path: root/release/sysinstall/help
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Diffstat (limited to 'release/sysinstall/help')
35 files changed, 1597 insertions, 1394 deletions
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO8859-1/README b/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO8859-1/README
index b7173f0..8ce9c18 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO8859-1/README
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO8859-1/README
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
FreeBSD 2.0.5 --- RELEASE Version , ,
----------------------------------------- /( )`
\ \___ / |
-Willkommen zur Release 2.0.5 von FreeBSD. 2.0.5, /- _ `-/ '
-ein Zwischen-Release von FreeBSD, f|llt eine oft (/\/ \ \ /\
-geforderte L|cke zwischen 2.0R (das im Nov. '94 / / | ` \
-erschien) und 2.1R, das spdt im Juli '95 er- O O ) / |
-scheinen wird. FreeBSD 2.0.5 enthdlt wesentliche `-^--'`< '
-Verbesserungen gg|. 2.0R, deren wichtigste eine (_.) _ ) /
-erhvhte Systemstabilitdt (wesentlich besser), `.___/` /
+Willkommen zum Release 2.0.5 von FreeBSD, einem /- _ `-/ '
+Zwischen-Release von FreeBSD, das eine eine Lücke (/\/ \ \ /\
+füllt zwischen 2.0R (das im Nov. 94 erschien) und / / | ` \
+2.1R, das Ende Juli '95 erscheinen wird, die oft O O ) / |
+beklagt wurde. FreeBSD 2.0.5 enthält wesentliche `-^--'`< '
+Verbesserungen gegenüber 2.0R, deren wichtigste (_.) _ ) /
+eine erhöhte Systemstabilität (wesentlich besser), `.___/` /
Dutzende neuer Features und ein stark `-----' /
verbessertes Installationsprogramm <----. __ / __ \
-sind. Lesen Sie die Release Notes <----|====O)))==) \) /====
-f|r weitere Details bzgl. der Neu- <----' `--' `.__,' \
-heiten in FreeBSD 2.0.5. | |
+sind. Die Release Notes enthalten <----|====O)))==) \) /====
+weitere Details bzgl. der Neuheiten <----' `--' `.__,' \
+in FreeBSD 2.0.5. | |
\ / /\
______( (_ / \______/
,' ,-----' |
@@ -21,64 +22,61 @@ heiten in FreeBSD 2.0.5. | |
-Was ist FreeBSD? FreeBSD ist ein 4.4BSD Lite basiertes Betriebssystem
-f|r Intel, AMD, Cyrix oder NexGen "x86"-PC-Hardware. Es arbeitet mit
-einer gro_en Anzahl von PC-Peripherie und -Konfigurationen zusammen. Es
-kann f|r die Software-Entwicklung bis hin zum Anbieten von Internet-
-Diensten eingesetzt werden; der meist genutzte Rechner im Internet,, ist ein FreeBSD-Rechner.
-Diese FreeBSD-Release enthdlt alles was Sie zur Nutzung eines
-solchen Systems brauchen; zusdtzlich erhalten Sie den kompletten
-Quellcode. Wenn Sie den Quellcode installiert haben, kvnnen Sie
-das ganze Betriebssystem von Grund auf mit einem einzigen Befehl
-|bersetzen; dies eignet es in idealer Weise f|r Studenten, Forscher
-oder einfach Leute, die sehen wollen wie alles funktioniert.
-Eine gro_e Anzahl portierter Dritt-Software (die "ports collection")
-gibt es ebenfalls, um Ihnen die Verf|gbarkeit und die Installation
-Ihrer traditionellen Lieblings-UNIX-Utilities f|r FreeBSD zu
-erleichtern. \ber 270 Portierungen, vom EMACS Editor bis zur
-Programmiersprache LISP, machen FreeBSD zu einem mdchtigen
-und umfassenden Betriebssystem, das keinen Vergleich zu dem gro_er
-Workstations scheut.
-Als weitere Dokumentation zu diesem System empfehlen wir die 4.4BSD
-Dokumentation von O'Reilly Associates und der USENIX Association,
-ISBN 1-56592-082-1. Wir sind nicht mit O'Reilly verbunden, sondern
-nur zufriedene Kunden!
-Wir empfehlen die HARDWARE ANLEITUNG *vor* jeglicher Fortf|hrung der
-Installation zu lesen. PC Hardware f|r irgend etwas anderes als
-DOS/Windows (das keine gro_en Anforderungen an die Hardware stellt)
-zu konfigurieren, ist schwieriger als es zundchst aussieht. Und wenn
-Sie glauben PCs zu verstehen, dann haben Sie diese noch nicht lange
-genung benutzt :) Diese Anleitung wird Ihnen einige Tips zur Konfigu-
-ration Ihrer Hardware geben und Ihnen sagen auf welche Symptome Sie
-bei Schwierigkeiten achten m|ssen. Die Anleitung ist im Dokumentations-
-menue der FreeBSD Bootfloppy verf|gbar.
-VORBEHALT: Obwohl FreeBSD alles versucht Ihre Daten gegen zufdlligen
-Verlust zu sch|tzen, ist es mit dieser Installation mehr als nur mvglich
-IHRE GESAMTE FESTPLATTE ZU LVSCHEN! Bitte fahren Sie nicht mit der
-endg|ltigen Installation von FreeBSD fort, ohne zuerst alle wichtigen
-Daten angemessen gesichert zu haben! Wir empfehlen es eindringlichst!
-Technische Kommentare dieser Release sollten an:
+Was ist FreeBSD? FreeBSD ist ein 4.4BSD-Lite-basiertes Betriebssystem für
+Intel, AMD, Cyrix oder NexGen "x86"-PC-Hardware. Es arbeitet mit einer
+großen Anzahl von PC-Peripherie und -Konfigurationen zusammen. Es kann für
+die Software-Entwicklung bis hin zum Anbieten von Internet-Diensten
+eingesetzt werden; der meist genutzte Rechner im Internet,,
+ist ein FreeBSD-Rechner.
+Dieses FreeBSD-Release enthält alles, was man zur Nutzung eines solchen
+Systems braucht; zusätzlich erhält man den kompletten Quellcode. Wenn man
+den Quellcode installiert hat, kann man das ganze Betriebssystem von Grund
+auf mit einem einzigen Befehl übersetzen; dies eignet es in idealer Weise
+für Studenten, Forscher oder einfach Leute, die sehen wollen, wie alles
+Es gibt ebenfalls eine große Anzahl portierter Dritt-Software (die "ports
+collection"), um die Verfügbarkeit und die Installation traditioneller
+Lieblings-UNIX-Utilities für FreeBSD zu erleichtern. Über 270 Portierun-
+gen, von Editoren über Programmiersprachen bis zu Grafikanwendungen, machen
+FreeBSD zu einem mächtigen und umfassenden Betriebssystem, das keinen
+Vergleich zu dem großer Workstations scheut.
+Als weitere Dokumentation zu diesem System empfehlen wir die 4.4BSD-
+Dokumentation von O'Reilly Associates und der USENIX Association, ISBN
+1-56592-082-1. Wir haben nichts mit O'Reilly zu tun, außer daß wir
+zufriedene Kunden sind!
+Wir empfehlen, die HARDWARE-ANLEITUNG *vor* jeglicher Fortführung der
+Installation zu lesen. PC-Hardware für irgend etwas anderes als DOS/
+Windows (das keine großen Anforderungen an die Hardware stellt) zu
+konfigurieren, ist schwieriger, als es zunächst aussieht. Und wenn man
+glaubt, PCs zu verstehen, dann hat man diese nur noch nicht lange genug
+benutzt. :) Diese Anleitung gibt einige Tips zur Hardwarekonfiguration und
+sagt, auf welche Symptome man bei Schwierigkeiten achten muß. Die Anlei-
+tung ist im Dokumentations-Menü der FreeBSD-Bootfloppy verfügbar.
+VORBEHALT: Obwohl FreeBSD alles versucht, vorhandene Daten gegen versehent-
+lichen Verlust zu schützen, ist es mit dieser Installation mehr als nur
+möglich, DIE GESAMTE FESTPLATTE ZU LÖSCHEN! Bitte nicht mit der endgül-
+tigen Installation von FreeBSD fortfahren, ohne zuerst alle wichtigen Daten
+angemessen gesichert zu haben! Wir empfehlen es eindringlichst!
+Technische Kommentare zu diesem Release sollten an:
-gesandt werden.
+gesandt werden (wenn möglich, in englisch).
Fehlermeldungen sollten bei erfolgreicher Installation mittels des
-`send-pr' Kommandos, ansonsten an:
+`send-pr'-Kommandos, ansonsten an:
gesandt werden.
-Bitte stellen Sie sicher, da_ die von Ihnen genutzte FreeBSD-VERSION
-in jeder Fehlermeldung genannt wird!
+Bitte in jeder Fehlermeldung die genutzte FreeBSD-VERSION nennen!
Allgemeine Fragen sollten an:
@@ -86,24 +84,23 @@ Allgemeine Fragen sollten an:
gesandt werden.
-Wir bitten um Geduld, wenn Ihre Fragen nicht sofort beantwortet werden -
-dieses sind besonders arbeitsintensive Zeiten f|r uns, und unsere
-Resourcen i(auf freiwilliger Basis) sind oft bis an die Grenzen ausgereizt!
-Mittels send-pr verschickte Fehlermeldungen werden registriert und in
-unserer Datenbank verfolgt. Sie werden |ber Statusdnderungen |ber die
-gesamte Lebensdauer des Fehlers (oder der Forderung nach einem Feature)
-auf dem Laufenden gehalten.
+Wir bitten um Geduld, wenn die Fragen nicht sofort beantwortet werden -
+dieses sind besonders arbeitsintensive Zeiten für uns, und unsere Resourcen
+(auf freiwilliger Basis) sind oft bis an die Grenzen ausgereizt! Mittels
+send-pr verschickte Fehlermeldungen werden registriert und in unserer
+Datenbank verfolgt. Über Statusänderungen wird über die gesamte Lebensdauer
+des Fehlers (oder der Forderung nach einem Feature) informiert.
Unsere WEB Site,, ist ebenfalls eine gute Quelle
-f|r neue Informationen und enthdlt einige weitere, fortf|hrende Infor-
-mationen. Sie kvnnen die BSDI-Version von Netscape zum browsen (bldttern)
+für neue Informationen und enthält einige weitere, fortführende Infor-
+mationen. Man kann die BSDI-Version von Netscape zum Browsen (Blättern)
im World Wide Web direkt aus FreeBSD heraus nutzen.
Wir empfehlen auch in /usr/share/FAQ und /usr/share/doc zu weiteren
Informationen zum System nachzuschauen.
-Wir danken Ihnen f|r Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und hoffen, da_ Ihnen dieses
-Release von FreeBSD viel Freude bereitet.
+Wir danken für die Aufmerksamkeit und hoffen, daß dieses Release von
+FreeBSD viel Freude bereitet.
Jordan Hubbard,
- f|r das FreeBSD Projekt
+ für das FreeBSD Projekt
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
index dbf4150..a8beada 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ PFEIL NACH RECHTS Zum nächsten Feld oder zur nächsten Gruppe (wie TAB).
SHIFT-TAB Zum vorherigen Feld oder zur vorherigen Gruppe.
PFEIL NACH LINKS Zum vorherigen Feld oder zur vorherigen Gruppe (wie SH-TAB).
RETURN Menüpunkt auswählen.
-ESC Eine Subshell zu Hilfszwecken starten. `exit' beendet sie.
BILD NACH OBEN Innerhalb von Textkästen: eine Seite zurück.
BILD NACH UNTEN Innerhalb von Textkästen: eine Seite vor.
LEERTASTE In Menüs mit mehreren Auswahlmöglichkeiten: umschalten.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/README b/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/README
index b7173f0..8ce9c18 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/README
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/README
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
FreeBSD 2.0.5 --- RELEASE Version , ,
----------------------------------------- /( )`
\ \___ / |
-Willkommen zur Release 2.0.5 von FreeBSD. 2.0.5, /- _ `-/ '
-ein Zwischen-Release von FreeBSD, f|llt eine oft (/\/ \ \ /\
-geforderte L|cke zwischen 2.0R (das im Nov. '94 / / | ` \
-erschien) und 2.1R, das spdt im Juli '95 er- O O ) / |
-scheinen wird. FreeBSD 2.0.5 enthdlt wesentliche `-^--'`< '
-Verbesserungen gg|. 2.0R, deren wichtigste eine (_.) _ ) /
-erhvhte Systemstabilitdt (wesentlich besser), `.___/` /
+Willkommen zum Release 2.0.5 von FreeBSD, einem /- _ `-/ '
+Zwischen-Release von FreeBSD, das eine eine Lücke (/\/ \ \ /\
+füllt zwischen 2.0R (das im Nov. 94 erschien) und / / | ` \
+2.1R, das Ende Juli '95 erscheinen wird, die oft O O ) / |
+beklagt wurde. FreeBSD 2.0.5 enthält wesentliche `-^--'`< '
+Verbesserungen gegenüber 2.0R, deren wichtigste (_.) _ ) /
+eine erhöhte Systemstabilität (wesentlich besser), `.___/` /
Dutzende neuer Features und ein stark `-----' /
verbessertes Installationsprogramm <----. __ / __ \
-sind. Lesen Sie die Release Notes <----|====O)))==) \) /====
-f|r weitere Details bzgl. der Neu- <----' `--' `.__,' \
-heiten in FreeBSD 2.0.5. | |
+sind. Die Release Notes enthalten <----|====O)))==) \) /====
+weitere Details bzgl. der Neuheiten <----' `--' `.__,' \
+in FreeBSD 2.0.5. | |
\ / /\
______( (_ / \______/
,' ,-----' |
@@ -21,64 +22,61 @@ heiten in FreeBSD 2.0.5. | |
-Was ist FreeBSD? FreeBSD ist ein 4.4BSD Lite basiertes Betriebssystem
-f|r Intel, AMD, Cyrix oder NexGen "x86"-PC-Hardware. Es arbeitet mit
-einer gro_en Anzahl von PC-Peripherie und -Konfigurationen zusammen. Es
-kann f|r die Software-Entwicklung bis hin zum Anbieten von Internet-
-Diensten eingesetzt werden; der meist genutzte Rechner im Internet,, ist ein FreeBSD-Rechner.
-Diese FreeBSD-Release enthdlt alles was Sie zur Nutzung eines
-solchen Systems brauchen; zusdtzlich erhalten Sie den kompletten
-Quellcode. Wenn Sie den Quellcode installiert haben, kvnnen Sie
-das ganze Betriebssystem von Grund auf mit einem einzigen Befehl
-|bersetzen; dies eignet es in idealer Weise f|r Studenten, Forscher
-oder einfach Leute, die sehen wollen wie alles funktioniert.
-Eine gro_e Anzahl portierter Dritt-Software (die "ports collection")
-gibt es ebenfalls, um Ihnen die Verf|gbarkeit und die Installation
-Ihrer traditionellen Lieblings-UNIX-Utilities f|r FreeBSD zu
-erleichtern. \ber 270 Portierungen, vom EMACS Editor bis zur
-Programmiersprache LISP, machen FreeBSD zu einem mdchtigen
-und umfassenden Betriebssystem, das keinen Vergleich zu dem gro_er
-Workstations scheut.
-Als weitere Dokumentation zu diesem System empfehlen wir die 4.4BSD
-Dokumentation von O'Reilly Associates und der USENIX Association,
-ISBN 1-56592-082-1. Wir sind nicht mit O'Reilly verbunden, sondern
-nur zufriedene Kunden!
-Wir empfehlen die HARDWARE ANLEITUNG *vor* jeglicher Fortf|hrung der
-Installation zu lesen. PC Hardware f|r irgend etwas anderes als
-DOS/Windows (das keine gro_en Anforderungen an die Hardware stellt)
-zu konfigurieren, ist schwieriger als es zundchst aussieht. Und wenn
-Sie glauben PCs zu verstehen, dann haben Sie diese noch nicht lange
-genung benutzt :) Diese Anleitung wird Ihnen einige Tips zur Konfigu-
-ration Ihrer Hardware geben und Ihnen sagen auf welche Symptome Sie
-bei Schwierigkeiten achten m|ssen. Die Anleitung ist im Dokumentations-
-menue der FreeBSD Bootfloppy verf|gbar.
-VORBEHALT: Obwohl FreeBSD alles versucht Ihre Daten gegen zufdlligen
-Verlust zu sch|tzen, ist es mit dieser Installation mehr als nur mvglich
-IHRE GESAMTE FESTPLATTE ZU LVSCHEN! Bitte fahren Sie nicht mit der
-endg|ltigen Installation von FreeBSD fort, ohne zuerst alle wichtigen
-Daten angemessen gesichert zu haben! Wir empfehlen es eindringlichst!
-Technische Kommentare dieser Release sollten an:
+Was ist FreeBSD? FreeBSD ist ein 4.4BSD-Lite-basiertes Betriebssystem für
+Intel, AMD, Cyrix oder NexGen "x86"-PC-Hardware. Es arbeitet mit einer
+großen Anzahl von PC-Peripherie und -Konfigurationen zusammen. Es kann für
+die Software-Entwicklung bis hin zum Anbieten von Internet-Diensten
+eingesetzt werden; der meist genutzte Rechner im Internet,,
+ist ein FreeBSD-Rechner.
+Dieses FreeBSD-Release enthält alles, was man zur Nutzung eines solchen
+Systems braucht; zusätzlich erhält man den kompletten Quellcode. Wenn man
+den Quellcode installiert hat, kann man das ganze Betriebssystem von Grund
+auf mit einem einzigen Befehl übersetzen; dies eignet es in idealer Weise
+für Studenten, Forscher oder einfach Leute, die sehen wollen, wie alles
+Es gibt ebenfalls eine große Anzahl portierter Dritt-Software (die "ports
+collection"), um die Verfügbarkeit und die Installation traditioneller
+Lieblings-UNIX-Utilities für FreeBSD zu erleichtern. Über 270 Portierun-
+gen, von Editoren über Programmiersprachen bis zu Grafikanwendungen, machen
+FreeBSD zu einem mächtigen und umfassenden Betriebssystem, das keinen
+Vergleich zu dem großer Workstations scheut.
+Als weitere Dokumentation zu diesem System empfehlen wir die 4.4BSD-
+Dokumentation von O'Reilly Associates und der USENIX Association, ISBN
+1-56592-082-1. Wir haben nichts mit O'Reilly zu tun, außer daß wir
+zufriedene Kunden sind!
+Wir empfehlen, die HARDWARE-ANLEITUNG *vor* jeglicher Fortführung der
+Installation zu lesen. PC-Hardware für irgend etwas anderes als DOS/
+Windows (das keine großen Anforderungen an die Hardware stellt) zu
+konfigurieren, ist schwieriger, als es zunächst aussieht. Und wenn man
+glaubt, PCs zu verstehen, dann hat man diese nur noch nicht lange genug
+benutzt. :) Diese Anleitung gibt einige Tips zur Hardwarekonfiguration und
+sagt, auf welche Symptome man bei Schwierigkeiten achten muß. Die Anlei-
+tung ist im Dokumentations-Menü der FreeBSD-Bootfloppy verfügbar.
+VORBEHALT: Obwohl FreeBSD alles versucht, vorhandene Daten gegen versehent-
+lichen Verlust zu schützen, ist es mit dieser Installation mehr als nur
+möglich, DIE GESAMTE FESTPLATTE ZU LÖSCHEN! Bitte nicht mit der endgül-
+tigen Installation von FreeBSD fortfahren, ohne zuerst alle wichtigen Daten
+angemessen gesichert zu haben! Wir empfehlen es eindringlichst!
+Technische Kommentare zu diesem Release sollten an:
-gesandt werden.
+gesandt werden (wenn möglich, in englisch).
Fehlermeldungen sollten bei erfolgreicher Installation mittels des
-`send-pr' Kommandos, ansonsten an:
+`send-pr'-Kommandos, ansonsten an:
gesandt werden.
-Bitte stellen Sie sicher, da_ die von Ihnen genutzte FreeBSD-VERSION
-in jeder Fehlermeldung genannt wird!
+Bitte in jeder Fehlermeldung die genutzte FreeBSD-VERSION nennen!
Allgemeine Fragen sollten an:
@@ -86,24 +84,23 @@ Allgemeine Fragen sollten an:
gesandt werden.
-Wir bitten um Geduld, wenn Ihre Fragen nicht sofort beantwortet werden -
-dieses sind besonders arbeitsintensive Zeiten f|r uns, und unsere
-Resourcen i(auf freiwilliger Basis) sind oft bis an die Grenzen ausgereizt!
-Mittels send-pr verschickte Fehlermeldungen werden registriert und in
-unserer Datenbank verfolgt. Sie werden |ber Statusdnderungen |ber die
-gesamte Lebensdauer des Fehlers (oder der Forderung nach einem Feature)
-auf dem Laufenden gehalten.
+Wir bitten um Geduld, wenn die Fragen nicht sofort beantwortet werden -
+dieses sind besonders arbeitsintensive Zeiten für uns, und unsere Resourcen
+(auf freiwilliger Basis) sind oft bis an die Grenzen ausgereizt! Mittels
+send-pr verschickte Fehlermeldungen werden registriert und in unserer
+Datenbank verfolgt. Über Statusänderungen wird über die gesamte Lebensdauer
+des Fehlers (oder der Forderung nach einem Feature) informiert.
Unsere WEB Site,, ist ebenfalls eine gute Quelle
-f|r neue Informationen und enthdlt einige weitere, fortf|hrende Infor-
-mationen. Sie kvnnen die BSDI-Version von Netscape zum browsen (bldttern)
+für neue Informationen und enthält einige weitere, fortführende Infor-
+mationen. Man kann die BSDI-Version von Netscape zum Browsen (Blättern)
im World Wide Web direkt aus FreeBSD heraus nutzen.
Wir empfehlen auch in /usr/share/FAQ und /usr/share/doc zu weiteren
Informationen zum System nachzuschauen.
-Wir danken Ihnen f|r Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und hoffen, da_ Ihnen dieses
-Release von FreeBSD viel Freude bereitet.
+Wir danken für die Aufmerksamkeit und hoffen, daß dieses Release von
+FreeBSD viel Freude bereitet.
Jordan Hubbard,
- f|r das FreeBSD Projekt
+ für das FreeBSD Projekt
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
index dbf4150..a8beada 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/de_DE.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ PFEIL NACH RECHTS Zum nächsten Feld oder zur nächsten Gruppe (wie TAB).
SHIFT-TAB Zum vorherigen Feld oder zur vorherigen Gruppe.
PFEIL NACH LINKS Zum vorherigen Feld oder zur vorherigen Gruppe (wie SH-TAB).
RETURN Menüpunkt auswählen.
-ESC Eine Subshell zu Hilfszwecken starten. `exit' beendet sie.
BILD NACH OBEN Innerhalb von Textkästen: eine Seite zurück.
BILD NACH UNTEN Innerhalb von Textkästen: eine Seite vor.
LEERTASTE In Menüs mit mehreren Auswahlmöglichkeiten: umschalten.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/XF86.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/XF86.hlp
index 8bfa455..c789eaa 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/XF86.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/XF86.hlp
@@ -1,608 +1,500 @@
- README for XFree86 3.1.1u1 on FreeBSD 2.0.5
- Rich Murphey, David Dawes
- 20 January 1995
+README for XFree86 3.1.1u1 on FreeBSD 2.0.5
+Rich Murphey, David Dawes
+20 January 1995
- 1. What and Where is XFree86?
+1. What and Where is XFree86?
- XFree86 is a port of X11R6 that supports several versions of Intel-
- based Unix. It is derived from X386 1.2, which was the X server
- distributed with X11R5. This release consists of many new features
- and performance improvements as well as many bug fixes. The release
- is available as source patches against the X Consortium X11R6 code, as
- well as binary distributions for many architectures.
+XFree86 is a port of X11R6 that supports several versions of Intel-
+based Unix. It is derived from X386 1.2, which was the X server
+distributed with X11R5. This release consists of many new features
+and performance improvements as well as many bug fixes. The release
+is available as source patches against the X Consortium X11R6 code, as
+well as binary distributions for many architectures.
- See the Copyright Notice (COPYRIGHT.html).
+See the Copyright Notice (COPYRIGHT.html).
- The sources for XFree86 are available by anonymous ftp from:
+The sources for XFree86 are available as part of the FreeBSD 2.0.5
+distribution, or by anonymous ftp from:
- (
- Binaries for XFree86 on FreeBSD are available from:
+Binaries for XFree86 on FreeBSD are also available as part of
+2.0.5 or from:
- (
- (
- Send email to or if you have
- comments or suggestions about this file and we'll revise it.
+Send email to or if you have
+comments or suggestions about this file and we'll revise it.
+2. Installing the Binaries
- 2. Installing the Binaries
+In the FreeBSD 2.0.5 distribution, XFree86 comes in 3 major sections:
+"basic" distributions, fonts and servers. At the minimum, you will
+need the binaries and libraries from the basic distribution, the
+"misc" fonts collection and at least one server. The smallest usable
+distribution is around 9MB.
- If you want to save space, first select which archives you want to
- unpack. If you can't decide what to pick and you have 52Mb of disk
- space, it's safe to unpack everything.
+If you can't decide what to pick and you have 52Mb of disk
+space, it's safe to unpack everything.
- At a minimum you need to unpack the 'required' X311*.tgz archives plus
- at least one server that matches your vga card. You'll need 9Mb for
- the minimum required run-time binaries only.
+What follows is a description of the various distribution files
+comprising XFree86. If you are installing this as part of FreeBSD
+2.0.5 then there's no need to use these files directly: You may
+simply check the desired components off the installation menus
+provided for that purpose. If you're installing this manually,
+then the following information should prove useful:
+ Required (6.7Mb):
- Required (6.7Mb):
+ X311bin.tgz
+ all the executable X client applications and shared libs
- X311bin.tgz
- all the executable X client applications and shared libs
+ X311fnts.tgz
+ the misc and 75 dpi fonts
+ X311lib.tgz
+ data files needed at runtime
- X311fnts.tgz
- the misc and 75 dpi fonts
+ Required unless you have already customized your configuration
+ files:
- X311lib.tgz
- data files needed at runtime
+ X311xicf.tgz
+ customizable xinit runtime configuration file
+ X311xdcf.tgz
+ customizable xdm runtime configuration file
- Required unless you have already customized your configuration
- files:
+ Choose at least one server ( 2.3Mb):
- X311xicf.tgz
- customizable xinit runtime configuration file
+ X3118514.tgz
+ 8-bit color for IBM 8514 and true compatibles.
+ X311AGX.tgz
+ 8-bit color for AGX boards.
- X311xdcf.tgz
- customizable xdm runtime configuration file
+ X311Mch3.tgz
+ 8 and 16-bit color for ATI Mach32 boards.
+ X311Mch8.tgz
+ 8-bit color for ATI Mach8 boards.
- Choose at least one server ( 2.3Mb):
+ X311Mono.tgz
+ 1-bit monochrome for VGA, Super-VGA, Hercules, and others.
- X3118514.tgz
- 8-bit color for IBM 8514 and true compatibles.
+ X311P9K.tgz
+ 8, 16, and 24-bit color for Weitek P9000 boards (Diamond
+ Viper).
+ X311S3.tgz
+ 8, 16 and 24-bit color for S3 boards (#9 GXE, Actix GE32,
+ SPEA Mercury, STB Pegasus)
- X311AGX.tgz
- 8-bit color for AGX boards.
+ X311SVGA.tgz
+ 8-bit color for Super-VGA cards.
+ X311VG16.tgz
+ 4-bit color for VGA and Super-VGA cards
- X311Mch3.tgz
- 8 and 16-bit color for ATI Mach32 boards.
+ X311W32.tgz
+ 8-bit Color for ET4000/W32, /W32i and /W32p cards.
+ X311nest.tgz
+ A nested server running as a client window on another
+ display.
- X311Mch8.tgz
- 8-bit color for ATI Mach8 boards.
+ Optional:
+ X311doc.tgz
+ (.5Mb) READMEs and XFree86 specific man pages
- X311Mono.tgz
- 1-bit monochrome for VGA, Super-VGA, Hercules, and others.
+ X311man.tgz
+ (1.7Mb) man pages except XFree86 specific ones in etc archive
+ X311f100.tgz
+ (1.8Mb) 100dpi fonts
- X311P9K.tgz
- 8, 16, and 24-bit color for Weitek P9000 boards (Diamond
- Viper).
+ X311fscl.tgz
+ (1.6Mb) Speedo and Type1 fonts
+ X311fnon.tgz
+ (3.3Mb) Japanese, Chinese and other non-English fonts
- X311S3.tgz
- 8, 16 and 24-bit color for S3 boards (#9 GXE, Actix GE32,
- SPEA Mercury, STB Pegasus)
+ X311fsrv.tgz
+ (.3Mb) the font server and it's man page
+ X311prog.tgz
+ (3.9Mb) config, lib*.a and *.h files needed only for
+ compiling
- X311SVGA.tgz
- 8-bit color for Super-VGA cards.
+ X311link.tgz
+ (7.8Mb) X server reconfiguration kit
+ X311pex.tgz
+ (.5Mb) PEX fonts and shared libs needed by PEX applications.
- X311VG16.tgz
- 4-bit color for VGA and Super-VGA cards
+ X311lbx.tgz
+ (.2Mb) low bandwidth X proxy server and libraries.
+Note that there is no longer a separate xdm archive. FreeBSD 2.0
+and later handles this in shared libraries now, so that the xdm
+binary does not itself contain des and there is no more need for
+us to provide separate tar balls.
- X311W32.tgz
- 8-bit Color for ET4000/W32, /W32i and /W32p cards.
+2.1. Full Install:
- X311nest.tgz
- A nested server running as a client window on another
- display.
+[ Note: Unless you're installing XFree86 3.1.1u1 manually, that is
+ to say not as part of the FreeBSD 2.0.5 installation, you may skip
+ to section 2.3 ]
+ 1. You must be logged in as root to unpack the archives because
+ several executables are set-user-id. Otherwise the server may
+ abort if you unpack it as an ordinary user. You must also use a
+ ``umask'' value of 022 because the X server requires special
+ permissions.
- Optional:
+ % su
+ # umask 022
- X311doc.tgz
- (.5Mb) READMEs and XFree86 specific man pages
+ 2. If you have 52Mb free in the /usr partition ``cd /usr'' and skip
+ to no. 3. Otherwise, create a directory on another partition
+ and sym link it into /usr:
+ # cd /usr/local
+ # mkdir X11R6
+ # ln -s /usr/local/X11R6 /usr/X11R6
- X311man.tgz
- (1.7Mb) man pages except XFree86 specific ones in etc archive
+ 3. Unpack everything:
- X311f100.tgz
- (1.8Mb) 100dpi fonts
- X311fscl.tgz
- (1.6Mb) Speedo and Type1 fonts
+ If you are using sh (as root usually does):
+ # for i in X311*.tgz; do
+ # tar -xzf $i
+ # done
- X311fnon.tgz
- (3.3Mb) Japanese, Chinese and other non-english fonts
+ Else, if you are using csh:
- X311fsrv.tgz
- (.3Mb) the font server and it's man page
+ % foreach i (X311*.tgz)
+ % tar -xzf $i
+ % end
- X311prog.tgz
- (3.9Mb) config, lib*.a and *.h files needed only for
- compiling
+ 4. Create a symbolic link ``X'' that points to the server that
+ matches your video card. The XF86_* man pages list which vga
+ chip sets are supported by each server. For example, if you
+ have an ET4000 based card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
+ # cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
- X311link.tgz
- (7.8Mb) X server reconfiguration kit
+2.2. Minimal Install:
- X311pex.tgz
- (.5Mb) PEX fonts and shared libs needed by PEX applications.
+First do numbers 1 and 2 above. Then unpack the required archives:
+ # for i in bin fnts lib xicf; do
+ # tar -xzf X311$i.tgz
+ # done
- X311lbx.tgz
- (.2Mb) low bandwidth X proxy server and libraries.
- Note that there is no longer a separate xdm archive. FreeBSD 2.0
- handles this in shared libraries now, so that the xdm binary does not
- itself contain des and there is no more need for us to provide
- separate tar balls.
+Then unpack a server archive corresponding to your vga card. The
+server man pages, X11R6/man/man1/XF86_*, list the vga chip sets
+supported by each server. For example, if you have an ET4000 based
+card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
+ # tar -xzf X311SVGA.tgz
+ # cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
- 2.1. Full Install:
+2.3. After either Full or Minimal Install above:
+Add /usr/X11R6/bin to the default path for sh in /etc/profile and for
+csh in /etc/csh.login if they are not already there:
- 1. You must be logged in as root to unpack the archives because
- several executables are set-user-id. Otherwise the server may
- abort if you unpack it as an ordinary user. You must also use a
- ``umask'' value of 022 because the X server requires special
- permissions.
+ # echo 'set path = ($path /usr/X11R6/bin)' >>/etc/csh.login
+ # echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin' >>/etc/profile
- % su
- # umask 022
+Or make sure all who use X put /usr/X11R6/bin in their shell's
+``path'' variable.
+Next either reboot or invoke ldconfig as root to put the shared
+libraries in's cache:
+ # ldconfig /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X11R6/lib
- 2. If you have 52Mb free in the /usr partition ``cd /usr'' and skip
- to no. 3. Otherwise, create a directory on another partition
- and sym link it into /usr:
+If you had already configured X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc or
+X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/* omit the xinit-config or xdm-config archive or
+unpack it separately and merge in your customizations.
- # cd /usr/local
- # mkdir X11R6
- # ln -s /usr/local/X11R6 /usr/X11R6
+The fscl and f100 archives are optional and can be omitted if you are
+short on space. The optional link archive allows you to reconfigure
+and customize a X server binary. The optional prog archive is needed
+only for writing or compiling X applications. The optional pex
+archive contains pex clients and libraries for building 3D graphics
+ NOTE: You don't need to uncompress the font files, but if
+ you uncompress them anyway you must run mkfontdir in the
+ corresponding font directory; otherwise your server will
+ abort with the message ``could not open default font
+ 'fixed'''.
+3. Installing The Display Manager (xdm)
- 3. Unpack everything:
+The display manager makes your PC look like an X terminal. That is,
+it presents you with a login screen that runs under X.
- If you are using sh (as root usually does):
+The easiest way to automatically start the display manager on boot is
+to add a line in /etc/ttys to start it on one of the unoccupied
+virtual terminals:
- # for i in X311*.tgz; do
- # tar -xzf $i
- # done
+ ttyv4 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm on secure
+You should also make sure that /usr/X11R6/bin/X is a symbolic link to
+the Xserver that matches your video card or edit the file Xservers in
+/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm to specify the pathname of the X server.
+The change to /etc/ttys won't take effect until you either reboot or
+``kill -HUP 1'' to force initd to reread /etc/ttys. You can also test
+the display manager manually by loging in as root on the console and
+typing ``xdm -nodaemon''.
- Else, if you are using csh:
+4. Configuring X for Your Hardware
- % foreach i (X311*.tgz)
- % tar -xzf $i
- % end
+The XF86Config file tells the X server what kind of monitor, video
+card and mouse you have. You must create it to tell the server what
+specific hardware you have.
+XFree86 3.1 uses a new configuration file format. Consult the
+XF86Config man page and the general INSTALL (INSTALL.html) file for
+If you have a Xconfig file for XFree86 2.x, use reconfig to translate
+part of it into the new format:
+ # reconfig <Xconfig >XF86Config
- 4. Create a symbolic link ``X'' that points to the server that
- matches your video card. The XF86_* man pages list which vga
- chip sets are supported by each server. For example, if you
- have an ET4000 based card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
+and complete the rest according to the XF86Config man page and the
+XF86Config.sample file as a template.
+In order to protect your hardware from damage, the server no longer
+will read XF86Config files from a user's home directory, but requires
+that it be in /etc/XF86Config, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.hostname
+or /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.
- # cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
+You'll need info on your hardware:
+ o Your mouse type, baud rate and it's /dev entry.
+ o The video card's chipset (e.g. ET4000, S3, etc).
+ o Your monitor's sync frequencies.
- 2.2. Minimal Install:
+The easiest way to find which device your mouse is plugged into is to
+use ``cat'' or ``kermit'' to look at the output of the mouse. Connect
+to it and just make sure that it generates output when the mouse is
+moved or clicked:
- First do numbers 1 and 2 above. Then unpack the required archives:
+ % cat < /dev/cuaa0
+If you can't find the right mouse device then use ``dmesg|grep sio''
+to get a list of devices that were detected upon booting:
- # for i in bin fnts lib xicf; do
- # tar -xzf X311$i.tgz
- # done
+ % dmesg|grep sio
+ sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa
+Then double check the /dev entries corresponding to these devices.
+Use the script /dev/MAKEDEV to create entries if they don't already
+ % cd /dev
+ % sh MAKEDEV cuaa0
- Then unpack a server archive corresponding to your vga card. The
- server man pages, X11R6/man/man1/XF86_*, list the vga chip sets
- supported by each server. For example, if you have an ET4000 based
- card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
+If you plan to fine tune the screen size or position on your monitor
+you'll need the specs for sync frequencies from your monitor's manual.
- # tar -xzf X311SVGA.tgz
- # cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
+5. Running X
+8mb of memory is a recommended minimum for running X. The server,
+window manager, display manager and an xterm take about 8Mb of virtual
+memory themselves. Even if their resident set size is smaller, on a
+8Mb system that leaves very space for other applications such as gcc
+that expect a few meg free. The R6 X servers may work with 4Mb of
+memory, but in practice compilation while running X can take 5 or 10
+times as long due to constant paging.
+The easiest way for new users to start X windows is to type ``startx
+>& startx.log''. Error messages are lost unless you redirect them
+because the server takes over the screen.
- 2.3. After either Full or Minimal Install above:
- Add /usr/X11R6/bin to the default path for sh in /etc/profile and for
- csh in /etc/csh.login if they are not already there:
- # echo 'set path = ($path /usr/X11R6/bin)' >>/etc/csh.login
- # echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin' >>/etc/profile
- Or make sure all who use X put /usr/X11R6/bin in their shell's
- ``path'' variable.
- Next either reboot or invoke ldconfig as root to put the shared
- libraries in's cache:
- # ldconfig /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X11R6/lib
- If you had already configured X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc or
- X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/* omit the xinit-config or xdm-config archive or
- unpack it separately and merge in your customizations.
- The fscl and f100 archives are optional and can be omitted if you are
- short on space. The optional link archive allows you to reconfigure
- and customize a X server binary. The optional prog archive is needed
- only for writing or compiling X applications. The optional pex
- archive contains pex clients and libraries for building 3D graphics
- applications.
- NOTE: You don't need to uncompress the font files, but if
- you uncompress them anyway you must run mkfontdir in the
- corresponding font directory; otherwise your server will
- abort with the message ``could not open default font
- 'fixed'''.
- 3. Installing The Display Manager (xdm)
- The display manager makes your PC look like an X terminal. That is,
- it presents you with a login screen that runs under X.
- The easiest way to automatically start the display manager on boot is
- to add a line in /etc/ttys to start it on one of the unoccupied
- virtual terminals:
- ttyv4 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm on secure
- You should also make sure that /usr/X11R6/bin/X is a symbolic link to
- the Xserver that matches your video card or edit the file Xservers in
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm to specify the pathname of the X server.
- The change to /etc/ttys won't take effect until you either reboot or
- ``kill -HUP 1'' to force initd to reread /etc/ttys. You can also test
- the display manager manually by loging in as root on the console and
- typing ``xdm -nodaemon''.
- 4. Configuring X for Your Hardware
- The XF86Config file tells the X server what kind of monitor, video
- card and mouse you have. You must create it to tell the server what
- specific hardware you have.
- XFree86 3.1 uses a new configuration file format. Consult the
- XF86Config man page and the general INSTALL (INSTALL.html) file for
- instructions.
- If you have a Xconfig file for XFree86 2.x, use reconfig to translate
- part of it into the new format:
- # reconfig <Xconfig >XF86Config
- and complete the rest according to the XF86Config man page and the
- XF86Config.sample file as a template.
- In order to protect your hardware from damage, the server no longer
- will read XF86Config files from a user's home directory, but requires
- that it be in /etc/XF86Config, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.hostname
- or /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.
- You'll need info on your hardware:
- o Your mouse type, baud rate and it's /dev entry.
- o The video card's chipset (e.g. ET4000, S3, etc).
- o Your monitor's sync frequencies.
- The easiest way to find which device your mouse is plugged into is to
- use ``cat'' or ``kermit'' to look at the output of the mouse. Connect
- to it and just make sure that it generates output when the mouse is
- moved or clicked:
- % cat < /dev/tty00
- If you can't find the right mouse device then use ``dmesg|grep sio''
- to get a list of devices that were detected upon booting:
- % dmesg|grep sio
- sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa
- Then double check the /dev entries corresponding to these devices.
- Use the script /dev/MAKEDEV to create entries if they don't already
- exist:
- % cd /dev
- % sh MAKEDEV tty00
- If you plan to fine tune the screen size or position on your monitor
- you'll need the specs for sync frequencies from your monitor's manual.
- 5. Running X
- 8mb of memory is a recommended minimum for running X. The server,
- window manager, display manager and an xterm take about 8Mb of virtual
- memory themselves. Even if their resident set size is smaller, on a
- 8Mb system that leaves very space for other applications such as gcc
- that expect a few meg free. The R6 X servers may work with 4Mb of
- memory, but in practice compilation while running X can take 5 or 10
- times as long due to constant paging.
- The easiest way for new users to start X windows is to type ``startx
- >& startx.log''. Error messages are lost unless you redirect them
- because the server takes over the screen.
- To get out of X windows, type: ``exit'' in the console xterm. You can
- customize your X by creating .xinitrc, .xserverrc, and .twmrc files in
- your home directory as described in the xinit and startx man pages.
- 6. Rebuilding Kernels for X
- The GENERIC FreeBSD 2.0 kernel supports XFree86 without any
- modifications required. You do not need to make any changes to the
- GENERIC kernel or any kernel configuration which is a superset.
- For a general description of BSD kernel configuration get
- ( It is
- a ready-to-print postscript copy of the kernel configuration chapter
- from the system maintainers manual.
- If you do decide to reduce your kernel configuration file, do not
- remove the two lines below (in /sys/arch/i386/conf). They are both
- required for X support:
- options XSERVER #Xserver
- options UCONSOLE #X Console support
- The generic FreeBSD 2.0 kernel is configured by default with the
- syscons driver. To configure your kernel similarly it should have a
- line like this in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC:
- device sc0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector scintr
- The maximum number of virtual consoles can be set using the MAXCONS
- option:
- options "MAXCONS=4" #4 virtual consoles
- Otherwise, the default without a line like this is 12. You must have
- more VTs than gettys as described in the end of section 3, and 4 is a
- reasonable minimum.
- The server supports several console drivers: pccons, syscons and pcvt.
- The syscons driver is the default in FreeBSD 1.1.5 and higher. They
- are detected at runtime and no configuration of the server itself is
- required.
- The pcvt console driver is bundled into FreeBSD and may be enabled
- by changing the `sc0' line in your kernel configuration file to
- `vt0'. See /sys/i386/conf/LINT for more details.
- The XFree86 servers include support for the MIT-SHM extension. The
- GENERIC kernel does not support this, so if you want to make use of
- this, you will need a kernel configured with SYSV shared memory
- support. To do this, add the following line to your kernel config
- file:
- options SYSVSHM # System V shared memory
- options SYSVSEM # System V semaphores
- options SYSVMSG # System V message queues
- If you are using a SoundBlaster 16 on IRQ 2 (9), then you need a patch
- for sb16_dsp.c. Otherwise a kernel configured with the SoundBlaster
- driver will claim interrupt 9 doesn't exist and X server will lock up.
- S3 cards and serial port COM 4 cannot be installed together on a
- system because the I/O port addresses overlap.
- 7. Rebuilding XFree86
- The server link kit allows you to build an X server using a minimum
- amount of disk space. Just unpack it, make the appropriate changes to
- site.def, type ``./mkmf' and ``make'' to link the server. See
- README.LinkKit (LinkKit.html) for more info.
- The source tree takes about 114Mb before compiling and an additional
- 100Mb after ``make World''. You should configure the distribution by
- editing xf86site.def and site.def in xc/config/cf before compiling.
- By default, the config files are set up to build shared libraries. If
- you are running a version of FreeBSD that doesn't include shared
- library support, add the following line to site.def:
- #define BuildBsdSharedLibs NO
- If your system doesn't have support or SYSV shared memory (for
- example, if you don't have the <sys/shm.h> header), you should disable
- the MIT-SHM extension by adding the following line to site.def:
- #define HasShm NO
- To compile the sources on FreeBSD 1.1 and later, type:
- make World
- 8. Building Other X Clients
- The easiest way to build a new client (X application) is to use xmkmf
- if an Imakefile is included with it. Type ``xmkmf -a'' to create the
- Makefiles, then type ``make''. Whenever you install additional man
- pages you should update whatis.db by running ``makewhatis
- /usr/X11R6/man''.
- Note: Starting with XFree86 2.1 and FreeBSD 1.1, the symbol __386BSD__
- no longer gets defined either by the compiler or via the X config
- files for FreeBSD systems. When porting clients to BSD systems, make
- use of the symbol BSD for code which is truly BSD-specific. The value
- of the symbol can be used to distinguish different BSD releases. For
- example, code specific to the Net-2 and later releases can use:
- #if (BSD >= 199103)
- To ensure that this symbol is correctly defined, include <sys/param.h>
- in the source that requires it. Note that the symbol CSRG_BASED is
- defined for *BSD systems in XFree86 3.1.1 and later. This should be
- used to protect the inclusion of <sys/param.h>.
- For code that really is specific to a particular i386 BSD port, use
- __FreeBSD__ for FreeBSD, __NetBSD__ for NetBSD, __386BSD__ for 386BSD,
- and __bsdi__ for BSD/386.
- 9. Thanks
- Many thanks to:
- o Pace Willison for providing initial *BSD support.
- o Amancio Hasty for 386BSD kernel and S3 chipset support.
- o David Greenman, Nate Williams, Jordan Hubbard for FreeBSD kernel
- support.
- o Rod Grimes, Jordan Hubbard and Jack Velte for the use of Walnut
- Creek Cdrom's hardware.
- o Orest Zborowski, Simon Cooper and Dirk Hohndel for ideas from
- the Linux distribution.
- $XConsortium: FreeBSD.sgml,v 1.3 95/01/23 15:34:41 kaleb Exp $
- Generated from XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/FreeBSD.sgml,v 3.10 1995/01/28 16:01:28 dawes Exp $
+To get out of X windows, type: ``exit'' in the console xterm. You can
+customize your X by creating .xinitrc, .xserverrc, and .twmrc files in
+your home directory as described in the xinit and startx man pages.
+6. Rebuilding Kernels for X
+The GENERIC FreeBSD 2.0 kernel supports XFree86 without any
+modifications required. You do not need to make any changes to the
+GENERIC kernel or any kernel configuration which is a superset.
+For a general description of BSD kernel configuration get
+( It is
+a ready-to-print postscript copy of the kernel configuration chapter
+from the system maintainers manual.
+If you do decide to reduce your kernel configuration file, do not
+remove the two lines below (in /sys/arch/i386/conf). They are both
+required for X support:
+ options XSERVER #Xserver
+ options UCONSOLE #X Console support
+The generic FreeBSD 2.0 kernel is configured by default with the
+syscons driver. To configure your kernel similarly it should have a
+line like this in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC:
+ device sc0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector scintr
+The maximum number of virtual consoles can be set using the MAXCONS
+ options "MAXCONS=4" #4 virtual consoles
+Otherwise, the default without a line like this is 12. You must have
+more VTs than gettys as described in the end of section 3, and 4 is a
+reasonable minimum.
+The server supports several console drivers: pccons, syscons and pcvt.
+The syscons driver is the default in FreeBSD 1.1.5 and higher. They
+are detected at runtime and no configuration of the server itself is
+The pcvt console driver is bundled into FreeBSD and may be enabled
+by changing the `sc0' line in your kernel configuration file to
+`vt0'. See /sys/i386/conf/LINT for more details.
+The XFree86 servers include support for the MIT-SHM extension. The
+GENERIC kernel does not support this, so if you want to make use of
+this, you will need a kernel configured with SYSV shared memory
+support. To do this, add the following line to your kernel config
+ options SYSVSHM # System V shared memory
+ options SYSVSEM # System V semaphores
+ options SYSVMSG # System V message queues
+If you are using a SoundBlaster 16 on IRQ 2 (9), then you need a patch
+for sb16_dsp.c. Otherwise a kernel configured with the SoundBlaster
+driver will claim interrupt 9 doesn't exist and X server will lock up.
+S3 cards and serial port COM 4 cannot be installed together on a
+system because the I/O port addresses overlap.
+7. Rebuilding XFree86
+The server link kit allows you to build an X server using a minimum
+amount of disk space. Just unpack it, make the appropriate changes to
+site.def, type ``./mkmf' and ``make'' to link the server. See
+README.LinkKit (LinkKit.html) for more info.
+The source tree takes about 114Mb before compiling and an additional
+100Mb after ``make World''. You should configure the distribution by
+editing xf86site.def and site.def in xc/config/cf before compiling.
+By default, the config files are set up to build shared libraries. If
+you are running a version of FreeBSD that doesn't include shared
+library support, add the following line to site.def:
+ #define BuildBsdSharedLibs NO
+If your system doesn't have support or SYSV shared memory (for
+example, if you don't have the <sys/shm.h> header), you should disable
+the MIT-SHM extension by adding the following line to site.def:
+ #define HasShm NO
+To compile the sources on FreeBSD 1.1 and later, type:
+ make World
+8. Building Other X Clients
+The easiest way to build a new client (X application) is to use xmkmf
+if an Imakefile is included with it. Type ``xmkmf -a'' to create the
+Makefiles, then type ``make''. Whenever you install additional man
+pages you should update whatis.db by running ``makewhatis
+Note: Starting with XFree86 2.1 and FreeBSD 1.1, the symbol __386BSD__
+no longer gets defined either by the compiler or via the X config
+files for FreeBSD systems. When porting clients to BSD systems, make
+use of the symbol BSD for code which is truly BSD-specific. The value
+of the symbol can be used to distinguish different BSD releases. For
+example, code specific to the Net-2 and later releases can use:
+ #if (BSD >= 199103)
+To ensure that this symbol is correctly defined, include <sys/param.h>
+in the source that requires it. Note that the symbol CSRG_BASED is
+defined for *BSD systems in XFree86 3.1.1 and later. This should be
+used to protect the inclusion of <sys/param.h>.
+For code that really is specific to a particular i386 BSD port, use
+__FreeBSD__ for FreeBSD, __NetBSD__ for NetBSD, __386BSD__ for 386BSD,
+and __bsdi__ for BSD/386.
+9. Thanks
+Many thanks to:
+ o Pace Willison for providing initial *BSD support.
+ o Amancio Hasty for 386BSD kernel and S3 chipset support.
+ o David Greenman, Nate Williams, Jordan Hubbard for FreeBSD kernel
+ support.
+ o Rod Grimes, Jordan Hubbard and Jack Velte for the use of Walnut
+ Creek Cdrom's hardware.
+ o Orest Zborowski, Simon Cooper and Dirk Hohndel for ideas from
+ the Linux distribution.
+$XConsortium: FreeBSD.sgml,v 1.3 95/01/23 15:34:41 kaleb Exp $
+Generated from XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/FreeBSD.sgml,v 3.10 1995/01/28 16:01:28 dawes Exp $
$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/READ.FreeBSD,v 3.12 1995/01/28 16:19:37 dawes Exp $
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/configure.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/configure.hlp
index 4f37bb5..2d14031 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/configure.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/configure.hlp
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
-This menu lets you configure your system a little after it's
-installed. In particular, you should probably set the system
-manager's password and the system time zone.
+This menu allows you to configure your system after the installation process
+is complete. At the minimum, you should probably set the system manager's
+password and the system time zone.
-For extra goodies like bash, emacs, pascal, etc. you should almost
-certainly look at the Packages item in this menu. Note that this is
-currently only really useful if you have a CDROM or an existing
-packages collection somewhere in the file system hierarchy where the
-package management tool can get to it. Automatic transfer of packages
-over FTP is not yet supported!
+For extra goodies like bash, emacs, pascal, etc., you should look at the
+Packages item in this menu. Currently, the Packages option is only useful
+if you have a CDROM or an existing packages collection somewhere in the
+file system hierarchy where the package management tool can locate it.
+The automatic transfer of packages via FTP is not yet supported!
+If you wish to re-invoke the package installation tool after leaving
+the system installation, the command is ``pkg_manage''. For setting
+the timezone, type ``tzsetup''. For more information on the general
+system configuration, see the ``/etc/sysconfig'' file.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/drives.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/drives.hlp
index 349ba7e..d924f8d 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/drives.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/drives.hlp
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-Select the drive(s) you wish FreeBSD to be able to use.
If you are going to actually install some portion of FreeBSD on a
drive then PLEASE BE VERY CERTAIN that the Geometry reported in the
Partition Editor (see Installation Menu) is the correct one for your
@@ -11,13 +9,20 @@ by either the IDE controller or a special boot-sector translation
utility such as that by OnTrack Systems. In these cases, knowing
the correct geometry gets even more complicated as it's not something
you can easily tell by looking at the drive or the PC BIOS setup. The
-best way of determining your geometry in such situations is to boot
-DOS (from the hard disk, not a floppy!) and run the ``pfdisk'' utility
-provided in the tools/ subdirectory of the FreeBSD CDROM or FTP site.
-It will report the geometry that DOS sees, which is generally the
-correct one.
+best way of verifying that your geometry is being correctly calculated
+in such situations is to boot DOS (from the hard disk, not a floppy!)
+and run the ``pfdisk'' utility provided in the tools/ subdirectory of the
+FreeBSD CDROM or FTP site. It will report the geometry that DOS sees,
+which is generally the correct one.
+If you have no DOS partition sharing the disk at all, then you may find that
+you have better luck with Geometry detection if you create a very small
+DOS partition first, before installing FreeBSD. Once FreeBSD is installed
+you can always delete it again if you need the space.
-FreeBSD does its best to guess all of this automatically, of course,
-but it sometimes fails which is why it's a good idea to check it. The
-Partition Editor has a `(G)eometry' command that will allow you to
-change it as necessary.
+It's actually not a bad idea (believe it or not) to have a small bootable
+DOS partition on your FreeBSD machine anyway: Should the machine become
+unstable or exhibit strange behavior at some point in the future (which
+is not uncommon behavior for PC hardware!) you can then at least use
+DOS for installing and running one of the commercially available system
+diagnostic utilities.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/install.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/install.hlp
index 72912c5..945c81b 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/install.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/install.hlp
@@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
This manual documents the process of installing FreeBSD on your
-machine. Please also see the hardware guide for hardware-specific
+machine. Please also see the Hardware Guide for hardware-specific
installation instructions (how to configure your hardware, what sorts
-of things to watch out for, etc).
+of things to watch out for, etc) before starting a new installation.
-If you're running DOS and want FreeBSD to interoperate with it, read
-the following section first! Otherwise, you may skip to the next
+Table of Contents:
-|1. DOS user's Question and Answer section |
+1.0 DOS User's Q&A section.
+ 1.1 How do I make space for FreeBSD?
+ 1.2 Can I use compressed DOS filesystems from FreeBSD?
+ 1.3 Can I use DOS extended partitions?
+ 1.4 Can I run DOS executables under FreeBSD?
-1.1 Help! I have no space! Do I need to delete everything first?
+2.0 Preparing for the installation.
+ 2.1 Before installing from CDROM
+ 2.2 Before installing from Floppy
+ 2.3 Before installing from a DOS partition
+ 2.4 Before installing from QIC/SCSI tape
+ 2.5 Before installing over a network
+ 2.5.1 Preparing for NFS Installation
+ 2.5.2 Preparing for FTP Installation
+3.0 Installing FreeBSD.
+1.0 DOS user's Question and Answer section
+=== ======================================
+1.1 Help! I have no space! Do I need to delete everything first?
If your machine is already running DOS and has little or no free space
available for FreeBSD's installation, all is not lost! You may find
@@ -31,7 +48,7 @@ Distributions menu for an estimation of how much free space you'll
need for the kind of installation you want.
-1.2 Can I use compressed DOS filesystems from FreeBSD?
+1.2 Can I use compressed DOS filesystems from FreeBSD?
No. If you are using a utility such as Stacker(tm) or DoubleSpace(tm),
FreeBSD will only be able to use whatever portion of the filesystem
@@ -43,44 +60,57 @@ It is probably better to create another uncompressed DOS primary
partition and use this for communications between DOS and FreeBSD.
-1.3 Can I mount my DOS extended partitions?
+1.3 Can I mount my DOS extended partitions?
This feature isn't in FreeBSD 2.0.5 but should be in 2.1. We've laid
all the groundwork for making this happen, now we just need to do the
last 1% of the work involved.
-1.4 Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?
+1.4 Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?
Not yet! We'd like to add support for this someday, but are still
-lacking anyone to actually do the work..
+lacking anyone to actually do the work. Ongoing work with Linux's
+DOSEMU utility may bring this much closer to being a reality sometime
+soon. Send mail to if you're interested in
+joining this effort!
+However, there is a neat utility called "pcemu" in the ports collection
+which emulates an 8088 and enough BIOS services to run DOS text mode
+applications. It requires the X Window System (provided as
+XFree86 3.1.1u1).
+2.0 Preparing for the installation
+=== ==============================
-2.1 Before installing from CDROM:
+2.1 Before installing from CDROM:
If your CDROM is of an unsupported type, such as an IDE CDROM, then
-please skip to section 2.3: DOS Preparation.
+please skip to section 2.3: Before installing from a DOS partition.
There is not a lot of preparatory work that needs to be done to
successfully install from one of Walnut Creek's FreeBSD CDROMs (other
-CDROM distributions may work as well, but I can't say for sure as I
+CDROM distributions may work as well, we simply cannot say as we
have no hand or say in their creation). You can either boot into the
-CD installation directly from DOS using Walnut Creek's supplied "go"
-batch file or you can make a boot floppy by writing the supplied image
-(floppies/boot.flp) onto a floppy. Under DOS, a good utility for this
-is rawrite.exe, which may also be found in the tools/ subdirectory.
-Under UNIX, you may find that ``dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0''
-or ``dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/floppy'' works well, depending on
-your hardware.
-Once you've booted one way or the other, you should be able to select
-CDROM as the media type when asked and load the entire distribution
-from CDROM. No other media will be required.
+CD installation directly from DOS using Walnut Creek's supplied
+``install.bat'' batch file or you can make a boot floppy with
+the ``makeflp.bat'' command.
+For the easiest interface of all (from DOS), type "go". This
+will bring up a DOS menu utility that leads you through all
+the available options.
+If you're creating the boot floppy from a UNIX machine, you may find
+that ``dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0'' or
+``dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/floppy'' works well, depending on
+your hardware and operating system environment.
+Once you've booted from DOS or floppy, you should then be able to select
+CDROM as the media type in the Media menu and load the entire
+distribution from CDROM. No other types of installation media should
+be required.
After your system is fully installed and you have rebooted from the
hard disk, you should find the CD mounted on the directory /cdrom. A
@@ -89,15 +119,35 @@ may also find useful: It allows you to create "link tree" directories
to things on Read-Only media like CDROM. One example might be
something like this:
- mkdir /usr/ports
- lndir /cdrom/ports /usr/ports
+ mkdir /usr/ports
+ lndir /cdrom/ports /usr/ports
Which would allow you to then "cd /usr/ports; make" and get all the
sources from the CD, but yet create all the intermediate files in
/usr/ports, which is presumably on a more writable media! :-)
+SPECIAL NOTE: Before invoking the installation, be sure that the
+CDROM is in the drive so that the "probe" can find it!
+This is also true if you wish the CDROM to be added to the default
+system configuration automatically during the install (whether or
+not you actually use it as the installation media). This will be
+fixed for 2.1, but for now this simple work-around will ensure that
+your CDROM is detected properly.
+Finally, if you would like people to be able to FTP install
+FreeBSD directly from the CDROM in your machine, you'll find
+it quite easy. After the machine is fully installed, you simply
+need to add the following line to the password file (using
+the vipw command):
+ ftp:*:99:99::0:0:FTP:/cdrom:/nonexistent
-2.2 Before installing from Floppy:
+No further work is necessary. The other installers will now be able
+to chose a Media type of FTP and type in: ftp://<your machine>
+after picking "Other" in the ftp sites menu!
+2.2 Before installing from Floppy:
If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported
hardware or just because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you must
@@ -108,66 +158,89 @@ somewhat special in that it's not a DOS filesystem floppy at all, but
rather an "image" floppy (it's actually a gzip'd cpio file). You can
use the rawrite.exe program to do this under DOS, or ``dd'' to do it
on a UNIX Workstation (see notes in section 2.1 concerning the
-``floppies/boot.flp'' image). Once this floppy is made, put it aside.
-You'll be asked for it later.
+``floppies/boot.flp'' image). Once this floppy is made, go on
+to make the distribution set floppies:
-You will also need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB or 1.2MB floppies as it
-takes to hold all files in the bin (binary distribution) directory.
-THESE floppies *must* be formatted using MS-DOS, using with the FORMAT
-command in MS-DOS or the File Manager format command in Microsoft
-Windows(tm). Factory preformatted floppies will also work well,
-provided that they haven't been previously used for something else.
+You will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB or 1.2MB floppies as it takes
+to hold all files in the bin (binary distribution) directory. THESE
+floppies *must* be formatted using MS-DOS, using the FORMAT command in
+MS-DOS or the File Manager format command in Microsoft Windows(tm).
+Don't trust Factory Preformatted floppies! Format them again yourself,
+just to make sure!
-Many problems reported by our users in the past have turned out to be
-from the use of improperly formatted media, so we simply take special
-care to mention it here!
+Many problems reported by our users in the past have resulted from the
+use of improperly formatted media, so we simply take special care to
+mention it here!
After you've DOS formatted the floppies, you'll need to copy the files
onto them. The distribution files are split into chunks conveniently
sized so that 5 of them will fit on a conventional 1.44MB floppy. Go
through all your floppies, packing as many files as will fit on each
one, until you've got all the distributions you want packed up in this
-fashion. Select ``Floppy'' from the Media menu at installation time
-and you will be prompted for everything after that.
+fashion. Each distribution should go into a subdirectory on the
+floppy, e.g.: a:\bin\bin.aa, a:\bin\bin.ab, ...
+Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select
+"Floppy" and you'll be prompted for the rest.
+2.3 Before installing from a DOS partition:
+To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition you should
+simply copy the files from the distribution into a directory called
+"FREEBSD". For example, to do a minimal installation of FreeBSD from
+DOS using files copied from the CDROM, you might do something like
-2.3 Before installing from a DOS partition:
-To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition, you should
-simply copy the files from the distribution into a directory with the
-same name as the distribution. For example, if you are preparing to
-install the bin distribution set, then make a directory on your C:
-drive named C:\FREEBSD\BIN and copy the files there. Copying the
-distributions into subdirectories of the FREEBSD directory allows the
-installation program to find the files automatically.
+Asssuming that `C:' was where you had free space and `E:' was where
+your CD was mounted. Note that you need the FLOPPIES directory
+because the `root.flp' image is automatically looked for there when
+you're doing a DOS installation.
+For as many `DISTS' as you wish to install from DOS (and you have free
+space for), install each one under `C:\FREEBSD' - the BIN dist is only
+the minimal requirement.
-2.4 Before installing from QIC/SCSI Tape:
+2.4 Before installing from QIC/SCSI Tape:
Installing from tape is probably the easiest method, short of an
-on-line install using FTP or installing from a CDROM. The
-installation program expects the files to be simply tar'ed onto the
-tape, so after getting all of the files for distribution you're
-interested in, simply tar them onto the tape with a command like:
+on-line install using FTP or a CDROM install. The installation program
+expects the files to be simply tar'ed onto the tape, so after getting
+all of the files for distribution you're interested in, simply tar
+them onto the tape with a command like:
+ cd /freebsd/distdir
+ tar cvf /dev/rwt0 (or /dev/rst0) dist1 .. dist2
+Make sure that the `floppies/' directory is one of the "dists" given
+above, since the installation will look for `floppies/root.flp' on
+the tape.
- cd /freebsd/distdir
- tar cvf /dev/rwt0 (or /dev/rst0) dist1 .. dist2
+When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that you
+leave enough room in some temporary directory (which you'll be allowed
+to choose) to accommodate the FULL contents of the tape you've
+created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this method of
+installation requires quite a bit of temporary storage! You should
+expect to require as much temporary storage as you have stuff written
+on tape.
-When you go to do the installation, you should make sure that you
-leave enough room in the /usr/tmp directory to accomdate the FULL
-contents of the tape you've created. Due to the non-random access
-nature of tapes, this method of installation requires quite a bit of
-temporary storage! You should expect to require as much temporary
-storage as you have stuff written on tape!
+SPECIAL NOTE: When going to do the installation, the tape must be in
+the drive *before* booting from the boot floppy. The installation
+"probe" may otherwise fail to find it.
-2.5 Before installing over a network:
+2.5 Before installing over a network:
You can do network installations over 3 types of communications links:
- Serial port: SLIP / PPP
- Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
- Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
+ Serial port: SLIP / PPP
+ Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
+ Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
SLIP support is rather primitive, and limited primarily to hard-wired
links, such as a serial cable running between a laptop computer and
@@ -189,52 +262,186 @@ terminal emulator.
If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD (2.0R or later) machine
is available, you might also consider installing over a "laplink"
parallel port cable. The data rate over the parallel port is much
-higher than is what's typically possible over a serial line (up to
+higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up to
50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation.
-Finally, for the fastest possible installation, an ethernet adaptor is
-always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC ethernet cards,
-a table of supported cards (and their required settings) provided as
-part of the FreeBSD Hardware Guide - see the Documentation menu on the
-boot floppy. If you are using one of the supported PCMCIA ethernet
-cards, also be sure that it's plugged in _before_ the laptop is
-powered on! FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support "hot
-insertion" of PCMCIA cards.
-You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the the
-"netmask" value for your address class and the name of your machine.
+Finally, for the fastest possible network installation, an ethernet
+adaptor is always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC
+ethernet cards, a table of supported cards (and their required
+settings) is provided as part of the FreeBSD Hardware Guide - see the
+Documentation menu on the boot floppy. If you are using one of the
+supported PCMCIA ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
+_before_ the laptop is powered on! FreeBSD does not, unfortunately,
+currently support "hot insertion" of PCMCIA cards.
+You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the
+"netmask" value for your address class, and the name of your machine.
Your system administrator can tell you which values to use for your
particular network setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by
name rather than IP address, you'll also need a name server and
possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's your
provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you do not know
-the answers to all or or most of these questions, then you should
+the answers to all or most of these questions, then you should
really probably talk to your system administrator _first_ before
trying this type of installation!
Once you have a network link of some sort working, the installation
can continue over NFS or FTP.
-NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the FreeBSD
-distribution files you're interested onto a server somewhere and then
-point the NFS media selection at it. If this server supports only
-"privileged port" access, or you have a poor quality ethernet card
-which suffers from very slow transfer rates, you may wish to
-investigate the ``Ftp Options'' menu for special flags to set in these
+2.5.1 Preparing for NFS installation:
+ NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the
+ FreeBSD distribution files you want onto a server somewhere
+ and then point the NFS media selection at it.
-FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a
-reasonably up-to-date version of FreeBSD 2.0.5. A full menu of
-reasonable choices from almost anywhere in the world is provided in
-the FTP site menu.
+ If this server supports only "privileged port" access (as is
+ generally the default for Sun workstations), you will need to set
+ this option in the Options menu before installation can proceed.
+ If you have a poor quality ethernet card which suffers from very
+ slow transfer rates, you may also wish to toggle the appropriate
+ Options flag.
+ In order for NFS installation to work, the server must support
+ "subdir mounts"; e.g., if your FreeBSD 2.0.5 distribution directory
+ lives on: ziggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD
+ Then ziggy will have to allow the direct mounting of
+ /usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD, not just /usr or /usr/archive/stuff.
-Once you've done the appropriate preinstallation steps, you should install
+ In FreeBSD's /etc/exports file, this is controlled by the
+ ``-alldirs'' option. Other NFS servers may have different
+ conventions. If you are getting `Permission Denied' messages
+ from the server then it's likely that you don't have this
+ enabled properly!
-/* XXX Put some more text in this section.. :-) XXX */
+2.5.2 Preparing for FTP Installation
+ FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a
+ reasonably up-to-date version of FreeBSD 2.0.5. A full menu of
+ reasonable choices from almost anywhere in the world is provided
+ by the FTP site menu.
+ If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this
+ menu, or you are having troubles getting your name server configured
+ properly, you can also specify your own URL by selecting the ``Other''
+ choice in that menu. A URL can also be a direct IP address, so
+ the following would work in the absence of a name server:
+ [Substitute "ALPHA" for "RELEASE" during the ALPHA test period!]
+ If you are installing through a firewall then you should probably
+ select ``Passive mode'' ftp, which is the default. If you are
+ talking to a server which does not support passive mode for some
+ reason, see the Options menu to select Active mode transfers.
+3. Installing FreeBSD
+-- ------------------
+Once you've taken note of the appropriate preinstallation steps, you
+should be able to install FreeBSD without any further trouble.
+Should this not be true, then you may wish to go back and re-read the
+relevant preparation section (section 2.x) for the installation media
+type you're trying to use - perhaps there's a helpful hint there that
+you missed the first time? If you're having hardware trouble, or
+FreeBSD refuses to boot at all, read the Hardware Guide provided on
+the boot floppy for a list of possible solutions.
+The FreeBSD boot floppy contains all the on-line documentation you
+should need to be able to navigate through an installation and if it
+doesn't then I'd like to know what you found most confusing! It is
+the objective of the FreeBSD installation program (sysinstall) to be
+self-documenting enough that painful "step-by-step" guides are no
+longer necessary. It may take us a little while to reach that
+objective, but that's the objective!
+Meanwhile, you may also find the following "typical installation sequence"
+to be helpful:
+o Boot the boot floppy. After a boot sequence which can take
+ anywhere from from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on your
+ hardware, you should be presented with a menu of initial
+ choices. If the floppy doesn't boot at all, or the boot
+ hangs at some stage, go read the Q&A section of the Hardware
+ Guide for possible causes.
+o Press F1. You should see some basic usage instructions on
+ the menu system and general navigation. If you haven't used this
+ menu system before then PLEASE read this thoroughly!
+o If English is not your native language, you may wish to proceed
+ directly to the Language option and set your preferred language.
+ This will bring up some of the documentation in that language
+ instead of english.
+o Select the Options item and set any special preferences you
+ may have.
+o Select Proceed, bringing you to the Installation Menu.
+Installation Menu:
+o You can do anything you like in this menu without altering
+ your system _except_ for "Commit", which will perform any
+ requests to alter your system you may have made.
+ If you're confused at any point, the F1 key usually pulls
+ up the right information for the screen you're in.
+ o The first step is generally `Partition', which allows
+ you to chose how your drives will be used for FreeBSD.
+ o Next, with the `Label' editor, you can specify how the space
+ in any allocated FreeBSD partitions should be used by FreeBSD,
+ or where to mount a non-FreeBSD partition (such as DOS).
+ o Next, the `Distributions' menu allows you to specify which
+ parts of FreeBSD you wish to load. A good choice is
+ "User" for a small system or "Developer" for someone
+ wanting a bit more out of FreeBSD. If none of the existing
+ collections sound applicable, select Custom.
+ o Next, the `Media' menu allows you to specify what kind of
+ media you wish to install from. If a desired media choice is
+ found and configured automatically then this menu will simply
+ return, otherwise you'll be asked for additional details on
+ the media device type.
+ o Finally, the Commit command will actually perform all the
+ actions at once (nothing has been written to your disk
+ so far, nor will it until you give the final confirmation).
+ All new or changed partition information will be written
+ out, file systems will be created and/or non-destructively
+ labelled (depending on how you set their newfs flags in the
+ Label editor) and all selected distributions will be
+ extracted.
+ o The Configure menu choice allows you to furthur configure your
+ FreeBSD installation by giving you menu-driven access to
+ various system defaults. Some items, like networking, may
+ be especially important if you did a CDROM/Tape/Floppy
+ installation and have not yet configured your network
+ interfaces (assuming you have some). Properly configuring
+ your network here will allow FreeBSD to come up on the network
+ when you first reboot from the hard disk.
+ o Exit returns you to the top menu.
+ At this point, you're generally done with the sysinstall utility and
+can select the final `Quit'. If you're running it as an installer
+(e.g., before the system is all the way up) then the system will now
+reboot. If you selected the boot manager option, you will see a small
+boot menu with an `F?' prompt. Press the function key for BSD (it
+will be shown) and you should boot up into FreeBSD off the hard disk.
+ If this fails to happen for some reason, see the Q & A section
+of the Hardware Guide for possible clues!
+ Jordan
+---- End of Installation Guide ---
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/language.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/language.hlp
index 2ef566f..23f176b 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/language.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/language.hlp
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ I18N features to meet various standards.
Until these improvements are made, you may find it easier to simply
edit the /etc/sysconfig file yourself once the system is fully
installed. There are a number of comments in that file that detail
-just what should be changed as well as a few examples of existing
+just what should be changed, as well as a few examples of existing
non-english setups.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/network_device.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/network_device.hlp
index 2f30fea..95c42ae 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/network_device.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/network_device.hlp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
You can do network installations over 3 types of communications links:
- Serial port: SLIP / PPP
- Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
- Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
+ Serial port: SLIP / PPP
+ Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
+ Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
SLIP support is rather primitive and limited primarily to hard-wired
links, such as a serial cable running between a laptop computer and
@@ -30,25 +30,25 @@ simple terminal emulator and has no "modem capabilities database".
If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD (2.0R or later) machine
is available, you might also consider installing over a "laplink"
parallel port cable. The data rate over the parallel port is much
-higher than is what's typically possible over a serial line, with
-speeds of up to 50k/sec. not at all uncommon.
+higher than what is typically possible over a serial line with
+speeds of up to 50k/sec.
-Finally, for the fastest possible installation, an ethernet adaptor is
-always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC ethernet cards,
-a table of required settings for which is provided in the FreeBSD
-Hardware Guide - see the Documentation menu on the boot floppy.
-If you are using one of the supported PCMCIA ethernet cards, also
-be sure that it's plugged in _before_ the laptop is powered on!
-FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support "hot insertion"
-of PCMCIA cards.
+Finally, for the fastest possible network installation, an ethernet
+adaptor is always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC
+ethernet cards, a table of which is provided in the FreeBSD
+Hardware Guide (see the Documentation menu on the boot floppy).
+If you are using one of the supported PCMCIA ethernet cards, also be
+sure that it's plugged in _before_ the laptop is powered on! FreeBSD
+does not, unfortunately, currently support "hot insertion" of PCMCIA
-You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the the
-"netmask" value for your address class and the name of your machine.
+You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the "netmask"
+value for your address class, and the name of your machine.
Your system administrator can tell you which values to use for your
particular network setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by
name rather than IP address, you'll also need a name server and
possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's your
provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you do not know
-the answers to all or or most of these questions, then you should
+the answers to all or most of these questions, then you should
really probably talk to your system administrator _first_ before
trying this type of installation!
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
index ccdd78b..b01a94b 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ RIGHT ARROW Move to next item or group (same as TAB).
SHIFT-TAB Move to previous item or group.
LEFT ARROW Move to previous item or group (same as SHIFT-TAB).
RETURN Select item.
-ESC Spawn a sub-shell for diagnostic purposes. Exit returns.
PAGE UP In text boxes, scrolls up one page.
PAGE DOWN In text boxes, scrolls down one page.
SPACE In "radio" or multiple choice menus, toggle the current item.
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ SPECIAL FEATURES:
It is also possible to select a menu item by typing the first
-character of its name, if unique. Such "accellerator" characters will
+character of its name, if unique. Such "accelerator" characters will
be specially highlighted in the item name.
The console driver also contains a scroll-back buffer for reviewing
@@ -51,5 +50,5 @@ also find that you have multiple "virtual consoles" and can use them to
have several active sessions at once. Use ALT-F<n> to switch between
them, where `F<n>' is the function key corresponding to the screen you
wish to see. By default, the system comes with 3 virtual consoles enabled.
-You can create more by editing the /etc/ttys file once the system is up, up
-to a maximum of 12.
+You can create more by editing the /etc/ttys file, once the system is up,
+for a maximum of 12.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/XF86.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/XF86.hlp
index 8bfa455..c789eaa 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/XF86.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/XF86.hlp
@@ -1,608 +1,500 @@
- README for XFree86 3.1.1u1 on FreeBSD 2.0.5
- Rich Murphey, David Dawes
- 20 January 1995
+README for XFree86 3.1.1u1 on FreeBSD 2.0.5
+Rich Murphey, David Dawes
+20 January 1995
- 1. What and Where is XFree86?
+1. What and Where is XFree86?
- XFree86 is a port of X11R6 that supports several versions of Intel-
- based Unix. It is derived from X386 1.2, which was the X server
- distributed with X11R5. This release consists of many new features
- and performance improvements as well as many bug fixes. The release
- is available as source patches against the X Consortium X11R6 code, as
- well as binary distributions for many architectures.
+XFree86 is a port of X11R6 that supports several versions of Intel-
+based Unix. It is derived from X386 1.2, which was the X server
+distributed with X11R5. This release consists of many new features
+and performance improvements as well as many bug fixes. The release
+is available as source patches against the X Consortium X11R6 code, as
+well as binary distributions for many architectures.
- See the Copyright Notice (COPYRIGHT.html).
+See the Copyright Notice (COPYRIGHT.html).
- The sources for XFree86 are available by anonymous ftp from:
+The sources for XFree86 are available as part of the FreeBSD 2.0.5
+distribution, or by anonymous ftp from:
- (
- Binaries for XFree86 on FreeBSD are available from:
+Binaries for XFree86 on FreeBSD are also available as part of
+2.0.5 or from:
- (
- (
- Send email to or if you have
- comments or suggestions about this file and we'll revise it.
+Send email to or if you have
+comments or suggestions about this file and we'll revise it.
+2. Installing the Binaries
- 2. Installing the Binaries
+In the FreeBSD 2.0.5 distribution, XFree86 comes in 3 major sections:
+"basic" distributions, fonts and servers. At the minimum, you will
+need the binaries and libraries from the basic distribution, the
+"misc" fonts collection and at least one server. The smallest usable
+distribution is around 9MB.
- If you want to save space, first select which archives you want to
- unpack. If you can't decide what to pick and you have 52Mb of disk
- space, it's safe to unpack everything.
+If you can't decide what to pick and you have 52Mb of disk
+space, it's safe to unpack everything.
- At a minimum you need to unpack the 'required' X311*.tgz archives plus
- at least one server that matches your vga card. You'll need 9Mb for
- the minimum required run-time binaries only.
+What follows is a description of the various distribution files
+comprising XFree86. If you are installing this as part of FreeBSD
+2.0.5 then there's no need to use these files directly: You may
+simply check the desired components off the installation menus
+provided for that purpose. If you're installing this manually,
+then the following information should prove useful:
+ Required (6.7Mb):
- Required (6.7Mb):
+ X311bin.tgz
+ all the executable X client applications and shared libs
- X311bin.tgz
- all the executable X client applications and shared libs
+ X311fnts.tgz
+ the misc and 75 dpi fonts
+ X311lib.tgz
+ data files needed at runtime
- X311fnts.tgz
- the misc and 75 dpi fonts
+ Required unless you have already customized your configuration
+ files:
- X311lib.tgz
- data files needed at runtime
+ X311xicf.tgz
+ customizable xinit runtime configuration file
+ X311xdcf.tgz
+ customizable xdm runtime configuration file
- Required unless you have already customized your configuration
- files:
+ Choose at least one server ( 2.3Mb):
- X311xicf.tgz
- customizable xinit runtime configuration file
+ X3118514.tgz
+ 8-bit color for IBM 8514 and true compatibles.
+ X311AGX.tgz
+ 8-bit color for AGX boards.
- X311xdcf.tgz
- customizable xdm runtime configuration file
+ X311Mch3.tgz
+ 8 and 16-bit color for ATI Mach32 boards.
+ X311Mch8.tgz
+ 8-bit color for ATI Mach8 boards.
- Choose at least one server ( 2.3Mb):
+ X311Mono.tgz
+ 1-bit monochrome for VGA, Super-VGA, Hercules, and others.
- X3118514.tgz
- 8-bit color for IBM 8514 and true compatibles.
+ X311P9K.tgz
+ 8, 16, and 24-bit color for Weitek P9000 boards (Diamond
+ Viper).
+ X311S3.tgz
+ 8, 16 and 24-bit color for S3 boards (#9 GXE, Actix GE32,
+ SPEA Mercury, STB Pegasus)
- X311AGX.tgz
- 8-bit color for AGX boards.
+ X311SVGA.tgz
+ 8-bit color for Super-VGA cards.
+ X311VG16.tgz
+ 4-bit color for VGA and Super-VGA cards
- X311Mch3.tgz
- 8 and 16-bit color for ATI Mach32 boards.
+ X311W32.tgz
+ 8-bit Color for ET4000/W32, /W32i and /W32p cards.
+ X311nest.tgz
+ A nested server running as a client window on another
+ display.
- X311Mch8.tgz
- 8-bit color for ATI Mach8 boards.
+ Optional:
+ X311doc.tgz
+ (.5Mb) READMEs and XFree86 specific man pages
- X311Mono.tgz
- 1-bit monochrome for VGA, Super-VGA, Hercules, and others.
+ X311man.tgz
+ (1.7Mb) man pages except XFree86 specific ones in etc archive
+ X311f100.tgz
+ (1.8Mb) 100dpi fonts
- X311P9K.tgz
- 8, 16, and 24-bit color for Weitek P9000 boards (Diamond
- Viper).
+ X311fscl.tgz
+ (1.6Mb) Speedo and Type1 fonts
+ X311fnon.tgz
+ (3.3Mb) Japanese, Chinese and other non-English fonts
- X311S3.tgz
- 8, 16 and 24-bit color for S3 boards (#9 GXE, Actix GE32,
- SPEA Mercury, STB Pegasus)
+ X311fsrv.tgz
+ (.3Mb) the font server and it's man page
+ X311prog.tgz
+ (3.9Mb) config, lib*.a and *.h files needed only for
+ compiling
- X311SVGA.tgz
- 8-bit color for Super-VGA cards.
+ X311link.tgz
+ (7.8Mb) X server reconfiguration kit
+ X311pex.tgz
+ (.5Mb) PEX fonts and shared libs needed by PEX applications.
- X311VG16.tgz
- 4-bit color for VGA and Super-VGA cards
+ X311lbx.tgz
+ (.2Mb) low bandwidth X proxy server and libraries.
+Note that there is no longer a separate xdm archive. FreeBSD 2.0
+and later handles this in shared libraries now, so that the xdm
+binary does not itself contain des and there is no more need for
+us to provide separate tar balls.
- X311W32.tgz
- 8-bit Color for ET4000/W32, /W32i and /W32p cards.
+2.1. Full Install:
- X311nest.tgz
- A nested server running as a client window on another
- display.
+[ Note: Unless you're installing XFree86 3.1.1u1 manually, that is
+ to say not as part of the FreeBSD 2.0.5 installation, you may skip
+ to section 2.3 ]
+ 1. You must be logged in as root to unpack the archives because
+ several executables are set-user-id. Otherwise the server may
+ abort if you unpack it as an ordinary user. You must also use a
+ ``umask'' value of 022 because the X server requires special
+ permissions.
- Optional:
+ % su
+ # umask 022
- X311doc.tgz
- (.5Mb) READMEs and XFree86 specific man pages
+ 2. If you have 52Mb free in the /usr partition ``cd /usr'' and skip
+ to no. 3. Otherwise, create a directory on another partition
+ and sym link it into /usr:
+ # cd /usr/local
+ # mkdir X11R6
+ # ln -s /usr/local/X11R6 /usr/X11R6
- X311man.tgz
- (1.7Mb) man pages except XFree86 specific ones in etc archive
+ 3. Unpack everything:
- X311f100.tgz
- (1.8Mb) 100dpi fonts
- X311fscl.tgz
- (1.6Mb) Speedo and Type1 fonts
+ If you are using sh (as root usually does):
+ # for i in X311*.tgz; do
+ # tar -xzf $i
+ # done
- X311fnon.tgz
- (3.3Mb) Japanese, Chinese and other non-english fonts
+ Else, if you are using csh:
- X311fsrv.tgz
- (.3Mb) the font server and it's man page
+ % foreach i (X311*.tgz)
+ % tar -xzf $i
+ % end
- X311prog.tgz
- (3.9Mb) config, lib*.a and *.h files needed only for
- compiling
+ 4. Create a symbolic link ``X'' that points to the server that
+ matches your video card. The XF86_* man pages list which vga
+ chip sets are supported by each server. For example, if you
+ have an ET4000 based card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
+ # cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
- X311link.tgz
- (7.8Mb) X server reconfiguration kit
+2.2. Minimal Install:
- X311pex.tgz
- (.5Mb) PEX fonts and shared libs needed by PEX applications.
+First do numbers 1 and 2 above. Then unpack the required archives:
+ # for i in bin fnts lib xicf; do
+ # tar -xzf X311$i.tgz
+ # done
- X311lbx.tgz
- (.2Mb) low bandwidth X proxy server and libraries.
- Note that there is no longer a separate xdm archive. FreeBSD 2.0
- handles this in shared libraries now, so that the xdm binary does not
- itself contain des and there is no more need for us to provide
- separate tar balls.
+Then unpack a server archive corresponding to your vga card. The
+server man pages, X11R6/man/man1/XF86_*, list the vga chip sets
+supported by each server. For example, if you have an ET4000 based
+card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
+ # tar -xzf X311SVGA.tgz
+ # cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
- 2.1. Full Install:
+2.3. After either Full or Minimal Install above:
+Add /usr/X11R6/bin to the default path for sh in /etc/profile and for
+csh in /etc/csh.login if they are not already there:
- 1. You must be logged in as root to unpack the archives because
- several executables are set-user-id. Otherwise the server may
- abort if you unpack it as an ordinary user. You must also use a
- ``umask'' value of 022 because the X server requires special
- permissions.
+ # echo 'set path = ($path /usr/X11R6/bin)' >>/etc/csh.login
+ # echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin' >>/etc/profile
- % su
- # umask 022
+Or make sure all who use X put /usr/X11R6/bin in their shell's
+``path'' variable.
+Next either reboot or invoke ldconfig as root to put the shared
+libraries in's cache:
+ # ldconfig /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X11R6/lib
- 2. If you have 52Mb free in the /usr partition ``cd /usr'' and skip
- to no. 3. Otherwise, create a directory on another partition
- and sym link it into /usr:
+If you had already configured X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc or
+X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/* omit the xinit-config or xdm-config archive or
+unpack it separately and merge in your customizations.
- # cd /usr/local
- # mkdir X11R6
- # ln -s /usr/local/X11R6 /usr/X11R6
+The fscl and f100 archives are optional and can be omitted if you are
+short on space. The optional link archive allows you to reconfigure
+and customize a X server binary. The optional prog archive is needed
+only for writing or compiling X applications. The optional pex
+archive contains pex clients and libraries for building 3D graphics
+ NOTE: You don't need to uncompress the font files, but if
+ you uncompress them anyway you must run mkfontdir in the
+ corresponding font directory; otherwise your server will
+ abort with the message ``could not open default font
+ 'fixed'''.
+3. Installing The Display Manager (xdm)
- 3. Unpack everything:
+The display manager makes your PC look like an X terminal. That is,
+it presents you with a login screen that runs under X.
- If you are using sh (as root usually does):
+The easiest way to automatically start the display manager on boot is
+to add a line in /etc/ttys to start it on one of the unoccupied
+virtual terminals:
- # for i in X311*.tgz; do
- # tar -xzf $i
- # done
+ ttyv4 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm on secure
+You should also make sure that /usr/X11R6/bin/X is a symbolic link to
+the Xserver that matches your video card or edit the file Xservers in
+/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm to specify the pathname of the X server.
+The change to /etc/ttys won't take effect until you either reboot or
+``kill -HUP 1'' to force initd to reread /etc/ttys. You can also test
+the display manager manually by loging in as root on the console and
+typing ``xdm -nodaemon''.
- Else, if you are using csh:
+4. Configuring X for Your Hardware
- % foreach i (X311*.tgz)
- % tar -xzf $i
- % end
+The XF86Config file tells the X server what kind of monitor, video
+card and mouse you have. You must create it to tell the server what
+specific hardware you have.
+XFree86 3.1 uses a new configuration file format. Consult the
+XF86Config man page and the general INSTALL (INSTALL.html) file for
+If you have a Xconfig file for XFree86 2.x, use reconfig to translate
+part of it into the new format:
+ # reconfig <Xconfig >XF86Config
- 4. Create a symbolic link ``X'' that points to the server that
- matches your video card. The XF86_* man pages list which vga
- chip sets are supported by each server. For example, if you
- have an ET4000 based card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
+and complete the rest according to the XF86Config man page and the
+XF86Config.sample file as a template.
+In order to protect your hardware from damage, the server no longer
+will read XF86Config files from a user's home directory, but requires
+that it be in /etc/XF86Config, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.hostname
+or /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.
- # cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
+You'll need info on your hardware:
+ o Your mouse type, baud rate and it's /dev entry.
+ o The video card's chipset (e.g. ET4000, S3, etc).
+ o Your monitor's sync frequencies.
- 2.2. Minimal Install:
+The easiest way to find which device your mouse is plugged into is to
+use ``cat'' or ``kermit'' to look at the output of the mouse. Connect
+to it and just make sure that it generates output when the mouse is
+moved or clicked:
- First do numbers 1 and 2 above. Then unpack the required archives:
+ % cat < /dev/cuaa0
+If you can't find the right mouse device then use ``dmesg|grep sio''
+to get a list of devices that were detected upon booting:
- # for i in bin fnts lib xicf; do
- # tar -xzf X311$i.tgz
- # done
+ % dmesg|grep sio
+ sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa
+Then double check the /dev entries corresponding to these devices.
+Use the script /dev/MAKEDEV to create entries if they don't already
+ % cd /dev
+ % sh MAKEDEV cuaa0
- Then unpack a server archive corresponding to your vga card. The
- server man pages, X11R6/man/man1/XF86_*, list the vga chip sets
- supported by each server. For example, if you have an ET4000 based
- card you will use the XF86_SVGA server:
+If you plan to fine tune the screen size or position on your monitor
+you'll need the specs for sync frequencies from your monitor's manual.
- # tar -xzf X311SVGA.tgz
- # cd /usr/X11R6/bin; rm X; ln -s XF86_SVGA X
+5. Running X
+8mb of memory is a recommended minimum for running X. The server,
+window manager, display manager and an xterm take about 8Mb of virtual
+memory themselves. Even if their resident set size is smaller, on a
+8Mb system that leaves very space for other applications such as gcc
+that expect a few meg free. The R6 X servers may work with 4Mb of
+memory, but in practice compilation while running X can take 5 or 10
+times as long due to constant paging.
+The easiest way for new users to start X windows is to type ``startx
+>& startx.log''. Error messages are lost unless you redirect them
+because the server takes over the screen.
- 2.3. After either Full or Minimal Install above:
- Add /usr/X11R6/bin to the default path for sh in /etc/profile and for
- csh in /etc/csh.login if they are not already there:
- # echo 'set path = ($path /usr/X11R6/bin)' >>/etc/csh.login
- # echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin' >>/etc/profile
- Or make sure all who use X put /usr/X11R6/bin in their shell's
- ``path'' variable.
- Next either reboot or invoke ldconfig as root to put the shared
- libraries in's cache:
- # ldconfig /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X11R6/lib
- If you had already configured X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc or
- X11R6/lib/X11/xdm/* omit the xinit-config or xdm-config archive or
- unpack it separately and merge in your customizations.
- The fscl and f100 archives are optional and can be omitted if you are
- short on space. The optional link archive allows you to reconfigure
- and customize a X server binary. The optional prog archive is needed
- only for writing or compiling X applications. The optional pex
- archive contains pex clients and libraries for building 3D graphics
- applications.
- NOTE: You don't need to uncompress the font files, but if
- you uncompress them anyway you must run mkfontdir in the
- corresponding font directory; otherwise your server will
- abort with the message ``could not open default font
- 'fixed'''.
- 3. Installing The Display Manager (xdm)
- The display manager makes your PC look like an X terminal. That is,
- it presents you with a login screen that runs under X.
- The easiest way to automatically start the display manager on boot is
- to add a line in /etc/ttys to start it on one of the unoccupied
- virtual terminals:
- ttyv4 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm on secure
- You should also make sure that /usr/X11R6/bin/X is a symbolic link to
- the Xserver that matches your video card or edit the file Xservers in
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm to specify the pathname of the X server.
- The change to /etc/ttys won't take effect until you either reboot or
- ``kill -HUP 1'' to force initd to reread /etc/ttys. You can also test
- the display manager manually by loging in as root on the console and
- typing ``xdm -nodaemon''.
- 4. Configuring X for Your Hardware
- The XF86Config file tells the X server what kind of monitor, video
- card and mouse you have. You must create it to tell the server what
- specific hardware you have.
- XFree86 3.1 uses a new configuration file format. Consult the
- XF86Config man page and the general INSTALL (INSTALL.html) file for
- instructions.
- If you have a Xconfig file for XFree86 2.x, use reconfig to translate
- part of it into the new format:
- # reconfig <Xconfig >XF86Config
- and complete the rest according to the XF86Config man page and the
- XF86Config.sample file as a template.
- In order to protect your hardware from damage, the server no longer
- will read XF86Config files from a user's home directory, but requires
- that it be in /etc/XF86Config, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.hostname
- or /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.
- You'll need info on your hardware:
- o Your mouse type, baud rate and it's /dev entry.
- o The video card's chipset (e.g. ET4000, S3, etc).
- o Your monitor's sync frequencies.
- The easiest way to find which device your mouse is plugged into is to
- use ``cat'' or ``kermit'' to look at the output of the mouse. Connect
- to it and just make sure that it generates output when the mouse is
- moved or clicked:
- % cat < /dev/tty00
- If you can't find the right mouse device then use ``dmesg|grep sio''
- to get a list of devices that were detected upon booting:
- % dmesg|grep sio
- sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa
- Then double check the /dev entries corresponding to these devices.
- Use the script /dev/MAKEDEV to create entries if they don't already
- exist:
- % cd /dev
- % sh MAKEDEV tty00
- If you plan to fine tune the screen size or position on your monitor
- you'll need the specs for sync frequencies from your monitor's manual.
- 5. Running X
- 8mb of memory is a recommended minimum for running X. The server,
- window manager, display manager and an xterm take about 8Mb of virtual
- memory themselves. Even if their resident set size is smaller, on a
- 8Mb system that leaves very space for other applications such as gcc
- that expect a few meg free. The R6 X servers may work with 4Mb of
- memory, but in practice compilation while running X can take 5 or 10
- times as long due to constant paging.
- The easiest way for new users to start X windows is to type ``startx
- >& startx.log''. Error messages are lost unless you redirect them
- because the server takes over the screen.
- To get out of X windows, type: ``exit'' in the console xterm. You can
- customize your X by creating .xinitrc, .xserverrc, and .twmrc files in
- your home directory as described in the xinit and startx man pages.
- 6. Rebuilding Kernels for X
- The GENERIC FreeBSD 2.0 kernel supports XFree86 without any
- modifications required. You do not need to make any changes to the
- GENERIC kernel or any kernel configuration which is a superset.
- For a general description of BSD kernel configuration get
- ( It is
- a ready-to-print postscript copy of the kernel configuration chapter
- from the system maintainers manual.
- If you do decide to reduce your kernel configuration file, do not
- remove the two lines below (in /sys/arch/i386/conf). They are both
- required for X support:
- options XSERVER #Xserver
- options UCONSOLE #X Console support
- The generic FreeBSD 2.0 kernel is configured by default with the
- syscons driver. To configure your kernel similarly it should have a
- line like this in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC:
- device sc0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector scintr
- The maximum number of virtual consoles can be set using the MAXCONS
- option:
- options "MAXCONS=4" #4 virtual consoles
- Otherwise, the default without a line like this is 12. You must have
- more VTs than gettys as described in the end of section 3, and 4 is a
- reasonable minimum.
- The server supports several console drivers: pccons, syscons and pcvt.
- The syscons driver is the default in FreeBSD 1.1.5 and higher. They
- are detected at runtime and no configuration of the server itself is
- required.
- The pcvt console driver is bundled into FreeBSD and may be enabled
- by changing the `sc0' line in your kernel configuration file to
- `vt0'. See /sys/i386/conf/LINT for more details.
- The XFree86 servers include support for the MIT-SHM extension. The
- GENERIC kernel does not support this, so if you want to make use of
- this, you will need a kernel configured with SYSV shared memory
- support. To do this, add the following line to your kernel config
- file:
- options SYSVSHM # System V shared memory
- options SYSVSEM # System V semaphores
- options SYSVMSG # System V message queues
- If you are using a SoundBlaster 16 on IRQ 2 (9), then you need a patch
- for sb16_dsp.c. Otherwise a kernel configured with the SoundBlaster
- driver will claim interrupt 9 doesn't exist and X server will lock up.
- S3 cards and serial port COM 4 cannot be installed together on a
- system because the I/O port addresses overlap.
- 7. Rebuilding XFree86
- The server link kit allows you to build an X server using a minimum
- amount of disk space. Just unpack it, make the appropriate changes to
- site.def, type ``./mkmf' and ``make'' to link the server. See
- README.LinkKit (LinkKit.html) for more info.
- The source tree takes about 114Mb before compiling and an additional
- 100Mb after ``make World''. You should configure the distribution by
- editing xf86site.def and site.def in xc/config/cf before compiling.
- By default, the config files are set up to build shared libraries. If
- you are running a version of FreeBSD that doesn't include shared
- library support, add the following line to site.def:
- #define BuildBsdSharedLibs NO
- If your system doesn't have support or SYSV shared memory (for
- example, if you don't have the <sys/shm.h> header), you should disable
- the MIT-SHM extension by adding the following line to site.def:
- #define HasShm NO
- To compile the sources on FreeBSD 1.1 and later, type:
- make World
- 8. Building Other X Clients
- The easiest way to build a new client (X application) is to use xmkmf
- if an Imakefile is included with it. Type ``xmkmf -a'' to create the
- Makefiles, then type ``make''. Whenever you install additional man
- pages you should update whatis.db by running ``makewhatis
- /usr/X11R6/man''.
- Note: Starting with XFree86 2.1 and FreeBSD 1.1, the symbol __386BSD__
- no longer gets defined either by the compiler or via the X config
- files for FreeBSD systems. When porting clients to BSD systems, make
- use of the symbol BSD for code which is truly BSD-specific. The value
- of the symbol can be used to distinguish different BSD releases. For
- example, code specific to the Net-2 and later releases can use:
- #if (BSD >= 199103)
- To ensure that this symbol is correctly defined, include <sys/param.h>
- in the source that requires it. Note that the symbol CSRG_BASED is
- defined for *BSD systems in XFree86 3.1.1 and later. This should be
- used to protect the inclusion of <sys/param.h>.
- For code that really is specific to a particular i386 BSD port, use
- __FreeBSD__ for FreeBSD, __NetBSD__ for NetBSD, __386BSD__ for 386BSD,
- and __bsdi__ for BSD/386.
- 9. Thanks
- Many thanks to:
- o Pace Willison for providing initial *BSD support.
- o Amancio Hasty for 386BSD kernel and S3 chipset support.
- o David Greenman, Nate Williams, Jordan Hubbard for FreeBSD kernel
- support.
- o Rod Grimes, Jordan Hubbard and Jack Velte for the use of Walnut
- Creek Cdrom's hardware.
- o Orest Zborowski, Simon Cooper and Dirk Hohndel for ideas from
- the Linux distribution.
- $XConsortium: FreeBSD.sgml,v 1.3 95/01/23 15:34:41 kaleb Exp $
- Generated from XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/FreeBSD.sgml,v 3.10 1995/01/28 16:01:28 dawes Exp $
+To get out of X windows, type: ``exit'' in the console xterm. You can
+customize your X by creating .xinitrc, .xserverrc, and .twmrc files in
+your home directory as described in the xinit and startx man pages.
+6. Rebuilding Kernels for X
+The GENERIC FreeBSD 2.0 kernel supports XFree86 without any
+modifications required. You do not need to make any changes to the
+GENERIC kernel or any kernel configuration which is a superset.
+For a general description of BSD kernel configuration get
+( It is
+a ready-to-print postscript copy of the kernel configuration chapter
+from the system maintainers manual.
+If you do decide to reduce your kernel configuration file, do not
+remove the two lines below (in /sys/arch/i386/conf). They are both
+required for X support:
+ options XSERVER #Xserver
+ options UCONSOLE #X Console support
+The generic FreeBSD 2.0 kernel is configured by default with the
+syscons driver. To configure your kernel similarly it should have a
+line like this in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC:
+ device sc0 at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector scintr
+The maximum number of virtual consoles can be set using the MAXCONS
+ options "MAXCONS=4" #4 virtual consoles
+Otherwise, the default without a line like this is 12. You must have
+more VTs than gettys as described in the end of section 3, and 4 is a
+reasonable minimum.
+The server supports several console drivers: pccons, syscons and pcvt.
+The syscons driver is the default in FreeBSD 1.1.5 and higher. They
+are detected at runtime and no configuration of the server itself is
+The pcvt console driver is bundled into FreeBSD and may be enabled
+by changing the `sc0' line in your kernel configuration file to
+`vt0'. See /sys/i386/conf/LINT for more details.
+The XFree86 servers include support for the MIT-SHM extension. The
+GENERIC kernel does not support this, so if you want to make use of
+this, you will need a kernel configured with SYSV shared memory
+support. To do this, add the following line to your kernel config
+ options SYSVSHM # System V shared memory
+ options SYSVSEM # System V semaphores
+ options SYSVMSG # System V message queues
+If you are using a SoundBlaster 16 on IRQ 2 (9), then you need a patch
+for sb16_dsp.c. Otherwise a kernel configured with the SoundBlaster
+driver will claim interrupt 9 doesn't exist and X server will lock up.
+S3 cards and serial port COM 4 cannot be installed together on a
+system because the I/O port addresses overlap.
+7. Rebuilding XFree86
+The server link kit allows you to build an X server using a minimum
+amount of disk space. Just unpack it, make the appropriate changes to
+site.def, type ``./mkmf' and ``make'' to link the server. See
+README.LinkKit (LinkKit.html) for more info.
+The source tree takes about 114Mb before compiling and an additional
+100Mb after ``make World''. You should configure the distribution by
+editing xf86site.def and site.def in xc/config/cf before compiling.
+By default, the config files are set up to build shared libraries. If
+you are running a version of FreeBSD that doesn't include shared
+library support, add the following line to site.def:
+ #define BuildBsdSharedLibs NO
+If your system doesn't have support or SYSV shared memory (for
+example, if you don't have the <sys/shm.h> header), you should disable
+the MIT-SHM extension by adding the following line to site.def:
+ #define HasShm NO
+To compile the sources on FreeBSD 1.1 and later, type:
+ make World
+8. Building Other X Clients
+The easiest way to build a new client (X application) is to use xmkmf
+if an Imakefile is included with it. Type ``xmkmf -a'' to create the
+Makefiles, then type ``make''. Whenever you install additional man
+pages you should update whatis.db by running ``makewhatis
+Note: Starting with XFree86 2.1 and FreeBSD 1.1, the symbol __386BSD__
+no longer gets defined either by the compiler or via the X config
+files for FreeBSD systems. When porting clients to BSD systems, make
+use of the symbol BSD for code which is truly BSD-specific. The value
+of the symbol can be used to distinguish different BSD releases. For
+example, code specific to the Net-2 and later releases can use:
+ #if (BSD >= 199103)
+To ensure that this symbol is correctly defined, include <sys/param.h>
+in the source that requires it. Note that the symbol CSRG_BASED is
+defined for *BSD systems in XFree86 3.1.1 and later. This should be
+used to protect the inclusion of <sys/param.h>.
+For code that really is specific to a particular i386 BSD port, use
+__FreeBSD__ for FreeBSD, __NetBSD__ for NetBSD, __386BSD__ for 386BSD,
+and __bsdi__ for BSD/386.
+9. Thanks
+Many thanks to:
+ o Pace Willison for providing initial *BSD support.
+ o Amancio Hasty for 386BSD kernel and S3 chipset support.
+ o David Greenman, Nate Williams, Jordan Hubbard for FreeBSD kernel
+ support.
+ o Rod Grimes, Jordan Hubbard and Jack Velte for the use of Walnut
+ Creek Cdrom's hardware.
+ o Orest Zborowski, Simon Cooper and Dirk Hohndel for ideas from
+ the Linux distribution.
+$XConsortium: FreeBSD.sgml,v 1.3 95/01/23 15:34:41 kaleb Exp $
+Generated from XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/FreeBSD.sgml,v 3.10 1995/01/28 16:01:28 dawes Exp $
$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/READ.FreeBSD,v 3.12 1995/01/28 16:19:37 dawes Exp $
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/configure.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/configure.hlp
index 4f37bb5..2d14031 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/configure.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/configure.hlp
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
-This menu lets you configure your system a little after it's
-installed. In particular, you should probably set the system
-manager's password and the system time zone.
+This menu allows you to configure your system after the installation process
+is complete. At the minimum, you should probably set the system manager's
+password and the system time zone.
-For extra goodies like bash, emacs, pascal, etc. you should almost
-certainly look at the Packages item in this menu. Note that this is
-currently only really useful if you have a CDROM or an existing
-packages collection somewhere in the file system hierarchy where the
-package management tool can get to it. Automatic transfer of packages
-over FTP is not yet supported!
+For extra goodies like bash, emacs, pascal, etc., you should look at the
+Packages item in this menu. Currently, the Packages option is only useful
+if you have a CDROM or an existing packages collection somewhere in the
+file system hierarchy where the package management tool can locate it.
+The automatic transfer of packages via FTP is not yet supported!
+If you wish to re-invoke the package installation tool after leaving
+the system installation, the command is ``pkg_manage''. For setting
+the timezone, type ``tzsetup''. For more information on the general
+system configuration, see the ``/etc/sysconfig'' file.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/drives.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/drives.hlp
index 349ba7e..d924f8d 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/drives.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/drives.hlp
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-Select the drive(s) you wish FreeBSD to be able to use.
If you are going to actually install some portion of FreeBSD on a
drive then PLEASE BE VERY CERTAIN that the Geometry reported in the
Partition Editor (see Installation Menu) is the correct one for your
@@ -11,13 +9,20 @@ by either the IDE controller or a special boot-sector translation
utility such as that by OnTrack Systems. In these cases, knowing
the correct geometry gets even more complicated as it's not something
you can easily tell by looking at the drive or the PC BIOS setup. The
-best way of determining your geometry in such situations is to boot
-DOS (from the hard disk, not a floppy!) and run the ``pfdisk'' utility
-provided in the tools/ subdirectory of the FreeBSD CDROM or FTP site.
-It will report the geometry that DOS sees, which is generally the
-correct one.
+best way of verifying that your geometry is being correctly calculated
+in such situations is to boot DOS (from the hard disk, not a floppy!)
+and run the ``pfdisk'' utility provided in the tools/ subdirectory of the
+FreeBSD CDROM or FTP site. It will report the geometry that DOS sees,
+which is generally the correct one.
+If you have no DOS partition sharing the disk at all, then you may find that
+you have better luck with Geometry detection if you create a very small
+DOS partition first, before installing FreeBSD. Once FreeBSD is installed
+you can always delete it again if you need the space.
-FreeBSD does its best to guess all of this automatically, of course,
-but it sometimes fails which is why it's a good idea to check it. The
-Partition Editor has a `(G)eometry' command that will allow you to
-change it as necessary.
+It's actually not a bad idea (believe it or not) to have a small bootable
+DOS partition on your FreeBSD machine anyway: Should the machine become
+unstable or exhibit strange behavior at some point in the future (which
+is not uncommon behavior for PC hardware!) you can then at least use
+DOS for installing and running one of the commercially available system
+diagnostic utilities.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/install.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/install.hlp
index 72912c5..945c81b 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/install.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/install.hlp
@@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
This manual documents the process of installing FreeBSD on your
-machine. Please also see the hardware guide for hardware-specific
+machine. Please also see the Hardware Guide for hardware-specific
installation instructions (how to configure your hardware, what sorts
-of things to watch out for, etc).
+of things to watch out for, etc) before starting a new installation.
-If you're running DOS and want FreeBSD to interoperate with it, read
-the following section first! Otherwise, you may skip to the next
+Table of Contents:
-|1. DOS user's Question and Answer section |
+1.0 DOS User's Q&A section.
+ 1.1 How do I make space for FreeBSD?
+ 1.2 Can I use compressed DOS filesystems from FreeBSD?
+ 1.3 Can I use DOS extended partitions?
+ 1.4 Can I run DOS executables under FreeBSD?
-1.1 Help! I have no space! Do I need to delete everything first?
+2.0 Preparing for the installation.
+ 2.1 Before installing from CDROM
+ 2.2 Before installing from Floppy
+ 2.3 Before installing from a DOS partition
+ 2.4 Before installing from QIC/SCSI tape
+ 2.5 Before installing over a network
+ 2.5.1 Preparing for NFS Installation
+ 2.5.2 Preparing for FTP Installation
+3.0 Installing FreeBSD.
+1.0 DOS user's Question and Answer section
+=== ======================================
+1.1 Help! I have no space! Do I need to delete everything first?
If your machine is already running DOS and has little or no free space
available for FreeBSD's installation, all is not lost! You may find
@@ -31,7 +48,7 @@ Distributions menu for an estimation of how much free space you'll
need for the kind of installation you want.
-1.2 Can I use compressed DOS filesystems from FreeBSD?
+1.2 Can I use compressed DOS filesystems from FreeBSD?
No. If you are using a utility such as Stacker(tm) or DoubleSpace(tm),
FreeBSD will only be able to use whatever portion of the filesystem
@@ -43,44 +60,57 @@ It is probably better to create another uncompressed DOS primary
partition and use this for communications between DOS and FreeBSD.
-1.3 Can I mount my DOS extended partitions?
+1.3 Can I mount my DOS extended partitions?
This feature isn't in FreeBSD 2.0.5 but should be in 2.1. We've laid
all the groundwork for making this happen, now we just need to do the
last 1% of the work involved.
-1.4 Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?
+1.4 Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?
Not yet! We'd like to add support for this someday, but are still
-lacking anyone to actually do the work..
+lacking anyone to actually do the work. Ongoing work with Linux's
+DOSEMU utility may bring this much closer to being a reality sometime
+soon. Send mail to if you're interested in
+joining this effort!
+However, there is a neat utility called "pcemu" in the ports collection
+which emulates an 8088 and enough BIOS services to run DOS text mode
+applications. It requires the X Window System (provided as
+XFree86 3.1.1u1).
+2.0 Preparing for the installation
+=== ==============================
-2.1 Before installing from CDROM:
+2.1 Before installing from CDROM:
If your CDROM is of an unsupported type, such as an IDE CDROM, then
-please skip to section 2.3: DOS Preparation.
+please skip to section 2.3: Before installing from a DOS partition.
There is not a lot of preparatory work that needs to be done to
successfully install from one of Walnut Creek's FreeBSD CDROMs (other
-CDROM distributions may work as well, but I can't say for sure as I
+CDROM distributions may work as well, we simply cannot say as we
have no hand or say in their creation). You can either boot into the
-CD installation directly from DOS using Walnut Creek's supplied "go"
-batch file or you can make a boot floppy by writing the supplied image
-(floppies/boot.flp) onto a floppy. Under DOS, a good utility for this
-is rawrite.exe, which may also be found in the tools/ subdirectory.
-Under UNIX, you may find that ``dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0''
-or ``dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/floppy'' works well, depending on
-your hardware.
-Once you've booted one way or the other, you should be able to select
-CDROM as the media type when asked and load the entire distribution
-from CDROM. No other media will be required.
+CD installation directly from DOS using Walnut Creek's supplied
+``install.bat'' batch file or you can make a boot floppy with
+the ``makeflp.bat'' command.
+For the easiest interface of all (from DOS), type "go". This
+will bring up a DOS menu utility that leads you through all
+the available options.
+If you're creating the boot floppy from a UNIX machine, you may find
+that ``dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0'' or
+``dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/floppy'' works well, depending on
+your hardware and operating system environment.
+Once you've booted from DOS or floppy, you should then be able to select
+CDROM as the media type in the Media menu and load the entire
+distribution from CDROM. No other types of installation media should
+be required.
After your system is fully installed and you have rebooted from the
hard disk, you should find the CD mounted on the directory /cdrom. A
@@ -89,15 +119,35 @@ may also find useful: It allows you to create "link tree" directories
to things on Read-Only media like CDROM. One example might be
something like this:
- mkdir /usr/ports
- lndir /cdrom/ports /usr/ports
+ mkdir /usr/ports
+ lndir /cdrom/ports /usr/ports
Which would allow you to then "cd /usr/ports; make" and get all the
sources from the CD, but yet create all the intermediate files in
/usr/ports, which is presumably on a more writable media! :-)
+SPECIAL NOTE: Before invoking the installation, be sure that the
+CDROM is in the drive so that the "probe" can find it!
+This is also true if you wish the CDROM to be added to the default
+system configuration automatically during the install (whether or
+not you actually use it as the installation media). This will be
+fixed for 2.1, but for now this simple work-around will ensure that
+your CDROM is detected properly.
+Finally, if you would like people to be able to FTP install
+FreeBSD directly from the CDROM in your machine, you'll find
+it quite easy. After the machine is fully installed, you simply
+need to add the following line to the password file (using
+the vipw command):
+ ftp:*:99:99::0:0:FTP:/cdrom:/nonexistent
-2.2 Before installing from Floppy:
+No further work is necessary. The other installers will now be able
+to chose a Media type of FTP and type in: ftp://<your machine>
+after picking "Other" in the ftp sites menu!
+2.2 Before installing from Floppy:
If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported
hardware or just because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you must
@@ -108,66 +158,89 @@ somewhat special in that it's not a DOS filesystem floppy at all, but
rather an "image" floppy (it's actually a gzip'd cpio file). You can
use the rawrite.exe program to do this under DOS, or ``dd'' to do it
on a UNIX Workstation (see notes in section 2.1 concerning the
-``floppies/boot.flp'' image). Once this floppy is made, put it aside.
-You'll be asked for it later.
+``floppies/boot.flp'' image). Once this floppy is made, go on
+to make the distribution set floppies:
-You will also need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB or 1.2MB floppies as it
-takes to hold all files in the bin (binary distribution) directory.
-THESE floppies *must* be formatted using MS-DOS, using with the FORMAT
-command in MS-DOS or the File Manager format command in Microsoft
-Windows(tm). Factory preformatted floppies will also work well,
-provided that they haven't been previously used for something else.
+You will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB or 1.2MB floppies as it takes
+to hold all files in the bin (binary distribution) directory. THESE
+floppies *must* be formatted using MS-DOS, using the FORMAT command in
+MS-DOS or the File Manager format command in Microsoft Windows(tm).
+Don't trust Factory Preformatted floppies! Format them again yourself,
+just to make sure!
-Many problems reported by our users in the past have turned out to be
-from the use of improperly formatted media, so we simply take special
-care to mention it here!
+Many problems reported by our users in the past have resulted from the
+use of improperly formatted media, so we simply take special care to
+mention it here!
After you've DOS formatted the floppies, you'll need to copy the files
onto them. The distribution files are split into chunks conveniently
sized so that 5 of them will fit on a conventional 1.44MB floppy. Go
through all your floppies, packing as many files as will fit on each
one, until you've got all the distributions you want packed up in this
-fashion. Select ``Floppy'' from the Media menu at installation time
-and you will be prompted for everything after that.
+fashion. Each distribution should go into a subdirectory on the
+floppy, e.g.: a:\bin\bin.aa, a:\bin\bin.ab, ...
+Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select
+"Floppy" and you'll be prompted for the rest.
+2.3 Before installing from a DOS partition:
+To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition you should
+simply copy the files from the distribution into a directory called
+"FREEBSD". For example, to do a minimal installation of FreeBSD from
+DOS using files copied from the CDROM, you might do something like
-2.3 Before installing from a DOS partition:
-To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition, you should
-simply copy the files from the distribution into a directory with the
-same name as the distribution. For example, if you are preparing to
-install the bin distribution set, then make a directory on your C:
-drive named C:\FREEBSD\BIN and copy the files there. Copying the
-distributions into subdirectories of the FREEBSD directory allows the
-installation program to find the files automatically.
+Asssuming that `C:' was where you had free space and `E:' was where
+your CD was mounted. Note that you need the FLOPPIES directory
+because the `root.flp' image is automatically looked for there when
+you're doing a DOS installation.
+For as many `DISTS' as you wish to install from DOS (and you have free
+space for), install each one under `C:\FREEBSD' - the BIN dist is only
+the minimal requirement.
-2.4 Before installing from QIC/SCSI Tape:
+2.4 Before installing from QIC/SCSI Tape:
Installing from tape is probably the easiest method, short of an
-on-line install using FTP or installing from a CDROM. The
-installation program expects the files to be simply tar'ed onto the
-tape, so after getting all of the files for distribution you're
-interested in, simply tar them onto the tape with a command like:
+on-line install using FTP or a CDROM install. The installation program
+expects the files to be simply tar'ed onto the tape, so after getting
+all of the files for distribution you're interested in, simply tar
+them onto the tape with a command like:
+ cd /freebsd/distdir
+ tar cvf /dev/rwt0 (or /dev/rst0) dist1 .. dist2
+Make sure that the `floppies/' directory is one of the "dists" given
+above, since the installation will look for `floppies/root.flp' on
+the tape.
- cd /freebsd/distdir
- tar cvf /dev/rwt0 (or /dev/rst0) dist1 .. dist2
+When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that you
+leave enough room in some temporary directory (which you'll be allowed
+to choose) to accommodate the FULL contents of the tape you've
+created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this method of
+installation requires quite a bit of temporary storage! You should
+expect to require as much temporary storage as you have stuff written
+on tape.
-When you go to do the installation, you should make sure that you
-leave enough room in the /usr/tmp directory to accomdate the FULL
-contents of the tape you've created. Due to the non-random access
-nature of tapes, this method of installation requires quite a bit of
-temporary storage! You should expect to require as much temporary
-storage as you have stuff written on tape!
+SPECIAL NOTE: When going to do the installation, the tape must be in
+the drive *before* booting from the boot floppy. The installation
+"probe" may otherwise fail to find it.
-2.5 Before installing over a network:
+2.5 Before installing over a network:
You can do network installations over 3 types of communications links:
- Serial port: SLIP / PPP
- Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
- Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
+ Serial port: SLIP / PPP
+ Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
+ Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
SLIP support is rather primitive, and limited primarily to hard-wired
links, such as a serial cable running between a laptop computer and
@@ -189,52 +262,186 @@ terminal emulator.
If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD (2.0R or later) machine
is available, you might also consider installing over a "laplink"
parallel port cable. The data rate over the parallel port is much
-higher than is what's typically possible over a serial line (up to
+higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up to
50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation.
-Finally, for the fastest possible installation, an ethernet adaptor is
-always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC ethernet cards,
-a table of supported cards (and their required settings) provided as
-part of the FreeBSD Hardware Guide - see the Documentation menu on the
-boot floppy. If you are using one of the supported PCMCIA ethernet
-cards, also be sure that it's plugged in _before_ the laptop is
-powered on! FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support "hot
-insertion" of PCMCIA cards.
-You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the the
-"netmask" value for your address class and the name of your machine.
+Finally, for the fastest possible network installation, an ethernet
+adaptor is always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC
+ethernet cards, a table of supported cards (and their required
+settings) is provided as part of the FreeBSD Hardware Guide - see the
+Documentation menu on the boot floppy. If you are using one of the
+supported PCMCIA ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
+_before_ the laptop is powered on! FreeBSD does not, unfortunately,
+currently support "hot insertion" of PCMCIA cards.
+You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the
+"netmask" value for your address class, and the name of your machine.
Your system administrator can tell you which values to use for your
particular network setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by
name rather than IP address, you'll also need a name server and
possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's your
provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you do not know
-the answers to all or or most of these questions, then you should
+the answers to all or most of these questions, then you should
really probably talk to your system administrator _first_ before
trying this type of installation!
Once you have a network link of some sort working, the installation
can continue over NFS or FTP.
-NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the FreeBSD
-distribution files you're interested onto a server somewhere and then
-point the NFS media selection at it. If this server supports only
-"privileged port" access, or you have a poor quality ethernet card
-which suffers from very slow transfer rates, you may wish to
-investigate the ``Ftp Options'' menu for special flags to set in these
+2.5.1 Preparing for NFS installation:
+ NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the
+ FreeBSD distribution files you want onto a server somewhere
+ and then point the NFS media selection at it.
-FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a
-reasonably up-to-date version of FreeBSD 2.0.5. A full menu of
-reasonable choices from almost anywhere in the world is provided in
-the FTP site menu.
+ If this server supports only "privileged port" access (as is
+ generally the default for Sun workstations), you will need to set
+ this option in the Options menu before installation can proceed.
+ If you have a poor quality ethernet card which suffers from very
+ slow transfer rates, you may also wish to toggle the appropriate
+ Options flag.
+ In order for NFS installation to work, the server must support
+ "subdir mounts"; e.g., if your FreeBSD 2.0.5 distribution directory
+ lives on: ziggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD
+ Then ziggy will have to allow the direct mounting of
+ /usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD, not just /usr or /usr/archive/stuff.
-Once you've done the appropriate preinstallation steps, you should install
+ In FreeBSD's /etc/exports file, this is controlled by the
+ ``-alldirs'' option. Other NFS servers may have different
+ conventions. If you are getting `Permission Denied' messages
+ from the server then it's likely that you don't have this
+ enabled properly!
-/* XXX Put some more text in this section.. :-) XXX */
+2.5.2 Preparing for FTP Installation
+ FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a
+ reasonably up-to-date version of FreeBSD 2.0.5. A full menu of
+ reasonable choices from almost anywhere in the world is provided
+ by the FTP site menu.
+ If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this
+ menu, or you are having troubles getting your name server configured
+ properly, you can also specify your own URL by selecting the ``Other''
+ choice in that menu. A URL can also be a direct IP address, so
+ the following would work in the absence of a name server:
+ [Substitute "ALPHA" for "RELEASE" during the ALPHA test period!]
+ If you are installing through a firewall then you should probably
+ select ``Passive mode'' ftp, which is the default. If you are
+ talking to a server which does not support passive mode for some
+ reason, see the Options menu to select Active mode transfers.
+3. Installing FreeBSD
+-- ------------------
+Once you've taken note of the appropriate preinstallation steps, you
+should be able to install FreeBSD without any further trouble.
+Should this not be true, then you may wish to go back and re-read the
+relevant preparation section (section 2.x) for the installation media
+type you're trying to use - perhaps there's a helpful hint there that
+you missed the first time? If you're having hardware trouble, or
+FreeBSD refuses to boot at all, read the Hardware Guide provided on
+the boot floppy for a list of possible solutions.
+The FreeBSD boot floppy contains all the on-line documentation you
+should need to be able to navigate through an installation and if it
+doesn't then I'd like to know what you found most confusing! It is
+the objective of the FreeBSD installation program (sysinstall) to be
+self-documenting enough that painful "step-by-step" guides are no
+longer necessary. It may take us a little while to reach that
+objective, but that's the objective!
+Meanwhile, you may also find the following "typical installation sequence"
+to be helpful:
+o Boot the boot floppy. After a boot sequence which can take
+ anywhere from from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on your
+ hardware, you should be presented with a menu of initial
+ choices. If the floppy doesn't boot at all, or the boot
+ hangs at some stage, go read the Q&A section of the Hardware
+ Guide for possible causes.
+o Press F1. You should see some basic usage instructions on
+ the menu system and general navigation. If you haven't used this
+ menu system before then PLEASE read this thoroughly!
+o If English is not your native language, you may wish to proceed
+ directly to the Language option and set your preferred language.
+ This will bring up some of the documentation in that language
+ instead of english.
+o Select the Options item and set any special preferences you
+ may have.
+o Select Proceed, bringing you to the Installation Menu.
+Installation Menu:
+o You can do anything you like in this menu without altering
+ your system _except_ for "Commit", which will perform any
+ requests to alter your system you may have made.
+ If you're confused at any point, the F1 key usually pulls
+ up the right information for the screen you're in.
+ o The first step is generally `Partition', which allows
+ you to chose how your drives will be used for FreeBSD.
+ o Next, with the `Label' editor, you can specify how the space
+ in any allocated FreeBSD partitions should be used by FreeBSD,
+ or where to mount a non-FreeBSD partition (such as DOS).
+ o Next, the `Distributions' menu allows you to specify which
+ parts of FreeBSD you wish to load. A good choice is
+ "User" for a small system or "Developer" for someone
+ wanting a bit more out of FreeBSD. If none of the existing
+ collections sound applicable, select Custom.
+ o Next, the `Media' menu allows you to specify what kind of
+ media you wish to install from. If a desired media choice is
+ found and configured automatically then this menu will simply
+ return, otherwise you'll be asked for additional details on
+ the media device type.
+ o Finally, the Commit command will actually perform all the
+ actions at once (nothing has been written to your disk
+ so far, nor will it until you give the final confirmation).
+ All new or changed partition information will be written
+ out, file systems will be created and/or non-destructively
+ labelled (depending on how you set their newfs flags in the
+ Label editor) and all selected distributions will be
+ extracted.
+ o The Configure menu choice allows you to furthur configure your
+ FreeBSD installation by giving you menu-driven access to
+ various system defaults. Some items, like networking, may
+ be especially important if you did a CDROM/Tape/Floppy
+ installation and have not yet configured your network
+ interfaces (assuming you have some). Properly configuring
+ your network here will allow FreeBSD to come up on the network
+ when you first reboot from the hard disk.
+ o Exit returns you to the top menu.
+ At this point, you're generally done with the sysinstall utility and
+can select the final `Quit'. If you're running it as an installer
+(e.g., before the system is all the way up) then the system will now
+reboot. If you selected the boot manager option, you will see a small
+boot menu with an `F?' prompt. Press the function key for BSD (it
+will be shown) and you should boot up into FreeBSD off the hard disk.
+ If this fails to happen for some reason, see the Q & A section
+of the Hardware Guide for possible clues!
+ Jordan
+---- End of Installation Guide ---
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/language.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/language.hlp
index 2ef566f..23f176b 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/language.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/language.hlp
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ I18N features to meet various standards.
Until these improvements are made, you may find it easier to simply
edit the /etc/sysconfig file yourself once the system is fully
installed. There are a number of comments in that file that detail
-just what should be changed as well as a few examples of existing
+just what should be changed, as well as a few examples of existing
non-english setups.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/network_device.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/network_device.hlp
index 2f30fea..95c42ae 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/network_device.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/network_device.hlp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
You can do network installations over 3 types of communications links:
- Serial port: SLIP / PPP
- Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
- Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
+ Serial port: SLIP / PPP
+ Parallel port: PLIP (laplink cable)
+ Ethernet: A standard ethernet controller (includes some PCMCIA).
SLIP support is rather primitive and limited primarily to hard-wired
links, such as a serial cable running between a laptop computer and
@@ -30,25 +30,25 @@ simple terminal emulator and has no "modem capabilities database".
If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD (2.0R or later) machine
is available, you might also consider installing over a "laplink"
parallel port cable. The data rate over the parallel port is much
-higher than is what's typically possible over a serial line, with
-speeds of up to 50k/sec. not at all uncommon.
+higher than what is typically possible over a serial line with
+speeds of up to 50k/sec.
-Finally, for the fastest possible installation, an ethernet adaptor is
-always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC ethernet cards,
-a table of required settings for which is provided in the FreeBSD
-Hardware Guide - see the Documentation menu on the boot floppy.
-If you are using one of the supported PCMCIA ethernet cards, also
-be sure that it's plugged in _before_ the laptop is powered on!
-FreeBSD does not, unfortunately, currently support "hot insertion"
-of PCMCIA cards.
+Finally, for the fastest possible network installation, an ethernet
+adaptor is always a good choice! FreeBSD supports most common PC
+ethernet cards, a table of which is provided in the FreeBSD
+Hardware Guide (see the Documentation menu on the boot floppy).
+If you are using one of the supported PCMCIA ethernet cards, also be
+sure that it's plugged in _before_ the laptop is powered on! FreeBSD
+does not, unfortunately, currently support "hot insertion" of PCMCIA
-You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the the
-"netmask" value for your address class and the name of your machine.
+You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the "netmask"
+value for your address class, and the name of your machine.
Your system administrator can tell you which values to use for your
particular network setup. If you will be referring to other hosts by
name rather than IP address, you'll also need a name server and
possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP, it's your
provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you do not know
-the answers to all or or most of these questions, then you should
+the answers to all or most of these questions, then you should
really probably talk to your system administrator _first_ before
trying this type of installation!
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
index ccdd78b..b01a94b 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/en_US.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ RIGHT ARROW Move to next item or group (same as TAB).
SHIFT-TAB Move to previous item or group.
LEFT ARROW Move to previous item or group (same as SHIFT-TAB).
RETURN Select item.
-ESC Spawn a sub-shell for diagnostic purposes. Exit returns.
PAGE UP In text boxes, scrolls up one page.
PAGE DOWN In text boxes, scrolls down one page.
SPACE In "radio" or multiple choice menus, toggle the current item.
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ SPECIAL FEATURES:
It is also possible to select a menu item by typing the first
-character of its name, if unique. Such "accellerator" characters will
+character of its name, if unique. Such "accelerator" characters will
be specially highlighted in the item name.
The console driver also contains a scroll-back buffer for reviewing
@@ -51,5 +50,5 @@ also find that you have multiple "virtual consoles" and can use them to
have several active sessions at once. Use ALT-F<n> to switch between
them, where `F<n>' is the function key corresponding to the screen you
wish to see. By default, the system comes with 3 virtual consoles enabled.
-You can create more by editing the /etc/ttys file once the system is up, up
-to a maximum of 12.
+You can create more by editing the /etc/ttys file, once the system is up,
+for a maximum of 12.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/es_ES.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/es_ES.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
index ceeb152..762c358 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/es_ES.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/es_ES.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ FLECHA DERECHA Ir al siguiente elemento o grupo (Ide'ntico a TAB).
MAYUSCULAS-TAB Ir al elemento anterior o grupo.
FLECHA IZQ. Ir al elemento anterior o grupo (Ide'ntico a MAYUSCULAS-TAB).
RETORNO Seleccionar el elemento.
-ESC Ejecuta un inte'rprete (shell) para diagno'stico. Exit regresa.
PAGINA ARRIBA Regresa una pa'gina, en a'reas de texto.
PAGINA ABAJO Presenta la siguiente pa'gina, en areas de texto.
ESPACIO En menus de opcio'n mu'ltiple (radio), cambia el elemento actual
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/es_ES.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/es_ES.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
index ceeb152..762c358 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/es_ES.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/es_ES.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ FLECHA DERECHA Ir al siguiente elemento o grupo (Ide'ntico a TAB).
MAYUSCULAS-TAB Ir al elemento anterior o grupo.
FLECHA IZQ. Ir al elemento anterior o grupo (Ide'ntico a MAYUSCULAS-TAB).
RETORNO Seleccionar el elemento.
-ESC Ejecuta un inte'rprete (shell) para diagno'stico. Exit regresa.
PAGINA ARRIBA Regresa una pa'gina, en a'reas de texto.
PAGINA ABAJO Presenta la siguiente pa'gina, en areas de texto.
ESPACIO En menus de opcio'n mu'ltiple (radio), cambia el elemento actual
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/README b/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/README
index d84cf45..13ef060 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/README
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/README
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ considérable du point de vue de la stabilité ainsi `-----' /
que des nouveautés par douzaines. Pour <----. __ / __ \
obtenir plus de détails concernant ces <----|====O)))==) \) /====
nouveautés, consultez le fichier <----' `--' `.__,' \
-<< release notes >>. | |
\ / /\
______( (_ / \______/
,' ,-----' |
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ FreeBSD !
Cette version de FreeBSD contient tout ce dont vous pouvez avoir
besoin pour implanter ce système sur votre machine. Les sources de
tous les programmes étant fournis, vous pouvez recompiler à loisir la
-distribution complête en une unique commande. C'est idéal pour les
+distribution complète en une unique commande. C'est idéal pour les
étudiants, les chercheurs et tous ceux qui sont simplement curieux de
voir comment est conçu un tel système.
-Une importante collection de logiciels supportés (les << ports >>) est
+Une importante collection de logiciels supportés (les « ports ») est
aussi fournie pour vous aider à obtenir et à installer sur FreeBSD,
les logiciels traditionnels du domaine UNIX. Plus de 270 ports sont
ainsi disponibles, des éditeurs de texte aux langages de programmation,
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ faire autour de FreeBSD, un environnement puissant et accessible,
capable de rivaliser avec beaucoup de stations de travail.
En complément, il est recommandé d'acquérir les ouvrages relatifs à
-4.4BSD, chez << O'Reilly Associates >> et << USENIX Association >>,
-ISBN 1-56592-082-1. Nous n'avons pas d'intérêt dans la vente de ces
+4.4BSD, chez « O'Reilly Associates » et « USENIX Association »,
+ISBN 1-56592-082-1. Nous n'avons pas d'intérêts dans la vente de ces
ouvrages, nous sommes simplement des lecteurs satisfaits.
Il est conseillé de lire le guide des configurations matérielles avant
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ d'aller plus loin dans l'installation. La configuration d'un PC pour
d'autres systèmes que DOS/Windows (qui n'est pas très exigeant sur ce
point) est certainement un peu plus difficile qu'il n'y paraît, et si
vous pensez maîtriser la situation, c'est sans doute que vous n'avez
-pas utilisé un PC depuis quelques temps. :) Ce guide donne les
+pas utilisé un PC depuis quelque temps. :) Ce guide donne les
renseignements indiquant comment configurer votre machine et quels
symptômes rechercher en cas de problème. Ce guide est disponible par
le menu Documentation de la disquette de démarrage de FreeBSD.
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ adressés à : (en anglais)
-Les rapports de disfonctionnement << bug reports >> peuvent être
-notifiés par la commande << send-pr >> dès que votre système est
+Les rapports de dysfonctionnement « bug reports » peuvent être
+notifiés par la commande « send-pr » dès que votre système est
installé. Dans le cas contraire, ils peuvent être adressés à : (en anglais)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Les questions d'ordre général sont à diriger vers :
Ne soyez pas impatient si vos questions ne trouvent pas réponse dans
la minute, car c'est beaucoup d'investissement que d'y répondre et il
n'est pas rare que toute notre bonne volonté ne suffise pas. Les
-problèmes soumis par le biais de la commande << send-pr >> sont
+problèmes soumis par le biais de la commande « send-pr » sont
automatiquement répertoriés dans une base de données. Vous resterez
informés de toute évolution concernant votre demande.
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Notre site WEB est C'est aussi une bonne
source pour obtenir les dernières informations en date. Ce site
propose de nombreuses facilités de documentation. La version de
Netscape compilée pour BSDI peut être utilisée pour découvrir le
-<< World Wide Web >> directement à partir de FreeBSD.
+« World Wide Web » directement à partir de FreeBSD.
Pour de plus amples détails, consultez les fichiers contenus dans les
répertoires /usr/share/FAQ et /usr/share/doc.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
index 39bbe0a..dd1d41a 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ FLÈCHE DROITE Aller sur la rubrique suivante. (même chose que TAB).
MAJ-TAB Aller sur la rubrique ou le groupe précédent.
FLÈCHE GAUCHE Aller sur la rubrique précédente. (même chose que MAJ-TAB).
ENTRÉE Sélectionne la rubrique.
-ESC Lance un sous-shell (pour diagnostics). Exit sort du shell.
PAGE PRÉC. Remonte d'une page, dans les boîtes de texte.
PAGE SUIV. Descend d'une page, dans les boîtes de texte.
ESPACE Sélectionne/désélectionne l'élément (menus à choix multiples).
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/README b/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/README
index d84cf45..13ef060 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/README
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/README
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ considérable du point de vue de la stabilité ainsi `-----' /
que des nouveautés par douzaines. Pour <----. __ / __ \
obtenir plus de détails concernant ces <----|====O)))==) \) /====
nouveautés, consultez le fichier <----' `--' `.__,' \
-<< release notes >>. | |
\ / /\
______( (_ / \______/
,' ,-----' |
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ FreeBSD !
Cette version de FreeBSD contient tout ce dont vous pouvez avoir
besoin pour implanter ce système sur votre machine. Les sources de
tous les programmes étant fournis, vous pouvez recompiler à loisir la
-distribution complête en une unique commande. C'est idéal pour les
+distribution complète en une unique commande. C'est idéal pour les
étudiants, les chercheurs et tous ceux qui sont simplement curieux de
voir comment est conçu un tel système.
-Une importante collection de logiciels supportés (les << ports >>) est
+Une importante collection de logiciels supportés (les « ports ») est
aussi fournie pour vous aider à obtenir et à installer sur FreeBSD,
les logiciels traditionnels du domaine UNIX. Plus de 270 ports sont
ainsi disponibles, des éditeurs de texte aux langages de programmation,
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ faire autour de FreeBSD, un environnement puissant et accessible,
capable de rivaliser avec beaucoup de stations de travail.
En complément, il est recommandé d'acquérir les ouvrages relatifs à
-4.4BSD, chez << O'Reilly Associates >> et << USENIX Association >>,
-ISBN 1-56592-082-1. Nous n'avons pas d'intérêt dans la vente de ces
+4.4BSD, chez « O'Reilly Associates » et « USENIX Association »,
+ISBN 1-56592-082-1. Nous n'avons pas d'intérêts dans la vente de ces
ouvrages, nous sommes simplement des lecteurs satisfaits.
Il est conseillé de lire le guide des configurations matérielles avant
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ d'aller plus loin dans l'installation. La configuration d'un PC pour
d'autres systèmes que DOS/Windows (qui n'est pas très exigeant sur ce
point) est certainement un peu plus difficile qu'il n'y paraît, et si
vous pensez maîtriser la situation, c'est sans doute que vous n'avez
-pas utilisé un PC depuis quelques temps. :) Ce guide donne les
+pas utilisé un PC depuis quelque temps. :) Ce guide donne les
renseignements indiquant comment configurer votre machine et quels
symptômes rechercher en cas de problème. Ce guide est disponible par
le menu Documentation de la disquette de démarrage de FreeBSD.
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ adressés à : (en anglais)
-Les rapports de disfonctionnement << bug reports >> peuvent être
-notifiés par la commande << send-pr >> dès que votre système est
+Les rapports de dysfonctionnement « bug reports » peuvent être
+notifiés par la commande « send-pr » dès que votre système est
installé. Dans le cas contraire, ils peuvent être adressés à : (en anglais)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Les questions d'ordre général sont à diriger vers :
Ne soyez pas impatient si vos questions ne trouvent pas réponse dans
la minute, car c'est beaucoup d'investissement que d'y répondre et il
n'est pas rare que toute notre bonne volonté ne suffise pas. Les
-problèmes soumis par le biais de la commande << send-pr >> sont
+problèmes soumis par le biais de la commande « send-pr » sont
automatiquement répertoriés dans une base de données. Vous resterez
informés de toute évolution concernant votre demande.
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Notre site WEB est C'est aussi une bonne
source pour obtenir les dernières informations en date. Ce site
propose de nombreuses facilités de documentation. La version de
Netscape compilée pour BSDI peut être utilisée pour découvrir le
-<< World Wide Web >> directement à partir de FreeBSD.
+« World Wide Web » directement à partir de FreeBSD.
Pour de plus amples détails, consultez les fichiers contenus dans les
répertoires /usr/share/FAQ et /usr/share/doc.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
index 39bbe0a..dd1d41a 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/fr_FR.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ FLÈCHE DROITE Aller sur la rubrique suivante. (même chose que TAB).
MAJ-TAB Aller sur la rubrique ou le groupe précédent.
FLÈCHE GAUCHE Aller sur la rubrique précédente. (même chose que MAJ-TAB).
ENTRÉE Sélectionne la rubrique.
-ESC Lance un sous-shell (pour diagnostics). Exit sort du shell.
PAGE PRÉC. Remonte d'une page, dans les boîtes de texte.
PAGE SUIV. Descend d'une page, dans les boîtes de texte.
ESPACE Sélectionne/désélectionne l'élément (menus à choix multiples).
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/it_IT.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/it_IT.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
index 91c72d6..bc4fd38 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/it_IT.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/it_IT.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
@@ -12,7 +10,6 @@ FRECCIA A DESTRA voce o gruppo successivo (come TAB)
SHIFT-TAB voce o gruppo precedente
FRECCIA A SINISTRA voce o gruppo precedente (come SHIFT-TAB)
RETURN selezione voce corrente
-ESC lancia una shell. Si ritorna dalla shell con exit
PAGINA SU nelle aree di testo, va alla pagina precedente
PAGINA GIU nelle aree di testo, va alla pagina successiva
SPAZIO cambia stato alla voce corrente (menu "radio")
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/it_IT.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/it_IT.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
index 91c72d6..bc4fd38 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/it_IT.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/it_IT.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
@@ -12,7 +10,6 @@ FRECCIA A DESTRA voce o gruppo successivo (come TAB)
SHIFT-TAB voce o gruppo precedente
FRECCIA A SINISTRA voce o gruppo precedente (come SHIFT-TAB)
RETURN selezione voce corrente
-ESC lancia una shell. Si ritorna dalla shell con exit
PAGINA SU nelle aree di testo, va alla pagina precedente
PAGINA GIU nelle aree di testo, va alla pagina successiva
SPAZIO cambia stato alla voce corrente (menu "radio")
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/ja_JP.JIS/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/ja_JP.JIS/usage.hlp
index 9067544..a3b6871 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/ja_JP.JIS/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/ja_JP.JIS/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ RIGHT ARROW $B<!$N9`L\$^$?$O%0%k!<%W$K0\F0$7$^$9!#(B(TAB $B$HF1$8(B)
SHIFT-TAB $BA0$N9`L\$^$?$O%0%k!<%W$K0\F0$7$^$9!#(B
LEFT ARROW $BA0$N9`L\$^$?$O%0%k!<%W$K0\F0$7$^$9!#(B(SHIFT-TAB $B$HF1$8(B)
RETURN $B9`L\$rA*Br$7$^$9!#(B
-ESC $B%5%V%7%'%k$r<B9T$7$^$9!#(Bexit $B$GLa$j$^$9!#(B
PAGE UP $B%F%-%9%H%\%C%/%9$G!"A0$N%Z!<%8$KLa$j$^$9!#(B
PAGE DOWN $B%F%-%9%H%\%C%/%9$G!"<!$N%Z!<%8$K?J$_$^$9!#(B
SPACE $B!V%i%8%*%\%?%s!W$dJ#?t$NA*Br;h$,$"$k%a%K%e!<$G!"8=:_$N(B
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/ja_JP.ROMAJI/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/ja_JP.ROMAJI/usage.hlp
index 347a5ef..df58c20 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/ja_JP.ROMAJI/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/ja_JP.ROMAJI/usage.hlp
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ SHIFT-TAB mae no koumoku mataha group ni idou shimasu.
LEFT ARROW mae no koumoku mataha group ni idou shimasu. (SHIFT-TAB to
RETURN koumoku wo sentaku shimasu.
-ESC sub-shell wo jikkou shimasu. exit de modorimasu.
PAGE UP text box de, mae no page ni modorimasu.
PAGE DOWN text box de, tsugi no page ni susumimasu.
SPACE "radio button" ya fukusuu no sentakushi ga aru menu de,
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/nl_NL.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/nl_NL.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
index 530aa36..50a2808 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/nl_NL.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/nl_NL.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ PIJL RECHTS Ga naar het volgende item of groep (hetzelfde als TAB)
SHIFT-TAB Ga naar het vorige item of groep
PIJL LINKS Ga naar het vorige item of groep (hetzelfde als SHIFT-TAB)
RETURN Selecteer item
-ESC Start een sub-shell voor diagnostische doeleinden.
- Beeindig de shell om terug te gaan.
PAGE UP Ga een pagina omhoog in tekst vensters
PAGE DOWN Ga een pagina omlaag in tekst vensters
SPATIEBALK Selecteer/deselecteer het huidige item in "radio" of
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ bovenkant van het scherm zijn gerold. Deze 'terug-blader-modus'
kan geaktiveerd worden door op de "Scroll Lock" toets te drukken.
Nu kun je m.b.v. PIJL OMHOOG/OMLAAG of Page Up/Page Down door de
bewaarde regels bladeren. Druk nogmaals op "Scroll Lock" om deze
-modus te be‰indigen. Deze mogelijkheid is erg handig als je in een
+modus te beëindigen. Deze mogelijkheid is erg handig als je in een
sub-shell zit of andere expert-modes gebruikt die geen menus
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/nl_NL.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/nl_NL.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
index 530aa36..50a2808 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/nl_NL.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/nl_NL.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ PIJL RECHTS Ga naar het volgende item of groep (hetzelfde als TAB)
SHIFT-TAB Ga naar het vorige item of groep
PIJL LINKS Ga naar het vorige item of groep (hetzelfde als SHIFT-TAB)
RETURN Selecteer item
-ESC Start een sub-shell voor diagnostische doeleinden.
- Beeindig de shell om terug te gaan.
PAGE UP Ga een pagina omhoog in tekst vensters
PAGE DOWN Ga een pagina omlaag in tekst vensters
SPATIEBALK Selecteer/deselecteer het huidige item in "radio" of
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ bovenkant van het scherm zijn gerold. Deze 'terug-blader-modus'
kan geaktiveerd worden door op de "Scroll Lock" toets te drukken.
Nu kun je m.b.v. PIJL OMHOOG/OMLAAG of Page Up/Page Down door de
bewaarde regels bladeren. Druk nogmaals op "Scroll Lock" om deze
-modus te be‰indigen. Deze mogelijkheid is erg handig als je in een
+modus te beëindigen. Deze mogelijkheid is erg handig als je in een
sub-shell zit of andere expert-modes gebruikt die geen menus
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/no_NO.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/no_NO.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
index c83609f..01c3d1d 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/no_NO.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/no_NO.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ SKIFT-TAB Flytte til forrige dataelement eller gruppe.
VENSTRE PIL Flytte til forrige dataelement eller gruppe (samme
RETUR Velge dataelement.
-ESC Starte et underordnet skall i diagnostiserings-øyemed.
SIDE OPP I tekstbokser, ruller opp en side.
SIDE NED I tekstbokser, ruller ned en side.
MELLOMROM I "radio" eller flervalgs menyer, markere inneværende
@@ -43,7 +42,15 @@ Konsolldriveren har en innebygget rulle-tilbake buffer some en kan bruke
til å inspisere ting som har rullet ut av skjermen. For å bruke
rulle-tilbake funksjonen, trykk på "Scroll Lock" tasten på tastaturet.
Piltastene og Side Opp/Ned tastene kan nå brukes til å gå
-igjennom den lagrete teksten. For å forlate rulle-tilbake modusen,
+igjennom den lagrede teksten. For å forlate rulle-tilbake modusen,
trykk på "Scroll Lock" tasten igjen. Dette momentet er best egnet for å
håndtere underordnede-skjell og andre "vidundermoduser" som ikke bruker
+Når systemet er ferdig installert og kjører i fler-bruker modus, vil
+du også finne at du har mange "virtuelle konsoller" til rådighet og
+kan bruke dem til å ha flere aktive sesjoner på en gang. Bruk ALT-F<n>
+til å velge mellom dem, hvor 'F<n>' er funksjons-tasten som korresponderer
+med den skjermen du ønsker å se. Systemet, som det blir installert, har
+normalt 3 virtuelle konsoller. Du kan lage flere med å redigere /etc/ttys
+filen, etter systemet har kommet opp, opptil et maksimum av 12.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/no_NO.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/no_NO.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
index c83609f..01c3d1d 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/no_NO.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/no_NO.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ SKIFT-TAB Flytte til forrige dataelement eller gruppe.
VENSTRE PIL Flytte til forrige dataelement eller gruppe (samme
RETUR Velge dataelement.
-ESC Starte et underordnet skall i diagnostiserings-øyemed.
SIDE OPP I tekstbokser, ruller opp en side.
SIDE NED I tekstbokser, ruller ned en side.
MELLOMROM I "radio" eller flervalgs menyer, markere inneværende
@@ -43,7 +42,15 @@ Konsolldriveren har en innebygget rulle-tilbake buffer some en kan bruke
til å inspisere ting som har rullet ut av skjermen. For å bruke
rulle-tilbake funksjonen, trykk på "Scroll Lock" tasten på tastaturet.
Piltastene og Side Opp/Ned tastene kan nå brukes til å gå
-igjennom den lagrete teksten. For å forlate rulle-tilbake modusen,
+igjennom den lagrede teksten. For å forlate rulle-tilbake modusen,
trykk på "Scroll Lock" tasten igjen. Dette momentet er best egnet for å
håndtere underordnede-skjell og andre "vidundermoduser" som ikke bruker
+Når systemet er ferdig installert og kjører i fler-bruker modus, vil
+du også finne at du har mange "virtuelle konsoller" til rådighet og
+kan bruke dem til å ha flere aktive sesjoner på en gang. Bruk ALT-F<n>
+til å velge mellom dem, hvor 'F<n>' er funksjons-tasten som korresponderer
+med den skjermen du ønsker å se. Systemet, som det blir installert, har
+normalt 3 virtuelle konsoller. Du kan lage flere med å redigere /etc/ttys
+filen, etter systemet har kommet opp, opptil et maksimum av 12.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/ru_SU.KOI8-R/README b/release/sysinstall/help/ru_SU.KOI8-R/README
index fe6f270..53d888f 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/ru_SU.KOI8-R/README
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/ru_SU.KOI8-R/README
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
FreeBSD 2.0.5 --- RELEASE Version , ,
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@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
@@ -39,18 +39,19 @@
@@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ collection"), ÏÂÌÅÇÞÁÀÝÁÑ ÄÌÑ ×ÁÓ ÄÏÂÙ×ÁÎÉÅ É ÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ËÕ ×ÁÛÉÈ
@@ -67,19 +68,21 @@ collection"), ÏÂÌÅÇÞÁÀÝÁÑ ÄÌÑ ×ÁÓ ÄÏÂÙ×ÁÎÉÅ É ÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ËÕ ×ÁÛÉÈ
@@ -93,11 +96,11 @@ collection"), ÏÂÌÅÇÞÁÀÝÁÑ ÄÌÑ ×ÁÓ ÄÏÂÙ×ÁÎÉÅ É ÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ËÕ ×ÁÛÉÈ
-ËÁÔÁÌÏÇÉ /usr/share/FAQ É /usr/share/DOC.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/sv_SE.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/sv_SE.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
index 701e377..1f544b9 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/sv_SE.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/sv_SE.ISO8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ PIL HÖGER Flytta till nästa fält (samma som TAB).
SHIFT-TAB Flytta till föregående fält.
PIL VÄNSTER Flytta till föregående fält (samma som SHIFT-TAB).
RETURN Markera rad eller utför handling.
-ESC Starta en kommandotolk för diagnostik. Exit återgår.
PAGE UP Flyttar upp texten en sida i textfält.
PAGE DOWN Flyttar ner texten en sida i textfält.
MELLANSLAG Markera/avmarkera gällande val i flervalsmenyer.
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ eller någon annat "expertläge".
När systemet är färdiginstallerat och igång kommer du att kunna byta
mellan flera "virtuella skärmar". På så sätt kan du ha flera sessioner
-öppna samtidigt. Använd ALT-F<n> för att byta mellan skärmarna.
-Från början finns det fyra skärmar att byta mellan. När systemet till
+öppna samtidigt. Använd ALT-F<n> för att byta mellan dem.
+Från början finns det fyra sessioner att byta mellan. När systemet till
slut är uppe kan du ändra det genom att editera filen /etc/ttys.
Maximalt antal virtuella skärmar är 12.
diff --git a/release/sysinstall/help/sv_SE.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp b/release/sysinstall/help/sv_SE.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
index 701e377..1f544b9 100644
--- a/release/sysinstall/help/sv_SE.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
+++ b/release/sysinstall/help/sv_SE.ISO_8859-1/usage.hlp
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ PIL HÖGER Flytta till nästa fält (samma som TAB).
SHIFT-TAB Flytta till föregående fält.
PIL VÄNSTER Flytta till föregående fält (samma som SHIFT-TAB).
RETURN Markera rad eller utför handling.
-ESC Starta en kommandotolk för diagnostik. Exit återgår.
PAGE UP Flyttar upp texten en sida i textfält.
PAGE DOWN Flyttar ner texten en sida i textfält.
MELLANSLAG Markera/avmarkera gällande val i flervalsmenyer.
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ eller någon annat "expertläge".
När systemet är färdiginstallerat och igång kommer du att kunna byta
mellan flera "virtuella skärmar". På så sätt kan du ha flera sessioner
-öppna samtidigt. Använd ALT-F<n> för att byta mellan skärmarna.
-Från början finns det fyra skärmar att byta mellan. När systemet till
+öppna samtidigt. Använd ALT-F<n> för att byta mellan dem.
+Från början finns det fyra sessioner att byta mellan. När systemet till
slut är uppe kan du ändra det genom att editera filen /etc/ttys.
Maximalt antal virtuella skärmar är 12.
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud