path: root/usr.bin/lex/NEWS
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Diffstat (limited to 'usr.bin/lex/NEWS')
1 files changed, 703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/lex/NEWS b/usr.bin/lex/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aff90a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.bin/lex/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+Changes between release 2.4.7 (03Aug94) and release 2.4.6:
+ - Fixed serious bug in reading multiple files.
+ - Fixed bug in scanning NUL's.
+ - Fixed bug in input() returning 8-bit characters.
+ - Fixed bug in matching text with embedded NUL's when
+ using %array or lex compatibility.
+ - Fixed multiple invocations of YY_USER_ACTION when using '|'
+ continuation action.
+ - Minor prototyping fixes.
+Changes between release 2.4.6 (04Jan94) and release 2.4.5:
+ - Linking with -lfl no longer required if your program includes
+ its own yywrap() and main() functions. (This change will cause
+ problems if you have a non-ANSI compiler on a system for which
+ sizeof(int) != sizeof(void*) or sizeof(int) != sizeof(size_t).)
+ - The use of 'extern "C++"' in FlexLexer.h has been modified to
+ get around an incompatibility with g++'s header files.
+Changes between release 2.4.5 (11Dec93) and release 2.4.4:
+ - Fixed bug breaking C++ scanners that use REJECT or variable
+ trailing context.
+ - Fixed serious input problem for interactive scanners on
+ systems for which char is unsigned.
+ - Fixed bug in incorrectly treating '$' operator as variable
+ trailing context.
+ - Fixed bug in -CF table representation that could lead to
+ corrupt tables.
+ - Fixed fairly benign memory leak.
+ - Added `extern "C++"' wrapper to FlexLexer.h header. This
+ should overcome the g++ 2.5.X problems mentioned in the
+ NEWS for release 2.4.3.
+ - Changed #include of FlexLexer.h to use <> instead of "".
+ - Added feature to control whether the scanner attempts to
+ refill the input buffer once it's exhausted. This feature
+ will be documented in the 2.5 release.
+Changes between release 2.4.4 (07Dec93) and release 2.4.3:
+ - Fixed two serious bugs in scanning 8-bit characters.
+ - Fixed bug in YY_USER_ACTION that caused it to be executed
+ inappropriately (on the scanner's own internal actions, and
+ with incorrect yytext/yyleng values).
+ - Fixed bug in pointing yyin at a new file and resuming scanning.
+ - Portability fix regarding min/max/abs macros conflicting with
+ function definitions in standard header files.
+ - Added a virtual LexerError() method to the C++ yyFlexLexer class
+ for reporting error messages instead of always using cerr.
+ - Added warning in flexdoc that the C++ scanning class is presently
+ experimental and subject to considerable change between major
+ releases.
+Changes between release 2.4.3 (03Dec93) and release 2.4.2:
+ - Fixed bug causing fatal scanner messages to fail to print.
+ - Fixed things so FlexLexer.h can be included in other C++
+ sources. One side-effect of this change is that -+ and -CF
+ are now incompatible.
+ - libfl.a now supplies private versions of the the <string.h>/
+ <strings.h> string routines needed by flex and the scanners
+ it generates, to enhance portability to some BSD systems.
+ - More robust solution to 2.4.2's flexfatal() bug fix.
+ - Added ranlib of installed libfl.a.
+ - Some lint tweaks.
+ - NOTE: problems have been encountered attempting to build flex
+ C++ scanners using g++ version 2.5.X. The problem is due to an
+ unfortunate heuristic in g++ 2.5.X that attempts to discern between
+ C and C++ headers. Because FlexLexer.h is installed (by default)
+ in /usr/local/include and not /usr/local/lib/g++-include, g++ 2.5.X
+ decides that it's a C header :-(. So if you have problems, install
+ the header in /usr/local/lib/g++-include instead.
+Changes between release 2.4.2 (01Dec93) and release 2.4.1:
+ - Fixed bug in libfl.a referring to non-existent "flexfatal" function.
+ - Modified to produce both compress'd and gzip'd tar files for
+ distributions (you probably don't care about this change!).
+Changes between release 2.4.1 (30Nov93) and release 2.3.8:
+ - The new '-+' flag instructs flex to generate a C++ scanner class
+ (thanks to Kent Williams). flex writes an implementation of the
+ class defined in FlexLexer.h to You may include
+ multiple scanner classes in your program using the -P flag. Note
+ that the scanner class also provides a mechanism for creating
+ reentrant scanners. The scanner class uses C++ streams for I/O
+ instead of FILE*'s (thanks to Tom Epperly). If the flex executable's
+ name ends in '+' then the '-+' flag is automatically on, so creating
+ a symlink or copy of "flex" to "flex++" results in a version of
+ flex that can be used exclusively for C++ scanners.
+ Note that without the '-+' flag, flex-generated scanners can still
+ be compiled using C++ compilers, though they use FILE*'s for I/O
+ instead of streams.
+ See the "GENERATING C++ SCANNERS" section of flexdoc for details.
+ - The new '-l' flag turns on maximum AT&T lex compatibility. In
+ particular, -l includes support for "yylineno" and makes yytext
+ be an array instead of a pointer. It does not, however, do away
+ with all incompatibilities. See the "INCOMPATIBILITIES WITH LEX
+ AND POSIX" section of flexdoc for details.
+ - The new '-P' option specifies a prefix to use other than "yy"
+ for the scanner's globally-visible variables, and for the
+ "lex.yy.c" filename. Using -P you can link together multiple
+ flex scanners in the same executable.
+ - The distribution includes a "texinfo" version of flexdoc.1,
+ contributed by Roland Pesch (thanks also to Marq Kole, who
+ contributed another version). It has not been brought up to
+ date, but reflects version 2.3. See MISC/flex.texinfo.
+ The flex distribution will soon include G.T. Nicol's flex
+ manual; he is presently bringing it up-to-date for version 2.4.
+ - yywrap() is now a function, and you now *must* link flex scanners
+ with libfl.a.
+ - Site-configuration is now done via an autoconf-generated
+ "configure" script contributed by Francois Pinard.
+ - Scanners now use fread() (or getc(), if interactive) and not
+ read() for input. A new "table compression" option, -Cr,
+ overrides this change and causes the scanner to use read()
+ (because read() is a bit faster than fread()). -f and -F
+ are now equivalent to -Cfr and -CFr; i.e., they imply the
+ -Cr option.
+ - In the blessed name of POSIX compliance, flex supports "%array"
+ and "%pointer" directives in the definitions (first) section of
+ the scanner specification. The former specifies that yytext
+ should be an array (of size YYLMAX), the latter, that it should
+ be a pointer. The array version of yytext is universally slower
+ than the pointer version, but has the advantage that its contents
+ remain unmodified across calls to input() and unput() (the pointer
+ version of yytext is, still, trashed by such calls).
+ "%array" cannot be used with the '-+' C++ scanner class option.
+ - The new '-Ca' option directs flex to trade off memory for
+ natural alignment when generating a scanner's tables. In
+ particular, table entries that would otherwise be "short"
+ become "long".
+ - The new '-h' option produces a summary of the flex flags.
+ - The new '-V' option reports the flex version number and exits.
+ - The new scanner macro YY_START returns an integer value
+ corresponding to the current start condition. You can return
+ to that start condition by passing the value to a subsequent
+ "BEGIN" action. You also can implement "start condition stacks"
+ by storing the values in an integer stack.
+ - You can now redefine macros such as YY_INPUT by just #define'ing
+ them to some other value in the first section of the flex input;
+ no need to first #undef them.
+ - flex now generates warnings for rules that can't be matched.
+ These warnings can be turned off using the new '-w' flag. If
+ your scanner uses REJECT then you will not get these warnings.
+ - If you specify the '-s' flag but the default rule can be matched,
+ flex now generates a warning.
+ - "yyleng" is now a global, and may be modified by the user (though
+ doing so and then using yymore() will yield weird results).
+ - Name definitions in the first section of a scanner specification
+ can now include a leading '^' or trailing '$' operator. In this
+ case, the definition is *not* pushed back inside of parentheses.
+ - Scanners with compressed tables are now "interactive" (-I option)
+ by default. You can suppress this attribute (which makes them
+ run slightly slower) using the new '-B' flag.
+ - Flex now generates 8-bit scanners by default, unless you use the
+ -Cf or -CF compression options (-Cfe and -CFe result in 8-bit
+ scanners). You can force it to generate a 7-bit scanner using
+ the new '-7' flag. You can build flex to generate 8-bit scanners
+ for -Cf and -CF, too, by adding -DDEFAULT_CSIZE=256 to CFLAGS
+ in the Makefile.
+ - You no longer need to call the scanner routine yyrestart() to
+ inform the scanner that you have switched to a new file after
+ having seen an EOF on the current input file. Instead, just
+ point yyin at the new file and continue scanning.
+ - You no longer need to invoke YY_NEW_FILE in an <<EOF>> action
+ to indicate you wish to continue scanning. Simply point yyin
+ at a new file.
+ - A leading '#' no longer introduces a comment in a flex input.
+ - flex no longer considers formfeed ('\f') a whitespace character.
+ - %t, I'm happy to report, has been nuked.
+ - The '-p' option may be given twice ('-pp') to instruct flex to
+ report minor performance problems as well as major ones.
+ - The '-v' verbose output no longer includes start/finish time
+ information.
+ - Newlines in flex inputs can optionally include leading or
+ trailing carriage-returns ('\r'), in support of several PC/Mac
+ run-time libraries that automatically include these.
+ - A start condition of the form "<*>" makes the following rule
+ active in every start condition, whether exclusive or inclusive.
+ - The following items have been corrected in the flex documentation:
+ - '-C' table compression options *are* cumulative.
+ - You may modify yytext but not lengthen it by appending
+ characters to the end. Modifying its final character
+ will affect '^' anchoring for the next rule matched
+ if the character is changed to or from a newline.
+ - The term "backtracking" has been renamed "backing up",
+ since it is a one-time repositioning and not a repeated
+ search. What used to be the "lex.backtrack" file is now
+ "lex.backup".
+ - Unindented "/* ... */" comments are allowed in the first
+ flex input section, but not in the second.
+ - yyless() can only be used in the flex input source, not
+ externally.
+ - You can use "yyrestart(yyin)" to throw away the
+ current contents of the input buffer.
+ - To write high-speed scanners, attempt to match as much
+ text as possible with each rule. See MISC/fastwc/README
+ for more information.
+ - Using the beginning-of-line operator ('^') is fairly
+ cheap. Using unput() is expensive. Using yyless() is
+ cheap.
+ - An example of scanning strings with embedded escape
+ sequences has been added.
+ - The example of backing-up in flexdoc was erroneous; it
+ has been corrected.
+ - A flex scanner's internal buffer now dynamically grows if needed
+ to match large tokens. Note that growing the buffer presently
+ requires rescanning the (large) token, so consuming a lot of
+ text this way is a slow process. Also note that presently the
+ buffer does *not* grow if you unput() more text than can fit
+ into the buffer.
+ - The MISC/ directory has been reorganized; see MISC/README for
+ details.
+ - yyless() can now be used in the third (user action) section
+ of a scanner specification, thanks to Ceriel Jacobs. yyless()
+ remains a macro and cannot be used outside of the scanner source.
+ - The skeleton file is no longer opened at run-time, but instead
+ compiled into a large string array (thanks to John Gilmore and
+ friends at Cygnus). You can still use the -S flag to point flex
+ at a different skeleton file, though if you use this option let
+ me know, as I plan to otherwise do away with -S in the near
+ future.
+ - flex no longer uses a temporary file to store the scanner's
+ actions.
+ - A number of changes have been made to decrease porting headaches.
+ In particular, flex no longer uses memset() or ctime(), and
+ provides a single simple mechanism for dealing with C compilers
+ that still define malloc() as returning char* instead of void*.
+ - Flex now detects if the scanner specification requires the -8 flag
+ but the flag was not given or on by default.
+ - A number of table-expansion fencepost bugs have been fixed,
+ making flex more robust for generating large scanners.
+ - flex more consistently identifies the location of errors in
+ its input.
+ - YY_USER_ACTION is now invoked only for "real" actions, not for
+ internal actions used by the scanner for things like filling
+ the buffer or handling EOF.
+ - The rule "[^]]" now matches any character other than a ']';
+ formerly it matched any character at all followed by a ']'.
+ This change was made for compatibility with AT&T lex.
+ - A large number of miscellaneous bugs have been found and fixed
+ thanks to Gerhard Wilhelms.
+ - The source code has been heavily reformatted, making patches
+ relative to previous flex releases no longer accurate.
+Changes between 2.3 Patch #8 (21Feb93) and 2.3 Patch #7:
+ - Fixed bugs in dynamic memory allocation leading to grievous
+ fencepost problems when generating large scanners.
+ - Fixed bug causing infinite loops on character classes with 8-bit
+ characters in them.
+ - Fixed bug in matching repetitions with a lower bound of 0.
+ - Fixed bug in scanning NUL characters using an "interactive" scanner.
+ - Fixed bug in using yymore() at the end of a file.
+ - Fixed bug in misrecognizing rules with variable trailing context.
+ - Fixed bug compiling flex on Suns using gcc 2.
+ - Fixed bug in not recognizing that input files with the character
+ ASCII 128 in them require the -8 flag.
+ - Fixed bug that could cause an infinite loop writing out
+ error messages.
+ - Fixed bug in not recognizing old-style lex % declarations if
+ followed by a tab instead of a space.
+ - Fixed potential crash when flex terminated early (usually due
+ to a bad flag) and the -v flag had been given.
+ - Added some missing declarations of void functions.
+ - Changed to only use '\a' for __STDC__ compilers.
+ - Updated mailing addresses.
+Changes between 2.3 Patch #7 (28Mar91) and 2.3 Patch #6:
+ - Fixed out-of-bounds array access that caused bad tables
+ to be produced on machines where the bad reference happened
+ to yield a 1. This caused problems installing or running
+ flex on some Suns, in particular.
+Changes between 2.3 Patch #6 (29Aug90) and 2.3 Patch #5:
+ - Fixed a serious bug in yymore() which basically made it
+ completely broken. Thanks goes to Jean Christophe of
+ the Nethack development team for finding the problem
+ and passing along the fix.
+Changes between 2.3 Patch #5 (16Aug90) and 2.3 Patch #4:
+ - An up-to-date version of initscan.c so "make test" will
+ work after applying the previous patches
+Changes between 2.3 Patch #4 (14Aug90) and 2.3 Patch #3:
+ - Fixed bug in hexadecimal escapes which allowed only digits,
+ not letters, in escapes
+ - Fixed bug in previous "Changes" file!
+Changes between 2.3 Patch #3 (03Aug90) and 2.3 Patch #2:
+ - Correction to patch #2 for gcc compilation; thanks goes to
+ Paul Eggert for catching this.
+Changes between 2.3 Patch #2 (02Aug90) and original 2.3 release:
+ - Fixed (hopefully) headaches involving declaring malloc()
+ and free() for gcc, which defines __STDC__ but (often) doesn't
+ come with the standard include files such as <stdlib.h>.
+ Reordered #ifdef maze in the scanner skeleton in the hope of
+ getting the declarations right for cfront and g++, too.
+ - Note that this patch supercedes patch #1 for release 2.3,
+ which was never announced but was available briefly for
+ anonymous ftp.
+Changes between 2.3 (full) release of 28Jun90 and 2.2 (alpha) release:
+ User-visible:
+ - A lone <<EOF>> rule (that is, one which is not qualified with
+ a list of start conditions) now specifies the EOF action for
+ *all* start conditions which haven't already had <<EOF>> actions
+ given. To specify an end-of-file action for just the initial
+ state, use <INITIAL><<EOF>>.
+ - -d debug output is now contigent on the global yy_flex_debug
+ being set to a non-zero value, which it is by default.
+ - A new macro, YY_USER_INIT, is provided for the user to specify
+ initialization action to be taken on the first call to the
+ scanner. This action is done before the scanner does its
+ own initialization.
+ - yy_new_buffer() has been added as an alias for yy_create_buffer()
+ - Comments beginning with '#' and extending to the end of the line
+ now work, but have been deprecated (in anticipation of making
+ flex recognize #line directives).
+ - The funky restrictions on when semi-colons could follow the
+ YY_NEW_FILE and yyless macros have been removed. They now
+ behave identically to functions.
+ - A bug in the sample redefinition of YY_INPUT in the documentation
+ has been corrected.
+ - A bug in the sample simple tokener in the documentation has
+ been corrected.
+ - The documentation on the incompatibilities between flex and
+ lex has been reordered so that the discussion of yylineno
+ and input() come first, as it's anticipated that these will
+ be the most common source of headaches.
+ Things which didn't used to be documented but now are:
+ - flex interprets "^foo|bar" differently from lex. flex interprets
+ it as "match either a 'foo' or a 'bar', providing it comes at the
+ beginning of a line", whereas lex interprets it as "match either
+ a 'foo' at the beginning of a line, or a 'bar' anywhere".
+ - flex initializes the global "yyin" on the first call to the
+ scanner, while lex initializes it at compile-time.
+ - yy_switch_to_buffer() can be used in the yywrap() macro/routine.
+ - flex scanners do not use stdio for their input, and hence when
+ writing an interactive scanner one must explictly call fflush()
+ after writing out a prompt.
+ - flex scanner can be made reentrant (after a fashion) by using
+ "yyrestart( yyin );". This is useful for interactive scanners
+ which have interrupt handlers that long-jump out of the scanner.
+ - a defense of why yylineno is not supported is included, along
+ with a suggestion on how to convert scanners which rely on it.
+ Other changes:
+ - Prototypes and proper declarations of void routines have
+ been added to the flex source code, courtesy of Kevin B. Kenny.
+ - Routines dealing with memory allocation now use void* pointers
+ instead of char* - see Makefile for porting implications.
+ - Error-checking is now done when flex closes a file.
+ - Various lint tweaks were added to reduce the number of gripes.
+ - Makefile has been further parameterized to aid in porting.
+ - Support for SCO Unix added.
+ - Flex now sports the latest & greatest UC copyright notice
+ (which is only slightly different from the previous one).
+ - A note has been added to flexdoc.1 mentioning work in progress
+ on modifying flex to generate straight C code rather than a
+ table-driven automaton, with an email address of whom to contact
+ if you are working along similar lines.
+Changes between 2.2 Patch #3 (30Mar90) and 2.2 Patch #2:
+ - fixed bug which caused -I scanners to bomb
+Changes between 2.2 Patch #2 (27Mar90) and 2.2 Patch #1:
+ - fixed bug writing past end of input buffer in yyunput()
+ - fixed bug detecting NUL's at the end of a buffer
+Changes between 2.2 Patch #1 (23Mar90) and 2.2 (alpha) release:
+ - Makefile fixes: definition of MAKE variable for systems
+ which don't have it; installation of flexdoc.1 along with
+ flex.1; fixed two bugs which could cause "bigtest" to fail.
+ - flex.skel fix for compiling with g++.
+ - README and flexdoc.1 no longer list an out-of-date BITNET address
+ for contacting me.
+ - minor typos and formatting changes to flex.1 and flexdoc.1.
+Changes between 2.2 (alpha) release of March '90 and previous release:
+ User-visible:
+ - Full user documentation now available.
+ - Support for 8-bit scanners.
+ - Scanners now accept NUL's.
+ - A facility has been added for dealing with multiple
+ input buffers.
+ - Two manual entries now. One which fully describes flex
+ (rather than just its differences from lex), and the
+ other for quick(er) reference.
+ - A number of changes to bring flex closer into compliance
+ with the latest POSIX lex draft:
+ %t support
+ flex now accepts multiple input files and concatenates
+ them together to form its input
+ previous -c (compress) flag renamed -C
+ do-nothing -c and -n flags added
+ Any indented code or code within %{}'s in section 2 is
+ now copied to the output
+ - yyleng is now a bona fide global integer.
+ - -d debug information now gives the line number of the
+ matched rule instead of which number rule it was from
+ the beginning of the file.
+ - -v output now includes a summary of the flags used to generate
+ the scanner.
+ - unput() and yyrestart() are now globally callable.
+ - yyrestart() no longer closes the previous value of yyin.
+ - C++ support; generated scanners can be compiled with C++ compiler.
+ - Primitive -lfl library added, containing default main()
+ which calls yylex(). A number of routines currently living
+ in the scanner skeleton will probably migrate to here
+ in the future (in particular, yywrap() will probably cease
+ to be a macro and instead be a function in the -lfl library).
+ - Hexadecimal (\x) escape sequences added.
+ - Support for MS-DOS, VMS, and Turbo-C integrated.
+ - The %used/%unused operators have been deprecated. They
+ may go away soon.
+ Other changes:
+ - Makefile enhanced for easier testing and installation.
+ - The parser has been tweaked to detect some erroneous
+ constructions which previously were missed.
+ - Scanner input buffer overflow is now detected.
+ - Bugs with missing "const" declarations fixed.
+ - Out-of-date Minix/Atari patches provided.
+ - Scanners no longer require printf() unless FLEX_DEBUG is being used.
+ - A subtle input() bug has been fixed.
+ - Line numbers for "continued action" rules (those following
+ the special '|' action) are now correct.
+ - unput() bug fixed; had been causing problems porting flex to VMS.
+ - yymore() handling rewritten to fix bug with interaction
+ between yymore() and trailing context.
+ - EOF in actions now generates an error message.
+ - Bug involving -CFe and generating equivalence classes fixed.
+ - Bug which made -CF be treated as -Cf fixed.
+ - Support for SysV tmpnam() added.
+ - Unused #define's for scanner no longer generated.
+ - Error messages which are associated with a particular input
+ line are now all identified with their input line in standard
+ format.
+ - % directives which are valid to lex but not to flex are
+ now ignored instead of generating warnings.
+ - -DSYS_V flag can now also be specified -DUSG for System V
+ compilation.
+Changes between 2.1 beta-test release of June '89 and previous release:
+ User-visible:
+ - -p flag generates a performance report to stderr. The report
+ consists of comments regarding features of the scanner rules
+ which result in slower scanners.
+ - -b flag generates backtracking information to lex.backtrack.
+ This is a list of scanner states which require backtracking
+ and the characters on which they do so. By adding rules
+ one can remove backtracking states. If all backtracking states
+ are eliminated, the generated scanner will run faster.
+ Backtracking is not yet documented in the manual entry.
+ - Variable trailing context now works, i.e., one can have
+ rules like "(foo)*/[ \t]*bletch". Some trailing context
+ patterns still cannot be properly matched and generate
+ error messages. These are patterns where the ending of the
+ first part of the rule matches the beginning of the second
+ part, such as "zx*/xy*", where the 'x*' matches the 'x' at
+ the beginning of the trailing context. Lex won't get these
+ patterns right either.
+ - Faster scanners.
+ - End-of-file rules. The special rule "<<EOF>>" indicates
+ actions which are to be taken when an end-of-file is
+ encountered and yywrap() returns non-zero (i.e., indicates
+ no further files to process). See manual entry for example.
+ - The -r (reject used) flag is gone. flex now scans the input
+ for occurrences of the string "REJECT" to determine if the
+ action is needed. It tries to be intelligent about this but
+ can be fooled. One can force the presence or absence of
+ REJECT by adding a line in the first section of the form
+ "%used REJECT" or "%unused REJECT".
+ - yymore() has been implemented. Similarly to REJECT, flex
+ detects the use of yymore(), which can be overridden using
+ "%used" or "%unused".
+ - Patterns like "x{0,3}" now work (i.e., with lower-limit == 0).
+ - Removed '\^x' for ctrl-x misfeature.
+ - Added '\a' and '\v' escape sequences.
+ - \<digits> now works for octal escape sequences; previously
+ \0<digits> was required.
+ - Better error reporting; line numbers are associated with rules.
+ - yyleng is a macro; it cannot be accessed outside of the
+ scanner source file.
+ - yytext and yyleng should not be modified within a flex action.
+ - Generated scanners #define the name FLEX_SCANNER.
+ - Rules are internally separated by YY_BREAK in lex.yy.c rather
+ than break, to allow redefinition.
+ - The macro YY_USER_ACTION can be redefined to provide an action
+ which is always executed prior to the matched rule's action.
+ - yyrestart() is a new action which can be used to restart
+ the scanner after it has seen an end-of-file (a "real" one,
+ that is, one for which yywrap() returned non-zero). It takes
+ a FILE* argument indicating a new file to scan and sets
+ things up so that a subsequent call to yylex() will start
+ scanning that file.
+ - Internal scanner names all preceded by "yy_"
+ - lex.yy.c is deleted if errors are encountered during processing.
+ - Comments may be put in the first section of the input by preceding
+ them with '#'.
+ Other changes:
+ - Some portability-related bugs fixed, in particular for machines
+ with unsigned characters or sizeof( int* ) != sizeof( int ).
+ Also, tweaks for VMS and Microsoft C (MS-DOS), and identifiers all
+ trimmed to be 31 or fewer characters. Shortened file names
+ for dinosaur OS's. Checks for allocating > 64K memory
+ on 16 bit'ers. Amiga tweaks. Compiles using gcc on a Sun-3.
+ - Compressed and fast scanner skeletons merged.
+ - Skeleton header files done away with.
+ - Generated scanner uses prototypes and "const" for __STDC__.
+ - -DSV flag is now -DSYS_V for System V compilation.
+ - Removed all references to FTL language.
+ - Software now covered by BSD Copyright.
+ - flex will replace lex in subsequent BSD releases.
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