path: root/release/doc/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/installation/sparc64
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-# The FreeBSD Documentation Project
-# The FreeBSD French Documentation Project
-# $Id$
-# $FreeBSD$
-# Original revision: 1.1
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- The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- The FreeBSD French Documentation Project
- $Id$
- $FreeBSD$
- Original revision: 1.3
-<article xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0">
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- The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- The FreeBSD French Documentation Project
- $Id$
- $FreeBSD$
- Original revision: 1.12
- Ce fichier contient les instructions pour l'installation
- specifique aux systemes sparc64.
-<sect1 xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0">
- <title>***Non traduit***Installing &os;</title>
- <para>This text describes how to install and boot the &arch; port.
- Users of this port are encouraged to subscribe to the
- &a.sparc;.</para>
- <warning>
- <para>The kernel and userland binaries mentioned below are highly
- experimental (for example, the kernel contains some ATA changes
- and EEPROM handling code which could potentially be dangerous).
- Unless you know what you are doing and are willing to cope with
- any damage that might arise, you should probably not be trying
- this.</para>
- </warning>
- <para>Unlike &os;/i386 or &os;/alpha, there is no version of
- &man.sysinstall.8; for &os;/&arch;. The installation procedure
- consists of loading a kernel (either from CDROM or the network)
- onto the &arch; machine, with a root filesystem on CDROM or
- exported via NFS. The utilities on the root filesystem can then
- be used to partition the local disk on the &arch; machine and
- optionally to copy the &os; distribution to the local disk to make
- a stand-alone machine.</para>
- <para>Currently, there are two ways to install &os;/&arch; on a new
- machine. By far the easier of the two is to install from CDROM;
- this method allows you to install &os; without any dependencies on
- any other computers.</para>
- <para>If installing from CDROM is impossible or undesirable, the
- alternative is to install over the network. This requires another
- machine, suitably configured, to serve the boot loader, kernel,
- and root filesystem to the new machine, via a combination of
- RARP, TFTP, and either BOOTP or DHCP. This netboot server can be
- another &os; machine, but is not required to be.</para>
- <para>You will need to decide which of these methods you want to use
- for installation, as this will determine the set of files you need
- to download (if any), as well as the steps required to do the
- installation.</para>
-<!-- this should read "in this document" after the re-structure -->
- <important>
- <para>The URLs in this section are provisional and subject to
- change. Please see the archives of the &a.sparc; for the most
- recent locations of files. This notice will be removed when
- more permanent URLs have been determined.</para>
- </important>
- <sect2 xml:id="getting-to-prom-prompt">
- <title>Getting to the PROM Prompt</title>
- <para>Most &arch; systems are set up to boot automatically from
- disk. To install &os;, you need to boot over the network or
- from a CDROM, which requires you to break into the PROM
- (OpenFirmware).</para>
- <para>To do this, reboot the system, and wait until the boot
- message appears. It depends on the model, but should look about
- like:</para>
- <screen>Sun Blade 100 (UltraSPARC-IIe), Keyboard Present
-Copyright 1998-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-OpenBoot 4.2, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #51090132.
-Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID: 830b92d4.</screen>
- <para>If your system proceeds to boot from disk at this point, you
- need to press <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>L1</keycap><keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>
- or <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>Stop</keycap><keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>
- on the keyboard, or send a <command>BREAK</command> over the
- serial console (using for example <command>~#</command> in
- &man.tip.1; or &;) to get to the PROM prompt. It looks
- like this:</para>
- <screenco>
- <areaspec>
- <area xml:id="prompt-single" coords="1 5"/>
- <area xml:id="prompt-smp" coords="2 5"/>
- </areaspec>
- <screen><prompt>ok </prompt>
-<prompt>ok {0} </prompt></screen>
- <calloutlist>
- <callout arearefs="prompt-single">
- <para>This is the prompt used on systems with just one
- CPU.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="prompt-smp">
- <para>This is the prompt used on SMP systems, the digit
- indicates the number of the active CPU.</para>
- </callout>
- </calloutlist>
- </screenco>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 xml:id="prepare-cd">
- <title>Preparing for a CDROM Installation</title>
- <para>If you want to do a CDROM installation, an ISO image with a
- snapshot of &os;/&arch; can be found at <uri xlink:href="&release.url;">&release.url;</uri>. This file can be used to create a
- bootable CDROM which contains everything necessary to boot and
- load at least a minimal &os; installation.</para>
-<!-- XXX ISO location?-->
- <para>Place the CDROM into your drive, and break into the PROM as
- described above. On the PROM prompt, type <command>boot
- cdrom</command>. The system should boot into single-user mode
- now, and you can create the disk label and install the base
- system archive as described in <xref linkend="creating-disk-label"/> and <xref linkend="creating-root-filesystem"/>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 xml:id="prepare-network">
- <title>Preparing for a Network Installation</title>
- <para>A &os;/&arch; kernel is booted by having the firmware
- retrieve and execute a <application>loader</application>, which
- in turn fetches and executes the actual kernel. For this boot
- process, you need to set up &man.rarpd.8; and &man.tftpd.8; (for
- the firmware) and &man.bootpd.8; (for the
- <application>loader</application>) on another networked system.
- The loader can fetch a kernel using TFTP or NFS. All of this is
- covered in detail below.</para>
- <sect3 xml:id="downloading">
- <title>Getting the Required Files</title>
- <para>For a network installation, you will need several files.
- First, you will need to download a &os;/&arch; loader for
- &man.tftpd.8; to serve to your &arch; client. The loader will
- use either TFTP or NFS to retrieve the &os; kernel from the
- netboot server. There is a separate loader for each of these
- methods (i.e. a loader for TFTP and a loader for NFS). You
- should download one of the following files, as
- appropriate:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><uri xlink:href="&release.url;loader-tftp.gz">&release.url;loader-tftp.gz</uri></para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><uri xlink:href="&release.url;loader-nfs.gz">&release.url;loader-nfs.gz</uri></para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>A network installation also requires a kernel to be served
- to the netboot client. A suitable kernel can be found at
- <uri xlink:href="&release.url;">&release.url;</uri>.</para>
-<!-- XXX kernel filename?-->
- <para>Finally, you will need a &man.tar.1; archive which
- contains the binaries and configuration files from the base
- system. This file is available from <uri xlink:href="&release.url;distrib.tar.gz">&release.url;distrib.tar.gz</uri>.</para>
- </sect3>
-<!-- put the words "netboot server" in here -->
- <sect3>
- <title>rarpd</title>
- <para>You need to add the Ethernet address of your &os;/&arch;
- system to <filename>/etc/ethers</filename> on the netboot
- server. An entry looks like:</para>
- <programlisting>0:3:ba:b:92:d4</programlisting>
- <para>The Ethernet address is usually displayed in the boot
- message.</para>
- <para>Make sure <systemitem></systemitem> is in
- <filename>/etc/hosts</filename> or has a valid DNS entry (or
- use an IP address). Then, start &man.rarpd.8; on a network
- interface that is on the same subnet as the &os;/&arch;
- system.</para>
- </sect3>
-<!-- put the words "netboot server" in here -->
- <sect3>
- <title>tftpd</title>
- <para>Activate &man.tftpd.8; in your &man.inetd.8;
- configuration by uncommenting the following line in
- <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>:</para>
- <programlisting>tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd /tftpboot</programlisting>
- <para>Copy the unpacked loader to your
- <filename>/tftpboot</filename> directory, and name it with the
- &os;/&arch; host's IP address in upper-case hexadecimal
- notation without dots (or use appropriately-named symbolic
- links). For example, your setup may look like this, for an IP
- address of <systemitem></systemitem>:</para>
- <screen> lrwx------ 1 tmm users 9 Jul 24 17:05 /tftpboot/C0A80010 -&gt; boot/loader
- -rw-r--r-- 1 tmm users 1643021 Oct 20 18:04 /tftpboot/boot/loader</screen>
- <para>If you have trouble booting, it is very helpful to use
- &man.tcpdump.1; to monitor the TFTP requests. This will allow
- you to see the file name you need to use for the loader.
- Error replies by the TFTP server are most often due to
- incorrect file permissions.</para>
- </sect3>
-<!-- put the words "netboot server" in here -->
- <sect3>
- <title>Setting up bootpd/dhcpd</title>
- <para>You can use either BOOTP or DHCP (both not both) to
- provide some parameters to the boot loader, such as a
- machine's IP address. If you are using another &os; machine
- as a netboot server, the BOOTP functionality is provided by
- &man.bootpd.8;, which is a part of the &os; base system.
- Several DHCP servers are provided in the &os; Ports
- Collection.</para>
- <para>If you are going to use &man.bootpd.8;, create entries for
- your &os;/&arch; system in the server's
- <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> (see &man.bootptab.5; for
- more details):</para>
- <programlisting>.default:\
- :bf="kernel":dn=local:ds=<replaceable>name-server-ip-address</replaceable>:\
- :gw=<replaceable>gateway-ip-address</replaceable>:ht=ether:hd="/tftpboot/boot/kernel":hn:\
- :sa="<replaceable>tftp-server-ip-address</replaceable>":\
- :rp="<replaceable>tftp-server-ip-address</replaceable>:<replaceable>nfs-root-directory</replaceable>":\
- :sm=<replaceable>ip-netmask</replaceable>
- ha=<replaceable>sparc64-ethernet-address</replaceable>:ip=<replaceable>sparc64-ip-address</replaceable>:tc=.default</programlisting>
- <para>The Ethernet address must be the same as the one in the
- TFTP example above, but it is specified hexadecimal notation
- without colons (for the example above, this would be
- <literal>0003ba0b92d4</literal>). NFS/TFTP specific entries
- can be omitted if the given method is not used. The strings
- given in the <literal>hd</literal> and <literal>bf</literal>
- properties are concatenated to give the boot file name. If
- your kernel is named differently or you use another directory,
- change these values as required. If you are booting using
- NFS, remove the <literal>bf</literal> and
- <literal>hd</literal> settings (or change them to specify the
- directory and file inside the NFS root hierarchy in which the
- kernel will reside). The name of the host entry is
- conventionally the host name without the domain
- appended.</para>
- <para>For a DHCP server, add an entry similar to the following
- to your <filename>dhcpd.conf</filename> file. An example
- entry for <application>ISC DHCP</application> version 2
- (available in the &os; Ports Collection as <package>net/isc-dhcp2</package>) is shown
- below:</para>
- <programlisting>host <replaceable>name-of-entry</replaceable> {
- hardware ethernet <replaceable>sparc64-ethernet-address</replaceable>;
- option host-name "<replaceable>sparc64-fully-qualified-domain-name</replaceable>";
- fixed-address <replaceable>sparc64-ip-address</replaceable>;
- always-reply-rfc1048 on;
- filename "kernel";
- option root-path "<replaceable>tftp-server-ip-address</replaceable>:<replaceable>nfs-root-directory</replaceable>";
- <para>The <literal>filename</literal> option corresponds to the
- concatenation of <literal>hd</literal> and
- <literal>bf</literal> in <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename>.
- The Ethernet address is specified in hexadecimal with colons,
- just like in the &man.rarpd.8; example above.
- <literal>options root-path</literal> corresponds to
- <literal>rp</literal> in <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename>.
- If the name given in <literal>option host-name</literal> is
- resolvable, i.e. has a DNS entry or is associated with an
- address in <filename>/etc/hosts</filename>, the
- <literal>fixed-address</literal> specification can be
- omitted.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3>
- <title>Loading the Kernel</title>
- <para>With the daemons on the netboot server configured, the
- next step is to copy the kernel (obtained during the steps of
- <xref linkend="downloading"/>) to an appropriate directory.
- There are two ways of retrieving a kernel over the network:
- TFTP and NFS. (You specified one of these two alternatives by
- picking a loader.)</para>
- <para>For both TFTP and NFS, the loader will use the parameters
- that it obtained via BOOTP or DHCP to find the kernel.</para>
- <sect4>
- <title>Loading the Kernel over TFTP</title>
- <para>Place the kernel in the directory you specified using
- <literal>bf</literal> and <literal>hd</literal> in the
- <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or the
- <literal>filename</literal> parameter to
- <filename>dhcpd.conf</filename>.</para>
- </sect4>
- <sect4>
- <title>Loading the Kernel over NFS</title>
- <para>Export the directory that was specified by the
- <literal>rp</literal> property in
- <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or the
- <literal>root-path</literal> parameter in
- <filename>dhcpd.conf</filename> (see &man.exports.5;). Copy
- the kernel to the directory you specified using
- <literal>bf</literal> and <literal>hd</literal> in the
- <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or the
- <literal>filename</literal> parameter to
- <filename>dhcpd.conf</filename>.</para>
- </sect4>
- </sect3>
- <sect3>
- <title>Loading the Base System to the Netboot Server</title>
- <para>You must extract the base system distribution image to the
- NFS root directory specified either by the
- <literal>rp</literal> option in
- <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or the
- <literal>root-path</literal> option in
- <filename>dhcpd.conf</filename>. This directory tree will
- become the &arch;'s root filesystem once the kernel is booted.
- Besides providing a normal userland environment, it also
- contains all of the necessary utilities for you to install the
- distribution on the &arch; client's local disk.</para>
- <para>Using whatever editing tools you have on the netboot
- server, you probably will want to edit the &arch;'s
- <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and
- <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> and set a
- <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> password.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3>
- <title>Booting</title>
- <para>If all goes well, you can now boot the &os; on your &arch;
- machine by dropping into the PROM prompt as described in <xref linkend="getting-to-prom-prompt"/>. Now, just type
- <command>boot net</command> and the system should boot.
- Specifically, the loader is retrieved via TFTP, it then does a
- BOOTP request and will proceed to load the kernel (either
- using TFTP or NFS, depending on your choice of loader). Then,
- it should wait 10 seconds for user input and proceed to
- execute the kernel.</para>
- <para>If something does not work in between, and you suspect
- TFTP/NFS/BOOTP problems, <application>Ethereal</application>
- (available in the &os; Ports Collection as <package> net/ethereal</package>) is usually helpful.
- The most common problems are related to bad file permissions.
- Also note that &man.rarpd.8; will not answer to packets under
- some circumstances, refer to the manual page for
- details.</para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 xml:id="creating-disk-label">
- <title>Creating a Disk Label</title>
- <para>The kernel supports the Sun disk label format, so you can
- label the disks you want to use with &os; from Solaris.</para>
- <para>&os; disk labels must currently be created by hand, as
- &man.sysinstall.8; is not yet available on &os;/&arch;. Please
- refer to the <link xlink:href="">FreeBSD
- Handbook</link> for more information about labels and special
- partitions.</para>
- <para>On &os;/&arch;, a Sun compatibility label is embedded in the
- &os; label; this is needed for the PROM to boot from disk. This
- imposes an additional restriction on the disk label format:
- partitions are required to start on a cylinder boundary.</para>
- <para>To create a disk label, the following procedure is the
- easiest:</para>
- <procedure>
- <step>
- <para>Run <command>disklabel -w -r
- device auto</command> to create a
- basic disk label. The third argument you need specify here
- is just the name of the device, not the complete path to the
- device node (e.g. <filename>ad0</filename> for the first
- ATA disk).</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para> Use <command>disklabel -e
- device</command> to open an
- editor in which you can edit the disk label. The
- information presented to you should look like:</para>
- <screen># /dev/ad6c:
-type: unknown
-disk: amnesiac
-bytes/sector: 512
-sectors/track: 63
-tracks/cylinder: 16
-sectors/cylinder: 1008
-cylinders: 79780
-sectors/unit: 80418240
-rpm: 3600
-interleave: 1
-trackskew: 0
-cylinderskew: 0
-headswitch: 0 # milliseconds
-track-to-track seek: 0 # milliseconds
-drivedata: 0
-8 partitions:
-# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
- c: 80418240 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 79779)</screen>
- <para>You can now add new partitions in the same format as the
- already present line. Using <literal>*</literal> in the
- offset field makes the procedure easier; please refer to the
- &man.disklabel.8; manual page for more information.</para>
- <para>To make sure the restriction mentioned above is met, the
- size of each partition must be a multiple of the number of
- sectors per cylinder as shown in the information that is
- presented in the editor (1008 in the example above).</para>
- <para>When you are done, save your changes and quit the
- editor.i This will cause the disk label to be
- written.</para>
- <warning>
- <para>This procedure will overwrite any disk label that may
- be already present on the disk. Any existing filesystems
- on this disk must have their respective partition entries
- in the old and new label match
- <emphasis>exactly</emphasis>, or they will be
- lost.</para>
- </warning>
- <para>If you want to double-check that your partitions end on
- cylinder boundaries, run <command>disklabel -e
- device</command> again. The
- editor will display the cylinders used by a particular
- partition on the right hand side of the output. If any of
- the partitions you defined (i.e. anything except partition
- <literal>c</literal>) shows an <literal>*</literal> next to
- it, the partition does <emphasis>NOT</emphasis> start or end
- on a cylinder boundary. You <emphasis>MUST</emphasis> fix
- these or your system will not work.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Use <command>disklabel -B</command> if you want to make
- the disk bootable for &os;/&arch;.</para>
- <warning>
- <para>Using <command>disklabel -B</command> on a disk will
- overwrite any preexisting boot block, so it will likely
- render any other operating system installed on the same
- disk unbootable.</para>
- </warning>
- <para>If you do not want to overwrite the boot block, it is
- possible to load the <application>loader</application> via
- TFTP as described above, but have it boot the kernel from
- disk. This requires a special loader binary, which is
- available at <uri xlink:href=""></uri></para>
- </step>
- </procedure>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 xml:id="creating-root-filesystem">
- <title>Creating the Root Fileystem</title>
- <para>If you want to boot from a local disk, you will need to
- create a root filesystem to hold the base system binaries and
- configuration files (and optionally other filesystems mounted
- in places such as <filename>/usr</filename> and
- <filename>/var</filename>).</para>
- <para>The kernel contains support for Sun disklabels, so you can
- use Solaris disks, which may even be prepared using
- <application>newfs</application> under Solaris. NetBSD disk
- labels and filesystems are also usable from &os;.</para>
- <warning>
- <para>Do <emphasis>not</emphasis> run Solaris
- <application>fsck</application> on filesystems modified by
- &os;. Doing so will damage the file permissions.</para>
- </warning>
- <para>To create filesystems and to install the base system, boot
- from CDROM or via NFS and create a disk label as described in
- <xref linkend="creating-disk-label"/>.</para>
- <para>When booting the first time and you have not entered your
- root partition into <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> yet, you may
- need to specify your root partition on the mountroot prompt when
- booting (use a format like
- <command>ufs:diskpartition</command>,
- i.e. leave the slice specification out). If the kernel does
- automatically attempt to boot from another filesystem, press a
- key other than <keycap>Enter</keycap> on the
- <application>loader</application> prompt:</para>
- <screen>Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.</screen>
- <para>Then, boot the kernel using <command>boot -a -s</command>,
- which will cause the kernel to ask you for the root partition
- and then boot into single-user mode. Once the root filesystem
- has been entered into <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>, it should
- be automatically mounted as <filename>/</filename> on the next
- boot.</para>
- <para>If you are booting over the network (via NFS), the above
- BOOTP entries should suffice to have the kernel find and mount
- the root filesystem via NFS.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 xml:id="installing-base-system">
- <title>Installing the Base System</title>
- <para>If you booted the kernel from the network, you downloaded a
- &man.tar.1; archive with the base system and exported it from
- the netboot server via NFS. You can unpack this same archive to
- your local disk to create a stand-alone system (remember to copy
- the kernel over as well).</para>
- <para>If you booted from CDROM, the same archive is available in
- <filename>/root/</filename> on the CDROM.</para>
- <para>Before booting the system stand-alone, you will want to edit
- <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and
- <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> and set a
- <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> password.</para>
- <para>Note that some programs from the base system may not be
- present in the archive, or may not work properly yet.</para>
- </sect2>
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