path: root/usr.bin/tn3270/distribution/ultrix.curses
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.bin/tn3270/distribution/ultrix.curses')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/tn3270/distribution/ultrix.curses b/usr.bin/tn3270/distribution/ultrix.curses
deleted file mode 100644
index f5fcd94..0000000
--- a/usr.bin/tn3270/distribution/ultrix.curses
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Return-Path: mtxinu!kinetics!minshall@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU
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-Date: Thu, 17 Mar 88 11:06:10 pst
-From: mtxinu!kinetics!minshall@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Greg Minshall)
-To: mtxinu!minshall
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-From: jpn@teddy.UUCP (John P. Nelson)
-Newsgroups: comp.bugs.4bsd
-Subject: Re: Ultrix curses problem
-Keywords: curses ultrix bug fix
-Message-ID: <4668@teddy.UUCP>
-Date: 14 Mar 88 19:43:39 GMT
-References: <>
-Reply-To: jpn@teddy.UUCP (John P. Nelson)
-Organization: GenRad, Inc., Concord, Mass.
-Lines: 21
->I have found the bug, fixable as above, in both Ultrix 1.2 and 2.0. Feedback
->from those brave souls who have brought up 2.2 would be most welcome.
-Yup, the bug exists in Ultrix 2.2 as well. I have reported this bug to
-DEC support every time we get a new release. I assume that my bug reports
-are getting filed (in the circular file).
-It is clear that whoever made this "fix" at DEC had no understanding
-of curses whatsoever. As in the earlier posting, the bug can be fixed
-by replacing the definitions of the nl() and nonl() macros in curses.h with:
-#define nl() (_tty.sg_flags |= CRMOD,_pfast = _rawmode,stty(_tty_ch, &_tty))
-#define nonl() (_tty.sg_flags &= ~CRMOD, _pfast = TRUE, stty(_tty_ch, &_tty))
-- john nelson.
-P.S. I did reach someone at DEC who would listen (Thanks Chet!) My
- understanding is that they have no plans to fix this bug, as curses
- is now "owned" by some group in England, who is working on a port of the
- terminfo curses for Ultrix 2.4. I'm just pissed that my bug reports
- submitted for Ultrix 1.2 and 2.0 were ignored.
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