path: root/unittests/Support
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'unittests/Support')
8 files changed, 517 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/unittests/Support/AllocatorTest.cpp b/unittests/Support/AllocatorTest.cpp
index 6c0fca9..8b463c1 100644
--- a/unittests/Support/AllocatorTest.cpp
+++ b/unittests/Support/AllocatorTest.cpp
@@ -93,6 +93,14 @@ TEST(AllocatorTest, TestOverflow) {
EXPECT_EQ(2U, Alloc.GetNumSlabs());
+// Test allocating with a size larger than the initial slab size.
+TEST(AllocatorTest, TestSmallSlabSize) {
+ BumpPtrAllocator Alloc(128);
+ Alloc.Allocate(200, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2U, Alloc.GetNumSlabs());
// Mock slab allocator that returns slabs aligned on 4096 bytes. There is no
// easy portable way to do this, so this is kind of a hack.
class MockSlabAllocator : public SlabAllocator {
diff --git a/unittests/Support/BlockFrequencyTest.cpp b/unittests/Support/BlockFrequencyTest.cpp
index edeea9b..df25642 100644
--- a/unittests/Support/BlockFrequencyTest.cpp
+++ b/unittests/Support/BlockFrequencyTest.cpp
@@ -53,4 +53,33 @@ TEST(BlockFrequencyTest, MaxToMax) {
EXPECT_EQ(Freq.getFrequency(), UINT64_MAX);
+TEST(BlockFrequencyTest, ProbabilityCompare) {
+ BranchProbability A(4, 5);
+ BranchProbability B(4U << 29, 5U << 29);
+ BranchProbability C(3, 4);
+ BranchProbability BigZero(0, UINT32_MAX);
+ BranchProbability BigOne(UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(BigZero == BigOne);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BigZero != BigOne);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BigZero < BigOne);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(BigZero > BigOne);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(BigZero <= BigOne);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(BigZero >= BigOne);
diff --git a/unittests/Support/Casting.cpp b/unittests/Support/Casting.cpp
index ae84693..ca0b40b 100644
--- a/unittests/Support/Casting.cpp
+++ b/unittests/Support/Casting.cpp
@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ namespace {
const foo *null_foo = NULL;
+bar B;
extern bar &B1;
+bar &B1 = B;
extern const bar *B2;
// test various configurations of const
const bar &B3 = B1;
@@ -145,9 +147,6 @@ TEST(CastingTest, dyn_cast_or_null) {
//foo &F23 = cast_or_null<foo>(B1);
//const foo &F24 = cast_or_null<foo>(B3);
-bar B;
-bar &B1 = B;
const bar *B2 = &B;
} // anonymous namespace
diff --git a/unittests/Support/IRBuilderTest.cpp b/unittests/Support/IRBuilderTest.cpp
index 5d635ae..b15de9e 100644
--- a/unittests/Support/IRBuilderTest.cpp
+++ b/unittests/Support/IRBuilderTest.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
class IRBuilderTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ protected:
OwningPtr<Module> M;
BasicBlock *BB;
TEST_F(IRBuilderTest, Lifetime) {
IRBuilder<> Builder(BB);
diff --git a/unittests/Support/JSONParserTest.cpp b/unittests/Support/JSONParserTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9efb81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unittests/Support/JSONParserTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+//===- unittest/Tooling/JSONParserTest ------------------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/JSONParser.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace llvm {
+// Checks that the given input gives a parse error. Makes sure that an error
+// text is available and the parse fails.
+static void ExpectParseError(StringRef Message, StringRef Input) {
+ SourceMgr SM;
+ JSONParser Parser(Input, &SM);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Parser.validate()) << Message << ": " << Input;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.failed()) << Message << ": " << Input;
+// Checks that the given input can be parsed without error.
+static void ExpectParseSuccess(StringRef Message, StringRef Input) {
+ SourceMgr SM;
+ JSONParser Parser(Input, &SM);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Parser.validate()) << Message << ": " << Input;
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsOnEmptyString) {
+ ExpectParseError("Empty JSON text", "");
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsIfStartsWithString) {
+ ExpectParseError("Top-level string", "\"x\"");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesEmptyArray) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Empty array", "[]");
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsIfNotClosingArray) {
+ ExpectParseError("Not closing array", "[");
+ ExpectParseError("Not closing array", " [ ");
+ ExpectParseError("Not closing array", " [x");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesEmptyArrayWithWhitespace) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Array with spaces", " [ ] ");
+ ExpectParseSuccess("All whitespaces", "\t\r\n[\t\n \t\r ]\t\r \n\n");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesEmptyObject) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Empty object", "[{}]");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesObject) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Object with an entry", "[{\"a\":\"/b\"}]");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesMultipleKeyValuePairsInObject) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Multiple key, value pairs",
+ "[{\"a\":\"/b\",\"c\":\"d\",\"e\":\"f\"}]");
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsIfNotClosingObject) {
+ ExpectParseError("Missing close on empty", "[{]");
+ ExpectParseError("Missing close after pair", "[{\"a\":\"b\"]");
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsIfMissingColon) {
+ ExpectParseError("Missing colon between key and value", "[{\"a\"\"/b\"}]");
+ ExpectParseError("Missing colon between key and value", "[{\"a\" \"b\"}]");
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsOnMissingQuote) {
+ ExpectParseError("Missing open quote", "[{a\":\"b\"}]");
+ ExpectParseError("Missing closing quote", "[{\"a\":\"b}]");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesEscapedQuotes) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Parses escaped string in key and value",
+ "[{\"a\":\"\\\"b\\\" \\\" \\\"\"}]");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesEmptyString) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Parses empty string in value", "[{\"a\":\"\"}]");
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsOnMissingString) {
+ ExpectParseError("Missing value", "[{\"a\":}]");
+ ExpectParseError("Missing key", "[{:\"b\"}]");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesMultipleObjects) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess(
+ "Multiple objects in array",
+ "["
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" },"
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" },"
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
+ "]");
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsOnMissingComma) {
+ ExpectParseError(
+ "Missing comma",
+ "["
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
+ "]");
+TEST(JSONParser, FailsOnSuperfluousComma) {
+ ExpectParseError("Superfluous comma in array", "[ { \"a\" : \"b\" }, ]");
+ ExpectParseError("Superfluous comma in object", "{ \"a\" : \"b\", }");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesSpacesInBetweenTokens) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess(
+ "Various whitespace between tokens",
+ " \t \n\n \r [ \t \n\n \r"
+ " \t \n\n \r { \t \n\n \r\"a\"\t \n\n \r :"
+ " \t \n\n \r \"b\"\t \n\n \r } \t \n\n \r,\t \n\n \r"
+ " \t \n\n \r { \t \n\n \r\"a\"\t \n\n \r :"
+ " \t \n\n \r \"b\"\t \n\n \r } \t \n\n \r]\t \n\n \r");
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesArrayOfArrays) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Array of arrays", "[[]]");
+TEST(JSONParser, HandlesEndOfFileGracefully) {
+ ExpectParseError("In string starting with EOF", "[\"");
+ ExpectParseError("In string hitting EOF", "[\" ");
+ ExpectParseError("In string escaping EOF", "[\" \\");
+ ExpectParseError("In array starting with EOF", "[");
+ ExpectParseError("In array element starting with EOF", "[[], ");
+ ExpectParseError("In array hitting EOF", "[[] ");
+ ExpectParseError("In array hitting EOF", "[[]");
+ ExpectParseError("In object hitting EOF", "{\"\"");
+// Checks that the given string can be parsed into an identical string inside
+// of an array.
+static void ExpectCanParseString(StringRef String) {
+ std::string StringInArray = (llvm::Twine("[\"") + String + "\"]").str();
+ SourceMgr SM;
+ JSONParser Parser(StringInArray, &SM);
+ const JSONArray *ParsedArray = dyn_cast<JSONArray>(Parser.parseRoot());
+ StringRef ParsedString =
+ dyn_cast<JSONString>(*ParsedArray->begin())->getRawText();
+ EXPECT_EQ(String, ParsedString.str());
+// Checks that parsing the given string inside an array fails.
+static void ExpectCannotParseString(StringRef String) {
+ std::string StringInArray = (llvm::Twine("[\"") + String + "\"]").str();
+ ExpectParseError((Twine("When parsing string \"") + String + "\"").str(),
+ StringInArray);
+TEST(JSONParser, ParsesStrings) {
+ ExpectCanParseString("");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\\");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\"");
+ ExpectCanParseString(" ");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\ ");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\"");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\"\\");
+ ExpectCannotParseString(" \\");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\\");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\\\\\\");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\\\\\\");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\" ");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\\\\\" ");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\\\\\" ");
+ ExpectCanParseString(" \\\\ \\\" \\\\\\\" ");
+TEST(JSONParser, WorksWithIteratorAlgorithms) {
+ SourceMgr SM;
+ JSONParser Parser("[\"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\"]", &SM);
+ const JSONArray *Array = dyn_cast<JSONArray>(Parser.parseRoot());
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, std::distance(Array->begin(), Array->end()));
+} // end namespace llvm
diff --git a/unittests/Support/ManagedStatic.cpp b/unittests/Support/ManagedStatic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfeb0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unittests/Support/ManagedStatic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+//===- llvm/unittest/Support/ManagedStatic.cpp - ManagedStatic tests ------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Threading.h"
+#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+namespace test1 {
+ llvm::ManagedStatic<int> ms;
+ void *helper(void*) {
+ *ms;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+TEST(Initialize, MultipleThreads) {
+ // Run this test under tsan:
+ llvm_start_multithreaded();
+ pthread_t t1, t2;
+ pthread_create(&t1, NULL, test1::helper, NULL);
+ pthread_create(&t2, NULL, test1::helper, NULL);
+ pthread_join(t1, NULL);
+ pthread_join(t2, NULL);
+ llvm_stop_multithreaded();
+} // anonymous namespace
diff --git a/unittests/Support/Path.cpp b/unittests/Support/Path.cpp
index 60d08bc..358dad0 100644
--- a/unittests/Support/Path.cpp
+++ b/unittests/Support/Path.cpp
@@ -183,6 +183,11 @@ TEST_F(FileSystemTest, TempFiles) {
ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::unique_file("%%-%%-%%-%%.temp", FD2, TempPath2));
ASSERT_NE(TempPath.str(), TempPath2.str());
+ fs::file_status A, B;
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::status(Twine(TempPath), A));
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::status(Twine(TempPath2), B));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fs::equivalent(A, B));
// Try to copy the first to the second.
fs::copy_file(Twine(TempPath), Twine(TempPath2)), errc::file_exists);
@@ -204,6 +209,9 @@ TEST_F(FileSystemTest, TempFiles) {
bool equal;
ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::equivalent(Twine(TempPath), Twine(TempPath2), equal));
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::status(Twine(TempPath), A));
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::status(Twine(TempPath2), B));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fs::equivalent(A, B));
// Remove Temp1.
@@ -223,6 +231,60 @@ TEST_F(FileSystemTest, DirectoryIteration) {
error_code ec;
for (fs::directory_iterator i(".", ec), e; i != e; i.increment(ec))
+ // Create a known hierarchy to recurse over.
+ bool existed;
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::create_directories(Twine(TestDirectory)
+ + "/recursive/a0/aa1", existed));
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::create_directories(Twine(TestDirectory)
+ + "/recursive/a0/ab1", existed));
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::create_directories(Twine(TestDirectory)
+ + "/recursive/dontlookhere/da1", existed));
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::create_directories(Twine(TestDirectory)
+ + "/recursive/z0/za1", existed));
+ ASSERT_NO_ERROR(fs::create_directories(Twine(TestDirectory)
+ + "/recursive/pop/p1", existed));
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> v_t;
+ v_t visited;
+ for (fs::recursive_directory_iterator i(Twine(TestDirectory)
+ + "/recursive", ec), e; i != e; i.increment(ec)){
+ if (path::filename(i->path()) == "p1") {
+ i.pop();
+ // FIXME: recursive_directory_iterator should be more robust.
+ if (i == e) break;
+ }
+ if (path::filename(i->path()) == "dontlookhere")
+ i.no_push();
+ visited.push_back(path::filename(i->path()));
+ }
+ v_t::const_iterator a0 = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), "a0");
+ v_t::const_iterator aa1 = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), "aa1");
+ v_t::const_iterator ab1 = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), "ab1");
+ v_t::const_iterator dontlookhere = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(),
+ "dontlookhere");
+ v_t::const_iterator da1 = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), "da1");
+ v_t::const_iterator z0 = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), "z0");
+ v_t::const_iterator za1 = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), "za1");
+ v_t::const_iterator pop = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), "pop");
+ v_t::const_iterator p1 = std::find(visited.begin(), visited.end(), "p1");
+ // Make sure that each path was visited correctly.
+ ASSERT_NE(a0, visited.end());
+ ASSERT_NE(aa1, visited.end());
+ ASSERT_NE(ab1, visited.end());
+ ASSERT_NE(dontlookhere, visited.end());
+ ASSERT_EQ(da1, visited.end()); // Not visited.
+ ASSERT_NE(z0, visited.end());
+ ASSERT_NE(za1, visited.end());
+ ASSERT_NE(pop, visited.end());
+ ASSERT_EQ(p1, visited.end()); // Not visited.
+ // Make sure that parents were visited before children. No other ordering
+ // guarantees can be made across siblings.
+ ASSERT_LT(a0, aa1);
+ ASSERT_LT(a0, ab1);
+ ASSERT_LT(z0, za1);
TEST_F(FileSystemTest, Magic) {
diff --git a/unittests/Support/YAMLParserTest.cpp b/unittests/Support/YAMLParserTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88427a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unittests/Support/YAMLParserTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+//===- unittest/Support/YAMLParserTest ------------------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace llvm {
+// Checks that the given input gives a parse error. Makes sure that an error
+// text is available and the parse fails.
+static void ExpectParseError(StringRef Message, StringRef Input) {
+ SourceMgr SM;
+ yaml::Stream Stream(Input, SM);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Stream.validate()) << Message << ": " << Input;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Stream.failed()) << Message << ": " << Input;
+// Checks that the given input can be parsed without error.
+static void ExpectParseSuccess(StringRef Message, StringRef Input) {
+ SourceMgr SM;
+ yaml::Stream Stream(Input, SM);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Stream.validate()) << Message << ": " << Input;
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyArray) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Empty array", "[]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfNotClosingArray) {
+ ExpectParseError("Not closing array", "[");
+ ExpectParseError("Not closing array", " [ ");
+ ExpectParseError("Not closing array", " [x");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyArrayWithWhitespace) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Array with spaces", " [ ] ");
+ ExpectParseSuccess("All whitespaces", "\t\r\n[\t\n \t\r ]\t\r \n\n");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyObject) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Empty object", "[{}]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesObject) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Object with an entry", "[{\"a\":\"/b\"}]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesMultipleKeyValuePairsInObject) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Multiple key, value pairs",
+ "[{\"a\":\"/b\",\"c\":\"d\",\"e\":\"f\"}]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfNotClosingObject) {
+ ExpectParseError("Missing close on empty", "[{]");
+ ExpectParseError("Missing close after pair", "[{\"a\":\"b\"]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, FailsIfMissingColon) {
+ ExpectParseError("Missing colon between key and value", "[{\"a\"\"/b\"}]");
+ ExpectParseError("Missing colon between key and value", "[{\"a\" \"b\"}]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, FailsOnMissingQuote) {
+ ExpectParseError("Missing open quote", "[{a\":\"b\"}]");
+ ExpectParseError("Missing closing quote", "[{\"a\":\"b}]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEscapedQuotes) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Parses escaped string in key and value",
+ "[{\"a\":\"\\\"b\\\" \\\" \\\"\"}]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesEmptyString) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Parses empty string in value", "[{\"a\":\"\"}]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesMultipleObjects) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess(
+ "Multiple objects in array",
+ "["
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" },"
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" },"
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
+ "]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, FailsOnMissingComma) {
+ ExpectParseError(
+ "Missing comma",
+ "["
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
+ " { \"a\" : \"b\" }"
+ "]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesSpacesInBetweenTokens) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess(
+ "Various whitespace between tokens",
+ " \t \n\n \r [ \t \n\n \r"
+ " \t \n\n \r { \t \n\n \r\"a\"\t \n\n \r :"
+ " \t \n\n \r \"b\"\t \n\n \r } \t \n\n \r,\t \n\n \r"
+ " \t \n\n \r { \t \n\n \r\"a\"\t \n\n \r :"
+ " \t \n\n \r \"b\"\t \n\n \r } \t \n\n \r]\t \n\n \r");
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesArrayOfArrays) {
+ ExpectParseSuccess("Array of arrays", "[[]]");
+TEST(YAMLParser, HandlesEndOfFileGracefully) {
+ ExpectParseError("In string starting with EOF", "[\"");
+ ExpectParseError("In string hitting EOF", "[\" ");
+ ExpectParseError("In string escaping EOF", "[\" \\");
+ ExpectParseError("In array starting with EOF", "[");
+ ExpectParseError("In array element starting with EOF", "[[], ");
+ ExpectParseError("In array hitting EOF", "[[] ");
+ ExpectParseError("In array hitting EOF", "[[]");
+ ExpectParseError("In object hitting EOF", "{\"\"");
+// Checks that the given string can be parsed into an identical string inside
+// of an array.
+static void ExpectCanParseString(StringRef String) {
+ std::string StringInArray = (llvm::Twine("[\"") + String + "\"]").str();
+ SourceMgr SM;
+ yaml::Stream Stream(StringInArray, SM);
+ yaml::SequenceNode *ParsedSequence
+ = dyn_cast<yaml::SequenceNode>(Stream.begin()->getRoot());
+ StringRef ParsedString
+ = dyn_cast<yaml::ScalarNode>(
+ static_cast<yaml::Node*>(ParsedSequence->begin()))->getRawValue();
+ ParsedString = ParsedString.substr(1, ParsedString.size() - 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(String, ParsedString.str());
+// Checks that parsing the given string inside an array fails.
+static void ExpectCannotParseString(StringRef String) {
+ std::string StringInArray = (llvm::Twine("[\"") + String + "\"]").str();
+ ExpectParseError((Twine("When parsing string \"") + String + "\"").str(),
+ StringInArray);
+TEST(YAMLParser, ParsesStrings) {
+ ExpectCanParseString("");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\\");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\"");
+ ExpectCanParseString(" ");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\ ");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\"");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\"\\");
+ ExpectCannotParseString(" \\");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\\");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\\\\\\");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\\\\\\");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\" ");
+ ExpectCannotParseString("\\\\\" ");
+ ExpectCanParseString("\\\\\\\" ");
+ ExpectCanParseString(" \\\\ \\\" \\\\\\\" ");
+TEST(YAMLParser, WorksWithIteratorAlgorithms) {
+ SourceMgr SM;
+ yaml::Stream Stream("[\"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\"]", SM);
+ yaml::SequenceNode *Array
+ = dyn_cast<yaml::SequenceNode>(Stream.begin()->getRoot());
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, std::distance(Array->begin(), Array->end()));
+} // end namespace llvm
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