path: root/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG')
18 files changed, 211 insertions, 442 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/2009-01-19-UnconditionalTrappingConstantExpr.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/2009-01-19-UnconditionalTrappingConstantExpr.ll
index 568e61c..e2765e5 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/2009-01-19-UnconditionalTrappingConstantExpr.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/2009-01-19-UnconditionalTrappingConstantExpr.ll
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | grep {br i1 } | count 4
+; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | FileCheck %s
; PR3354
; Do not merge bb1 into the entry block, it might trap.
@G = extern_weak global i32
+; CHECK: @test(
+; CHECK: br i1 %tmp25
+; CHECK: bb1:
+; CHECK: sdiv
define i32 @test(i32 %tmp21, i32 %tmp24) {
%tmp25 = icmp sle i32 %tmp21, %tmp24
br i1 %tmp25, label %bb2, label %bb1
@@ -18,6 +23,11 @@ bb6:
ret i32 927
+; CHECK: @test2(
+; CHECK: br i1 %tmp34
+; CHECK: bb5:
+; CHECK: sdiv
define i32 @test2(i32 %tmp21, i32 %tmp24, i1 %tmp34) {
br i1 %tmp34, label %bb5, label %bb6
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/2010-10-24-OnlyUnwindInEntry.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/2010-10-24-OnlyUnwindInEntry.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index ebacf2f..0000000
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/2010-10-24-OnlyUnwindInEntry.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: opt %s -simplifycfg -disable-output
-; PR8445
-define void @test() {
- unwind
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/SpeculativeExec.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/SpeculativeExec.ll
index 5cfc77c..a61867f 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/SpeculativeExec.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/SpeculativeExec.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | grep select
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | grep br | count 2
+; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -phi-node-folding-threshold=2 -S | FileCheck %s
-define i32 @t2(i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c) nounwind {
+target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+define i32 @test1(i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c) nounwind {
+; CHECK: @test1
%tmp1 = icmp eq i32 %b, 0
br i1 %tmp1, label %bb1, label %bb3
@@ -9,6 +12,11 @@ entry:
bb1: ; preds = %entry
%tmp2 = icmp sgt i32 %c, 1
br i1 %tmp2, label %bb2, label %bb3
+; CHECK: bb1:
+; CHECK-NEXT: icmp sgt i32 %c, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: add i32 %a, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: select i1 %tmp2, i32 %tmp3, i32 %a
+; CHECK-NEXT: br label %bb3
bb2: ; preds = bb1
%tmp3 = add i32 %a, 1
@@ -19,3 +27,20 @@ bb3: ; preds = %bb2, %entry
%tmp5 = sub i32 %tmp4, 1
ret i32 %tmp5
+declare i8 @llvm.cttz.i8(i8, i1)
+define i8 @test2(i8 %a) {
+; CHECK: @test2
+ br i1 undef, label %bb_true, label %bb_false
+ %b = tail call i8 @llvm.cttz.i8(i8 %a, i1 false)
+ br label %join
+ br label %join
+ %c = phi i8 [%b, %bb_true], [%a, %bb_false]
+; CHECK: select
+ ret i8 %c
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch-branch-dbginfo.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch-branch-dbginfo.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 761f0d5..0000000
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch-branch-dbginfo.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | grep {br i1} | count 1
-; ModuleID = '<stdin>'
-target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32"
-target triple = "i386-pc-linux-gnu"
- %llvm.dbg.anchor.type = type { i32, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.basictype.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type = type { i32, { }*, i32, i8*, i8*, i8* }
- %llvm.dbg.derivedtype.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, i64, i64, i64, i32, { }* }
- %llvm.dbg.subprogram.type = type { i32, { }*, { }*, i8*, i8*, i8*, { }*, i32, { }*, i1, i1 }
- %llvm.dbg.variable.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, { }* }
-@llvm.dbg.subprogram = internal constant %llvm.dbg.subprogram.type { i32 393262, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.subprograms to { }*), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str3, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str3, i32 0, i32 0), i8* null, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 4, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype to { }*), i1 false, i1 true }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.subprograms = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 393216, i32 46 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.anchor.type*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.compile_unit = internal constant %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type { i32 393233, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_units to { }*), i32 1, i8* getelementptr ([7 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([5 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([52 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0) }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.compile_units = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 393216, i32 17 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.anchor.type*> [#uses=1]
-@.str = internal constant [7 x i8] c"cond.c\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[7 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str1 = internal constant [5 x i8] c"/tmp\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[5 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str2 = internal constant [52 x i8] c"4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5555) (LLVM build)\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[52 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str3 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"foo\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.basictype = internal constant %llvm.dbg.basictype.type { i32 393252, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str4, i32 0, i32 0), { }* null, i32 0, i64 32, i64 32, i64 0, i32 0, i32 5 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.basictype.type*> [#uses=1]
-@.str4 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"int\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.variable = internal constant %llvm.dbg.variable.type { i32 393473, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([2 x i8]* @.str5, i32 0, i32 0), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 4, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype to { }*) }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.variable.type*> [#uses=0]
-@.str5 = internal constant [2 x i8] c"x\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[2 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.variable6 = internal constant %llvm.dbg.variable.type { i32 393473, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([2 x i8]* @.str7, i32 0, i32 0), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 4, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.derivedtype.type* @llvm.dbg.derivedtype to { }*) }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.variable.type*> [#uses=0]
-@.str7 = internal constant [2 x i8] c"y\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[2 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.derivedtype = internal constant %llvm.dbg.derivedtype.type { i32 393238, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([6 x i8]* @.str8, i32 0, i32 0), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 1, i64 0, i64 0, i64 0, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype9 to { }*) }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.derivedtype.type*> [#uses=1]
-@.str8 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"uint1\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[6 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.basictype9 = internal constant %llvm.dbg.basictype.type { i32 393252, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* null, { }* null, i32 0, i64 8, i64 8, i64 0, i32 0, i32 7 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.basictype.type*> [#uses=1]
-define i32 @foo(i32 %x1, i1 zeroext %y2) nounwind {
- %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32 ; <i32> [#uses=0]
- call void @llvm.dbg.func.start({ }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*))
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp4 = icmp eq i32 %x1, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- br i1 %tmp4, label %bb, label %bb14
-bb: ; preds = %entry
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 6, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %y2, label %bb14, label %bb10
-bb7: ; preds = %bb
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 7, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp9 = call i32 @g1(i32 %x1) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- ret i32 %tmp9
-bb10: ; preds = %bb
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 8, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp12 = add i32 %x1, 1 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- %tmp13 = call i32 @g2(i32 %tmp12) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- ret i32 %tmp13
-bb14: ; preds = %entry
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 10, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp16 = call i32 @g1(i32 %x1) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- call void @llvm.dbg.region.end({ }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*))
- ret i32 %tmp16
-declare void @llvm.dbg.func.start({ }*) nounwind
-declare void @llvm.dbg.declare({ }*, { }*) nounwind
-declare void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32, i32, { }*) nounwind
-declare i32 @g1(i32)
-declare i32 @g2(i32)
-declare void @llvm.dbg.region.end({ }*) nounwind
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch-fold.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch-fold.ll
index 266609b5..2b29681 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch-fold.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch-fold.ll
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | grep {br i1} | count 1
+; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | FileCheck %s
define void @test(i32* %P, i32* %Q, i1 %A, i1 %B) {
+; CHECK: test
+; CHECK: br i1
+; CHECK-NOT: br i1
+; CHECK: ret
+; CHECK: ret
br i1 %A, label %a, label %b
-a: ; preds = %0
br i1 %B, label %b, label %c
-b: ; preds = %a, %0
store i32 123, i32* %P
ret void
-c: ; preds = %a
ret void
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch_fold_dbg.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch_fold_dbg.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a500de..0000000
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/branch_fold_dbg.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | not grep br
-; END.
- %llvm.dbg.anchor.type = type { i32, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type = type { i32, { }*, i32, i8*, i8*, i8*, i1, i1, i8* }
-@llvm.dbg.compile_units = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 458752, i32 17 }, section "llvm.metadata"
-@.str = internal constant [4 x i8] c"a.c\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str1 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"/tmp/\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[6 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str2 = internal constant [55 x i8] c"4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5636) (LLVM build 00)\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[55 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.compile_unit = internal constant %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type { i32 458769, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_units to { }*), i32 1, i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([6 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([55 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i1 true, i1 false, i8* null }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type*> [#uses=1]
-declare void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32, i32, { }*) nounwind
-define void @main() {
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.14.i19 = icmp eq i32 0, 2 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.14.i19, label %endif.1.i20, label %read_min.exit
-endif.1.i20: ; preds = %entry
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.9.i.i = icmp eq i8* null, null ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.9.i.i, label %then.i12.i, label %then.i.i
-then.i.i: ; preds = %endif.1.i20
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- ret void
-then.i12.i: ; preds = %endif.1.i20
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.9.i4.i = icmp eq i8* null, null ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.9.i4.i, label %endif.2.i33, label %then.i5.i
-then.i5.i: ; preds = %then.i12.i
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- ret void
-endif.2.i33: ; preds = %then.i12.i
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %loopexit.0.i40, label %no_exit.0.i35
-no_exit.0.i35: ; preds = %no_exit.0.i35, %endif.2.i33
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.130.i = icmp slt i32 0, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.130.i, label %loopexit.0.i40.loopexit, label %no_exit.0.i35
-loopexit.0.i40.loopexit: ; preds = %no_exit.0.i35
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %loopexit.0.i40
-loopexit.0.i40: ; preds = %loopexit.0.i40.loopexit, %endif.2.i33
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.341.i = icmp eq i32 0, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.341.i, label %loopentry.1.i, label %read_min.exit
-loopentry.1.i: ; preds = %loopexit.0.i40
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.347.i = icmp sgt i32 0, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.347.i, label %no_exit.1.i41, label %loopexit.2.i44
-no_exit.1.i41: ; preds = %endif.5.i, %loopentry.1.i
- %indvar.i42 = phi i32 [, %endif.5.i ], [ 0, %loopentry.1.i ] ; <i32> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.355.i = icmp eq i32 0, 3 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.355.i, label %endif.5.i, label %read_min.exit
-endif.5.i: ; preds = %no_exit.1.i41
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.34773.i = icmp sgt i32 0, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- = add i32 %indvar.i42, 1 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.34773.i, label %no_exit.1.i41, label %loopexit.1.i.loopexit
-loopexit.1.i.loopexit: ; preds = %endif.5.i
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- ret void
-loopexit.2.i44: ; preds = %loopentry.1.i
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- ret void
-read_min.exit: ; preds = %no_exit.1.i41, %loopexit.0.i40, %entry
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.23 = icmp eq i32 0, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 %tmp.23, label %endif.1, label %then.1
-then.1: ; preds = %read_min.exit
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %endif.0.i, label %then.0.i
-then.0.i: ; preds = %then.1
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %endif.1.i, label %then.1.i
-endif.0.i: ; preds = %then.1
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %endif.1.i, label %then.1.i
-then.1.i: ; preds = %endif.0.i, %then.0.i
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %getfree.exit, label %then.2.i
-endif.1.i: ; preds = %endif.0.i, %then.0.i
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %getfree.exit, label %then.2.i
-then.2.i: ; preds = %endif.1.i, %then.1.i
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- ret void
-getfree.exit: ; preds = %endif.1.i, %then.1.i
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- ret void
-endif.1: ; preds = %read_min.exit
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.27.i = getelementptr i32* null, i32 0 ; <i32*> [#uses=0]
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %loopexit.0.i15, label %no_exit.0.i14
-no_exit.0.i14: ; preds = %endif.1
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- ret void
-loopexit.0.i15: ; preds = %endif.1
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %primal_start_artificial.exit, label %no_exit.1.i16
-no_exit.1.i16: ; preds = %no_exit.1.i16, %loopexit.0.i15
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br i1 false, label %primal_start_artificial.exit, label %no_exit.1.i16
-primal_start_artificial.exit: ; preds = %no_exit.1.i16, %loopexit.0.i15
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- ret void
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/dg.exp b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/dg.exp
deleted file mode 100644
index f200589..0000000
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/dg.exp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-load_lib llvm.exp
-RunLLVMTests [lsort [glob -nocomplain $srcdir/$subdir/*.{ll,c,cpp}]]
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/hoist-common-code.dbg.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/hoist-common-code.dbg.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fbbb1b..0000000
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/hoist-common-code.dbg.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | not grep br
- %llvm.dbg.anchor.type = type { i32, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type = type { i32, { }*, i32, i8*, i8*, i8*, i1, i1, i8* }
-@llvm.dbg.compile_units = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 458752, i32 17 }, section "llvm.metadata"
-@.str = internal constant [4 x i8] c"a.c\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str1 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"/tmp/\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[6 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str2 = internal constant [55 x i8] c"4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5636) (LLVM build 00)\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[55 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.compile_unit = internal constant %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type { i32 458769, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_units to { }*), i32 1, i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([6 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([55 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i1 true, i1 false, i8* null }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type*> [#uses=1]
-declare void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32, i32, { }*) nounwind
-declare void @bar(i32)
-define void @test(i1 %P, i32* %Q) {
- br i1 %P, label %T, label %F
-T: ; preds = %0
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- store i32 1, i32* %Q
- %A = load i32* %Q ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- call void @bar( i32 %A )
- ret void
-F: ; preds = %0
- store i32 1, i32* %Q
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %B = load i32* %Q ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- call void @bar( i32 %B )
- ret void
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/lit.local.cfg b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/lit.local.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19eebc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/lit.local.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+config.suffixes = ['.ll', '.c', '.cpp']
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/multiple-phis.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/multiple-phis.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7845423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/multiple-phis.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+; RUN: opt -simplifycfg -S < %s | FileCheck %s
+; It's not worthwhile to if-convert one of the phi nodes and leave
+; the other behind, because that still requires a branch. If
+; SimplifyCFG if-converts one of the phis, it should do both.
+; CHECK: %div.high.addr.0 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %div, i32 %high.addr.0
+; CHECK-NEXT: %low.0.add2 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %low.0, i32 %add2
+; CHECK-NEXT: br label %while.cond
+define i32 @upper_bound(i32* %r, i32 %high, i32 %k) nounwind {
+ br label %while.cond
+while.cond: ; preds = %if.then, %if.else, %entry
+ %high.addr.0 = phi i32 [ %high, %entry ], [ %div, %if.then ], [ %high.addr.0, %if.else ]
+ %low.0 = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %low.0, %if.then ], [ %add2, %if.else ]
+ %cmp = icmp ult i32 %low.0, %high.addr.0
+ br i1 %cmp, label %while.body, label %while.end
+while.body: ; preds = %while.cond
+ %add = add i32 %low.0, %high.addr.0
+ %div = udiv i32 %add, 2
+ %idxprom = zext i32 %div to i64
+ %arrayidx = getelementptr inbounds i32* %r, i64 %idxprom
+ %0 = load i32* %arrayidx
+ %cmp1 = icmp ult i32 %k, %0
+ br i1 %cmp1, label %if.then, label %if.else
+if.then: ; preds = %while.body
+ br label %while.cond
+if.else: ; preds = %while.body
+ %add2 = add i32 %div, 1
+ br label %while.cond
+while.end: ; preds = %while.cond
+ ret i32 %low.0
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/preserve-branchweights.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/preserve-branchweights.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c791785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/preserve-branchweights.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+; RUN: opt -simplifycfg -S -o - < %s | FileCheck %s
+declare void @helper(i32)
+define void @test1(i1 %a, i1 %b) {
+; CHECK: @test1
+ br i1 %a, label %Y, label %X, !prof !0
+; CHECK: br i1 %or.cond, label %Z, label %Y, !prof !0
+ %c = or i1 %b, false
+ br i1 %c, label %Z, label %Y, !prof !1
+ call void @helper(i32 0)
+ ret void
+ call void @helper(i32 1)
+ ret void
+define void @test2(i1 %a, i1 %b) {
+; CHECK: @test2
+ br i1 %a, label %X, label %Y, !prof !1
+; CHECK: br i1 %or.cond, label %Z, label %Y, !prof !1
+; CHECK-NOT: !prof
+ %c = or i1 %b, false
+ br i1 %c, label %Z, label %Y, !prof !2
+ call void @helper(i32 0)
+ ret void
+ call void @helper(i32 1)
+ ret void
+define void @test3(i1 %a, i1 %b) {
+; CHECK: @test3
+; CHECK-NOT: !prof
+ br i1 %a, label %X, label %Y, !prof !1
+ %c = or i1 %b, false
+ br i1 %c, label %Z, label %Y
+ call void @helper(i32 0)
+ ret void
+ call void @helper(i32 1)
+ ret void
+define void @test4(i1 %a, i1 %b) {
+; CHECK: @test4
+; CHECK-NOT: !prof
+ br i1 %a, label %X, label %Y
+ %c = or i1 %b, false
+ br i1 %c, label %Z, label %Y, !prof !1
+ call void @helper(i32 0)
+ ret void
+ call void @helper(i32 1)
+ ret void
+!0 = metadata !{metadata !"branch_weights", i32 3, i32 5}
+!1 = metadata !{metadata !"branch_weights", i32 1, i32 1}
+!2 = metadata !{metadata !"branch_weights", i32 1, i32 2}
+; CHECK: !0 = metadata !{metadata !"branch_weights", i32 5, i32 11}
+; CHECK: !1 = metadata !{metadata !"branch_weights", i32 1, i32 5}
+; CHECK-NOT: !2
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/select-gep.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/select-gep.ll
index 009f05e..7654d02 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/select-gep.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/select-gep.ll
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ if.end:
ret i8* %x.addr
; CHECK: @test2
-; CHECK: %x.addr = select i1 %cmp, i8* %incdec.ptr, i8* %y
-; CHECK: ret i8* %x.addr
+; CHECK: %incdec.ptr.y = select i1 %cmp, i8* %incdec.ptr, i8* %y
+; CHECK: ret i8* %incdec.ptr.y
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch-masked-bits.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch-masked-bits.ll
index fc83ec2..3b0c48b 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch-masked-bits.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch-masked-bits.ll
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ c:
ret i32 5
; CHECK: @test1
; CHECK: %cond = icmp eq i32 %i, 24
-; CHECK: %merge = select i1 %cond, i32 5, i32 0
-; CHECK: ret i32 %merge
+; CHECK: %. = select i1 %cond, i32 5, i32 0
+; CHECK: ret i32 %.
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch-on-const-select.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch-on-const-select.ll
index 5494a65..673a62b 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch-on-const-select.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch-on-const-select.ll
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ entry:
; CHECK: %lt = icmp slt i64 %x, %y
%lt = icmp slt i64 %x, %y
-; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 %lt, label %a, label %r
+; CHECK-NEXT: select i1 %lt, i32 -1, i32 1
%qux = select i1 %lt, i32 0, i32 2
switch i32 %qux, label %bees [
i32 0, label %a
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch_formation.dbg.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch_formation.dbg.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 2723ec6..0000000
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch_formation.dbg.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | FileCheck %s
- %llvm.dbg.anchor.type = type { i32, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type = type { i32, { }*, i32, i8*, i8*, i8*, i1, i1, i8* }
-@llvm.dbg.compile_units = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 458752, i32 17 }, section "llvm.metadata"
-@.str = internal constant [4 x i8] c"a.c\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str1 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"/tmp/\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[6 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str2 = internal constant [55 x i8] c"4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5636) (LLVM build 00)\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[55 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.compile_unit = internal constant %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type { i32 458769, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_units to { }*), i32 1, i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([6 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([55 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i1 true, i1 false, i8* null }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type*> [#uses=1]
-declare void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32, i32, { }*) nounwind
-define i1 @t({ i32, i32 }* %I) {
-; CHECK: @t
-; CHECK: = add i32 %tmp.2.i, -14
-; CHECK: %switch = icmp ult i32, 6
- %tmp.1.i = getelementptr { i32, i32 }* %I, i64 0, i32 1 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
- %tmp.2.i = load i32* %tmp.1.i ; <i32> [#uses=6]
- %tmp.2 = icmp eq i32 %tmp.2.i, 14 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- br i1 %tmp.2, label %shortcirc_done.4, label %shortcirc_next.0
-shortcirc_next.0: ; preds = %entry
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.6 = icmp eq i32 %tmp.2.i, 15 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- br i1 %tmp.6, label %shortcirc_done.4, label %shortcirc_next.1
-shortcirc_next.1: ; preds = %shortcirc_next.0
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.11 = icmp eq i32 %tmp.2.i, 16 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- br i1 %tmp.11, label %shortcirc_done.4, label %shortcirc_next.2
-shortcirc_next.2: ; preds = %shortcirc_next.1
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.16 = icmp eq i32 %tmp.2.i, 17 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- br i1 %tmp.16, label %shortcirc_done.4, label %shortcirc_next.3
-shortcirc_next.3: ; preds = %shortcirc_next.2
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.21 = icmp eq i32 %tmp.2.i, 18 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- br i1 %tmp.21, label %shortcirc_done.4, label %shortcirc_next.4
-shortcirc_next.4: ; preds = %shortcirc_next.3
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp.26 = icmp eq i32 %tmp.2.i, 19 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- br label %UnifiedReturnBlock
-shortcirc_done.4: ; preds = %shortcirc_next.3, %shortcirc_next.2, %shortcirc_next.1, %shortcirc_next.0, %entry
- br label %UnifiedReturnBlock
-UnifiedReturnBlock: ; preds = %shortcirc_done.4, %shortcirc_next.4
- %UnifiedRetVal = phi i1 [ %tmp.26, %shortcirc_next.4 ], [ true, %shortcirc_done.4 ] ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- ret i1 %UnifiedRetVal
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch_switch_fold_dbginfo.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch_switch_fold_dbginfo.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 343e169..0000000
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/switch_switch_fold_dbginfo.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | \
-; RUN: not grep " switch"
-; ModuleID = '<stdin>'
-target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32"
-target triple = "i386-pc-linux-gnu"
- %llvm.dbg.anchor.type = type { i32, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.basictype.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, i64, i64, i64, i32, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type = type { i32, { }*, i32, i8*, i8*, i8*, i1, i1, i8*, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.composite.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, i64, i64, i64, i32, { }*, { }*, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.subprogram.type = type { i32, { }*, { }*, i8*, i8*, i8*, { }*, i32, { }*, i1, i1 }
- %llvm.dbg.variable.type = type { i32, { }*, i8*, { }*, i32, { }* }
-@llvm.dbg.compile_units = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 458752, i32 17 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.anchor.type*> [#uses=1]
-@.str = internal constant [10 x i8] c"swithh2.c\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[10 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str1 = internal constant [38 x i8] c"/developer/home2/zsth/test/debug/tmp/\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[38 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str2 = internal constant [52 x i8] c"4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5641) (LLVM build)\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[52 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.compile_unit = internal constant %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type { i32 458769, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_units to { }*), i32 1, i8* getelementptr ([10 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([38 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([52 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i1 true, i1 false, i8* null, i32 -1 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type*> [#uses=1]
-@.str3 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"int\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.basictype = internal constant %llvm.dbg.basictype.type { i32 458788, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str3, i32 0, i32 0), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 0, i64 32, i64 32, i64 0, i32 0, i32 5 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.basictype.type*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.array = internal constant [2 x { }*] [{ }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype to { }*), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype to { }*)], section "llvm.metadata" ; <[2 x { }*]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.composite = internal constant %llvm.dbg.composite.type { i32 458773, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* null, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 0, i64 0, i64 0, i64 0, i32 0, { }* null, { }* bitcast ([2 x { }*]* @llvm.dbg.array to { }*), i32 0 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.composite.type*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.subprograms = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 458752, i32 46 }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.anchor.type*> [#uses=1]
-@.str4 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"foo\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.subprogram = internal constant %llvm.dbg.subprogram.type { i32 458798, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.subprograms to { }*), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str4, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str4, i32 0, i32 0), i8* null, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 1, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.composite.type* @llvm.dbg.composite to { }*), i1 false, i1 true }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type*> [#uses=1]
-@.str5 = internal constant [2 x i8] c"x\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[2 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.variable = internal constant %llvm.dbg.variable.type { i32 459009, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*), i8* getelementptr ([2 x i8]* @.str5, i32 0, i32 0), { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*), i32 1, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.basictype.type* @llvm.dbg.basictype to { }*) }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.variable.type*> [#uses=0]
-define i32 @foo(i32 %x) nounwind {
- %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32 ; <i32> [#uses=0]
- call void @llvm.dbg.func.start({ }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*))
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 2, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- switch i32 %x, label %bb4 [
- i32 1, label %bb
- i32 2, label %bb1
- i32 3, label %bb2
- i32 4, label %bb3
- ]
- ; No predecessors!
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 2, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb
-bb: ; preds = %0, %entry
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 3, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb8
- ; No predecessors!
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 3, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb1
-bb1: ; preds = %1, %entry
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 4, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb8
- ; No predecessors!
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 4, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb2
-bb2: ; preds = %2, %entry
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb8
- ; No predecessors!
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb3
-bb3: ; preds = %3, %entry
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 6, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb8
- ; No predecessors!
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 6, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb4
-bb4: ; preds = %4, %entry
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 10, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- switch i32 %x, label %bb7 [
- i32 5, label %bb5
- i32 6, label %bb6
- ]
- ; No predecessors!
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 10, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb5
-bb5: ; preds = %5, %bb4
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 11, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb8
- ; No predecessors!
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 11, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb6
-bb6: ; preds = %6, %bb4
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 12, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb8
- ; No predecessors!
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 12, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb7
-bb7: ; preds = %7, %bb4
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 13, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %bb8
-bb8: ; preds = %bb7, %bb6, %bb5, %bb3, %bb2, %bb1, %bb
- %.0 = phi i32 [ 4, %bb3 ], [ 3, %bb2 ], [ 2, %bb1 ], [ 1, %bb ], [ 6, %bb6 ], [ 5, %bb5 ], [ 0, %bb7 ] ; <i32> [#uses=1]
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 13, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- br label %return
-return: ; preds = %bb8
- call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 13, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- call void @llvm.dbg.region.end({ }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.subprogram.type* @llvm.dbg.subprogram to { }*))
- ret i32 %.0
-declare void @llvm.dbg.func.start({ }*) nounwind
-declare void @llvm.dbg.declare({ }*, { }*) nounwind
-declare void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32, i32, { }*) nounwind
-declare void @llvm.dbg.region.end({ }*) nounwind
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/two-entry-phi-return.dbg.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/two-entry-phi-return.dbg.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index 01041eb..0000000
--- a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/two-entry-phi-return.dbg.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | not grep br
- %llvm.dbg.anchor.type = type { i32, i32 }
- %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type = type { i32, { }*, i32, i8*, i8*, i8*, i1, i1, i8* }
-@llvm.dbg.compile_units = linkonce constant %llvm.dbg.anchor.type { i32 458752, i32 17 }, section "llvm.metadata"
-@.str = internal constant [4 x i8] c"a.c\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[4 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str1 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"/tmp/\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[6 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@.str2 = internal constant [55 x i8] c"4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5636) (LLVM build 00)\00", section "llvm.metadata" ; <[55 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.dbg.compile_unit = internal constant %llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type { i32 458769, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.anchor.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_units to { }*), i32 1, i8* getelementptr ([4 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([6 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr ([55 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0), i1 true, i1 false, i8* null }, section "llvm.metadata" ; <%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type*> [#uses=1]
-declare void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32, i32, { }*) nounwind
-define i1 @qux(i8* %m, i8* %n, i8* %o, i8* %p) nounwind {
- %tmp7 = icmp eq i8* %m, %n
- br i1 %tmp7, label %bb, label %UnifiedReturnBlock
-call void @llvm.dbg.stoppoint(i32 5, i32 0, { }* bitcast (%llvm.dbg.compile_unit.type* @llvm.dbg.compile_unit to { }*))
- %tmp15 = icmp eq i8* %o, %p
- br label %UnifiedReturnBlock
- %result = phi i1 [ 0, %entry ], [ %tmp15, %bb ]
- ret i1 %result
diff --git a/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/unreachable-blocks.ll b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/unreachable-blocks.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1df0eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/SimplifyCFG/unreachable-blocks.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+; RUN: opt -simplifycfg < %s -disable-output
+target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64"
+target triple = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
+; PR11825
+define void @test1() {
+ br label %return
+while_block: ; preds = %and_if_cont2, %and_if_cont
+ %newlen = sub i32 %newlen, 1
+ %newptr = getelementptr i8* %newptr, i64 1
+ %test = icmp sgt i32 %newlen, 0
+ br i1 %test, label %and_if1, label %and_if_cont2
+and_if1: ; preds = %while_block
+ %char = load i8* %newptr
+ %test2 = icmp ule i8 %char, 32
+ br label %and_if_cont2
+and_if_cont2: ; preds = %and_if1, %while_block
+ %a18 = phi i1 [ %test, %while_block ], [ %test2, %and_if1 ]
+ br i1 %a18, label %while_block, label %return
+return: ; preds = %and_if_cont2, %and_if_cont
+ ret void
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