path: root/test/CodeGenObjC/blocks.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGenObjC/blocks.m')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGenObjC/blocks.m b/test/CodeGenObjC/blocks.m
index b96a8d9..11fb55b 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenObjC/blocks.m
+++ b/test/CodeGenObjC/blocks.m
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-apple-darwin9 -emit-llvm -fblocks -o %t %s
-// rdar://6676764
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-apple-darwin9 -emit-llvm -fblocks -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+// test1. All of this is somehow testing rdar://6676764
struct S {
void (^F)(struct S*);
} P;
@interface T
- (int)foo: (T (^)(T*)) x;
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ void foo(T *P) {
-(void) im0;
-// RUN: grep 'define internal i32 @"__8-\[A im0\]_block_invoke_0"' %t
+// CHECK: define internal i32 @"__8-[A im0]_block_invoke_0"(
@implementation A
-(void) im0 {
(void) ^{ return 1; }();
@@ -39,3 +38,52 @@ void foo(T *P) {
+// rdar://problem/9006315
+// In-depth test for the initialization of a __weak __block variable.
+@interface Test2 -(void) destroy; @end
+void test2(Test2 *x) {
+ extern void test2_helper(void (^)(void));
+ // CHECK: define void @test2(
+ // CHECK: [[X:%.*]] = alloca [[TEST2:%.*]]*,
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[WEAKX:%.*]] = alloca [[WEAK_T:%.*]],
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[BLOCK:%.*]] = alloca [[BLOCK_T:%.*]],
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store [[TEST2]]*
+ // isa=1 for weak byrefs.
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[T0:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]], i32 0, i32 0
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* inttoptr (i32 1 to i8*), i8** [[T0]]
+ // Forwarding.
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]], i32 0, i32 1
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]], [[WEAK_T]]** [[T1]]
+ // Flags. This is just BLOCK_HAS_COPY_DISPOSE.
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[T2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]], i32 0, i32 2
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 33554432, i32* [[T2]]
+ // Size.
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[T3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]], i32 0, i32 3
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 28, i32* [[T3]]
+ // Copy and dipose helpers.
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[T4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]], i32 0, i32 4
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* bitcast (void (i8*, i8*)* @__Block_byref_object_copy_{{.*}} to i8*), i8** [[T4]]
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[T5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]], i32 0, i32 5
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* bitcast (void (i8*)* @__Block_byref_object_dispose_{{.*}} to i8*), i8** [[T5]]
+ // Actually capture the value.
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[CAPTURE:%.*]] = load [[TEST2]]** [[X]]
+ // CHECK-NEXT: [[T6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]], i32 0, i32 6
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store [[TEST2]]* [[CAPTURE]], [[TEST2]]** [[T6]]
+ // Then we initialize the block, blah blah blah.
+ // CHECK: call void @test2_helper(
+ // Finally, kill the variable with BLOCK_FIELD_IS_BYREF. We're not
+ // supposed to pass BLOCK_FIELD_IS_WEAK here.
+ // CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = bitcast [[WEAK_T]]* [[WEAKX]] to i8*
+ // CHECK: call void @_Block_object_dispose(i8* [[T0]], i32 8)
+ __weak __block Test2 *weakX = x;
+ test2_helper(^{ [weakX destroy]; });
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