path: root/usr.bin/f2c/gram.head
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.bin/f2c/gram.head')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/f2c/gram.head b/usr.bin/f2c/gram.head
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af7dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.bin/f2c/gram.head
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+Copyright 1990, 1993 by AT&T Bell Laboratories, Bellcore.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
+and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
+granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
+copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
+permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
+documentation, and that the names of AT&T Bell Laboratories or
+Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or
+publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
+specific, written prior permission.
+AT&T and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this
+software, including all implied warranties of merchantability
+and fitness. In no event shall AT&T or Bellcore be liable for
+any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages
+whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
+in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action,
+arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of
+this software.
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "p1defs.h"
+static int nstars; /* Number of labels in an
+ alternate return CALL */
+static int datagripe;
+static int ndim;
+static int vartype;
+int new_dcl;
+static ftnint varleng;
+static struct Dims dims[MAXDIM+1];
+extern struct Labelblock **labarray; /* Labels in an alternate
+ return CALL */
+extern int maxlablist;
+/* The next two variables are used to verify that each statement might be reached
+ during runtime. lastwasbranch is tested only in the defintion of the
+ stat: nonterminal. */
+int lastwasbranch = NO;
+static int thiswasbranch = NO;
+extern ftnint yystno;
+extern flag intonly;
+static chainp datastack;
+extern long laststfcn, thisstno;
+extern int can_include; /* for netlib */
+ftnint convci();
+Addrp nextdata();
+expptr mklogcon(), mkaddcon(), mkrealcon(), mkstrcon(), mkbitcon();
+expptr mkcxcon();
+struct Listblock *mklist();
+struct Listblock *mklist();
+struct Impldoblock *mkiodo();
+Extsym *comblock();
+#define ESNULL (Extsym *)0
+#define NPNULL (Namep)0
+#define LBNULL (struct Listblock *)0
+extern void freetemps(), make_param();
+ static void
+pop_datastack() {
+ chainp d0 = datastack;
+ if (d0->datap)
+ curdtp = (chainp)d0->datap;
+ datastack = d0->nextp;
+ d0->nextp = 0;
+ frchain(&d0);
+ }
+/* Specify precedences and associativities. */
+%union {
+ int ival;
+ ftnint lval;
+ char *charpval;
+ chainp chval;
+ tagptr tagval;
+ expptr expval;
+ struct Labelblock *labval;
+ struct Nameblock *namval;
+ struct Eqvchain *eqvval;
+ Extsym *extval;
+ }
+%left SCOMMA
+%nonassoc SCOLON
+%right SEQUALS
+%left SOR
+%left SAND
+%left SNOT
+%left SCONCAT
+%right SPOWER
+%start program
+%type <labval> thislabel label assignlabel
+%type <tagval> other inelt
+%type <ival> type typespec typename dcl letter addop relop stop nameeq
+%type <lval> lengspec
+%type <charpval> filename
+%type <chval> datavar datavarlist namelistlist funarglist funargs
+%type <chval> dospec dospecw
+%type <chval> callarglist arglist args exprlist inlist outlist out2 substring
+%type <namval> name arg call var
+%type <expval> lhs expr uexpr opt_expr fexpr unpar_fexpr
+%type <expval> ubound simple value callarg complex_const simple_const bit_const
+%type <extval> common comblock entryname progname
+%type <eqvval> equivlist
+ | program stat SEOS
+ ;
+stat: thislabel entry
+ {
+/* stat: is the nonterminal for Fortran statements */
+ lastwasbranch = NO; }
+ | thislabel spec
+ | thislabel exec
+ { /* forbid further statement function definitions... */
+ if (parstate == INDATA && laststfcn != thisstno)
+ parstate = INEXEC;
+ thisstno++;
+ if($1 && ($1->labelno==dorange))
+ enddo($1->labelno);
+ if(lastwasbranch && thislabel==NULL)
+ warn("statement cannot be reached");
+ lastwasbranch = thiswasbranch;
+ thiswasbranch = NO;
+ if($1)
+ {
+ if($1->labtype == LABFORMAT)
+ err("label already that of a format");
+ else
+ $1->labtype = LABEXEC;
+ }
+ freetemps();
+ }
+ | thislabel SINCLUDE filename
+ { if (can_include)
+ doinclude( $3 );
+ else {
+ fprintf(diagfile, "Cannot open file %s\n", $3);
+ done(1);
+ }
+ }
+ | thislabel SEND end_spec
+ { if ($1)
+ lastwasbranch = NO;
+ endproc(); /* lastwasbranch = NO; -- set in endproc() */
+ }
+ | thislabel SUNKNOWN
+ { extern void unclassifiable();
+ unclassifiable();
+/* flline flushes the current line, ignoring the rest of the text there */
+ flline(); }
+ | error
+ { flline(); needkwd = NO; inioctl = NO;
+ yyerrok; yyclearin; }
+ ;
+thislabel: SLABEL
+ {
+ if(yystno != 0)
+ {
+ $$ = thislabel = mklabel(yystno);
+ if( ! headerdone ) {
+ if (procclass == CLUNKNOWN)
+ procclass = CLMAIN;
+ puthead(CNULL, procclass);
+ }
+ if(thislabel->labdefined)
+ execerr("label %s already defined",
+ convic(thislabel->stateno) );
+ else {
+ if(thislabel->blklevel!=0 && thislabel->blklevel<blklevel
+ && thislabel->labtype!=LABFORMAT)
+ warn1("there is a branch to label %s from outside block",
+ convic( (ftnint) (thislabel->stateno) ) );
+ thislabel->blklevel = blklevel;
+ thislabel->labdefined = YES;
+ if(thislabel->labtype != LABFORMAT)
+ p1_label((long)(thislabel - labeltab));
+ }
+ }
+ else $$ = thislabel = NULL;
+ }
+ ;
+entry: SPROGRAM new_proc progname
+ {startproc($3, CLMAIN); }
+ | SPROGRAM new_proc progname progarglist
+ { warn("ignoring arguments to main program");
+ /* hashclear(); */
+ startproc($3, CLMAIN); }
+ | SBLOCK new_proc progname
+ { if($3) NO66("named BLOCKDATA");
+ startproc($3, CLBLOCK); }
+ | SSUBROUTINE new_proc entryname arglist
+ { entrypt(CLPROC, TYSUBR, (ftnint) 0, $3, $4); }
+ | SFUNCTION new_proc entryname arglist
+ { entrypt(CLPROC, TYUNKNOWN, (ftnint) 0, $3, $4); }
+ | type SFUNCTION new_proc entryname arglist
+ { entrypt(CLPROC, $1, varleng, $4, $5); }
+ | SENTRY entryname arglist
+ { if(parstate==OUTSIDE || procclass==CLMAIN
+ || procclass==CLBLOCK)
+ execerr("misplaced entry statement", CNULL);
+ entrypt(CLENTRY, 0, (ftnint) 0, $2, $3);
+ }
+ ;
+ { newproc(); }
+ ;
+entryname: name
+ { $$ = newentry($1, 1); }
+ ;
+name: SNAME
+ { $$ = mkname(token); }
+ ;
+progname: { $$ = NULL; }
+ | entryname
+ ;
+ | SLPAR progargs SRPAR
+ ;
+progargs: progarg
+ | progargs SCOMMA progarg
+ ;
+progarg: SNAME
+ ;
+ { $$ = 0; }
+ { NO66(" () argument list");
+ $$ = 0; }
+ | SLPAR args SRPAR
+ {$$ = $2; }
+ ;
+args: arg
+ { $$ = ($1 ? mkchain((char *)$1,CHNULL) : CHNULL ); }
+ | args SCOMMA arg
+ { if($3) $1 = $$ = mkchain((char *)$3, $1); }
+ ;
+arg: name
+ { if($1->vstg!=STGUNKNOWN && $1->vstg!=STGARG)
+ dclerr("name declared as argument after use", $1);
+ $1->vstg = STGARG;
+ }
+ { NO66("altenate return argument");
+/* substars means that '*'ed formal parameters should be replaced.
+ This is used to specify alternate return labels; in theory, only
+ parameter slots which have '*' should accept the statement labels.
+ This compiler chooses to ignore the '*'s in the formal declaration, and
+ always return the proper value anyway.
+ This variable is only referred to in proc.c */
+ $$ = 0; substars = YES; }
+ ;
+filename: SHOLLERITH
+ {
+ char *s;
+ s = copyn(toklen+1, token);
+ s[toklen] = '\0';
+ $$ = s;
+ }
+ ;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud