path: root/unittests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'unittests')
3 files changed, 1 insertions, 418 deletions
diff --git a/unittests/CMakeLists.txt b/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
index f7f495e..cb44dc5 100644
--- a/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/unittests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ set_target_properties(ClangUnitTests PROPERTIES FOLDER "Clang tests")
llvm_replace_compiler_option(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-frtti" "-fno-rtti")
elseif( MSVC )
llvm_replace_compiler_option(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "/GR" "/GR-")
@@ -59,13 +59,3 @@ add_clang_unittest(Frontend
USED_LIBS gtest gtest_main clangFrontend
- Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp
- USED_LIBS gtest gtest_main clangTooling
- )
- Tooling/JsonCompileCommandLineDatabaseTest.cpp
- USED_LIBS gtest gtest_main clangTooling
- )
diff --git a/unittests/Tooling/JsonCompileCommandLineDatabaseTest.cpp b/unittests/Tooling/JsonCompileCommandLineDatabaseTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d875293..0000000
--- a/unittests/Tooling/JsonCompileCommandLineDatabaseTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-//===- unittest/Tooling/JsonCompileCommandLineDatabaseTest ----------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-#include "../../lib/Tooling/JsonCompileCommandLineDatabase.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace clang {
-namespace tooling {
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, ReturnsEmptyArrayOnEmptyString) {
- std::vector<std::string> Result = UnescapeJsonCommandLine("");
- EXPECT_TRUE(Result.empty());
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, SplitsOnSpaces) {
- std::vector<std::string> Result = UnescapeJsonCommandLine("a b c");
- ASSERT_EQ(3ul, Result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("a", Result[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("b", Result[1]);
- EXPECT_EQ("c", Result[2]);
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, MungesMultipleSpaces) {
- std::vector<std::string> Result = UnescapeJsonCommandLine(" a b ");
- ASSERT_EQ(2ul, Result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("a", Result[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("b", Result[1]);
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, UnescapesBackslashCharacters) {
- std::vector<std::string> Backslash = UnescapeJsonCommandLine("a\\\\\\\\");
- ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Backslash.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("a\\", Backslash[0]);
- std::vector<std::string> Quote = UnescapeJsonCommandLine("a\\\\\\\"");
- ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Quote.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("a\"", Quote[0]);
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, DoesNotMungeSpacesBetweenQuotes) {
- std::vector<std::string> Result = UnescapeJsonCommandLine("\\\" a b \\\"");
- ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(" a b ", Result[0]);
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, AllowsMultipleQuotedArguments) {
- std::vector<std::string> Result = UnescapeJsonCommandLine(
- " \\\" a \\\" \\\" b \\\" ");
- ASSERT_EQ(2ul, Result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(" a ", Result[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ(" b ", Result[1]);
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, AllowsEmptyArgumentsInQuotes) {
- std::vector<std::string> Result = UnescapeJsonCommandLine(
- "\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"");
- ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(Result[0].empty()) << Result[0];
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, ParsesEscapedQuotesInQuotedStrings) {
- std::vector<std::string> Result = UnescapeJsonCommandLine(
- "\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\"");
- ASSERT_EQ(1ul, Result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("\"", Result[0]);
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, ParsesMultipleArgumentsWithEscapedCharacters) {
- std::vector<std::string> Result = UnescapeJsonCommandLine(
- " \\\\\\\" \\\"a \\\\\\\" b \\\" \\\"and\\\\\\\\c\\\" \\\\\\\"");
- ASSERT_EQ(4ul, Result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("\"", Result[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("a \" b ", Result[1]);
- EXPECT_EQ("and\\c", Result[2]);
- EXPECT_EQ("\"", Result[3]);
-TEST(UnescapeJsonCommandLine, ParsesStringsWithoutSpacesIntoSingleArgument) {
- std::vector<std::string> QuotedNoSpaces = UnescapeJsonCommandLine(
- "\\\"a\\\"\\\"b\\\"");
- ASSERT_EQ(1ul, QuotedNoSpaces.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("ab", QuotedNoSpaces[0]);
- std::vector<std::string> MixedNoSpaces = UnescapeJsonCommandLine(
- "\\\"a\\\"bcd\\\"ef\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"g\\\"");
- ASSERT_EQ(1ul, MixedNoSpaces.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("abcdefg", MixedNoSpaces[0]);
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsOnEmptyString) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser("", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, DoesNotReadAfterInput) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser(llvm::StringRef(NULL, 0), NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesEmptyArray) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser("[]", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsIfNotClosingArray) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser JustOpening("[", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(JustOpening.Parse()) << JustOpening.GetErrorMessage();
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser WithSpaces(" [ ", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(WithSpaces.Parse()) << WithSpaces.GetErrorMessage();
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser WithGarbage(" [x", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(WithGarbage.Parse()) << WithGarbage.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesEmptyArrayWithWhitespace) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Spaces(" [ ] ", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Spaces.Parse()) << Spaces.GetErrorMessage();
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser AllWhites("\t\r\n[\t\n \t\r ]\t\r \n\n", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(AllWhites.Parse()) << AllWhites.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsIfNotStartingArray) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser ObjectStart("{", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(ObjectStart.Parse()) << ObjectStart.GetErrorMessage();
- // We don't implement a full JSON parser, and thus parse only a subset
- // of valid JSON.
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Object("{}", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(Object.Parse()) << Object.GetErrorMessage();
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Character("x", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(Character.Parse()) << Character.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesEmptyObject) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser("[{}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesObject) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser("[{\"a\":\"/b\"}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesMultipleKeyValuePairsInObject) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser(
- "[{\"a\":\"/b\",\"c\":\"d\",\"e\":\"f\"}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsIfNotClosingObject) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser MissingCloseOnEmpty("[{]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(MissingCloseOnEmpty.Parse())
- << MissingCloseOnEmpty.GetErrorMessage();
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser MissingCloseAfterPair("[{\"a\":\"b\"]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(MissingCloseAfterPair.Parse())
- << MissingCloseAfterPair.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsIfMissingColon) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser StringString("[{\"a\"\"/b\"}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(StringString.Parse()) << StringString.GetErrorMessage();
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser StringSpaceString("[{\"a\" \"b\"}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(StringSpaceString.Parse())
- << StringSpaceString.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsOnMissingQuote) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser OpenQuote("[{a\":\"b\"}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(OpenQuote.Parse()) << OpenQuote.GetErrorMessage();
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser CloseQuote("[{\"a\":\"b}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(CloseQuote.Parse()) << CloseQuote.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesEscapedQuotes) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser(
- "[{\"a\":\"\\\"b\\\" \\\" \\\"\"}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesEmptyString) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser("[{\"a\":\"\"}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsOnMissingString) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser MissingValue("[{\"a\":}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(MissingValue.Parse()) << MissingValue.GetErrorMessage();
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser MissingKey("[{:\"b\"}]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(MissingKey.Parse()) << MissingKey.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesMultipleObjects) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser(
- "["
- " { \"a\" : \"b\" },"
- " { \"a\" : \"b\" },"
- " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
- "]", NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsOnMissingComma) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser(
- "["
- " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
- " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
- "]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, FailsOnSuperfluousComma) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser(
- "[ { \"a\" : \"b\" }, ]", NULL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-TEST(JsonCompileCommandLineParser, ParsesSpacesInBetweenTokens) {
- JsonCompileCommandLineParser Parser(
- " \t \n\n \r [ \t \n\n \r"
- " \t \n\n \r { \t \n\n \r\"a\"\t \n\n \r :"
- " \t \n\n \r \"b\"\t \n\n \r } \t \n\n \r,\t \n\n \r"
- " \t \n\n \r { \t \n\n \r\"a\"\t \n\n \r :"
- " \t \n\n \r \"b\"\t \n\n \r } \t \n\n \r]\t \n\n \r",
- NULL);
- EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.Parse()) << Parser.GetErrorMessage();
-} // end namespace tooling
-} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/unittests/Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp b/unittests/Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5bc6b..0000000
--- a/unittests/Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-//===- unittest/Tooling/ToolingTest.cpp - Tooling unit tests --------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
-#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
-#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
-#include "clang/AST/DeclGroup.h"
-#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
-#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace clang {
-namespace tooling {
-namespace {
-/// Takes an ast consumer and returns it from CreateASTConsumer. This only
-/// works with single translation unit compilations.
-class TestAction : public clang::ASTFrontendAction {
- public:
- /// Takes ownership of TestConsumer.
- explicit TestAction(clang::ASTConsumer *TestConsumer)
- : TestConsumer(TestConsumer) {}
- protected:
- virtual clang::ASTConsumer* CreateASTConsumer(
- clang::CompilerInstance& compiler, llvm::StringRef dummy) {
- /// TestConsumer will be deleted by the framework calling us.
- return TestConsumer;
- }
- private:
- clang::ASTConsumer * const TestConsumer;
-class FindTopLevelDeclConsumer : public clang::ASTConsumer {
- public:
- explicit FindTopLevelDeclConsumer(bool *FoundTopLevelDecl)
- : FoundTopLevelDecl(FoundTopLevelDecl) {}
- virtual void HandleTopLevelDecl(clang::DeclGroupRef DeclGroup) {
- *FoundTopLevelDecl = true;
- }
- private:
- bool * const FoundTopLevelDecl;
-} // end namespace
-TEST(RunSyntaxOnlyToolOnCode, FindsTopLevelDeclOnEmptyCode) {
- bool FoundTopLevelDecl = false;
- EXPECT_TRUE(RunSyntaxOnlyToolOnCode(
- new TestAction(new FindTopLevelDeclConsumer(&FoundTopLevelDecl)), ""));
- EXPECT_TRUE(FoundTopLevelDecl);
-namespace {
-class FindClassDeclXConsumer : public clang::ASTConsumer {
- public:
- FindClassDeclXConsumer(bool *FoundClassDeclX)
- : FoundClassDeclX(FoundClassDeclX) {}
- virtual void HandleTopLevelDecl(clang::DeclGroupRef GroupRef) {
- if (CXXRecordDecl* Record = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(
- *GroupRef.begin())) {
- if (Record->getName() == "X") {
- *FoundClassDeclX = true;
- }
- }
- }
- private:
- bool *FoundClassDeclX;
-} // end namespace
-TEST(RunSyntaxOnlyToolOnCode, FindsClassDecl) {
- bool FoundClassDeclX = false;
- EXPECT_TRUE(RunSyntaxOnlyToolOnCode(new TestAction(
- new FindClassDeclXConsumer(&FoundClassDeclX)), "class X;"));
- EXPECT_TRUE(FoundClassDeclX);
- FoundClassDeclX = false;
- EXPECT_TRUE(RunSyntaxOnlyToolOnCode(new TestAction(
- new FindClassDeclXConsumer(&FoundClassDeclX)), "class Y;"));
- EXPECT_FALSE(FoundClassDeclX);
-TEST(FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, FindsNothingIfEmpty) {
- std::string ErrorMessage;
- CompileCommand NotFound = FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
- "a-file.cpp", "", ErrorMessage);
- EXPECT_TRUE(NotFound.CommandLine.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
- EXPECT_TRUE(NotFound.Directory.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
-TEST(FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, ReadsSingleEntry) {
- llvm::StringRef Directory("/some/directory");
- llvm::StringRef FileName("/path/to/a-file.cpp");
- llvm::StringRef Command("/path/to/compiler and some arguments");
- std::string ErrorMessage;
- CompileCommand FoundCommand = FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
- FileName,
- (llvm::Twine("[{\"directory\":\"") + Directory + "\"," +
- "\"command\":\"" + Command + "\","
- "\"file\":\"" + FileName + "\"}]").str(), ErrorMessage);
- EXPECT_EQ(Directory, FoundCommand.Directory) << ErrorMessage;
- ASSERT_EQ(4u, FoundCommand.CommandLine.size()) << ErrorMessage;
- EXPECT_EQ("/path/to/compiler", FoundCommand.CommandLine[0]) << ErrorMessage;
- EXPECT_EQ("and", FoundCommand.CommandLine[1]) << ErrorMessage;
- EXPECT_EQ("some", FoundCommand.CommandLine[2]) << ErrorMessage;
- EXPECT_EQ("arguments", FoundCommand.CommandLine[3]) << ErrorMessage;
- CompileCommand NotFound = FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
- "a-file.cpp",
- (llvm::Twine("[{\"directory\":\"") + Directory + "\"," +
- "\"command\":\"" + Command + "\","
- "\"file\":\"" + FileName + "\"}]").str(), ErrorMessage);
- EXPECT_TRUE(NotFound.Directory.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
- EXPECT_TRUE(NotFound.CommandLine.empty()) << ErrorMessage;
-TEST(FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, ReadsCompileCommandLinesWithSpaces) {
- llvm::StringRef Directory("/some/directory");
- llvm::StringRef FileName("/path/to/a-file.cpp");
- llvm::StringRef Command("\\\"/path to compiler\\\" \\\"and an argument\\\"");
- std::string ErrorMessage;
- CompileCommand FoundCommand = FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
- FileName,
- (llvm::Twine("[{\"directory\":\"") + Directory + "\"," +
- "\"command\":\"" + Command + "\","
- "\"file\":\"" + FileName + "\"}]").str(), ErrorMessage);
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, FoundCommand.CommandLine.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("/path to compiler", FoundCommand.CommandLine[0]) << ErrorMessage;
- EXPECT_EQ("and an argument", FoundCommand.CommandLine[1]) << ErrorMessage;
-TEST(FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, ReadsDirectoryWithSpaces) {
- llvm::StringRef Directory("/some directory / with spaces");
- llvm::StringRef FileName("/path/to/a-file.cpp");
- llvm::StringRef Command("a command");
- std::string ErrorMessage;
- CompileCommand FoundCommand = FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
- FileName,
- (llvm::Twine("[{\"directory\":\"") + Directory + "\"," +
- "\"command\":\"" + Command + "\","
- "\"file\":\"" + FileName + "\"}]").str(), ErrorMessage);
- EXPECT_EQ(Directory, FoundCommand.Directory) << ErrorMessage;
-TEST(FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase, FindsEntry) {
- llvm::StringRef Directory("directory");
- llvm::StringRef FileName("file");
- llvm::StringRef Command("command");
- std::string JsonDatabase = "[";
- for (int I = 0; I < 10; ++I) {
- if (I > 0) JsonDatabase += ",";
- JsonDatabase += (llvm::Twine(
- "{\"directory\":\"") + Directory + llvm::Twine(I) + "\"," +
- "\"command\":\"" + Command + llvm::Twine(I) + "\","
- "\"file\":\"" + FileName + llvm::Twine(I) + "\"}").str();
- }
- JsonDatabase += "]";
- std::string ErrorMessage;
- CompileCommand FoundCommand = FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
- "file4", JsonDatabase, ErrorMessage);
- EXPECT_EQ("directory4", FoundCommand.Directory) << ErrorMessage;
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, FoundCommand.CommandLine.size()) << ErrorMessage;
- EXPECT_EQ("command4", FoundCommand.CommandLine[0]) << ErrorMessage;
-} // end namespace tooling
-} // end namespace clang
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