path: root/lib/libutil/login_cap.3
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libutil/login_cap.3 b/lib/libutil/login_cap.3
deleted file mode 100644
index c998d23..0000000
--- a/lib/libutil/login_cap.3
+++ /dev/null
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-.\" Copyright (c) 1995 David Nugent <>
-.\" All rights reserved.
-.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-.\" modification, is permitted provided that the following conditions
-.\" are met:
-.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-.\" notice immediately at the beginning of the file, without modification,
-.\" this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
-.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-.\" 3. This work was done expressly for inclusion into FreeBSD. Other use
-.\" is permitted provided this notation is included.
-.\" 4. Absolutely no warranty of function or purpose is made by the author
-.\" David Nugent.
-.\" 5. Modifications may be freely made to this file providing the above
-.\" conditions are met.
-.\" $Id: login_cap.3,v 1.7 1997/05/18 09:14:11 davidn Exp $
-.Dd December 27, 1996
-.Os FreeBSD
-.Nm login_getclassbyname ,
-.Nm login_close ,
-.Nm login_getclass ,
-.Nm login_getpwclass ,
-.Nm login_getuserclass ,
-.Nm login_getcapstr ,
-.Nm login_getcaplist ,
-.Nm login_getcaptime ,
-.Nm login_getcapnum ,
-.Nm login_getcapsize ,
-.Nm login_getcapbool ,
-.Nm login_getstyle
-.Nd functions for accessing the login class capabilities database.
-.Fd #include <sys/types.h>
-.Fd #include <login_cap.h>
-.Ft void
-.Fn login_close "login_cap_t * lc"
-.Ft login_cap_t *
-.Fn login_getclassbyname "const char *nam" "const struct passwd *pwd"
-.Ft login_cap_t *
-.Fn login_getclass "const char *nam"
-.Ft login_cap_t *
-.Fn login_getpwclass "const struct passwd *pwd"
-.Ft login_cap_t *
-.Fn login_getuserclass "const struct passwd *pwd"
-.Ft char *
-.Fn login_getcapstr "login_cap_t *lc" "const char *cap" "char *def" "char *error"
-.Ft char **
-.Fn login_getcaplist "login_cap_t *lc" "const char *cap" "const char *chars"
-.Ft char *
-.Fn login_getpath "login_cap_t *lc" "const char *cap" "char *error"
-.Ft rlim_t
-.Fn login_getcaptime "login_cap_t *lc" "const char *cap" "rlim_t def" "rlim_t error"
-.Ft rlim_t
-.Fn login_getcapnum "login_cap_t *lc" "const char *cap" "rlim_t def" "rlim_t error"
-.Ft rlim_t
-.Fn login_getcapsize "login_cap_t *lc" "const char *cap" "rlim_t def" "rlim_t error"
-.Ft int
-.Fn login_getcapbool "login_cap_t *lc" "const char *cap" "int def"
-.Ft char *
-.Fn login_getstyle "login_cap_t *lc" "char *style" "const char *auth"
-These functions represent a programming interface to the login
-classes database provided in
-.Xr login.conf 5 .
-This database contains capabilities, attributes and default environment
-and accounting settings for users and programs running as specific users,
-as determined by the login class field within entries in
-.Pa /etc/master.passwd .
-Entries in
-.Xr login.conf 5
-consist of colon
-.Ql \&:
-separated fields, the first field in each record being one or more
-identifiers for the record which must be unique for the entire database
-each separated by a '|' and may optionally include a description as
-the last 'name'.
-Remaining fields in the record consist of keyword/data pairs.
-Long lines may be continued with a backslash within empty entries
-with the second and subsequent lines optionally indented for readability.
-This is similar to the format used in
-.Xr termcap 5
-except that keywords are not limited to two significant characters,
-and are usually longer for improved readability.
-As with termcap entries, multiple records can be linked together
-(one record including another) using a field containing tc=<recordid>,
-the result is that the entire record referenced by <recordid> replaces
-the tc= field at the point at which it occurs.
-.Xr getcap 3
-for further details on the format and use of a capabilities database.
-.Nm login_cap
-interface provides a convenient means of retrieving login class
-records with all tc= references expanded.
-A program will typically call one of
-.Fn login_getclass ,
-.Fn login_getpwclass ,
-.Fn login_getuserclass
-.Fn login_getclassbyname
-according to its requirements.
-Each of these functions returns a login capabilities structure,
-.Ft login_cap_t
-which may subsequently be used to interrogate the database for
-specific values using the rest of the API.
-Once the login_cap_t is of no further use, the
-.Fn login_close
-function should be called to free all resources used.
-The structure of login_cap_t is defined in login_cap.h, as:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-typedef struct {
- char *lc_class;
- char *lc_cap;
- char *lc_style;
-} login_cap_t;
-.Ar lc_class
-member contains a pointer to the name of the login class
-This may not necessarily be the same as the one requested,
-either directly via
-.Fn login_getclassbyname ,
-indirectly via a user's login record using
-.Fn login_getpwclass ,
-by class name using
-.Fn login_getclass
-.Fn login_getuserclass .
-If the referenced user has no login class specified in
-.Pa /etc/master.passwd ,
-the class name is NULL or an empty string, or if the class
-specified does not exist in the database, each of these
-functions will search for a record with an id of "default",
-with that name returned in the
-.Ar lc_class
-.Ar lc_cap
-field is used internally by the library to contain the
-expanded login capabilities record.
-Programs with unusual requirements may wish to use this
-with the lower-level
-.Fn getcap
-style functions to access the record directly.
-.Ar lc_style
-field is set by the
-.Fn login_getstyle
-function to the authorisation style according to the requirements
-of the program handling a login itself.
-As noted above, the
-.Fn get*class
-functions return a login_cap_t object which is used to access
-the matching or default record in the capabilities database.
-.Fn getclassbyname
-accepts two arguments: the first one is the record identifier of the
-record to be retrieved, the second being an optional directory name.
-If the first
-.Ar name
-argument is NULL, an empty string, or a class that does not exist
-in the supplimental or system login class database, then the system
-.Em default
-record is returned instead.
-If the second
-.Ar dir
-parameter is NULL, then only the system login class database is
-used, but when not NULL, the named directory is searched for
-a login database file called ".login_conf", and capability records
-contained within it may override the system defaults.
-This scheme allows users to override some login settings from
-those in the system login class database by creating class records
-for their own private class with a record id of `me'.
-In the context of a
-.Em login ,
-it should be noted that some options cannot by overridden by
-users for two reasons; many options, such as resource settings
-and deafult process priorities, require root privileges
-in order to take effect, and other fields in the user's file are
-not be consulted at all during the early phases of login for
-security or administrative reasons.
-.Xr login.conf 5
-for more information on which settings a user is able to override.
-Typically, these are limited purely to the user's default login
-environment which might otherwise have been overridden in shell
-startup scripts in any case.
-The user's
-.Pa .login_conf
-merely provides a convenient way for a user to set up their preferred
-login environment before the shell is invoked on login.
-If the specified record is NULL, empty or does not exist, and the
-system has no "default" record available to fallback, there is a
-memory allocation error or for some reason
-.Xr cgetent 3
-is unable to access the login capabilities database, this function
-returns NULL.
-The functions
-.Fn login_getpwclass ,
-.Fn login_getclass
-.Fn login_getuserclass
-retrieve the applicable login class record for the user's passwd
-entry or class name by calling
-.Fn login_getclassbyname .
-On failure, NULL is returned.
-The difference between these functions is that
-.Fn login_getuserclass
-includes the user's overriding
-.Pa .login_conf
-that exists in the user's home directory,
-.Fn login_getpwclass,
-.Fn login_getclass
-restricts loookup only to the system login class database in
-.Pa /etc/login.conf .
-.Fn login_getpwclass
-only differs from
-.Fn login_getclass
-in that it allows the default class for user 'root' as "root"
-if none has been specified in the password database.
-Otherwise, if the passwd pointer is NULL, or the user record
-has no login class, then the system "default" entry is retrieved.
-Once a program no longer wishes to use a login_cap_t object,
-.Fn login_close
-may be called to free all resources used by the login class.
-.Fn login_close
-may be passed a NULL pointer with no harmful side-effects.
-The remaining functions may be used to retrieve individual
-capability records.
-Each function takes a login_cap_t object as its first parameter,
-a capability tag as the second, and remaining parameters being
-default and error values that are returned if the capability is
-not found.
-The type of the additional parameters passed and returned depend
-on the
-.Em type
-of capability each deals with, be it a simple string, a list,
-a time value, a file or memory size value, a path (consisting of
-a colon-separated list of directories) or a boolean flag.
-The manpage for
-.Xr login.conf 5
-deals in specific tags and their type.
-Note that with all functions in this group, you should not call
-.Xr free 3
-on any pointers returned.
-Memory allocated during retrieval or processing of capability
-tags is automatically reused by subsequent calls to functions
-in this group, or deallocated on calling
-.Fn login_close .
-.Bl -tag -width "login_getcaplist()"
-.It Fn login_getcapstr
-This function returns a simple string capability.
-If the string is not found, then the value in
-.Ar def
-is returned as the default value, or if an error
-occurs, the value in the
-.Ar error
-parameter is returned.
-.It Fn login_getcaplist
-This function returns the value corresponding to the named
-capability tag as a list of values in a NULL terminated
-Within the login class database, some tags are of type
-.Em list ,
-which consist of one or more comma- or space separated
-Usually, this function is not called directly from an
-application, but is used indirectly via
-.Fn login_getstyle .
-.It Fn login_getpath
-This function returns a list of directories separated by colons
-.Ql &: .
-Capability tags for which this function is called consist of a list of
-directories separated by spaces.
-.It Fn login_getcaptime
-This function returns a
-.Em time value
-associated with a particular capability tag with the value expressed
-in seconds (the default), minutes, hours, days, weeks or (365 day)
-years or any combination of these.
-A suffix determines the units used: S for seconds, M for minutes,
-H for hours, D for days, W for weeks and Y for 365 day years.
-Case of the units suffix is ignored.
-Time values are normally used for setting resource, accounting and
-session limits.
-If supported by the operating system and compiler (which is true of
-FreeBSD), the value returned is a quad (long long), of type
-.Em rlim_t .
-A value "inf" or "infinity" may be used to express an infinite
-value, in which case RLIM_INFINITY is returned.
-.It Fn login_getcapnum
-This function returns a numeric value for a tag, expressed either as
-tag=<value> or the standard
-.Fn cgetnum
-format tag#<value>.
-The first format should be used in preference to the second, the
-second format is provided for compatibility and consistency with the
-.Xr getcap 3
-database format where numeric types use the
-.Ql \&#
-as the delimiter for numeric values.
-If in the first format, then the value given may be "inf" or
-"infinity" which results in a return value of RLIM_INFINITY.
-If the given capability tag cannot be found, the
-.Ar def
-parameter is returned, and if an error occurs, the
-.Ar error
-parameter is returned.
-.It Fn login_getcapsize
-.Fn login_getcapsize
-returns a value representing a size (typicially, file or memory)
-which may be expressed as bytes (the default), 512 byte blocks,
-kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and on systems that support the
-.Ar long long
-type, terrabytes.
-The suffix used determines the units, and multiple values and
-units may be used in combination (e.g. 1m500k = 1.5 megabytes).
-A value with no suffix is interpreted as bytes, B as 512-byte
-blocks, K as kilobytes, M as megabytes, G as gigabytes and T as
-Case is ignored.
-The error value is returned if there is a login capabilities database
-error, if an invalid suffix is used, or if a numeric value cannot be
-.It Fn login_getcapbool
-This function returns a boolean value tied to a particular flag.
-It returns 0 if the given capability tag is not present or is
-negated by the presence of a "tag@" (See
-.Xr getcap 3
-for more information on boolean flags), and returns 1 if the tag
-is found.
-.It Fn login_getstyle
-This function is used by the login authorisation system to determine
-the style of login available in a particular case.
-The function accepts three parameters, the login_cap entry itself and
-two optional parameters, and authorisation type 'auth' and 'style', and
-applies these to determine the authorisation style that best suites
-these rules.
-.Bl -bullet -indent offset
-If 'auth' is neither NULL nor an empty string, look for a tag of type
-"auth-<auth>" in the capability record.
-If not present, then look for the default default tag "auth=".
-If no valid authorisation list was found from the previous step, then
-default to "passwd" as the authorisation list.
-If 'style' is not NULL or empty, look for it in the list of authorisation
-methods found from the pprevious step.
-If 'style' is NULL or an empty string, then default to "passwd"
-If 'style' is found in the chosen list of authorisation methods, then
-return that, otherwise return NULL.
-This scheme allows the administrator to determine the types of
-authorisation methods accepted by the system, depending on the
-means by which the access occurs.
-For example, the administrator may require skey or kerberos as
-the authentication method used for access to the system via the
-network, and standard methods via direct dialup or console
-logins, significantly reducing the risk of password discovery
-by "snooping" network packets.
-.Xr getcap 3 ,
-.Xr login_class 3 ,
-.Xr login.conf 5 ,
-.Xr termcap 5
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