path: root/sys
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Diffstat (limited to 'sys')
3 files changed, 280 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/sys/boot/forth/loader.4th b/sys/boot/forth/loader.4th
index ef956e8..7a4dbcd 100644
--- a/sys/boot/forth/loader.4th
+++ b/sys/boot/forth/loader.4th
@@ -58,32 +58,6 @@ only forth definitions also support-functions
also support-functions definitions
-: bootpath s" /boot/" ;
-: modulepath s" module_path" ;
-: saveenv ( addr len | 0 -1 -- addr' len | 0 -1 )
- dup -1 = if exit then
- dup allocate abort" Out of memory"
- swap 2dup 2>r
- move
- 2r>
-: freeenv ( addr len | 0 -1 )
- -1 = if drop else free abort" Freeing error" then
-: restoreenv ( addr len | 0 -1 -- )
- dup -1 = if ( it wasn't set )
- 2drop
- modulepath unsetenv
- else
- over >r
- modulepath setenv
- r> free abort" Freeing error"
- then
: set-tempoptions ( addrN lenN ... addr1 len1 N -- addr len 1 | 0 )
\ No options, set the default ones
dup 0= if
@@ -166,105 +140,33 @@ also support-functions definitions
also builtins
-: load-kernel ( addr len -- addr len error? )
- s" temp_options" getenv dup -1 = if
- drop 2dup 1
- else
- 2over 2
- then
- 1 load
: load-conf ( args 1 | 0 "args" -- flag )
- 0 1 unload drop
0= if ( interpreted ) get-arguments then
- if ( there are arguments )
- load-kernel if ( load command failed )
- \ Set the environment variable module_path, and try loading
- \ the kernel again.
- \ First, save module_path value
- modulepath getenv saveenv dup -1 = if 0 swap then 2>r
- \ Sets the new value
- 2dup modulepath setenv
- \ Try to load the kernel
- s" load ${kernel} ${temp_options}" ['] evaluate catch
- if ( load failed yet again )
- \ Remove garbage from the stack
- 2drop
- \ Try prepending /boot/
- bootpath 2over nip over + allocate
- if ( out of memory )
- 2drop 2drop
- 2r> restoreenv
- 100 exit
- then
- 0 2swap strcat 2swap strcat
- 2dup modulepath setenv
- drop free if ( freeing memory error )
- 2drop
- 2r> restoreenv
- 100 exit
- then
- \ Now, once more, try to load the kernel
- s" load ${kernel} ${temp_options}" ['] evaluate catch
- if ( failed once more )
- 2drop
- 2r> restoreenv
- 100 exit
- then
- else ( we found the kernel on the path passed )
- 2drop ( discard command line arguments )
- then ( could not load kernel from directory passed )
- \ Load the remaining modules, if the kernel was loaded at all
- ['] load_modules catch if 2r> restoreenv 100 exit then
- \ Return 0 to indicate success
- 0
- \ Keep new module_path
- 2r> freeenv
- exit
- then ( could not load kernel with name passed )
- 2drop ( discard command line arguments )
- else ( try just a straight-forward kernel load )
- s" load ${kernel} ${temp_options}" ['] evaluate catch
- if ( kernel load failed ) 2drop 100 exit then
- then ( there are command line arguments )
- \ Load the remaining modules, if the kernel was loaded at all
- ['] load_modules catch if 100 exit then
- \ Return 0 to indicate success
- 0
+ s" temp_options" getenv -1 <> if 2swap 2 else 1 then
+ load_kernel_and_modules
only forth also support-functions also builtins definitions
: boot
+ \ Unload only if a path was passed
+ >in @ parse-word rot >in !
+ if
+ c@ [char] - <> if
+ 0 1 unload drop
+ else
+ get-arguments 1 boot exit
+ then
+ else
+ 0 1 boot exit
+ then
?dup 0= if 0 1 boot then
: boot-conf
+ 0 1 unload drop
?dup 0= if 0 1 autoboot then
diff --git a/sys/boot/forth/loader.conf b/sys/boot/forth/loader.conf
index 897eb40..916a491 100644
--- a/sys/boot/forth/loader.conf
+++ b/sys/boot/forth/loader.conf
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ bitmap_type="splash_image_data"
#autoboot_delay="10" # Delay in seconds before autobooting
-#bootfile="kernel,kernel.old" # Set the default boot file set
+bootfile="kernel" # Set the default boot file set
#console="vidconsole" # Set the current console
#currdev="disk1s1a" # Set the current device
-#module_path="/boot/modules;/modules;/boot/kernel" # Set the module search path
+module_path="/boot/modules;/modules;/boot/kernel" # Set the module search path
#prompt="\\${interpret}" # Set the command prompt
#root_disk_unit="0" # Force the root disk unit number
#rootdev="disk1s1a" # Set the root filesystem
diff --git a/sys/boot/forth/support.4th b/sys/boot/forth/support.4th
index 814e522..e3feb05 100644
--- a/sys/boot/forth/support.4th
+++ b/sys/boot/forth/support.4th
@@ -1218,17 +1218,277 @@ variable current_conf_files
-\ Additional functions used in "start"
+\ h00h00 magic used to try loading either a kernel with a given name,
+\ or a kernel with the default name in a directory of a given name
+\ (the pain!)
+: bootpath s" /boot/" ;
+: modulepath s" module_path" ;
+\ Functions used to save and restore module_path's value.
+: saveenv ( addr len | -1 -- addr' len | 0 -1 )
+ dup -1 = if 0 swap exit then
+ strdup
+: freeenv ( addr len | 0 -1 )
+ -1 = if drop else free abort" Freeing error" then
+: restoreenv ( addr len | 0 -1 -- )
+ dup -1 = if ( it wasn't set )
+ 2drop
+ modulepath unsetenv
+ else
+ over >r
+ modulepath setenv
+ r> free abort" Freeing error"
+ then
+: clip_args \ Drop second string if only one argument is passed
+ 1 = if
+ 2swap 2drop
+ 1
+ else
+ 2
+ then
+also builtins
+\ Parse filename from a comma-separated list
+: parse-; ( addr len -- addr' len-x addr x )
+ over 0 2swap
+ begin
+ dup 0 <>
+ while
+ over c@ [char] ; <>
+ while
+ 1- swap 1+ swap
+ 2swap 1+ 2swap
+ repeat then
+ dup 0 <> if
+ 1- swap 1+ swap
+ then
+ 2swap
+\ Try loading one of multiple kernels specified
+: try_multiple_kernels ( addr len addr' len' args -- flag )
+ >r
+ begin
+ parse-; 2>r
+ 2over 2r>
+ r@ clip_args 1 load
+ while
+ dup 0=
+ until
+ 1 >r \ Failure
+ else
+ 0 >r \ Success
+ then
+ 2drop 2drop
+ r>
+ r> drop
+\ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of
+\ the following lists, as ordered:
+\ 1. The "kernel" environment variable
+\ 2. The "bootfile" environment variable
+\ Flags are passed, if available. The parameter args must be 2
+\ if flags are being passed, or 1 if they should be ignored.
+\ Dummy flags and len must be passed in the latter case.
+\ The kernel gets loaded from the current module_path.
+: load_a_kernel ( flags len args -- flag )
+ local args
+ 2local flags
+ 0 0 2local kernel
+ end-locals
+ \ Check if a default kernel name exists at all, exits if not
+ s" kernel" getenv dup -1 <> if
+ to kernel
+ flags kernel args try_multiple_kernels
+ dup 0= if exit then
+ then
+ drop
+ s" bootfile" getenv dup -1 <> if
+ to kernel
+ else
+ drop
+ 1 exit \ Failure
+ then
+ \ Try all default kernel names
+ flags kernel args try_multiple_kernels
+\ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of
+\ the following lists, as ordered:
+\ 1. The "kernel" environment variable
+\ 2. The "bootfile" environment variable
+\ Flags are passed, if provided.
+\ The kernel will be loaded from a directory computed from the
+\ path given. Two directories will be tried in the following order:
+\ 1. /boot/path
+\ 2. path
+\ The module_path variable is overridden if load is succesful, by
+\ prepending the successful path.
+: load_from_directory ( path len 1 | flags len' path len 2 -- flag )
+ local args
+ 2local path
+ args 1 = if 0 0 then
+ 2local flags
+ 0 0 2local oldmodulepath
+ 0 0 2local newmodulepath
+ end-locals
+ \ Set the environment variable module_path, and try loading
+ \ the kernel again.
+ modulepath getenv saveenv to oldmodulepath
+ \ Try prepending /boot/ first
+ bootpath nip path nip +
+ oldmodulepath nip dup -1 = if
+ drop
+ else
+ 1+ +
+ then
+ allocate
+ if ( out of memory )
+ 1 exit
+ then
+ 0
+ bootpath strcat
+ path strcat
+ 2dup to newmodulepath
+ modulepath setenv
+ \ Try all default kernel names
+ flags args load_a_kernel
+ 0= if ( success )
+ oldmodulepath nip -1 <> if
+ newmodulepath s" ;" strcat
+ oldmodulepath strcat
+ modulepath setenv
+ newmodulepath drop free-memory
+ oldmodulepath drop free-memory
+ then
+ 0 exit
+ then
+ \ Well, try without the prepended /boot/
+ path newmodulepath drop swap move
+ path nip
+ 2dup to newmodulepath
+ modulepath setenv
+ \ Try all default kernel names
+ flags args load_a_kernel
+ if ( failed once more )
+ oldmodulepath restoreenv
+ newmodulepath drop free-memory
+ 1
+ else
+ oldmodulepath nip -1 <> if
+ newmodulepath s" ;" strcat
+ oldmodulepath strcat
+ modulepath setenv
+ newmodulepath drop free-memory
+ oldmodulepath drop free-memory
+ then
+ 0
+ then
+\ Try to load a kernel; the kernel name is taken from one of
+\ the following lists, as ordered:
+\ 1. The "kernel" environment variable
+\ 2. The "bootfile" environment variable
+\ 3. The "path" argument
+\ Flags are passed, if provided.
+\ The kernel will be loaded from a directory computed from the
+\ path given. Two directories will be tried in the following order:
+\ 1. /boot/path
+\ 2. path
+\ Unless "path" is meant to be kernel name itself. In that case, it
+\ will first be tried as a full path, and, next, search on the
+\ directories pointed by module_path.
+\ The module_path variable is overridden if load is succesful, by
+\ prepending the successful path.
+: load_directory_or_file ( path len 1 | flags len' path len 2 -- flag )
+ local args
+ 2local path
+ args 1 = if 0 0 then
+ 2local flags
+ end-locals
+ \ First, assume path is an absolute path to a directory
+ flags path args clip_args load_from_directory
+ dup 0= if exit else drop then
+ \ Next, assume path points to the kernel
+ flags path args try_multiple_kernels
+: load_kernel_and_modules ( flags len path len' 2 | path len' 1 -- flag )
+ load_directory_or_file
+ 0= if ['] load_modules catch then
: initialize ( addr len -- )
strdup conf_files .len ! conf_files .addr !
-: load_kernel ( -- ) ( throws: abort )
- s" load ${kernel} ${kernel_options}" ['] evaluate catch
- if s" echo Unable to load kernel: ${kernel}" evaluate abort then
+: kernel_options ( -- addr len 2 | 0 0 1 )
+ s" kernel_options" getenv
+ dup -1 = if 0 0 1 else 2 then
+: kernel_and_options
+ kernel_options
+ s" kernel" getenv
+ rot
+: load_kernel ( -- ) ( throws: abort )
+ s" kernel" getenv
+ dup -1 = if
+ \ If unset, try any kernel
+ drop
+ kernel_options load_a_kernel
+ else
+ \ If set, try first directory, next file name
+ kernel_options >r 2swap r> clip_args load_from_directory
+ dup if
+ drop
+ kernel_and_options try_multiple_kernels
+ then
+ then
+ abort" Unable to load a kernel!"
: read-password { size | buf len -- }
size allocate if out_of_memory throw then
to buf
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