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- ISDN4BSD Frequently Asked Questions
- ===================================
- last edit-date: [Wed Nov 1 15:08:03 2000]
- $FreeBSD$
- 1. How do I get started with synchronous PPP (sPPP) ?
- 2. does anyone know a software that can receive/send fax over ISDN ?
- 3. does i4b callback only work with setups where the remote end
- returns a busy ?
- 4. trouble with kernel options IPFIREWALL and IPDIVERT and natd
- 5. I want to use -r with isdnd but it does not work
- 6. How do I configure and run the answering machine ?
- 7. Teles S0/16.3 ... unknown ?
- 8. How do i integrate a new lowlevel driver into i4b ?
- 9. Why it always says "no Space in TX FIFO - State F4 awaiting" ?
- 10. Incoming alert - what does it mean ?
- 11. How do i change irq's on my teles 16.3 card ?
- 12. NL: i'm getting CAUSE 100 or CAUSE 101 when dialling out
- 14. I'm using sPPP. I can connect to my ISP but no TCP/IP services work. HELP!
- 15. i4b 0.80.00: problems with AVM Fritz PCI
- 16. How do i setup logfile rotation for isdnd ?
- 17. How do i setup dialin from Windows NT RAS to i4b ?
- 18. How can I convert my old .g711a files to the new format?
- 19. I have lots of old .g711a files to convert what can I do?
- 20. How can I convert the .al files to Sun/NeXT .au/.snd/.vox files?
- 21. Help, isdn4bsd 0.82 fails to probe my Elsa PCC-16!
- 22. How do i enable and configure userland PPP with i4b ?
- 23. What is the procedure to install a new i4b on FreeBSD 3.x ?
- 24. Why do i get "ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): file exists" ?
- 25. How to properly operate isdnd's fullscreen output in a 132x60 vty
- 26. NetBSD: i see isic0 while booting but I cannot access my Fritz!Card
- 27. i4b_pci_attach: pci_map_port 1 failed! What does this mean ?
- 28. What is: i4b-L2 i4b_rxd_ack: ((N(R)-1)=35) != (UA=36) !!!
- 29. Why does isdnd take up 95% CPU time ?
-1. How do I get started with synchronous PPP (sPPP) ?
- Of course you first have to have sPPP interfaces in your kernel. If
- you installed everything using FreeBSD/ then the correct
- entries should have been automatically made in /sys/conf/files for you.
- For NetBSD it isn't quite as simple since NetBSD/ does
- not do it for you.
- Then all you need to do is put an entry like this:
- device "i4bisppp" 4
- into your kernel configuration file (if it's not already there) and
- generate and boot the new kernel. The above line will give you 4
- sPPP interfaces - isp0 to isp3.
- Then just modify /etc/isdn/isdnd.rc (see the example in etc-isdn/isdnd.rc)
- to suit your needs (telephone numbers, etc).
- The next step is to read the ispppcontrol man page and then to look at
- etc/rc.isdn-PPP. ispppcontrol is a very important component in getting
- sPPP working correctly and the ispppcontrol lines in your /etc/rc.isdn
- must be correct.
- In my experience there are two things which can cause problems:
- 1) the authproto line has to agree with what your ISP desires. In
- general I've found that it's best to have something like this -
- ispppcontrol <interface> myauthproto={pap,chap} myauthname=<AuthName>
- myauthsecret=<AuthSecret> hisauthproto=none callin
- The "hisauthproto=none" is usually needed because the ISP does not want
- to authorise himself to you; he expects you to authorize yourself to him !
- I once forgot to set hisauthproto and it took me quite a while to figure
- out why I couldn't connect.
- 2) the IP address at your ISP's end must be correct.
- How can I find out (1) whether my ISP wants pap or chap and (2) what his
- IP address is ? you might ask. Generally, your ISP should have provide
- this information to you. But, if he didn't, or you've mislayed the
- documentation (as I did), there's still hope.
- Fortunately, J"org Wunsch implemented the sPPP kernel code so that it
- provides all the information required if the interface is configured
- with the debug flag set (e.g. ``ifconfig isp0 debug''). It's just a
- little cryptic.
- By the way, I suggest turning the debug flag on until you have things
- working and then turning it off. The debug output is rather voluminous
- and could fill up your /var partition, otherwise.
- The debug output will appear on the console and also be logged to
- /var/log/messages (under FreeBSD) unless you changed /etc/syslog.conf.
- A. How to figure out the authproto
- ----------------------------------
- Here is an example where I configured isp0 with myauthproto=pap, my
- ISP wanted chap, but was willing to accept pap:
- /kernel: isp0: lcp up(starting)
- /kernel: isp0: lcp output <conf-req id=0x7 len=10 5-6-34-e4-30-5a>
- /kernel: isp0: lcp input(req-sent): <conf-req id=0x1 len=30 0-4-0-0-1-4-5-
- f4-3-5-c2-23-5-11-4-5-f4-13-9-3-0-c0-7b-6e-fe-b5>
- ^^^^^
- |___ c223 is chap, it's what the ISP wants to use
- /kernel: isp0: lcp parse opts: 0x0 [rej] mru auth-proto 0x11 [rej]
- x13 [rej] send conf-rej (I didn't agree)
- /kernel: isp0: lcp output <conf-rej id=0x1 len=21 0-4-0-0-11-4-5-f4-13-9-3-
- 0-c0-7b-6e-fe-b5>
- /kernel: isp0: lcp input(req-sent): <conf-ack id=0x7 len=10 5-6-34-e4-30-5a>
- /kernel: isp0: lcp input(ack-rcvd): <conf-req id=0x2 len=13 1-4-5-f4-3-5-
- c2-23-5>
- /kernel: isp0: lcp parse opts: mru auth-proto
- /kernel: isp0: lcp parse opt values: mru 1524 auth-proto [mine 0x0 !=
- his chap] send conf-nak (we want to use pap, not chap)
- /kernel: isp0: lcp output <conf-nak id=0x2 len=9 3-5-c0-23-5>
- ^^^^^
- |___ c023 is pap
- /kernel: isp0: lcp input(ack-rcvd): <conf-req id=0x3 len=12 1-4-5-f4-3-4-
- c0-23> (he agrees to use pap)
- /kernel: isp0: lcp parse opts: mru auth-proto
- /kernel: isp0: lcp parse opt values: mru 1524 auth-proto send conf-ack
- /kernel: isp0: lcp output <conf-ack id=0x3 len=12 1-4-5-f4-3-4-c0-23>
- he agrees to use pap ___|^^^^^
- so, if you have problems in the lcp phase, check which authentication method
- your ISP wants to use. Usually chap is prefered, but pap will be accepted.
- B. How to figure out the ISP's IP address
- -----------------------------------------
- ======================================================================
- UPDATE NOTE (February 8, 1999):
- Jan Riedinger writes:
- ---------------------
- >I further think Gary should mention
- >in the FAQ in the section "B. How to figure out the ISP's IP address
- >that it isn't normaly necessary to do it because of the auto
- >address negotiation.
- Gary answers:
- -------------
- I think you're right. I wrote that stuff before the support for
- negotiation of the IPS's address was added to if_spppsubr.c.
- ======================================================================
- I also intentionally configured the interface with the wrong address for
- my ISP, like this:
- ifconfig isp0 debug link1
- this means that I want the ISP to assign me an address (the and
- that I expect him to use (which is wrong). Here's the result:
- (note that these addresses have been changed by me)
- /kernel: isp0: phase network
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp open(initial)
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp up(starting)
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp output <conf-req id=0x9 len=10 3-6-0-0-0-0>
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp input(req-sent): <conf-req id=0x1 len=16 2-6-0-2d-f-1-
- 3-6-c-22-38-4e>
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp parse opts: compression [rej] address send conf-rej
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp output <conf-rej id=0x1 len=10 2-6-0-2d-f-1>
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp input(req-sent): <conf-nak id=0x9 len=10 3-6-c-22-38-4e>
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp nak opts: address [wantaddr] [agree]
- ^^^^^
- |___ he assigns me this
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp output <conf-req id=0xa len=10 3-6-c3-b4-eb-63>
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp input(req-sent): <conf-req id=0x2 len=10 3-6-62-4c-36-20>
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp parse opts: address
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp parse opt values: address [not agreed]
- ^^^^^
- |_this is *his* address
- send conf-nak
- /kernel: isp0: ipcp output <conf-nak id=0x2 len=10 3-6-a-0-0-1>
- I expect a different address and (incorrectly) reject what he wants.
- I tell him that I expect After this the connection fails.
- Anyway, I now know that his address is really and can use
- it to correctly configure the interface.
- With the correct IP address I shoulkd now be able to connect with no
- problems. As stated above, the authorization protocol is normally not
- so important since most ISPs are willing to use pap, although chap is
- more secure. Generally, I'd try chap first and only switch to pap if
- the ISP doesn't accept it.
- (by Gary Jennejohn, Home -, Work -
-2. does anyone know a software that can receive/send fax over ISDN ?
- > Hi,
- >
- > does anyone know a software that can receive/send fax over ISDN? I am
- > using a Fritz!Card, which can handle group 3 (analogous) fax, but I
- > can't find any hint in the i4b software that this is supported in any
- > way.
-This is probably not implemented.
-Implementing G3 fax in ISDN would mean simulating an analog modem
-on the digital link. This means having to generate the right waveforms
-for the modulated data, and receive analog data from the other end
-which you had to run FFT analysis on and then interpret.
-In addition you have to do this in realtime, to be able to deal with
-the timing involved in the fax protocol, something neither
-FreeBSD or Linux is good at in their native form..
-A third point is that a software simulated faxmodem usually does not
-work well. I tested Teles software faxmodem in Win-95 towards an Ericsson V34
-HE modem, and was able to send faxes from the ISDN card at 4800 baud
-only, and receive faxes ad 9600 baud only(!) (And it is not the
-Ericsson modems fault, it works flawlessly towards other fax machines.)
-My point is that the best thing to do is to use an ordinary faxmodem
-to handle faxes with Hylafax of mgetty+sendfax or efax, or you may use
-a combined ISDN card with an analog part.
-Of course, if you are crazy enough, you may try to implement a
-software simulated modem in e.g. RT-linux, or a similar realtime
-extension for FreeBSD.
-Best regards,
-Nils Ulltveit-Moe (
-3. does i4b callback only work with setups where the remote end returns a busy ?
-> Is my assumption correct, does i4b callback only work with setups where
-> the remote end returns a busy on the dialin?
-Yes - otherwise you'll pay for the connection, at least here in Germany.
-Most routers support two kind of callbacks - the one that i4b supports
-means: the called system rejects (so no charge for this connection), waits
-a configurable time and the calls back. Information on who has called and
-who is to be called back relies on the ISDN calling party number information
-and stuff statically configured in the routers (or isnd's) configuration.
-The other type of callback (not supported by i4b right now) means: the
-called system accepts the connection and starts ppp negotiation. During this
-the ppp's aggree to do a callback. Information on who called in and who is
-going to be called back is subject to the authentication/negotiation already
-done by the two ppp's. Then ppp closes down, the connection is disconnected
-and the called system calls back.
-I've never seen someone actually use the second type due to its obvious
-disadvantages. It may be usefull if you travel, call in from an unknown
-number and want to be called back at that number.
-Martin Husemann <>
-4. trouble with kernel options IPFIREWALL and IPDIVERT and natd
- NOTICE: section obsolete since IP address changes are handled properly now!
- ===========================================================================
-This section
-> Trying to build a router/gateway between my privat Ethernet and
-> the Internet (via my ISP), I have problems with I4B or NAT (I think:).
-> The 2.2.5-R kernel with options IPFIREWALL and IPDIVERT works fine
-> with ISDN4BSD 0.50-alpha and firewall rule 'pass all from any to any'.
-> However, when I add 'divert natd all from any to any via isp0'
-> and start natd, name server lookups to the ISP's NS don't work.
-> Also, ping and nslookup fails from any other internal host.
-I had exactly the same problems. natd doesn't seem to get a message if
-the IP address of the interface changes (after successful dialout).
-I have to manually send a HUP signal to natd. I do this via the following
-(ugly?!) hack:
-I added the following two lines to the system section of isdnd.rc:
-regexpr = "call active" # look for matches in log messages
-regprog = hup_natd # execute program whan match is found
-The small script "hup_natd", located in /etc/isdn, looks like:
-pid=`cat /var/run/`
-kill -HUP $pid
-sleep 3
-kill -HUP $pid
-sleep 5
-kill -HUP $pid
-It looks ugly, but at least for me it works. The two sleeps are necessary
-since I have to wait for ppp negotiation to complete (I don't get a message
-from isdnd for that). If I'm lucky I have my connection after 3 seconds,
-but 8 seconds should suffice for worst case (the first HUP without a sleep
-sometimes even succeeded on a slow 486/33 with 8MB RAM, more HUPs don't hurt).
-I'm really interested in some more elegant method.
-Daniel (
-Arve Ronning replied:
-> I had exactly the same problems. natd doesn't seem to get a message if
-> the IP address of the interface changes (after successful dialout).
-Well, it (natd) _does_ pick up the dynamic address supplied for isp0.
-Try 'natd -verbose ...' and you'll see it. Otherwise I agree, there is
-certainly something missing in natd's functionality, or maybe sppp
-supply what it's supposed to ??
-> I have to manually send a HUP signal to natd. I do this via the following
-> (ugly?!) hack:
-YES...super; strange but correct. It works when I send natd a -HUP after
-sppp is up. Thanx for the tip. However, natd must be -HUPed _every_ time
-sppp has been down (idle timeout) and comes back up!
-> I'm really interested in some more elegant method.
-So am I, let's see what may come out of the discussion on the list.
-5. I want to use -r with isdnd but it does not work
-> > Use isdnd in fullscreen mode.
-> I tried that already, but got an error when I start isdnd that way:
-> /usr/local/bin/isdnd -d 0xf9 -f -r /dev/ttyv1 -t cons25
-> root is logged in on device /dev/ttyv1, the message in /var/log/messages looks like:
-> "May 22 11:52:28 asterix isdnd[4160]: ERR ERROR, cannot setup tty as controlling terminal: Operation not permitted"
-> How can I give this device permission ?
-In case you want to use switch "-r" noone else _must_ use the tty you redirect
-to, you have to remove the getty from the virtual terminal in /etc/ttys and
-restart the init process.
-6. How do I configure and run the answering machine (under FreeBSD 2.2.x) ?
-The answering machine will be activated, when isdnd executes the program
-that has been named in "/etc/isdn/isdnd.rc" in the section "telephone
-answering" at entry "answerprog = ". If the program is executed
-without a pathname, the answer program is expected in "/etc/isdn".
-Examples of such programs can be found in "/etc/isdn/samples". They
-are named:
- "answer" answers only, no recording
- "record" answers, and records messages
- "tell" the number of the calling person is told,
- no recording.
- "tell-record" calling number as answer, message is recorded
- "" answers and records messages; by using the
- program "isdntel", one has the control over
- the recorded messages in the directory
- "/var/isdn". Look at "man isdntel" and
- "man isdntelctl".
-These programs have to be altered to suit your needs. Unfortunately there
-is no program with which you can record your answer message. This is not
-really bad, because you only have to alter the above mentioned program
-"record" a bit (comment out the "if ... fi" statements for the beep
-and msg messages). You have to create the directory "/var/isdn" first in
-order to record messages. They will be stored in this location then.
-Stefan Herrmann <>
-7. Teles S0/16.3 ... unknown ?
-I have just purchased a Teles S0/16.3 card.
-But it's not what i4b is looking for .... I mean, it's a different card.
-The docs (and sources)of i4b talks about a Telws S0/16.3 card with 3
-address: d80 etc.
-This one (is not PnP) has jumpers for 0x180 0x280 0x380.
-It has the SIemens Chips numbered PSB 21525 N (HSCX TE V2.1) and PSB
-2186N V1.1 (ISAC-S TE).
-I undestand that the 16.3c is not supported, but over this board is
-written "TELES.S0/16.3 Revision 1.3"
-Can anybody tell me what is this card ???
-It's not a different card. The jumpers are documented to select
-IO-address 0x180, 0x280 or 0x380 in some TELES manuals.
-But in fact they select the addresses 0xd80, 0xe80 or 0xf80.
-And an additional note from Poul-Henning Kamp:
-There is an intricate story behind this, in short some ISA cards
-only decode the first 10 address bits (0x3ff), which over the years
-has resulted in a mutation the "de-facto-spec" such that addressbits
-10-15 can be used by the card for selecting various stuff. This
-is extensively used on obscure cards with massive IO needs, sound,
-IEEE488 and ISDN cards often belong in this category.
-8. How do i integrate a new lowlevel driver into i4b ?
-1) Request a flag value from me
-2) add an entry for the card into FreeBSD/CONFIG
-3) add driver filename to FreeBSD/
-4) add entry for the card to FreeBSD/
-5) add support to print type of card to diehl/diehlctl/main.c
-6) add support to print type of card to isdnd/support.c, name_of_controller()
-7) place your file as named in 3) into directory layer1
-8) add the flag value and function prototypes to layer1/i4b_l1.h
-9) add support for NetBSD to layer1/isa_isic.c
-10) add support for attach/probe to layer1/i4b_isic.c
-11) add card type to i4b/i4b_ioctl.h and update CARD_TYPEP_MAX
-12) add an entry to the man page man/isic.4
-Produce diffs (please use context diffs, flag "-c" for diff) and send them in.
-9. Why it always says "no Space in TX FIFO - State F4 awaiting" ?
-as I wrote about two weeks ago I had massive problems concerning this
-"no space in TX FIFO"-thing,
-/kernel: i4b-L1-ph_data_req: No Space in TX FIFO, state = F4 Awaiting Signal
-Even though I used a correctly recognized Teles S0/16.3 nonpnp isdncard,
-nothing worked, errormsgs were flooding the console until I rebooted the box.
-I decided to play around in the BIOS-settings, I first just set them all
-to default, which didn't work, and then changed lots of things - unfortunately
-I can't remember them. After about hundreds of trial 'n errors I gave up.
-A few days ago I just made another attempt, booted the box and to my surprise
-it all worked without the smallest problem, great data rates :)
-I tried hard to found what the something special was I changed in the BIOS
-settings, but I just couldnt get isdnd back to its stupid behaviour it
-showed all the time before, but I would recommend everybody who has this
-kind of problem to look into his BIOS.
- (from Meike Aulbach,
-i4b now works for me, I had a USB-device interfering on IRQ 9,
-which was supposed to be only for my Creatix Card.
-(NetBSD 1.3, Creatix)
-Strange enough, my DOS s0-test worked, are they just polling the card?
-Even when the testsoftware under DOS is working, don't be shure, that
-your hw-setup is correct for xxx(x)BSD. Triplecheck all your IRQ and
-enable and disable PNP to triple-verify. Even unconfigured devices can
-block your card. .....
-And that took me more than 2 months to discover :-((((
- (from Andreas Lohrum,
-when i changed the mainboard of a box that ran i4b alright, i forgot to
-set 'used by isa' in the pnp-bios-settings for the irq of my teles
-isdn-card. because of that some pci-card got the interrupt that the
-isdn-card should have gotten.
-i then also got this error: 'No space in TX FIFO'.
-The reason occurred to my rather quick, but i would think, that this would
-be a nice hint in a FAQ :)
- (from Heiko Schaefer,
-after my huge amount of problems, Meike's hint (changing the
-ISA/PNP-settings in the BIOS) finally fixed things.
-I have only tried out this stuff with my Creatix-card, I'll check
-out the PNP-stuff with my Sedlbauer-card soon too though.
- (from Harold Gutch,
-10. Incoming alert - what does it mean ?
-In the log on vty6 (isdnd full screen log) I'm seeing
-16.07.98 11:42:35 CHD 00001 rwth rate 90 sec/unit (rate)
-16.07.98 11:42:35 CHD 00001 rwth dialing from 4191236 to 441291234
-16.07.98 11:42:35 CHD 00001 rwth outgoing call proceeding (ctl 0, ch 0)
-16.07.98 11:42:35 CHD 00001 rwth incoming alert <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-16.07.98 11:42:35 CHD 00001 rwth outgoing call active (ctl 0, ch 0)
-What does this 'incoming alert' mean?
-It means that it is "ringing" at the remote end.
-11. How do i change irq's on my teles 16.3 card ?
-So how do you change irq's on your teles 16.3 card (under FBSD or DOS,
-I don't have and don't want to have Windows running on that computer) ?
-The irq is configured into the card each time the driver under whatever
-OS you currently boot initializes the card. Thus, change the irq for the
-isic driver in your kernel config file to one of the supported (!) irqs
-for this card (hint: read "man isic") which is currently unused in your
-machine and generate a new kernel.
-12. NL: i'm getting CAUSE 100 or CAUSE 101 when dialling out
-This one seems to be specific for the Netherlands. (-hm)
-I'm trying to get i4b running on my new FreeBSD 2.2.8 system. The kernel
-compiles smootly and everything is looking fine until it's time to dial.
-I get the following error:
-Feb 10 20:31:00 goofy isdnd[498]: CHD 00018 I4BPPP outgoing call disconnected (remote)
-Feb 10 20:31:00 goofy isdnd[498]: CHD 00018 I4BPPP cause 101: Message not compatible with call state (Q.850)
-Feb 10 20:31:00 goofy isdnd[498]: ERR set_channel_idle: controller [0], invalid channel [-1]!
-Feb 10 20:31:00 goofy isdnd[498]: ERR msg_disconnect_ind: set_channel_idle failed!
-The remote site is a Cisco 4000 type router. I used debug to take a view at
-the ISDN events on the router but according to that the call doesn't arrive
-over there.
-Same hardware has worked fine with FreeBSD 2.2.6/i4b 0.63.
-Who knows what's wrong?
-This sounds very much like your local phone number or remote phone number
-is configured wrongly... in the Netherlands you need to specify the number
-EXCLUDING the city code... so if you live in Utrecht and your number is
-0301234567 you specify 1234567.
-I have seen this in several locations in the Netherlands for years, not
-just with i4b, but also with differentt isdn equipment.. why? guess it
-simply depends on which operator defines your line or what exchange it
-is connected to... :P
-What I found is that what solved this with other isdn hardware/software,
-also solves it for i4b.. ie.. make sure the local phone number is
-specified, and is specified without the city code.
-The numbering plan should be 'unknown'
-Anyway, it would be nice if the Dutch ptt (they are called KPN btw)
-would tell us why this happens... they havent been able to tell me in the
-past so I guess I give up on that, but if everyone finds out whats exactly
-happening here I'd be interested to know... :)
-List of number configurations that I have found to almost always work in
-the Netherlands:
-1. Local phone number:
- usually your prefered msn without city code works here.
- (ie, 1234567 if you would like to use 0201234567 for outgoing calls)
- on some locations leaving it blank or defining it with the city code,
- but without the leading 0 works as well here.
-2. remote phone number:
- When this is a 'local' call, don't specify city code.
- For calling parties in other cities you of cource have to use the city
- code... in general you can say that KPN only accepts the shortest
- possible notation where it would still be clear who you want to call.
-3. numbers for incomming call recognition:
- KPN always specifies incoming caller ids with city code, but without
- leading 0. so 0201234567 will be displayed as 201234567
-Hope this helps.
- (from Bart van Leeuwen
-14. I'm using sPPP. I can connect to my ISP but no TCP/IP services work. HELP!
-This is probably because you have the RFC1323 - TCP Extensions for High
-Performance - support turned on and your ISP (or some router in the loop)
-is discarding the extensions.
-This can easily be checked by doing ``sysctl net.inet.tcp.rfc1323''. If the
-result is 1, then the RFC1323 support is turned on.
-Turn this off by doing ``sysctl net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=0'' (This is
-called "net.inet.tcp.do_rfc1323" under BSD/OS).
-For FreeBSD make sure that tcp_extension="NO" is in your /etc/rc.conf
-(/etc/defaults/rc.conf with more recent versions of FreeBSD) and
-/etc/rc.conf.local (in -STABLE and upcoming 3.2)
-This may be different for NetBSD, OpenBSD and BSD/OS.
-Martin Husemann writes:
-This does apply for NetBSD too (and probably OpenBSD, since it's been
-in NetBSD for a long time). The sysctl name is even compatible ;-) We don't
-have a coresponding rc.conf entry, I do it in /etc/netstart.local.
-I would suggest to set this to 0 on all machines routed over ISDN (not only
-the router), as this "high speed options" in fact do slow down an ISDN link
-by making VJ "compression" impossible - as far as I understood it. So there
-should be a more general advice in the FAQ, not only "turn it off if it
-doesn't work for you".
-I've only seen the problems against old linux kernels (about two years ago),
-are there still machines out there that have such a broken TCP/IP stack? We
-should start to blame the vendors...
- (by Gary Jennejohn,, with additions from
- Harold Gutch <> and
- Martin Husemann <>).
-15. i4b 0.80.00: problems with AVM Fritz PCI
-The system is FreeBSD 3.1-RELEASE with i4b-00.80.00-beta-070599 [...]
-I'm trying to compile a Kernel with support for my AVM Fritz!PCI card,
-however, when compiling, it fails with the following error
-sh ../../conf/ GENERIC -DAVM_A1_PCI
-cc -c -O -Wreturn-type -Wcomment -Wredundant-decls -Wimplicit -Wnested-
--Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -
-ed -Wformat -Wunused -fformat-extensions -ansi -nostdinc -I- -I. -I../..
-r/include -DAVM_A1_PCI -DKERNEL -DVM_STACK -include opt_global.h -elf
-loading kernel
-i4b_isic_pci.o: In function `i4b_pci_attach':
-i4b_isic_pci.o(.text+0x141): undefined reference to `avma1pp_map_int'
-i4b_isic_pci.o: In function `isic_pciattach':
-i4b_isic_pci.o(.text+0x196): undefined reference to `isic_attach_avma1pp'
-*** Error code 1
-> I have added
-> i4b/layer1/i4b_avm_fritz_pci.c optional isic device-driver
-> and am recomiling at the moment, but given that it's a 486, it could take
-> some time :-)
-The problem appears to be that does not update files.i386
-and options.i386, and that AVM_A1_PCI was added after 3.1-RELEASE and
-hence is not defined.
-Manually editing these files (using as a guide) allows the
-kernel to compile cleanly.
-(from Rich Wood,
-16. How do i setup logfile rotation for isdnd ?
-For syslog-based logging:
-man newsyslog (on FreeBSD)
-You just add a line to /etc/newsyslog.conf:
-/var/log/isdnd.log 664 7 100 * Z
-and you are all done...
-(From: Andreas Haakh <>)
-For logfile-based logging:
-I suggest using newsyslog(8). Adding a line like:
-/var/log/isdn.log 664 100 * 168 Z /var/run/
-to /etc/newsyslog.conf will do the job (here: once a week, for the next
-100 weeks) with compression of the old log.
-This is the standard method for other daemons (apache, etc.).
-(From: Udo Schweigert <>)
-17. How do i setup dialin from Windows NT RAS to i4b ?
-> > I need to be able to dial in from a WNT box, equipped with TELES h/w and
-> > s/w, to a FreeBSD machine. I don't have a clue what RAS is using.
-> > I've tried
-> > ipr and isp. The latter seems to work but is hanging on authentication. Is
-> > there somebody who has done this before and is able to give me some hints?
-> RAS is using PPP, so you should be able to get the isp interface working. I
-> haven't done it so I can't give you concrete hints, but setting the isp
-> interface to debug mode and posting the log (with passwords cut out or with
-> test passwords) could help us to debug your setup.
-I have several customers using sPPP do dial in from their W95/W98/WNT.
-If You use FreeBSD_3.2-BETA with i4b-071 or older then you have to apply
-the attached patch to /sys/net/if_spppsubr.c (patch -p0 <patchfile).
-You need to configure isp0. See the manpages or the supplied templates in
-the i4b-distribution. I would suggest to supply an ip-number for the
-isp0-interface and force the clients to accept this value.
-Don't forget to supply the relevant parameters to sppconfig_isp0 in
-On WNT you have to install the CAPI-2.0-drivers and Dialin-network.
-Create a new entry and check the following box:
-* Connection to internet
-select the appropriate ISDN-device for dialout, insert a phone-number
-and that's it.
-You are asked for username & password. Supply the values You did define in
-spppconfig_isp0 and dial...
-Patch for i4b version 0.71 or older:
-*** /sys/net/if_spppsubr.c Sun Dec 27 22:30:44 1998
---- /sys/net/if_spppsubr.c.orig Sat May 8 10:54:14 1999
-*** 2056,2062 ****
- if (debug)
- addlog("[non-empty] ");
- /* suggest a zero one */
-! p[2] = p[3] = p[4] = p[5] = 0;
- break;
- case LCP_OPT_MRU:
---- 2056,2062 ----
- if (debug)
- addlog("[non-empty] ");
- /* suggest a zero one */
-! /* p[2] = p[3] = p[4] = p[5] = 0; */
- break;
- case LCP_OPT_MRU:
-*** 2668,2678 ****
- addlog("%s [not agreed] ",
- sppp_dotted_quad(desiredaddr));
-- p[2] = hisaddr >> 24;
-- p[3] = hisaddr >> 16;
-- p[4] = hisaddr >> 8;
-- p[5] = hisaddr;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* Add the option to nak'ed list. */
---- 2668,2678 ----
- addlog("%s [not agreed] ",
- sppp_dotted_quad(desiredaddr));
- }
-+ p[2] = hisaddr >> 24;
-+ p[3] = hisaddr >> 16;
-+ p[4] = hisaddr >> 8;
-+ p[5] = hisaddr;
- break;
- }
- /* Add the option to nak'ed list. */
-(From: Andreas Haakh <>)
-18. How can I convert my old .g711a files to the new format?
-I got the best results with:
-cat /some/path/dwhello.g711a | alaw2ulaw | g711conv -u > /tmp/
-(From: David Wetzel <>)
-19. I have lots of old .g711a files to convert what can I do?
-Create a shell script (/tmp/ with this contents:
-OLDFILES=`ls *.g711a`
-#echo $OLDFILES
- echo -n "converting $THEFILE..."
- BASENAME=`basename $THEFILE .g711a`
- /bin/cat $THEFILE | alaw2ulaw | g711conv -u > $
- echo "done"
-###### END
-then type "chmod a+x /tmp/" in you shell.
-cd /usr/local/lib/isdn (or where your old sounds live)
-rm *.g711a (you should know what you do here :-)
-(From: David Wetzel <>)
-20. How can I convert the .al files to Sun/NeXT .au/.snd/.vox files?
-/bin/cat /some/path/ | sox -t raw -A -b -r 8000 - -t .au /some/path/new.snd
-(From: David Wetzel <>)
-21. Help, isdn4bsd 0.82 fails to probe my Elsa PCC-16!
->Isdn4bsd 0.82 fails to probe my Elsa PCC-16. It just can't find isic0.
-flags have changed from 19 to 20.
-(From: "Frank J. Beckmann" <>)
-22. How do i enable and configure userland PPP with i4b ?
-NOTE: this is the procedure used as of end of July 1999, it may change in
- the near future!
-Get the current ppp sources from
-unpack them and apply the patch
-to the ppp directory (where you just unpacked the above mentioned ppp source).
-Make and install the result.
-Have a look at the user-ppp directory and the end of etc-isdn/isdnd.rc.sample
-for ppp and i4b sample configurations to get things up and running.
-More information to ppp setup can be found at
-and in the directory "user-ppp" of the isdn4bsd distribution.
-23. What is the procedure to install a new i4b on FreeBSD 3.x ?
-cd /usr/src
-mkdir i4b
-cd i4b
-tar xvzf i4b-00.82.00-beta-140799.tar.gz
-cd FreeBSD
-cd ..
-make cleandir
-make depend
-make install
-cd /sys/i386/conf
-config <YOURKERNEL>
-cd ../../compile/<YOURKERNEL>
-make clean
-make depend
-make install
-shutdown -r now
-(From: Luke Roberts <>)
-24. Why do i get "ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): file exists" ?
-Ich ?berlege gerade, aber ich glaube, ich bekomme sie auch. Das
-Problem existiert schon seit geraumer Zeit immer beim Konfigurieren
-eines point-to-point Interfaces (SLIP, PPP).
-Das `file exists' ist ein Misnomer, es r?hrt daher, da? der
-Routingcode die errno's in einer leicht ver?nderten Weise benutzt, so
-da? nicht neue errno's daf?r erfunden werden mu?ten. Lies es als
-`route exists'. (Und falls Du im Zusammenhang mit Routing mal ein `no
-such process' siehst, lies es als `no such route'.)
-Die Meldung ist harmlos. Sonst h?tte ich mir schon l?ngst mal die
-M?he gemacht, mich durch den ganzen Routing-Code zu hangeln und zu
-sehen, warum das passiert.
-(From Joerg Wunsch <>)
-25. How to properly operate isdnd's fullscreen output in a 132x60 vty
-Q: I'm using allscreens_flags="132x60" in /etc/rc.conf but the vty gets
- switched after isdnd is started, so isdnd didn't know about the new
- dimensions of the screen.
-A: This one's easy:
- In /etc/rc.isdn change
- isdn_ttype=cons25
- to
- isdn_ttype=cons60l1wide
- /usr/sbin/vidcontrol VESA_132x60 < ${isdn_fsdev}
- The new VESA modes don't have termcap entries yet, so you'll
- have to add one yourself to define 132x60:
- cons60l1wide|cons60-iso8859-1:\
- :co#132:tc=cons60l1:
-(From: "H. Eckert" <>)
-26. NetBSD: i see isic0 while booting but I cannot access my Fritz!Card
-I got his:
-isic0 at pci0 dev 8 function 0: Fritz!Card
-isic0: ISAC 2085 Version A1/A2 or 2086/2186 Version 1.1 (IOM-2)
-isic0: interrupting at irq 11
-i4b: ISDN call control device attached
-i4btrc: 2 ISDN trace device(s) attached
-i4bctl: ISDN system control port attached
-i4brbch: 4 raw B channel access device(s) attached
-i4btel: 2 ISDN telephony interface device(s) attached
-i4bipr: 2 IP over raw HDLC ISDN device(s) attached (VJ header compression)
-i4bisppp: 2 ISDN SyncPPP device(s) attached
-But I could not use the card, because I forgot
-"options __I4B_IS_INTEGRATED" in the kernal config file.
-[Jan Sparud helped me to find that]
-(From: David Wetzel <>)
-27. i4b_pci_attach: pci_map_port 1 failed! What does this mean ?
-Q: Hi,
- I am trying to set up an ELSA QuickStep 1000pro PCI ISDN adaptor in a FreeBSD
- 3.3 box. I configured the kernel according to the documentation. At
- boottime, these messages are displayed:
- isic0: <ELSA QuickStep 1000pro PCI ISDN adaptor> rev 0x01 int a irq 11 on
- pci0.1 7.0
- i4b_pci_attach: pci_map_port 1 failed!
- What does this mean ?, should I be worried ?, will the device function
- properly ?
-A: Problem is solved.
- In the BIOS, the PCI slot containing the ISDN card was set to IRQ 14 (having
- no IDE devices). The isic driver finds the card using irq 11 and then says
- "pci_port_map_port failed". The slot is set to IRQ 11 (which was free also)
- and everything works fine here ..
-From: Joost Mulders <>
-28. What is: i4b-L2 i4b_rxd_ack: ((N(R)-1)=35) != (UA=36) !!!
-> Some time I get follow message at console:
-> i4b-L2 i4b_rxd_ack: ((N(R)-1)=35) != (UA=36) !!!
-A layer 2 error occured. These types of errors are automatically
-corrected by the layer 2 protocol.
-29. Why does isdnd take up 95% CPU time ?
-Q: i just set up my isdn w/ user ppp, it works nice, but my isdn daemon takes
- up 95% of my CPU time.
- output of "top":
- --snip--
- Mem: 42M Active, 4616K Inact, 11M Wired, 2896K Cache, 14M Buf, 408K Free
- Swap: 132M Total, 5128K Used, 127M Free, 3% Inuse
- 63 root 58 0 1372K 752K RUN 38:05 93.75% 93.75% isdnd
- 207 gboehm 2 0 25196K 22044K select 1:15 2.20% 2.20% XF86_Mach64
- --/snip--
-A: i just found out what i did wrong ...
- i forgot to set these both lines in my /etc/rc.conf:
- isdn_fsdev="NO"
- isdn_flags=""
- had to do that if i want to run isdnd as a daemon service, 'cause the
- defaults in /etc/defaults/rc.conf are:
- isdn_fsdev="/dev/ttyv4" # Output device for fullscreen mode (or NO for daemon mode).
- isdn_flags="-dn -d0x1f9" # Flags for isdnd
-From: Guido Boehm <>
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