path: root/release/texts/TROUBLE.TXT
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- Table of Contents:
- Repairing an Existing FreeBSD Installation
- Common Installation Problems, Q&A
- Common Hardware Problems, Q&A
-Repairing an Existing FreeBSD Installation
-FreeBSD releases 2.2.1 and later feature a "Fixit" option in the top
-menu of the boot floppy. To use it, you will also need either a
-fixit.flp image floppy, generated in the same fashion as the boot
-floppy, or the 2nd CDROM from Walnut Creek CDROM's FreeBSD
-To invoke fixit, simply boot the kern.flp floppy, choose the "Fixit"
-item and insert the fixit floppy or CDROM when asked. You will then
-be placed into a shell with a wide variety of commands available (in
-the /stand and /mnt2/stand directories) for checking, repairing and
-examining file systems and their contents. Some UNIX administration
-experience *is* required to use the fixit option!
-Common Installation Problems, Q&A
-Q: I go to boot from the hard disk for the first time after installing
- FreeBSD, the kernel loads and probes my hardware, but stops with
- messages like:
- changing root device to wd1s1a
- panic: cannot mount root
- What is wrong? What can I do?
-Q: What is this 'bios_drive:interface(unit,partition)kernel_name' thing
- that is displayed with the boot help?
-A: There is a longstanding problem in the case where the boot disk is
- not the first disk in the system. The BIOS uses a different numbering
- scheme to FreeBSD, and working out which numbers correspond to which
- is difficult to get right.
- In the case where the boot disk is not the first disk in the system,
- FreeBSD can need some help finding it. There are two common situations
- here, and in both of these cases, you need to tell FreeBSD where the
- root filesystem is. You do this by specifying the BIOS disk number,
- the disk type and the FreeBSD disk number for that type.
- The first situation is where you have two IDE disks, each configured as
- the master on their respective IDE busses, and wish to boot FreeBSD from
- the second disk. The BIOS sees these as disk 0 and disk 1, while
- FreeBSD sees them as wd0 and wd2.
- FreeBSD is on BIOS disk 1, of type 'wd' and the FreeBSD disk number
- is 2, so you would say:
- 1:wd(2,a)kernel
- Note that if you have a slave on the primary bus, the above is not
- necessary (and is effectively wrong).
- The second situation involves booting from a SCSI disk when you have
- one or more IDE disks in the system. In this case, the FreeBSD disk
- number is lower than the BIOS disk number. If you have two IDE disks
- as well as the SCSI disk, the SCSI disk is BIOS disk 2, type 'da' and
- FreeBSD disk number 0, so you would say:
- 2:da(0,a)kernel
- To tell FreeBSD that you want to boot from BIOS disk 2, which is
- the first SCSI disk in the system. If you only had one IDE disk,
- you would use '1:' instead.
- Once you have determined the correct values to use, you can put the
- command exactly as you would have typed it in the /boot.config file
- using a standard text editor.
- Unless instructed otherwise, FreeBSD will use the contents of this
- file as the default response to the 'boot:' prompt.
-Q: I go to boot from the hard disk for the first time after installing
- FreeBSD, but the Boot Manager prompt just prints `F?' at the boot menu
- each time but the boot won't go any further.
-A: The hard disk geometry was set incorrectly in the Partition editor when
- you installed FreeBSD. Go back into the partition editor and specify
- the actual geometry of your hard disk. You must reinstall FreeBSD
- again from the beginning with the correct geometry.
- If you are failing entirely in figuring out the correct geometry for
- your machine, here's a tip: Install a small DOS partition at the
- beginning of the disk and install FreeBSD after that. The install
- program will see the DOS partition and try to infer the correct
- geometry from it, which usually works.
- The following tip is no longer recommended, but is left here
- for reference:
- If you are setting up a truly dedicated FreeBSD server or work-
- station where you don't care for (future) compatibility with DOS,
- Linux or another operating system, you've also got the option to use
- the entire disk (`A' in the partition editor), selecting the
- non-standard option where FreeBSD occupies the entire disk from
- the very first to the very last sector. This will leave all geometry
- considerations aside, but is somewhat limiting unless you're never
- going to run anything other than FreeBSD on a disk.
-Known Hardware Problems, Q & A
-Q: mcd0 keeps thinking that it has found a device and this stops my Intel
- EtherExpress card from working.
-A: Use the UserConfig utility (see HARDWARE.TXT) and disable the probing of
- the mcd0 and mcd1 devices. Generally speaking, you should only leave
- the devices that you will be using enabled in your kernel.
-Q: FreeBSD claims to support the 3Com PCMCIA card, but my card isn't
- recognized when it's plugged into my laptop.
-A: There are a couple of possible problems. First of all, FreeBSD does
- not support multi-function cards, so if you have a combo
- ethernet/modem card (such as the 3C562), it won't work. The
- default driver for the 3C589 card was written just like all of the
- other drivers in FreeBSD, and depend on the card's own configuration
- data stored in NVRAM to work. You must correctly configure FreeBSD's
- driver to match the IRQ, port, and IOMEM stored in NVRAM.
- Unfortunately, the only program capable of reading them is the
- 3COM supplied DOS program. This program must be run on a absolutely
- clean system (no other drivers must be running), and the program will
- whine about CARD-Services not being found, but it will continue.
- This is necessary to read the NVRAM values. You want to know the
- IRQ, port, and IOMEM values (the latter is called the CIS tuple by
- 3COM). The first two can be set in the program, the third is
- un-settable, and can only be read. Once you have these values, set
- them in UserConfig and your card will be recognized.
-Q: FreeBSD finds my PCMCIA network card, but no packets appear to
- be sent even though it claims to be working.
-A: Many PCMCIA cards have the ability to use either the 10-Base2 (BNC)
- or 10-BaseT connectors for connecting to the network. The driver is
- unable to 'auto-select' the correct connector, so you must tell it
- which connector to use. In order to switch between the two
- connectors, the link flags must be set. Depending on the model of
- the card, '-link0 link1' or 'link0 -link1' will choose the correct
- network connector. You can set these in sysinstall by using the
- 'Extra options to ifconfig:' field in the network setup screen.
-Q: The system finds my ed network card, but I keep getting device
- timeout errors.
-A: Your card is probably on a different IRQ from what is specified in the
- kernel configuration. The ed driver does not use the `soft' configuration
- by default (values entered using EZSETUP in DOS), but it will use the
- software configuration if you specify `?' in the IRQ field of your kernel
- config file.
- Either move the jumper on the card to a hard configuration setting
- (altering the kernel settings if necessary), or specify the IRQ as
- `-1' in UserConfig or `?' in your kernel config file. This will
- tell the kernel to use the soft configuration.
- Another possibility is that your card is at IRQ 9, which is shared
- by IRQ 2 and frequently a cause of problems (especially when you
- have a VGA card using IRQ 2! :). You should not use IRQ 2 or 9 if at
- all possible.
-Q: I have a Matsushita/Panasonic drive but it isn't recognized by the
- system.
-A: Make certain that the I/O port that the matcd driver is set to is
- correct for the host interface card you have. (Some SoundBlaster DOS
- drivers report a hardware I/O port address for the CD-ROM interface
- that is 0x10 lower than it really is.)
- If you are unable to determine the settings for the card by examining
- the board or documentation, you can use UserConfig to change the 'port'
- address (I/O port) to -1 and start the system. This setting causes the
- driver to look at a number of I/O ports that various manufacturers
- use for their Matsushita/Panasonic/Creative CD-ROM interfaces.
- Once the driver locates the address, you should run UserConfig again
- and specify the correct address. Leaving the 'port' parameter set to -1
- increases the amount of time that it takes the system to boot, and
- this could interfere with other devices.
- The double-speed Matsushita CR-562 and CR-563 are the only drives
- that are supported.
-Q: I booted the install floppy on my IBM ThinkPad (tm) laptop, and the
- keyboard is all messed up.
-A: Older IBM laptops use a non-standard keyboard controller, so you must
- tell the keyboard driver (atkbd0) to go into a special mode which works
- on the ThinkPads. Change the atkbd0 'Flags' to 0x4 in UserConfig and
- it should work fine. (Look in the Input Menu for 'Keyboard'.)
-Q: When I try to boot the install floppy, I see the following message
- and nothing seems to be happening. I cannot enter anything from
- the keyboard either.
- Keyboard: no
-A: Due to lack of space, full support for old XT/AT (84-key) keyboards
- is no longer available in the bootblocks. Some notebook computers may
- also have this type of keyboard. If you are still using this kind of
- hardware, you will see the above message appears when you boot from
- the CD-ROM or an install floppy.
- As soon as you see this message, hit the space bar, and you will see
- the prompt:
- >> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
- Default: x:xx(x,x)/boot/loader
- boot:
- Then enter `-Dh', and things should proceed normally.
-Q: I have a Matsushita/Panasonic CR-522, a Matsushita/Panasonic CR-523 or
- a TEAC CD55a drive, but it is not recognized even when the correct I/O
- port is set.
-A: These CD-ROM drives are currently not supported by FreeBSD. The command
- sets for these drives are not compatible with the double-speed CR-562
- and CR-563 drives.
- The single-speed CR-522 and CR-523 drives can be identified by their
- use of a CD-caddy.
-Q: I'm trying to install from a tape drive but all I get is something like:
- sa0(aha0:1:0) NOT READY csi 40,0,0,0
- on the screen. Help!
-A: There's a limitation in the current sysinstall that the tape MUST
- be in the drive while sysinstall is started or it won't be detected.
- Try again with the tape in the drive the whole time.
-Q: I've installed FreeBSD onto my system, but it hangs when booting from
- the hard drive with the message: ``Changing root to /dev/da0a''.
-A: This problem may occur in a system with a 3com 3c509 Ethernet adaptor.
- The ep0 device driver appears to be sensitive to probes for other
- devices that also use address 0x300. Boot your FreeBSD system by power
- cycling the machine (turn off and on). At the ``Boot:'' prompt specify
- the ``-c''. This will invoke UserConfig (see Section 1. above). Use
- the ``disable'' command to disable the device probes for all devices
- at address 0x300 except the ep0 driver. On exit, your machine should
- successfully boot FreeBSD.
-Q: My system can not find my Intel EtherExpress 16 card.
-A: You must set your Intel EtherExpress 16 card to be memory mapped at
- address 0xD0000, and set the amount of mapped memory to 32K using
- the Intel supplied softset.exe program.
-Q: When installing on an EISA HP Netserver, my on-board AIC-7xxx
- SCSI controller isn't detected.
-A: This is a known problem, and will hopefully be fixed in the future.
- In order to get your system installed at all, boot with the -c
- option into UserConfig, but _don't_ use the pretty visual mode but
- the plain old CLI mode. Type
- eisa 12
- quit
- there at the prompt. (Instead of `quit', you might also type
- `visual', and continue the rest of the configuration session in
- visual mode.) While it's recommended to compile a custom kernel,
- dset(8) now also understands to save this value.
- Refer to the FAQ topic 3.16 for an explanation of the problem, and
- for how to continue. Remember that you can find the FAQ on your
- local system in /usr/share/doc/FAQ, provided you have installed the
- `doc' distribution.
-Q: I have a Panasonic AL-N1 or Rios Chandler Pentium machine and I find
- that the system hangs before ever getting into the installation
- now.
-A: Your machine doesn't like the new i586_copyout and i586_copyin code
- for some reason. To disable this, boot the installation boot floppy
- and when it comes to the very first menu (the choice to drop into
- kernel UserConfig mode or not) choose the command-line interface
- ("expert mode") version and type the following at it:
- flags npx0 1
- Then proceed normally to boot. This will be saved into your kernel,
- so you only need to do it once.
-Q: I have this CMD640 IDE controller that is said to be broken.
-A: Yes, it is. FreeBSD does not support this controller except through
- the legacy 'wdc' driver.
-Q: On a Compaq Aero notebook, I get the message "No floppy devices found!
- Please check ..." when trying to install from floppy.
-A: With Compaq being always a little different from other systems, they
- do not announce their floppy drive in the CMOS RAM of an Aero notebook.
- Therefore, the floppy disk driver assumes there is no drive configured.
- Go to the UserConfig screen, and set the Flags value of the fdc0 device
- to 0x1. This pretends the existence of the first floppy drive (as a
- 1.44 MB drive) to the driver without asking the CMOS at all.
-Q: When I go to boot my Intel AL440LX ("Atlanta") -based system from the
- hard disk the first time, it stops with a "Read Error" message.
-A: There appears to be a bug in the BIOS on at least some of these boards,
- this bug results in the FreeBSD bootloader thinking that it is booting
- from a floppy disk.
- This is only a problem if you are not using the BootEasy boot manager.
- Slice the disk in 'compatible' mode and install BootEasy during the
- FreeBSD installation to avoid the bug, or upgrade the BIOS (see Intel's
- website for details).
-Q: When installing on an Dell Poweredge XE, Dell proprietary RAID controller
- DSA (Dell SCSI Array) isn't recognized.
-A: Configure DSA to use AHA-1540 emulation using EISA configuration utility.
- After that FreeBSD detects DSA as Adaptec AHA-1540 SCSI controller, with
- irq 11 and port 340. Under emulation mode system will use DSA RAID disks,
- but you cannot use DSA specific features such as watching RAID health.
-Q: My Ethernet adapter is detected as an AMD PCnet-FAST (or similar) but
- it doesn't work. (Eg. onboard Ethernet on IBM Netfinity 5xxx or 7xxx)
-A: The 'lnc' driver is currently faulty, and will often not work correctly
- with the PCnet-FAST and PCnet-FAST+. You need to install a different
- Ethernet adapter.
-Q: I have an IBM EtherJet PCI card, it is detected by the 'fxp' driver
- correctly, but the lights on the card don't come on and it doesn't
- connect to the network.
-A: We don't understand why this happens. Neither do IBM (we asked them).
- The card is a standard Intel EtherExpress Pro/100 with an IBM label
- on it, and these cards normally work just fine. You may see these
- symptoms only in some IBM Netfinity servers. The only solution is to
- install a different Ethernet adapter.
-Q: When I configure the network during installation on an IBM Netfinity
- 3500, the system freezes.
-A: There is a problem with the onboard Ethernet in the Netfinity 3500
- which we have not been able to identify at this time. It may be
- related to the SMP features of the system being misconfigured. You
- will have to install another Ethernet adapter and avoid attempting
- to configure the onboard adapter at any time.
-Q: When I install onto a drive managed by a Mylex PCI RAID controller,
- the system fails to boot (eg. with a "read error" message).
-A: There is a bug in the Mylex driver which results in it ignoring
- the '8GB' geometry mode setting in the BIOS. Use the 2GB mode
- instead.
-[ Please send hardware tips for this Q&A section to ]
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