path: root/tools/libclang/Indexing.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/libclang/Indexing.cpp')
1 files changed, 818 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/libclang/Indexing.cpp b/tools/libclang/Indexing.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e660c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libclang/Indexing.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+//===- CIndexHigh.cpp - Higher level API functions ------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "IndexingContext.h"
+#include "CXCursor.h"
+#include "CXSourceLocation.h"
+#include "CXTranslationUnit.h"
+#include "CXString.h"
+#include "CIndexDiagnostic.h"
+#include "CIndexer.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
+#include "clang/Sema/SemaConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/PPCallbacks.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
+using namespace clang;
+using namespace cxstring;
+using namespace cxtu;
+using namespace cxindex;
+static void indexDiagnostics(CXTranslationUnit TU, IndexingContext &IdxCtx);
+namespace {
+// IndexPPCallbacks
+class IndexPPCallbacks : public PPCallbacks {
+ Preprocessor &PP;
+ IndexingContext &IndexCtx;
+ bool IsMainFileEntered;
+ IndexPPCallbacks(Preprocessor &PP, IndexingContext &indexCtx)
+ : PP(PP), IndexCtx(indexCtx), IsMainFileEntered(false) { }
+ virtual void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason Reason,
+ SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType, FileID PrevFID) {
+ if (IsMainFileEntered)
+ return;
+ SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
+ SourceLocation MainFileLoc = SM.getLocForStartOfFile(SM.getMainFileID());
+ if (Loc == MainFileLoc && Reason == PPCallbacks::EnterFile) {
+ IsMainFileEntered = true;
+ IndexCtx.enteredMainFile(SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getMainFileID()));
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,
+ const Token &IncludeTok,
+ StringRef FileName,
+ bool IsAngled,
+ const FileEntry *File,
+ SourceLocation EndLoc,
+ StringRef SearchPath,
+ StringRef RelativePath) {
+ bool isImport = ( &&
+ IncludeTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID() == tok::pp_import);
+ IndexCtx.ppIncludedFile(HashLoc, FileName, File, isImport, IsAngled);
+ }
+ /// MacroDefined - This hook is called whenever a macro definition is seen.
+ virtual void MacroDefined(const Token &Id, const MacroInfo *MI) {
+ }
+ /// MacroUndefined - This hook is called whenever a macro #undef is seen.
+ /// MI is released immediately following this callback.
+ virtual void MacroUndefined(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo *MI) {
+ }
+ /// MacroExpands - This is called by when a macro invocation is found.
+ virtual void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroNameTok, const MacroInfo* MI,
+ SourceRange Range) {
+ }
+ /// SourceRangeSkipped - This hook is called when a source range is skipped.
+ /// \param Range The SourceRange that was skipped. The range begins at the
+ /// #if/#else directive and ends after the #endif/#else directive.
+ virtual void SourceRangeSkipped(SourceRange Range) {
+ }
+// IndexingConsumer
+class IndexingConsumer : public ASTConsumer {
+ IndexingContext &IndexCtx;
+ explicit IndexingConsumer(IndexingContext &indexCtx)
+ : IndexCtx(indexCtx) { }
+ // ASTConsumer Implementation
+ virtual void Initialize(ASTContext &Context) {
+ IndexCtx.setASTContext(Context);
+ IndexCtx.startedTranslationUnit();
+ }
+ virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Ctx) {
+ }
+ virtual bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG) {
+ IndexCtx.indexDeclGroupRef(DG);
+ return !IndexCtx.shouldAbort();
+ }
+ /// \brief Handle the specified top-level declaration that occurred inside
+ /// and ObjC container.
+ virtual void HandleTopLevelDeclInObjCContainer(DeclGroupRef D) {
+ // They will be handled after the interface is seen first.
+ IndexCtx.addTUDeclInObjCContainer(D);
+ }
+ /// \brief This is called by the AST reader when deserializing things.
+ /// The default implementation forwards to HandleTopLevelDecl but we don't
+ /// care about them when indexing, so have an empty definition.
+ virtual void HandleInterestingDecl(DeclGroupRef D) {}
+ virtual void HandleTagDeclDefinition(TagDecl *D) {
+ if (!IndexCtx.shouldIndexImplicitTemplateInsts())
+ return;
+ if (IndexCtx.isTemplateImplicitInstantiation(D))
+ IndexCtx.indexDecl(D);
+ }
+ virtual void HandleCXXImplicitFunctionInstantiation(FunctionDecl *D) {
+ if (!IndexCtx.shouldIndexImplicitTemplateInsts())
+ return;
+ IndexCtx.indexDecl(D);
+ }
+// CaptureDiagnosticConsumer
+class CaptureDiagnosticConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
+ SmallVector<StoredDiagnostic, 4> Errors;
+ virtual void HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level level,
+ const Diagnostic &Info) {
+ if (level >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error)
+ Errors.push_back(StoredDiagnostic(level, Info));
+ }
+ DiagnosticConsumer *clone(DiagnosticsEngine &Diags) const {
+ return new IgnoringDiagConsumer();
+ }
+// IndexingFrontendAction
+class IndexingFrontendAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ IndexingContext IndexCtx;
+ CXTranslationUnit CXTU;
+ IndexingFrontendAction(CXClientData clientData,
+ IndexerCallbacks &indexCallbacks,
+ unsigned indexOptions,
+ CXTranslationUnit cxTU)
+ : IndexCtx(clientData, indexCallbacks, indexOptions, cxTU),
+ CXTU(cxTU) { }
+ virtual ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ StringRef InFile) {
+ IndexCtx.setASTContext(CI.getASTContext());
+ Preprocessor &PP = CI.getPreprocessor();
+ PP.addPPCallbacks(new IndexPPCallbacks(PP, IndexCtx));
+ IndexCtx.setPreprocessor(PP);
+ return new IndexingConsumer(IndexCtx);
+ }
+ virtual void EndSourceFileAction() {
+ indexDiagnostics(CXTU, IndexCtx);
+ }
+ virtual TranslationUnitKind getTranslationUnitKind() {
+ if (IndexCtx.shouldIndexImplicitTemplateInsts())
+ return TU_Complete;
+ else
+ return TU_Prefix;
+ }
+ virtual bool hasCodeCompletionSupport() const { return false; }
+// clang_indexSourceFileUnit Implementation
+struct IndexSourceFileInfo {
+ CXIndexAction idxAction;
+ CXClientData client_data;
+ IndexerCallbacks *index_callbacks;
+ unsigned index_callbacks_size;
+ unsigned index_options;
+ const char *source_filename;
+ const char *const *command_line_args;
+ int num_command_line_args;
+ struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files;
+ unsigned num_unsaved_files;
+ CXTranslationUnit *out_TU;
+ unsigned TU_options;
+ int result;
+struct MemBufferOwner {
+ SmallVector<const llvm::MemoryBuffer *, 8> Buffers;
+ ~MemBufferOwner() {
+ for (SmallVectorImpl<const llvm::MemoryBuffer *>::iterator
+ I = Buffers.begin(), E = Buffers.end(); I != E; ++I)
+ delete *I;
+ }
+} // anonymous namespace
+static void clang_indexSourceFile_Impl(void *UserData) {
+ IndexSourceFileInfo *ITUI =
+ static_cast<IndexSourceFileInfo*>(UserData);
+ CXIndex CIdx = (CXIndex)ITUI->idxAction;
+ CXClientData client_data = ITUI->client_data;
+ IndexerCallbacks *client_index_callbacks = ITUI->index_callbacks;
+ unsigned index_callbacks_size = ITUI->index_callbacks_size;
+ unsigned index_options = ITUI->index_options;
+ const char *source_filename = ITUI->source_filename;
+ const char * const *command_line_args = ITUI->command_line_args;
+ int num_command_line_args = ITUI->num_command_line_args;
+ struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files = ITUI->unsaved_files;
+ unsigned num_unsaved_files = ITUI->num_unsaved_files;
+ CXTranslationUnit *out_TU = ITUI->out_TU;
+ unsigned TU_options = ITUI->TU_options;
+ ITUI->result = 1; // init as error.
+ if (out_TU)
+ *out_TU = 0;
+ bool requestedToGetTU = (out_TU != 0);
+ if (!CIdx)
+ return;
+ if (!client_index_callbacks || index_callbacks_size == 0)
+ return;
+ IndexerCallbacks CB;
+ memset(&CB, 0, sizeof(CB));
+ unsigned ClientCBSize = index_callbacks_size < sizeof(CB)
+ ? index_callbacks_size : sizeof(CB);
+ memcpy(&CB, client_index_callbacks, ClientCBSize);
+ CIndexer *CXXIdx = static_cast<CIndexer *>(CIdx);
+ if (CXXIdx->isOptEnabled(CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForIndexing))
+ setThreadBackgroundPriority();
+ CaptureDiagnosticConsumer *CaptureDiag = new CaptureDiagnosticConsumer();
+ // Configure the diagnostics.
+ DiagnosticOptions DiagOpts;
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine>
+ Diags(CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(DiagOpts, num_command_line_args,
+ command_line_args,
+ CaptureDiag,
+ /*ShouldOwnClient=*/true,
+ /*ShouldCloneClient=*/false));
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this function.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<DiagnosticsEngine,
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextReleaseRefCleanup<DiagnosticsEngine> >
+ DiagCleanup(Diags.getPtr());
+ OwningPtr<std::vector<const char *> >
+ Args(new std::vector<const char*>());
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<std::vector<const char*> >
+ ArgsCleanup(Args.get());
+ Args->insert(Args->end(), command_line_args,
+ command_line_args + num_command_line_args);
+ // The 'source_filename' argument is optional. If the caller does not
+ // specify it then it is assumed that the source file is specified
+ // in the actual argument list.
+ // Put the source file after command_line_args otherwise if '-x' flag is
+ // present it will be unused.
+ if (source_filename)
+ Args->push_back(source_filename);
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<CompilerInvocation>
+ CInvok(createInvocationFromCommandLine(*Args, Diags));
+ if (!CInvok)
+ return;
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this function.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<CompilerInvocation,
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextReleaseRefCleanup<CompilerInvocation> >
+ CInvokCleanup(CInvok.getPtr());
+ if (CInvok->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.empty())
+ return;
+ OwningPtr<MemBufferOwner> BufOwner(new MemBufferOwner());
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<MemBufferOwner>
+ BufOwnerCleanup(BufOwner.get());
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I != num_unsaved_files; ++I) {
+ StringRef Data(unsaved_files[I].Contents, unsaved_files[I].Length);
+ const llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buffer
+ = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Data, unsaved_files[I].Filename);
+ CInvok->getPreprocessorOpts().addRemappedFile(unsaved_files[I].Filename, Buffer);
+ BufOwner->Buffers.push_back(Buffer);
+ }
+ // Since libclang is primarily used by batch tools dealing with
+ // (often very broken) source code, where spell-checking can have a
+ // significant negative impact on performance (particularly when
+ // precompiled headers are involved), we disable it.
+ CInvok->getLangOpts()->SpellChecking = false;
+ if (!requestedToGetTU)
+ CInvok->getPreprocessorOpts().DetailedRecord = false;
+ if (index_options & CXIndexOpt_SuppressWarnings)
+ CInvok->getDiagnosticOpts().IgnoreWarnings = true;
+ ASTUnit *Unit = ASTUnit::create(CInvok.getPtr(), Diags,
+ /*CaptureDiagnostics=*/true);
+ OwningPtr<CXTUOwner> CXTU(new CXTUOwner(MakeCXTranslationUnit(CXXIdx, Unit)));
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<CXTUOwner>
+ CXTUCleanup(CXTU.get());
+ OwningPtr<IndexingFrontendAction> IndexAction;
+ IndexAction.reset(new IndexingFrontendAction(client_data, CB,
+ index_options, CXTU->getTU()));
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<IndexingFrontendAction>
+ IndexActionCleanup(IndexAction.get());
+ bool Persistent = requestedToGetTU;
+ StringRef ResourceFilesPath = CXXIdx->getClangResourcesPath();
+ bool OnlyLocalDecls = false;
+ bool PrecompilePreamble = false;
+ bool CacheCodeCompletionResults = false;
+ PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts = CInvok->getPreprocessorOpts();
+ PPOpts.DetailedRecord = false;
+ PPOpts.AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors = true;
+ if (requestedToGetTU) {
+ OnlyLocalDecls = CXXIdx->getOnlyLocalDecls();
+ PrecompilePreamble = TU_options & CXTranslationUnit_PrecompiledPreamble;
+ // FIXME: Add a flag for modules.
+ CacheCodeCompletionResults
+ = TU_options & CXTranslationUnit_CacheCompletionResults;
+ if (TU_options & CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord) {
+ PPOpts.DetailedRecord = true;
+ }
+ }
+ DiagnosticErrorTrap DiagTrap(*Diags);
+ bool Success = ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocationAction(CInvok.getPtr(), Diags,
+ IndexAction.get(),
+ Unit,
+ Persistent,
+ ResourceFilesPath,
+ OnlyLocalDecls,
+ /*CaptureDiagnostics=*/true,
+ PrecompilePreamble,
+ CacheCodeCompletionResults);
+ if (DiagTrap.hasErrorOccurred() && CXXIdx->getDisplayDiagnostics())
+ printDiagsToStderr(Unit);
+ if (!Success)
+ return;
+ if (out_TU)
+ *out_TU = CXTU->takeTU();
+ ITUI->result = 0; // success.
+// clang_indexTranslationUnit Implementation
+namespace {
+struct IndexTranslationUnitInfo {
+ CXIndexAction idxAction;
+ CXClientData client_data;
+ IndexerCallbacks *index_callbacks;
+ unsigned index_callbacks_size;
+ unsigned index_options;
+ CXTranslationUnit TU;
+ int result;
+} // anonymous namespace
+static void indexPreprocessingRecord(ASTUnit &Unit, IndexingContext &IdxCtx) {
+ Preprocessor &PP = Unit.getPreprocessor();
+ if (!PP.getPreprocessingRecord())
+ return;
+ PreprocessingRecord &PPRec = *PP.getPreprocessingRecord();
+ // FIXME: Only deserialize inclusion directives.
+ // FIXME: Only deserialize stuff from the last chained PCH, not the PCH/Module
+ // that it depends on.
+ bool OnlyLocal = !Unit.isMainFileAST() && Unit.getOnlyLocalDecls();
+ PreprocessingRecord::iterator I, E;
+ if (OnlyLocal) {
+ I = PPRec.local_begin();
+ E = PPRec.local_end();
+ } else {
+ I = PPRec.begin();
+ E = PPRec.end();
+ }
+ for (; I != E; ++I) {
+ PreprocessedEntity *PPE = *I;
+ if (InclusionDirective *ID = dyn_cast<InclusionDirective>(PPE)) {
+ IdxCtx.ppIncludedFile(ID->getSourceRange().getBegin(), ID->getFileName(),
+ ID->getFile(), ID->getKind() == InclusionDirective::Import,
+ !ID->wasInQuotes());
+ }
+ }
+static void indexTranslationUnit(ASTUnit &Unit, IndexingContext &IdxCtx) {
+ // FIXME: Only deserialize stuff from the last chained PCH, not the PCH/Module
+ // that it depends on.
+ bool OnlyLocal = !Unit.isMainFileAST() && Unit.getOnlyLocalDecls();
+ if (OnlyLocal) {
+ for (ASTUnit::top_level_iterator TL = Unit.top_level_begin(),
+ TLEnd = Unit.top_level_end();
+ TL != TLEnd; ++TL) {
+ IdxCtx.indexTopLevelDecl(*TL);
+ if (IdxCtx.shouldAbort())
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ TranslationUnitDecl *TUDecl = Unit.getASTContext().getTranslationUnitDecl();
+ for (TranslationUnitDecl::decl_iterator
+ I = TUDecl->decls_begin(), E = TUDecl->decls_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ IdxCtx.indexTopLevelDecl(*I);
+ if (IdxCtx.shouldAbort())
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+static void indexDiagnostics(CXTranslationUnit TU, IndexingContext &IdxCtx) {
+ if (!IdxCtx.hasDiagnosticCallback())
+ return;
+ CXDiagnosticSetImpl *DiagSet = cxdiag::lazyCreateDiags(TU);
+ IdxCtx.handleDiagnosticSet(DiagSet);
+static void clang_indexTranslationUnit_Impl(void *UserData) {
+ IndexTranslationUnitInfo *ITUI =
+ static_cast<IndexTranslationUnitInfo*>(UserData);
+ CXTranslationUnit TU = ITUI->TU;
+ CXClientData client_data = ITUI->client_data;
+ IndexerCallbacks *client_index_callbacks = ITUI->index_callbacks;
+ unsigned index_callbacks_size = ITUI->index_callbacks_size;
+ unsigned index_options = ITUI->index_options;
+ ITUI->result = 1; // init as error.
+ if (!TU)
+ return;
+ if (!client_index_callbacks || index_callbacks_size == 0)
+ return;
+ CIndexer *CXXIdx = (CIndexer*)TU->CIdx;
+ if (CXXIdx->isOptEnabled(CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForIndexing))
+ setThreadBackgroundPriority();
+ IndexerCallbacks CB;
+ memset(&CB, 0, sizeof(CB));
+ unsigned ClientCBSize = index_callbacks_size < sizeof(CB)
+ ? index_callbacks_size : sizeof(CB);
+ memcpy(&CB, client_index_callbacks, ClientCBSize);
+ OwningPtr<IndexingContext> IndexCtx;
+ IndexCtx.reset(new IndexingContext(client_data, CB, index_options, TU));
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<IndexingContext>
+ IndexCtxCleanup(IndexCtx.get());
+ OwningPtr<IndexingConsumer> IndexConsumer;
+ IndexConsumer.reset(new IndexingConsumer(*IndexCtx));
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<IndexingConsumer>
+ IndexConsumerCleanup(IndexConsumer.get());
+ ASTUnit *Unit = static_cast<ASTUnit *>(TU->TUData);
+ if (!Unit)
+ return;
+ FileManager &FileMgr = Unit->getFileManager();
+ if (Unit->getOriginalSourceFileName().empty())
+ IndexCtx->enteredMainFile(0);
+ else
+ IndexCtx->enteredMainFile(FileMgr.getFile(Unit->getOriginalSourceFileName()));
+ IndexConsumer->Initialize(Unit->getASTContext());
+ indexPreprocessingRecord(*Unit, *IndexCtx);
+ indexTranslationUnit(*Unit, *IndexCtx);
+ indexDiagnostics(TU, *IndexCtx);
+ ITUI->result = 0;
+// libclang public APIs.
+extern "C" {
+int clang_index_isEntityObjCContainerKind(CXIdxEntityKind K) {
+ return CXIdxEntity_ObjCClass <= K && K <= CXIdxEntity_ObjCCategory;
+const CXIdxObjCContainerDeclInfo *
+clang_index_getObjCContainerDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
+ if (!DInfo)
+ return 0;
+ const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
+ if (const ObjCContainerDeclInfo *
+ ContInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCContainerDeclInfo>(DI))
+ return &ContInfo->ObjCContDeclInfo;
+ return 0;
+const CXIdxObjCInterfaceDeclInfo *
+clang_index_getObjCInterfaceDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
+ if (!DInfo)
+ return 0;
+ const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
+ if (const ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo *
+ InterInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo>(DI))
+ return &InterInfo->ObjCInterDeclInfo;
+ return 0;
+const CXIdxObjCCategoryDeclInfo *
+clang_index_getObjCCategoryDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo){
+ if (!DInfo)
+ return 0;
+ const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
+ if (const ObjCCategoryDeclInfo *
+ CatInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryDeclInfo>(DI))
+ return &CatInfo->ObjCCatDeclInfo;
+ return 0;
+const CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo *
+clang_index_getObjCProtocolRefListInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
+ if (!DInfo)
+ return 0;
+ const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
+ if (const ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo *
+ InterInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo>(DI))
+ return InterInfo->ObjCInterDeclInfo.protocols;
+ if (const ObjCProtocolDeclInfo *
+ ProtInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCProtocolDeclInfo>(DI))
+ return &ProtInfo->ObjCProtoRefListInfo;
+ if (const ObjCCategoryDeclInfo *CatInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryDeclInfo>(DI))
+ return CatInfo->ObjCCatDeclInfo.protocols;
+ return 0;
+const CXIdxObjCPropertyDeclInfo *
+clang_index_getObjCPropertyDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
+ if (!DInfo)
+ return 0;
+ const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
+ if (const ObjCPropertyDeclInfo *PropInfo = dyn_cast<ObjCPropertyDeclInfo>(DI))
+ return &PropInfo->ObjCPropDeclInfo;
+ return 0;
+const CXIdxIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo *
+clang_index_getIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo(const CXIdxAttrInfo *AInfo) {
+ if (!AInfo)
+ return 0;
+ const AttrInfo *DI = static_cast<const AttrInfo *>(AInfo);
+ if (const IBOutletCollectionInfo *
+ IBInfo = dyn_cast<IBOutletCollectionInfo>(DI))
+ return &IBInfo->IBCollInfo;
+ return 0;
+const CXIdxCXXClassDeclInfo *
+clang_index_getCXXClassDeclInfo(const CXIdxDeclInfo *DInfo) {
+ if (!DInfo)
+ return 0;
+ const DeclInfo *DI = static_cast<const DeclInfo *>(DInfo);
+ if (const CXXClassDeclInfo *ClassInfo = dyn_cast<CXXClassDeclInfo>(DI))
+ return &ClassInfo->CXXClassInfo;
+ return 0;
+clang_index_getClientContainer(const CXIdxContainerInfo *info) {
+ if (!info)
+ return 0;
+ const ContainerInfo *Container = static_cast<const ContainerInfo *>(info);
+ return Container->IndexCtx->getClientContainerForDC(Container->DC);
+void clang_index_setClientContainer(const CXIdxContainerInfo *info,
+ CXIdxClientContainer client) {
+ if (!info)
+ return;
+ const ContainerInfo *Container = static_cast<const ContainerInfo *>(info);
+ Container->IndexCtx->addContainerInMap(Container->DC, client);
+CXIdxClientEntity clang_index_getClientEntity(const CXIdxEntityInfo *info) {
+ if (!info)
+ return 0;
+ const EntityInfo *Entity = static_cast<const EntityInfo *>(info);
+ return Entity->IndexCtx->getClientEntity(Entity->Dcl);
+void clang_index_setClientEntity(const CXIdxEntityInfo *info,
+ CXIdxClientEntity client) {
+ if (!info)
+ return;
+ const EntityInfo *Entity = static_cast<const EntityInfo *>(info);
+ Entity->IndexCtx->setClientEntity(Entity->Dcl, client);
+CXIndexAction clang_IndexAction_create(CXIndex CIdx) {
+ // For now, CXIndexAction is featureless.
+ return CIdx;
+void clang_IndexAction_dispose(CXIndexAction idxAction) {
+ // For now, CXIndexAction is featureless.
+int clang_indexSourceFile(CXIndexAction idxAction,
+ CXClientData client_data,
+ IndexerCallbacks *index_callbacks,
+ unsigned index_callbacks_size,
+ unsigned index_options,
+ const char *source_filename,
+ const char * const *command_line_args,
+ int num_command_line_args,
+ struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files,
+ unsigned num_unsaved_files,
+ CXTranslationUnit *out_TU,
+ unsigned TU_options) {
+ IndexSourceFileInfo ITUI = { idxAction, client_data, index_callbacks,
+ index_callbacks_size, index_options,
+ source_filename, command_line_args,
+ num_command_line_args, unsaved_files,
+ num_unsaved_files, out_TU, TU_options, 0 };
+ if (getenv("LIBCLANG_NOTHREADS")) {
+ clang_indexSourceFile_Impl(&ITUI);
+ return ITUI.result;
+ }
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContext CRC;
+ if (!RunSafely(CRC, clang_indexSourceFile_Impl, &ITUI)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "libclang: crash detected during indexing source file: {\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " 'source_filename' : '%s'\n", source_filename);
+ fprintf(stderr, " 'command_line_args' : [");
+ for (int i = 0; i != num_command_line_args; ++i) {
+ if (i)
+ fprintf(stderr, ", ");
+ fprintf(stderr, "'%s'", command_line_args[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "],\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " 'unsaved_files' : [");
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i != num_unsaved_files; ++i) {
+ if (i)
+ fprintf(stderr, ", ");
+ fprintf(stderr, "('%s', '...', %ld)", unsaved_files[i].Filename,
+ unsaved_files[i].Length);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "],\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " 'options' : %d,\n", TU_options);
+ fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
+ return 1;
+ } else if (getenv("LIBCLANG_RESOURCE_USAGE")) {
+ if (out_TU)
+ PrintLibclangResourceUsage(*out_TU);
+ }
+ return ITUI.result;
+int clang_indexTranslationUnit(CXIndexAction idxAction,
+ CXClientData client_data,
+ IndexerCallbacks *index_callbacks,
+ unsigned index_callbacks_size,
+ unsigned index_options,
+ CXTranslationUnit TU) {
+ IndexTranslationUnitInfo ITUI = { idxAction, client_data, index_callbacks,
+ index_callbacks_size, index_options, TU,
+ 0 };
+ if (getenv("LIBCLANG_NOTHREADS")) {
+ clang_indexTranslationUnit_Impl(&ITUI);
+ return ITUI.result;
+ }
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContext CRC;
+ if (!RunSafely(CRC, clang_indexTranslationUnit_Impl, &ITUI)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "libclang: crash detected during indexing TU\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return ITUI.result;
+void clang_indexLoc_getFileLocation(CXIdxLoc location,
+ CXIdxClientFile *indexFile,
+ CXFile *file,
+ unsigned *line,
+ unsigned *column,
+ unsigned *offset) {
+ if (indexFile) *indexFile = 0;
+ if (file) *file = 0;
+ if (line) *line = 0;
+ if (column) *column = 0;
+ if (offset) *offset = 0;
+ SourceLocation Loc = SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(location.int_data);
+ if (!location.ptr_data[0] || Loc.isInvalid())
+ return;
+ IndexingContext &IndexCtx =
+ *static_cast<IndexingContext*>(location.ptr_data[0]);
+ IndexCtx.translateLoc(Loc, indexFile, file, line, column, offset);
+CXSourceLocation clang_indexLoc_getCXSourceLocation(CXIdxLoc location) {
+ SourceLocation Loc = SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(location.int_data);
+ if (!location.ptr_data[0] || Loc.isInvalid())
+ return clang_getNullLocation();
+ IndexingContext &IndexCtx =
+ *static_cast<IndexingContext*>(location.ptr_data[0]);
+ return cxloc::translateSourceLocation(IndexCtx.getASTContext(), Loc);
+} // end: extern "C"
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud