path: root/test/Transforms/ObjCARC
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/Transforms/ObjCARC')
5 files changed, 259 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/basic.ll b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/basic.ll
index ba2f778..d9bb3f2 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/basic.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/basic.ll
@@ -1871,6 +1871,30 @@ return: ; preds = %if.then, %entry
ret i8* %retval
+; An objc_retain can serve as a may-use for a different pointer.
+; rdar://11931823
+; CHECK: define void @test66(
+; CHECK: %tmp7 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %cond) nounwind
+; CHECK: tail call void @objc_release(i8* %cond) nounwind
+; CHECK: }
+define void @test66(i8* %tmp5, i8* %bar, i1 %tobool, i1 %tobool1, i8* %call) {
+ br i1 %tobool, label %cond.true, label %cond.end
+ br label %cond.end
+cond.end: ; preds = %cond.true, %entry
+ %cond = phi i8* [ %tmp5, %cond.true ], [ %call, %entry ]
+ %tmp7 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %cond) nounwind
+ tail call void @objc_release(i8* %call) nounwind
+ %tmp8 = select i1 %tobool1, i8* %cond, i8* %bar
+ %tmp9 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %tmp8) nounwind
+ tail call void @objc_release(i8* %cond) nounwind
+ ret void
declare void @bar(i32 ()*)
; A few real-world testcases.
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/contract-storestrong.ll b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/contract-storestrong.ll
index 4ff0596..2922f81 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/contract-storestrong.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/contract-storestrong.ll
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64"
declare i8* @objc_retain(i8*)
declare void @objc_release(i8*)
+declare void @use_pointer(i8*)
@x = external global i8*
@@ -57,3 +58,112 @@ entry:
tail call void @objc_release(i8* %tmp) nounwind
ret void
+; Don't do this if there's a use of the old pointer value between the store
+; and the release.
+; CHECK: define void @test3(i8* %newValue) {
+; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT: %x0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %newValue) nounwind
+; CHECK-NEXT: %x1 = load i8** @x, align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: store i8* %x0, i8** @x, align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @use_pointer(i8* %x1), !clang.arc.no_objc_arc_exceptions !0
+; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @objc_release(i8* %x1) nounwind, !clang.imprecise_release !0
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
+define void @test3(i8* %newValue) {
+ %x0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %newValue) nounwind
+ %x1 = load i8** @x, align 8
+ store i8* %newValue, i8** @x, align 8
+ tail call void @use_pointer(i8* %x1), !clang.arc.no_objc_arc_exceptions !0
+ tail call void @objc_release(i8* %x1) nounwind, !clang.imprecise_release !0
+ ret void
+; Like test3, but with an icmp use instead of a call, for good measure.
+; CHECK: define i1 @test4(i8* %newValue, i8* %foo) {
+; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT: %x0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %newValue) nounwind
+; CHECK-NEXT: %x1 = load i8** @x, align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: store i8* %x0, i8** @x, align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: %t = icmp eq i8* %x1, %foo
+; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @objc_release(i8* %x1) nounwind, !clang.imprecise_release !0
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1 %t
+define i1 @test4(i8* %newValue, i8* %foo) {
+ %x0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %newValue) nounwind
+ %x1 = load i8** @x, align 8
+ store i8* %newValue, i8** @x, align 8
+ %t = icmp eq i8* %x1, %foo
+ tail call void @objc_release(i8* %x1) nounwind, !clang.imprecise_release !0
+ ret i1 %t
+; Do form an objc_storeStrong here, because the use is before the store.
+; CHECK: define i1 @test5(i8* %newValue, i8* %foo) {
+; CHECK: %t = icmp eq i8* %x1, %foo
+; CHECK: tail call void @objc_storeStrong(i8** @x, i8* %newValue) nounwind
+define i1 @test5(i8* %newValue, i8* %foo) {
+ %x0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %newValue) nounwind
+ %x1 = load i8** @x, align 8
+ %t = icmp eq i8* %x1, %foo
+ store i8* %newValue, i8** @x, align 8
+ tail call void @objc_release(i8* %x1) nounwind, !clang.imprecise_release !0
+ ret i1 %t
+; Like test5, but the release is before the store.
+; CHECK: define i1 @test6(i8* %newValue, i8* %foo) {
+; CHECK: %t = icmp eq i8* %x1, %foo
+; CHECK: tail call void @objc_storeStrong(i8** @x, i8* %newValue) nounwind
+define i1 @test6(i8* %newValue, i8* %foo) {
+ %x0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %newValue) nounwind
+ %x1 = load i8** @x, align 8
+ tail call void @objc_release(i8* %x1) nounwind, !clang.imprecise_release !0
+ %t = icmp eq i8* %x1, %foo
+ store i8* %newValue, i8** @x, align 8
+ ret i1 %t
+; Like test0, but there's no store, so don't form an objc_storeStrong.
+; CHECK: define void @test7(
+; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT: %0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %p) nounwind
+; CHECK-NEXT: %tmp = load i8** @x, align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @objc_release(i8* %tmp) nounwind
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
+define void @test7(i8* %p) {
+ %0 = tail call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %p) nounwind
+ %tmp = load i8** @x, align 8
+ tail call void @objc_release(i8* %tmp) nounwind
+ ret void
+; Like test0, but there's no retain, so don't form an objc_storeStrong.
+; CHECK: define void @test8(
+; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
+; CHECK-NEXT: %tmp = load i8** @x, align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: store i8* %p, i8** @x, align 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @objc_release(i8* %tmp) nounwind
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
+define void @test8(i8* %p) {
+ %tmp = load i8** @x, align 8
+ store i8* %p, i8** @x, align 8
+ tail call void @objc_release(i8* %tmp) nounwind
+ ret void
+!0 = metadata !{}
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/contract-testcases.ll b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/contract-testcases.ll
index 69fa837..1510ed0 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/contract-testcases.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/contract-testcases.ll
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
%0 = type opaque
%1 = type opaque
%2 = type { i64, i64 }
-%3 = type { i8*, i8* }
%4 = type opaque
declare %0* @"\01-[NSAttributedString(Terminal) pathAtIndex:effectiveRange:]"(%1*, i8* nocapture, i64, %2*) optsize
declare i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8*)
-declare i8* @objc_msgSend_fixup(i8*, %3*, ...)
+declare i8* @objc_msgSend_fixup(i8*, i8*, ...)
+declare i8* @objc_msgSend(i8*, i8*, ...)
declare void @objc_release(i8*)
declare %2 @NSUnionRange(i64, i64, i64, i64) optsize
declare i8* @objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(i8*)
declare i8* @objc_autorelease(i8*)
-declare i8* @objc_msgSend() nonlazybind
+declare i32 @__gxx_personality_sj0(...)
; Don't get in trouble on bugpointed code.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ bb6: ; preds = %bb5, %bb4, %bb4, %b
; CHECK: %tmp8 = phi %0* [ %0, %bb ], [ %0, %bb ]
define void @test1() {
- %tmp = tail call %0* bitcast (i8* ()* @objc_msgSend to %0* ()*)()
+ %tmp = tail call %0* bitcast (i8* (i8*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSend to %0* ()*)()
%tmp2 = bitcast %0* %tmp to i8*
%tmp3 = tail call i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %tmp2) nounwind
br i1 undef, label %bb7, label %bb7
@@ -61,3 +61,30 @@ bb7: ; preds = %bb6, %bb6, %bb5
%tmp8 = phi %0* [ %tmp, %bb ], [ %tmp, %bb ]
+; When looking for the defining instruction for an objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
+; call, handle the case where it's an invoke in a different basic block.
+; rdar://11714057
+; CHECK: define void @_Z6doTestP8NSString() {
+; CHECK: invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT: call void asm sideeffect "mov\09r7, r7\09\09@ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue", ""()
+; CHECK-NEXT: %tmp = tail call i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %call) nounwind
+define void @_Z6doTestP8NSString() {
+ %call = invoke i8* bitcast (i8* (i8*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSend to i8* ()*)()
+ to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad
+invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry
+ %tmp = tail call i8* @objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue(i8* %call) nounwind
+ unreachable
+lpad: ; preds = %entry
+ %tmp1 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_sj0 to i8*)
+ cleanup
+ resume { i8*, i32 } undef
+!clang.arc.retainAutoreleasedReturnValueMarker = !{!0}
+!0 = metadata !{metadata !"mov\09r7, r7\09\09@ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue"}
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/split-backedge.ll b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/split-backedge.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08e2dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/split-backedge.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+; RUN: opt -S -objc-arc < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Handle a retain+release pair entirely contained within a split loop backedge.
+; rdar://11256239
+; CHECK: define void @test0
+; CHECK: call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %call) nounwind
+; CHECK: call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %call) nounwind
+; CHECK: call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %cond) nounwind
+; CHECK: call void @objc_release(i8* %call) nounwind
+; CHECK: call void @objc_release(i8* %call) nounwind
+; CHECK: call void @objc_release(i8* %cond) nounwind
+define void @test0() {
+ br label %while.body
+while.body: ; preds = %while.cond
+ %call = invoke i8* @returner()
+ to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad, !clang.arc.no_objc_arc_exceptions !0
+invoke.cont: ; preds = %while.body
+ %t0 = call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %call) nounwind
+ %t1 = call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %call) nounwind
+ %call.i1 = invoke i8* @returner()
+ to label %invoke.cont1 unwind label %lpad
+invoke.cont1: ; preds = %invoke.cont
+ %cond = select i1 undef, i8* null, i8* %call
+ %t2 = call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %cond) nounwind
+ call void @objc_release(i8* %call) nounwind
+ call void @objc_release(i8* %call) nounwind
+ call void @use_pointer(i8* %cond)
+ call void @objc_release(i8* %cond) nounwind
+ br label %while.body
+lpad: ; preds = %invoke.cont, %while.body
+ %t4 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__objc_personality_v0 to i8*)
+ catch i8* null
+ ret void
+declare i8* @returner()
+declare i32 @__objc_personality_v0(...)
+declare void @objc_release(i8*)
+declare i8* @objc_retain(i8*)
+declare void @use_pointer(i8*)
+!0 = metadata !{}
diff --git a/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/weak-dce.ll b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/weak-dce.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f094671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/ObjCARC/weak-dce.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+; RUN: opt -S -basicaa -objc-arc < %s | FileCheck %s
+; rdar://11434915
+; Delete the weak calls and replace them with just the net retain.
+; CHECK: define void @test0(i8* %p) {
+; CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %p)
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
+define void @test0(i8* %p) {
+ %weakBlock = alloca i8*, align 8
+ %tmp7 = call i8* @objc_initWeak(i8** %weakBlock, i8* %p) nounwind
+ %tmp26 = call i8* @objc_loadWeakRetained(i8** %weakBlock) nounwind
+ call void @objc_destroyWeak(i8** %weakBlock) nounwind
+ ret void
+; CHECK: define i8* @test1(i8* %p) {
+; CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %p)
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i8* %p
+define i8* @test1(i8* %p) {
+ %weakBlock = alloca i8*, align 8
+ %tmp7 = call i8* @objc_initWeak(i8** %weakBlock, i8* %p) nounwind
+ %tmp26 = call i8* @objc_loadWeakRetained(i8** %weakBlock) nounwind
+ call void @objc_destroyWeak(i8** %weakBlock) nounwind
+ ret i8* %tmp26
+; CHECK: define i8* @test2(i8* %p, i8* %q) {
+; CHECK-NEXT: call i8* @objc_retain(i8* %q)
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i8* %q
+define i8* @test2(i8* %p, i8* %q) {
+ %weakBlock = alloca i8*, align 8
+ %tmp7 = call i8* @objc_initWeak(i8** %weakBlock, i8* %p) nounwind
+ %tmp19 = call i8* @objc_storeWeak(i8** %weakBlock, i8* %q) nounwind
+ %tmp26 = call i8* @objc_loadWeakRetained(i8** %weakBlock) nounwind
+ call void @objc_destroyWeak(i8** %weakBlock) nounwind
+ ret i8* %tmp26
+declare i8* @objc_initWeak(i8**, i8*)
+declare void @objc_destroyWeak(i8**)
+declare i8* @objc_loadWeakRetained(i8**)
+declare i8* @objc_storeWeak(i8** %weakBlock, i8* %q)
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