ifdef FLUSHO
- Terminal.c_lflag &= ~FLUSHO;
-#ifdef PENDIN
- Terminal.c_lflag &= ~PENDIN;
-#ifdef IEXTEN
- Terminal.c_lflag &= ~IEXTEN;
- Terminal.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* minimum of one character */
- Terminal.c_cc[VTIME] = 255; /* timeout value */
- Terminal.c_cc[VINTR] = 0; /* eliminate interrupt */
- value = ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
- Terminal.sg_flags |= RAW; /* enable raw mode */
- value = ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
-noraw() /* set to normal character read mode */
- int value;
-#ifdef SYS5
- Terminal.c_lflag |= ICANON; /* enable canonical operation */
- Terminal.c_lflag |= ISIG; /* enable signal checking */
- Terminal.c_cc[VEOF] = 4; /* EOF character = 4 */
- Terminal.c_cc[VEOL] = (char) NULL; /* EOL = 0 */
- Terminal.c_cc[VINTR] = Intr; /* reset interrupt char */
- value = ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
- Terminal.sg_flags &= ~RAW; /* disable raw mode */
- value = ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
-/* old_arg = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
- value = fcntl(0, F_SETFL, old_arg & ~FNDELAY);*/
- int value;
-#ifdef SYS5
- Terminal.c_iflag |= ICRNL; /* enable carriage-return to line-feed mapping */
- value = ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
- int value;
-#ifdef SYS5
- Terminal.c_iflag &= ~ICRNL; /* disable carriage-return to line-feed mapping */
- Terminal.c_iflag &= ~IGNCR; /* do not ignore carriage-return */
- value = ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Terminal); /* set characteristics */
-nodelay(window, flag)
-WINDOW *window;
-int flag;
-idlok(window, flag)
-WINDOW *window;
-int flag;
-keypad(window, flag)
-WINDOW *window;
-int flag;
- if (flag)
- String_Out(String_table[ks__], NULL, 0);
- else
- String_Out(String_table[ke__], NULL, 0);
-savetty() /* save current tty stats */
- int value;
-#ifdef SYS5
- value = ioctl(0, TCGETA, &Saved_tty); /* set characteristics */
- value = ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &Saved_tty); /* set characteristics */
-resetty() /* restore previous tty stats */
- int value;
-#ifdef SYS5
- value = ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Saved_tty); /* set characteristics */
- value = ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &Saved_tty); /* set characteristics */
-endwin() /* end windows */
- keypad(stdscr, FALSE);
- free(stdscr);
- initialized = FALSE;
- delwin(curscr);
- delwin(virtual_scr);
- delwin(stdscr);
-#ifndef SYS5
- int old_arg, value;
-/* old_arg = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
- value = fcntl(0, F_SETFL, old_arg & ~FNDELAY);*/
-delwin(window) /* delete the window structure */
-WINDOW *window;
- int i;
- for (i = 1; (i < window->Num_lines) && (window->first_line->next_screen != NULL); i++)
- {
- window->first_line = window->first_line->next_screen;
- free(window->first_line->prev_screen->row);
- free(window->first_line->prev_screen->attributes);
- free(window->first_line->prev_screen);
- }
- if (window == last_window_refreshed)
- last_window_refreshed = 0;
- if (window->first_line != NULL)
- {
- free(window->first_line->row);
- free(window->first_line->attributes);
- free(window->first_line);
- free(window);
- }
-#ifndef __STDC__
-#else /* __STDC__ */
-wprintw(WINDOW *window, const char *format, ...)
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-#ifndef __STDC__
- WINDOW *window;
- char *format;
- va_list ap;
- va_list ap;
- int value;
- char *fpoint;
- char *wtemp;
-#ifndef __STDC__
- va_start(ap);
- window = va_arg(ap, WINDOW *);
- format = va_arg(ap, char *);
-#else /* __STDC__ */
- va_start(ap, format);
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
- fpoint = (char *) format;
- while (*fpoint != (char) NULL)
- {
- if (*fpoint == '%')
- {
- fpoint++;
- if (*fpoint == 'd')
- {
- value = va_arg(ap, int);
- iout(window, value);
- }
- else if (*fpoint == 'c')
- {
- value = va_arg(ap, int);
- waddch(window, value);
- }
- else if (*fpoint == 's')
- {
- wtemp = va_arg(ap, char *);
- waddstr(window, wtemp);
- }
- fpoint++;
- }
- else if (*fpoint == '\\')
- {
- fpoint++;
- if (*fpoint == 'n')
- waddch(window, '\n');
- else if ((*fpoint >= '0') && (*fpoint <= '9'))
- {
- value = 0;
- while ((*fpoint >= '0') && (*fpoint <= '9'))
- {
- value = (value * 8) + (*fpoint - '0');
- fpoint++;
- }
- waddch(window, value);
- }
- fpoint++;
- }
- else
- waddch(window, *fpoint++);
- }
-#ifdef __STDC__
- va_end(ap);
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-iout(window, value) /* output characters */
-WINDOW *window;
-int value;
- int i;
- if ((i = value / 10) != 0)
- iout(window, i);
- waddch(window, ((value % 10) + '0'));
-Comp_line(line1, line2) /* compare lines */
-struct _line *line1;
-struct _line *line2;
- int count1, count2;
- int i;
- char *att1, *att2;
- char *c1, *c2;
- c1 = line1->row;
- c2 = line2->row;
- att1 = line1->attributes;
- att2 = line2->attributes;
- count2 = strlen(c1) + 1;
- count1 = strlen(c2) + 1;
- if (count1 > count2)
- {
- i = count2;
- count2 = count1;
- count1 = i;
- }
- if (count2 > (count1 + count1))
- return(2);
- i = 0;
- while ((c1[i] != (char) NULL) && (c2[i] != (char) NULL) && (c1[i] == c2[i]) && (att1[i] == att2[i]))
- i++;
- count1 = i + 1;
- if ((count1 == 1) && (count2 == 1))
- count1 = 0; /* both lines blank */
- else if (count2 == count1)
- count1 = -1; /* equal */
- else
- count1 = count2 / count1; /* lines unequal */
- return(count1);
-struct _line *
-Insert_line(row, end_row, window) /* insert line into screen */
-int row;
-int end_row;
-WINDOW *window;
- int i;
- struct _line *tmp;
- struct _line *tmp1;
- for (i = 0, tmp = curscr->first_line; i < window->SR; i++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- if ((end_row + window->SR) == 0)
- curscr->first_line = curscr->first_line->next_screen;
- top_of_win = tmp;
- /*
- | find bottom line to delete
- */
- for (i = 0, tmp = top_of_win; (tmp->next_screen != NULL) && (i < end_row); i++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- if (tmp->prev_screen != NULL)
- tmp->prev_screen->next_screen = tmp->next_screen;
- if (tmp->next_screen != NULL)
- tmp->next_screen->prev_screen = tmp->prev_screen;
- tmp1 = tmp;
- /*
- | clear deleted line
- */
- clear_line(tmp, 0, window->Num_cols);
- tmp1->number = -1;
- for (i = 0, tmp = curscr->first_line; (tmp->next_screen != NULL) && (i < window->SR); i++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- top_of_win = tmp;
- for (i = 0, tmp = top_of_win; i < row; i++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- if ((tmp->prev_screen != NULL) && (window->Num_lines > 0))
- tmp->prev_screen->next_screen = tmp1;
- tmp1->prev_screen = tmp->prev_screen;
- tmp->prev_screen = tmp1;
- tmp1->next_screen = tmp;
- if ((row + window->SR) == 0)
- curscr->first_line = tmp1;
- if (tmp1->next_screen != NULL)
- tmp1 = tmp1->next_screen;
- if ((!String_table[cs__]) && (end_row < window->Num_lines))
- {
- Position(window, (window->SR + end_row), 0);
- String_Out(String_table[dl__], NULL, 0);
- }
- Position(window, (window->SR + row), 0);
- if (String_table[al__] != NULL)
- String_Out(String_table[al__], NULL, 0);
- else
- String_Out(String_table[sr__], NULL, 0);
- for (i = 0, top_of_win = curscr->first_line; (top_of_win->next_screen != NULL) && (i < window->SR); i++)
- top_of_win = top_of_win->next_screen;
- return(tmp1);
-struct _line *
-Delete_line(row, end_row, window) /* delete a line on screen */
-int row;
-int end_row;
-WINDOW *window;
- int i;
- struct _line *tmp;
- struct _line *tmp1;
- struct _line *tmp2;
- i = 0;
- tmp = curscr->first_line;
- while (i < window->SR)
- {
- i++;
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- }
- /*
- | find line to delete
- */
- top_of_win = tmp;
- if ((row + window->SR) == 0)
- curscr->first_line = top_of_win->next_screen;
- for (i = 0, tmp = top_of_win; i < row; i++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- if (tmp->prev_screen != NULL)
- tmp->prev_screen->next_screen = tmp->next_screen;
- if (tmp->next_screen != NULL)
- tmp->next_screen->prev_screen = tmp->prev_screen;
- tmp2 = tmp->next_screen;
- tmp1 = tmp;
- /*
- | clear deleted line
- */
- clear_line(tmp1, 0, window->Num_cols);
- tmp1->number = -1;
- /*
- | find location to insert deleted line
- */
- for (i = 0, tmp = curscr->first_line; (tmp->next_screen != NULL) && (i < window->SR); i++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- top_of_win = tmp;
- for (i = 0, tmp = top_of_win; (i < end_row) && (tmp->next_screen != NULL); i++)
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- tmp1->next_screen = tmp;
- tmp1->prev_screen = tmp->prev_screen;
- if (tmp1->prev_screen != NULL)
- tmp1->prev_screen->next_screen = tmp1;
- tmp->prev_screen = tmp1;
- Position(window, (window->SR + row), 0);
- String_Out(String_table[dl__], NULL, 0);
- if ((!String_table[cs__]) && (end_row < window->Num_lines))
- {
- Position(window, (window->SR + end_row), 0);
- String_Out(String_table[al__], NULL, 0);
- }
- else if ((String_table[cs__] != NULL) && (String_table[dl__] == NULL))
- {
- Position(window, (window->SR + end_row), 0);
- putchar('\n');
- }
- if (row == (window->Num_lines-1))
- tmp2 = tmp1;
- if ((row + window->SR) == 0)
- curscr->first_line = top_of_win = tmp2;
- return(tmp2);
-CLEAR_TO_EOL(window, row, column)
-WINDOW *window;
-int row, column;
- int x, y;
- struct _line *tmp1;
- for (y = 0, tmp1 = curscr->first_line; (y < (window->SR+row)) && (tmp1->next_screen != NULL); y++)
- tmp1 = tmp1->next_screen;
- for (x = column; x<window->Num_cols; x++)
- {
- tmp1->row[x] = ' ';
- tmp1->attributes[x] = (char) NULL;
- }
- tmp1->row[column] = (char) NULL;
- tmp1->last_char = column;
- if (column < COLS)
- {
- if (STAND)
- {
- Position(window, row, column);
- attribute_off();
- }
- if (String_table[ce__] != NULL)
- String_Out(String_table[ce__], NULL, 0);
- else
- {
- for (x = column; x < window->Num_cols; x++)
- putchar(' ');
- Curr_x = x;
- }
- }
-check_delete(window, line, offset, pointer_new, pointer_old)
-WINDOW *window;
-int line, offset;
-struct _line *pointer_new, *pointer_old;
- int end_old;
- int end_new;
- int k;
- int changed;
- char *old_lin;
- char *new_lin;
- char *old_att;
- char *new_att;
- changed = FALSE;
- new_lin = pointer_new->row;
- new_att = pointer_new->attributes;
- old_lin = pointer_old->row;
- old_att = pointer_old->attributes;
- end_old = end_new = offset;
- while (((new_lin[end_new] != old_lin[end_old]) || (new_att[end_new] != old_att[end_old])) && (old_lin[end_old] != (char) NULL) && (new_lin[end_old] != (char) NULL))
- end_old++;
- if (old_lin[end_old] != (char) NULL)
- {
- k = 0;
- while ((old_lin[end_old+k] == new_lin[end_new+k]) && (new_att[end_new+k] == old_att[end_old+k]) && (new_lin[end_new+k] != (char) NULL) && (old_lin[end_old+k] != (char) NULL) && (k < 10))
- k++;
- if ((k > 8) || ((new_lin[end_new+k] == (char) NULL) && (k != 0)))
- {
- if (new_lin[end_new+k] == (char) NULL)
- {
- Position(window, line, (end_new+k));
- CLEAR_TO_EOL(window, line, (end_new+k));
- }
- Position(window, line, offset);
- for (k = offset; k < end_old; k++)
- Char_del(old_lin, old_att, offset, window->Num_cols);
- while ((old_lin[offset] != (char) NULL) && (offset < COLS))
- offset++;
- pointer_old->last_char = offset;
- changed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return(changed);
-check_insert(window, line, offset, pointer_new, pointer_old)
-WINDOW *window;
-int line, offset;
-struct _line *pointer_new, *pointer_old;
- int changed;
- int end_old, end_new;
- int k;
- int same = FALSE;
- int old_off;
- int insert;
- char *old_lin;
- char *new_lin;
- char *old_att;
- char *new_att;
- changed = FALSE;
- new_lin = pointer_new->row;
- new_att = pointer_new->attributes;
- old_lin = pointer_old->row;
- old_att = pointer_old->attributes;
- end_old = end_new = offset;
- while (((new_lin[end_new] != old_lin[end_old]) || (new_att[end_new] != old_att[end_old])) && (new_lin[end_new] != (char) NULL) && (old_lin[end_new] != (char) NULL))
- end_new++;
- if (new_lin[end_new] != (char) NULL)
- {
- k = 0;
- while ((old_lin[end_old+k] == new_lin[end_new+k]) && (old_att[end_old+k] == new_att[end_new+k]) && (new_lin[end_new+k] != (char) NULL) && (old_lin[end_old+k] != (char) NULL) && (k < 10))
- k++;
- /*
- | check for commonality between rest of lines (are the old
- | and new lines the same, except for a chunk in the middle?)
- | if the rest of the lines are common, do not insert text
- */
- old_off = end_new;
- while ((old_lin[old_off] != (char) NULL) && (new_lin[old_off] != (char) NULL) && (old_lin[old_off] == new_lin[old_off]) && (old_att[old_off] == new_att[old_off]))
- old_off++;
- if ((old_lin[old_off] == new_lin[old_off]) && (old_att[old_off] == new_att[old_off]))
- same = TRUE;
- if ((!same) && ((k > 8) || ((new_lin[end_new+k] == (char) NULL) && (k != 0))))
- {
- Position(window, line, offset);
- insert = FALSE;
- if (String_table[ic__] == NULL)
- {
- String_Out(String_table[im__], NULL, 0);
- insert = TRUE;
- }
- for (k = offset; k < end_new; k++)
- {
- if (!insert)
- String_Out(String_table[ic__], NULL, 0);
- Char_ins(old_lin, old_att, new_lin[k], new_att[k], k, window->Num_cols);
- }
- if (insert)
- String_Out(String_table[ei__], NULL, 0);
- while ((old_lin[offset] != (char) NULL) && (offset < COLS))
- offset++;
- pointer_old->last_char = offset;
- changed = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return(changed);
- WINDOW *window;
- int similar;
- int diff;
- int begin_old, begin_new;
- int end_old, end_new;
- int count1, j;
- int from_top, tmp_ft, offset;
- int changed;
- int first_time;
- int first_same;
- int last_same;
- int list[10];
- struct _line *curr;
- struct _line *virt;
- struct _line *old;
- struct _line *new;
- char *cur_lin;
- char *vrt_lin;
- char *cur_att;
- char *vrt_att;
- char *att1, *att2;
- char *c1, *c2;
- window = virtual_scr;
- if (Repaint_screen)
- {
- if (String_table[cl__])
- String_Out(String_table[cl__], NULL, 0);
- else
- {
- from_top = 0;
- while (from_top < LINES)
- {
- Position(curscr, from_top, 0);
- if (String_table[ce__] != NULL)
- String_Out(String_table[ce__], NULL, 0);
- else
- {
- for (j = 0; j < window->Num_cols; j++)
- putchar(' ');
- }
- from_top++;
- }
- }
- for (from_top = 0, curr = curscr->first_line; from_top < curscr->Num_lines; from_top++, curr = curr->next_screen)
- {
- Position(curscr, from_top, 0);
- for (j = 0; (curr->row[j] != (char) NULL) && (j < curscr->Num_cols); j++)
- {
- Char_out(curr->row[j], curr->attributes[j], curr->row, curr->attributes, j);
- }
- if (STAND)
- {
- Position(curscr, from_top, j);
- attribute_off();
- }
- }
- Repaint_screen = FALSE;
- }
- similar = 0;
- diff = FALSE;
- top_of_win = curscr->first_line;
- for (from_top = 0, curr = top_of_win, virt = window->first_line;
- from_top < window->Num_lines; from_top++)
- {
- virtual_lines[from_top] = TRUE;
- if ((similar = Comp_line(curr, virt)) > 0)
- {
- virtual_lines[from_top] = FALSE;
- diff = TRUE;
- }
- curr = curr->next_screen;
- virt = virt->next_screen;
- }
- from_top = 0;
- virt = window->first_line;
- curr = top_of_win;
- similar = 0;
- /*
- | if the window has lines that are different
- */
- if (diff)
- {
- last_same = -1;
- changed = FALSE;
- for (first_same = window->Num_lines;
- (first_same > from_top) && (virtual_lines[first_same - 1]);
- first_same--)
- ;
- count1 = first_same - 1;
- for (last_same = 0;
- (last_same < window->Num_lines) && (virtual_lines[last_same]== FALSE);
- last_same++)
- ;
- while ((from_top < first_same) && nc_scrolling_ability)
- /* check entire lines for diffs */
- {
- if (from_top >= last_same)
- {
- for (last_same = from_top;
- (last_same < window->Num_lines) &&
- (virtual_lines[last_same] == FALSE);
- last_same++)
- ;
- }
- if (!virtual_lines[from_top])
- {
- diff = TRUE;
- /*
- | check for lines deleted (scroll up)
- */
- for (tmp_ft = from_top+1, old = curr->next_screen;
- ((window->scroll_up) && (diff) &&
- (tmp_ft < last_same) &&
- (!virtual_lines[tmp_ft]));
- tmp_ft++)
- {
- if ((Comp_line(old, virt) == -1) && (!virtual_lines[from_top]))
- {
- if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- {
- list[1] = from_top;
- list[0] = min((last_same - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1));
- String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
- Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
- }
- for (offset = (tmp_ft - from_top); (offset > 0); offset--)
- {
- old = Delete_line(from_top, min((last_same - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1)), window);
- diff = FALSE;
- }
- if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- {
- list[1] = 0;
- list[0] = LINES;
- String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
- Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
- }
- top_of_win = curscr->first_line;
- curr = top_of_win;
- for (offset = 0; offset < from_top; offset++)
- curr = curr->next_screen;
- for (offset = from_top, old=curr, new=virt;
- offset < window->Num_lines;
- old=old->next_screen, new=new->next_screen,
- offset++)
- {
- similar = Comp_line(old, new);
- virtual_lines[offset] = (similar > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE);
- }
- }
- else
- old = old->next_screen;
- }
- /*
- | check for lines inserted (scroll down)
- */
- for (tmp_ft = from_top-1, old = curr->prev_screen;
- ((window->scroll_down) && (tmp_ft >= 0) &&
- (diff) &&
- (!virtual_lines[tmp_ft]));
- tmp_ft--)
- {
- if (Comp_line(old, virt) == -1)
- {
- if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- {
- list[1] = tmp_ft;
- list[0] = min((last_same - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1));
- String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
- Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
- }
- for (offset = (from_top - tmp_ft); (offset > 0); offset--)
- {
- old = Insert_line(tmp_ft, min((last_same - 1), (window->Num_lines -1)), window);
- diff = FALSE;
- }
- if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- {
- list[1] = 0;
- list[0] = LINES;
- String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
- Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
- }
- top_of_win = curscr->first_line;
- curr = top_of_win;
- for (offset = 0; offset < from_top; offset++)
- curr = curr->next_screen;
- for (offset = from_top, old=curr, new=virt;
- offset < window->Num_lines;
- old=old->next_screen, new=new->next_screen,
- offset++)
- {
- similar = Comp_line(old, new);
- virtual_lines[offset] = (similar > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE);
- }
- }
- else
- old = old->prev_screen;
- }
- }
- from_top++;
- curr = curr->next_screen;
- virt = virt->next_screen;
- }
- }
- for (from_top = 0, curr = curscr->first_line; from_top < window->SR; from_top++)
- curr = curr->next_screen;
- top_of_win = curr;
- for (from_top = 0, curr = top_of_win, virt = window->first_line; from_top < window->Num_lines; from_top++, curr = curr->next_screen, virt = virt->next_screen)
- {
- if (((String_table[ic__]) || (String_table[im__])) && (String_table[dc__]) && (curr->row[0] != (char) NULL))
- {
- j = 0;
- first_time = TRUE;
- vrt_lin = virt->row;
- vrt_att = virt->attributes;
- cur_lin = curr->row;
- cur_att = curr->attributes;
- while ((vrt_lin[j] != (char) NULL) && (j < window->Num_cols))
- {
- if ((STAND) && (Booleans[xs__]))
- {
- while ((vrt_lin[j] == cur_lin[j]) && (vrt_att[j] == cur_att[j]) && (vrt_lin[j] != (char) NULL) && (vrt_att[j]))
- j++;
- if ((STAND) && (!vrt_att[j]))
- {
- Position(window, from_top, j);
- attribute_off();
- attribute_off();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while ((vrt_lin[j] == cur_lin[j]) && (vrt_att[j] == cur_att[j]) && (vrt_lin[j] != (char) NULL))
- j++;
- }
- if ((vrt_att[j] != cur_att[j]) && (cur_att[j]) && (Booleans[xs__]))
- {
- Position(window, from_top, j);
-/* CLEAR_TO_EOL(window, from_top, j);*/
- attribute_off();
- attribute_off();
- }
- if (vrt_lin[j] != (char) NULL)
- {
- begin_new = j;
- begin_old = j;
- end_old = j;
- end_new = j;
- if ((first_time) && (virt->changed))
- {
- if (curr->last_char <= virt->last_char)
- changed = check_insert(window, from_top, j, virt, curr);
- }
- changed = check_delete(window, from_top, j, virt, curr);
- first_time = FALSE;
- virt->changed = FALSE;
- if (!changed)
- changed = check_insert(window, from_top, j, virt, curr);
- if (((!changed) || (cur_lin[j] != vrt_lin[j]) || (cur_att[j] != vrt_att[j])) && (j < window->Num_cols))
- {
- if ((vrt_lin[j] == ' ') && (cur_lin[j] == (char) NULL) && (vrt_att[j] == cur_att[j]))
- cur_lin[j] = ' ';
- else
- {
- Position(window, from_top, j);
- Char_out(vrt_lin[j], vrt_att[j], cur_lin, cur_att, j);
- }
- }
- if ((vrt_lin[j] != (char) NULL))
- j++;
- }
- if ((STAND) && (!vrt_att[j]))
- {
- Position(window, from_top, j);
- attribute_off();
- }
- }
- if ((vrt_lin[j] == (char) NULL) && (cur_lin[j] != (char) NULL))
- {
- Position(window, from_top, j);
- CLEAR_TO_EOL(window, from_top, j);
- }
- }
- else /*if ((similar != -1) && (similar != 0))*/
- {
- j = 0;
- c1 = curr->row;
- att1 = curr->attributes;
- c2 = virt->row;
- att2 = virt->attributes;
- while ((j < window->Num_cols) && (c2[j] != (char) NULL))
- {
- while ((c1[j] == c2[j]) && (att1[j] == att2[j]) && (j < window->Num_cols) && (c2[j] != (char) NULL))
- j++;
- begin_old = j;
- begin_new = j;
- if ((j < window->Num_cols) && (c2[j] != (char) NULL))
- {
- Position(window, from_top, begin_old);
- CLEAR_TO_EOL(window, from_top, j);
- Position(window, from_top, begin_old);
- for (j = begin_old; (c2[j] != (char) NULL) && (j < window->Num_cols); j++)
- Char_out(c2[j], att2[j], c1, att1, j);
- }
- }
- if ((c2[j] == (char) NULL) && (c1[j] != (char) NULL))
- {
- Position(window, from_top, j);
- CLEAR_TO_EOL(window, from_top, j);
- }
- }
- if (STAND)
- {
- Position(window, from_top, j);
- attribute_off();
- }
- virt->number = from_top;
- }
- Position(window, window->LY, window->LX);
-Position(window, row, col) /* position the cursor for output on the screen */
-WINDOW *window;
-int row;
-int col;
- int list[10];
- int place;
- int pos_row;
- int pos_column;
- pos_row = row + window->SR;
- pos_column = col + window->SC;
- if ((pos_row != Curr_y) || (pos_column != Curr_x))
- {
- if (String_table[cm__] != NULL) /* && (row < window->Num_lines) && (column < window->Num_cols))*/
- {
- place = 0;
- list[place++] = pos_column;
- list[place++] = pos_row;
- String_Out(String_table[cm__], list, place);
- if ((STAND) && (!Booleans[ms__]))
- attribute_on();
- }
- Curr_x = pos_column;
- Curr_y = pos_row;
- }
-Char_del(line, attrib, offset, maxlen) /* delete chars from line */
-char *line;
-char *attrib;
-int offset;
-int maxlen;
- int one, two;
- for (one = offset, two = offset+1; (line[one] != (char) NULL) && (one < maxlen); one++, two++)
- {
- line[one] = line[two];
- attrib[one] = attrib[two];
- }
- String_Out(String_table[dc__], NULL, 0);
-Char_ins(line, attrib, newc, newatt, offset, maxlen) /* insert chars in line */
-char *line;
-char *attrib;
-char newc;
-char newatt;
-int offset;
-int maxlen;
- int one, two;
- one = 0;
- while ((line[one] != (char) NULL) && (one < (maxlen - 2)))
- one++;
- for (two = one + 1; (two > offset); one--, two--)
- {
- line[two] = line[one];
- attrib[two] = attrib[one];
- }
- line[offset] = newc;
- attrib[offset] = newatt;
- Char_out(newc, newatt, line, attrib, offset);
- if (String_table[sa__])
- {
- attributes_set[0] = 1;
- String_Out(String_table[sa__], attributes_set, 1);
- }
- else if (String_table[so__])
- String_Out(String_table[so__], NULL, 0);
- if (String_table[me__])
- String_Out(String_table[me__], NULL, 0);
- else if (String_table[sa__])
- {
- attributes_set[0] = 0;
- String_Out(String_table[sa__], attributes_set, 1);
- }
- else if (String_table[se__])
- String_Out(String_table[se__], NULL, 0);
-Char_out(newc, newatt, line, attrib, offset) /* output character with proper attribute */
-char newc;
-char newatt;
-char *line;
-char *attrib;
-int offset;
- if ((newatt) && (!STAND))
- {
- attribute_on();
- }
- else if ((STAND) && (!newatt))
- {
- attribute_off();
- }
- if ((newatt) && (STAND) && (Booleans[xs__]))
- {
- attribute_on();
- }
- if (!((Curr_y >= (LINES - 1)) && (Curr_x >= (COLS - 1))))
- {
- putchar(newc);
- line[offset] = newc;
- attrib[offset] = newatt;
- }
- Curr_x++;
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/doc/new_curse.h b/usr.bin/ee/doc/new_curse.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86a8574..0000000
--- a/usr.bin/ee/doc/new_curse.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
- | new_curse.h
- |
- | A subset of curses developed for use with ae.
- |
- | written by Hugh Mahon
- |
- | Hewlett-Packard nor Hugh Mahon shall be liable
- | for errors contained herein, nor for
- | incidental or consequential damages in
- | connection with the furnishing, performance or
- | use of this material. Neither Hewlett-Packard
- | nor Hugh Mahon assumes any responsibility for
- | the use or reliability of this software or
- | documentation. This software and
- | documentation is totally UNSUPPORTED. There
- | is no support contract available. Hewlett-
- | Packard has done NO Quality Assurance on ANY
- | of the program or documentation. You may find
- | the quality of the materials inferior to
- | supported materials.
- |
- | This software is not a product of Hewlett-Packard, Co., or any
- | other company. No support is implied or offered with this software.
- | You've got the source, and you're on your own.
- |
- | This software may be distributed under the terms of Larry Wall's
- | Artistic license, a copy of which is included in this distribution.
- |
- | This notice must be included with this software and any derivatives.
- |
- | Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1995 Hugh Mahon
- | All are rights reserved.
- |
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef SYS5
-#include <termio.h>
-#include <sgtty.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#define KEY_BREAK 0401
-#define KEY_DOWN 0402
-#define KEY_UP 0403
-#define KEY_LEFT 0404
-#define KEY_RIGHT 0405
-#define KEY_HOME 0406
-#define KEY_BACKSPACE 0407
-#define KEY_F0 0410
-#define KEY_F(n) (KEY_F0+(n))
-#define KEY_DL 0510
-#define KEY_IL 0511
-#define KEY_DC 0512
-#define KEY_IC 0513
-#define KEY_EIC 0514
-#define KEY_CLEAR 0515
-#define KEY_EOS 0516
-#define KEY_EOL 0517
-#define KEY_SF 0520
-#define KEY_SR 0521
-#define KEY_NPAGE 0522
-#define KEY_PPAGE 0523
-#define KEY_STAB 0524
-#define KEY_CTAB 0525
-#define KEY_CATAB 0526
-#define KEY_ENTER 0527
-#define KEY_SRESET 0530
-#define KEY_RESET 0531
-#define KEY_PRINT 0532
-#define KEY_LL 0533
-#define KEY_A1 0534
-#define KEY_A3 0535
-#define KEY_B2 0536
-#define KEY_C1 0537
-#define KEY_C3 0540
-#define KEY_BTAB 0541
-#define KEY_BEG 0542
-#define KEY_CANCEL 0543
-#define KEY_CLOSE 0544
-#define KEY_COMMAND 0545
-#define KEY_COPY 0546
-#define KEY_CREATE 0547
-#define KEY_END 0550
-#define KEY_EXIT 0551
-#define KEY_FIND 0552
-#define KEY_HELP 0553
-#define KEY_MARK 0554
-#define KEY_MESSAGE 0555
-#define KEY_MOVE 0556
-#define KEY_NEXT 0557
-#define KEY_OPEN 0560
-#define KEY_OPTIONS 0561
-#define KEY_PREVIOUS 0562
-#define KEY_REDO 0563
-#define KEY_REFERENCE 0564
-#define KEY_REFRESH 0565
-#define KEY_REPLACE 0566
-#define KEY_RESTART 0567
-#define KEY_RESUME 0570
-#define KEY_SAVE 0571
-#define KEY_SBEG 0572
-#define KEY_SCANCEL 0573
-#define KEY_SCOMMAND 0574
-#define KEY_SCOPY 0575
-#define KEY_SCREATE 0576
-#define KEY_SDC 0577
-#define KEY_SDL 0600
-#define KEY_SELECT 0601
-#define KEY_SEND 0602
-#define KEY_SEOL 0603
-#define KEY_SEXIT 0604
-#define KEY_SFIND 0605
-#define KEY_SHELP 0606
-#define KEY_SHOME 0607
-#define KEY_SIC 0610
-#define KEY_SLEFT 0611
-#define KEY_SMESSAGE 0612
-#define KEY_SMOVE 0613
-#define KEY_SNEXT 0614
-#define KEY_SOPTIONS 0615
-#define KEY_SPREVIOUS 0616
-#define KEY_SPRINT 0617
-#define KEY_SREDO 0620
-#define KEY_SREPLACE 0621
-#define KEY_SRIGHT 0622
-#define KEY_SRSUME 0623
-#define KEY_SSAVE 0624
-#define KEY_SSUSPEND 0625
-#define KEY_SUNDO 0626
-#define KEY_SUSPEND 0627
-#define KEY_UNDO 0630
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-#define A_STANDOUT 0001 /* standout mode */
-#define SCROLL 1 /* text has been scrolled */
-#define CLEAR 2 /* window has been cleared */
-#define CHANGE 3 /* window has been changed */
-#define UP 1 /* direction of scroll */
-#define DOWN 2
-struct _line {
- struct _line *next_screen;
- struct _line *prev_screen;
- char *row;
- char *attributes;
- int last_char;
- int changed;
- int scroll;
- int number;
- };
-struct _line *top_of_win;
-typedef struct WIND {
- int SR; /* starting row */
- int SC; /* starting column */
- int LC; /* last column */
- int LX; /* last cursor column position */
- int LY; /* last cursor row position */
- int Attrib; /* attributes active in window */
- int Num_lines; /* number of lines */
- int Num_cols; /* number of columns */
- int scroll_up; /* number of lines moved */
- int scroll_down;
- int SCROLL_CLEAR; /* indicates that window has been scrolled or cleared */
- struct _line *first_line;
-extern WINDOW *curscr;
-extern WINDOW *stdscr;
-extern int LINES, COLS;
-#if __STDC__ || defined(__cplusplus)
-#define P_(s) s
-#define P_(s) ()
-extern void copy_window P_((WINDOW *origin, WINDOW *destination));
-extern void reinitscr P_((int));
-extern void initscr P_((void));
-extern int Get_int P_((void));
-extern int INFO_PARSE P_((void));
-extern int AtoI P_((void));
-extern void Key_Get P_((void));
-extern struct _line *Screenalloc P_((int columns));
-extern WINDOW *newwin P_((int lines, int cols, int start_l, int start_c));
-extern int Operation P_((int Temp_Stack[], int place));
-extern void Info_Out P_((char *string, int p_list[], int place));
-extern void wmove P_((WINDOW *window, int row, int column));
-extern void clear_line P_((struct _line *line, int column, int cols));
-extern void werase P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void wclrtoeol P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void wrefresh P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void touchwin P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void wnoutrefresh P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void flushinp P_((void));
-extern void ungetch P_((int c));
-extern int wgetch P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void Clear P_((int));
-extern int Get_key P_((int first_char));
-extern void waddch P_((WINDOW *window, int c));
-extern void winsertln P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void wdeleteln P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void wclrtobot P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void wstandout P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void wstandend P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void waddstr P_((WINDOW *window, char *string));
-extern void clearok P_((WINDOW *window, int flag));
-extern void echo P_((void));
-extern void noecho P_((void));
-extern void raw P_((void));
-extern void noraw P_((void));
-extern void nl P_((void));
-extern void nonl P_((void));
-extern void saveterm P_((void));
-extern void fixterm P_((void));
-extern void resetterm P_((void));
-extern void nodelay P_((WINDOW *window, int flag));
-extern void idlok P_((WINDOW *window, int flag));
-extern void keypad P_((WINDOW *window, int flag));
-extern void savetty P_((void));
-extern void resetty P_((void));
-extern void endwin P_((void));
-extern void delwin P_((WINDOW *window));
-extern void wprintw P_((WINDOW *window, const char* format, ...));
-extern void iout P_((WINDOW *window, int value));
-extern int Comp_line P_((struct _line *line1, struct _line *line2));
-extern struct _line *Insert_line P_((int row, int end_row, WINDOW *window));
-extern struct _line *Delete_line P_((int row, int end_row, WINDOW *window));
-extern void CLEAR_TO_EOL P_((WINDOW *window, int row, int column));
-extern int check_delete P_((WINDOW *window, int line, int offset, struct _line *pointer_new, struct _line *pointer_old));
-extern int check_insert P_((WINDOW *window, int line, int offset, struct _line *pointer_new, struct _line *pointer_old));
-extern void doupdate P_((void));
-extern void Position P_((WINDOW *window, int row, int col));
-extern void Char_del P_((char *line, char *attrib, int offset, int maxlen));
-extern void Char_ins P_((char *line, char *attrib, int newc, int newatt, int offset, int maxlen));
-extern void attribute_on P_((void));
-extern void attribute_off P_((void));
-extern void Char_out P_((int newc, int newatt, char *line, char *attrib, int offset));
-#undef P_
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/ee.1 b/usr.bin/ee/ee.1
index b51d9d7..91ca919 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/ee.1
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/ee.1
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
.\" nroff -man ee.1
-.\" $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/ee.1,v 1.2 1996/01/30 13:48:39 mpp Exp $
+.\" $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/ee.1,v 1.3 1996/02/02 00:25:36 mpp Exp $
.TH ee 1 "" "" "" ""
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ Read the named \fIfile\fR.
Write the text to the named \fIfile\fR.
-.\" menu options
+.\" menu operations
.SS "Menu Operations"
@@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ for moving down to move to the desired items in the menu, then press
.B return
to perform the indicated task.
+To the left of each menu item is a letter, which if the corresponding
+letter is pressed on the keyboard selects that menu entry.
The main menu in \fIee\fR is as follows:
.RS 4
.IP "\fBleave editor\fR"
@@ -454,6 +457,24 @@ Turns on emacs key bindings.
.IP \fBnoemacs\fR
Turns off emacs key bindings.
+.\" save editor configuration
+.SS "Save Editor Configuration"
+When using this entry from the
+.B settings
+menu, the user may choose to save the current configuration of
+the editor (see \fBInitializing ee from a
+file\fR above) to a file named
+in the current directory or the user's home directory. If a file named
+already exists, it will be renamed
+.IR .
+.\" Caveats
@@ -501,7 +522,7 @@ This software and documentation contains
proprietary information which is protected by
copyright. All rights are reserved.
-Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Hugh Mahon.
+Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995 Hugh Mahon.
termcap(5), terminfo(5), environ(7), spell(1), ispell(1), lp(1)
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/ee.c b/usr.bin/ee/ee.c
index a5f609a..8f6650cc 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/ee.c
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/ee.c
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
| proprietary information which is protected by
| copyright. All rights are reserved.
- | $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/ee.c,v 1.5 1995/11/08 09:54:19 ache Exp $
+ | $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/ee.c,v 1.6 1996/05/27 20:59:36 joerg Exp $
char *ee_copyright_message =
-"Copyright (c) 1986, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Hugh Mahon ";
+"Copyright (c) 1986, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Hugh Mahon ";
char *ee_long_notice[] = {
"This software and documentation contains",
@@ -62,17 +62,15 @@ char *ee_long_notice[] = {
"copyright. All rights are reserved."
-char *version = "@(#) ee, version 1.2.4 $Revision: 1.5 $";
+char *version = "@(#) ee, version 1.3 $Revision: $";
#ifdef NCURSE
#include "new_curse.h"
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
@@ -316,6 +314,7 @@ void sh_command P_((char *string));
void set_up_term P_((void));
void resize_check P_((void));
int menu_op P_((struct menu_entries *));
+void paint_menu P_((struct menu_entries menu_list[], int max_width, int max_height, int list_size, int top_offset, WINDOW *menu_win, int off_start, int vert_size));
void help P_((void));
void paint_info_win P_((void));
void no_info_window P_((void));
@@ -327,6 +326,7 @@ void redraw P_((void));
int Blank_Line P_((struct text *test_line));
void Format P_((void));
void ee_init P_((void));
+void dump_ee_conf P_((void));
void echo_string P_((char *string));
void spell_op P_((void));
void ispell_op P_((void));
@@ -354,13 +354,21 @@ struct menu_entries modes_menu[] = {
{"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1},
{"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1},
{"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1},
+ {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, dump_ee_conf, -1},
-char *mode_strings[9];
+char *mode_strings[10];
+struct menu_entries config_dump_menu[] = {
+ {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0},
+ {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1},
+ {"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1},
+ };
struct menu_entries leave_menu[] = {
{"", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1},
{"", NULL, NULL, NULL, finish, -1},
@@ -425,6 +433,10 @@ char *command_strings[5];
char *commands[30];
char *init_strings[20];
+#define MENU_WARN 1
+#define max_alpha_char 36
| Declarations for strings for localization
@@ -510,6 +522,13 @@ char *EIGHTBIT;
char *EMACS_string;
char *NOEMACS_string;
+char *conf_dump_err_msg;
+char *conf_dump_success_msg;
+char *conf_not_saved_msg;
+char *ree_no_file_msg;
+char *cancel_string;
+char *menu_too_lrg_msg;
+char *more_above_str, *more_below_str;
#ifndef __STDC__
#ifndef HAS_STDLIB
@@ -566,6 +585,14 @@ char *argv[];
right_margin = COLS - 1;
if (top_of_stack == NULL)
+ if (restrict_mode())
+ {
+ wmove(com_win, 0, 0);
+ werase(com_win);
+ wprintw(com_win, ree_no_file_msg);
+ wrefresh(com_win);
+ edit_abort(0);
+ }
wprintw(com_win, no_file_string);
@@ -2077,11 +2104,8 @@ check_fp() /* open or close files according to flags */
curr_line = tmp_line;
point = curr_line->line;
- wmove(com_win, 0, 0);
- wclrtoeol(com_win);
if (input_file)
- wprintw(com_win, open_file_msg, in_file_name, line_num);
input_file = FALSE;
if (start_at_line != NULL)
@@ -2093,6 +2117,8 @@ check_fp() /* open or close files according to flags */
+ wmove(com_win, 0, 0);
+ wclrtoeol(com_win);
text_changes = TRUE;
if ((tmp_file != NULL) && (*tmp_file != (char) NULL))
wprintw(com_win, file_read_fin_msg, tmp_file);
@@ -2110,6 +2136,7 @@ char *file_name;
int length; /* length of line read by read */
int append; /* should text be appended to current line */
struct text *temp_line;
+ char ro_flag = FALSE;
if (recv_file) /* if reading a file */
@@ -2119,7 +2146,10 @@ char *file_name;
if (access(file_name, 2)) /* check permission to write */
if ((errno == ENOTDIR) || (errno == EACCES) || (errno == EROFS) || (errno == ETXTBSY) || (errno == EFAULT))
+ {
wprintw(com_win, read_only_msg);
+ ro_flag = TRUE;
+ }
@@ -2153,6 +2183,8 @@ char *file_name;
wmove(com_win, 0, 0);
wprintw(com_win, file_read_lines_msg, in_file_name, curr_line->line_number);
+ if (ro_flag)
+ wprintw(com_win, read_only_msg);
else if (can_read) /* not input_file and file is non-zero size */
@@ -3151,9 +3183,11 @@ resize_check()
+static char item_alpha[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 ";
-struct menu_entries * menu_list;
+struct menu_entries menu_list[];
WINDOW *temp_win;
int max_width, max_height;
@@ -3161,10 +3195,13 @@ struct menu_entries * menu_list;
int counter;
int length;
int input;
+ int temp;
int list_size;
- int top_offset;
- int temp_int;
- char *cancel_string = menu_cancel_msg;
+ int top_offset; /* offset from top where menu items start */
+ int vert_pos; /* vertical position */
+ int vert_size; /* vertical size for menu list item display */
+ int off_start = 1; /* offset from start of menu items to start display */
| determine number and width of menu items
@@ -3173,12 +3210,15 @@ struct menu_entries * menu_list;
list_size = 1;
while (menu_list[list_size + 1].item_string != NULL)
- max_width = strlen(cancel_string);
+ max_width = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter <= list_size; counter++)
if ((length = strlen(menu_list[counter].item_string)) > max_width)
max_width = length;
+ max_width += 3;
+ max_width = max(max_width, strlen(cancel_string));
+ max_width = max(max_width, max(strlen(more_above_str), strlen(more_below_str)));
max_width += 6;
@@ -3186,114 +3226,157 @@ struct menu_entries * menu_list;
| if not, print error message and return to calling function
- if ((LINES < list_size) || (max_width > COLS))
+ if (max_width > COLS)
wmove(com_win, 0, 0);
- wprintw(com_win, menu_size_err_msg);
+ wprintw(com_win, menu_too_lrg_msg);
+ wrefresh(com_win);
clear_com_win = TRUE;
top_offset = 0;
- max_height = list_size;
- if (LINES >= (list_size + 8))
+ if (list_size > LINES)
+ {
+ max_height = LINES;
+ if (max_height > 11)
+ vert_size = max_height - 8;
+ else
+ vert_size = max_height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vert_size = list_size;
+ max_height = list_size;
+ }
+ if (LINES >= (vert_size + 8))
- max_height = list_size + 8;
+ if (menu_list[0].argument != MENU_WARN)
+ max_height = vert_size + 8;
+ else
+ max_height = vert_size + 7;
top_offset = 4;
x_off = (COLS - max_width) / 2;
y_off = (LINES - max_height - 1) / 2;
temp_win = newwin(max_height, max_width, y_off, x_off);
keypad(temp_win, TRUE);
- werase(temp_win);
- /*
- | output top and bottom portions of menu box only if window
- | large enough
- */
- if (max_height > list_size)
- {
- wmove(temp_win, 1, 1);
- if (!nohighlight)
- wstandout(temp_win);
- waddch(temp_win, '+');
- for (counter = 0; counter < (max_width - 4); counter++)
- waddch(temp_win, '-');
- waddch(temp_win, '+');
- wmove(temp_win, (max_height - 2), 1);
- waddch(temp_win, '+');
- for (counter = 0; counter < (max_width - 4); counter++)
- waddch(temp_win, '-');
- waddch(temp_win, '+');
- wstandend(temp_win);
- wmove(temp_win, 2, 3);
- waddstr(temp_win, menu_list[0].item_string);
- wmove(temp_win, (max_height - 3), 3);
- waddstr(temp_win, cancel_string);
- }
- if (!nohighlight)
- wstandout(temp_win);
- for (counter = 0; counter < (list_size + top_offset); counter++)
- {
- if (top_offset == 4)
- {
- temp_int = counter + 2;
- }
- else
- temp_int = counter;
+ paint_menu(menu_list, max_width, max_height, list_size, top_offset, temp_win, off_start, vert_size);
- wmove(temp_win, temp_int, 1);
- waddch(temp_win, '|');
- wmove(temp_win, temp_int, (max_width - 2));
- waddch(temp_win, '|');
- }
- wstandend(temp_win);
- for (counter = 1; counter <= list_size; counter++)
- {
- wmove(temp_win, (top_offset + counter - 1), 3);
- waddstr(temp_win, menu_list[counter].item_string);
- }
counter = 1;
+ vert_pos = 0;
- wmove(temp_win, (counter + top_offset - 1), 3);
+ if (off_start > 2)
+ wmove(temp_win, (1 + counter + top_offset - off_start), 3);
+ else
+ wmove(temp_win, (counter + top_offset - off_start), 3);
- input = wgetch(temp_win);
+ in = wgetch(temp_win);
+ input = in;
if (input == -1)
- switch (input)
+ if (((tolower(input) >= 'a') && (tolower(input) <= 'z')) ||
+ ((input >= '0') && (input <= '9')))
- case ' ': /* space */
- case '\022': /* ^r, right */
- case '\004': /* ^d, down */
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- case KEY_DOWN:
- counter++;
- if (counter > list_size)
- counter = 1;
- break;
- case '\010': /* ^h, backspace*/
- case '\014': /* ^l, left */
- case '\025': /* ^u, up */
- case 127: /* ^?, delete */
- case KEY_LEFT:
- case KEY_UP:
- counter--;
- if (counter == 0)
- counter = list_size;
- break;
- case '\033': /* escape key */
- counter = 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ if ((tolower(input) >= 'a') && (tolower(input) <= 'z'))
+ {
+ temp = 1 + tolower(input) - 'a';
+ }
+ else if ((input >= '0') && (input <= '9'))
+ {
+ temp = (2 + 'z' - 'a') + (input - '0');
+ }
+ if (temp <= list_size)
+ {
+ input = '\n';
+ counter = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (input)
+ {
+ case ' ': /* space */
+ case '\004': /* ^d, down */
+ case KEY_RIGHT:
+ case KEY_DOWN:
+ counter++;
+ if (counter > list_size)
+ counter = 1;
+ break;
+ case '\010': /* ^h, backspace*/
+ case '\025': /* ^u, up */
+ case 127: /* ^?, delete */
+ case KEY_LEFT:
+ case KEY_UP:
+ counter--;
+ if (counter == 0)
+ counter = list_size;
+ break;
+ case '\033': /* escape key */
+ if (menu_list[0].argument != MENU_WARN)
+ counter = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\014': /* ^l */
+ case '\022': /* ^r, redraw */
+ paint_menu(menu_list, max_width, max_height,
+ list_size, top_offset, temp_win,
+ off_start, vert_size);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (((list_size - off_start) >= (vert_size - 1)) &&
+ (counter > (off_start + vert_size - 3)) &&
+ (off_start > 1))
+ {
+ if (counter == list_size)
+ off_start = (list_size - vert_size) + 2;
+ else
+ off_start++;
+ paint_menu(menu_list, max_width, max_height,
+ list_size, top_offset, temp_win, off_start,
+ vert_size);
+ }
+ else if ((list_size != vert_size) &&
+ (counter > (off_start + vert_size - 2)))
+ {
+ if (counter == list_size)
+ off_start = 2 + (list_size - vert_size);
+ else if (off_start == 1)
+ off_start = 3;
+ else
+ off_start++;
+ paint_menu(menu_list, max_width, max_height,
+ list_size, top_offset, temp_win, off_start,
+ vert_size);
+ }
+ else if (counter < off_start)
+ {
+ if (counter <= 2)
+ off_start = 1;
+ else
+ off_start = counter;
+ paint_menu(menu_list, max_width, max_height,
+ list_size, top_offset, temp_win, off_start,
+ vert_size);
- while ((input != '\r') && (input != '\n') && (input != '\033'));
+ while ((input != '\r') && (input != '\n') && (counter != 0));
@@ -3313,12 +3396,115 @@ struct menu_entries * menu_list;
if (info_window)
- midscreen(scr_vert, point);
+ redraw();
+paint_menu(menu_list, max_width, max_height, list_size, top_offset, menu_win,
+ off_start, vert_size)
+struct menu_entries menu_list[];
+int max_width, max_height, list_size, top_offset;
+WINDOW *menu_win;
+int off_start, vert_size;
+ int counter, temp_int;
+ werase(menu_win);
+ /*
+ | output top and bottom portions of menu box only if window
+ | large enough
+ */
+ if (max_height > vert_size)
+ {
+ wmove(menu_win, 1, 1);
+ if (!nohighlight)
+ wstandout(menu_win);
+ waddch(menu_win, '+');
+ for (counter = 0; counter < (max_width - 4); counter++)
+ waddch(menu_win, '-');
+ waddch(menu_win, '+');
+ wmove(menu_win, (max_height - 2), 1);
+ waddch(menu_win, '+');
+ for (counter = 0; counter < (max_width - 4); counter++)
+ waddch(menu_win, '-');
+ waddch(menu_win, '+');
+ wstandend(menu_win);
+ wmove(menu_win, 2, 3);
+ waddstr(menu_win, menu_list[0].item_string);
+ wmove(menu_win, (max_height - 3), 3);
+ if (menu_list[0].argument != MENU_WARN)
+ waddstr(menu_win, cancel_string);
+ }
+ if (!nohighlight)
+ wstandout(menu_win);
+ for (counter = 0; counter < (vert_size + top_offset); counter++)
+ {
+ if (top_offset == 4)
+ {
+ temp_int = counter + 2;
+ }
+ else
+ temp_int = counter;
+ wmove(menu_win, temp_int, 1);
+ waddch(menu_win, '|');
+ wmove(menu_win, temp_int, (max_width - 2));
+ waddch(menu_win, '|');
+ }
+ wstandend(menu_win);
+ if (list_size > vert_size)
+ {
+ if (off_start >= 3)
+ {
+ temp_int = 1;
+ wmove(menu_win, top_offset, 3);
+ waddstr(menu_win, more_above_str);
+ }
+ else
+ temp_int = 0;
+ for (counter = off_start;
+ ((temp_int + counter - off_start) < (vert_size - 1));
+ counter++)
+ {
+ wmove(menu_win, (top_offset + temp_int +
+ (counter - off_start)), 3);
+ if (list_size > 1)
+ wprintw(menu_win, "%c) ", item_alpha[min((counter - 1), max_alpha_char)]);
+ waddstr(menu_win, menu_list[counter].item_string);
+ }
+ wmove(menu_win, (top_offset + (vert_size - 1)), 3);
+ if (counter == list_size)
+ {
+ if (list_size > 1)
+ wprintw(menu_win, "%c) ", item_alpha[min((counter - 1), max_alpha_char)]);
+ wprintw(menu_win, menu_list[counter].item_string);
+ }
+ else
+ wprintw(menu_win, more_below_str);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (counter = 1; counter <= list_size; counter++)
+ {
+ wmove(menu_win, (top_offset + counter - 1), 3);
+ if (list_size > 1)
+ wprintw(menu_win, "%c) ", item_alpha[min((counter - 1), max_alpha_char)]);
+ waddstr(menu_win, menu_list[counter].item_string);
+ }
+ }
int counter;
@@ -3812,12 +3998,14 @@ ee_init() /* check for init file and read it if it exists */
init_file = fopen(init_name[counter], "r");
while ((str2 = fgets(string, 512, init_file)) != NULL)
- if (unique_test(string, init_strings) != 1)
- continue;
str1 = str2 = string;
while (*str2 != '\n')
*str2 = (char) NULL;
+ if (unique_test(string, init_strings) != 1)
+ continue;
if (compare(str1, CASE, FALSE))
case_sen = TRUE;
else if (compare(str1, NOCASE, FALSE))
@@ -3883,6 +4071,109 @@ ee_init() /* check for init file and read it if it exists */
+ | Save current configuration to file in the current directory.
+ */
+ FILE *init_file;
+ FILE *old_init_file = NULL;
+ char *file_name = "";
+ char *home_dir = "~/";
+ char buffer[512];
+ struct stat buf;
+ char *string;
+ int length;
+ int option = 0;
+ if (restrict_mode())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ option = menu_op(config_dump_menu);
+ werase(com_win);
+ wmove(com_win, 0, 0);
+ if (option == 0)
+ {
+ wprintw(com_win, conf_not_saved_msg);
+ wrefresh(com_win);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (option == 2)
+ file_name = resolve_name(home_dir);
+ /*
+ | If a file exists, move it to
+ */
+ if (stat(file_name, &buf) != -1)
+ {
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s.old", file_name);
+ unlink(buffer);
+ link(file_name, buffer);
+ unlink(file_name);
+ old_init_file = fopen(buffer, "r");
+ }
+ init_file = fopen(file_name, "w");
+ if (init_file == NULL)
+ {
+ wprintw(com_win, conf_dump_err_msg);
+ wrefresh(com_win);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (old_init_file != NULL)
+ {
+ /*
+ | Copy non-configuration info into new file.
+ */
+ while ((string = fgets(buffer, 512, old_init_file)) != NULL)
+ {
+ length = strlen(string);
+ string[length - 1] = (char) NULL;
+ if (unique_test(string, init_strings) == 1)
+ {
+ if (compare(string, Echo, FALSE))
+ {
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", string);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", string);
+ }
+ fclose(old_init_file);
+ }
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", case_sen ? CASE : NOCASE);
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", expand_tabs ? EXPAND : NOEXPAND);
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", info_window ? INFO : NOINFO );
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", observ_margins ? MARGINS : NOMARGINS );
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", auto_format ? AUTOFORMAT : NOAUTOFORMAT );
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s %s\n", PRINTCOMMAND, print_command);
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s %d\n", RIGHTMARGIN, right_margin);
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", nohighlight ? NOHIGHLIGHT : HIGHLIGHT );
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", eightbit ? EIGHTBIT : NOEIGHTBIT );
+ fprintf(init_file, "%s\n", emacs_keys_mode ? EMACS_string : NOEMACS_string );
+ fclose(init_file);
+ wprintw(com_win, conf_dump_success_msg, file_name);
+ wrefresh(com_win);
+ if ((option == 2) && (file_name != home_dir))
+ {
+ free(file_name);
+ }
echo_string(string) /* echo the given string */
char *string;
@@ -3987,8 +4278,11 @@ struct text *test_line;
int counter;
char *pnt;
+ if (test_line == NULL)
+ return(0);
pnt = test_line->line;
- if ((test_line == NULL) || (pnt == NULL) || (*pnt == (char) NULL) ||
+ if ((pnt == NULL) || (*pnt == (char) NULL) ||
(*pnt == '.') || (*pnt == '>'))
@@ -4026,6 +4320,7 @@ Auto_Format() /* format the paragraph according to set margins */
int leave_loop = FALSE;
int status;
int counter;
+ char not_blank;
char *line;
char *tmp_srchstr;
char *temp1, *temp2;
@@ -4102,6 +4397,8 @@ Auto_Format() /* format the paragraph according to set margins */
| will fit in before the margin.
+ counter = 0;
while (!leave_loop)
if (position != curr_line->line_length)
@@ -4115,6 +4412,8 @@ Auto_Format() /* format the paragraph according to set margins */
+ not_blank = FALSE;
| fill line if first word on next line will fit
| in the line without crossing the margin
@@ -4130,10 +4429,27 @@ Auto_Format() /* format the paragraph according to set margins */
if (position != 1)
- if (Blank_Line(curr_line))
+ /*
+ | We know this line was not blank before, so
+ | make sure that it doesn't have one of the
+ | leading characters that indicate the line
+ | should not be modified.
+ |
+ | We also know that this character should not
+ | be left as the first character of this line.
+ */
+ if ((Blank_Line(curr_line)) &&
+ (curr_line->line[0] != '.') &&
+ (curr_line->line[0] != '>'))
+ not_blank = FALSE;
+ else
+ not_blank = TRUE;
| go to end of previous line
@@ -4170,14 +4486,18 @@ Auto_Format() /* format the paragraph according to set margins */
if ((*point == ' ') || (*point == '\t'))
+ not_blank = TRUE;
if (position != 1)
- if (!Blank_Line(curr_line->next_line))
+ if ((!Blank_Line(curr_line->next_line)) || (not_blank))
+ {
+ counter++;
+ }
leave_loop = TRUE;
@@ -4186,8 +4506,9 @@ Auto_Format() /* format the paragraph according to set margins */
| go back to begin of paragraph, put cursor back to original position
- bol();
- while (!Blank_Line(curr_line->prev_line))
+ if (position != 1)
+ bol();
+ while ((counter-- > 0) || (!Blank_Line(curr_line->prev_line)))
@@ -4318,8 +4639,8 @@ modes_op()
char *
-is_in_string(string, substring) /* a strstr() look-alike for systems without
- strstr() */
+is_in_string(string, substring) /* a strchr() look-alike for systems without
+ strchr() */
char * string, *substring;
char *full, *sub;
@@ -4727,6 +5048,18 @@ strings_init()
EMACS_string = catgetlocal( 159, "EMACS");
NOEMACS_string = catgetlocal( 160, "NOEMACS");
usage4 = catgetlocal( 161, " +# put cursor at line #\n");
+ conf_dump_err_msg = catgetlocal( 162, "unable to open for writing, no configuration saved!");
+ conf_dump_success_msg = catgetlocal( 163, "ee configuration saved in file %s");
+ modes_menu[9].item_string = catgetlocal( 164, "save editor configuration");
+ config_dump_menu[0].item_string = catgetlocal( 165, "save ee configuration");
+ config_dump_menu[1].item_string = catgetlocal( 166, "save in current directory");
+ config_dump_menu[2].item_string = catgetlocal( 167, "save in home directory");
+ conf_not_saved_msg = catgetlocal( 168, "ee configuration not saved");
+ ree_no_file_msg = catgetlocal( 169, "must specify a file when invoking ree");
+ cancel_string = catgetlocal( 170, "press Esc to cancel");
+ menu_too_lrg_msg = catgetlocal( 180, "menu too large for window");
+ more_above_str = catgetlocal( 181, "^^more^^");
+ more_below_str = catgetlocal( 182, "VVmoreVV");
commands[0] = HELP;
commands[1] = WRITE;
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/make.default b/usr.bin/ee/make.default
deleted file mode 100644
index 32ff05d..0000000
--- a/usr.bin/ee/make.default
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# This is the make file for ee, the "easy editor".
-# If building ee using curses, type "make curses", otherwise new_curse (a
-# subset of curses that supports ee) will be built and ee will use new_curse
-# instead of curses.
-# The "install" target ("make install") will copy the ee binary to
-# the /usr/local/bin directory on the local system. The man page (ee.1)
-# will be copied into the /usr/local/man/man1 directory.
-# The "clean" target ("make clean") will remove the ee and new_curse.o
-# object files, and the ee binary.
-# If the system does not have localization routines, use the -DNO_CATGETS
-# define. If the system supports setlocale(), catopen(), and catgets() and
-# localization is desired, do not use -DNO_CATGETS.
-# DEFINES is used for new_curse.c, and CFLAGS is used for ee.c.
-# for System V, using new_curse with terminfo
-# for BSD, using new_curse with termcap
-# for BSD systems with select(), using new_curse with termcap, use:
-# flags for compilation
-# For Sun systems, remove the '#' from the front of the next two lines:
-#CFLAGS = -I/usr/5include -L/usr/5lib -DNO_CATGETS -s
-all : ee
-curses : ee.c
- cc ee.c -o ee $(CFLAGS) -lcurses
-ee : ee.o new_curse.o
- cc -o ee ee.o new_curse.o $(CFLAGS)
-ee.o : ee.c new_curse.h
- cc -c ee.c $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS)
-new_curse.o : new_curse.c new_curse.h
- cc new_curse.c -c $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS)
-install :
- cp ee /usr/local/bin/ee
- cp ee.1 /usr/local/man/man1/ee.1
-clean :
- rm -f ee.o new_curse.o ee
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/new_curse.c b/usr.bin/ee/new_curse.c
index a22ccf5..91c1078 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/new_curse.c
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/new_curse.c
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
| Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Hugh Mahon
| All are rights reserved.
- | $Header: /home/hugh/sources/old_ae/RCS/new_curse.c,v 1.43 1996/03/21 04:27:06 hugh Exp $
+ | $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/doc/new_curse.c,v 1995/08/30 07:28:06 jkh Exp $
char *copyright_message[] = { "Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Hugh Mahon",
"All rights are reserved."};
-char * new_curse_name= "@(#) new_curse.c $Revision: 1.43 $";
+char * new_curse_name= "@(#) new_curse.c $Revision: $";
#include "new_curse.h"
#include <signal.h>
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ static char nc_scrolling_ability = FALSE;
#ifdef CAP
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
+#if __STDC__ || defined(__cplusplus)
#define P_(s) s
#define P_(s) ()
@@ -1362,17 +1362,12 @@ int start_l, start_c; /* starting line and column to be inwindow */
Ntemp->Attrib = FALSE;
Ntemp->first_line = temp_screen = Screenalloc(cols);
Ntemp->first_line->number = 0;
- Ntemp->line_array = (struct _line **) malloc(LINES * sizeof(struct _line *));
- Ntemp->line_array[0] = Ntemp->first_line;
for (i = 1; i < lines; i++)
temp_screen->next_screen = Screenalloc(cols);
temp_screen->next_screen->number = i;
temp_screen->next_screen->prev_screen = temp_screen;
temp_screen = temp_screen->next_screen;
- Ntemp->line_array[i] = temp_screen;
Ntemp->first_line->prev_screen = NULL;
temp_screen->next_screen = NULL;
@@ -1897,17 +1892,16 @@ int cols;
int j;
if (column > line->last_char)
- {
- for (j = line->last_char; j < column; j++)
- {
- line->row[j] = ' ';
- line->attributes[j] = (char) NULL;
- }
- }
+ line->row[line->last_char] = ' ';
line->last_char = column;
line->row[column] = (char) NULL;
line->attributes[column] = (char) NULL;
line->changed = TRUE;
+ for (j = column + 1; j < cols; j++)
+ {
+ line->row[j] = ' ';
+ line->attributes[j] = (char) NULL;
+ }
@@ -2025,21 +2019,12 @@ WINDOW *window;
for (user_col = 0, virt_col = window->SC;
(virt_col < virtual_scr->Num_cols)
- && (user_col < user_line->last_char);
+ && (user_col < window->Num_cols);
virt_col++, user_col++)
virtual_line->row[virt_col] = user_line->row[user_col];
virtual_line->attributes[virt_col] = user_line->attributes[user_col];
- for (user_col = user_line->last_char,
- virt_col = window->SC + user_line->last_char;
- (virt_col < virtual_scr->Num_cols)
- && (user_col < window->Num_cols);
- virt_col++, user_col++)
- {
- virtual_line->row[virt_col] = ' ';
- virtual_line->attributes[virt_col] = (char) NULL;
- }
if (virtual_scr->Num_cols != window->Num_cols)
@@ -2051,6 +2036,11 @@ WINDOW *window;
(user_line->last_char + window->SC));
+ else if (virtual_line->last_char > (user_line->last_char + window->SC))
+ {
+ virtual_line->row[min(virtual_scr->Num_cols,
+ (user_line->last_char + window->SC))] = ' ';
+ }
virtual_line->last_char = user_line->last_char;
@@ -2271,13 +2261,14 @@ waddch(window, c) /* output the character in the specified window */
WINDOW *window;
int c;
- int column, j;
+ int row, column;
int shift; /* number of spaces to shift if a tab */
struct _line *tmpline;
#ifdef DIAG
/*printf("starting waddch \n");fflush(stdout);*/
+ row = window->LY;
column = window->LX;
if (c == '\t')
@@ -2292,25 +2283,27 @@ int c;
waddch(window, ' ');
- else if ((column < window->Num_cols) && (window->LY < window->Num_lines))
+ else if ((column < window->Num_cols) && (row < window->Num_lines))
if ((c == '~') && (Booleans[hz__]))
c = '@';
if (( c != '\b') && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r'))
- tmpline = window->line_array[window->LY];
+ row = 0;
+ tmpline = window->first_line;
+ while (row < window->LY)
+ {
+ row++;
+ tmpline = tmpline->next_screen;
+ }
tmpline->row[column] = c;
tmpline->attributes[column] = window->Attrib;
tmpline->changed = TRUE;
if (column >= tmpline->last_char)
if (column > tmpline->last_char)
- for (j = tmpline->last_char; j < column; j++)
- {
- tmpline->row[j] = ' ';
- tmpline->attributes[j] = (char) NULL;
- }
+ tmpline->row[tmpline->last_char] = ' ';
tmpline->row[column + 1] = (char) NULL;
tmpline->attributes[column + 1] = (char) NULL;
tmpline->last_char = column + 1;
@@ -2384,13 +2377,6 @@ WINDOW *window;
if (window->LY == 0)
window->first_line = tmp1;
- for (row = 0, tmp1 = window->first_line;
- row < window->Num_lines; row++)
- {
- window->line_array[row] = tmp1;
- tmp1 = tmp1->next_screen;
- }
@@ -2434,12 +2420,6 @@ WINDOW *window;
tmp = tmpline;
tmp->next_screen = NULL;
- for (row = 0, tmp = window->first_line; row < window->Num_lines; row++)
- {
- window->line_array[row] = tmp;
- tmp = tmp->next_screen;
- }
@@ -2800,28 +2780,35 @@ Comp_line(line1, line2) /* compare lines */
struct _line *line1;
struct _line *line2;
- int count1;
+ int count1, count2;
int i;
char *att1, *att2;
char *c1, *c2;
- if (line1->last_char != line2->last_char)
- return(2);
c1 = line1->row;
c2 = line2->row;
att1 = line1->attributes;
att2 = line2->attributes;
+ count2 = strlen(c1) + 1;
+ count1 = strlen(c2) + 1;
+ if (count1 > count2)
+ {
+ i = count2;
+ count2 = count1;
+ count1 = i;
+ }
+ if (count2 > (count1 + count1))
+ return(2);
i = 0;
while ((c1[i] != (char) NULL) && (c2[i] != (char) NULL) && (c1[i] == c2[i]) && (att1[i] == att2[i]))
count1 = i + 1;
- if ((count1 == 1) && (c1[i] == (char) NULL) && (c2[i] == (char) NULL))
+ if ((count1 == 1) && (count2 == 1))
count1 = 0; /* both lines blank */
- else if ((c1[i] == (char) NULL) && (c2[i] == (char) NULL))
+ else if (count2 == count1)
count1 = -1; /* equal */
- count1 = 1; /* lines unequal */
+ count1 = count2 / count1; /* lines unequal */
@@ -3122,7 +3109,6 @@ doupdate()
int first_same;
int last_same;
int list[10];
- int bottom;
struct _line *curr;
struct _line *virt;
@@ -3130,8 +3116,6 @@ doupdate()
struct _line *new;
- struct _line *old1, *new1;
char *cur_lin;
char *vrt_lin;
char *cur_att;
@@ -3210,6 +3194,7 @@ doupdate()
(first_same > from_top) && (virtual_lines[first_same - 1]);
+ count1 = first_same - 1;
for (last_same = 0;
(last_same < window->Num_lines) && (virtual_lines[last_same]== FALSE);
@@ -3218,6 +3203,7 @@ doupdate()
/* check entire lines for diffs */
if (from_top >= last_same)
for (last_same = from_top;
@@ -3240,55 +3226,39 @@ doupdate()
if ((Comp_line(old, virt) == -1) && (!virtual_lines[from_top]))
- /*
- | Find the bottom of the
- | area that should be
- | scrolled.
- */
- for (bottom = tmp_ft, old1 = old,
- new1 = virt, count1 = 0;
- (bottom < window->Num_lines) &&
- (Comp_line(old1, new1) <= 0);
- bottom++, old1 = old1->next_screen,
- new1 = new1->next_screen,
- count1++)
- ;
- if (count1 > 3)
+ if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- {
- list[1] = from_top;
- list[0] = min((bottom - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1));
- String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
- Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
- }
+ list[1] = from_top;
+ list[0] = min((last_same - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1));
+ String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
+ Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
+ }
- for (offset = (tmp_ft - from_top); (offset > 0); offset--)
- {
- old = Delete_line(from_top, min((bottom - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1)), window);
- diff = FALSE;
- }
+ for (offset = (tmp_ft - from_top); (offset > 0); offset--)
+ {
+ old = Delete_line(from_top, min((last_same - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1)), window);
+ diff = FALSE;
+ }
- if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- {
- list[1] = 0;
- list[0] = LINES;
- String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
- Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
- }
+ if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
+ {
+ list[1] = 0;
+ list[0] = LINES;
+ String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
+ Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
+ }
- top_of_win = curscr->first_line;
- curr = top_of_win;
- for (offset = 0; offset < from_top; offset++)
- curr = curr->next_screen;
- for (offset = from_top, old=curr, new=virt;
- offset < window->Num_lines;
- old=old->next_screen, new=new->next_screen,
- offset++)
- {
- similar = Comp_line(old, new);
- virtual_lines[offset] = (similar > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE);
- }
+ top_of_win = curscr->first_line;
+ curr = top_of_win;
+ for (offset = 0; offset < from_top; offset++)
+ curr = curr->next_screen;
+ for (offset = from_top, old=curr, new=virt;
+ offset < window->Num_lines;
+ old=old->next_screen, new=new->next_screen,
+ offset++)
+ {
+ similar = Comp_line(old, new);
+ virtual_lines[offset] = (similar > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE);
@@ -3305,55 +3275,39 @@ doupdate()
if (Comp_line(old, virt) == -1)
- /*
- | Find the bottom of the
- | area that should be
- | scrolled.
- */
- for (bottom = from_top, old1 = old,
- new1 = virt, count1 = 0;
- (bottom < window->Num_lines) &&
- (Comp_line(old1, new1) <= 0);
- bottom++, old1 = old1->next_screen,
- new1 = new1->next_screen,
- count1++)
- ;
- if (count1 > 3)
+ if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- {
- list[1] = tmp_ft;
- list[0] = min((bottom - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1));
- String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
- Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
- }
+ list[1] = tmp_ft;
+ list[0] = min((last_same - 1), (window->Num_lines - 1));
+ String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
+ Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
+ }
- for (offset = (from_top - tmp_ft); (offset > 0); offset--)
- {
- old = Insert_line(tmp_ft, min((bottom - 1), (window->Num_lines -1)), window);
- diff = FALSE;
- }
+ for (offset = (from_top - tmp_ft); (offset > 0); offset--)
+ {
+ old = Insert_line(tmp_ft, min((last_same - 1), (window->Num_lines -1)), window);
+ diff = FALSE;
+ }
- if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
- {
- list[1] = 0;
- list[0] = LINES;
- String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
- Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
- }
+ if (String_table[cs__]) /* scrolling region */
+ {
+ list[1] = 0;
+ list[0] = LINES;
+ String_Out(String_table[cs__], list, 2);
+ Curr_y = Curr_x = -1;
+ }
- top_of_win = curscr->first_line;
- curr = top_of_win;
- for (offset = 0; offset < from_top; offset++)
- curr = curr->next_screen;
- for (offset = from_top, old=curr, new=virt;
- offset < window->Num_lines;
- old=old->next_screen, new=new->next_screen,
- offset++)
- {
- similar = Comp_line(old, new);
- virtual_lines[offset] = (similar > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE);
- }
+ top_of_win = curscr->first_line;
+ curr = top_of_win;
+ for (offset = 0; offset < from_top; offset++)
+ curr = curr->next_screen;
+ for (offset = from_top, old=curr, new=virt;
+ offset < window->Num_lines;
+ old=old->next_screen, new=new->next_screen,
+ offset++)
+ {
+ similar = Comp_line(old, new);
+ virtual_lines[offset] = (similar > 0 ? FALSE : TRUE);
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/new_curse.h b/usr.bin/ee/new_curse.h
index bc46e5b..86a8574 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/new_curse.h
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/new_curse.h
@@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ typedef struct WIND {
int scroll_down;
int SCROLL_CLEAR; /* indicates that window has been scrolled or cleared */
struct _line *first_line;
- struct _line **line_array;
extern WINDOW *curscr;
@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ extern WINDOW *stdscr;
extern int LINES, COLS;
-#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
+#if __STDC__ || defined(__cplusplus)
#define P_(s) s
#define P_(s) ()
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO8859-1/ee.msg b/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO8859-1/ee.msg
index 9f62c50..48daab3 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO8859-1/ee.msg
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO8859-1/ee.msg
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $ for more information
$ For ee patchlevel 3
-$ $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg,v 1.1 1995/10/21 23:47:40 joerg Exp $
+$ $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg,v 1.2 1996/05/27 20:59:53 joerg Exp $
$set 1
$quote "
@@ -168,3 +168,15 @@ $quote "
159 "EMACS"
160 "[EMACS]"
161 " +<zahl> Zeiger auf Zeile <zahl> setzen"
+162 "Kann die Datei nicht schreiben, Konfiguration nicht gespeichert!"
+163 "ee-Konfiguration in Datei %s gespeichert"
+164 "speichere Editor-Konfiguration"
+165 "speichere ee-Konfiguration"
+166 "speichern im aktuellen Verzeichnis"
+167 "speichern im Home-Verzeichnis"
+168 "ee-Konfiguration nicht gespeichert"
+169 "beim Aufruf von ree muß ein Dateiname angegeben werden"
+170 "Esc zum Verlassen"
+180 "Menü zu groß für den Bildschirm"
+181 "^^weiter^^"
+182 "VVweiterVV"
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg b/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
index 9f62c50..48daab3 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $ for more information
$ For ee patchlevel 3
-$ $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg,v 1.1 1995/10/21 23:47:40 joerg Exp $
+$ $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/nls/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg,v 1.2 1996/05/27 20:59:53 joerg Exp $
$set 1
$quote "
@@ -168,3 +168,15 @@ $quote "
159 "EMACS"
160 "[EMACS]"
161 " +<zahl> Zeiger auf Zeile <zahl> setzen"
+162 "Kann die Datei nicht schreiben, Konfiguration nicht gespeichert!"
+163 "ee-Konfiguration in Datei %s gespeichert"
+164 "speichere Editor-Konfiguration"
+165 "speichere ee-Konfiguration"
+166 "speichern im aktuellen Verzeichnis"
+167 "speichern im Home-Verzeichnis"
+168 "ee-Konfiguration nicht gespeichert"
+169 "beim Aufruf von ree muß ein Dateiname angegeben werden"
+170 "Esc zum Verlassen"
+180 "Menü zu groß für den Bildschirm"
+181 "^^weiter^^"
+182 "VVweiterVV"
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg b/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
index 1d4fe8c..e1364c0 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $ for more information
$ For ee patchlevel 3
-$ $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg,v 1.1 1995/08/30 13:25:55 jkh Exp $
+$ $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg,v 1.2 1996/05/27 21:00:00 joerg Exp $
$set 1
$quote "
@@ -168,3 +168,15 @@ $quote "
159 "EMACS"
161 " +# put cursor at line #\n"
+162 "unable to open for writing, no configuration saved!"
+163 "ee configuration saved in file %s"
+164 "save editor configuration"
+165 "save ee configuration"
+166 "save in current directory"
+167 "save in home directory"
+168 "ee configuration not saved"
+169 "must specify a file when invoking ree"
+170 "press Esc to cancel"
+180 "menu too large for window"
+181 "^^more^^"
+182 "VVmoreVV"
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.US-ASCII/ee.msg b/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.US-ASCII/ee.msg
index 1d4fe8c..e1364c0 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.US-ASCII/ee.msg
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.US-ASCII/ee.msg
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $ for more information
$ For ee patchlevel 3
-$ $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg,v 1.1 1995/08/30 13:25:55 jkh Exp $
+$ $Header: /home/ncvs/src/usr.bin/ee/nls/en_US.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg,v 1.2 1996/05/27 21:00:00 joerg Exp $
$set 1
$quote "
@@ -168,3 +168,15 @@ $quote "
159 "EMACS"
161 " +# put cursor at line #\n"
+162 "unable to open for writing, no configuration saved!"
+163 "ee configuration saved in file %s"
+164 "save editor configuration"
+165 "save ee configuration"
+166 "save in current directory"
+167 "save in home directory"
+168 "ee configuration not saved"
+169 "must specify a file when invoking ree"
+170 "press Esc to cancel"
+180 "menu too large for window"
+181 "^^more^^"
+182 "VVmoreVV"
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/nls/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/ee.msg b/usr.bin/ee/nls/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/ee.msg
index f98bf5c..3d35ef6 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/nls/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/ee.msg
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/nls/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/ee.msg
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $ for more information
$ For ee patchlevel 3
-$ $Id: ee.msg,v 1.1 1995/09/09 15:06:08 jmz Exp $
+$ $Id: ee.msg,v 1.2 1996/05/27 21:00:06 joerg Exp $
$set 1
$quote "
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ $quote "
-23 "menu divers"
124 "AUTEUR"
126 "MINMAJ"
@@ -168,3 +168,15 @@ $quote "
159 "EMACS"
161 " +# positionne le curseur sur la ligne #\n"
+162 "unable to open for writing, no configuration saved!"
+163 "ee configuration saved in file %s"
+164 "save editor configuration"
+165 "save ee configuration"
+166 "save in current directory"
+167 "save in home directory"
+168 "ee configuration not saved"
+169 "must specify a file when invoking ree"
+170 "press Esc to cancel"
+180 "menu too large for window"
+181 "^^more^^"
+182 "VVmoreVV"
diff --git a/usr.bin/ee/nls/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg b/usr.bin/ee/nls/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
index f98bf5c..3d35ef6 100644
--- a/usr.bin/ee/nls/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
+++ b/usr.bin/ee/nls/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/ee.msg
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ $ for more information
$ For ee patchlevel 3
-$ $Id: ee.msg,v 1.1 1995/09/09 15:06:08 jmz Exp $
+$ $Id: ee.msg,v 1.2 1996/05/27 21:00:06 joerg Exp $
$set 1
$quote "
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ $quote "
-23 "menu divers"
124 "AUTEUR"
126 "MINMAJ"
@@ -168,3 +168,15 @@ $quote "
159 "EMACS"
161 " +# positionne le curseur sur la ligne #\n"
+162 "unable to open for writing, no configuration saved!"
+163 "ee configuration saved in file %s"
+164 "save editor configuration"
+165 "save ee configuration"
+166 "save in current directory"
+167 "save in home directory"
+168 "ee configuration not saved"
+169 "must specify a file when invoking ree"
+170 "press Esc to cancel"
+180 "menu too large for window"
+181 "^^more^^"
+182 "VVmoreVV"
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud