path: root/usr.bin/global/README
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+ @- F o r a l l h a c h e r s. version 1.8
+ @- @@@@@@-@- @- @- @@@@@- @- @- @-
+ @- @- @- @- @- @- @- @@@@@- @-
+ @- @- @- @- @- @- @-@- @- @-
+ @@@@@@@@- @@@@- @@@@@- @@@@@@-@@@- @@@@- @@@@@@-
+ Shigio Yamaguchi 5-Apr-97
+ Copyright 1996, 1997 Shigio Yamaguchi All right resereved.
+GLOBAL is a browsing system for C and Yacc source code.
+It brings benefits to all hackers. Enjoy!
+ Contents
+ --------------------------------
+ 0. Introduction
+ 1. Global
+ 1.1. Features
+ 1.2. Preparation
+ 1.3. Basic usage
+ 1.4. Applied usage
+ 2. Extended vi using global
+ 2.1. Features
+ 2.2. Preparation
+ 2.3. Basic usage
+ 2.4. Applied usage
+ 3. Hypertext generator
+ 3.1. Features
+ 3.2. Preparation
+ 3.3. Usage
+ 3.4. To make hypertext of kernel
+ --------------------------------
+0. Introduction
+GLOBAL is a browsing system for C and Yacc source files.
+You can locate the specified function in C source files and move there easily.
+It is useful to hack a large project containing many subdirectories,
+many '#ifdef' and many main() functions like MH, X or BSD kernel.
+It supports following environments.
+ o shell command line(see '1. Global')
+ o vi editor(see '2. Extended vi using global')
+ o web browser(see '3. Hypertext generator')
+GLOBAL is consist of global(1), gtags(1), btreeop(1), gctags(1), htags(1)
+and extended vi(1).
+ * 'extended' means being entended for GLOBAL.
+ * Btreeop and gctags are used internally, so you need not
+ understand about them.
+The extended vi is completely upper compatible with original one.
+All the functions for GLOBAL are enabled only in 'gtagsmode'.
+1. Global
+1.1. Features
+ o Global can find the locations of a specified function quickly.
+ o Global can locate not only function definitions but also function references.
+ o Global allows duplicate entries.
+ o Global can treat a source tree containing subdirectories and you can
+ get relative path of objects from anywhere within the tree.
+ o Global can understand perl's regular expression.
+ o Global can search in not only a source tree but also library paths.
+ o Global can treat yacc source file.
+ I think these features are useful for a large project containing many
+ subdirectories, many '#ifdef' and many main() functions like MH.
+1.2. Preparation
+ First of all, you must execute gtags(1) at the root of source tree.
+ For example, if you want to browse vi's source code, please do like this.
+ % cd /usr/src/usr.bin/vi
+ % gtags
+ Gtags traverse subdirectories and makes
+ two database at the root of source tree.
+ % ls G*TAGS
+ GTAGS - database for function definition
+ GRTAGS - database for function reference
+ If you cannot find functions that should exist, please try -e option.
+ % gtags -e
+1.3. Basic usage
+ Please think of following source tree.
+ ROOT/ <- the root of source tree (GTAGS,GRTAGS)
+ |
+ |- DIR1/
+ | |
+ | |- fileA.c ..... +---------------+
+ | | |main(){ |
+ | | | func1();|
+ | | | func2();|
+ | | |} |
+ | | +---------------+
+ | |
+ | |- fileB.c ..... +---------------+
+ | |func1(){ ... } |
+ | +---------------+
+ |- DIR2/
+ |
+ |- fileC.c ..... +---------------+
+ |#ifdef X |
+ |func2(){ i++; }|
+ |#else |
+ |func2(){ i--; }|
+ |#endif |
+ |func3(){ |
+ | func1();|
+ |} |
+ +---------------+
+ You can get the relative path of your object from anywhere within
+ the source tree.
+ % cd ROOT
+ % global func1
+ DIR1/fileB.c <- func1() is defined in fileB.c
+ % cd DIR1
+ % global func1
+ fileB.c <- relative path from DIR1
+ % cd ../DIR2
+ % global func1
+ ../DIR1/fileB.c <- relative path from DIR2
+ -r option locates function references.
+ % global -r func2
+ ../DIR1/fileA.c <- func2() is referred from fileA.c
+ You can use perl's regular expression.
+ % cd ROOT
+ % global 'func[1-3]'
+ DIR1/fileB.c <- func1, func2 and func3 are matched
+ DIR2/fileC.c
+ -x option shows the detail. It's similar to ctags's -x option.
+ % global func2
+ DIR2/fileC.c
+ % global -x func2
+ func2 2 DIR2/fileC.c func2(){ i++; }
+ func2 4 DIR2/fileC.c func2(){ i--; }
+ -a option produces the absolute path name.
+ % global -a func1
+ /home/user/ROOT/DIR1/fileB.c
+ You can edit files including specified function directly like this.
+ % vi `global func1` <- edit fileB.c
+1.4. Applied usage
+ You can make multiple tag files.
+ For example, you can execute gtags at ROOT/, version1.0/ and version2.0/.
+ ROOT/ <- the root of source tree (GTAGS,GRTAGS)
+ |
+ |- version1.0/ <- the root of version1.0 (GTAGS,GRTAGS)
+ | |
+ | |- file.c ..... +---------------+
+ | |func1(){ i++; }|
+ | +---------------+
+ |
+ |- version2.0/ <- the root of version2.0 (GTAGS,GRTAGS)
+ |
+ |- file.c ..... +---------------+
+ |func1(){ i--; }|
+ +---------------+
+ When you are walking in version1.0 directory, global locates functions
+ only in version1.0.
+ % cd ROOT/version1.0
+ % global -x func1
+ func1 1 file.c func1(){ i++; }
+ When you are walking in version2.0, global locates functions only in
+ version2.0.
+ % cd ROOT/version2.0
+ % global -x func1
+ func1 1 file.c func1(){ i--; }
+ If you are at ROOT/ or you set GTAGSROOT environment variable to ROOT,
+ global locates functions in both version1.0 and version2.0 directories.
+ % cd ROOT
+ % global -x func1
+ func1 1 version1.0/file.c func1(){ i++; }
+ func1 1 version2.0/file.c func1(){ i--; }
+ =-=-=-=
+ There is another usage of GTAGSROOT.
+ If your source files are on a read only device like CDROM, you cannot
+ make database on the root of source tree.
+ In such case, please do the following.
+ % mkdir /var/dbpath
+ % cd /cdrom/src <- the root of source tree
+ % gtags /var/dbpath <- make tag file in /var/dbpath
+ % setenv GTAGSROOT `pwd`
+ % setenv GTAGSDBPATH /var/dbpath
+ % global func
+ =-=-=-=
+ If you want to treat the references to a function that is not defined
+ in the source tree like a library function or system call, you can specify
+ library directories with the GTAGSLIBPATH environment variable.
+ You should execute gtags at each directory of the path.
+ If GTAGS is not found in a directory, global ignores it.
+ % pwd
+ /develop/src/mh <- this is the source tree
+ % gtags
+ % ls G*TAGS
+ % global mhl
+ uip/mhlsbr.c <- mhl() is found
+ % global strlen <- strlen() is not found
+ % (cd /usr/src/lib; gtags) <- library source
+ % (cd /usr/src/sys; gtags) <- kernel source
+ % setenv GTAGSLIBPATH /usr/src/lib:/usr/src/sys
+ % global strlen
+ ../../../usr/src/lib/libc/string/strlen.c <- strlen() is found in library
+ % global access
+ ../../../usr/src/sys/kern/vfs_syscalls.c <- access() is found in kernel
+ Of course, user program doesn't call kernel function directly, but
+ at least it is useful.
+ =-=-=-=
+ If you forget function name, you can use -c (complete) option.
+ % global -c kmem <- maybe k..k.. kmem..
+ kmem_alloc
+ kmem_alloc_pageable
+ kmem_alloc_wait
+ kmem_free
+ kmem_free_wakeup
+ kmem_init
+ kmem_malloc
+ kmem_suballoc <- This is what I need!
+ % global kmem_suballoc
+ ../vm/vm_kern.c
+ You can use -c option with tcsh's complete command.
+ % set funcs=(`global -c`)
+ % complete global 'n/*/$funcs/'
+ % global kmem_<TAB>
+ kmem_alloc kmem_alloc_wait kmem_free_wakeup kmem_malloc
+ kmem_alloc_pageable kmem_free kmem_init kmem_suballoc
+ % global kmem_s<TAB>
+ % global kmem_suballoc
+ ../vm/vm_kern.c
+ * <TAB> means tab key or Ctrl-I.
+ =-=-=-=
+ If you want to browse many files in order, do the followings.
+ % global -xr fork | awk '{printf "view +%s %s\n",$2,$3}' | tee /tmp/list
+ view +650 ../dev/aic7xxx/aic7xxx_asm.c
+ view +250 ibcs2/ibcs2_misc.c
+ view +401 linux/linux_misc.c
+ view +310 ../kern/init_main.c
+ view +318 ../kern/init_main.c
+ view +336 ../kern/init_main.c
+ view +351 ../kern/init_main.c
+ % sh !$ <- from now on, go to next tag with 'ZZ'.
+2. Extended vi using global
+2.1. Features
+ o Tag function of extended vi can locate not only function definitions
+ but also function references.
+ o Extended vi allows duplicate tag entries.
+ o Extended vi can understand perl's regular expression as a tag name
+ for search.
+ o Extended vi is completely upper compatible with original one.
+ Above functions are available only in 'gtags mode'.
+2.2. Preparation
+ First do the preparation of global. (Please see "1.2. Preparation").
+ Second, to use global from vi, you need to get into 'gtagsmode'.
+ There are some ways to do it.
+ (a) Start vi with -G option
+ % vi -G file.c
+ (b) Start vi and execute "set gtagsmode"
+ % vi file.c
+ ~
+ ~
+ ~
+ :set gtagsmode
+ (c) Previously write the set command to .exrc or .nexrc file and start vi
+ $HOME/.exrc
+ +----------------------------
+ |set gtagsmode
+ You must start vi under the source tree described in "1.2. Preparation".
+2.3. Basic usage
+ o To go to func1, you can say
+ :tag func1
+ It seemes same with original vi, but extended vi use GTAGS
+ instead of tags.
+ o To go to referenced point of func1, add prefix 'r'
+ :rtag func1
+ Extended vi use GRTAGS.
+ o If a number of functions located, the action of extended vi differs
+ up to your nvi's version.
+ [Extended vi based 1.34 nvi]
+ Vi goes into 'GTAGS SELECT MODE' like this.
+ +-------------------------------------------------------------
+ |main 347 i386/isa/ultra14f.c main()
+ |main 128 kern/init_main.c main(framep)
+ |main 104 netiso/clnp_debug.c main()
+ |main 164 netiso/xebec/main.c main(argc, argv)
+ |~
+ |~
+ |~
+ |~
+ |~
+ |[GTAGS SELECT MODE] 4 lines
+ +-------------------------------------------------------------
+ You can select a tag line by any vi command and press [RETURN],
+ and you can go to the tag's point. In ex mode, type "select"
+ instead of [RETURN]. When you want to go to next or previous tag,
+ you can return to 'GTAGS SELECT MODE' with <control-T> and reselect.
+ Suggested .nexrc:
+ set gtagsmode
+ set leftright
+ [Extended vi based 1.76 nvi]
+ Vi goes to the first tag.
+ Then you can go to next tag by ':tagnext' or back by ':tagprev'.
+ Suggested .nexrc:
+ set gtagsmode
+ map ^N :tagnext^M
+ map ^P :tagprev^M
+ 1.34 nvi cannot treat duplicate tag entries, so I made 'GTAGS SELECT MODE'
+ in it. But 1.76 nvi (1.61 and later) can treat them, so I adapted GLOBAL
+ tags to nvi's tag structure.
+ o <control-]> command is available.
+ In gtagsmode, if you are on the first column of line, it is identical to
+ ":rtag <current token>[RETURN]", otherwise ":tag <current token>[RETURN]".
+ o Other tag commands are available too.
+ <control-T>
+ ":tagpop"
+ ":tagtop"
+ ":display tags"
+ Please read online manual.
+2.4. Applied usage
+ o In large project which include many main() function like MH,
+ you can start vi like this.
+ % vi -G -t main
+ You can browse all commands sequentially.
+ o When you want to check functions the name of which start with
+ "set" or "get",
+ % vi -G -t '^[sg]et'
+ Of cause, following command is available too.
+ :tag ^[sg]et
+ o If your source files are on a read only device like CDROM, please do
+ the followings.
+ % mkdir /var/dbpath <- directory for tag file
+ % cd /cdrom/src <- the root of source tree
+ % gtags /var/dbpath <- make tag files in /var/dbpath
+ % setenv GTAGSROOT `pwd`
+ % setenv GTAGSDBPATH /var/dbpath
+ % vi -G -t main
+ o If you want to treat the references to the function that is not defined
+ in the source tree like library functions or system calls,
+ do the followings.
+ % cd /usr/src/lib
+ % gtags <- probably as a root
+ % cd /usr/src/sys
+ % gtags
+ % setenv GTAGSLIBPATH /usr/src/lib:/usr/src/sys
+ If you examine vi's source,
+ % cd /usr/src/usr.bin/vi
+ % gtags
+ % vi -G -t main
+ You can start from vi and trip the whole unix world as if using
+ hypertext.
+3. Hypertext generator
+3.1. Features
+ o Htags makes hypertext from C source files.
+ o Once the hypertext generated, you need nothing other than WWW browser.
+ o You can use all of your browser's functions, for example, search,
+ history, bookmark, save, frame, windows and so on.
+3.2. Preparation
+ At first, you must prepare much disk space. Hypertext needs so much
+ disk space. For example, the source code of FreeBSD kernel needs the
+ following disk space.
+ source code(/usr/src/sys) 14MB
+ tag database(GTAGS,GRTAGS) 9MB(!)
+ hypertext(HTML/*) 42MB(!!!)
+ Please do the followings.
+ (at your source directory)
+ % gtags <- make tag database
+ % htags <- make hypertext
+ Then you will find 'HTML' directory in the current directory.
+3.3. Usage
+ Please start a web browser like this.
+ % lynx HTML/index.html
+ You can use any browsers, for example, Lynx, Chimera, Mosaic,
+ Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and so on.
+ (But IE3.0 doesn't work well about index.)
+ You will understand the usage for the looking.
+ You can move HTML directory to anywhere. It is independent of
+ the source code.
+3.4. To make hypertext of kernel
+ If you would like to make hypertext of FreeBSD or Linux kernel source,
+ it is convenient to use systags script in this package.
+ % cd /usr/src/sys
+ % systags
+ then
+ % netscape HTML/index.html
+ You can use one level nested index and browse assembler source file too.
+Thank you for your reading of my poor english.
+And of course, thank you Keith Bostic (the author of nvi(1) and db(3)).
+E-Mail: <>
+WWW: <>
+ (You can find the latest version here.)
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