path: root/usr.bin/sccs/PSD.doc/
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+.\" Copyright (c) 1986, 1993
+.\" The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
+.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+.\" are met:
+.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+.\" 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+.\" must display the following acknowledgement:
+.\" This product includes software developed by the University of
+.\" California, Berkeley and its contributors.
+.\" 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
+.\" may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+.\" without specific prior written permission.
+.\" @(#) 8.2 (Berkeley) 6/1/94
+.\" '\fRPSD:14-%\fP''\fRAn Introduction to the Source Code Control System\fP'
+.oh '\fRAn Introduction to the Source Code Control System\fP''\fRPSD:14-%\fP'
+.ds S \s-1SCCS\s0
+.ds I \s-1SID\s0 bi 8n
+.ev 1 \" only for keeps 16
+.\".he '\*S Introduction''%'
+.(l C 14
+An Introduction to the
+Source Code Control System
+Eric Allman
+.i "Project Ingres"
+.i "University of California at Berkeley"
+.sp 3
+This is version 1.21 of this document.
+It was last modified on 12/5/80.
+This document gives a quick introduction
+to using the Source Code Control System
+The presentation is geared to programmers
+who are more concerned with
+to do to get a task done
+rather than how it works;
+for this reason some of the examples
+are not well explained.
+For details of what the magic options do,
+see the section on
+.q "Further Information" .
+.(l F
+This is a working document.
+Please send any comments or suggestions
+to eric@Berkeley.Edu.
+.)l 1 "Introduction"
+\*S is a source management system.
+Such a system maintains a record of versions of a system;
+a record is kept with each set of changes
+of what the changes are,
+why they were made,
+and who made them and when.
+Old versions can be recovered,
+and different versions can be maintained simultaneously.
+In projects with more than one person,
+\*S will insure that two people are not
+editing the same file at the same time.
+All versions of your program,
+plus the log and other information,
+is kept in a file called the
+.q "s-file" .
+There are three major operations
+that can be performed on the s-file:
+Get a file for compilation (not for editing).
+This operation retrieves a version of the file
+from the s-file.
+By default, the latest version is retrieved.
+This file is intended for compilation, printing, or whatever;
+it is specifically NOT intended to be edited
+or changed in any way;
+any changes made to a file retrieved
+in this way will probably be lost.
+Get a file for editing.
+This operation also retrieves a version of the file
+from the s-file,
+but this file is intended to be edited and then
+incorporated back into the s-file.
+Only one person may be editing a file at one time.
+Merge a file back into the s-file.
+This is the companion operation to (2).
+A new version number is assigned,
+and comments are saved explaining why this change was made. 1 "Learning the Lingo"
+There are a number of terms that are worth learning
+before we go any farther. 2 "S-file"
+The s-file
+is a single file that holds all the different versions
+of your file.
+The s-file is stored in
+differential format;
+.i i.e. ,
+only the differences between versions are stored,
+rather than the entire text of the new version.
+This saves disk space
+and allows selective changes to be removed later.
+Also included in the s-file
+is some header information for each version,
+including the comments given by the person who
+created the version explaining why the changes were made. 2 "Deltas"
+Each set of changes to the s-file
+(which is approximately [but not exactly!] equivalent
+to a version of the file)
+is called a
+.i delta .
+Although technically a delta only includes the
+.i changes
+in practice
+it is usual for
+each delta to be made with respect to
+all the deltas that have occurred before\**.
+\**This matches normal usage, where the previous changes are not saved
+at all,
+so all changes are automatically based on all other changes
+that have happened through history.
+it is possible to get a version of the file
+that has selected deltas removed out of the middle
+of the list of changes \*-
+equivalent to removing your changes later. 2 "\*I's (or, version numbers)"
+A \*I
+(\*S Id)
+is a number that represents a delta.
+This is normally a two-part number
+consisting of a
+.q release
+number and a
+.q level
+Normally the release number stays the same,
+it is possible to move into a new release
+if some major change is being made.
+Since all past deltas are normally applied,
+the \*I of the final delta applied
+can be used to represent a version number of the file
+as a whole. 2 "Id keywords"
+When you get a version of a file
+with intent to compile and install it
+.i i.e. ,
+something other than edit it),
+some special keywords are expanded inline
+by \*S.
+.i "Id Keywords"
+can be used to include the current version number
+or other information into the file.
+All id keywords are of the form
+.b % \c
+.i x \c
+.b % ,
+.i x
+is an upper case letter.
+For example,
+.b %\&I\&%
+is the \*I of the latest delta applied,
+.b %\&W\&%
+includes the module name,
+and a mark that makes it findable by a program,
+.b %\&G\&%
+is the date of the latest delta applied.
+There are many others,
+most of which are of dubious usefulness.
+When you get a file for editing,
+the id keywords are not expanded;
+this is so that after you put them back in to the s-file,
+they will be expanded automatically on each new version.
+But notice: if you were to get them
+expanded accidently,
+then your file would appear to be the same version
+forever more,
+which would of course defeat the purpose.
+if you should install a version of the program
+without expanding the id keywords,
+it will be impossible to tell what version it is
+(since all it will have is
+.q %\&W\&%
+or whatever). 1 "Creating \*S Files"
+To put source files
+format, run the following shell script from csh:
+mkdir SCCS save
+foreach i (*.[ch])
+ sccs admin \-i$i $i
+ mv $i save/$i
+This will put the named files
+into s-files
+in the subdirectory
+.q SCCS
+The files will be removed from the current directory
+and hidden away in the directory
+.q save ,
+so the next thing you will probably want to do
+is to get all the files
+(described below).
+When you are convinced that
+\*S has correctly created the s-files,
+you should remove the directory
+.q save .
+If you want to have id keywords in the files,
+it is best to put them in before you create the s-files.
+If you do not,
+.i admin
+will print
+.q "No Id Keywords (cm7)" ,
+which is a warning message only. 1 "Getting Files for Compilation"
+To get a copy of the latest version
+of a file,
+sccs get prog.c
+\*S will respond:
+87 lines
+meaning that version 1.1 was retrieved\**
+the \*I of the final delta applied was 1.1.
+and that it has 87 lines.
+The file
+.i prog.c
+will be created
+in the current directory.
+The file will be read-only
+to remind you that you are not
+supposed to change it.
+This copy of the file
+should not be changed,
+since \*S is unable
+to merge the changes
+back into the s-file.
+If you do make changes,
+they will be lost the next time
+someone does a
+.i get . 1 "Changing Files (or, Creating Deltas)" 2 "Getting a copy to edit"
+To edit a source file,
+you must first get it,
+requesting permission to edit it\**:
+.q "edit"
+command is equivalent to using the \-e
+flag to
+.i "get" ,
+sccs get \-e prog.c
+Keep this in mind when reading other documentation.
+sccs edit prog.c
+The response will be the same as with
+.i get
+except that it will also say:
+New delta 1.2
+You then edit it,
+using a standard text editor:
+vi prog.c
+.)b 2 "Merging the changes back into the s-file"
+When the desired changes are made,
+you can put your changes into the
+file using the
+.i delta
+sccs delta prog.c
+Delta will prompt you for
+.q "comments?"
+before it merges the changes in.
+At this prompt you should type a one-line description
+of what the changes mean
+(more lines can be entered by ending each line
+except the last with a backslash\**).
+\**Yes, this is a stupid default.
+.i Delta
+will then type:
+5 inserted
+3 deleted
+84 unchanged
+saying that delta 1.2 was created,
+and it inserted five lines,
+removed three lines,
+and left 84 lines unchanged\**.
+\**Changes to a line are counted as a line deleted
+and a line inserted.
+.i prog.c
+file will be removed;
+it can be retrieved
+.i get . 2 "When to make deltas"
+It is probably unwise to make a delta
+before every recompilation or test;
+you tend to get a lot of deltas with comments like
+.q "fixed compilation problem in previous delta"
+.q "fixed botch in 1.3" .
+it is very important to delta everything
+before installing a module for general use.
+A good technique is to edit the files you need,
+make all necessary changes and tests,
+compiling and editing as often as necessary
+without making deltas.
+When you are satisfied that you have a working version,
+delta everything being edited,
+re-get them,
+and recompile everything. 2 "What's going on: the info command"
+To find out what files where being edited,
+you can use:
+sccs info
+to print out all the files being edited
+and other information such as the name of the user
+who did the edit.
+the command:
+sccs check
+is nearly equivalent to the
+.i info
+except that it is silent if nothing is being edited,
+and returns non-zero exit status if anything is being edited;
+it can be used in an
+.q install
+entry in a makefile
+to abort the install
+if anything has not been properly deltaed.
+If you know that everything being edited should be deltaed,
+you can use:
+sccs delta \`sccs tell\`
+.i tell
+command is similar to
+.i info
+except that only the names of files being edited
+are output,
+one per line.
+All of these commands take a
+.b \-b
+to ignore
+.q branches
+(alternate versions, described later)
+and the
+.b \-u
+flag to only give files being edited by you.
+.b \-u
+flag takes an optional
+.i user
+giving only files being edited by that user.
+For example,
+sccs info \-ujohn
+gives a listing of files being edited by john. 2 "ID keywords"
+Id keywords can be inserted into your file
+that will be expanded automatically by
+.i get .
+For example,
+a line such as:
+static char SccsId[] = "%\&W\&%\et%\&G\&%";
+will be replaced with something like:
+static char SccsId[] = "@\&(#)prog.c 1.2 08/29/80";
+This tells you
+the name and version
+of the source file
+and the time the delta was created.
+The string
+.q "@\&(#)"
+is a special string
+which signals the beginning
+of an
+Id keyword. 3 "The what command"
+To find out what version of a program
+is being run,
+sccs what prog.c /usr/bin/prog
+which will print all strings
+it finds that
+begin with
+.q "@\&(#)" .
+This works on all types of files,
+including binaries and libraries.
+For example, the above command will output something like:
+ prog.c 1.2 08/29/80
+ prog.c 1.1 02/05/79
+From this I can see
+that the source that I have in prog.c
+will not compile into the same version
+as the binary in /usr/bin/prog. 3 "Where to put id keywords"
+ID keywords can be inserted anywhere,
+including in comments,
+Id Keywords that are compiled into the object module
+are especially useful,
+since it lets you find out what version of
+the object is being run,
+as well as the source.
+there is a cost:
+data space is used up to store
+the keywords,
+and on small address space machines
+this may be prohibitive.
+When you put id keywords into header files,
+it is important that you assign them to different variables.
+For example, you might use:
+static char AccessSid[] = "%\&W\&% %\&G\&%";
+in the file
+.i access.h
+static char OpsysSid[] = "%\&W\&% %\&G\&%";
+in the file
+.i opsys.h .
+you will get compilation errors because
+.q SccsId
+is redefined.
+The problem with this is that if the header file
+is included by many modules that are loaded together,
+the version number of that header file is included
+in the object module many times;
+you may find it more to your taste
+to put id keywords in header files
+in comments. 2 "Keeping \*I's consistent across files"
+With some care,
+it is possible to keep the \*I's consistent
+in multi-file systems.
+The trick here is to always
+.i edit
+all files
+at once.
+The changes can then be made
+to whatever files are necessary
+and then all files
+(even those not changed)
+are redeltaed.
+This can be done fairly easily
+by just specifying the name of the directory
+that the \*S files are in:
+sccs edit SCCS
+which will
+.i edit
+all files in that directory.
+To make the delta, use:
+sccs delta SCCS
+You will be prompted for comments only once. 2 "Creating new releases"
+When you want to create a new release
+of a program,
+you can specify the release number you want to create
+on the
+.i edit
+For example:
+sccs edit \-r2 prog.c
+will cause the next delta to be in release two
+(that is,
+it will be numbered 2.1).
+Future deltas will automatically be in release two.
+To change the release number
+of an entire system,
+sccs edit \-r2 SCCS
+.)b 1 "Restoring Old Versions" 2 "Reverting to old versions"
+Suppose that after delta 1.2
+was stable
+you made and released a delta 1.3.
+But this introduced a bug,
+so you made a delta 1.4 to correct it.
+But 1.4 was still buggy,
+and you decided you wanted to go back
+to the old version.
+You could
+revert to delta 1.2
+by choosing the \*I in a get:
+sccs get \-r1.2 prog.c
+This will produce a version of
+.i prog.c
+that is delta 1.2
+that can be reinstalled so that work can proceed.
+In some cases you don't know
+what the \*I of the delta you want is.
+you can revert to the version of the program
+that was running as of a certain date
+by using the
+.b \-c
+(cutoff) flag.
+For example,
+sccs get \-c800722120000 prog.c
+will retrieve whatever version was current
+as of July 22, 1980
+at 12:00 noon.
+Trailing components can be stripped off
+(defaulting to their highest legal value),
+and punctuation can be inserted in the obvious
+for example,
+the above line could be equivalently stated:
+sccs get \-c"80/07/22 12:00:00" prog.c
+.)b 2 "Selectively deleting old deltas"
+Suppose that you later decided
+that you liked the changes in delta 1.4,
+but that delta 1.3 should be removed.
+You could do this by
+.i excluding
+delta 1.3:
+sccs edit \-x1.3 prog.c
+.)b 1i
+When delta 1.5 is made,
+it will include the changes made
+in delta 1.4,
+but will exclude the changes made
+in delta 1.3.
+You can exclude a range of deltas
+using a dash.
+For example,
+if you want to get rid of 1.3 and 1.4
+you can use:
+sccs edit \-x1.3\-1.4 prog.c
+which will exclude all deltas from 1.3 to 1.4.
+sccs edit \-x1.3\-1 prog.c
+will exclude a range of deltas
+from 1.3 to the current highest delta in release 1.
+In certain cases when using
+.b \-x
+.b \-i ;
+see below)
+there will be conflicts
+between versions;
+for example, it may be necessary
+to both include and delete
+a particular line.
+If this happens,
+\*S always prints out a message
+telling the range of lines effected;
+these lines should then be examined very carefully
+to see if the version \*S got
+is ok.
+Since each delta
+(in the sense of
+.q "a set of changes" )
+can be excluded at will,
+that this makes it most useful
+to put each semantically distinct change
+into its own delta. 1 "Auditing Changes" 2 "The prt command"
+When you created a delta,
+you presumably gave a reason for the delta
+to the
+.q "comments?"
+To print out these comments later,
+sccs prt prog.c
+This will produce
+a report
+for each delta
+of the \*I,
+time and date of creation,
+user who created the delta,
+number of lines inserted, deleted, and unchanged,
+and the comments associated with the delta.
+For example, the output of the above command might be:
+D 1.2 80/08/29 12:35:31 bill 2 1 00005/00003/00084
+removed "-q" option
+.sp \n(psu
+D 1.1 79/02/05 00:19:31 eric 1 0 00087/00000/00000
+date and time created 80/06/10 00:19:31 by eric
+.)b 2 "Finding why lines were inserted"
+To find out
+why you inserted lines,
+you can get a copy of the file
+with each line
+preceded by the \*I that created it:
+sccs get \-m prog.c
+You can then find out
+what this delta did
+by printing the comments using
+.i prt .
+To find out what lines are associated with a particular delta
+.i e.g. ,
+sccs get \-m \-p prog.c \(bv grep \'^1.3\'
+.b \-p
+flag causes \*S to output the generated source
+to the standard output rather than to a file. 2 "Finding what changes you have made"
+When you are editing a file,
+you can find out what changes you have made using:
+sccs diffs prog.c
+Most of the ``diff'' flags can be used.
+To pass the
+.b \-c
+.b \-C .
+To compare two versions that are in deltas,
+sccs sccsdiff -r1.3 -r1.6 prog.c
+to see the differences between delta 1.3 and delta 1.6. 1 "Shorthand Notations"
+There are several sequences of commands that get
+executed frequently.
+.i Sccs
+tries to make it easy to do these. 2 "Delget"
+A frequent requirement is to make a delta of some file
+and then get that file.
+This can be done by using:
+sccs delget prog.c
+which is entirely equivalent to using:
+sccs delta prog.c
+sccs get prog.c
+.q deledit
+command is equivalent to
+.q delget
+except that the
+.q edit
+command is used
+instead of the
+.q get
+command. 2 "Fix"
+Frequently, there are small bugs
+in deltas,
+e.g., compilation errors,
+for which there is no reason to maintain an audit trail.
+.i replace
+a delta, use:
+sccs fix \-r1.4 prog.c
+This will get a copy of delta 1.4 of prog.c for you to edit
+and then delete delta 1.4 from the \*S file.
+When you do a delta of prog.c,
+it will be delta 1.4 again.
+The \-r flag must be specified,
+and the delta that is specified must be a leaf delta,
+i.e., no other deltas may have been made subsequent
+to the creation of that delta. 2 "Unedit"
+If you found you edited a file
+that you did not want to edit,
+you can back out by using:
+sccs unedit prog.c
+.)b 2 "The \-d flag"
+If you are working on a project
+where the \*S code is in a directory somewhere,
+you may be able to simplify things
+by using a shell alias.
+For example,
+the alias:
+alias syssccs sccs \-d/usr/src
+will allow you to issue commands such as:
+syssccs edit cmd/who.c
+which will look for the file
+.q "/usr/src/cmd/SCCS/who.c" .
+The file
+.q who.c
+will always be created in your current directory
+regardless of the value of the \-d flag. 1 "Using \*S on a Project"
+Working on a project with several people
+has its own set of special problems.
+The main problem occurs when two people
+modify a file at the same time.
+\*S prevents this by locking an s-file
+while it is being edited.
+As a result,
+files should not be reserved for editing
+unless they are actually being edited at the time,
+since this will prevent other people on the project
+from making necessary changes.
+For example,
+a good scenario for working might be:
+sccs edit a.c g.c t.c
+vi a.c g.c t.c
+# do testing of the (experimental) version
+sccs delget a.c g.c t.c
+sccs info
+# should respond "Nothing being edited"
+make install
+As a general rule,
+all source files should be deltaed
+before installing the program for general use.
+This will insure that it is possible
+to restore any version in use at any time. 1 "Saving Yourself" 2 "Recovering a munged edit file"
+Sometimes you may find
+that you have destroyed or trashed
+a file that you were trying to edit\**.
+\**Or given up and decided to start over.
+you can't just remove it
+and re-\c
+.i edit
+\*S keeps track
+of the fact
+that someone is trying to edit it,
+so it won't let you do it again.
+Neither can you just get it using
+.i get ,
+since that would expand the Id keywords.
+you can say:
+sccs get \-k prog.c
+This will not expand the Id keywords,
+so it is safe to do a delta
+with it.
+you can
+.i unedit
+.i edit
+the file. 2 "Restoring the s-file"
+In particularly bad circumstances,
+the \*S file itself
+may get munged.
+The most common way this happens
+is that it gets edited.
+Since \*S keeps a checksum,
+you will get errors every time you read the file.
+To fix this checksum, use:
+sccs admin \-z prog.c
+.)b 1 "Using the Admin Command"
+There are a number of parameters that can be set
+using the
+.i admin
+The most interesting of these are flags.
+Flags can be added by using the
+.b \-f
+For example:
+sccs admin \-fd1 prog.c
+sets the
+.q d
+flag to the value
+.q 1 .
+This flag can be deleted by using:
+sccs admin \-dd prog.c
+The most useful flags are: ii 7n
+.ip "b"
+Allow branches to be made using the
+flag to
+.i edit .
+.ip "d\fISID\fP"
+Default \*I to be used on a
+.i get
+.i edit .
+If this is just a release number
+it constrains the
+to a particular release only.
+.ip "i"
+Give a fatal error
+if there are no Id Keywords in a file.
+This is useful to guarantee that a version of the
+file does not get merged into the s-file
+that has the Id Keywords inserted as constants
+instead of internal forms.
+.ip "y"
+.q type
+of the module.
+the value of this flag is unused by \*S
+except that it replaces the
+.b %\&Y\&%
+.b \-t\fIfile\fR
+flag can be used
+to store descriptive text
+.i file .
+This descriptive text might be the documentation
+or a design and implementation document.
+Using the
+.b \-t
+flag insures that if the \*S file is sent,
+the documentation will be sent also.
+.i file
+is omitted,
+the descriptive text is deleted.
+To see the descriptive text,
+.q "prt \-t" .
+.i admin
+command can be used safely
+any number of times on files.
+A file need not be gotten
+.i admin
+to work. 1 "Maintaining Different Versions (Branches)"
+Sometimes it is convenient
+to maintain an experimental version of a program
+for an extended period
+while normal maintenance continues
+on the version in production.
+This can be done using a
+.q branch.
+Normally deltas continue in a straight line,
+each depending on the delta before.
+Creating a branch
+.q "forks off"
+a version of the program.
+The ability to create branches
+must be enabled in advance using:
+sccs admin \-fb prog.c
+.b \-fb
+flag can be specified when the
+\*S file is first created. 2 "Creating a branch"
+To create a branch, use:
+sccs edit \-b prog.c
+This will create a branch
+with (for example) \*I
+The deltas for this version
+will be numbered
+.i n . 2 "Getting from a branch"
+Deltas in a branch are normally not included
+when you do a get.
+To get these versions,
+you will have to say:
+sccs get \-r1.5.1 prog.c
+.)b 2 "Merging a branch back into the main trunk"
+At some point you will have finished the experiment,
+and if it was successful
+you will want to incorporate it into the release version.
+But in the meantime
+someone may have created a delta 1.6
+that you don't want to lose.
+The commands:
+sccs edit \-i1.5.1.1\-1.5.1 prog.c
+sccs delta prog.c
+will merge all of your changes
+into the release system.
+If some of the changes conflict,
+get will print an error;
+the generated result
+should be carefully examined
+before the delta is made. 2 "A more detailed example"
+The following technique might be used
+to maintain a different version of a program.
+create a directory to contain the new version:
+mkdir ../newxyz
+cd ../newxyz
+Edit a copy of the program
+on a branch:
+sccs \-d../xyz edit prog.c
+When using the old version,
+be sure to use the
+.b \-b
+flag to info, check, tell, and clean
+to avoid confusion.
+For example, use:
+sccs info \-b
+when in the directory
+.q xyz .
+If you want to save a copy of the program
+(still on the branch)
+back in the s-file,
+you can use:
+sccs -d../xyz deledit prog.c
+which will do a delta on the branch
+and reedit it for you.
+When the experiment is complete, merge it back into the s-file
+using delta:
+sccs -d../xyz delta prog.c
+At this point you must decide whether this version
+should be merged back into the trunk
+.i i.e.
+the default version),
+which may have undergone changes.
+If so, it can be merged using the
+.b \-i
+flag to
+.i edit
+as described above. 2 "A warning"
+Branches should be kept to a minimum.
+After the first branch from the trunk,
+\*I's are assigned rather haphazardly,
+and the structure gets complex fast. 1 "Using \*S with Make"
+\*S and make can be made to work together
+with a little care.
+A few sample makefiles
+for common applications are shown.
+There are a few basic entries that every makefile
+ought to have.
+These are: ii 1i
+.ip a.out
+(or whatever the makefile generates.)
+This entry regenerates whatever this makefile is
+supposed to regenerate.
+If the makefile regenerates many things,
+this should be called
+.q all
+and should in turn
+have dependencies on everything
+the makefile can generate.
+.ip install
+Moves the objects to the final
+resting place,
+doing any special
+.i chmod 's
+.i ranlib 's
+as appropriate.
+.ip sources
+Creates all the source files from \*S files.
+.ip clean
+Removes all files from the current directory
+that can be regenerated from \*S files.
+.ip print
+Prints the contents of the directory.
+The examples shown below are only partial examples,
+and may omit some of these entries
+when they are deemed to be obvious.
+.i clean
+entry should not remove files that can be
+regenerated from the \*S files.
+It is sufficiently important to have the
+source files around at all times
+that the only time they should be removed
+is when the directory is being mothballed.
+To do this, the command:
+sccs clean
+can be used.
+This will remove all files for which an s-file
+but which is not being edited. 2 "To maintain single programs"
+Frequently there are directories with several
+largely unrelated programs
+(such as simple commands).
+These can be put into a single makefile:
+LDFLAGS= \-i \-s
+.sp \n(psu
+prog: prog.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) \-o prog prog.o
+prog.o: prog.c prog.h
+.sp \n(psu
+example: example.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) \-o example example.o
+example.o: example.c
+.sp \n(psu
+ sccs get $<
+The trick here
+is that the .DEFAULT rule
+is called every time
+something is needed
+that does not exist,
+and no other rule exists to make it.
+The explicit dependency of the
+.b \&.o
+file on the
+.b \&.c
+file is important.
+Another way of doing the same thing is:
+SRCS= prog.c prog.h example.c
+.sp \n(psu
+LDFLAGS= \-i \-s
+.sp \n(psu
+prog: prog.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) \-o prog prog.o
+prog.o: prog.h
+.sp \n(psu
+example: example.o
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) \-o example example.o
+.sp \n(psu
+sources: $(SRCS)
+ sccs get $@
+There are a couple of advantages to this approach:
+(1) the explicit dependencies of the .o on the .c files are
+not needed,
+(2) there is an entry called "sources" so if you want to get
+all the sources you can just say
+.q "make sources" ,
+(3) the makefile is less likely to do confusing things
+since it won't try to
+.i get
+things that do not exist. 2 "To maintain a library"
+Libraries that are largely static
+are best updated using explicit commands,
+.i make
+doesn't know about updating them properly.
+libraries that are in the process of being developed
+can be handled quite adequately.
+The problem is that the .o files
+have to be kept out of the library
+as well as in the library.
+# configuration information
+OBJS= a.o b.o c.o d.o
+SRCS= a.c b.c c.c d.s x.h y.h z.h
+TARG= /usr/lib
+.sp \n(psu
+# programs
+GET= sccs get
+AR= \-ar
+RANLIB= ranlib
+.sp \n(psu
+lib.a: $(OBJS)
+ $(AR) rvu lib.a $(OBJS)
+ $(RANLIB) lib.a
+.sp \n(psu
+install: lib.a
+ sccs check
+ cp lib.a $(TARG)/lib.a
+ $(RANLIB) $(TARG)/lib.a
+.sp \n(psu
+sources: $(SRCS)
+ $(GET) $(REL) $@
+.sp \n(psu
+print: sources
+ pr *.h *.[cs]
+ rm \-f *.o
+ rm \-f core a.out $(LIB)
+.q "$(REL)"
+in the get
+can be used to get old versions
+easily; for example:
+make b.o REL=\-r1.3
+.i install
+entry includes the line
+.q "sccs check"
+before anything else.
+This guarantees that all the s-files
+are up to date
+.i i.e. ,
+nothing is being edited),
+and will abort the
+.i make
+if this condition is not met. 2 "To maintain a large program"
+OBJS= a.o b.o c.o d.o
+SRCS= a.c b.c c.y d.s x.h y.h z.h
+.sp \n(psu
+GET= sccs get
+.sp \n(psu
+a.out: $(OBJS)
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
+.sp \n(psu
+sources: $(SRCS)
+ $(GET) $(REL) $@
+.i print
+.i clean
+entries are identical to the previous case.)
+This makefile requires copies of the source and object files
+to be kept during development.
+It is probably also wise to include lines of the form:
+a.o: x.h y.h
+b.o: z.h
+c.o: x.h y.h z.h
+z.h: x.h
+so that modules will be recompiled
+if header files change.
+.i make
+does not do transitive closure on dependencies,
+you may find in some makefiles lines like:
+z.h: x.h
+ touch z.h
+This would be used in cases where file z.h
+has a line:
+#include "x.h"
+in order to bring the mod date of z.h in line
+with the mod date of x.h.
+When you have a makefile such as above,
+.i touch
+command can be removed completely;
+the equivalent effect will be achieved
+by doing an automatic
+.i get
+on z.h. 1 "Further Information"
+.i "SCCS/PWB User's Manual"
+gives a deeper description
+of how to use \*S.
+Of particular interest
+are the numbering of branches,
+the l-file,
+which gives a description of what deltas were used on a get,
+and certain other \*S commands.
+The \*S manual pages
+are a good last resort.
+These should be read by software managers
+and by people who want to know
+everything about everything.
+Both of these documents were written without the
+.i sccs
+front end in mind,
+so most of the examples are slightly different from those
+in this document.
+.bp 12
+.b "Quick Reference"
+.sp 2 1 Commands 1
+The following commands should all be preceded with
+.q sccs .
+This list is not exhaustive;
+for more options see
+.i "Further Information" .
+.ip get 9n
+Gets files for compilation (not for editing).
+Id keywords are expanded. 9n ii 8n
+.ip \-r\fI\*I\fP
+Version to get.
+.ip \-p
+Send to standard output rather than to the actual file.
+.ip \-k
+Don't expand id keywords.
+.ip \-i\fIlist\fP
+List of deltas to include.
+.ip \-x\fIlist\fP
+List of deltas to exclude.
+.ip \-m
+Precede each line with \*I of creating delta.
+.ip \-c\fIdate\fP
+Don't apply any deltas created after
+.i date.
+.ip edit 9n
+Gets files for editing.
+Id keywords are not expanded.
+Should be matched with a
+.i delta
+command. 9n ii 8n
+.ip \-r\fI\*I\fP
+Same as
+.i get .
+.i \*I
+specifies a release that does not yet exist,
+the highest numbered delta is retrieved
+and the new delta is numbered with
+.i \*I .
+.ip \-b
+Create a branch.
+.ip \-i\fIlist\fP
+Same as
+.i get .
+.ip \-x\fIlist\fP
+Same as
+.i get .
+.ip delta 9n
+Merge a file gotten using
+.i edit
+back into the s-file.
+Collect comments about why this delta was made.
+.ip unedit 9n
+Remove a file that has been edited previously
+without merging the changes into the s-file.
+.ip prt 9n
+Produce a report of changes. 9n ii 5n
+.ip \-t
+Print the descriptive text.
+.ip \-e
+Print (nearly) everything.
+.ip info 9n
+Give a list of all files being edited. 9n ii 5n
+.ip \-b
+Ignore branches.
+.ip \-u[\fIuser\fP]
+Ignore files not being edited by
+.i user .
+.ip check 9n
+Same as
+.i info ,
+except that nothing is printed if nothing is being edited
+and exit status is returned.
+.ip tell 9n
+Same as
+.i info ,
+except that one line is produced per file being edited containing
+only the file name.
+.ip clean 9n
+Remove all files that can be regenerated from the
+.ip what 9n
+Find and print id keywords.
+.ip admin 9n
+Create or set parameters on s-files. 9n ii 8n
+.ip \-i\fIfile\fP
+Create, using
+.i file
+as the initial contents.
+.ip \-z
+Rebuild the checksum in case
+the file has been trashed.
+.ip \-f\fIflag\fP
+Turn on the
+.i flag .
+.ip \-d\fIflag\fP
+Turn off (delete) the
+.i flag .
+.ip \-t\fIfile\fP
+Replace the descriptive text
+in the s-file with the contents of
+.i file .
+.i file
+is omitted,
+the text is deleted.
+Useful for storing documentation
+.q "design & implementation"
+documents to insure they get distributed with the
+Useful flags are:
+.ip b
+Allow branches to be made using the \-b flag to
+.i edit.
+.ip d\fI\*I\fP
+Default \*I to be used
+on a
+.i get
+.i edit .
+.ip i
+.q "No Id Keywords"
+error message
+to be a fatal error rather than a warning.
+.ip t
+The module
+.q type ;
+the value of this flag replaces the
+.b %\&Y\&%
+.ip fix 9n
+Remove a delta and reedit it.
+.ip delget 9n
+Do a
+.i delta
+followed by a
+.i get .
+.ip deledit 9n
+Do a
+.i delta
+followed by an
+.i edit . 1 "Id Keywords" ii 6n
+.ip "%\&Z\&%"
+Expands to
+.q @\&(#)
+for the
+.i what
+command to find.
+.ip "%\&M\&%"
+The current module name,
+.i e.g.,
+.q prog.c .
+.ip "%\&I\&%"
+The highest \*I applied.
+.ip "%\&W\&%"
+A shorthand for
+.q "%\&Z\&%%\&M\&% <tab> %\&I\&%" .
+.ip "%\&G\&%"
+The date of the delta
+corresponding to the
+.q "%\&I\&%"
+.ip "%\&R\&%"
+The current release number,
+.i i.e. ,
+the first component of the
+.q "%\&I\&%"
+.ip "%\&Y\&%"
+Replaced by the value of the
+.b t
+(set by
+.i admin ).
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