path: root/test/CodeGen/Thumb2/cross-rc-coalescing-1.ll
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGen/Thumb2/cross-rc-coalescing-1.ll')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/Thumb2/cross-rc-coalescing-1.ll b/test/CodeGen/Thumb2/cross-rc-coalescing-1.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..572f1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/Thumb2/cross-rc-coalescing-1.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=thumbv7-apple-darwin9 -mcpu=cortex-a8
+%struct.FILE = type { i8*, i32, i32, i16, i16, %struct.__sbuf, i32, i8*, i32 (i8*)*, i32 (i8*, i8*, i32)*, i64 (i8*, i64, i32)*, i32 (i8*, i8*, i32)*, %struct.__sbuf, %struct.__sFILEX*, i32, [3 x i8], [1 x i8], %struct.__sbuf, i32, i64 }
+%struct.__sFILEX = type opaque
+%struct.__sbuf = type { i8*, i32 }
+declare arm_apcscc i32 @fgetc(%struct.FILE* nocapture) nounwind
+define arm_apcscc i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** nocapture %argv) nounwind {
+ br i1 undef, label %bb, label %bb1
+bb: ; preds = %entry
+ unreachable
+bb1: ; preds = %entry
+ br i1 undef, label %bb.i1, label %bb1.i2
+bb.i1: ; preds = %bb1
+ unreachable
+bb1.i2: ; preds = %bb1
+ %0 = call arm_apcscc i32 @fgetc(%struct.FILE* undef) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0]
+ br i1 undef, label %bb2.i3, label %bb3.i4
+bb2.i3: ; preds = %bb1.i2
+ br i1 undef, label %bb4.i, label %bb3.i4
+bb3.i4: ; preds = %bb2.i3, %bb1.i2
+ unreachable
+bb4.i: ; preds = %bb2.i3
+ br i1 undef, label %bb5.i, label %get_image.exit
+bb5.i: ; preds = %bb4.i
+ unreachable
+get_image.exit: ; preds = %bb4.i
+ br i1 undef, label %bb28, label %bb27
+bb27: ; preds = %get_image.exit
+ br label %bb.i
+bb.i: ; preds = %bb.i, %bb27
+ %1 = fptrunc double undef to float ; <float> [#uses=1]
+ %2 = fptoui float %1 to i8 ; <i8> [#uses=1]
+ store i8 %2, i8* undef, align 1
+ br label %bb.i
+bb28: ; preds = %get_image.exit
+ unreachable
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