path: root/test/CodeGenCXX/cxx0x-initializer-stdinitializerlist.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGenCXX/cxx0x-initializer-stdinitializerlist.cpp')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/cxx0x-initializer-stdinitializerlist.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/cxx0x-initializer-stdinitializerlist.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81ce559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/cxx0x-initializer-stdinitializerlist.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -S -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+namespace std {
+ typedef decltype(sizeof(int)) size_t;
+ // libc++'s implementation
+ template <class _E>
+ class initializer_list
+ {
+ const _E* __begin_;
+ size_t __size_;
+ initializer_list(const _E* __b, size_t __s)
+ : __begin_(__b),
+ __size_(__s)
+ {}
+ public:
+ typedef _E value_type;
+ typedef const _E& reference;
+ typedef const _E& const_reference;
+ typedef size_t size_type;
+ typedef const _E* iterator;
+ typedef const _E* const_iterator;
+ initializer_list() : __begin_(nullptr), __size_(0) {}
+ size_t size() const {return __size_;}
+ const _E* begin() const {return __begin_;}
+ const _E* end() const {return __begin_ + __size_;}
+ };
+struct destroyme1 {
+ ~destroyme1();
+struct destroyme2 {
+ ~destroyme2();
+struct witharg1 {
+ witharg1(const destroyme1&);
+ ~witharg1();
+struct wantslist1 {
+ wantslist1(std::initializer_list<destroyme1>);
+ ~wantslist1();
+// CHECK: @_ZL25globalInitList1__initlist = internal global [3 x i32] [i32 1, i32 2, i32 3]
+// CHECK: @globalInitList1 = global %{{[^ ]+}} { i32* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i32]* @_ZL25globalInitList1__initlist, i32 0, i32 0), i{{32|64}} 3 }
+std::initializer_list<int> globalInitList1 = {1, 2, 3};
+// CHECK: @_ZL25globalInitList2__initlist = internal global [2 x %{{[^ ]*}}] zeroinitializer
+// CHECK: @globalInitList2 = global %{{[^ ]+}} { %[[WITHARG:[^ *]+]]* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x
+// CHECK: appending global
+// CHECK: define internal void
+// CHECK: call void @_ZN8witharg1C1ERK10destroyme1(%[[WITHARG]]* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x %[[WITHARG]]]* @_ZL25globalInitList2__initlist, i{{32|64}} 0, i{{32|64}} 0
+// CHECK: call void @_ZN8witharg1C1ERK10destroyme1(%[[WITHARG]]* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x %[[WITHARG]]]* @_ZL25globalInitList2__initlist, i{{32|64}} 0, i{{32|64}} 1
+// CHECK: __cxa_atexit
+// CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+// CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+std::initializer_list<witharg1> globalInitList2 = {
+ witharg1(destroyme1()), witharg1(destroyme1())
+void fn1(int i) {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn1i
+ // temporary array
+ // CHECK: [[array:%[^ ]+]] = alloca [3 x i32]
+ // CHECK: getelementptr inbounds [3 x i32]* [[array]], i{{32|64}} 0
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 1, i32*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr
+ // CHECK-NEXT: load
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store
+ // init the list
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [3 x i32]*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i32*
+ // CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr
+ // CHECK-NEXT: store i{{32|64}} 3
+ std::initializer_list<int> intlist{1, 2, i};
+void fn2() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn2v
+ void target(std::initializer_list<destroyme1>);
+ // objects should be destroyed before dm2, after call returns
+ // CHECK: call void @_Z6targetSt16initializer_listI10destroyme1E
+ target({ destroyme1(), destroyme1() });
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+void fn3() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn3v
+ // objects should be destroyed after dm2
+ auto list = { destroyme1(), destroyme1() };
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+void fn4() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn4v
+ void target(std::initializer_list<witharg1>);
+ // objects should be destroyed before dm2, after call returns
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN8witharg1C1ERK10destroyme1
+ // CHECK: call void @_Z6targetSt16initializer_listI8witharg1E
+ target({ witharg1(destroyme1()), witharg1(destroyme1()) });
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN8witharg1D1Ev
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+void fn5() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn5v
+ // temps should be destroyed before dm2
+ // objects should be destroyed after dm2
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN8witharg1C1ERK10destroyme1
+ auto list = { witharg1(destroyme1()), witharg1(destroyme1()) };
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN8witharg1D1Ev
+void fn6() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn6v
+ void target(const wantslist1&);
+ // objects should be destroyed before dm2, after call returns
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10wantslist1C1ESt16initializer_listI10destroyme1E
+ // CHECK: call void @_Z6targetRK10wantslist1
+ target({ destroyme1(), destroyme1() });
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10wantslist1D1Ev
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+void fn7() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn7v
+ // temps should be destroyed before dm2
+ // object should be destroyed after dm2
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10wantslist1C1ESt16initializer_listI10destroyme1E
+ wantslist1 wl = { destroyme1(), destroyme1() };
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10wantslist1D1Ev
+void fn8() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn8v
+ void target(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<destroyme1>>);
+ // objects should be destroyed before dm2, after call returns
+ // CHECK: call void @_Z6targetSt16initializer_listIS_I10destroyme1EE
+ std::initializer_list<destroyme1> inner;
+ target({ inner, { destroyme1() } });
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ // Only one destroy loop, since only one inner init list is directly inited.
+ // CHECK-NOT: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+void fn9() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z3fn9v
+ // objects should be destroyed after dm2
+ std::initializer_list<destroyme1> inner;
+ std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<destroyme1>> list =
+ { inner, { destroyme1() } };
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ // Only one destroy loop, since only one inner init list is directly inited.
+ // CHECK-NOT: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ // CHECK: ret void
+struct haslist1 {
+ std::initializer_list<int> il;
+ haslist1();
+// CHECK: define void @_ZN8haslist1C2Ev
+// CHECK: alloca [3 x i32]
+// CHECK: store i32 1
+// CHECK: store i32 2
+// CHECK: store i32 3
+// CHECK: store i{{32|64}} 3
+ : il{1, 2, 3}
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+struct haslist2 {
+ std::initializer_list<destroyme1> il;
+ haslist2();
+// CHECK: define void @_ZN8haslist2C2Ev
+ : il{destroyme1(), destroyme1()}
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+void fn10() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z4fn10v
+ // CHECK: alloca [3 x i32]
+ // CHECK: call noalias i8* @_Znw{{[jm]}}
+ // CHECK: store i32 1
+ // CHECK: store i32 2
+ // CHECK: store i32 3
+ // CHECK: store i32*
+ // CHECK: store i{{32|64}} 3
+ (void) new std::initializer_list<int> {1, 2, 3};
+void fn11() {
+ // CHECK: define void @_Z4fn11v
+ (void) new std::initializer_list<destroyme1> {destroyme1(), destroyme1()};
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme1D1Ev
+ destroyme2 dm2;
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN10destroyme2D1Ev
+namespace PR12178 {
+ struct string {
+ string(int);
+ ~string();
+ };
+ struct pair {
+ string a;
+ int b;
+ };
+ struct map {
+ map(std::initializer_list<pair>);
+ };
+ map m{ {1, 2}, {3, 4} };
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