path: root/lib/Sema
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Sema')
29 files changed, 4610 insertions, 1933 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.cpp b/lib/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.cpp
index 9b24d55..88ac4e4 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.cpp
@@ -16,28 +16,79 @@
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "Sema.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
using namespace clang;
+using llvm::StringRef;
// Code completion string implementation
-CodeCompletionString::Chunk::Chunk(ChunkKind Kind, const char *Text)
- : Kind(Kind), Text(0)
+CodeCompletionString::Chunk::Chunk(ChunkKind Kind, llvm::StringRef Text)
+ : Kind(Kind), Text("")
- assert((Kind == CK_Text || Kind == CK_Placeholder || Kind == CK_Informative)
- && "Invalid text chunk kind");
- char *New = new char [std::strlen(Text) + 1];
- std::strcpy(New, Text);
- this->Text = New;
+ switch (Kind) {
+ case CK_TypedText:
+ case CK_Text:
+ case CK_Placeholder:
+ case CK_Informative:
+ case CK_CurrentParameter: {
+ char *New = new char [Text.size() + 1];
+ std::memcpy(New,, Text.size());
+ New[Text.size()] = '\0';
+ this->Text = New;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CK_Optional:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Optional strings cannot be created from text");
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftParen:
+ this->Text = "(";
+ break;
+ case CK_RightParen:
+ this->Text = ")";
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftBracket:
+ this->Text = "[";
+ break;
+ case CK_RightBracket:
+ this->Text = "]";
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftBrace:
+ this->Text = "{";
+ break;
+ case CK_RightBrace:
+ this->Text = "}";
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftAngle:
+ this->Text = "<";
+ break;
+ case CK_RightAngle:
+ this->Text = ">";
+ break;
+ case CK_Comma:
+ this->Text = ", ";
+ break;
+ }
-CodeCompletionString::Chunk::CreateText(const char *Text) {
+CodeCompletionString::Chunk::CreateText(StringRef Text) {
return Chunk(CK_Text, Text);
@@ -51,15 +102,22 @@ CodeCompletionString::Chunk::CreateOptional(
-CodeCompletionString::Chunk::CreatePlaceholder(const char *Placeholder) {
+CodeCompletionString::Chunk::CreatePlaceholder(StringRef Placeholder) {
return Chunk(CK_Placeholder, Placeholder);
-CodeCompletionString::Chunk::CreateInformative(const char *Informative) {
+CodeCompletionString::Chunk::CreateInformative(StringRef Informative) {
return Chunk(CK_Informative, Informative);
+ StringRef CurrentParameter) {
+ return Chunk(CK_CurrentParameter, CurrentParameter);
CodeCompletionString::Chunk::Destroy() {
switch (Kind) {
@@ -67,10 +125,23 @@ CodeCompletionString::Chunk::Destroy() {
delete Optional;
+ case CK_TypedText:
case CK_Text:
case CK_Placeholder:
case CK_Informative:
- delete [] Text;
+ case CK_CurrentParameter:
+ delete [] Text;
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftParen:
+ case CK_RightParen:
+ case CK_LeftBracket:
+ case CK_RightBracket:
+ case CK_LeftBrace:
+ case CK_RightBrace:
+ case CK_LeftAngle:
+ case CK_RightAngle:
+ case CK_Comma:
@@ -86,16 +157,322 @@ std::string CodeCompletionString::getAsString() const {
for (iterator C = begin(), CEnd = end(); C != CEnd; ++C) {
switch (C->Kind) {
- case CK_Text: OS << C->Text; break;
case CK_Optional: OS << "{#" << C->Optional->getAsString() << "#}"; break;
case CK_Placeholder: OS << "<#" << C->Text << "#>"; break;
case CK_Informative: OS << "[#" << C->Text << "#]"; break;
+ case CK_CurrentParameter: OS << "<#" << C->Text << "#>"; break;
+ default: OS << C->Text; break;
return Result;
+namespace {
+ // Escape a string for XML-like formatting.
+ struct EscapedString {
+ EscapedString(llvm::StringRef Str) : Str(Str) { }
+ llvm::StringRef Str;
+ };
+ llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, EscapedString EStr) {
+ llvm::StringRef Str = EStr.Str;
+ while (!Str.empty()) {
+ // Find the next escaped character.
+ llvm::StringRef::size_type Pos = Str.find_first_of("<>&\"'");
+ // Print everything before that escaped character.
+ OS << Str.substr(0, Pos);
+ // If we didn't find any escaped characters, we're done.
+ if (Pos == llvm::StringRef::npos)
+ break;
+ // Print the appropriate escape sequence.
+ switch (Str[Pos]) {
+ case '<': OS << "&lt;"; break;
+ case '>': OS << "&gt;"; break;
+ case '&': OS << "&amp;"; break;
+ case '"': OS << "&quot;"; break;
+ case '\'': OS << "&apos;"; break;
+ }
+ // Remove everything up to and including that escaped character.
+ Str = Str.substr(Pos + 1);
+ }
+ return OS;
+ }
+ /// \brief Remove XML-like escaping from a string.
+ std::string UnescapeString(llvm::StringRef Str) {
+ using llvm::StringRef;
+ std::string Result;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
+ while (!Str.empty()) {
+ StringRef::size_type Amp = Str.find('&');
+ OS << Str.substr(0, Amp);
+ if (Amp == StringRef::npos)
+ break;
+ StringRef::size_type Semi = Str.substr(Amp).find(';');
+ if (Semi == StringRef::npos) {
+ // Malformed input; do the best we can.
+ OS << '&';
+ Str = Str.substr(Amp + 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ char Unescaped = llvm::StringSwitch<char>(Str.substr(Amp + 1, Semi - 1))
+ .Case("lt", '<')
+ .Case("gt", '>')
+ .Case("amp", '&')
+ .Case("quot", '"')
+ .Case("apos", '\'')
+ .Default('\0');
+ if (Unescaped)
+ OS << Unescaped;
+ else
+ OS << Str.substr(Amp, Semi + 1);
+ Str = Str.substr(Amp + Semi + 1);
+ }
+ return OS.str();
+ }
+void CodeCompletionString::Serialize(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
+ for (iterator C = begin(), CEnd = end(); C != CEnd; ++C) {
+ switch (C->Kind) {
+ case CK_TypedText:
+ OS << "<typed-text>" << EscapedString(C->Text) << "</>";
+ break;
+ case CK_Text:
+ OS << "<text>" << EscapedString(C->Text) << "</>";
+ break;
+ case CK_Optional:
+ OS << "<optional>";
+ C->Optional->Serialize(OS);
+ OS << "</>";
+ break;
+ case CK_Placeholder:
+ OS << "<placeholder>" << EscapedString(C->Text) << "</>";
+ break;
+ case CK_Informative:
+ OS << "<informative>" << EscapedString(C->Text) << "</>";
+ break;
+ case CK_CurrentParameter:
+ OS << "<current-parameter>" << EscapedString(C->Text) << "</>";
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftParen:
+ OS << "<lparen/>";
+ break;
+ case CK_RightParen:
+ OS << "<rparen/>";
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftBracket:
+ OS << "<lbracket/>";
+ break;
+ case CK_RightBracket:
+ OS << "<rbracket/>";
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftBrace:
+ OS << "<lbrace/>";
+ break;
+ case CK_RightBrace:
+ OS << "<rbrace/>";
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftAngle:
+ OS << "<langle/>";
+ break;
+ case CK_RightAngle:
+ OS << "<rangle/>";
+ break;
+ case CK_Comma:
+ OS << "<comma/>";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/// \brief Parse the next XML-ish tag of the form <blah>.
+/// \param Str the string in which we're looking for the next tag.
+/// \param TagPos if successful, will be set to the start of the tag we found.
+/// \param Standalone will indicate whether this is a "standalone" tag that
+/// has no associated data, e.g., <comma/>.
+/// \param Terminator will indicate whether this is a terminating tag (that is
+/// or starts with '/').
+/// \returns the tag itself, without the angle brackets.
+static llvm::StringRef ParseNextTag(llvm::StringRef Str,
+ llvm::StringRef::size_type &StartTag,
+ llvm::StringRef::size_type &AfterTag,
+ bool &Standalone, bool &Terminator) {
+ using llvm::StringRef;
+ Standalone = false;
+ Terminator = false;
+ AfterTag = StringRef::npos;
+ // Find the starting '<'.
+ StartTag = Str.find('<');
+ if (StartTag == StringRef::npos)
+ return llvm::StringRef();
+ // Find the corresponding '>'.
+ llvm::StringRef::size_type EndTag = Str.substr(StartTag).find('>');
+ if (EndTag == StringRef::npos)
+ return llvm::StringRef();
+ AfterTag = StartTag + EndTag + 1;
+ // Determine whether this is a terminating tag.
+ if (Str[StartTag + 1] == '/') {
+ Terminator = true;
+ Str = Str.substr(1);
+ --EndTag;
+ }
+ // Determine whether this is a standalone tag.
+ if (!Terminator && Str[StartTag + EndTag - 1] == '/') {
+ Standalone = true;
+ if (EndTag > 1)
+ --EndTag;
+ }
+ return Str.substr(StartTag + 1, EndTag - 1);
+CodeCompletionString *CodeCompletionString::Deserialize(llvm::StringRef &Str) {
+ using llvm::StringRef;
+ CodeCompletionString *Result = new CodeCompletionString;
+ do {
+ // Parse the next tag.
+ StringRef::size_type StartTag, AfterTag;
+ bool Standalone, Terminator;
+ StringRef Tag = ParseNextTag(Str, StartTag, AfterTag, Standalone,
+ Terminator);
+ if (StartTag == StringRef::npos)
+ break;
+ // Figure out what kind of chunk we have.
+ const unsigned UnknownKind = 10000;
+ unsigned Kind = llvm::StringSwitch<unsigned>(Tag)
+ .Case("typed-text", CK_TypedText)
+ .Case("text", CK_Text)
+ .Case("optional", CK_Optional)
+ .Case("placeholder", CK_Placeholder)
+ .Case("informative", CK_Informative)
+ .Case("current-parameter", CK_CurrentParameter)
+ .Case("lparen", CK_LeftParen)
+ .Case("rparen", CK_RightParen)
+ .Case("lbracket", CK_LeftBracket)
+ .Case("rbracket", CK_RightBracket)
+ .Case("lbrace", CK_LeftBrace)
+ .Case("rbrace", CK_RightBrace)
+ .Case("langle", CK_LeftAngle)
+ .Case("rangle", CK_RightAngle)
+ .Case("comma", CK_Comma)
+ .Default(UnknownKind);
+ // If we've hit a terminator tag, we're done.
+ if (Terminator)
+ break;
+ // Consume the tag.
+ Str = Str.substr(AfterTag);
+ // Handle standalone tags now, since they don't need to be matched to
+ // anything.
+ if (Standalone) {
+ // Ignore anything we don't know about.
+ if (Kind == UnknownKind)
+ continue;
+ switch ((ChunkKind)Kind) {
+ case CK_TypedText:
+ case CK_Text:
+ case CK_Optional:
+ case CK_Placeholder:
+ case CK_Informative:
+ case CK_CurrentParameter:
+ // There is no point in creating empty chunks of these kinds.
+ break;
+ case CK_LeftParen:
+ case CK_RightParen:
+ case CK_LeftBracket:
+ case CK_RightBracket:
+ case CK_LeftBrace:
+ case CK_RightBrace:
+ case CK_LeftAngle:
+ case CK_RightAngle:
+ case CK_Comma:
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk((ChunkKind)Kind));
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Kind == CK_Optional) {
+ // Deserialize the optional code-completion string.
+ std::auto_ptr<CodeCompletionString> Optional(Deserialize(Str));
+ Result->AddOptionalChunk(Optional);
+ }
+ StringRef EndTag = ParseNextTag(Str, StartTag, AfterTag, Standalone,
+ Terminator);
+ if (StartTag == StringRef::npos || !Terminator || Standalone)
+ break; // Parsing failed; just give up.
+ if (EndTag.empty() || Tag == EndTag) {
+ // Found the matching end tag. Add this chunk based on the text
+ // between the tags, then consume that input.
+ StringRef Text = Str.substr(0, StartTag);
+ switch ((ChunkKind)Kind) {
+ case CK_TypedText:
+ case CK_Text:
+ case CK_Placeholder:
+ case CK_Informative:
+ case CK_CurrentParameter:
+ case CK_LeftParen:
+ case CK_RightParen:
+ case CK_LeftBracket:
+ case CK_RightBracket:
+ case CK_LeftBrace:
+ case CK_RightBrace:
+ case CK_LeftAngle:
+ case CK_RightAngle:
+ case CK_Comma:
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk((ChunkKind)Kind, UnescapeString(Text)));
+ break;
+ case CK_Optional:
+ // We've already added the optional chunk.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove this tag.
+ Str = Str.substr(AfterTag);
+ } while (!Str.empty());
+ return Result;
// Code completion overload candidate implementation
@@ -133,7 +510,8 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::OverloadCandidate::getFunctionType() const {
CodeCompleteConsumer::~CodeCompleteConsumer() { }
-PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Result *Results,
+PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Sema &SemaRef,
+ Result *Results,
unsigned NumResults) {
// Print the results.
for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumResults; ++I) {
@@ -177,7 +555,8 @@ PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Result *Results,
-PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessOverloadCandidates(unsigned CurrentArg,
+PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessOverloadCandidates(Sema &SemaRef,
+ unsigned CurrentArg,
OverloadCandidate *Candidates,
unsigned NumCandidates) {
for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumCandidates; ++I) {
@@ -193,3 +572,87 @@ PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessOverloadCandidates(unsigned CurrentArg,
// FIXME: Move this somewhere else!
+CIndexCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Sema &SemaRef,
+ Result *Results,
+ unsigned NumResults) {
+ // Print the results.
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumResults; ++I) {
+ OS << "COMPLETION:" << Results[I].Rank << ":";
+ switch (Results[I].Kind) {
+ case Result::RK_Declaration:
+ if (RecordDecl *Record = dyn_cast<RecordDecl>(Results[I].Declaration)) {
+ if (Record->isStruct())
+ OS << "Struct:";
+ else if (Record->isUnion())
+ OS << "Union:";
+ else
+ OS << "Class:";
+ } else if (ObjCMethodDecl *Method
+ = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(Results[I].Declaration)) {
+ if (Method->isInstanceMethod())
+ OS << "ObjCInstanceMethod:";
+ else
+ OS << "ObjCClassMethod:";
+ } else {
+ OS << Results[I].Declaration->getDeclKindName() << ":";
+ }
+ if (CodeCompletionString *CCS
+ = Results[I].CreateCodeCompletionString(SemaRef)) {
+ CCS->Serialize(OS);
+ delete CCS;
+ } else {
+ OS << "<typed-text>"
+ << Results[I].Declaration->getNameAsString()
+ << "</>";
+ }
+ OS << '\n';
+ break;
+ case Result::RK_Keyword:
+ OS << "Keyword:<typed-text>" << Results[I].Keyword << "</>\n";
+ break;
+ case Result::RK_Macro: {
+ OS << "Macro:";
+ if (CodeCompletionString *CCS
+ = Results[I].CreateCodeCompletionString(SemaRef)) {
+ CCS->Serialize(OS);
+ delete CCS;
+ } else {
+ OS << "<typed-text>" << Results[I].Macro->getName() << "</>";
+ }
+ OS << '\n';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Once we've printed the code-completion results, suppress remaining
+ // diagnostics.
+ // FIXME: Move this somewhere else!
+ SemaRef.PP.getDiagnostics().setSuppressAllDiagnostics();
+CIndexCodeCompleteConsumer::ProcessOverloadCandidates(Sema &SemaRef,
+ unsigned CurrentArg,
+ OverloadCandidate *Candidates,
+ unsigned NumCandidates) {
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumCandidates; ++I) {
+ if (CodeCompletionString *CCS
+ = Candidates[I].CreateSignatureString(CurrentArg, SemaRef)) {
+ OS << "OVERLOAD:";
+ CCS->Serialize(OS);
+ OS << '\n';
+ delete CCS;
+ }
+ }
+ // Once we've printed the code-completion results, suppress remaining
+ // diagnostics.
+ // FIXME: Move this somewhere else!
+ SemaRef.PP.getDiagnostics().setSuppressAllDiagnostics();
diff --git a/lib/Sema/JumpDiagnostics.cpp b/lib/Sema/JumpDiagnostics.cpp
index a8e31d2..2b37e9d 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/JumpDiagnostics.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/JumpDiagnostics.cpp
@@ -325,5 +325,5 @@ void JumpScopeChecker::CheckJump(Stmt *From, Stmt *To,
void Sema::DiagnoseInvalidJumps(Stmt *Body) {
- JumpScopeChecker(Body, *this);
+ (void)JumpScopeChecker(Body, *this);
diff --git a/lib/Sema/Lookup.h b/lib/Sema/Lookup.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e72dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Sema/Lookup.h
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+//===--- Lookup.h - Classes for name lookup ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the LookupResult class, which is integral to
+// Sema's name-lookup subsystem.
+#include "Sema.h"
+namespace clang {
+/// @brief Represents the results of name lookup.
+/// An instance of the LookupResult class captures the results of a
+/// single name lookup, which can return no result (nothing found),
+/// a single declaration, a set of overloaded functions, or an
+/// ambiguity. Use the getKind() method to determine which of these
+/// results occurred for a given lookup.
+/// Any non-ambiguous lookup can be converted into a single
+/// (possibly NULL) @c NamedDecl* via the getAsSingleDecl() method.
+/// This permits the common-case usage in C and Objective-C where
+/// name lookup will always return a single declaration. Use of
+/// this is largely deprecated; callers should handle the possibility
+/// of multiple declarations.
+class LookupResult {
+ enum LookupResultKind {
+ /// @brief No entity found met the criteria.
+ NotFound = 0,
+ /// @brief Name lookup found a single declaration that met the
+ /// criteria. getAsDecl will return this declaration.
+ Found,
+ /// @brief Name lookup found a set of overloaded functions that
+ /// met the criteria. getAsDecl will turn this set of overloaded
+ /// functions into an OverloadedFunctionDecl.
+ FoundOverloaded,
+ /// @brief Name lookup found an unresolvable value declaration
+ /// and cannot yet complete. This only happens in C++ dependent
+ /// contexts with dependent using declarations.
+ FoundUnresolvedValue,
+ /// @brief Name lookup results in an ambiguity; use
+ /// getAmbiguityKind to figure out what kind of ambiguity
+ /// we have.
+ Ambiguous
+ };
+ enum AmbiguityKind {
+ /// Name lookup results in an ambiguity because multiple
+ /// entities that meet the lookup criteria were found in
+ /// subobjects of different types. For example:
+ /// @code
+ /// struct A { void f(int); }
+ /// struct B { void f(double); }
+ /// struct C : A, B { };
+ /// void test(C c) {
+ /// c.f(0); // error: A::f and B::f come from subobjects of different
+ /// // types. overload resolution is not performed.
+ /// }
+ /// @endcode
+ AmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes,
+ /// Name lookup results in an ambiguity because multiple
+ /// nonstatic entities that meet the lookup criteria were found
+ /// in different subobjects of the same type. For example:
+ /// @code
+ /// struct A { int x; };
+ /// struct B : A { };
+ /// struct C : A { };
+ /// struct D : B, C { };
+ /// int test(D d) {
+ /// return d.x; // error: 'x' is found in two A subobjects (of B and C)
+ /// }
+ /// @endcode
+ AmbiguousBaseSubobjects,
+ /// Name lookup results in an ambiguity because multiple definitions
+ /// of entity that meet the lookup criteria were found in different
+ /// declaration contexts.
+ /// @code
+ /// namespace A {
+ /// int i;
+ /// namespace B { int i; }
+ /// int test() {
+ /// using namespace B;
+ /// return i; // error 'i' is found in namespace A and A::B
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// @endcode
+ AmbiguousReference,
+ /// Name lookup results in an ambiguity because an entity with a
+ /// tag name was hidden by an entity with an ordinary name from
+ /// a different context.
+ /// @code
+ /// namespace A { struct Foo {}; }
+ /// namespace B { void Foo(); }
+ /// namespace C {
+ /// using namespace A;
+ /// using namespace B;
+ /// }
+ /// void test() {
+ /// C::Foo(); // error: tag 'A::Foo' is hidden by an object in a
+ /// // different namespace
+ /// }
+ /// @endcode
+ AmbiguousTagHiding
+ };
+ /// A little identifier for flagging temporary lookup results.
+ enum TemporaryToken {
+ Temporary
+ };
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<NamedDecl*, 4> DeclsTy;
+ typedef DeclsTy::const_iterator iterator;
+ LookupResult(Sema &SemaRef, DeclarationName Name, SourceLocation NameLoc,
+ Sema::LookupNameKind LookupKind,
+ Sema::RedeclarationKind Redecl = Sema::NotForRedeclaration)
+ : ResultKind(NotFound),
+ Paths(0),
+ SemaRef(SemaRef),
+ Name(Name),
+ NameLoc(NameLoc),
+ LookupKind(LookupKind),
+ IDNS(0),
+ Redecl(Redecl != Sema::NotForRedeclaration),
+ HideTags(true),
+ Diagnose(Redecl == Sema::NotForRedeclaration)
+ {}
+ /// Creates a temporary lookup result, initializing its core data
+ /// using the information from another result. Diagnostics are always
+ /// disabled.
+ LookupResult(TemporaryToken _, const LookupResult &Other)
+ : ResultKind(NotFound),
+ Paths(0),
+ SemaRef(Other.SemaRef),
+ Name(Other.Name),
+ NameLoc(Other.NameLoc),
+ LookupKind(Other.LookupKind),
+ IDNS(Other.IDNS),
+ Redecl(Other.Redecl),
+ HideTags(Other.HideTags),
+ Diagnose(false)
+ {}
+ ~LookupResult() {
+ if (Diagnose) diagnose();
+ if (Paths) deletePaths(Paths);
+ }
+ /// Gets the name to look up.
+ DeclarationName getLookupName() const {
+ return Name;
+ }
+ /// Gets the kind of lookup to perform.
+ Sema::LookupNameKind getLookupKind() const {
+ return LookupKind;
+ }
+ /// True if this lookup is just looking for an existing declaration.
+ bool isForRedeclaration() const {
+ return Redecl;
+ }
+ /// Sets whether tag declarations should be hidden by non-tag
+ /// declarations during resolution. The default is true.
+ void setHideTags(bool Hide) {
+ HideTags = Hide;
+ }
+ /// The identifier namespace of this lookup. This information is
+ /// private to the lookup routines.
+ unsigned getIdentifierNamespace() const {
+ assert(IDNS);
+ return IDNS;
+ }
+ void setIdentifierNamespace(unsigned NS) {
+ IDNS = NS;
+ }
+ bool isAmbiguous() const {
+ return getResultKind() == Ambiguous;
+ }
+ LookupResultKind getResultKind() const {
+ sanity();
+ return ResultKind;
+ }
+ AmbiguityKind getAmbiguityKind() const {
+ assert(isAmbiguous());
+ return Ambiguity;
+ }
+ iterator begin() const { return Decls.begin(); }
+ iterator end() const { return Decls.end(); }
+ /// \brief Return true if no decls were found
+ bool empty() const { return Decls.empty(); }
+ /// \brief Return the base paths structure that's associated with
+ /// these results, or null if none is.
+ CXXBasePaths *getBasePaths() const {
+ return Paths;
+ }
+ /// \brief Add a declaration to these results.
+ void addDecl(NamedDecl *D) {
+ Decls.push_back(D);
+ ResultKind = Found;
+ }
+ /// \brief Add all the declarations from another set of lookup
+ /// results.
+ void addAllDecls(const LookupResult &Other) {
+ Decls.append(Other.begin(), Other.end());
+ ResultKind = Found;
+ }
+ /// \brief Hides a set of declarations.
+ template <class NamedDeclSet> void hideDecls(const NamedDeclSet &Set) {
+ unsigned I = 0, N = Decls.size();
+ while (I < N) {
+ if (Set.count(Decls[I]))
+ Decls[I] = Decls[--N];
+ else
+ I++;
+ }
+ Decls.set_size(N);
+ }
+ /// \brief Resolves the kind of the lookup, possibly hiding decls.
+ ///
+ /// This should be called in any environment where lookup might
+ /// generate multiple lookup results.
+ void resolveKind();
+ /// \brief Fetch this as an unambiguous single declaration
+ /// (possibly an overloaded one).
+ ///
+ /// This is deprecated; users should be written to handle
+ /// ambiguous and overloaded lookups.
+ NamedDecl *getAsSingleDecl(ASTContext &Context) const;
+ /// \brief Fetch the unique decl found by this lookup. Asserts
+ /// that one was found.
+ ///
+ /// This is intended for users who have examined the result kind
+ /// and are certain that there is only one result.
+ NamedDecl *getFoundDecl() const {
+ assert(getResultKind() == Found
+ && "getFoundDecl called on non-unique result");
+ return Decls[0]->getUnderlyingDecl();
+ }
+ /// \brief Asks if the result is a single tag decl.
+ bool isSingleTagDecl() const {
+ return getResultKind() == Found && isa<TagDecl>(getFoundDecl());
+ }
+ /// \brief Make these results show that the name was found in
+ /// base classes of different types.
+ ///
+ /// The given paths object is copied and invalidated.
+ void setAmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes(CXXBasePaths &P);
+ /// \brief Make these results show that the name was found in
+ /// distinct base classes of the same type.
+ ///
+ /// The given paths object is copied and invalidated.
+ void setAmbiguousBaseSubobjects(CXXBasePaths &P);
+ /// \brief Make these results show that the name was found in
+ /// different contexts and a tag decl was hidden by an ordinary
+ /// decl in a different context.
+ void setAmbiguousQualifiedTagHiding() {
+ setAmbiguous(AmbiguousTagHiding);
+ }
+ /// \brief Clears out any current state.
+ void clear() {
+ ResultKind = NotFound;
+ Decls.clear();
+ if (Paths) deletePaths(Paths);
+ Paths = NULL;
+ }
+ /// \brief Clears out any current state and re-initializes for a
+ /// different kind of lookup.
+ void clear(Sema::LookupNameKind Kind) {
+ clear();
+ LookupKind = Kind;
+ }
+ void print(llvm::raw_ostream &);
+ /// Suppress the diagnostics that would normally fire because of this
+ /// lookup. This happens during (e.g.) redeclaration lookups.
+ void suppressDiagnostics() {
+ Diagnose = false;
+ }
+ /// Sets a 'context' source range.
+ void setContextRange(SourceRange SR) {
+ NameContextRange = SR;
+ }
+ /// Gets the source range of the context of this name; for C++
+ /// qualified lookups, this is the source range of the scope
+ /// specifier.
+ SourceRange getContextRange() const {
+ return NameContextRange;
+ }
+ /// Gets the location of the identifier. This isn't always defined:
+ /// sometimes we're doing lookups on synthesized names.
+ SourceLocation getNameLoc() const {
+ return NameLoc;
+ }
+ void diagnose() {
+ if (isAmbiguous())
+ SemaRef.DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(*this);
+ }
+ void setAmbiguous(AmbiguityKind AK) {
+ ResultKind = Ambiguous;
+ Ambiguity = AK;
+ }
+ void addDeclsFromBasePaths(const CXXBasePaths &P);
+ // Sanity checks.
+ void sanity() const {
+ assert(ResultKind != NotFound || Decls.size() == 0);
+ assert(ResultKind != Found || Decls.size() == 1);
+ assert(ResultKind == NotFound || ResultKind == Found ||
+ ResultKind == FoundUnresolvedValue ||
+ (ResultKind == Ambiguous && Ambiguity == AmbiguousBaseSubobjects)
+ || Decls.size() > 1);
+ assert((Paths != NULL) == (ResultKind == Ambiguous &&
+ (Ambiguity == AmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes ||
+ Ambiguity == AmbiguousBaseSubobjects)));
+ }
+ static void deletePaths(CXXBasePaths *);
+ // Results.
+ LookupResultKind ResultKind;
+ AmbiguityKind Ambiguity; // ill-defined unless ambiguous
+ DeclsTy Decls;
+ CXXBasePaths *Paths;
+ // Parameters.
+ Sema &SemaRef;
+ DeclarationName Name;
+ SourceLocation NameLoc;
+ SourceRange NameContextRange;
+ Sema::LookupNameKind LookupKind;
+ unsigned IDNS; // ill-defined until set by lookup
+ bool Redecl;
+ /// \brief True if tag declarations should be hidden if non-tags
+ /// are present
+ bool HideTags;
+ bool Diagnose;
diff --git a/lib/Sema/ParseAST.cpp b/lib/Sema/ParseAST.cpp
index d3f26d8..7b223a8 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/ParseAST.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/ParseAST.cpp
@@ -35,15 +35,14 @@ using namespace clang;
void clang::ParseAST(Preprocessor &PP, ASTConsumer *Consumer,
ASTContext &Ctx, bool PrintStats,
bool CompleteTranslationUnit,
- CodeCompleteConsumer *(*CreateCodeCompleter)(Sema &, void *Data),
- void *CreateCodeCompleterData) {
+ CodeCompleteConsumer *CompletionConsumer) {
// Collect global stats on Decls/Stmts (until we have a module streamer).
if (PrintStats) {
- Sema S(PP, Ctx, *Consumer, CompleteTranslationUnit);
+ Sema S(PP, Ctx, *Consumer, CompleteTranslationUnit, CompletionConsumer);
Parser P(PP, S);
@@ -63,12 +62,6 @@ void clang::ParseAST(Preprocessor &PP, ASTConsumer *Consumer,
- CodeCompleteConsumer *CodeCompleter = 0;
- if (CreateCodeCompleter) {
- CodeCompleter = CreateCodeCompleter(S, CreateCodeCompleterData);
- S.setCodeCompleteConsumer(CodeCompleter);
- }
Parser::DeclGroupPtrTy ADecl;
while (!P.ParseTopLevelDecl(ADecl)) { // Not end of file.
@@ -78,6 +71,9 @@ void clang::ParseAST(Preprocessor &PP, ASTConsumer *Consumer,
if (ADecl)
+ // Check for any pending objective-c implementation decl.
+ while ((ADecl = P.RetrievePendingObjCImpDecl()))
+ Consumer->HandleTopLevelDecl(ADecl.getAsVal<DeclGroupRef>());
// process any TopLevelDecls generated by #pragma weak
for (llvm::SmallVector<Decl*,2>::iterator
@@ -87,9 +83,6 @@ void clang::ParseAST(Preprocessor &PP, ASTConsumer *Consumer,
- if (CreateCodeCompleter)
- delete CodeCompleter;
if (PrintStats) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nSTATISTICS:\n");
diff --git a/lib/Sema/Sema.cpp b/lib/Sema/Sema.cpp
index 8104dd3..b2bbac8 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/Sema.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/Sema.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
@@ -346,16 +347,18 @@ void Sema::ActOnTranslationUnitScope(SourceLocation Loc, Scope *S) {
Sema::Sema(Preprocessor &pp, ASTContext &ctxt, ASTConsumer &consumer,
- bool CompleteTranslationUnit)
+ bool CompleteTranslationUnit,
+ CodeCompleteConsumer *CodeCompleter)
: LangOpts(pp.getLangOptions()), PP(pp), Context(ctxt), Consumer(consumer),
Diags(PP.getDiagnostics()), SourceMgr(PP.getSourceManager()),
- ExternalSource(0), CodeCompleter(0), CurContext(0),
+ ExternalSource(0), CodeCompleter(CodeCompleter), CurContext(0),
PreDeclaratorDC(0), CurBlock(0), PackContext(0), ParsingDeclDepth(0),
IdResolver(pp.getLangOptions()), StdNamespace(0), StdBadAlloc(0),
GlobalNewDeleteDeclared(false), ExprEvalContext(PotentiallyEvaluated),
- NumSFINAEErrors(0), CurrentInstantiationScope(0) {
+ NumSFINAEErrors(0), NonInstantiationEntries(0),
+ CurrentInstantiationScope(0)
TUScope = 0;
if (getLangOptions().CPlusPlus)
FieldCollector.reset(new CXXFieldCollector());
@@ -364,6 +367,322 @@ Sema::Sema(Preprocessor &pp, ASTContext &ctxt, ASTConsumer &consumer,
PP.getDiagnostics().SetArgToStringFn(ConvertArgToStringFn, &Context);
+/// Retrieves the width and signedness of the given integer type,
+/// or returns false if it is not an integer type.
+/// \param T must be canonical
+static bool getIntProperties(ASTContext &C, const Type *T,
+ unsigned &BitWidth, bool &Signed) {
+ assert(T->isCanonicalUnqualified());
+ if (const VectorType *VT = dyn_cast<VectorType>(T))
+ T = VT->getElementType().getTypePtr();
+ if (const ComplexType *CT = dyn_cast<ComplexType>(T))
+ T = CT->getElementType().getTypePtr();
+ if (const BuiltinType *BT = dyn_cast<BuiltinType>(T)) {
+ if (!BT->isInteger()) return false;
+ BitWidth = C.getIntWidth(QualType(T, 0));
+ Signed = BT->isSignedInteger();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (const FixedWidthIntType *FWIT = dyn_cast<FixedWidthIntType>(T)) {
+ BitWidth = FWIT->getWidth();
+ Signed = FWIT->isSigned();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+/// Checks whether the given value will have the same value if it it
+/// is truncated to the given width, then extended back to the
+/// original width.
+static bool IsSameIntAfterCast(const llvm::APSInt &value,
+ unsigned TargetWidth) {
+ unsigned SourceWidth = value.getBitWidth();
+ llvm::APSInt truncated = value;
+ truncated.trunc(TargetWidth);
+ truncated.extend(SourceWidth);
+ return (truncated == value);
+/// Checks whether the given value will have the same value if it
+/// is truncated to the given width, then extended back to the original
+/// width.
+/// The value might be a vector or a complex.
+static bool IsSameIntAfterCast(const APValue &value, unsigned TargetWidth) {
+ if (value.isInt())
+ return IsSameIntAfterCast(value.getInt(), TargetWidth);
+ if (value.isVector()) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = value.getVectorLength(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (!IsSameIntAfterCast(value.getVectorElt(i), TargetWidth))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (value.isComplexInt()) {
+ return IsSameIntAfterCast(value.getComplexIntReal(), TargetWidth) &&
+ IsSameIntAfterCast(value.getComplexIntImag(), TargetWidth);
+ }
+ // This can happen with lossless casts to intptr_t of "based" lvalues.
+ // Assume it might use arbitrary bits.
+ assert(value.isLValue());
+ return false;
+/// Checks whether the given value, which currently has the given
+/// source semantics, has the same value when coerced through the
+/// target semantics.
+static bool IsSameFloatAfterCast(const llvm::APFloat &value,
+ const llvm::fltSemantics &Src,
+ const llvm::fltSemantics &Tgt) {
+ llvm::APFloat truncated = value;
+ bool ignored;
+ truncated.convert(Src, llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven, &ignored);
+ truncated.convert(Tgt, llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven, &ignored);
+ return truncated.bitwiseIsEqual(value);
+/// Checks whether the given value, which currently has the given
+/// source semantics, has the same value when coerced through the
+/// target semantics.
+/// The value might be a vector of floats (or a complex number).
+static bool IsSameFloatAfterCast(const APValue &value,
+ const llvm::fltSemantics &Src,
+ const llvm::fltSemantics &Tgt) {
+ if (value.isFloat())
+ return IsSameFloatAfterCast(value.getFloat(), Src, Tgt);
+ if (value.isVector()) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = value.getVectorLength(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (!IsSameFloatAfterCast(value.getVectorElt(i), Src, Tgt))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ assert(value.isComplexFloat());
+ return (IsSameFloatAfterCast(value.getComplexFloatReal(), Src, Tgt) &&
+ IsSameFloatAfterCast(value.getComplexFloatImag(), Src, Tgt));
+/// Determines if it's reasonable for the given expression to be truncated
+/// down to the given integer width.
+/// * Boolean expressions are automatically white-listed.
+/// * Arithmetic operations on implicitly-promoted operands of the
+/// target width or less are okay --- not because the results are
+/// actually guaranteed to fit within the width, but because the
+/// user is effectively pretending that the operations are closed
+/// within the implicitly-promoted type.
+static bool IsExprValueWithinWidth(ASTContext &C, Expr *E, unsigned Width) {
+ E = E->IgnoreParens();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ {
+ const Type *ETy = E->getType()->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getTypePtr();
+ unsigned EWidth;
+ bool ESigned;
+ if (!getIntProperties(C, ETy, EWidth, ESigned))
+ assert(0 && "expression not of integer type");
+ // The caller should never let this happen.
+ assert(EWidth > Width && "called on expr whose type is too small");
+ }
+ // Strip implicit casts off.
+ while (isa<ImplicitCastExpr>(E)) {
+ E = cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(E)->getSubExpr();
+ const Type *ETy = E->getType()->getCanonicalTypeInternal().getTypePtr();
+ unsigned EWidth;
+ bool ESigned;
+ if (!getIntProperties(C, ETy, EWidth, ESigned))
+ return false;
+ if (EWidth <= Width)
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(E)) {
+ switch (BO->getOpcode()) {
+ // Boolean-valued operations are white-listed.
+ case BinaryOperator::LAnd:
+ case BinaryOperator::LOr:
+ case BinaryOperator::LT:
+ case BinaryOperator::GT:
+ case BinaryOperator::LE:
+ case BinaryOperator::GE:
+ case BinaryOperator::EQ:
+ case BinaryOperator::NE:
+ return true;
+ // Operations with opaque sources are black-listed.
+ case BinaryOperator::PtrMemD:
+ case BinaryOperator::PtrMemI:
+ return false;
+ // Left shift gets black-listed based on a judgement call.
+ case BinaryOperator::Shl:
+ return false;
+ // Various special cases.
+ case BinaryOperator::Shr:
+ return IsExprValueWithinWidth(C, BO->getLHS(), Width);
+ case BinaryOperator::Comma:
+ return IsExprValueWithinWidth(C, BO->getRHS(), Width);
+ case BinaryOperator::Sub:
+ if (BO->getLHS()->getType()->isPointerType())
+ return false;
+ // fallthrough
+ // Any other operator is okay if the operands are
+ // promoted from expressions of appropriate size.
+ default:
+ return IsExprValueWithinWidth(C, BO->getLHS(), Width) &&
+ IsExprValueWithinWidth(C, BO->getRHS(), Width);
+ }
+ }
+ if (UnaryOperator *UO = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(E)) {
+ switch (UO->getOpcode()) {
+ // Boolean-valued operations are white-listed.
+ case UnaryOperator::LNot:
+ return true;
+ // Operations with opaque sources are black-listed.
+ case UnaryOperator::Deref:
+ case UnaryOperator::AddrOf: // should be impossible
+ return false;
+ case UnaryOperator::OffsetOf:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return IsExprValueWithinWidth(C, UO->getSubExpr(), Width);
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't diagnose if the expression is an integer constant
+ // whose value in the target type is the same as it was
+ // in the original type.
+ Expr::EvalResult result;
+ if (E->Evaluate(result, C))
+ if (IsSameIntAfterCast(result.Val, Width))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+/// Diagnose an implicit cast; purely a helper for CheckImplicitConversion.
+static void DiagnoseImpCast(Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType T, unsigned diag) {
+ S.Diag(E->getExprLoc(), diag) << E->getType() << T << E->getSourceRange();
+/// Implements -Wconversion.
+static void CheckImplicitConversion(Sema &S, Expr *E, QualType T) {
+ // Don't diagnose in unevaluated contexts.
+ if (S.ExprEvalContext == Sema::Unevaluated)
+ return;
+ // Don't diagnose for value-dependent expressions.
+ if (E->isValueDependent())
+ return;
+ const Type *Source = S.Context.getCanonicalType(E->getType()).getTypePtr();
+ const Type *Target = S.Context.getCanonicalType(T).getTypePtr();
+ // Never diagnose implicit casts to bool.
+ if (Target->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::Bool))
+ return;
+ // Strip vector types.
+ if (isa<VectorType>(Source)) {
+ if (!isa<VectorType>(Target))
+ return DiagnoseImpCast(S, E, T, diag::warn_impcast_vector_scalar);
+ Source = cast<VectorType>(Source)->getElementType().getTypePtr();
+ Target = cast<VectorType>(Target)->getElementType().getTypePtr();
+ }
+ // Strip complex types.
+ if (isa<ComplexType>(Source)) {
+ if (!isa<ComplexType>(Target))
+ return DiagnoseImpCast(S, E, T, diag::warn_impcast_complex_scalar);
+ Source = cast<ComplexType>(Source)->getElementType().getTypePtr();
+ Target = cast<ComplexType>(Target)->getElementType().getTypePtr();
+ }
+ const BuiltinType *SourceBT = dyn_cast<BuiltinType>(Source);
+ const BuiltinType *TargetBT = dyn_cast<BuiltinType>(Target);
+ // If the source is floating point...
+ if (SourceBT && SourceBT->isFloatingPoint()) {
+ // ...and the target is floating point...
+ if (TargetBT && TargetBT->isFloatingPoint()) {
+ // ...then warn if we're dropping FP rank.
+ // Builtin FP kinds are ordered by increasing FP rank.
+ if (SourceBT->getKind() > TargetBT->getKind()) {
+ // Don't warn about float constants that are precisely
+ // representable in the target type.
+ Expr::EvalResult result;
+ if (E->Evaluate(result, S.Context)) {
+ // Value might be a float, a float vector, or a float complex.
+ if (IsSameFloatAfterCast(result.Val,
+ S.Context.getFloatTypeSemantics(QualType(TargetBT, 0)),
+ S.Context.getFloatTypeSemantics(QualType(SourceBT, 0))))
+ return;
+ }
+ DiagnoseImpCast(S, E, T, diag::warn_impcast_float_precision);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the target is integral, always warn.
+ if ((TargetBT && TargetBT->isInteger()) ||
+ isa<FixedWidthIntType>(Target))
+ // TODO: don't warn for integer values?
+ return DiagnoseImpCast(S, E, T, diag::warn_impcast_float_integer);
+ return;
+ }
+ unsigned SourceWidth, TargetWidth;
+ bool SourceSigned, TargetSigned;
+ if (!getIntProperties(S.Context, Source, SourceWidth, SourceSigned) ||
+ !getIntProperties(S.Context, Target, TargetWidth, TargetSigned))
+ return;
+ if (SourceWidth > TargetWidth) {
+ if (IsExprValueWithinWidth(S.Context, E, TargetWidth))
+ return;
+ // People want to build with -Wshorten-64-to-32 and not -Wconversion
+ // and by god we'll let them.
+ if (SourceWidth == 64 && TargetWidth == 32)
+ return DiagnoseImpCast(S, E, T, diag::warn_impcast_integer_64_32);
+ return DiagnoseImpCast(S, E, T, diag::warn_impcast_integer_precision);
+ }
+ return;
/// ImpCastExprToType - If Expr is not of type 'Type', insert an implicit cast.
/// If there is already an implicit cast, merge into the existing one.
/// If isLvalue, the result of the cast is an lvalue.
@@ -375,18 +694,17 @@ void Sema::ImpCastExprToType(Expr *&Expr, QualType Ty,
if (ExprTy == TypeTy)
- if (Expr->getType().getTypePtr()->isPointerType() &&
- Ty.getTypePtr()->isPointerType()) {
- QualType ExprBaseType =
- cast<PointerType>(ExprTy.getUnqualifiedType())->getPointeeType();
- QualType BaseType =
- cast<PointerType>(TypeTy.getUnqualifiedType())->getPointeeType();
+ if (Expr->getType()->isPointerType() && Ty->isPointerType()) {
+ QualType ExprBaseType = cast<PointerType>(ExprTy)->getPointeeType();
+ QualType BaseType = cast<PointerType>(TypeTy)->getPointeeType();
if (ExprBaseType.getAddressSpace() != BaseType.getAddressSpace()) {
Diag(Expr->getExprLoc(), diag::err_implicit_pointer_address_space_cast)
<< Expr->getSourceRange();
+ CheckImplicitConversion(*this, Expr, Ty);
if (ImplicitCastExpr *ImpCast = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(Expr)) {
if (ImpCast->getCastKind() == Kind) {
diff --git a/lib/Sema/Sema.h b/lib/Sema/Sema.h
index c4de6be..3e186b2 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/Sema.h
+++ b/lib/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ namespace clang {
class FunctionProtoType;
class CXXBasePaths;
class CXXTemporary;
+ class LookupResult;
/// BlockSemaInfo - When a block is being parsed, this contains information
/// about the block. It is pointed to from Sema::CurBlock.
@@ -373,7 +374,8 @@ public:
bool isSelfExpr(Expr *RExpr);
Sema(Preprocessor &pp, ASTContext &ctxt, ASTConsumer &consumer,
- bool CompleteTranslationUnit = true);
+ bool CompleteTranslationUnit = true,
+ CodeCompleteConsumer *CompletionConsumer = 0);
~Sema() {
if (PackContext) FreePackedContext();
@@ -804,13 +806,15 @@ public:
QualType& ConvertedType, bool &IncompatibleObjC);
bool isObjCPointerConversion(QualType FromType, QualType ToType,
QualType& ConvertedType, bool &IncompatibleObjC);
- bool CheckPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType ToType,
- CastExpr::CastKind &Kind);
+ bool CheckPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType ToType,
+ CastExpr::CastKind &Kind,
+ bool IgnoreBaseAccess);
bool IsMemberPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType FromType, QualType ToType,
bool InOverloadResolution,
QualType &ConvertedType);
bool CheckMemberPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType ToType,
- CastExpr::CastKind &Kind);
+ CastExpr::CastKind &Kind,
+ bool IgnoreBaseAccess);
bool IsQualificationConversion(QualType FromType, QualType ToType);
OverloadingResult IsUserDefinedConversion(Expr *From, QualType ToType,
UserDefinedConversionSequence& User,
@@ -870,6 +874,11 @@ public:
Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
OverloadCandidateSet& CandidateSet,
bool SuppressUserConversions = false);
+ void AddMethodCandidate(NamedDecl *Decl,
+ Expr *Object, Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
+ OverloadCandidateSet& CandidateSet,
+ bool SuppressUserConversion = false,
+ bool ForceRValue = false);
void AddMethodCandidate(CXXMethodDecl *Method,
Expr *Object, Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
OverloadCandidateSet& CandidateSet,
@@ -1073,255 +1082,14 @@ public:
- /// @brief Represents the results of name lookup.
- ///
- /// An instance of the LookupResult class captures the results of a
- /// single name lookup, which can return no result (nothing found),
- /// a single declaration, a set of overloaded functions, or an
- /// ambiguity. Use the getKind() method to determine which of these
- /// results occurred for a given lookup.
- ///
- /// Any non-ambiguous lookup can be converted into a single
- /// (possibly NULL) @c NamedDecl* via the getAsSingleDecl() method.
- /// This permits the common-case usage in C and Objective-C where
- /// name lookup will always return a single declaration. Use of
- /// this is largely deprecated; callers should handle the possibility
- /// of multiple declarations.
- class LookupResult {
- public:
- enum LookupKind {
- /// @brief No entity found met the criteria.
- NotFound = 0,
- /// @brief Name lookup found a single declaration that met the
- /// criteria. getAsDecl will return this declaration.
- Found,
- /// @brief Name lookup found a set of overloaded functions that
- /// met the criteria. getAsDecl will turn this set of overloaded
- /// functions into an OverloadedFunctionDecl.
- FoundOverloaded,
- /// @brief Name lookup results in an ambiguity; use
- /// getAmbiguityKind to figure out what kind of ambiguity
- /// we have.
- Ambiguous
- };
- enum AmbiguityKind {
- /// Name lookup results in an ambiguity because multiple
- /// entities that meet the lookup criteria were found in
- /// subobjects of different types. For example:
- /// @code
- /// struct A { void f(int); }
- /// struct B { void f(double); }
- /// struct C : A, B { };
- /// void test(C c) {
- /// c.f(0); // error: A::f and B::f come from subobjects of different
- /// // types. overload resolution is not performed.
- /// }
- /// @endcode
- AmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes,
- /// Name lookup results in an ambiguity because multiple
- /// nonstatic entities that meet the lookup criteria were found
- /// in different subobjects of the same type. For example:
- /// @code
- /// struct A { int x; };
- /// struct B : A { };
- /// struct C : A { };
- /// struct D : B, C { };
- /// int test(D d) {
- /// return d.x; // error: 'x' is found in two A subobjects (of B and C)
- /// }
- /// @endcode
- AmbiguousBaseSubobjects,
- /// Name lookup results in an ambiguity because multiple definitions
- /// of entity that meet the lookup criteria were found in different
- /// declaration contexts.
- /// @code
- /// namespace A {
- /// int i;
- /// namespace B { int i; }
- /// int test() {
- /// using namespace B;
- /// return i; // error 'i' is found in namespace A and A::B
- /// }
- /// }
- /// @endcode
- AmbiguousReference,
- /// Name lookup results in an ambiguity because an entity with a
- /// tag name was hidden by an entity with an ordinary name from
- /// a different context.
- /// @code
- /// namespace A { struct Foo {}; }
- /// namespace B { void Foo(); }
- /// namespace C {
- /// using namespace A;
- /// using namespace B;
- /// }
- /// void test() {
- /// C::Foo(); // error: tag 'A::Foo' is hidden by an object in a
- /// // different namespace
- /// }
- /// @endcode
- AmbiguousTagHiding
- };
- typedef llvm::SmallVector<NamedDecl*, 4> DeclsTy;
- typedef DeclsTy::const_iterator iterator;
- LookupResult()
- : Kind(NotFound),
- Paths(0)
- {}
- ~LookupResult() {
- if (Paths) deletePaths(Paths);
- }
- bool isAmbiguous() const {
- return getKind() == Ambiguous;
- }
- LookupKind getKind() const {
- sanity();
- return Kind;
- }
- AmbiguityKind getAmbiguityKind() const {
- assert(isAmbiguous());
- return Ambiguity;
- }
- iterator begin() const { return Decls.begin(); }
- iterator end() const { return Decls.end(); }
- /// \brief Return true if no decls were found
- bool empty() const { return Decls.empty(); }
- /// \brief Return the base paths structure that's associated with
- /// these results, or null if none is.
- CXXBasePaths *getBasePaths() const {
- return Paths;
- }
- /// \brief Add a declaration to these results.
- void addDecl(NamedDecl *D) {
- Decls.push_back(D->getUnderlyingDecl());
- Kind = Found;
- }
- /// \brief Add all the declarations from another set of lookup
- /// results.
- void addAllDecls(const LookupResult &Other) {
- Decls.append(Other.begin(), Other.end());
- Kind = Found;
- }
- /// \brief Hides a set of declarations.
- template <class NamedDeclSet> void hideDecls(const NamedDeclSet &Set) {
- unsigned I = 0, N = Decls.size();
- while (I < N) {
- if (Set.count(Decls[I]))
- Decls[I] = Decls[--N];
- else
- I++;
- }
- Decls.set_size(N);
- }
- /// \brief Resolves the kind of the lookup, possibly hiding decls.
- ///
- /// This should be called in any environment where lookup might
- /// generate multiple lookup results.
- void resolveKind();
- /// \brief Fetch this as an unambiguous single declaration
- /// (possibly an overloaded one).
- ///
- /// This is deprecated; users should be written to handle
- /// ambiguous and overloaded lookups.
- NamedDecl *getAsSingleDecl(ASTContext &Context) const;
- /// \brief Fetch the unique decl found by this lookup. Asserts
- /// that one was found.
- ///
- /// This is intended for users who have examined the result kind
- /// and are certain that there is only one result.
- NamedDecl *getFoundDecl() const {
- assert(getKind() == Found && "getFoundDecl called on non-unique result");
- return *Decls.begin();
- }
- /// \brief Asks if the result is a single tag decl.
- bool isSingleTagDecl() const {
- return getKind() == Found && isa<TagDecl>(getFoundDecl());
- }
- /// \brief Make these results show that the name was found in
- /// base classes of different types.
- ///
- /// The given paths object is copied and invalidated.
- void setAmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes(CXXBasePaths &P);
- /// \brief Make these results show that the name was found in
- /// distinct base classes of the same type.
- ///
- /// The given paths object is copied and invalidated.
- void setAmbiguousBaseSubobjects(CXXBasePaths &P);
- /// \brief Make these results show that the name was found in
- /// different contexts and a tag decl was hidden by an ordinary
- /// decl in a different context.
- void setAmbiguousQualifiedTagHiding() {
- setAmbiguous(AmbiguousTagHiding);
- }
- /// \brief Clears out any current state.
- void clear() {
- Kind = NotFound;
- Decls.clear();
- if (Paths) deletePaths(Paths);
- Paths = NULL;
- }
- void print(llvm::raw_ostream &);
- private:
- void setAmbiguous(AmbiguityKind AK) {
- Kind = Ambiguous;
- Ambiguity = AK;
- }
- void addDeclsFromBasePaths(const CXXBasePaths &P);
- // Sanity checks.
- void sanity() const {
- assert(Kind != NotFound || Decls.size() == 0);
- assert(Kind != Found || Decls.size() == 1);
- assert(Kind == NotFound || Kind == Found ||
- (Kind == Ambiguous && Ambiguity == AmbiguousBaseSubobjects)
- || Decls.size() > 1);
- assert((Paths != NULL) == (Kind == Ambiguous &&
- (Ambiguity == AmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes ||
- Ambiguity == AmbiguousBaseSubobjects)));
- }
- static void deletePaths(CXXBasePaths *);
- LookupKind Kind;
- AmbiguityKind Ambiguity; // ill-defined unless ambiguous
- DeclsTy Decls;
- CXXBasePaths *Paths;
+ enum RedeclarationKind {
+ NotForRedeclaration,
+ ForRedeclaration
- typedef llvm::SmallVector<LookupResult, 3> LookupResultsVecTy;
+ bool CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S);
- bool CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
- LookupNameKind NameKind, bool RedeclarationOnly);
/// Determines whether D is a suitable lookup result according to the
/// lookup criteria.
@@ -1360,27 +1128,13 @@ public:
/// ambiguity and overloaded.
NamedDecl *LookupSingleName(Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
LookupNameKind NameKind,
- bool RedeclarationOnly = false) {
- LookupResult R;
- LookupName(R, S, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly);
- return R.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
- }
+ RedeclarationKind Redecl
+ = NotForRedeclaration);
bool LookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S,
- DeclarationName Name,
- LookupNameKind NameKind,
- bool RedeclarationOnly = false,
- bool AllowBuiltinCreation = false,
- SourceLocation Loc = SourceLocation());
- bool LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx,
- DeclarationName Name,
- LookupNameKind NameKind,
- bool RedeclarationOnly = false);
+ bool AllowBuiltinCreation = false);
+ bool LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx);
bool LookupParsedName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, const CXXScopeSpec *SS,
- DeclarationName Name,
- LookupNameKind NameKind,
- bool RedeclarationOnly = false,
bool AllowBuiltinCreation = false,
- SourceLocation Loc = SourceLocation(),
bool EnteringContext = false);
ObjCProtocolDecl *LookupProtocol(IdentifierInfo *II);
@@ -1398,9 +1152,7 @@ public:
AssociatedNamespaceSet &AssociatedNamespaces,
AssociatedClassSet &AssociatedClasses);
- bool DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(LookupResult &Result, DeclarationName Name,
- SourceLocation NameLoc,
- SourceRange LookupRange = SourceRange());
+ bool DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(LookupResult &Result);
ObjCInterfaceDecl *getObjCInterfaceDecl(IdentifierInfo *Id);
@@ -1447,6 +1199,12 @@ public:
void ImplMethodsVsClassMethods(ObjCImplDecl* IMPDecl,
ObjCContainerDecl* IDecl,
bool IncompleteImpl = false);
+ /// AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules - This routine enforces the rule (via
+ /// warning) when atomic property has one but not the other user-declared
+ /// setter or getter.
+ void AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules(ObjCImplDecl* IMPDecl,
+ ObjCContainerDecl* IDecl);
/// MatchTwoMethodDeclarations - Checks if two methods' type match and returns
/// true, or false, accordingly.
@@ -1610,7 +1368,8 @@ public:
Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs);
void CheckSignCompare(Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS, SourceLocation Loc,
- const PartialDiagnostic &PD);
+ const PartialDiagnostic &PD,
+ bool Equality = false);
virtual ExpressionEvaluationContext
PushExpressionEvaluationContext(ExpressionEvaluationContext NewContext);
@@ -1746,11 +1505,6 @@ public:
const FunctionProtoType *Proto,
Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
SourceLocation RParenLoc);
- void BuildBaseOrMemberInitializers(ASTContext &C,
- CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
- CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer **Initializers,
- unsigned NumInitializers
- );
void DeconstructCallFunction(Expr *FnExpr,
NamedDecl *&Function,
@@ -1890,12 +1644,15 @@ public:
SourceLocation IdentLoc,
IdentifierInfo *Ident);
- NamedDecl *BuildUsingDeclaration(SourceLocation UsingLoc,
+ NamedDecl *BuildUsingDeclaration(Scope *S, AccessSpecifier AS,
+ SourceLocation UsingLoc,
const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
SourceLocation IdentLoc,
DeclarationName Name,
AttributeList *AttrList,
- bool IsTypeName);
+ bool IsInstantiation,
+ bool IsTypeName,
+ SourceLocation TypenameLoc);
virtual DeclPtrTy ActOnUsingDeclaration(Scope *CurScope,
AccessSpecifier AS,
@@ -1903,7 +1660,8 @@ public:
const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
UnqualifiedId &Name,
AttributeList *AttrList,
- bool IsTypeName);
+ bool IsTypeName,
+ SourceLocation TypenameLoc);
/// AddCXXDirectInitializerToDecl - This action is called immediately after
/// ActOnDeclarator, when a C++ direct initializer is present.
@@ -1997,6 +1755,12 @@ public:
CXXConstructorDecl *
+ TryInitializationByConstructor(QualType ClassType,
+ Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
+ SourceLocation Loc,
+ InitializationKind Kind);
+ CXXConstructorDecl *
PerformInitializationByConstructor(QualType ClassType,
MultiExprArg ArgsPtr,
SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range,
@@ -2088,6 +1852,9 @@ public:
void DeclareGlobalAllocationFunction(DeclarationName Name, QualType Return,
QualType Argument);
+ bool FindDeallocationFunction(SourceLocation StartLoc, CXXRecordDecl *RD,
+ DeclarationName Name, FunctionDecl* &Operator);
/// ActOnCXXDelete - Parsed a C++ 'delete' expression
virtual OwningExprResult ActOnCXXDelete(SourceLocation StartLoc,
bool UseGlobal, bool ArrayForm,
@@ -2276,17 +2043,15 @@ public:
SourceLocation RParenLoc,
CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl);
- void SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
+ bool SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer **Initializers,
unsigned NumInitializers,
- llvm::SmallVectorImpl<CXXBaseSpecifier *>& Bases,
- llvm::SmallVectorImpl<FieldDecl *>&Members);
+ bool IsImplicitConstructor);
- /// computeBaseOrMembersToDestroy - Compute information in current
- /// destructor decl's AST of bases and non-static data members which will be
- /// implicitly destroyed. We are storing the destruction in the order that
- /// they should occur (which is the reverse of construction order).
- void computeBaseOrMembersToDestroy(CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor);
+ /// MarkBaseAndMemberDestructorsReferenced - Given a destructor decl,
+ /// mark all its non-trivial member and base destructor declarations
+ /// as referenced.
+ void MarkBaseAndMemberDestructorsReferenced(CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor);
void AddImplicitlyDeclaredMembersToClass(CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl);
@@ -2320,6 +2085,7 @@ public:
void CheckConstructor(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor);
QualType CheckDestructorDeclarator(Declarator &D,
FunctionDecl::StorageClass& SC);
+ void CheckDestructor(CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor);
void CheckConversionDeclarator(Declarator &D, QualType &R,
FunctionDecl::StorageClass& SC);
DeclPtrTy ActOnConversionDeclarator(CXXConversionDecl *Conversion);
@@ -2353,7 +2119,8 @@ public:
bool IsDerivedFrom(QualType Derived, QualType Base, CXXBasePaths &Paths);
bool CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(QualType Derived, QualType Base,
- SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range);
+ SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range,
+ bool IgnoreAccess = false);
bool CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(QualType Derived, QualType Base,
unsigned InaccessibleBaseID,
unsigned AmbigiousBaseConvID,
@@ -2451,7 +2218,7 @@ public:
unsigned Position);
virtual void ActOnTemplateTemplateParameterDefault(DeclPtrTy TemplateParam,
SourceLocation EqualLoc,
- ExprArg Default);
+ const ParsedTemplateArgument &Default);
virtual TemplateParamsTy *
ActOnTemplateParameterList(unsigned Depth,
@@ -2477,8 +2244,7 @@ public:
AccessSpecifier AS);
void translateTemplateArguments(ASTTemplateArgsPtr &TemplateArgsIn,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocsIn,
- llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgumentLoc, 16> &TempArgs);
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<TemplateArgumentLoc> &TempArgs);
QualType CheckTemplateIdType(TemplateName Template,
SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
@@ -2491,7 +2257,6 @@ public:
ActOnTemplateIdType(TemplateTy Template, SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgs,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocs,
SourceLocation RAngleLoc);
virtual TypeResult ActOnTagTemplateIdType(TypeResult Type,
@@ -2513,7 +2278,6 @@ public:
SourceLocation TemplateNameLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgs,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocs,
SourceLocation RAngleLoc);
virtual TemplateTy ActOnDependentTemplateName(SourceLocation TemplateKWLoc,
@@ -2534,7 +2298,6 @@ public:
SourceLocation TemplateNameLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgs,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocs,
SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
AttributeList *Attr,
MultiTemplateParamsArg TemplateParameterLists);
@@ -2575,7 +2338,6 @@ public:
SourceLocation TemplateNameLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgs,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocs,
SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
AttributeList *Attr);
@@ -2595,6 +2357,13 @@ public:
SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
Declarator &D);
+ bool CheckTemplateArgument(NamedDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgumentLoc &Arg,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
+ SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
+ TemplateArgumentListBuilder &Converted);
bool CheckTemplateArgumentList(TemplateDecl *Template,
SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
@@ -2612,17 +2381,54 @@ public:
DeclaratorInfo *Arg);
bool CheckTemplateArgumentAddressOfObjectOrFunction(Expr *Arg,
NamedDecl *&Entity);
- bool CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Expr *Arg, NamedDecl *&Member);
+ bool CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Expr *Arg,
+ TemplateArgument &Converted);
bool CheckTemplateArgument(NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *Param,
QualType InstantiatedParamType, Expr *&Arg,
TemplateArgument &Converted);
- bool CheckTemplateArgument(TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param, DeclRefExpr *Arg);
+ bool CheckTemplateArgument(TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgumentLoc &Arg);
+ /// \brief Enumeration describing how template parameter lists are compared
+ /// for equality.
+ enum TemplateParameterListEqualKind {
+ /// \brief We are matching the template parameter lists of two templates
+ /// that might be redeclarations.
+ ///
+ /// \code
+ /// template<typename T> struct X;
+ /// template<typename T> struct X;
+ /// \endcode
+ TPL_TemplateMatch,
+ /// \brief We are matching the template parameter lists of two template
+ /// template parameters as part of matching the template parameter lists
+ /// of two templates that might be redeclarations.
+ ///
+ /// \code
+ /// template<template<int I> class TT> struct X;
+ /// template<template<int Value> class Other> struct X;
+ /// \endcode
+ TPL_TemplateTemplateParmMatch,
+ /// \brief We are matching the template parameter lists of a template
+ /// template argument against the template parameter lists of a template
+ /// template parameter.
+ ///
+ /// \code
+ /// template<template<int Value> class Metafun> struct X;
+ /// template<int Value> struct integer_c;
+ /// X<integer_c> xic;
+ /// \endcode
+ TPL_TemplateTemplateArgumentMatch
+ };
bool TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParameterList *New,
TemplateParameterList *Old,
bool Complain,
- bool IsTemplateTemplateParm = false,
+ TemplateParameterListEqualKind Kind,
SourceLocation TemplateArgLoc
- = SourceLocation());
+ = SourceLocation());
bool CheckTemplateDeclScope(Scope *S, TemplateParameterList *TemplateParams);
@@ -2659,6 +2465,11 @@ public:
getTemplateArgumentBindingsText(const TemplateParameterList *Params,
const TemplateArgumentList &Args);
+ std::string
+ getTemplateArgumentBindingsText(const TemplateParameterList *Params,
+ const TemplateArgument *Args,
+ unsigned NumArgs);
/// \brief Describes the result of template argument deduction.
@@ -2849,7 +2660,8 @@ public:
// C++ Template Instantiation
- MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList getTemplateInstantiationArgs(NamedDecl *D);
+ MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList getTemplateInstantiationArgs(NamedDecl *D,
+ const TemplateArgumentList *Innermost = 0);
/// \brief A template instantiation that is currently in progress.
struct ActiveTemplateInstantiation {
@@ -2880,17 +2692,30 @@ public:
/// partial specialization or a function template. The
/// Entity is either a ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl or
/// a FunctionTemplateDecl.
- DeducedTemplateArgumentSubstitution
+ DeducedTemplateArgumentSubstitution,
+ /// We are substituting prior template arguments into a new
+ /// template parameter. The template parameter itself is either a
+ /// NonTypeTemplateParmDecl or a TemplateTemplateParmDecl.
+ PriorTemplateArgumentSubstitution,
+ /// We are checking the validity of a default template argument that
+ /// has been used when naming a template-id.
+ DefaultTemplateArgumentChecking
} Kind;
/// \brief The point of instantiation within the source code.
SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation;
+ /// \brief The template in which we are performing the instantiation,
+ /// for substitutions of prior template arguments.
+ TemplateDecl *Template;
/// \brief The entity that is being instantiated.
uintptr_t Entity;
- // \brief If this the instantiation of a default template
- // argument, the list of template arguments.
+ /// \brief The list of template arguments we are substituting, if they
+ /// are not part of the entity.
const TemplateArgument *TemplateArgs;
/// \brief The number of template arguments in TemplateArgs.
@@ -2901,9 +2726,14 @@ public:
/// template instantiation.
SourceRange InstantiationRange;
- ActiveTemplateInstantiation() : Kind(TemplateInstantiation), Entity(0),
- TemplateArgs(0), NumTemplateArgs(0) {}
+ ActiveTemplateInstantiation()
+ : Kind(TemplateInstantiation), Template(0), Entity(0), TemplateArgs(0),
+ NumTemplateArgs(0) {}
+ /// \brief Determines whether this template is an actual instantiation
+ /// that should be counted toward the maximum instantiation depth.
+ bool isInstantiationRecord() const;
friend bool operator==(const ActiveTemplateInstantiation &X,
const ActiveTemplateInstantiation &Y) {
if (X.Kind != Y.Kind)
@@ -2916,6 +2746,13 @@ public:
case TemplateInstantiation:
return true;
+ case PriorTemplateArgumentSubstitution:
+ case DefaultTemplateArgumentChecking:
+ if (X.Template != Y.Template)
+ return false;
+ // Fall through
case DefaultTemplateArgumentInstantiation:
case ExplicitTemplateArgumentSubstitution:
case DeducedTemplateArgumentSubstitution:
@@ -2942,6 +2779,11 @@ public:
llvm::SmallVector<ActiveTemplateInstantiation, 16>
+ /// \brief The number of ActiveTemplateInstantiation entries in
+ /// \c ActiveTemplateInstantiations that are not actual instantiations and,
+ /// therefore, should not be counted as part of the instantiation depth.
+ unsigned NonInstantiationEntries;
/// \brief The last template from which a template instantiation
/// error or warning was produced.
@@ -3001,6 +2843,32 @@ public:
unsigned NumTemplateArgs,
SourceRange InstantiationRange = SourceRange());
+ /// \brief Note that we are substituting prior template arguments into a
+ /// non-type or template template parameter.
+ InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgument *TemplateArgs,
+ unsigned NumTemplateArgs,
+ SourceRange InstantiationRange);
+ InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgument *TemplateArgs,
+ unsigned NumTemplateArgs,
+ SourceRange InstantiationRange);
+ /// \brief Note that we are checking the default template argument
+ /// against the template parameter for a given template-id.
+ InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ NamedDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgument *TemplateArgs,
+ unsigned NumTemplateArgs,
+ SourceRange InstantiationRange);
/// \brief Note that we have finished instantiating this template.
void Clear();
@@ -3273,8 +3141,9 @@ public:
SourceLocation CatLoc);
virtual DeclPtrTy ActOnForwardClassDeclaration(SourceLocation Loc,
- IdentifierInfo **IdentList,
- unsigned NumElts);
+ IdentifierInfo **IdentList,
+ SourceLocation *IdentLocs,
+ unsigned NumElts);
virtual DeclPtrTy ActOnForwardProtocolDeclaration(SourceLocation AtProtocolLoc,
const IdentifierLocPair *IdentList,
@@ -3484,6 +3353,12 @@ public:
/// CompatiblePointerDiscardsQualifiers - The assignment discards
/// c/v/r qualifiers, which we accept as an extension.
+ /// IncompatibleNestedPointerQualifiers - The assignment is between two
+ /// nested pointer types, and the qualifiers other than the first two
+ /// levels differ e.g. char ** -> const char **, but we accept them as an
+ /// extension.
+ IncompatibleNestedPointerQualifiers,
/// IncompatibleVectors - The assignment is between two vector types that
/// have the same size, which we accept as an extension.
@@ -3555,10 +3430,11 @@ public:
ImplicitConversionSequence& ICS);
bool PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
const ImplicitConversionSequence& ICS,
- const char *Flavor);
+ const char *Flavor,
+ bool IgnoreBaseAccess = false);
bool PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
const StandardConversionSequence& SCS,
- const char *Flavor);
+ const char *Flavor, bool IgnoreBaseAccess);
bool BuildCXXDerivedToBaseExpr(Expr *&From, CastExpr::CastKind CastKind,
const ImplicitConversionSequence& ICS,
@@ -3660,7 +3536,8 @@ public:
bool SuppressUserConversions,
bool AllowExplicit,
bool ForceRValue,
- ImplicitConversionSequence *ICS = 0);
+ ImplicitConversionSequence *ICS = 0,
+ bool IgnoreBaseAccess = false);
/// CheckCastTypes - Check type constraints for casting between types under
/// C semantics, or forward to CXXCheckCStyleCast in C++.
@@ -3745,7 +3622,6 @@ public:
/// \name Code completion
- void setCodeCompleteConsumer(CodeCompleteConsumer *CCC);
virtual void CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(Scope *S);
virtual void CodeCompleteMemberReferenceExpr(Scope *S, ExprTy *Base,
SourceLocation OpLoc,
@@ -3763,7 +3639,13 @@ public:
virtual void CodeCompleteOperatorName(Scope *S);
virtual void CodeCompleteObjCProperty(Scope *S, ObjCDeclSpec &ODS);
- //@}
+ virtual void CodeCompleteObjCClassMessage(Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *FName,
+ SourceLocation FNameLoc);
+ virtual void CodeCompleteObjCInstanceMessage(Scope *S, ExprTy *Receiver);
+ virtual void CodeCompleteObjCProtocolReferences(IdentifierLocPair *Protocols,
+ unsigned NumProtocols);
+ virtual void CodeCompleteObjCProtocolDecl(Scope *S);
+ //@}
// Extra semantic analysis beyond the C type system
@@ -3808,7 +3690,6 @@ private:
void CheckFloatComparison(SourceLocation loc, Expr* lex, Expr* rex);
// Typed version of Parser::ExprArg (smart pointer for wrapping Expr pointers).
template <typename T>
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
index 0a5335a..5769716 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaAttr.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
using namespace clang;
@@ -179,10 +180,8 @@ void Sema::ActOnPragmaUnused(const Token *Identifiers, unsigned NumIdentifiers,
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumIdentifiers; ++i) {
const Token &Tok = Identifiers[i];
IdentifierInfo *Name = Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
- LookupResult Lookup;
- LookupParsedName(Lookup, curScope, NULL, Name,LookupOrdinaryName,
- false, true, Tok.getLocation());
- // FIXME: Handle Lookup.isAmbiguous?
+ LookupResult Lookup(*this, Name, Tok.getLocation(), LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupParsedName(Lookup, curScope, NULL, true);
NamedDecl *ND = Lookup.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaCXXCast.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaCXXCast.cpp
index 76faddaa..e5ad338 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaCXXCast.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaCXXCast.cpp
@@ -70,28 +70,31 @@ static TryCastResult TryLValueToRValueCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr,
static TryCastResult TryStaticReferenceDowncast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr,
QualType DestType, bool CStyle,
const SourceRange &OpRange,
- unsigned &msg);
+ unsigned &msg,
+ CastExpr::CastKind &Kind);
static TryCastResult TryStaticPointerDowncast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType,
QualType DestType, bool CStyle,
const SourceRange &OpRange,
- unsigned &msg);
-static TryCastResult TryStaticDowncast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType,
- QualType DestType, bool CStyle,
+ unsigned &msg,
+ CastExpr::CastKind &Kind);
+static TryCastResult TryStaticDowncast(Sema &Self, CanQualType SrcType,
+ CanQualType DestType, bool CStyle,
const SourceRange &OpRange,
QualType OrigSrcType,
- QualType OrigDestType, unsigned &msg);
+ QualType OrigDestType, unsigned &msg,
+ CastExpr::CastKind &Kind);
static TryCastResult TryStaticMemberPointerUpcast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType,
QualType DestType,bool CStyle,
const SourceRange &OpRange,
unsigned &msg,
CastExpr::CastKind &Kind);
-static TryCastResult TryStaticImplicitCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr,
+static TryCastResult TryStaticImplicitCast(Sema &Self, Expr *&SrcExpr,
QualType DestType, bool CStyle,
const SourceRange &OpRange,
unsigned &msg,
CastExpr::CastKind &Kind,
CXXMethodDecl *&ConversionDecl);
-static TryCastResult TryStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr,
+static TryCastResult TryStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *&SrcExpr,
QualType DestType, bool CStyle,
const SourceRange &OpRange,
unsigned &msg,
@@ -187,7 +190,8 @@ CastsAwayConstness(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType) {
assert((DestType->isPointerType() || DestType->isMemberPointerType()) &&
"Destination type is not pointer or pointer to member.");
- QualType UnwrappedSrcType = SrcType, UnwrappedDestType = DestType;
+ QualType UnwrappedSrcType = Self.Context.getCanonicalType(SrcType),
+ UnwrappedDestType = Self.Context.getCanonicalType(DestType);
llvm::SmallVector<Qualifiers, 8> cv1, cv2;
// Find the qualifications.
@@ -385,14 +389,15 @@ CheckStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *&SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
// a non-lvalue-reference target type does not lead to decay.
// C++ 5.2.9p4: Any expression can be explicitly converted to type "cv void".
if (DestType->isVoidType()) {
+ Kind = CastExpr::CK_ToVoid;
- if (!DestType->isLValueReferenceType())
+ if (!DestType->isLValueReferenceType() && !DestType->isRecordType())
unsigned msg = diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_generic;
- if (TryStaticCast(Self, SrcExpr, DestType, /*CStyle*/false,OpRange, msg,
+ if (TryStaticCast(Self, SrcExpr, DestType, /*CStyle*/false, OpRange, msg,
Kind, ConversionDecl)
!= TC_Success && msg != 0)
Self.Diag(OpRange.getBegin(), msg) << CT_Static
@@ -402,7 +407,7 @@ CheckStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *&SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
/// TryStaticCast - Check if a static cast can be performed, and do so if
/// possible. If @p CStyle, ignore access restrictions on hierarchy casting
/// and casting away constness.
-static TryCastResult TryStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr,
+static TryCastResult TryStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *&SrcExpr,
QualType DestType, bool CStyle,
const SourceRange &OpRange, unsigned &msg,
CastExpr::CastKind &Kind,
@@ -427,15 +432,18 @@ static TryCastResult TryStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr,
// C++ 5.2.9p5, reference downcast.
// See the function for details.
// DR 427 specifies that this is to be applied before paragraph 2.
- tcr = TryStaticReferenceDowncast(Self, SrcExpr, DestType, CStyle,OpRange,msg);
+ tcr = TryStaticReferenceDowncast(Self, SrcExpr, DestType, CStyle, OpRange,
+ msg, Kind);
if (tcr != TC_NotApplicable)
return tcr;
// N2844 5.2.9p3: An lvalue of type "cv1 T1" can be cast to type "rvalue
// reference to cv2 T2" if "cv2 T2" is reference-compatible with "cv1 T1".
tcr = TryLValueToRValueCast(Self, SrcExpr, DestType, msg);
- if (tcr != TC_NotApplicable)
+ if (tcr != TC_NotApplicable) {
+ Kind = CastExpr::CK_NoOp;
return tcr;
+ }
// C++ 5.2.9p2: An expression e can be explicitly converted to a type T
// [...] if the declaration "T t(e);" is well-formed, [...].
@@ -467,13 +475,16 @@ static TryCastResult TryStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr,
if (DestType->isEnumeralType()) {
if (SrcType->isComplexType() || SrcType->isVectorType()) {
// Fall through - these cannot be converted.
- } else if (SrcType->isArithmeticType() || SrcType->isEnumeralType())
+ } else if (SrcType->isArithmeticType() || SrcType->isEnumeralType()) {
+ Kind = CastExpr::CK_IntegralCast;
return TC_Success;
+ }
// Reverse pointer upcast. C++ 4.10p3 specifies pointer upcast.
// C++ 5.2.9p8 additionally disallows a cast path through virtual inheritance.
- tcr = TryStaticPointerDowncast(Self, SrcType, DestType, CStyle, OpRange, msg);
+ tcr = TryStaticPointerDowncast(Self, SrcType, DestType, CStyle, OpRange, msg,
+ Kind);
if (tcr != TC_NotApplicable)
return tcr;
@@ -500,6 +511,7 @@ static TryCastResult TryStaticCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr,
msg = diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_const_away;
return TC_Failed;
+ Kind = CastExpr::CK_BitCast;
return TC_Success;
@@ -544,7 +556,7 @@ TryLValueToRValueCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
TryStaticReferenceDowncast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
bool CStyle, const SourceRange &OpRange,
- unsigned &msg) {
+ unsigned &msg, CastExpr::CastKind &Kind) {
// C++ 5.2.9p5: An lvalue of type "cv1 B", where B is a class type, can be
// cast to type "reference to cv2 D", where D is a class derived from B,
// if a valid standard conversion from "pointer to D" to "pointer to B"
@@ -567,15 +579,17 @@ TryStaticReferenceDowncast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
QualType DestPointee = DestReference->getPointeeType();
- return TryStaticDowncast(Self, SrcExpr->getType(), DestPointee, CStyle,
- OpRange, SrcExpr->getType(), DestType, msg);
+ return TryStaticDowncast(Self,
+ Self.Context.getCanonicalType(SrcExpr->getType()),
+ Self.Context.getCanonicalType(DestPointee), CStyle,
+ OpRange, SrcExpr->getType(), DestType, msg, Kind);
/// Tests whether a conversion according to C++ 5.2.9p8 is valid.
TryStaticPointerDowncast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType,
bool CStyle, const SourceRange &OpRange,
- unsigned &msg) {
+ unsigned &msg, CastExpr::CastKind &Kind) {
// C++ 5.2.9p8: An rvalue of type "pointer to cv1 B", where B is a class
// type, can be converted to an rvalue of type "pointer to cv2 D", where D
// is a class derived from B, if a valid standard conversion from "pointer
@@ -595,25 +609,27 @@ TryStaticPointerDowncast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType,
return TC_NotApplicable;
- return TryStaticDowncast(Self, SrcPointer->getPointeeType(),
- DestPointer->getPointeeType(), CStyle,
- OpRange, SrcType, DestType, msg);
+ return TryStaticDowncast(Self,
+ Self.Context.getCanonicalType(SrcPointer->getPointeeType()),
+ Self.Context.getCanonicalType(DestPointer->getPointeeType()),
+ CStyle, OpRange, SrcType, DestType, msg, Kind);
/// TryStaticDowncast - Common functionality of TryStaticReferenceDowncast and
/// TryStaticPointerDowncast. Tests whether a static downcast from SrcType to
-/// DestType, both of which must be canonical, is possible and allowed.
+/// DestType is possible and allowed.
-TryStaticDowncast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType,
+TryStaticDowncast(Sema &Self, CanQualType SrcType, CanQualType DestType,
bool CStyle, const SourceRange &OpRange, QualType OrigSrcType,
- QualType OrigDestType, unsigned &msg) {
+ QualType OrigDestType, unsigned &msg,
+ CastExpr::CastKind &Kind) {
// We can only work with complete types. But don't complain if it doesn't work
if (Self.RequireCompleteType(OpRange.getBegin(), SrcType, PDiag(0)) ||
Self.RequireCompleteType(OpRange.getBegin(), DestType, PDiag(0)))
return TC_NotApplicable;
// Downcast can only happen in class hierarchies, so we need classes.
- if (!DestType->isRecordType() || !SrcType->isRecordType()) {
+ if (!DestType->getAs<RecordType>() || !SrcType->getAs<RecordType>()) {
return TC_NotApplicable;
@@ -669,12 +685,13 @@ TryStaticDowncast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType,
EE = PI->rend();
EI != EE; ++EI)
PathDisplayStr += EI->Base->getType().getAsString() + " -> ";
- PathDisplayStr += DestType.getAsString();
+ PathDisplayStr += QualType(DestType).getAsString();
Self.Diag(OpRange.getBegin(), diag::err_ambiguous_base_to_derived_cast)
- << SrcType.getUnqualifiedType() << DestType.getUnqualifiedType()
+ << QualType(SrcType).getUnqualifiedType()
+ << QualType(DestType).getUnqualifiedType()
<< PathDisplayStr << OpRange;
msg = 0;
return TC_Failed;
@@ -695,6 +712,7 @@ TryStaticDowncast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType,
return TC_Failed;
+ Kind = CastExpr::CK_BaseToDerived;
return TC_Success;
@@ -719,10 +737,8 @@ TryStaticMemberPointerUpcast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType,
// T == T, modulo cv
- if (Self.Context.getCanonicalType(
- SrcMemPtr->getPointeeType().getUnqualifiedType()) !=
- Self.Context.getCanonicalType(DestMemPtr->getPointeeType().
- getUnqualifiedType()))
+ if (!Self.Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(SrcMemPtr->getPointeeType(),
+ DestMemPtr->getPointeeType()))
return TC_NotApplicable;
// B base of D
@@ -772,7 +788,7 @@ TryStaticMemberPointerUpcast(Sema &Self, QualType SrcType, QualType DestType,
/// An expression e can be explicitly converted to a type T using a
/// @c static_cast if the declaration "T t(e);" is well-formed [...].
-TryStaticImplicitCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
+TryStaticImplicitCast(Sema &Self, Expr *&SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
bool CStyle, const SourceRange &OpRange, unsigned &msg,
CastExpr::CastKind &Kind,
CXXMethodDecl *&ConversionDecl) {
@@ -785,27 +801,49 @@ TryStaticImplicitCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
if (DestType->isReferenceType()) {
+ // All reference bindings insert implicit casts above that do the actual
+ // casting.
+ Kind = CastExpr::CK_NoOp;
// At this point of CheckStaticCast, if the destination is a reference,
// this has to work. There is no other way that works.
// On the other hand, if we're checking a C-style cast, we've still got
- // the reinterpret_cast way. In that case, we pass an ICS so we don't
- // get error messages.
- ImplicitConversionSequence ICS;
- bool failed = Self.CheckReferenceInit(SrcExpr, DestType,
- OpRange.getBegin(),
- /*SuppressUserConversions=*/false,
- /*AllowExplicit=*/false,
- /*ForceRValue=*/false,
- CStyle ? &ICS : 0);
- if (!failed)
+ // the reinterpret_cast way. So in C-style mode, we first try the call
+ // with an ICS to suppress errors.
+ if (CStyle) {
+ ImplicitConversionSequence ICS;
+ if(Self.CheckReferenceInit(SrcExpr, DestType, OpRange.getBegin(),
+ /*SuppressUserConversions=*/false,
+ /*AllowExplicit=*/false, /*ForceRValue=*/false,
+ &ICS))
+ return TC_NotApplicable;
+ }
+ // Now we're committed either way.
+ if(!Self.CheckReferenceInit(SrcExpr, DestType, OpRange.getBegin(),
+ /*SuppressUserConversions=*/false,
+ /*AllowExplicit=*/false,
+ /*ForceRValue=*/false, 0,
+ /*IgnoreBaseAccess=*/CStyle))
return TC_Success;
- if (CStyle)
- return TC_NotApplicable;
- // If we didn't pass the ICS, we already got an error message.
+ // We already got an error message.
msg = 0;
return TC_Failed;
+ if (DestType->isRecordType()) {
+ if (CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor
+ = Self.TryInitializationByConstructor(DestType, &SrcExpr, 1,
+ OpRange.getBegin(),
+ Sema::IK_Direct)) {
+ ConversionDecl = Constructor;
+ Kind = CastExpr::CK_ConstructorConversion;
+ return TC_Success;
+ }
+ return TC_NotApplicable;
+ }
// FIXME: To get a proper error from invalid conversions here, we need to
// reimplement more of this.
// FIXME: This does not actually perform the conversion, and thus does not
@@ -821,18 +859,12 @@ TryStaticImplicitCast(Sema &Self, Expr *SrcExpr, QualType DestType,
if (ICS.ConversionKind == ImplicitConversionSequence::BadConversion)
return TC_NotApplicable;
- if (ICS.ConversionKind == ImplicitConversionSequence::UserDefinedConversion) {
- ConversionDecl = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(ICS.UserDefined.ConversionFunction);
- if (isa<CXXConstructorDecl>(ConversionDecl))
- Kind = CastExpr::CK_ConstructorConversion;
- else if (isa<CXXConversionDecl>(ConversionDecl))
- Kind = CastExpr::CK_UserDefinedConversion;
- } else if (ICS.ConversionKind ==
- ImplicitConversionSequence::StandardConversion) {
- // FIXME: Set the cast kind depending on which types of conversions we have.
- }
- return TC_Success;
+ // The conversion is possible, so commit to it.
+ Kind = CastExpr::CK_NoOp;
+ msg = 0;
+ return Self.PerformImplicitConversion(SrcExpr, DestType, ICS, "casting",
+ /*IgnoreBaseAccess*/CStyle) ?
+ TC_Failed : TC_Success;
/// TryConstCast - See if a const_cast from source to destination is allowed,
@@ -1104,7 +1136,7 @@ bool Sema::CXXCheckCStyleCast(SourceRange R, QualType CastTy, Expr *&CastExpr,
if (CastTy->isDependentType() || CastExpr->isTypeDependent())
return false;
- if (!CastTy->isLValueReferenceType())
+ if (!CastTy->isLValueReferenceType() && !CastTy->isRecordType())
// C++ [expr.cast]p5: The conversions performed by
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp
index ce3fb5f..34a5b78 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
@@ -307,8 +308,9 @@ NamedDecl *Sema::FindFirstQualifierInScope(Scope *S, NestedNameSpecifier *NNS) {
if (NNS->getKind() != NestedNameSpecifier::Identifier)
return 0;
- LookupResult Found;
- LookupName(Found, S, NNS->getAsIdentifier(), LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
+ LookupResult Found(*this, NNS->getAsIdentifier(), SourceLocation(),
+ LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
+ LookupName(Found, S);
assert(!Found.isAmbiguous() && "Cannot handle ambiguities here yet");
NamedDecl *Result = Found.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
@@ -336,6 +338,8 @@ Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::BuildCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S,
NestedNameSpecifier *Prefix
= static_cast<NestedNameSpecifier *>(SS.getScopeRep());
+ LookupResult Found(*this, &II, IdLoc, LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
// Determine where to perform name lookup
DeclContext *LookupCtx = 0;
bool isDependent = false;
@@ -350,9 +354,10 @@ Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::BuildCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S,
// so long into the context associated with the prior nested-name-specifier.
LookupCtx = computeDeclContext(SS, EnteringContext);
isDependent = isDependentScopeSpecifier(SS);
+ Found.setContextRange(SS.getRange());
- LookupResult Found;
bool ObjectTypeSearchedInScope = false;
if (LookupCtx) {
// Perform "qualified" name lookup into the declaration context we
@@ -364,10 +369,9 @@ Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::BuildCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S,
if (!LookupCtx->isDependentContext() && RequireCompleteDeclContext(SS))
return 0;
- LookupQualifiedName(Found, LookupCtx, &II, LookupNestedNameSpecifierName,
- false);
+ LookupQualifiedName(Found, LookupCtx);
- if (!ObjectType.isNull() && Found.getKind() == LookupResult::NotFound) {
+ if (!ObjectType.isNull() && Found.empty()) {
// C++ [basic.lookup.classref]p4:
// If the id-expression in a class member access is a qualified-id of
// the form
@@ -389,7 +393,7 @@ Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::BuildCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S,
// reconstruct the result from when name lookup was performed at template
// definition time.
if (S)
- LookupName(Found, S, &II, LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
+ LookupName(Found, S);
else if (ScopeLookupResult)
@@ -406,7 +410,7 @@ Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::BuildCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S,
return NestedNameSpecifier::Create(Context, Prefix, &II);
} else {
// Perform unqualified name lookup in the current scope.
- LookupName(Found, S, &II, LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
+ LookupName(Found, S);
// FIXME: Deal with ambiguities cleanly.
@@ -423,9 +427,8 @@ Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::BuildCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S,
// scope, reconstruct the result from the template instantiation itself.
NamedDecl *OuterDecl;
if (S) {
- LookupResult FoundOuter;
- LookupName(FoundOuter, S, &II, LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
- // FIXME: Handle ambiguities!
+ LookupResult FoundOuter(*this, &II, IdLoc, LookupNestedNameSpecifierName);
+ LookupName(FoundOuter, S);
OuterDecl = FoundOuter.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
} else
OuterDecl = ScopeLookupResult;
@@ -467,8 +470,8 @@ Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::BuildCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S,
// ordinary name lookup, which can help us produce better error
// messages.
if (!SD) {
- Found.clear();
- LookupName(Found, S, &II, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ Found.clear(LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupName(Found, S);
SD = Found.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
index 38b6ebe..9060fe6 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
@@ -91,6 +91,12 @@ bool Sema::CheckablePrintfAttr(const FormatAttr *Format, CallExpr *TheCall) {
if (Format->getType() == "printf0") {
// printf0 allows null "format" string; if so don't check format/args
unsigned format_idx = Format->getFormatIdx() - 1;
+ // Does the index refer to the implicit object argument?
+ if (isa<CXXMemberCallExpr>(TheCall)) {
+ if (format_idx == 0)
+ return false;
+ --format_idx;
+ }
if (format_idx < TheCall->getNumArgs()) {
Expr *Format = TheCall->getArg(format_idx)->IgnoreParenCasts();
if (!Format->isNullPointerConstant(Context, Expr::NPC_ValueDependentIsNull))
@@ -204,7 +210,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckFunctionCall(FunctionDecl *FDecl, CallExpr *TheCall) {
if (!HasVAListArg) {
if (const FunctionProtoType *Proto
= FDecl->getType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>())
- HasVAListArg = !Proto->isVariadic();
+ HasVAListArg = !Proto->isVariadic();
CheckPrintfArguments(TheCall, HasVAListArg, Format->getFormatIdx() - 1,
HasVAListArg ? 0 : Format->getFirstArg() - 1);
@@ -628,8 +634,7 @@ Action::OwningExprResult Sema::SemaBuiltinShuffleVector(CallExpr *TheCall) {
return ExprError();
- if (Context.getCanonicalType(FAType).getUnqualifiedType() !=
- Context.getCanonicalType(SAType).getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (!Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(FAType, SAType)) {
Diag(TheCall->getLocStart(), diag::err_shufflevector_incompatible_vector)
<< SourceRange(TheCall->getArg(0)->getLocStart(),
@@ -971,6 +976,18 @@ Sema::CheckPrintfArguments(const CallExpr *TheCall, bool HasVAListArg,
unsigned format_idx, unsigned firstDataArg) {
const Expr *Fn = TheCall->getCallee();
+ // The way the format attribute works in GCC, the implicit this argument
+ // of member functions is counted. However, it doesn't appear in our own
+ // lists, so decrement format_idx in that case.
+ if (isa<CXXMemberCallExpr>(TheCall)) {
+ // Catch a format attribute mistakenly referring to the object argument.
+ if (format_idx == 0)
+ return;
+ --format_idx;
+ if(firstDataArg != 0)
+ --firstDataArg;
+ }
// CHECK: printf-like function is called with no format string.
if (format_idx >= TheCall->getNumArgs()) {
Diag(TheCall->getRParenLoc(), diag::warn_printf_missing_format_string)
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp
index e9df17d..9cecdad 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaCodeComplete.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
#include "clang/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
#include "clang/Lex/MacroInfo.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
@@ -23,13 +24,6 @@
using namespace clang;
-/// \brief Set the code-completion consumer for semantic analysis.
-void Sema::setCodeCompleteConsumer(CodeCompleteConsumer *CCC) {
- assert(((CodeCompleter != 0) != (CCC != 0)) &&
- "Already set or cleared a code-completion consumer?");
- CodeCompleter = CCC;
namespace {
/// \brief A container of code-completion results.
class ResultBuilder {
@@ -101,6 +95,9 @@ namespace {
/// \brief Exit from the current scope.
void ExitScope();
+ /// \brief Ignore this declaration, if it is seen again.
+ void Ignore(Decl *D) { AllDeclsFound.insert(D->getCanonicalDecl()); }
/// \name Name lookup predicates
/// These predicates can be passed to the name lookup functions to filter the
@@ -187,8 +184,7 @@ getRequiredQualification(ASTContext &Context,
- }
+ }
return Result;
@@ -206,7 +202,7 @@ void ResultBuilder::MaybeAddResult(Result R, DeclContext *CurContext) {
// Look through using declarations.
- if (UsingDecl *Using = dyn_cast<UsingDecl>(R.Declaration))
+ if (UsingShadowDecl *Using = dyn_cast<UsingShadowDecl>(R.Declaration))
MaybeAddResult(Result(Using->getTargetDecl(), R.Rank, R.Qualifier),
@@ -474,17 +470,24 @@ static unsigned CollectMemberLookupResults(DeclContext *Ctx,
for (DeclContext *CurCtx = Ctx->getPrimaryContext(); CurCtx;
CurCtx = CurCtx->getNextContext()) {
for (DeclContext::decl_iterator D = CurCtx->decls_begin(),
- DEnd = CurCtx->decls_end();
+ DEnd = CurCtx->decls_end();
D != DEnd; ++D) {
if (NamedDecl *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(*D))
Results.MaybeAddResult(Result(ND, Rank, 0, InBaseClass), CurContext);
+ // Visit transparent contexts inside this context.
+ if (DeclContext *InnerCtx = dyn_cast<DeclContext>(*D)) {
+ if (InnerCtx->isTransparentContext())
+ CollectMemberLookupResults(InnerCtx, Rank, CurContext, Visited,
+ Results, InBaseClass);
+ }
// Traverse the contexts of inherited classes.
if (CXXRecordDecl *Record = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Ctx)) {
for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_iterator B = Record->bases_begin(),
- BEnd = Record->bases_end();
+ BEnd = Record->bases_end();
B != BEnd; ++B) {
QualType BaseType = B->getType();
@@ -674,6 +677,8 @@ static void AddTypeSpecifierResults(const LangOptions &LangOpts, unsigned Rank,
static void AddFunctionParameterChunks(ASTContext &Context,
FunctionDecl *Function,
CodeCompletionString *Result) {
+ typedef CodeCompletionString::Chunk Chunk;
CodeCompletionString *CCStr = Result;
for (unsigned P = 0, N = Function->getNumParams(); P != N; ++P) {
@@ -688,7 +693,7 @@ static void AddFunctionParameterChunks(ASTContext &Context,
if (P != 0)
- CCStr->AddTextChunk(", ");
+ CCStr->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_Comma));
// Format the placeholder string.
std::string PlaceholderStr;
@@ -713,6 +718,8 @@ static void AddTemplateParameterChunks(ASTContext &Context,
TemplateDecl *Template,
CodeCompletionString *Result,
unsigned MaxParameters = 0) {
+ typedef CodeCompletionString::Chunk Chunk;
CodeCompletionString *CCStr = Result;
bool FirstParameter = true;
@@ -768,7 +775,7 @@ static void AddTemplateParameterChunks(ASTContext &Context,
if (FirstParameter)
FirstParameter = false;
- CCStr->AddTextChunk(", ");
+ CCStr->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_Comma));
// Add the placeholder string.
@@ -803,6 +810,8 @@ void AddQualifierToCompletionString(CodeCompletionString *Result,
/// result is all that is needed.
CodeCompletionString *
CodeCompleteConsumer::Result::CreateCodeCompletionString(Sema &S) {
+ typedef CodeCompletionString::Chunk Chunk;
if (Kind == RK_Keyword)
return 0;
@@ -813,12 +822,12 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::Result::CreateCodeCompletionString(Sema &S) {
// Format a function-like macro with placeholders for the arguments.
CodeCompletionString *Result = new CodeCompletionString;
- Result->AddTextChunk(Macro->getName().str().c_str());
- Result->AddTextChunk("(");
+ Result->AddTypedTextChunk(Macro->getName().str().c_str());
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftParen));
for (MacroInfo::arg_iterator A = MI->arg_begin(), AEnd = MI->arg_end();
A != AEnd; ++A) {
if (A != MI->arg_begin())
- Result->AddTextChunk(", ");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_Comma));
if (!MI->isVariadic() || A != AEnd - 1) {
// Non-variadic argument.
@@ -837,21 +846,28 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::Result::CreateCodeCompletionString(Sema &S) {
- Result->AddTextChunk(")");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightParen));
return Result;
assert(Kind == RK_Declaration && "Missed a macro kind?");
NamedDecl *ND = Declaration;
+ if (StartsNestedNameSpecifier) {
+ CodeCompletionString *Result = new CodeCompletionString;
+ Result->AddTypedTextChunk(ND->getNameAsString().c_str());
+ Result->AddTextChunk("::");
+ return Result;
+ }
if (FunctionDecl *Function = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(ND)) {
CodeCompletionString *Result = new CodeCompletionString;
AddQualifierToCompletionString(Result, Qualifier, QualifierIsInformative,
- Result->AddTextChunk(Function->getNameAsString().c_str());
- Result->AddTextChunk("(");
+ Result->AddTypedTextChunk(Function->getNameAsString().c_str());
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftParen));
AddFunctionParameterChunks(S.Context, Function, Result);
- Result->AddTextChunk(")");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightParen));
return Result;
@@ -860,7 +876,7 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::Result::CreateCodeCompletionString(Sema &S) {
AddQualifierToCompletionString(Result, Qualifier, QualifierIsInformative,
FunctionDecl *Function = FunTmpl->getTemplatedDecl();
- Result->AddTextChunk(Function->getNameAsString().c_str());
+ Result->AddTypedTextChunk(Function->getNameAsString().c_str());
// Figure out which template parameters are deduced (or have default
// arguments).
@@ -884,7 +900,7 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::Result::CreateCodeCompletionString(Sema &S) {
else {
- = cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Param)->hasDefaultArgument();
+ = cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Param)->hasDefaultArgument();
if (!HasDefaultArg)
@@ -896,16 +912,16 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::Result::CreateCodeCompletionString(Sema &S) {
// Some of the function template arguments cannot be deduced from a
// function call, so we introduce an explicit template argument list
// containing all of the arguments up to the first deducible argument.
- Result->AddTextChunk("<");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftAngle));
AddTemplateParameterChunks(S.Context, FunTmpl, Result,
- Result->AddTextChunk(">");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightAngle));
// Add the function parameters
- Result->AddTextChunk("(");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftParen));
AddFunctionParameterChunks(S.Context, Function, Result);
- Result->AddTextChunk(")");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightParen));
return Result;
@@ -913,20 +929,51 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::Result::CreateCodeCompletionString(Sema &S) {
CodeCompletionString *Result = new CodeCompletionString;
AddQualifierToCompletionString(Result, Qualifier, QualifierIsInformative,
- Result->AddTextChunk(Template->getNameAsString().c_str());
- Result->AddTextChunk("<");
+ Result->AddTypedTextChunk(Template->getNameAsString().c_str());
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftAngle));
AddTemplateParameterChunks(S.Context, Template, Result);
- Result->AddTextChunk(">");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightAngle));
return Result;
- if (Qualifier || StartsNestedNameSpecifier) {
+ if (ObjCMethodDecl *Method = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(ND)) {
+ CodeCompletionString *Result = new CodeCompletionString;
+ Selector Sel = Method->getSelector();
+ if (Sel.isUnarySelector()) {
+ Result->AddTypedTextChunk(Sel.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0)->getName());
+ return Result;
+ }
+ Result->AddTypedTextChunk(
+ Sel.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0)->getName().str() + std::string(":"));
+ unsigned Idx = 0;
+ for (ObjCMethodDecl::param_iterator P = Method->param_begin(),
+ PEnd = Method->param_end();
+ P != PEnd; (void)++P, ++Idx) {
+ if (Idx > 0) {
+ std::string Keyword = " ";
+ if (IdentifierInfo *II = Sel.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(Idx))
+ Keyword += II->getName().str();
+ Keyword += ":";
+ Result->AddTextChunk(Keyword);
+ }
+ std::string Arg;
+ (*P)->getType().getAsStringInternal(Arg, S.Context.PrintingPolicy);
+ Arg = "(" + Arg + ")";
+ if (IdentifierInfo *II = (*P)->getIdentifier())
+ Arg += II->getName().str();
+ Result->AddPlaceholderChunk(Arg);
+ }
+ return Result;
+ }
+ if (Qualifier) {
CodeCompletionString *Result = new CodeCompletionString;
AddQualifierToCompletionString(Result, Qualifier, QualifierIsInformative,
- Result->AddTextChunk(ND->getNameAsString().c_str());
- if (StartsNestedNameSpecifier)
- Result->AddTextChunk("::");
+ Result->AddTypedTextChunk(ND->getNameAsString().c_str());
return Result;
@@ -937,6 +984,8 @@ CodeCompletionString *
unsigned CurrentArg,
Sema &S) const {
+ typedef CodeCompletionString::Chunk Chunk;
CodeCompletionString *Result = new CodeCompletionString;
FunctionDecl *FDecl = getFunction();
const FunctionProtoType *Proto
@@ -947,9 +996,9 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::OverloadCandidate::CreateSignatureString(
const FunctionType *FT = getFunctionType();
- Result->AddTextChunk("(");
- Result->AddPlaceholderChunk("...");
- Result->AddTextChunk("(");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftParen));
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_CurrentParameter, "..."));
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightParen));
return Result;
@@ -959,11 +1008,11 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::OverloadCandidate::CreateSignatureString(
- Result->AddTextChunk("(");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_LeftParen));
unsigned NumParams = FDecl? FDecl->getNumParams() : Proto->getNumArgs();
for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumParams; ++I) {
if (I)
- Result->AddTextChunk(", ");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_Comma));
std::string ArgString;
QualType ArgType;
@@ -978,19 +1027,20 @@ CodeCompleteConsumer::OverloadCandidate::CreateSignatureString(
ArgType.getAsStringInternal(ArgString, S.Context.PrintingPolicy);
if (I == CurrentArg)
- Result->AddPlaceholderChunk(ArgString.c_str());
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_CurrentParameter,
+ ArgString.c_str()));
if (Proto && Proto->isVariadic()) {
- Result->AddTextChunk(", ");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_Comma));
if (CurrentArg < NumParams)
- Result->AddPlaceholderChunk("...");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_CurrentParameter, "..."));
- Result->AddTextChunk(")");
+ Result->AddChunk(Chunk(CodeCompletionString::CK_RightParen));
return Result;
@@ -1000,7 +1050,9 @@ namespace {
typedef CodeCompleteConsumer::Result Result;
bool isEarlierDeclarationName(DeclarationName X, DeclarationName Y) const {
- if (X.getNameKind() != Y.getNameKind())
+ if (!X.getObjCSelector().isNull() && !Y.getObjCSelector().isNull()) {
+ // Consider all selector kinds to be equivalent.
+ } else if (X.getNameKind() != Y.getNameKind())
return X.getNameKind() < Y.getNameKind();
return llvm::LowercaseString(X.getAsString())
@@ -1049,32 +1101,77 @@ namespace {
-// Add all of the known macros as code-completion results.
static void AddMacroResults(Preprocessor &PP, unsigned Rank,
ResultBuilder &Results) {
- for (Preprocessor::macro_iterator M = PP.macro_begin(), MEnd = PP.macro_end();
+ for (Preprocessor::macro_iterator M = PP.macro_begin(),
+ MEnd = PP.macro_end();
M != MEnd; ++M)
Results.MaybeAddResult(CodeCompleteConsumer::Result(M->first, Rank));
-static void HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleteConsumer *CodeCompleter,
- CodeCompleteConsumer::Result *Results,
- unsigned NumResults) {
+static void HandleCodeCompleteResults(Sema *S,
+ CodeCompleteConsumer *CodeCompleter,
+ CodeCompleteConsumer::Result *Results,
+ unsigned NumResults) {
// Sort the results by rank/kind/etc.
std::stable_sort(Results, Results + NumResults, SortCodeCompleteResult());
if (CodeCompleter)
- CodeCompleter->ProcessCodeCompleteResults(Results, NumResults);
+ CodeCompleter->ProcessCodeCompleteResults(*S, Results, NumResults);
void Sema::CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(Scope *S) {
ResultBuilder Results(*this, &ResultBuilder::IsOrdinaryName);
unsigned NextRank = CollectLookupResults(S, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(),
0, CurContext, Results);
- AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
+static void AddObjCProperties(ObjCContainerDecl *Container,
+ DeclContext *CurContext,
+ ResultBuilder &Results) {
+ typedef CodeCompleteConsumer::Result Result;
+ // Add properties in this container.
+ for (ObjCContainerDecl::prop_iterator P = Container->prop_begin(),
+ PEnd = Container->prop_end();
+ P != PEnd;
+ ++P)
+ Results.MaybeAddResult(Result(*P, 0), CurContext);
+ // Add properties in referenced protocols.
+ if (ObjCProtocolDecl *Protocol = dyn_cast<ObjCProtocolDecl>(Container)) {
+ for (ObjCProtocolDecl::protocol_iterator P = Protocol->protocol_begin(),
+ PEnd = Protocol->protocol_end();
+ P != PEnd; ++P)
+ AddObjCProperties(*P, CurContext, Results);
+ } else if (ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFace = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(Container)){
+ // Look through categories.
+ for (ObjCCategoryDecl *Category = IFace->getCategoryList();
+ Category; Category = Category->getNextClassCategory())
+ AddObjCProperties(Category, CurContext, Results);
+ // Look through protocols.
+ for (ObjCInterfaceDecl::protocol_iterator I = IFace->protocol_begin(),
+ E = IFace->protocol_end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ AddObjCProperties(*I, CurContext, Results);
+ // Look in the superclass.
+ if (IFace->getSuperClass())
+ AddObjCProperties(IFace->getSuperClass(), CurContext, Results);
+ } else if (const ObjCCategoryDecl *Category
+ = dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryDecl>(Container)) {
+ // Look through protocols.
+ for (ObjCInterfaceDecl::protocol_iterator P = Category->protocol_begin(),
+ PEnd = Category->protocol_end();
+ P != PEnd; ++P)
+ AddObjCProperties(*P, CurContext, Results);
+ }
void Sema::CodeCompleteMemberReferenceExpr(Scope *S, ExprTy *BaseE,
@@ -1099,11 +1196,13 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteMemberReferenceExpr(Scope *S, ExprTy *BaseE,
ResultBuilder Results(*this, &ResultBuilder::IsMember);
unsigned NextRank = 0;
+ Results.EnterNewScope();
if (const RecordType *Record = BaseType->getAs<RecordType>()) {
- NextRank = CollectMemberLookupResults(Record->getDecl(), NextRank,
+ // Access to a C/C++ class, struct, or union.
+ NextRank = CollectMemberLookupResults(Record->getDecl(), NextRank,
Record->getDecl(), Results);
if (getLangOptions().CPlusPlus) {
if (!Results.empty()) {
// The "template" keyword can follow "->" or "." in the grammar.
@@ -1117,27 +1216,63 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteMemberReferenceExpr(Scope *S, ExprTy *BaseE,
if (IsDependent)
Results.MaybeAddResult(Result("template", NextRank++));
// We could have the start of a nested-name-specifier. Add those
// results as well.
- CollectLookupResults(S, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(), NextRank,
+ CollectLookupResults(S, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(), NextRank,
CurContext, Results);
+ } else if (!IsArrow && BaseType->getAsObjCInterfacePointerType()) {
+ // Objective-C property reference.
- // Add macros
- AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
+ // Add property results based on our interface.
+ const ObjCObjectPointerType *ObjCPtr
+ = BaseType->getAsObjCInterfacePointerType();
+ assert(ObjCPtr && "Non-NULL pointer guaranteed above!");
+ AddObjCProperties(ObjCPtr->getInterfaceDecl(), CurContext, Results);
- // Hand off the results found for code completion.
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ // Add properties from the protocols in a qualified interface.
+ for (ObjCObjectPointerType::qual_iterator I = ObjCPtr->qual_begin(),
+ E = ObjCPtr->qual_end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ AddObjCProperties(*I, CurContext, Results);
- // We're done!
- return;
+ // FIXME: We could (should?) also look for "implicit" properties, identified
+ // only by the presence of nullary and unary selectors.
+ } else if ((IsArrow && BaseType->isObjCObjectPointerType()) ||
+ (!IsArrow && BaseType->isObjCInterfaceType())) {
+ // Objective-C instance variable access.
+ ObjCInterfaceDecl *Class = 0;
+ if (const ObjCObjectPointerType *ObjCPtr
+ = BaseType->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>())
+ Class = ObjCPtr->getInterfaceDecl();
+ else
+ Class = BaseType->getAs<ObjCInterfaceType>()->getDecl();
+ // Add all ivars from this class and its superclasses.
+ for (; Class; Class = Class->getSuperClass()) {
+ for (ObjCInterfaceDecl::ivar_iterator IVar = Class->ivar_begin(),
+ IVarEnd = Class->ivar_end();
+ IVar != IVarEnd; ++IVar)
+ Results.MaybeAddResult(Result(*IVar, 0), CurContext);
+ }
+ // FIXME: How do we cope with isa?
+ Results.ExitScope();
+ // Add macros
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
+ // Hand off the results found for code completion.
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
void Sema::CodeCompleteTag(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec) {
@@ -1177,8 +1312,9 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteTag(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec) {
NextRank, CurContext, Results);
- AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
void Sema::CodeCompleteCase(Scope *S) {
@@ -1255,8 +1391,9 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteCase(Scope *S) {
- AddMacroResults(PP, 1, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, 1, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
namespace {
@@ -1328,7 +1465,7 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteCall(Scope *S, ExprTy *FnIn,
if (Cand->Viable)
- CodeCompleter->ProcessOverloadCandidates(NumArgs,,
+ CodeCompleter->ProcessOverloadCandidates(*this, NumArgs,,
@@ -1350,8 +1487,9 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteQualifiedId(Scope *S, const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
if (!Results.empty() && NNS->isDependent())
Results.MaybeAddResult(CodeCompleteConsumer::Result("template", NextRank));
- AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank + 1, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank + 1, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
void Sema::CodeCompleteUsing(Scope *S) {
@@ -1371,8 +1509,9 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteUsing(Scope *S) {
0, CurContext, Results);
- AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
void Sema::CodeCompleteUsingDirective(Scope *S) {
@@ -1386,8 +1525,9 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteUsingDirective(Scope *S) {
unsigned NextRank = CollectLookupResults(S, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(),
0, CurContext, Results);
- AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
void Sema::CodeCompleteNamespaceDecl(Scope *S) {
@@ -1421,8 +1561,9 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteNamespaceDecl(Scope *S) {
- AddMacroResults(PP, 1, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, 1, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
void Sema::CodeCompleteNamespaceAliasDecl(Scope *S) {
@@ -1433,8 +1574,9 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteNamespaceAliasDecl(Scope *S) {
ResultBuilder Results(*this, &ResultBuilder::IsNamespaceOrAlias);
unsigned NextRank = CollectLookupResults(S, Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(),
0, CurContext, Results);
- AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
void Sema::CodeCompleteOperatorName(Scope *S) {
@@ -1464,8 +1606,9 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteOperatorName(Scope *S) {
NextRank + 1, CurContext, Results);
- AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ if (CodeCompleter->includeMacros())
+ AddMacroResults(PP, NextRank, Results);
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
void Sema::CodeCompleteObjCProperty(Scope *S, ObjCDeclSpec &ODS) {
@@ -1493,5 +1636,252 @@ void Sema::CodeCompleteObjCProperty(Scope *S, ObjCDeclSpec &ODS) {
if (!(Attributes & ObjCDeclSpec::DQ_PR_getter))
Results.MaybeAddResult(CodeCompleteConsumer::Result("getter", 0));
- HandleCodeCompleteResults(CodeCompleter,, Results.size());
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
+/// \brief Add all of the Objective-C methods in the given Objective-C
+/// container to the set of results.
+/// The container will be a class, protocol, category, or implementation of
+/// any of the above. This mether will recurse to include methods from
+/// the superclasses of classes along with their categories, protocols, and
+/// implementations.
+/// \param Container the container in which we'll look to find methods.
+/// \param WantInstance whether to add instance methods (only); if false, this
+/// routine will add factory methods (only).
+/// \param CurContext the context in which we're performing the lookup that
+/// finds methods.
+/// \param Results the structure into which we'll add results.
+static void AddObjCMethods(ObjCContainerDecl *Container,
+ bool WantInstanceMethods,
+ DeclContext *CurContext,
+ ResultBuilder &Results) {
+ typedef CodeCompleteConsumer::Result Result;
+ for (ObjCContainerDecl::method_iterator M = Container->meth_begin(),
+ MEnd = Container->meth_end();
+ M != MEnd; ++M) {
+ if ((*M)->isInstanceMethod() == WantInstanceMethods)
+ Results.MaybeAddResult(Result(*M, 0), CurContext);
+ }
+ ObjCInterfaceDecl *IFace = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(Container);
+ if (!IFace)
+ return;
+ // Add methods in protocols.
+ const ObjCList<ObjCProtocolDecl> &Protocols= IFace->getReferencedProtocols();
+ for (ObjCList<ObjCProtocolDecl>::iterator I = Protocols.begin(),
+ E = Protocols.end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ AddObjCMethods(*I, WantInstanceMethods, CurContext, Results);
+ // Add methods in categories.
+ for (ObjCCategoryDecl *CatDecl = IFace->getCategoryList(); CatDecl;
+ CatDecl = CatDecl->getNextClassCategory()) {
+ AddObjCMethods(CatDecl, WantInstanceMethods, CurContext, Results);
+ // Add a categories protocol methods.
+ const ObjCList<ObjCProtocolDecl> &Protocols
+ = CatDecl->getReferencedProtocols();
+ for (ObjCList<ObjCProtocolDecl>::iterator I = Protocols.begin(),
+ E = Protocols.end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ AddObjCMethods(*I, WantInstanceMethods, CurContext, Results);
+ // Add methods in category implementations.
+ if (ObjCCategoryImplDecl *Impl = CatDecl->getImplementation())
+ AddObjCMethods(Impl, WantInstanceMethods, CurContext, Results);
+ }
+ // Add methods in superclass.
+ if (IFace->getSuperClass())
+ AddObjCMethods(IFace->getSuperClass(), WantInstanceMethods, CurContext,
+ Results);
+ // Add methods in our implementation, if any.
+ if (ObjCImplementationDecl *Impl = IFace->getImplementation())
+ AddObjCMethods(Impl, WantInstanceMethods, CurContext, Results);
+void Sema::CodeCompleteObjCClassMessage(Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *FName,
+ SourceLocation FNameLoc) {
+ typedef CodeCompleteConsumer::Result Result;
+ ObjCInterfaceDecl *CDecl = 0;
+ if (FName->isStr("super")) {
+ // We're sending a message to "super".
+ if (ObjCMethodDecl *CurMethod = getCurMethodDecl()) {
+ // Figure out which interface we're in.
+ CDecl = CurMethod->getClassInterface();
+ if (!CDecl)
+ return;
+ // Find the superclass of this class.
+ CDecl = CDecl->getSuperClass();
+ if (!CDecl)
+ return;
+ if (CurMethod->isInstanceMethod()) {
+ // We are inside an instance method, which means that the message
+ // send [super ...] is actually calling an instance method on the
+ // current object. Build the super expression and handle this like
+ // an instance method.
+ QualType SuperTy = Context.getObjCInterfaceType(CDecl);
+ SuperTy = Context.getObjCObjectPointerType(SuperTy);
+ OwningExprResult Super
+ = Owned(new (Context) ObjCSuperExpr(FNameLoc, SuperTy));
+ return CodeCompleteObjCInstanceMessage(S, (Expr *)Super.get());
+ }
+ // Okay, we're calling a factory method in our superclass.
+ }
+ }
+ // If the given name refers to an interface type, retrieve the
+ // corresponding declaration.
+ if (!CDecl)
+ if (TypeTy *Ty = getTypeName(*FName, FNameLoc, S, 0, false)) {
+ QualType T = GetTypeFromParser(Ty, 0);
+ if (!T.isNull())
+ if (const ObjCInterfaceType *Interface = T->getAs<ObjCInterfaceType>())
+ CDecl = Interface->getDecl();
+ }
+ if (!CDecl && FName->isStr("super")) {
+ // "super" may be the name of a variable, in which case we are
+ // probably calling an instance method.
+ OwningExprResult Super = ActOnDeclarationNameExpr(S, FNameLoc, FName,
+ false, 0, false);
+ return CodeCompleteObjCInstanceMessage(S, (Expr *)Super.get());
+ }
+ // Add all of the factory methods in this Objective-C class, its protocols,
+ // superclasses, categories, implementation, etc.
+ ResultBuilder Results(*this);
+ Results.EnterNewScope();
+ AddObjCMethods(CDecl, false, CurContext, Results);
+ Results.ExitScope();
+ // This also suppresses remaining diagnostics.
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
+void Sema::CodeCompleteObjCInstanceMessage(Scope *S, ExprTy *Receiver) {
+ typedef CodeCompleteConsumer::Result Result;
+ Expr *RecExpr = static_cast<Expr *>(Receiver);
+ QualType RecType = RecExpr->getType();
+ // If necessary, apply function/array conversion to the receiver.
+ // C99[7,8].
+ DefaultFunctionArrayConversion(RecExpr);
+ QualType ReceiverType = RecExpr->getType();
+ if (ReceiverType->isObjCIdType() || ReceiverType->isBlockPointerType()) {
+ // FIXME: We're messaging 'id'. Do we actually want to look up every method
+ // in the universe?
+ return;
+ }
+ // Build the set of methods we can see.
+ ResultBuilder Results(*this);
+ Results.EnterNewScope();
+ // Handle messages to Class. This really isn't a message to an instance
+ // method, so we treat it the same way we would treat a message send to a
+ // class method.
+ if (ReceiverType->isObjCClassType() ||
+ ReceiverType->isObjCQualifiedClassType()) {
+ if (ObjCMethodDecl *CurMethod = getCurMethodDecl()) {
+ if (ObjCInterfaceDecl *ClassDecl = CurMethod->getClassInterface())
+ AddObjCMethods(ClassDecl, false, CurContext, Results);
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle messages to a qualified ID ("id<foo>").
+ else if (const ObjCObjectPointerType *QualID
+ = ReceiverType->getAsObjCQualifiedIdType()) {
+ // Search protocols for instance methods.
+ for (ObjCObjectPointerType::qual_iterator I = QualID->qual_begin(),
+ E = QualID->qual_end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ AddObjCMethods(*I, true, CurContext, Results);
+ }
+ // Handle messages to a pointer to interface type.
+ else if (const ObjCObjectPointerType *IFacePtr
+ = ReceiverType->getAsObjCInterfacePointerType()) {
+ // Search the class, its superclasses, etc., for instance methods.
+ AddObjCMethods(IFacePtr->getInterfaceDecl(), true, CurContext, Results);
+ // Search protocols for instance methods.
+ for (ObjCObjectPointerType::qual_iterator I = IFacePtr->qual_begin(),
+ E = IFacePtr->qual_end();
+ I != E; ++I)
+ AddObjCMethods(*I, true, CurContext, Results);
+ }
+ Results.ExitScope();
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
+/// \brief Add all of the protocol declarations that we find in the given
+/// (translation unit) context.
+static void AddProtocolResults(DeclContext *Ctx, DeclContext *CurContext,
+ bool OnlyForwardDeclarations,
+ ResultBuilder &Results) {
+ typedef CodeCompleteConsumer::Result Result;
+ for (DeclContext::decl_iterator D = Ctx->decls_begin(),
+ DEnd = Ctx->decls_end();
+ D != DEnd; ++D) {
+ // Record any protocols we find.
+ if (ObjCProtocolDecl *Proto = dyn_cast<ObjCProtocolDecl>(*D))
+ if (!OnlyForwardDeclarations || Proto->isForwardDecl())
+ Results.MaybeAddResult(Result(Proto, 0), CurContext);
+ // Record any forward-declared protocols we find.
+ if (ObjCForwardProtocolDecl *Forward
+ = dyn_cast<ObjCForwardProtocolDecl>(*D)) {
+ for (ObjCForwardProtocolDecl::protocol_iterator
+ P = Forward->protocol_begin(),
+ PEnd = Forward->protocol_end();
+ P != PEnd; ++P)
+ if (!OnlyForwardDeclarations || (*P)->isForwardDecl())
+ Results.MaybeAddResult(Result(*P, 0), CurContext);
+ }
+ }
+void Sema::CodeCompleteObjCProtocolReferences(IdentifierLocPair *Protocols,
+ unsigned NumProtocols) {
+ ResultBuilder Results(*this);
+ Results.EnterNewScope();
+ // Tell the result set to ignore all of the protocols we have
+ // already seen.
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumProtocols; ++I)
+ if (ObjCProtocolDecl *Protocol = LookupProtocol(Protocols[I].first))
+ Results.Ignore(Protocol);
+ // Add all protocols.
+ AddProtocolResults(Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(), CurContext, false,
+ Results);
+ Results.ExitScope();
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
+void Sema::CodeCompleteObjCProtocolDecl(Scope *) {
+ ResultBuilder Results(*this);
+ Results.EnterNewScope();
+ // Add all protocols.
+ AddProtocolResults(Context.getTranslationUnitDecl(), CurContext, true,
+ Results);
+ Results.ExitScope();
+ HandleCodeCompleteResults(this, CodeCompleter,,Results.size());
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
index d89cb5f..57c101b 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/AST/APValue.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
#include "clang/AST/StmtObjC.h"
#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
#include "clang/Parse/ParseDiagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Parse/Template.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
@@ -86,13 +88,14 @@ Sema::TypeTy *Sema::getTypeName(IdentifierInfo &II, SourceLocation NameLoc,
II, SS->getRange()).getAsOpaquePtr();
- LookupResult Result;
- LookupParsedName(Result, S, SS, &II, LookupOrdinaryName, false, false);
+ LookupResult Result(*this, &II, NameLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupParsedName(Result, S, SS, false);
NamedDecl *IIDecl = 0;
- switch (Result.getKind()) {
+ switch (Result.getResultKind()) {
case LookupResult::NotFound:
case LookupResult::FoundOverloaded:
+ case LookupResult::FoundUnresolvedValue:
return 0;
case LookupResult::Ambiguous:
@@ -101,8 +104,10 @@ Sema::TypeTy *Sema::getTypeName(IdentifierInfo &II, SourceLocation NameLoc,
// diagnose the error then. If we don't do this, then the error
// about hiding the type will be immediately followed by an error
// that only makes sense if the identifier was treated like a type.
- if (Result.getAmbiguityKind() == LookupResult::AmbiguousTagHiding)
+ if (Result.getAmbiguityKind() == LookupResult::AmbiguousTagHiding) {
+ Result.suppressDiagnostics();
return 0;
+ }
// Look to see if we have a type anywhere in the list of results.
for (LookupResult::iterator Res = Result.begin(), ResEnd = Result.end();
@@ -122,6 +127,7 @@ Sema::TypeTy *Sema::getTypeName(IdentifierInfo &II, SourceLocation NameLoc,
// perform this lookup again (e.g., as an object name), which
// will produce the ambiguity, or will complain that it expected
// a type name.
+ Result.suppressDiagnostics();
return 0;
@@ -129,7 +135,6 @@ Sema::TypeTy *Sema::getTypeName(IdentifierInfo &II, SourceLocation NameLoc,
// ambiguity and then return that type. This might be the right
// answer, or it might not be, but it suppresses any attempt to
// perform the name lookup again.
- DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(Result, DeclarationName(&II), NameLoc);
case LookupResult::Found:
@@ -142,7 +147,7 @@ Sema::TypeTy *Sema::getTypeName(IdentifierInfo &II, SourceLocation NameLoc,
QualType T;
if (TypeDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(IIDecl)) {
DiagnoseUseOfDecl(IIDecl, NameLoc);
// C++ [temp.local]p2:
// Within the scope of a class template specialization or
// partial specialization, when the injected-class-name is
@@ -162,10 +167,16 @@ Sema::TypeTy *Sema::getTypeName(IdentifierInfo &II, SourceLocation NameLoc,
T = getQualifiedNameType(*SS, T);
} else if (ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(IIDecl)) {
- DiagnoseUseOfDecl(IIDecl, NameLoc);
T = Context.getObjCInterfaceType(IDecl);
- } else
+ } else if (UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl *UUDecl =
+ dyn_cast<UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl>(IIDecl)) {
+ // FIXME: preserve source structure information.
+ T = Context.getTypenameType(UUDecl->getTargetNestedNameSpecifier(), &II);
+ } else {
+ // If it's not plausibly a type, suppress diagnostics.
+ Result.suppressDiagnostics();
return 0;
+ }
return T.getAsOpaquePtr();
@@ -177,9 +188,10 @@ Sema::TypeTy *Sema::getTypeName(IdentifierInfo &II, SourceLocation NameLoc,
/// where the user forgot to specify the tag.
DeclSpec::TST Sema::isTagName(IdentifierInfo &II, Scope *S) {
// Do a tag name lookup in this scope.
- LookupResult R;
- LookupName(R, S, &II, LookupTagName, false, false);
- if (R.getKind() == LookupResult::Found)
+ LookupResult R(*this, &II, SourceLocation(), LookupTagName);
+ LookupName(R, S, false);
+ R.suppressDiagnostics();
+ if (R.getResultKind() == LookupResult::Found)
if (const TagDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TagDecl>(R.getAsSingleDecl(Context))) {
switch (TD->getTagKind()) {
case TagDecl::TK_struct: return DeclSpec::TST_struct;
@@ -384,6 +396,26 @@ bool Sema::isDeclInScope(NamedDecl *&D, DeclContext *Ctx, Scope *S) {
return IdResolver.isDeclInScope(D, Ctx, Context, S);
+static bool ShouldDiagnoseUnusedDecl(const NamedDecl *D) {
+ if (D->isUsed() || D->hasAttr<UnusedAttr>())
+ return false;
+ if (const ValueDecl *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D)) {
+ if (const RecordType *RT = VD->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()) {
+ if (const CXXRecordDecl *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl())) {
+ if (!RD->hasTrivialConstructor())
+ return false;
+ if (!RD->hasTrivialDestructor())
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (isa<VarDecl>(D) && !isa<ParmVarDecl>(D) &&
+ !isa<ImplicitParamDecl>(D) &&
+ D->getDeclContext()->isFunctionOrMethod());
void Sema::ActOnPopScope(SourceLocation Loc, Scope *S) {
if (S->decl_empty()) return;
assert((S->getFlags() & (Scope::DeclScope | Scope::TemplateParamScope)) &&
@@ -400,10 +432,8 @@ void Sema::ActOnPopScope(SourceLocation Loc, Scope *S) {
if (!D->getDeclName()) continue;
// Diagnose unused variables in this scope.
- if (!D->isUsed() && !D->hasAttr<UnusedAttr>() && isa<VarDecl>(D) &&
- !isa<ParmVarDecl>(D) && !isa<ImplicitParamDecl>(D) &&
- D->getDeclContext()->isFunctionOrMethod())
- Diag(D->getLocation(), diag::warn_unused_variable) << D->getDeclName();
+ if (ShouldDiagnoseUnusedDecl(D))
+ Diag(D->getLocation(), diag::warn_unused_variable) << D->getDeclName();
// Remove this name from our lexical scope.
@@ -1396,9 +1426,9 @@ bool Sema::InjectAnonymousStructOrUnionMembers(Scope *S, DeclContext *Owner,
FEnd = AnonRecord->field_end();
F != FEnd; ++F) {
if ((*F)->getDeclName()) {
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, Owner, (*F)->getDeclName(),
- LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupResult R(*this, (*F)->getDeclName(), SourceLocation(),
+ LookupOrdinaryName, ForRedeclaration);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, Owner);
NamedDecl *PrevDecl = R.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
if (PrevDecl && !isa<TagDecl>(PrevDecl)) {
// C++ [class.union]p2:
@@ -1651,7 +1681,7 @@ DeclarationName Sema::GetNameFromUnqualifiedId(UnqualifiedId &Name) {
case UnqualifiedId::IK_TemplateId: {
TemplateName TName
- = TemplateName::getFromVoidPointer(Name.TemplateId->Template);
+ = TemplateName::getFromVoidPointer(Name.TemplateId->Template);
if (TemplateDecl *Template = TName.getAsTemplateDecl())
return Template->getDeclName();
if (OverloadedFunctionDecl *Ovl = TName.getAsOverloadedFunctionDecl())
@@ -1679,9 +1709,8 @@ static bool isNearlyMatchingFunction(ASTContext &Context,
QualType DeclParamTy = Declaration->getParamDecl(Idx)->getType();
QualType DefParamTy = Definition->getParamDecl(Idx)->getType();
- DeclParamTy = Context.getCanonicalType(DeclParamTy.getNonReferenceType());
- DefParamTy = Context.getCanonicalType(DefParamTy.getNonReferenceType());
- if (DeclParamTy.getUnqualifiedType() != DefParamTy.getUnqualifiedType())
+ if (!Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(DeclParamTy.getNonReferenceType(),
+ DefParamTy.getNonReferenceType()))
return false;
@@ -1766,10 +1795,10 @@ Sema::HandleDeclarator(Scope *S, Declarator &D,
NameKind = LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage;
DC = CurContext;
- LookupResult R;
- LookupName(R, S, Name, NameKind, true,
- NameKind == LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage,
- D.getIdentifierLoc());
+ LookupResult R(*this, Name, D.getIdentifierLoc(), NameKind,
+ ForRedeclaration);
+ LookupName(R, S, NameKind == LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage);
PrevDecl = R.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
} else { // Something like "int foo::x;"
DC = computeDeclContext(D.getCXXScopeSpec(), true);
@@ -1790,8 +1819,9 @@ Sema::HandleDeclarator(Scope *S, Declarator &D,
return DeclPtrTy();
- LookupResult Res;
- LookupQualifiedName(Res, DC, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupResult Res(*this, Name, D.getIdentifierLoc(), LookupOrdinaryName,
+ ForRedeclaration);
+ LookupQualifiedName(Res, DC);
PrevDecl = Res.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
// C++
@@ -1821,17 +1851,22 @@ Sema::HandleDeclarator(Scope *S, Declarator &D,
if (isa<TranslationUnitDecl>(DC)) {
Diag(D.getIdentifierLoc(), diag::err_invalid_declarator_global_scope)
<< Name << D.getCXXScopeSpec().getRange();
- } else if (!CurContext->Encloses(DC)) {
- // The qualifying scope doesn't enclose the original declaration.
- // Emit diagnostic based on current scope.
- SourceLocation L = D.getIdentifierLoc();
- SourceRange R = D.getCXXScopeSpec().getRange();
- if (isa<FunctionDecl>(CurContext))
- Diag(L, diag::err_invalid_declarator_in_function) << Name << R;
- else
- Diag(L, diag::err_invalid_declarator_scope)
- << Name << cast<NamedDecl>(DC) << R;
- D.setInvalidType();
+ } else {
+ DeclContext *Cur = CurContext;
+ while (isa<LinkageSpecDecl>(Cur))
+ Cur = Cur->getParent();
+ if (!Cur->Encloses(DC)) {
+ // The qualifying scope doesn't enclose the original declaration.
+ // Emit diagnostic based on current scope.
+ SourceLocation L = D.getIdentifierLoc();
+ SourceRange R = D.getCXXScopeSpec().getRange();
+ if (isa<FunctionDecl>(Cur))
+ Diag(L, diag::err_invalid_declarator_in_function) << Name << R;
+ else
+ Diag(L, diag::err_invalid_declarator_scope)
+ << Name << cast<NamedDecl>(DC) << R;
+ D.setInvalidType();
+ }
@@ -2417,7 +2452,9 @@ void Sema::CheckVariableDeclaration(VarDecl *NewVD, NamedDecl *PrevDecl,
static bool isUsingDecl(Decl *D) {
- return isa<UsingDecl>(D) || isa<UnresolvedUsingDecl>(D);
+ return isa<UsingDecl>(D) ||
+ isa<UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl>(D) ||
+ isa<UnresolvedUsingValueDecl>(D);
/// \brief Data used with FindOverriddenMethod
@@ -2429,7 +2466,7 @@ struct FindOverriddenMethodData {
/// \brief Member lookup function that determines whether a given C++
/// method overrides a method in a base class, to be used with
/// CXXRecordDecl::lookupInBases().
-static bool FindOverriddenMethod(CXXBaseSpecifier *Specifier,
+static bool FindOverriddenMethod(const CXXBaseSpecifier *Specifier,
CXXBasePath &Path,
void *UserData) {
RecordDecl *BaseRecord = Specifier->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl();
@@ -2588,12 +2625,27 @@ Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator(Scope* S, Declarator& D, DeclContext* DC,
return 0;
+ bool isStatic = SC == FunctionDecl::Static;
+ // []p1:
+ // Any allocation function for a class T is a static member
+ // (even if not explicitly declared static).
+ if (Name.getCXXOverloadedOperator() == OO_New ||
+ Name.getCXXOverloadedOperator() == OO_Array_New)
+ isStatic = true;
+ // []p6 Any deallocation function for a class X is a static member
+ // (even if not explicitly declared static).
+ if (Name.getCXXOverloadedOperator() == OO_Delete ||
+ Name.getCXXOverloadedOperator() == OO_Array_Delete)
+ isStatic = true;
// This is a C++ method declaration.
NewFD = CXXMethodDecl::Create(Context, cast<CXXRecordDecl>(DC),
D.getIdentifierLoc(), Name, R, DInfo,
- (SC == FunctionDecl::Static), isInline);
+ isStatic, isInline);
- isVirtualOkay = (SC != FunctionDecl::Static);
+ isVirtualOkay = !isStatic;
} else {
// Determine whether the function was written with a
// prototype. This true when:
@@ -2812,10 +2864,8 @@ Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator(Scope* S, Declarator& D, DeclContext* DC,
TemplateIdAnnotation *TemplateId = D.getName().TemplateId;
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgsPtr(*this,
- TemplateId->getTemplateArgIsType(),
- TemplateId->getTemplateArgLocations(),
@@ -2887,8 +2937,9 @@ Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator(Scope* S, Declarator& D, DeclContext* DC,
<< Name << DC << D.getCXXScopeSpec().getRange();
- LookupResult Prev;
- LookupQualifiedName(Prev, DC, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupResult Prev(*this, Name, D.getIdentifierLoc(), LookupOrdinaryName,
+ ForRedeclaration);
+ LookupQualifiedName(Prev, DC);
assert(!Prev.isAmbiguous() &&
"Cannot have an ambiguity in previous-declaration lookup");
for (LookupResult::iterator Func = Prev.begin(), FuncEnd = Prev.end();
@@ -3068,9 +3119,13 @@ void Sema::CheckFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDecl *NewFD, NamedDecl *&PrevDecl,
// C++-specific checks.
if (CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(NewFD)) {
- } else if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(NewFD)) {
- CXXRecordDecl *Record = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(NewFD->getParent());
+ } else if (CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor =
+ dyn_cast<CXXDestructorDecl>(NewFD)) {
+ CXXRecordDecl *Record = Destructor->getParent();
QualType ClassType = Context.getTypeDeclType(Record);
+ // FIXME: Shouldn't we be able to perform thisc heck even when the class
+ // type is dependent? Both gcc and edg can handle that.
if (!ClassType->isDependentType()) {
DeclarationName Name
= Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXDestructorName(
@@ -3079,7 +3134,10 @@ void Sema::CheckFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDecl *NewFD, NamedDecl *&PrevDecl,
Diag(NewFD->getLocation(), diag::err_destructor_name);
return NewFD->setInvalidDecl();
+ CheckDestructor(Destructor);
// C++ [class]p4: A POD-struct is an aggregate class that has [...] no
// user-defined destructor.
@@ -3257,8 +3315,13 @@ void Sema::AddInitializerToDecl(DeclPtrTy dcl, ExprArg init, bool DirectInit) {
- if (!VDecl->getType()->isArrayType() &&
- RequireCompleteType(VDecl->getLocation(), VDecl->getType(),
+ // A definition must end up with a complete type, which means it must be
+ // complete with the restriction that an array type might be completed by the
+ // initializer; note that later code assumes this restriction.
+ QualType BaseDeclType = VDecl->getType();
+ if (const ArrayType *Array = Context.getAsIncompleteArrayType(BaseDeclType))
+ BaseDeclType = Array->getElementType();
+ if (RequireCompleteType(VDecl->getLocation(), BaseDeclType,
diag::err_typecheck_decl_incomplete_type)) {
@@ -3433,6 +3496,16 @@ void Sema::ActOnUninitializedDecl(DeclPtrTy dcl,
+ // An array without size is an incomplete type, and there are no special
+ // rules in C++ to make such a definition acceptable.
+ if (getLangOptions().CPlusPlus && Type->isIncompleteArrayType() &&
+ !Var->hasExternalStorage()) {
+ Diag(Var->getLocation(),
+ diag::err_typecheck_incomplete_array_needs_initializer);
+ Var->setInvalidDecl();
+ return;
+ }
// C++ [temp.expl.spec]p15:
// An explicit specialization of a static data member of a template is a
// definition if the declaration includes an initializer; otherwise, it
@@ -3563,7 +3636,7 @@ Sema::DeclGroupPtrTy Sema::FinalizeDeclaratorGroup(Scope *S, const DeclSpec &DS,
// template <typename... Args> void f(Args... args) {
// int vals[] = { args };
// }
- const IncompleteArrayType *IAT = T->getAs<IncompleteArrayType>();
+ const IncompleteArrayType *IAT = Context.getAsIncompleteArrayType(T);
Expr *Init = IDecl->getInit();
if (IAT && Init &&
(Init->isTypeDependent() || Init->isValueDependent())) {
@@ -3987,7 +4060,15 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnFinishFunctionBody(DeclPtrTy D, StmtArg BodyArg,
if (CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor = dyn_cast<CXXDestructorDecl>(dcl))
- computeBaseOrMembersToDestroy(Destructor);
+ MarkBaseAndMemberDestructorsReferenced(Destructor);
+ // If any errors have occurred, clear out any temporaries that may have
+ // been leftover. This ensures that these temporaries won't be picked up for
+ // deletion in some later function.
+ if (PP.getDiagnostics().hasErrorOccurred())
+ ExprTemporaries.clear();
+ assert(ExprTemporaries.empty() && "Leftover temporaries in function");
return D;
@@ -4236,7 +4317,7 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnTag(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec, TagUseKind TUK,
bool isStdBadAlloc = false;
bool Invalid = false;
- bool RedeclarationOnly = (TUK != TUK_Reference);
+ RedeclarationKind Redecl = (RedeclarationKind) (TUK != TUK_Reference);
if (Name && SS.isNotEmpty()) {
// We have a nested-name tag ('struct foo::bar').
@@ -4263,15 +4344,13 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnTag(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec, TagUseKind TUK,
DC = computeDeclContext(SS, true);
SearchDC = DC;
// Look-up name inside 'foo::'.
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, DC, Name, LookupTagName, RedeclarationOnly);
+ LookupResult R(*this, Name, NameLoc, LookupTagName, Redecl);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, DC);
- if (R.isAmbiguous()) {
- DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(R, Name, NameLoc, SS.getRange());
+ if (R.isAmbiguous())
return DeclPtrTy();
- }
- if (R.getKind() == LookupResult::Found)
+ if (R.getResultKind() == LookupResult::Found)
PrevDecl = dyn_cast<TagDecl>(R.getFoundDecl());
// A tag 'foo::bar' must already exist.
@@ -4287,10 +4366,9 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnTag(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec, TagUseKind TUK,
// FIXME: We're looking into outer scopes here, even when we
// shouldn't be. Doing so can result in ambiguities that we
// shouldn't be diagnosing.
- LookupResult R;
- LookupName(R, S, Name, LookupTagName, RedeclarationOnly);
+ LookupResult R(*this, Name, NameLoc, LookupTagName, Redecl);
+ LookupName(R, S);
if (R.isAmbiguous()) {
- DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(R, Name, NameLoc);
// FIXME: This is not best way to recover from case like:
// struct S s;
@@ -4552,8 +4630,9 @@ CreateNewDecl:
// shall not be declared with the same name as a typedef-name
// that is declared in that scope and refers to a type other
// than the class or enumeration itself.
- LookupResult Lookup;
- LookupName(Lookup, S, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupResult Lookup(*this, Name, NameLoc, LookupOrdinaryName,
+ ForRedeclaration);
+ LookupName(Lookup, S);
TypedefDecl *PrevTypedef = 0;
if (NamedDecl *Prev = Lookup.getAsSingleDecl(Context))
PrevTypedef = dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(Prev);
@@ -4772,7 +4851,8 @@ FieldDecl *Sema::HandleField(Scope *S, RecordDecl *Record,
if (D.getDeclSpec().isThreadSpecified())
Diag(D.getDeclSpec().getThreadSpecLoc(), diag::err_invalid_thread);
- NamedDecl *PrevDecl = LookupSingleName(S, II, LookupMemberName, true);
+ NamedDecl *PrevDecl = LookupSingleName(S, II, LookupMemberName,
+ ForRedeclaration);
if (PrevDecl && PrevDecl->isTemplateParameter()) {
// Maybe we will complain about the shadowed template parameter.
@@ -5157,7 +5237,8 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnIvar(Scope *S,
DInfo, ac, (Expr *)BitfieldWidth);
if (II) {
- NamedDecl *PrevDecl = LookupSingleName(S, II, LookupMemberName, true);
+ NamedDecl *PrevDecl = LookupSingleName(S, II, LookupMemberName,
+ ForRedeclaration);
if (PrevDecl && isDeclInScope(PrevDecl, EnclosingContext, S)
&& !isa<TagDecl>(PrevDecl)) {
Diag(Loc, diag::err_duplicate_member) << II;
@@ -5352,21 +5433,25 @@ EnumConstantDecl *Sema::CheckEnumConstant(EnumDecl *Enum,
llvm::APSInt EnumVal(32);
QualType EltTy;
- if (Val && !Val->isTypeDependent()) {
- // Make sure to promote the operand type to int.
- UsualUnaryConversions(Val);
- if (Val != val.get()) {
- val.release();
- val = Val;
- }
+ if (Val) {
+ if (Val->isTypeDependent())
+ EltTy = Context.DependentTy;
+ else {
+ // Make sure to promote the operand type to int.
+ UsualUnaryConversions(Val);
+ if (Val != val.get()) {
+ val.release();
+ val = Val;
+ }
- // C99 Make sure we have an integer constant expression.
- SourceLocation ExpLoc;
- if (!Val->isValueDependent() &&
- VerifyIntegerConstantExpression(Val, &EnumVal)) {
- Val = 0;
- } else {
- EltTy = Val->getType();
+ // C99 Make sure we have an integer constant expression.
+ SourceLocation ExpLoc;
+ if (!Val->isValueDependent() &&
+ VerifyIntegerConstantExpression(Val, &EnumVal)) {
+ Val = 0;
+ } else {
+ EltTy = Val->getType();
+ }
@@ -5388,6 +5473,8 @@ EnumConstantDecl *Sema::CheckEnumConstant(EnumDecl *Enum,
+ assert(!EltTy.isNull() && "Enum constant with NULL type");
return EnumConstantDecl::Create(Context, Enum, IdLoc, Id, EltTy,
Val, EnumVal);
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
index 18f57da..c96ab46 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ static void HandleWeakImportAttr(Decl *D, const AttributeList &Attr, Sema &S) {
} else if (isa<ObjCPropertyDecl>(D) || isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(D)) {
// We ignore weak import on properties and methods
- } else {
+ } else if (!(S.LangOpts.ObjCNonFragileABI && isa<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(D))) {
S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::warn_attribute_wrong_decl_type)
<< Attr.getName() << 2 /*variable and function*/;
@@ -1008,6 +1008,38 @@ static void HandleSectionAttr(Decl *D, const AttributeList &Attr, Sema &S) {
+static void HandleCDeclAttr(Decl *d, const AttributeList &Attr, Sema &S) {
+ // Attribute has no arguments.
+ if (Attr.getNumArgs() != 0) {
+ S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::err_attribute_wrong_number_arguments) << 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Attribute can be applied only to functions.
+ if (!isa<FunctionDecl>(d)) {
+ S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::warn_attribute_wrong_decl_type)
+ << Attr.getName() << 0 /*function*/;
+ return;
+ }
+ // cdecl and fastcall attributes are mutually incompatible.
+ if (d->getAttr<FastCallAttr>()) {
+ S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::err_attributes_are_not_compatible)
+ << "cdecl" << "fastcall";
+ return;
+ }
+ // cdecl and stdcall attributes are mutually incompatible.
+ if (d->getAttr<StdCallAttr>()) {
+ S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::err_attributes_are_not_compatible)
+ << "cdecl" << "stdcall";
+ return;
+ }
+ d->addAttr(::new (S.Context) CDeclAttr());
static void HandleStdCallAttr(Decl *d, const AttributeList &Attr, Sema &S) {
// Attribute has no arguments.
if (Attr.getNumArgs() != 0) {
@@ -1319,7 +1351,14 @@ static void HandleFormatAttr(Decl *d, const AttributeList &Attr, Sema &S) {
// FIXME: Do we need to bounds check?
unsigned ArgIdx = Idx.getZExtValue() - 1;
- if (HasImplicitThisParam) ArgIdx--;
+ if (HasImplicitThisParam) {
+ if (ArgIdx == 0) {
+ S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::err_format_attribute_not)
+ << "a string type" << IdxExpr->getSourceRange();
+ return;
+ }
+ ArgIdx--;
+ }
// make sure the format string is really a string
QualType Ty = getFunctionOrMethodArgType(d, ArgIdx);
@@ -1822,6 +1861,7 @@ static void ProcessDeclAttribute(Scope *scope, Decl *D,
case AttributeList::AT_analyzer_noreturn:
HandleAnalyzerNoReturnAttr (D, Attr, S); break;
case AttributeList::AT_annotate: HandleAnnotateAttr (D, Attr, S); break;
+ case AttributeList::AT_cdecl: HandleCDeclAttr (D, Attr, S); break;
case AttributeList::AT_constructor: HandleConstructorAttr(D, Attr, S); break;
case AttributeList::AT_deprecated: HandleDeprecatedAttr(D, Attr, S); break;
case AttributeList::AT_destructor: HandleDestructorAttr(D, Attr, S); break;
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
index b8977cf..237a869 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
@@ -12,15 +12,17 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/CXXInheritance.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeOrdering.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
+#include "clang/Parse/Template.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
-#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include <algorithm> // for std::equal
@@ -264,9 +266,18 @@ bool Sema::MergeCXXFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *New, FunctionDecl *Old) {
ParmVarDecl *NewParam = New->getParamDecl(p);
if (OldParam->hasDefaultArg() && NewParam->hasDefaultArg()) {
+ // FIXME: If the parameter doesn't have an identifier then the location
+ // points to the '=' which means that the fixit hint won't remove any
+ // extra spaces between the type and the '='.
+ SourceLocation Begin = NewParam->getLocation();
+ if (NewParam->getIdentifier())
+ Begin = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(Begin);
- << NewParam->getDefaultArgRange();
+ << NewParam->getDefaultArgRange()
+ << CodeModificationHint::CreateRemoval(SourceRange(Begin,
+ NewParam->getLocEnd()));
// Look for the function declaration where the default argument was
// actually written, which may be a declaration prior to Old.
@@ -577,7 +588,7 @@ bool Sema::AttachBaseSpecifiers(CXXRecordDecl *Class, CXXBaseSpecifier **Bases,
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < NumBases; ++idx) {
QualType NewBaseType
= Context.getCanonicalType(Bases[idx]->getType());
- NewBaseType = NewBaseType.getUnqualifiedType();
+ NewBaseType = NewBaseType.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
if (KnownBaseTypes[NewBaseType]) {
// C++ [class.mi]p3:
@@ -688,6 +699,8 @@ Sema::CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(QualType Derived, QualType Base,
if (!Paths.isAmbiguous(Context.getCanonicalType(Base).getUnqualifiedType())) {
+ if (InaccessibleBaseID == 0)
+ return false;
// Check that the base class can be accessed.
return CheckBaseClassAccess(Derived, Base, InaccessibleBaseID, Paths, Loc,
@@ -718,9 +731,11 @@ Sema::CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(QualType Derived, QualType Base,
Sema::CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(QualType Derived, QualType Base,
- SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range) {
+ SourceLocation Loc, SourceRange Range,
+ bool IgnoreAccess) {
return CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(Derived, Base,
- diag::err_conv_to_inaccessible_base,
+ IgnoreAccess ? 0 :
+ diag::err_conv_to_inaccessible_base,
Loc, Range, DeclarationName());
@@ -1018,6 +1033,10 @@ Sema::MemInitResult
Sema::BuildMemberInitializer(FieldDecl *Member, Expr **Args,
unsigned NumArgs, SourceLocation IdLoc,
SourceLocation RParenLoc) {
+ // FIXME: CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer should only contain a single
+ // subexpression so we can wrap it in a CXXExprWithTemporaries if necessary.
+ ExprTemporaries.clear();
// Diagnose value-uses of fields to initialize themselves, e.g.
// foo(foo)
// where foo is not also a parameter to the constructor.
@@ -1088,6 +1107,11 @@ Sema::BuildMemberInitializer(FieldDecl *Member, Expr **Args,
return true;
Args[0] = NewExp;
+ // FIXME: CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer should only contain a single
+ // subexpression so we can wrap it in a CXXExprWithTemporaries if necessary.
+ ExprTemporaries.clear();
// FIXME: Perform direct initialization of the member.
return new (Context) CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer(Member, (Expr **)Args,
NumArgs, C, IdLoc, RParenLoc);
@@ -1117,8 +1141,7 @@ Sema::BuildBaseInitializer(QualType BaseType, Expr **Args,
const CXXBaseSpecifier *DirectBaseSpec = 0;
for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator Base =
ClassDecl->bases_begin(); Base != ClassDecl->bases_end(); ++Base) {
- if (Context.getCanonicalType(BaseType).getUnqualifiedType() ==
- Context.getCanonicalType(Base->getType()).getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(BaseType, Base->getType())) {
// We found a direct base of this type. That's what we're
// initializing.
DirectBaseSpec = &*Base;
@@ -1166,7 +1189,7 @@ Sema::BuildBaseInitializer(QualType BaseType, Expr **Args,
CXXConstructorDecl *C = 0;
if (!BaseType->isDependentType() && !HasDependentArg) {
DeclarationName Name = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXConstructorName(
- Context.getCanonicalType(BaseType));
+ Context.getCanonicalType(BaseType).getUnqualifiedType());
ASTOwningVector<&ActionBase::DeleteExpr> ConstructorArgs(*this);
C = PerformInitializationByConstructor(BaseType,
@@ -1182,22 +1205,26 @@ Sema::BuildBaseInitializer(QualType BaseType, Expr **Args,
+ // FIXME: CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer should only contain a single
+ // subexpression so we can wrap it in a CXXExprWithTemporaries if necessary.
+ ExprTemporaries.clear();
return new (Context) CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer(BaseType, (Expr **)Args,
NumArgs, C, IdLoc, RParenLoc);
Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer **Initializers,
unsigned NumInitializers,
- llvm::SmallVectorImpl<CXXBaseSpecifier *>& Bases,
- llvm::SmallVectorImpl<FieldDecl *>&Fields) {
+ bool IsImplicitConstructor) {
// We need to build the initializer AST according to order of construction
// and not what user specified in the Initializers list.
CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Constructor->getDeclContext());
llvm::SmallVector<CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer*, 32> AllToInit;
llvm::DenseMap<const void *, CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer*> AllBaseFields;
bool HasDependentBaseInit = false;
+ bool HadError = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumInitializers; i++) {
CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Member = Initializers[i];
@@ -1239,13 +1266,8 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
E = ClassDecl->vbases_end(); VBase != E; ++VBase) {
if (VBase->getType()->isDependentType())
- if (CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Value =
- AllBaseFields.lookup(VBase->getType()->getAs<RecordType>())) {
- CXXRecordDecl *BaseDecl =
- cast<CXXRecordDecl>(VBase->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
- assert(BaseDecl && "SetBaseOrMemberInitializers - BaseDecl null");
- if (CXXConstructorDecl *Ctor = BaseDecl->getDefaultConstructor(Context))
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(Value->getSourceLocation(), Ctor);
+ if (CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Value
+ = AllBaseFields.lookup(VBase->getType()->getAs<RecordType>())) {
else {
@@ -1254,7 +1276,12 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
assert(VBaseDecl && "SetBaseOrMemberInitializers - VBaseDecl null");
CXXConstructorDecl *Ctor = VBaseDecl->getDefaultConstructor(Context);
if (!Ctor) {
- Bases.push_back(VBase);
+ Diag(Constructor->getLocation(), diag::err_missing_default_ctor)
+ << (int)IsImplicitConstructor << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl)
+ << 0 << VBase->getType();
+ Diag(VBaseDecl->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_class_decl)
+ << Context.getTagDeclType(VBaseDecl);
+ HadError = true;
@@ -1265,6 +1292,9 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
MarkDeclarationReferenced(Constructor->getLocation(), Ctor);
+ // FIXME: CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer should only contain a single
+ // subexpression so we can wrap it in a CXXExprWithTemporaries if necessary.
+ ExprTemporaries.clear();
CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Member =
new (Context) CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer(VBase->getType(),
@@ -1284,13 +1314,8 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
// Skip dependent types.
if (Base->getType()->isDependentType())
- if (CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Value =
- AllBaseFields.lookup(Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>())) {
- CXXRecordDecl *BaseDecl =
- cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
- assert(BaseDecl && "SetBaseOrMemberInitializers - BaseDecl null");
- if (CXXConstructorDecl *Ctor = BaseDecl->getDefaultConstructor(Context))
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(Value->getSourceLocation(), Ctor);
+ if (CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Value
+ = AllBaseFields.lookup(Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>())) {
else {
@@ -1299,7 +1324,12 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
assert(BaseDecl && "SetBaseOrMemberInitializers - BaseDecl null");
CXXConstructorDecl *Ctor = BaseDecl->getDefaultConstructor(Context);
if (!Ctor) {
- Bases.push_back(Base);
+ Diag(Constructor->getLocation(), diag::err_missing_default_ctor)
+ << (int)IsImplicitConstructor << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl)
+ << 0 << Base->getType();
+ Diag(BaseDecl->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_class_decl)
+ << Context.getTagDeclType(BaseDecl);
+ HadError = true;
@@ -1310,6 +1340,9 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
MarkDeclarationReferenced(Constructor->getLocation(), Ctor);
+ // FIXME: CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer should only contain a single
+ // subexpression so we can wrap it in a CXXExprWithTemporaries if necessary.
+ ExprTemporaries.clear();
CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Member =
new (Context) CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer(Base->getType(),
@@ -1328,7 +1361,7 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
if (const RecordType *FieldClassType =
Field->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()) {
CXXRecordDecl *FieldClassDecl
- = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(FieldClassType->getDecl());
+ = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(FieldClassType->getDecl());
for (RecordDecl::field_iterator FA = FieldClassDecl->field_begin(),
EA = FieldClassDecl->field_end(); FA != EA; FA++) {
if (CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Value = AllBaseFields.lookup(*FA)) {
@@ -1345,37 +1378,49 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
if (CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Value = AllBaseFields.lookup(*Field)) {
- QualType FT = (*Field)->getType();
- if (const RecordType* RT = FT->getAs<RecordType>()) {
- CXXRecordDecl *FieldRecDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl());
- assert(FieldRecDecl && "SetBaseOrMemberInitializers - BaseDecl null");
- if (CXXConstructorDecl *Ctor =
- FieldRecDecl->getDefaultConstructor(Context))
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(Value->getSourceLocation(), Ctor);
- }
- if ((*Field)->getType()->isDependentType()) {
- Fields.push_back(*Field);
+ if ((*Field)->getType()->isDependentType())
- }
QualType FT = Context.getBaseElementType((*Field)->getType());
if (const RecordType* RT = FT->getAs<RecordType>()) {
CXXConstructorDecl *Ctor =
if (!Ctor) {
- Fields.push_back(*Field);
+ Diag(Constructor->getLocation(), diag::err_missing_default_ctor)
+ << (int)IsImplicitConstructor << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl)
+ << 1 << (*Field)->getDeclName();
+ Diag(Field->getLocation(), diag::note_field_decl);
+ Diag(RT->getDecl()->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_class_decl)
+ << Context.getTagDeclType(RT->getDecl());
+ HadError = true;
+ if (FT.isConstQualified() && Ctor->isTrivial()) {
+ Diag(Constructor->getLocation(), diag::err_unintialized_member_in_ctor)
+ << (int)IsImplicitConstructor << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl)
+ << 1 << (*Field)->getDeclName();
+ Diag((*Field)->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at);
+ HadError = true;
+ }
+ // Don't create initializers for trivial constructors, since they don't
+ // actually need to be run.
+ if (Ctor->isTrivial())
+ continue;
ASTOwningVector<&ActionBase::DeleteExpr> CtorArgs(*this);
if (CompleteConstructorCall(Ctor, MultiExprArg(*this, 0, 0),
Constructor->getLocation(), CtorArgs))
+ // FIXME: CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer should only contain a single
+ // subexpression so we can wrap it in a CXXExprWithTemporaries if necessary.
+ ExprTemporaries.clear();
CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Member =
new (Context) CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer(*Field,CtorArgs.takeAs<Expr>(),
CtorArgs.size(), Ctor,
@@ -1383,23 +1428,21 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
- if (Ctor)
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(Constructor->getLocation(), Ctor);
- if (FT.isConstQualified() && (!Ctor || Ctor->isTrivial())) {
- Diag(Constructor->getLocation(), diag::err_unintialized_member_in_ctor)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl) << 1 << (*Field)->getDeclName();
- Diag((*Field)->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at);
- }
+ MarkDeclarationReferenced(Constructor->getLocation(), Ctor);
else if (FT->isReferenceType()) {
Diag(Constructor->getLocation(), diag::err_unintialized_member_in_ctor)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl) << 0 << (*Field)->getDeclName();
+ << (int)IsImplicitConstructor << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl)
+ << 0 << (*Field)->getDeclName();
Diag((*Field)->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at);
+ HadError = true;
else if (FT.isConstQualified()) {
Diag(Constructor->getLocation(), diag::err_unintialized_member_in_ctor)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl) << 1 << (*Field)->getDeclName();
+ << (int)IsImplicitConstructor << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl)
+ << 1 << (*Field)->getDeclName();
Diag((*Field)->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at);
+ HadError = true;
@@ -1413,29 +1456,8 @@ Sema::SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < NumInitializers; ++Idx)
baseOrMemberInitializers[Idx] = AllToInit[Idx];
-Sema::BuildBaseOrMemberInitializers(ASTContext &C,
- CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor,
- CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer **Initializers,
- unsigned NumInitializers
- ) {
- llvm::SmallVector<CXXBaseSpecifier *, 4> Bases;
- llvm::SmallVector<FieldDecl *, 4> Members;
- SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(Constructor,
- Initializers, NumInitializers, Bases, Members);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Bases.size(); i++) {
- if (!Bases[i]->getType()->isDependentType())
- Diag(Bases[i]->getSourceRange().getBegin(),
- diag::err_missing_default_constructor) << 0 << Bases[i]->getType();
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Members.size(); i++) {
- if (!Members[i]->getType()->isDependentType())
- Diag(Members[i]->getLocation(), diag::err_missing_default_constructor)
- << 1 << Members[i]->getType();
- }
+ return HadError;
static void *GetKeyForTopLevelField(FieldDecl *Field) {
@@ -1462,7 +1484,7 @@ static void *GetKeyForMember(CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer *Member,
if (Member->isMemberInitializer()) {
FieldDecl *Field = Member->getMember();
- // After BuildBaseOrMemberInitializers call, Field is the anonymous union
+ // After SetBaseOrMemberInitializers call, Field is the anonymous union
// data member of the class. Data member used in the initializer list is
// in AnonUnionMember field.
if (MemberMaybeAnon && Field->isAnonymousStructOrUnion())
@@ -1527,9 +1549,9 @@ void Sema::ActOnMemInitializers(DeclPtrTy ConstructorDecl,
- BuildBaseOrMemberInitializers(Context, Constructor,
+ SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(Constructor,
reinterpret_cast<CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer **>(MemInits),
- NumMemInits);
+ NumMemInits, false);
if (Constructor->isDependentContext())
@@ -1612,77 +1634,63 @@ void Sema::ActOnMemInitializers(DeclPtrTy ConstructorDecl,
-Sema::computeBaseOrMembersToDestroy(CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor) {
- CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Destructor->getDeclContext());
- llvm::SmallVector<uintptr_t, 32> AllToDestruct;
+Sema::MarkBaseAndMemberDestructorsReferenced(CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor) {
+ // Ignore dependent destructors.
+ if (Destructor->isDependentContext())
+ return;
+ CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = Destructor->getParent();
- for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_iterator VBase = ClassDecl->vbases_begin(),
- E = ClassDecl->vbases_end(); VBase != E; ++VBase) {
- if (VBase->getType()->isDependentType())
+ // Non-static data members.
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::field_iterator I = ClassDecl->field_begin(),
+ E = ClassDecl->field_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ FieldDecl *Field = *I;
+ QualType FieldType = Context.getBaseElementType(Field->getType());
+ const RecordType* RT = FieldType->getAs<RecordType>();
+ if (!RT)
- // Skip over virtual bases which have trivial destructors.
- CXXRecordDecl *BaseClassDecl
- = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(VBase->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
- if (BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialDestructor())
+ CXXRecordDecl *FieldClassDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl());
+ if (FieldClassDecl->hasTrivialDestructor())
- if (const CXXDestructorDecl *Dtor = BaseClassDecl->getDestructor(Context))
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(Destructor->getLocation(),
- const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(Dtor));
- uintptr_t Member =
- reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(VBase->getType().getTypePtr())
- | CXXDestructorDecl::VBASE;
- AllToDestruct.push_back(Member);
+ const CXXDestructorDecl *Dtor = FieldClassDecl->getDestructor(Context);
+ MarkDeclarationReferenced(Destructor->getLocation(),
+ const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(Dtor));
- for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_iterator Base =
- ClassDecl->bases_begin(),
+ // Bases.
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_iterator Base = ClassDecl->bases_begin(),
E = ClassDecl->bases_end(); Base != E; ++Base) {
+ // Ignore virtual bases.
if (Base->isVirtual())
- if (Base->getType()->isDependentType())
- continue;
- // Skip over virtual bases which have trivial destructors.
+ // Ignore trivial destructors.
CXXRecordDecl *BaseClassDecl
- = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
+ = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
if (BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialDestructor())
- if (const CXXDestructorDecl *Dtor = BaseClassDecl->getDestructor(Context))
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(Destructor->getLocation(),
- const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(Dtor));
- uintptr_t Member =
- reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Base->getType().getTypePtr())
- | CXXDestructorDecl::DRCTNONVBASE;
- AllToDestruct.push_back(Member);
- }
- // non-static data members.
- for (CXXRecordDecl::field_iterator Field = ClassDecl->field_begin(),
- E = ClassDecl->field_end(); Field != E; ++Field) {
- QualType FieldType = Context.getBaseElementType((*Field)->getType());
- if (const RecordType* RT = FieldType->getAs<RecordType>()) {
- // Skip over virtual bases which have trivial destructors.
- CXXRecordDecl *FieldClassDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl());
- if (FieldClassDecl->hasTrivialDestructor())
- continue;
- if (const CXXDestructorDecl *Dtor =
- FieldClassDecl->getDestructor(Context))
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(Destructor->getLocation(),
- const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(Dtor));
- uintptr_t Member = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(*Field);
- AllToDestruct.push_back(Member);
- }
+ const CXXDestructorDecl *Dtor = BaseClassDecl->getDestructor(Context);
+ MarkDeclarationReferenced(Destructor->getLocation(),
+ const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(Dtor));
- unsigned NumDestructions = AllToDestruct.size();
- if (NumDestructions > 0) {
- Destructor->setNumBaseOrMemberDestructions(NumDestructions);
- uintptr_t *BaseOrMemberDestructions =
- new (Context) uintptr_t [NumDestructions];
- // Insert in reverse order.
- for (int Idx = NumDestructions-1, i=0 ; Idx >= 0; --Idx)
- BaseOrMemberDestructions[i++] = AllToDestruct[Idx];
- Destructor->setBaseOrMemberDestructions(BaseOrMemberDestructions);
+ // Virtual bases.
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_iterator VBase = ClassDecl->vbases_begin(),
+ E = ClassDecl->vbases_end(); VBase != E; ++VBase) {
+ // Ignore trivial destructors.
+ CXXRecordDecl *BaseClassDecl
+ = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(VBase->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
+ if (BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialDestructor())
+ continue;
+ const CXXDestructorDecl *Dtor = BaseClassDecl->getDestructor(Context);
+ MarkDeclarationReferenced(Destructor->getLocation(),
+ const_cast<CXXDestructorDecl*>(Dtor));
@@ -1694,9 +1702,7 @@ void Sema::ActOnDefaultCtorInitializers(DeclPtrTy CDtorDecl) {
if (CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor
= dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(CDtorDecl.getAs<Decl>()))
- BuildBaseOrMemberInitializers(Context,
- Constructor,
- (CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer **)0, 0);
+ SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(Constructor, 0, 0, false);
namespace {
@@ -1931,7 +1937,7 @@ void Sema::ActOnFinishCXXMemberSpecification(Scope* S, SourceLocation RLoc,
if (RD->isAbstract())
- AbstractClassUsageDiagnoser(*this, RD);
+ (void)AbstractClassUsageDiagnoser(*this, RD);
if (!RD->isDependentType() && !RD->isInvalidDecl())
@@ -2334,13 +2340,18 @@ void Sema::CheckConstructor(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor) {
if (!Constructor->isInvalidDecl() &&
((Constructor->getNumParams() == 1) ||
(Constructor->getNumParams() > 1 &&
- Constructor->getParamDecl(1)->hasDefaultArg()))) {
+ Constructor->getParamDecl(1)->hasDefaultArg())) &&
+ Constructor->getTemplateSpecializationKind()
+ != TSK_ImplicitInstantiation) {
QualType ParamType = Constructor->getParamDecl(0)->getType();
QualType ClassTy = Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl);
if (Context.getCanonicalType(ParamType).getUnqualifiedType() == ClassTy) {
SourceLocation ParamLoc = Constructor->getParamDecl(0)->getLocation();
Diag(ParamLoc, diag::err_constructor_byvalue_arg)
<< CodeModificationHint::CreateInsertion(ParamLoc, " const &");
+ // FIXME: Rather that making the constructor invalid, we should endeavor
+ // to fix the type.
@@ -2349,6 +2360,28 @@ void Sema::CheckConstructor(CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor) {
ClassDecl->addedConstructor(Context, Constructor);
+/// CheckDestructor - Checks a fully-formed destructor for
+/// well-formedness, issuing any diagnostics required.
+void Sema::CheckDestructor(CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor) {
+ CXXRecordDecl *RD = Destructor->getParent();
+ if (Destructor->isVirtual()) {
+ SourceLocation Loc;
+ if (!Destructor->isImplicit())
+ Loc = Destructor->getLocation();
+ else
+ Loc = RD->getLocation();
+ // If we have a virtual destructor, look up the deallocation function
+ FunctionDecl *OperatorDelete = 0;
+ DeclarationName Name =
+ Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXOperatorName(OO_Delete);
+ if (!FindDeallocationFunction(Loc, RD, Name, OperatorDelete))
+ Destructor->setOperatorDelete(OperatorDelete);
+ }
static inline bool
FTIHasSingleVoidArgument(DeclaratorChunk::FunctionTypeInfo &FTI) {
return (FTI.NumArgs == 1 && !FTI.isVariadic && FTI.ArgInfo[0].Ident == 0 &&
@@ -2606,7 +2639,8 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnStartNamespaceDef(Scope *NamespcScope,
// in that declarative region, it is treated as an original-namespace-name.
NamedDecl *PrevDecl
- = LookupSingleName(DeclRegionScope, II, LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ = LookupSingleName(DeclRegionScope, II, LookupOrdinaryName,
+ ForRedeclaration);
if (NamespaceDecl *OrigNS = dyn_cast_or_null<NamespaceDecl>(PrevDecl)) {
// This is an extended namespace definition.
@@ -2714,14 +2748,14 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnUsingDirective(Scope *S,
UsingDirectiveDecl *UDir = 0;
// Lookup namespace name.
- LookupResult R;
- LookupParsedName(R, S, &SS, NamespcName, LookupNamespaceName, false);
- if (R.isAmbiguous()) {
- DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(R, NamespcName, IdentLoc);
+ LookupResult R(*this, NamespcName, IdentLoc, LookupNamespaceName);
+ LookupParsedName(R, S, &SS);
+ if (R.isAmbiguous())
return DeclPtrTy();
- }
if (!R.empty()) {
NamedDecl *NS = R.getFoundDecl();
+ // FIXME: Namespace aliases!
assert(isa<NamespaceDecl>(NS) && "expected namespace decl");
// C++ [namespace.udir]p1:
// A using-directive specifies that the names in the nominated
@@ -2776,7 +2810,8 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnUsingDeclaration(Scope *S,
const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
UnqualifiedId &Name,
AttributeList *AttrList,
- bool IsTypeName) {
+ bool IsTypeName,
+ SourceLocation TypenameLoc) {
assert(S->getFlags() & Scope::DeclScope && "Invalid Scope.");
switch (Name.getKind()) {
@@ -2802,9 +2837,11 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnUsingDeclaration(Scope *S,
DeclarationName TargetName = GetNameFromUnqualifiedId(Name);
- NamedDecl *UD = BuildUsingDeclaration(UsingLoc, SS,
+ NamedDecl *UD = BuildUsingDeclaration(S, AS, UsingLoc, SS,
- TargetName, AttrList, IsTypeName);
+ TargetName, AttrList,
+ /* IsInstantiation */ false,
+ IsTypeName, TypenameLoc);
if (UD) {
PushOnScopeChains(UD, S);
@@ -2813,12 +2850,46 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnUsingDeclaration(Scope *S,
return DeclPtrTy::make(UD);
-NamedDecl *Sema::BuildUsingDeclaration(SourceLocation UsingLoc,
+/// Builds a shadow declaration corresponding to a 'using' declaration.
+static UsingShadowDecl *BuildUsingShadowDecl(Sema &SemaRef, Scope *S,
+ AccessSpecifier AS,
+ UsingDecl *UD, NamedDecl *Orig) {
+ // FIXME: diagnose hiding, collisions
+ // If we resolved to another shadow declaration, just coalesce them.
+ if (isa<UsingShadowDecl>(Orig)) {
+ Orig = cast<UsingShadowDecl>(Orig)->getTargetDecl();
+ assert(!isa<UsingShadowDecl>(Orig) && "nested shadow declaration");
+ }
+ UsingShadowDecl *Shadow
+ = UsingShadowDecl::Create(SemaRef.Context, SemaRef.CurContext,
+ UD->getLocation(), UD, Orig);
+ UD->addShadowDecl(Shadow);
+ if (S)
+ SemaRef.PushOnScopeChains(Shadow, S);
+ else
+ SemaRef.CurContext->addDecl(Shadow);
+ Shadow->setAccess(AS);
+ return Shadow;
+/// Builds a using declaration.
+/// \param IsInstantiation - Whether this call arises from an
+/// instantiation of an unresolved using declaration. We treat
+/// the lookup differently for these declarations.
+NamedDecl *Sema::BuildUsingDeclaration(Scope *S, AccessSpecifier AS,
+ SourceLocation UsingLoc,
const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
SourceLocation IdentLoc,
DeclarationName Name,
AttributeList *AttrList,
- bool IsTypeName) {
+ bool IsInstantiation,
+ bool IsTypeName,
+ SourceLocation TypenameLoc) {
assert(!SS.isInvalid() && "Invalid CXXScopeSpec.");
assert(IdentLoc.isValid() && "Invalid TargetName location.");
@@ -2833,14 +2904,20 @@ NamedDecl *Sema::BuildUsingDeclaration(SourceLocation UsingLoc,
NestedNameSpecifier *NNS =
static_cast<NestedNameSpecifier *>(SS.getScopeRep());
- if (isUnknownSpecialization(SS)) {
- return UnresolvedUsingDecl::Create(Context, CurContext, UsingLoc,
- SS.getRange(), NNS,
- IdentLoc, Name, IsTypeName);
+ DeclContext *LookupContext = computeDeclContext(SS);
+ if (!LookupContext) {
+ if (IsTypeName) {
+ return UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl::Create(Context, CurContext,
+ UsingLoc, TypenameLoc,
+ SS.getRange(), NNS,
+ IdentLoc, Name);
+ } else {
+ return UnresolvedUsingValueDecl::Create(Context, CurContext,
+ UsingLoc, SS.getRange(), NNS,
+ IdentLoc, Name);
+ }
- DeclContext *LookupContext = 0;
if (const CXXRecordDecl *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(CurContext)) {
// C++0x N2914 [namespace.udecl]p3:
// A using-declaration used as a member-declaration shall refer to a member
@@ -2848,37 +2925,36 @@ NamedDecl *Sema::BuildUsingDeclaration(SourceLocation UsingLoc,
// anonymous union that is a member of a base class of the class being
// defined, or shall refer to an enumerator for an enumeration type that is
// a member of a base class of the class being defined.
- const Type *Ty = NNS->getAsType();
- if (!Ty || !IsDerivedFrom(Context.getTagDeclType(RD), QualType(Ty, 0))) {
+ CXXRecordDecl *LookupRD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(LookupContext);
+ if (!LookupRD || !RD->isDerivedFrom(LookupRD)) {
<< NNS << RD->getDeclName();
return 0;
- QualType BaseTy = Context.getCanonicalType(QualType(Ty, 0));
- LookupContext = BaseTy->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl();
} else {
// C++0x N2914 [namespace.udecl]p8:
// A using-declaration for a class member shall be a member-declaration.
- if (NNS->getKind() == NestedNameSpecifier::TypeSpec) {
+ if (isa<CXXRecordDecl>(LookupContext)) {
Diag(IdentLoc, diag::err_using_decl_can_not_refer_to_class_member)
<< SS.getRange();
return 0;
- // C++0x N2914 [namespace.udecl]p9:
- // In a using-declaration, a prefix :: refers to the global namespace.
- if (NNS->getKind() == NestedNameSpecifier::Global)
- LookupContext = Context.getTranslationUnitDecl();
- else
- LookupContext = NNS->getAsNamespace();
+ // Look up the target name. Unlike most lookups, we do not want to
+ // hide tag declarations: tag names are visible through the using
+ // declaration even if hidden by ordinary names.
+ LookupResult R(*this, Name, IdentLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
- // Lookup target name.
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, LookupContext, Name, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ // We don't hide tags behind ordinary decls if we're in a
+ // non-dependent context, but in a dependent context, this is
+ // important for the stability of two-phase lookup.
+ if (!IsInstantiation)
+ R.setHideTags(false);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, LookupContext);
if (R.empty()) {
Diag(IdentLoc, diag::err_no_member)
@@ -2886,24 +2962,49 @@ NamedDecl *Sema::BuildUsingDeclaration(SourceLocation UsingLoc,
return 0;
- // FIXME: handle ambiguity?
- NamedDecl *ND = R.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
- if (IsTypeName && !isa<TypeDecl>(ND)) {
- Diag(IdentLoc, diag::err_using_typename_non_type);
+ if (R.isAmbiguous())
return 0;
+ if (IsTypeName) {
+ // If we asked for a typename and got a non-type decl, error out.
+ if (R.getResultKind() != LookupResult::Found
+ || !isa<TypeDecl>(R.getFoundDecl())) {
+ Diag(IdentLoc, diag::err_using_typename_non_type);
+ for (LookupResult::iterator I = R.begin(), E = R.end(); I != E; ++I)
+ Diag((*I)->getUnderlyingDecl()->getLocation(),
+ diag::note_using_decl_target);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If we asked for a non-typename and we got a type, error out,
+ // but only if this is an instantiation of an unresolved using
+ // decl. Otherwise just silently find the type name.
+ if (IsInstantiation &&
+ R.getResultKind() == LookupResult::Found &&
+ isa<TypeDecl>(R.getFoundDecl())) {
+ Diag(IdentLoc, diag::err_using_dependent_value_is_type);
+ Diag(R.getFoundDecl()->getLocation(), diag::note_using_decl_target);
+ return 0;
+ }
// C++0x N2914 [namespace.udecl]p6:
// A using-declaration shall not name a namespace.
- if (isa<NamespaceDecl>(ND)) {
+ if (R.getResultKind() == LookupResult::Found
+ && isa<NamespaceDecl>(R.getFoundDecl())) {
Diag(IdentLoc, diag::err_using_decl_can_not_refer_to_namespace)
<< SS.getRange();
return 0;
- return UsingDecl::Create(Context, CurContext, IdentLoc, SS.getRange(),
- ND->getLocation(), UsingLoc, ND, NNS, IsTypeName);
+ UsingDecl *UD = UsingDecl::Create(Context, CurContext, IdentLoc,
+ SS.getRange(), UsingLoc, NNS, Name,
+ IsTypeName);
+ for (LookupResult::iterator I = R.begin(), E = R.end(); I != E; ++I)
+ BuildUsingShadowDecl(*this, S, AS, UD, *I);
+ return UD;
/// getNamespaceDecl - Returns the namespace a decl represents. If the decl
@@ -2923,12 +3024,12 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnNamespaceAliasDef(Scope *S,
IdentifierInfo *Ident) {
// Lookup the namespace name.
- LookupResult R;
- LookupParsedName(R, S, &SS, Ident, LookupNamespaceName, false);
+ LookupResult R(*this, Ident, IdentLoc, LookupNamespaceName);
+ LookupParsedName(R, S, &SS);
// Check if we have a previous declaration with the same name.
if (NamedDecl *PrevDecl
- = LookupSingleName(S, Alias, LookupOrdinaryName, true)) {
+ = LookupSingleName(S, Alias, LookupOrdinaryName, ForRedeclaration)) {
if (NamespaceAliasDecl *AD = dyn_cast<NamespaceAliasDecl>(PrevDecl)) {
// We already have an alias with the same name that points to the same
// namespace, so don't create a new one.
@@ -2944,10 +3045,8 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnNamespaceAliasDef(Scope *S,
return DeclPtrTy();
- if (R.isAmbiguous()) {
- DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(R, Ident, IdentLoc);
+ if (R.isAmbiguous())
return DeclPtrTy();
- }
if (R.empty()) {
Diag(NamespaceLoc, diag::err_expected_namespace_name) << SS.getRange();
@@ -2973,76 +3072,22 @@ void Sema::DefineImplicitDefaultConstructor(SourceLocation CurrentLocation,
CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl
= cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Constructor->getDeclContext());
assert(ClassDecl && "DefineImplicitDefaultConstructor - invalid constructor");
- // Before the implicitly-declared default constructor for a class is
- // implicitly defined, all the implicitly-declared default constructors
- // for its base class and its non-static data members shall have been
- // implicitly defined.
- bool err = false;
- for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_iterator Base = ClassDecl->bases_begin(),
- E = ClassDecl->bases_end(); Base != E; ++Base) {
- CXXRecordDecl *BaseClassDecl
- = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
- if (!BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialConstructor()) {
- if (CXXConstructorDecl *BaseCtor =
- BaseClassDecl->getDefaultConstructor(Context))
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(CurrentLocation, BaseCtor);
- else {
- Diag(CurrentLocation, diag::err_defining_default_ctor)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl) << 0
- << Context.getTagDeclType(BaseClassDecl);
- Diag(BaseClassDecl->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_class_decl)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(BaseClassDecl);
- err = true;
- }
- }
- }
- for (CXXRecordDecl::field_iterator Field = ClassDecl->field_begin(),
- E = ClassDecl->field_end(); Field != E; ++Field) {
- QualType FieldType = Context.getCanonicalType((*Field)->getType());
- if (const ArrayType *Array = Context.getAsArrayType(FieldType))
- FieldType = Array->getElementType();
- if (const RecordType *FieldClassType = FieldType->getAs<RecordType>()) {
- CXXRecordDecl *FieldClassDecl
- = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(FieldClassType->getDecl());
- if (!FieldClassDecl->hasTrivialConstructor()) {
- if (CXXConstructorDecl *FieldCtor =
- FieldClassDecl->getDefaultConstructor(Context))
- MarkDeclarationReferenced(CurrentLocation, FieldCtor);
- else {
- Diag(CurrentLocation, diag::err_defining_default_ctor)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl) << 1 <<
- Context.getTagDeclType(FieldClassDecl);
- Diag((*Field)->getLocation(), diag::note_field_decl);
- Diag(FieldClassDecl->getLocation(), diag::note_previous_class_decl)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(FieldClassDecl);
- err = true;
- }
- }
- } else if (FieldType->isReferenceType()) {
- Diag(CurrentLocation, diag::err_unintialized_member)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl) << 0 << Field->getDeclName();
- Diag((*Field)->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at);
- err = true;
- } else if (FieldType.isConstQualified()) {
- Diag(CurrentLocation, diag::err_unintialized_member)
- << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl) << 1 << Field->getDeclName();
- Diag((*Field)->getLocation(), diag::note_declared_at);
- err = true;
- }
- }
- if (!err)
- Constructor->setUsed();
- else
+ if (SetBaseOrMemberInitializers(Constructor, 0, 0, true)) {
+ Diag(CurrentLocation, diag::note_ctor_synthesized_at)
+ << Context.getTagDeclType(ClassDecl);
+ } else {
+ Constructor->setUsed();
+ }
+ return;
void Sema::DefineImplicitDestructor(SourceLocation CurrentLocation,
CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor) {
assert((Destructor->isImplicit() && !Destructor->isUsed()) &&
"DefineImplicitDestructor - call it for implicit default dtor");
- CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl
- = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Destructor->getDeclContext());
+ CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = Destructor->getParent();
assert(ClassDecl && "DefineImplicitDestructor - invalid destructor");
// C++ [class.dtor] p5
// Before the implicitly-declared default destructor for a class is
@@ -3399,6 +3444,107 @@ void Sema::AddCXXDirectInitializerToDecl(DeclPtrTy Dcl,
+/// \brief Add the applicable constructor candidates for an initialization
+/// by constructor.
+static void AddConstructorInitializationCandidates(Sema &SemaRef,
+ QualType ClassType,
+ Expr **Args,
+ unsigned NumArgs,
+ Sema::InitializationKind Kind,
+ OverloadCandidateSet &CandidateSet) {
+ // C++ [dcl.init]p14:
+ // If the initialization is direct-initialization, or if it is
+ // copy-initialization where the cv-unqualified version of the
+ // source type is the same class as, or a derived class of, the
+ // class of the destination, constructors are considered. The
+ // applicable constructors are enumerated (, and the
+ // best one is chosen through overload resolution (13.3). The
+ // constructor so selected is called to initialize the object,
+ // with the initializer expression(s) as its argument(s). If no
+ // constructor applies, or the overload resolution is ambiguous,
+ // the initialization is ill-formed.
+ const RecordType *ClassRec = ClassType->getAs<RecordType>();
+ assert(ClassRec && "Can only initialize a class type here");
+ // FIXME: When we decide not to synthesize the implicitly-declared
+ // constructors, we'll need to make them appear here.
+ const CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(ClassRec->getDecl());
+ DeclarationName ConstructorName
+ = SemaRef.Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXConstructorName(
+ SemaRef.Context.getCanonicalType(ClassType).getUnqualifiedType());
+ DeclContext::lookup_const_iterator Con, ConEnd;
+ for (llvm::tie(Con, ConEnd) = ClassDecl->lookup(ConstructorName);
+ Con != ConEnd; ++Con) {
+ // Find the constructor (which may be a template).
+ CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor = 0;
+ FunctionTemplateDecl *ConstructorTmpl= dyn_cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*Con);
+ if (ConstructorTmpl)
+ Constructor
+ = cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(ConstructorTmpl->getTemplatedDecl());
+ else
+ Constructor = cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(*Con);
+ if ((Kind == Sema::IK_Direct) ||
+ (Kind == Sema::IK_Copy &&
+ Constructor->isConvertingConstructor(/*AllowExplicit=*/false)) ||
+ (Kind == Sema::IK_Default && Constructor->isDefaultConstructor())) {
+ if (ConstructorTmpl)
+ SemaRef.AddTemplateOverloadCandidate(ConstructorTmpl, false, 0, 0,
+ Args, NumArgs, CandidateSet);
+ else
+ SemaRef.AddOverloadCandidate(Constructor, Args, NumArgs, CandidateSet);
+ }
+ }
+/// \brief Attempt to perform initialization by constructor
+/// (C++ [dcl.init]p14), which may occur as part of direct-initialization or
+/// copy-initialization.
+/// This routine determines whether initialization by constructor is possible,
+/// but it does not emit any diagnostics in the case where the initialization
+/// is ill-formed.
+/// \param ClassType the type of the object being initialized, which must have
+/// class type.
+/// \param Args the arguments provided to initialize the object
+/// \param NumArgs the number of arguments provided to initialize the object
+/// \param Kind the type of initialization being performed
+/// \returns the constructor used to initialize the object, if successful.
+/// Otherwise, emits a diagnostic and returns NULL.
+CXXConstructorDecl *
+Sema::TryInitializationByConstructor(QualType ClassType,
+ Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
+ SourceLocation Loc,
+ InitializationKind Kind) {
+ // Build the overload candidate set
+ OverloadCandidateSet CandidateSet;
+ AddConstructorInitializationCandidates(*this, ClassType, Args, NumArgs, Kind,
+ CandidateSet);
+ // Determine whether we found a constructor we can use.
+ OverloadCandidateSet::iterator Best;
+ switch (BestViableFunction(CandidateSet, Loc, Best)) {
+ case OR_Success:
+ case OR_Deleted:
+ // We found a constructor. Return it.
+ return cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(Best->Function);
+ case OR_No_Viable_Function:
+ case OR_Ambiguous:
+ // Overload resolution failed. Return nothing.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Silence GCC warning
+ return 0;
/// \brief Perform initialization by constructor (C++ [dcl.init]p14), which
/// may occur as part of direct-initialization or copy-initialization.
@@ -3428,55 +3574,13 @@ Sema::PerformInitializationByConstructor(QualType ClassType,
DeclarationName InitEntity,
InitializationKind Kind,
ASTOwningVector<&ActionBase::DeleteExpr> &ConvertedArgs) {
- const RecordType *ClassRec = ClassType->getAs<RecordType>();
- assert(ClassRec && "Can only initialize a class type here");
+ // Build the overload candidate set
Expr **Args = (Expr **)ArgsPtr.get();
unsigned NumArgs = ArgsPtr.size();
- // C++ [dcl.init]p14:
- // If the initialization is direct-initialization, or if it is
- // copy-initialization where the cv-unqualified version of the
- // source type is the same class as, or a derived class of, the
- // class of the destination, constructors are considered. The
- // applicable constructors are enumerated (, and the
- // best one is chosen through overload resolution (13.3). The
- // constructor so selected is called to initialize the object,
- // with the initializer expression(s) as its argument(s). If no
- // constructor applies, or the overload resolution is ambiguous,
- // the initialization is ill-formed.
- const CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(ClassRec->getDecl());
OverloadCandidateSet CandidateSet;
- // Add constructors to the overload set.
- DeclarationName ConstructorName
- = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXConstructorName(
- Context.getCanonicalType(ClassType.getUnqualifiedType()));
- DeclContext::lookup_const_iterator Con, ConEnd;
- for (llvm::tie(Con, ConEnd) = ClassDecl->lookup(ConstructorName);
- Con != ConEnd; ++Con) {
- // Find the constructor (which may be a template).
- CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor = 0;
- FunctionTemplateDecl *ConstructorTmpl= dyn_cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*Con);
- if (ConstructorTmpl)
- Constructor
- = cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(ConstructorTmpl->getTemplatedDecl());
- else
- Constructor = cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(*Con);
- if ((Kind == IK_Direct) ||
- (Kind == IK_Copy &&
- Constructor->isConvertingConstructor(/*AllowExplicit=*/false)) ||
- (Kind == IK_Default && Constructor->isDefaultConstructor())) {
- if (ConstructorTmpl)
- AddTemplateOverloadCandidate(ConstructorTmpl, false, 0, 0,
- Args, NumArgs, CandidateSet);
- else
- AddOverloadCandidate(Constructor, Args, NumArgs, CandidateSet);
- }
- }
- // FIXME: When we decide not to synthesize the implicitly-declared
- // constructors, we'll need to make them appear here.
+ AddConstructorInitializationCandidates(*this, ClassType, Args, NumArgs, Kind,
+ CandidateSet);
OverloadCandidateSet::iterator Best;
switch (BestViableFunction(CandidateSet, Loc, Best)) {
@@ -3613,8 +3717,8 @@ Sema::CompareReferenceRelationship(SourceLocation Loc,
QualType T1 = Context.getCanonicalType(OrigT1);
QualType T2 = Context.getCanonicalType(OrigT2);
- QualType UnqualT1 = T1.getUnqualifiedType();
- QualType UnqualT2 = T2.getUnqualifiedType();
+ QualType UnqualT1 = T1.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
+ QualType UnqualT2 = T2.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
// C++ [dcl.init.ref]p4:
// Given types "cv1 T1" and "cv2 T2," "cv1 T1" is
@@ -3663,12 +3767,15 @@ Sema::CompareReferenceRelationship(SourceLocation Loc,
/// When @p AllowExplicit, we also permit explicit user-defined
/// conversion functions.
/// When @p ForceRValue, we unconditionally treat the initializer as an rvalue.
+/// When @p IgnoreBaseAccess, we don't do access control on to-base conversion.
+/// This is used when this is called from a C-style cast.
Sema::CheckReferenceInit(Expr *&Init, QualType DeclType,
SourceLocation DeclLoc,
bool SuppressUserConversions,
bool AllowExplicit, bool ForceRValue,
- ImplicitConversionSequence *ICS) {
+ ImplicitConversionSequence *ICS,
+ bool IgnoreBaseAccess) {
assert(DeclType->isReferenceType() && "Reference init needs a reference");
QualType T1 = DeclType->getAs<ReferenceType>()->getPointeeType();
@@ -3827,6 +3934,7 @@ Sema::CheckReferenceInit(Expr *&Init, QualType DeclType,
ICS->UserDefined.Before = Best->Conversions[0].Standard;
ICS->UserDefined.After = Best->FinalConversion;
ICS->UserDefined.ConversionFunction = Best->Function;
+ ICS->UserDefined.EllipsisConversion = false;
assert(ICS->UserDefined.After.ReferenceBinding &&
ICS->UserDefined.After.DirectBinding &&
"Expected a direct reference binding!");
@@ -3882,7 +3990,8 @@ Sema::CheckReferenceInit(Expr *&Init, QualType DeclType,
// actually happens.
if (DerivedToBase)
return CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(T2, T1, DeclLoc,
- Init->getSourceRange());
+ Init->getSourceRange(),
+ IgnoreBaseAccess);
return false;
@@ -4051,9 +4160,28 @@ bool Sema::CheckOverloadedOperatorDeclaration(FunctionDecl *FnDecl) {
// found in the rest of this subclause do not apply to them unless
// explicitly stated in 3.7.3.
// FIXME: Write a separate routine for checking this. For now, just allow it.
- if (Op == OO_New || Op == OO_Array_New ||
- Op == OO_Delete || Op == OO_Array_Delete)
+ if (Op == OO_Delete || Op == OO_Array_Delete)
return false;
+ if (Op == OO_New || Op == OO_Array_New) {
+ bool ret = false;
+ if (FunctionDecl::param_iterator Param = FnDecl->param_begin()) {
+ QualType SizeTy = Context.getCanonicalType(Context.getSizeType());
+ QualType T = Context.getCanonicalType((*Param)->getType());
+ if (!T->isDependentType() && SizeTy != T) {
+ Diag(FnDecl->getLocation(),
+ diag::err_operator_new_param_type) << FnDecl->getDeclName()
+ << SizeTy;
+ ret = true;
+ }
+ }
+ QualType ResultTy = Context.getCanonicalType(FnDecl->getResultType());
+ if (!ResultTy->isDependentType() && ResultTy != Context.VoidPtrTy)
+ return Diag(FnDecl->getLocation(),
+ diag::err_operator_new_result_type) << FnDecl->getDeclName()
+ << static_cast<QualType>(Context.VoidPtrTy);
+ return ret;
+ }
// C++ [over.oper]p6:
// An operator function shall either be a non-static member
@@ -4182,7 +4310,6 @@ bool Sema::CheckOverloadedOperatorDeclaration(FunctionDecl *FnDecl) {
assert(isa<CXXMethodDecl>(FnDecl) &&
"Overloaded = not member, but not filtered.");
CXXMethodDecl *Method = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(FnDecl);
- Method->setCopyAssignment(true);
Method->getParent()->addedAssignmentOperator(Context, Method);
@@ -4549,8 +4676,8 @@ Sema::ActOnFriendFunctionDecl(Scope *S,
// FIXME: handle dependent contexts
if (!DC) return DeclPtrTy();
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, DC, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupResult R(*this, Name, Loc, LookupOrdinaryName, ForRedeclaration);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, DC);
PrevDecl = R.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
// If searching in that context implicitly found a declaration in
@@ -4584,8 +4711,8 @@ Sema::ActOnFriendFunctionDecl(Scope *S,
while (DC->isRecord())
DC = DC->getParent();
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, DC, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupResult R(*this, Name, Loc, LookupOrdinaryName, ForRedeclaration);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, DC);
PrevDecl = R.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
// TODO: decide what we think about using declarations.
@@ -4697,7 +4824,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckOverridingFunctionReturnType(const CXXMethodDecl *New,
QualType COldTy = Context.getCanonicalType(OldTy);
if (CNewTy == COldTy &&
- CNewTy.getCVRQualifiers() == COldTy.getCVRQualifiers())
+ CNewTy.getLocalCVRQualifiers() == COldTy.getLocalCVRQualifiers())
return false;
// Check if the return types are covariant
@@ -4726,7 +4853,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckOverridingFunctionReturnType(const CXXMethodDecl *New,
return true;
- if (NewClassTy.getUnqualifiedType() != OldClassTy.getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (!Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(NewClassTy, OldClassTy)) {
// Check if the new class derives from the old class.
if (!IsDerivedFrom(NewClassTy, OldClassTy)) {
@@ -4748,7 +4875,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckOverridingFunctionReturnType(const CXXMethodDecl *New,
// The qualifiers of the return types must be the same.
- if (CNewTy.getCVRQualifiers() != COldTy.getCVRQualifiers()) {
+ if (CNewTy.getLocalCVRQualifiers() != COldTy.getLocalCVRQualifiers()) {
<< New->getDeclName() << NewTy << OldTy;
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
index 93f8d0d..0c5569c 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
@@ -112,6 +112,14 @@ ActOnStartClassInterface(SourceLocation AtInterfaceLoc,
+ // Since this ObjCInterfaceDecl was created by a forward declaration,
+ // we now add it to the DeclContext since it wasn't added before
+ // (see ActOnForwardClassDeclaration).
+ CurContext->addDecl(IDecl);
+ if (AttrList)
+ ProcessDeclAttributeList(TUScope, IDecl, AttrList);
} else {
IDecl = ObjCInterfaceDecl::Create(Context, CurContext, AtInterfaceLoc,
@@ -1113,10 +1121,46 @@ void Sema::ImplMethodsVsClassMethods(ObjCImplDecl* IMPDecl,
assert(false && "invalid ObjCContainerDecl type.");
+Sema::AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules (ObjCImplDecl* IMPDecl,
+ ObjCContainerDecl* IDecl) {
+ // Rules apply in non-GC mode only
+ if (getLangOptions().getGCMode() != LangOptions::NonGC)
+ return;
+ for (ObjCContainerDecl::prop_iterator I = IDecl->prop_begin(),
+ E = IDecl->prop_end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ ObjCPropertyDecl *Property = (*I);
+ unsigned Attributes = Property->getPropertyAttributes();
+ // We only care about readwrite atomic property.
+ if ((Attributes & ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_nonatomic) ||
+ !(Attributes & ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_readwrite))
+ continue;
+ if (const ObjCPropertyImplDecl *PIDecl
+ = IMPDecl->FindPropertyImplDecl(Property->getIdentifier())) {
+ if (PIDecl->getPropertyImplementation() == ObjCPropertyImplDecl::Dynamic)
+ continue;
+ ObjCMethodDecl *GetterMethod =
+ IMPDecl->getInstanceMethod(Property->getGetterName());
+ ObjCMethodDecl *SetterMethod =
+ IMPDecl->getInstanceMethod(Property->getSetterName());
+ if ((GetterMethod && !SetterMethod) || (!GetterMethod && SetterMethod)) {
+ SourceLocation MethodLoc =
+ (GetterMethod ? GetterMethod->getLocation()
+ : SetterMethod->getLocation());
+ Diag(MethodLoc, diag::warn_atomic_property_rule)
+ << Property->getIdentifier();
+ Diag(Property->getLocation(), diag::note_property_declare);
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// ActOnForwardClassDeclaration -
Sema::ActOnForwardClassDeclaration(SourceLocation AtClassLoc,
IdentifierInfo **IdentList,
+ SourceLocation *IdentLocs,
unsigned NumElts) {
llvm::SmallVector<ObjCInterfaceDecl*, 32> Interfaces;
@@ -1153,18 +1197,23 @@ Sema::ActOnForwardClassDeclaration(SourceLocation AtClassLoc,
ObjCInterfaceDecl *IDecl = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(PrevDecl);
if (!IDecl) { // Not already seen? Make a forward decl.
IDecl = ObjCInterfaceDecl::Create(Context, CurContext, AtClassLoc,
- IdentList[i],
- // FIXME: need to get the 'real'
- // identifier loc from the parser.
- AtClassLoc, true);
- PushOnScopeChains(IDecl, TUScope);
+ IdentList[i], IdentLocs[i], true);
+ // Push the ObjCInterfaceDecl on the scope chain but do *not* add it to
+ // the current DeclContext. This prevents clients that walk DeclContext
+ // from seeing the imaginary ObjCInterfaceDecl until it is actually
+ // declared later (if at all). We also take care to explicitly make
+ // sure this declaration is visible for name lookup.
+ PushOnScopeChains(IDecl, TUScope, false);
+ CurContext->makeDeclVisibleInContext(IDecl, true);
+ assert(Interfaces.size() == NumElts);
ObjCClassDecl *CDecl = ObjCClassDecl::Create(Context, CurContext, AtClassLoc,
- &Interfaces[0],
+, IdentLocs,
@@ -1524,12 +1573,17 @@ void Sema::ActOnAtEnd(SourceLocation AtEndLoc, DeclPtrTy classDecl,
// should be true.
if (!ClassDecl)
bool isInterfaceDeclKind =
isa<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(ClassDecl) || isa<ObjCCategoryDecl>(ClassDecl)
|| isa<ObjCProtocolDecl>(ClassDecl);
bool checkIdenticalMethods = isa<ObjCImplementationDecl>(ClassDecl);
+ if (!isInterfaceDeclKind && AtEndLoc.isInvalid()) {
+ AtEndLoc = ClassDecl->getLocation();
+ Diag(AtEndLoc, diag::warn_missing_atend);
+ }
DeclContext *DC = dyn_cast<DeclContext>(ClassDecl);
// FIXME: Remove these and use the ObjCContainerDecl/DeclContext.
@@ -1608,8 +1662,10 @@ void Sema::ActOnAtEnd(SourceLocation AtEndLoc, DeclPtrTy classDecl,
if (ObjCImplementationDecl *IC=dyn_cast<ObjCImplementationDecl>(ClassDecl)) {
- if (ObjCInterfaceDecl* IDecl = IC->getClassInterface())
+ if (ObjCInterfaceDecl* IDecl = IC->getClassInterface()) {
ImplMethodsVsClassMethods(IC, IDecl);
+ AtomicPropertySetterGetterRules(IC, IDecl);
+ }
} else if (ObjCCategoryImplDecl* CatImplClass =
dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryImplDecl>(ClassDecl)) {
@@ -1910,13 +1966,12 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnProperty(Scope *S, SourceLocation AtLoc,
// with continuation class's readwrite property attribute!
unsigned PIkind = PIDecl->getPropertyAttributes();
if (isReadWrite && (PIkind & ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_readonly)) {
- unsigned assignRetainCopyNonatomic =
- (ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_assign |
- ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_retain |
+ unsigned retainCopyNonatomic =
+ (ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_retain |
ObjCPropertyDecl::OBJC_PR_copy |
- if ((Attributes & assignRetainCopyNonatomic) !=
- (PIkind & assignRetainCopyNonatomic)) {
+ if ((Attributes & retainCopyNonatomic) !=
+ (PIkind & retainCopyNonatomic)) {
Diag(AtLoc, diag::warn_property_attr_mismatch);
Diag(PIDecl->getLocation(), diag::note_property_declare);
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaExceptionSpec.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaExceptionSpec.cpp
index bdd00b8..25af052 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaExceptionSpec.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaExceptionSpec.cpp
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckExceptionSpecSubset(
SubIsPointer = true;
bool SubIsClass = CanonicalSubT->isRecordType();
- CanonicalSubT = CanonicalSubT.getUnqualifiedType();
+ CanonicalSubT = CanonicalSubT.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
CXXBasePaths Paths(/*FindAmbiguities=*/true, /*RecordPaths=*/true,
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckExceptionSpecSubset(
- CanonicalSuperT = CanonicalSuperT.getUnqualifiedType();
+ CanonicalSuperT = CanonicalSuperT.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
// If the types are the same, move on to the next type in the subset.
if (CanonicalSubT == CanonicalSuperT) {
Contained = true;
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
index f1d6f2b..4f08ffe 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaExpr.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
#include "clang/Parse/Designator.h"
#include "clang/Parse/Scope.h"
+#include "clang/Parse/Template.h"
using namespace clang;
@@ -622,14 +624,12 @@ Sema::OwningExprResult Sema::ActOnIdExpression(Scope *S,
if (Name.getKind() == UnqualifiedId::IK_TemplateId) {
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgsPtr(*this,
- Name.TemplateId->getTemplateArgIsType(),
return ActOnTemplateIdExpr(SS,
- Name.TemplateId->getTemplateArgLocations(),
@@ -682,15 +682,11 @@ Sema::ActOnDeclarationNameExpr(Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc,
- LookupResult Lookup;
- LookupParsedName(Lookup, S, SS, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, false, true, Loc);
+ LookupResult Lookup(*this, Name, Loc, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupParsedName(Lookup, S, SS, true);
- if (Lookup.isAmbiguous()) {
- DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(Lookup, Name, Loc,
- SS && SS->isSet() ? SS->getRange()
- : SourceRange());
+ if (Lookup.isAmbiguous())
return ExprError();
- }
NamedDecl *D = Lookup.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
@@ -814,22 +810,18 @@ Sema::ActOnDeclarationNameExpr(Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc,
// information to check this property.
if (Var->isDeclaredInCondition() && Var->getType()->isScalarType()) {
Scope *CheckS = S;
- while (CheckS) {
+ while (CheckS && CheckS->getControlParent()) {
if (CheckS->isWithinElse() &&
CheckS->getControlParent()->isDeclScope(DeclPtrTy::make(Var))) {
- if (Var->getType()->isBooleanType())
- ExprError(Diag(Loc, diag::warn_value_always_false)
- << Var->getDeclName());
- else
- ExprError(Diag(Loc, diag::warn_value_always_zero)
- << Var->getDeclName());
+ ExprError(Diag(Loc, diag::warn_value_always_zero)
+ << Var->getDeclName()
+ << (Var->getType()->isPointerType()? 2 :
+ Var->getType()->isBooleanType()? 1 : 0));
- // Move up one more control parent to check again.
- CheckS = CheckS->getControlParent();
- if (CheckS)
- CheckS = CheckS->getParent();
+ // Move to the parent of this scope.
+ CheckS = CheckS->getParent();
} else if (FunctionDecl *Func = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
@@ -986,7 +978,7 @@ Sema::BuildDeclarationNameExpr(SourceLocation Loc, NamedDecl *D,
else if (TemplateDecl *Template = dyn_cast<TemplateDecl>(D))
return BuildDeclRefExpr(Template, Context.OverloadTy, Loc,
false, false, SS);
- else if (UnresolvedUsingDecl *UD = dyn_cast<UnresolvedUsingDecl>(D))
+ else if (UnresolvedUsingValueDecl *UD = dyn_cast<UnresolvedUsingValueDecl>(D))
return BuildDeclRefExpr(UD, Context.DependentTy, Loc,
/*ValueDependent=*/true, SS);
@@ -1441,10 +1433,6 @@ QualType Sema::CheckRealImagOperand(Expr *&V, SourceLocation Loc, bool isReal) {
Sema::ActOnPostfixUnaryOp(Scope *S, SourceLocation OpLoc,
tok::TokenKind Kind, ExprArg Input) {
- // Since this might be a postfix expression, get rid of ParenListExprs.
- Input = MaybeConvertParenListExprToParenExpr(S, move(Input));
- Expr *Arg = (Expr *)Input.get();
UnaryOperator::Opcode Opc;
switch (Kind) {
default: assert(0 && "Unknown unary op!");
@@ -1452,124 +1440,7 @@ Sema::ActOnPostfixUnaryOp(Scope *S, SourceLocation OpLoc,
case tok::minusminus: Opc = UnaryOperator::PostDec; break;
- if (getLangOptions().CPlusPlus &&
- (Arg->getType()->isRecordType() || Arg->getType()->isEnumeralType())) {
- // Which overloaded operator?
- OverloadedOperatorKind OverOp =
- (Opc == UnaryOperator::PostInc)? OO_PlusPlus : OO_MinusMinus;
- // C++ []p1:
- //
- // [...] If the function is a member function with one
- // parameter (which shall be of type int) or a non-member
- // function with two parameters (the second of which shall be
- // of type int), it defines the postfix increment operator ++
- // for objects of that type. When the postfix increment is
- // called as a result of using the ++ operator, the int
- // argument will have value zero.
- Expr *Args[2] = {
- Arg,
- new (Context) IntegerLiteral(llvm::APInt(Context.Target.getIntWidth(), 0,
- /*isSigned=*/true), Context.IntTy, SourceLocation())
- };
- // Build the candidate set for overloading
- OverloadCandidateSet CandidateSet;
- AddOperatorCandidates(OverOp, S, OpLoc, Args, 2, CandidateSet);
- // Perform overload resolution.
- OverloadCandidateSet::iterator Best;
- switch (BestViableFunction(CandidateSet, OpLoc, Best)) {
- case OR_Success: {
- // We found a built-in operator or an overloaded operator.
- FunctionDecl *FnDecl = Best->Function;
- if (FnDecl) {
- // We matched an overloaded operator. Build a call to that
- // operator.
- // Convert the arguments.
- if (CXXMethodDecl *Method = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(FnDecl)) {
- if (PerformObjectArgumentInitialization(Arg, Method))
- return ExprError();
- } else {
- // Convert the arguments.
- if (PerformCopyInitialization(Arg,
- FnDecl->getParamDecl(0)->getType(),
- "passing"))
- return ExprError();
- }
- // Determine the result type
- QualType ResultTy = FnDecl->getResultType().getNonReferenceType();
- // Build the actual expression node.
- Expr *FnExpr = new (Context) DeclRefExpr(FnDecl, FnDecl->getType(),
- SourceLocation());
- UsualUnaryConversions(FnExpr);
- Input.release();
- Args[0] = Arg;
- ExprOwningPtr<CXXOperatorCallExpr>
- TheCall(this, new (Context) CXXOperatorCallExpr(Context, OverOp,
- FnExpr, Args, 2,
- ResultTy, OpLoc));
- if (CheckCallReturnType(FnDecl->getResultType(), OpLoc, TheCall.get(),
- FnDecl))
- return ExprError();
- return Owned(TheCall.release());
- } else {
- // We matched a built-in operator. Convert the arguments, then
- // break out so that we will build the appropriate built-in
- // operator node.
- if (PerformCopyInitialization(Arg, Best->BuiltinTypes.ParamTypes[0],
- "passing"))
- return ExprError();
- break;
- }
- }
- case OR_No_Viable_Function: {
- // No viable function; try checking this as a built-in operator, which
- // will fail and provide a diagnostic. Then, print the overload
- // candidates.
- OwningExprResult Result = CreateBuiltinUnaryOp(OpLoc, Opc, move(Input));
- assert(Result.isInvalid() &&
- "C++ postfix-unary operator overloading is missing candidates!");
- if (Result.isInvalid())
- PrintOverloadCandidates(CandidateSet, /*OnlyViable=*/false);
- return move(Result);
- }
- case OR_Ambiguous:
- Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_ovl_ambiguous_oper)
- << UnaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(Opc)
- << Arg->getSourceRange();
- PrintOverloadCandidates(CandidateSet, /*OnlyViable=*/true);
- return ExprError();
- case OR_Deleted:
- Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_ovl_deleted_oper)
- << Best->Function->isDeleted()
- << UnaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(Opc)
- << Arg->getSourceRange();
- PrintOverloadCandidates(CandidateSet, /*OnlyViable=*/true);
- return ExprError();
- }
- // Either we found no viable overloaded operator or we matched a
- // built-in operator. In either case, fall through to trying to
- // build a built-in operation.
- }
- Input.release();
- Input = Arg;
- return CreateBuiltinUnaryOp(OpLoc, Opc, move(Input));
+ return BuildUnaryOp(S, OpLoc, Opc, move(Input));
@@ -1886,6 +1757,38 @@ Sema::BuildMemberReferenceExpr(Scope *S, ExprArg Base, SourceLocation OpLoc,
QualType BaseType = BaseExpr->getType();
+ // If the user is trying to apply -> or . to a function pointer
+ // type, it's probably because the forgot parentheses to call that
+ // function. Suggest the addition of those parentheses, build the
+ // call, and continue on.
+ if (const PointerType *Ptr = BaseType->getAs<PointerType>()) {
+ if (const FunctionProtoType *Fun
+ = Ptr->getPointeeType()->getAs<FunctionProtoType>()) {
+ QualType ResultTy = Fun->getResultType();
+ if (Fun->getNumArgs() == 0 &&
+ ((OpKind == tok::period && ResultTy->isRecordType()) ||
+ (OpKind == tok::arrow && ResultTy->isPointerType() &&
+ ResultTy->getAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType()
+ ->isRecordType()))) {
+ SourceLocation Loc = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(BaseExpr->getLocEnd());
+ Diag(Loc, diag::err_member_reference_needs_call)
+ << QualType(Fun, 0)
+ << CodeModificationHint::CreateInsertion(Loc, "()");
+ OwningExprResult NewBase
+ = ActOnCallExpr(S, ExprArg(*this, BaseExpr), Loc,
+ MultiExprArg(*this, 0, 0), 0, Loc);
+ if (NewBase.isInvalid())
+ return move(NewBase);
+ BaseExpr = NewBase.takeAs<Expr>();
+ DefaultFunctionArrayConversion(BaseExpr);
+ BaseType = BaseExpr->getType();
+ }
+ }
+ }
// If this is an Objective-C pseudo-builtin and a definition is provided then
// use that.
if (BaseType->isObjCIdType()) {
@@ -2048,17 +1951,14 @@ Sema::BuildMemberReferenceExpr(Scope *S, ExprArg Base, SourceLocation OpLoc,
// The record definition is complete, now make sure the member is valid.
- LookupResult Result;
- LookupQualifiedName(Result, DC, MemberName, LookupMemberName, false);
+ LookupResult Result(*this, MemberName, MemberLoc, LookupMemberName);
+ LookupQualifiedName(Result, DC);
if (Result.empty())
return ExprError(Diag(MemberLoc, diag::err_no_member)
<< MemberName << DC << BaseExpr->getSourceRange());
- if (Result.isAmbiguous()) {
- DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(Result, MemberName, MemberLoc,
- BaseExpr->getSourceRange());
+ if (Result.isAmbiguous())
return ExprError();
- }
NamedDecl *MemberDecl = Result.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
@@ -2356,16 +2256,6 @@ Sema::BuildMemberReferenceExpr(Scope *S, ExprArg Base, SourceLocation OpLoc,
return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(PD, PD->getType(),
MemberLoc, BaseExpr));
- for (ObjCObjectPointerType::qual_iterator I = OPT->qual_begin(),
- E = OPT->qual_end(); I != E; ++I)
- if (ObjCPropertyDecl *PD = (*I)->FindPropertyDeclaration(Member)) {
- // Check whether we can reference this property.
- if (DiagnoseUseOfDecl(PD, MemberLoc))
- return ExprError();
- return Owned(new (Context) ObjCPropertyRefExpr(PD, PD->getType(),
- MemberLoc, BaseExpr));
- }
// If that failed, look for an "implicit" property by seeing if the nullary
// selector is implemented.
@@ -2441,18 +2331,6 @@ Sema::BuildMemberReferenceExpr(Scope *S, ExprArg Base, SourceLocation OpLoc,
Diag(MemberLoc, diag::err_typecheck_member_reference_struct_union)
<< BaseType << BaseExpr->getSourceRange();
- // If the user is trying to apply -> or . to a function or function
- // pointer, it's probably because they forgot parentheses to call
- // the function. Suggest the addition of those parentheses.
- if (BaseType == Context.OverloadTy ||
- BaseType->isFunctionType() ||
- (BaseType->isPointerType() &&
- BaseType->getAs<PointerType>()->isFunctionType())) {
- SourceLocation Loc = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(BaseExpr->getLocEnd());
- Diag(Loc, diag::note_member_reference_needs_call)
- << CodeModificationHint::CreateInsertion(Loc, "()");
- }
return ExprError();
@@ -2485,12 +2363,10 @@ Sema::OwningExprResult Sema::ActOnMemberAccessExpr(Scope *S, ExprArg Base,
// Translate the parser's template argument list in our AST format.
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgsPtr(*this,
- Member.TemplateId->getTemplateArgIsType(),
llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgumentLoc, 16> TemplateArgs;
- Member.TemplateId->getTemplateArgLocations(),
@@ -2639,6 +2515,9 @@ Sema::ConvertArgumentsForCall(CallExpr *Call, Expr *Fn,
// Pass the argument.
if (PerformCopyInitialization(Arg, ProtoArgType, "passing"))
return true;
+ if (!ProtoArgType->isReferenceType())
+ Arg = MaybeBindToTemporary(Arg).takeAs<Expr>();
} else {
ParmVarDecl *Param = FDecl->getParamDecl(i);
@@ -2663,7 +2542,7 @@ Sema::ConvertArgumentsForCall(CallExpr *Call, Expr *Fn,
CallType = VariadicMethod;
// Promote the arguments (C99
- for (unsigned i = NumArgsInProto; i != NumArgs; i++) {
+ for (unsigned i = NumArgsInProto; i < NumArgs; i++) {
Expr *Arg = Args[i];
Invalid |= DefaultVariadicArgumentPromotion(Arg, CallType);
Call->setArg(i, Arg);
@@ -3054,8 +2933,7 @@ Sema::ActOnInitList(SourceLocation LBraceLoc, MultiExprArg initlist,
static CastExpr::CastKind getScalarCastKind(ASTContext &Context,
QualType SrcTy, QualType DestTy) {
- if (Context.getCanonicalType(SrcTy).getUnqualifiedType() ==
- Context.getCanonicalType(DestTy).getUnqualifiedType())
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(SrcTy, DestTy))
return CastExpr::CK_NoOp;
if (SrcTy->hasPointerRepresentation()) {
@@ -3106,8 +2984,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckCastTypes(SourceRange TyR, QualType castType, Expr *&castExpr,
if (!castType->isScalarType() && !castType->isVectorType()) {
- if (Context.getCanonicalType(castType).getUnqualifiedType() ==
- Context.getCanonicalType(castExpr->getType().getUnqualifiedType()) &&
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(castType, castExpr->getType()) &&
(castType->isStructureType() || castType->isUnionType())) {
// GCC struct/union extension: allow cast to self.
// FIXME: Check that the cast destination type is complete.
@@ -3123,8 +3000,8 @@ bool Sema::CheckCastTypes(SourceRange TyR, QualType castType, Expr *&castExpr,
RecordDecl::field_iterator Field, FieldEnd;
for (Field = RD->field_begin(), FieldEnd = RD->field_end();
Field != FieldEnd; ++Field) {
- if (Context.getCanonicalType(Field->getType()).getUnqualifiedType() ==
- Context.getCanonicalType(castExpr->getType()).getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(Field->getType(),
+ castExpr->getType())) {
Diag(TyR.getBegin(), diag::ext_typecheck_cast_to_union)
<< castExpr->getSourceRange();
@@ -3570,9 +3447,9 @@ QualType Sema::CheckConditionalOperands(Expr *&Cond, Expr *&LHS, Expr *&RHS,
= Context.getQualifiedType(rhptee, lhptee.getQualifiers());
QualType destType = Context.getPointerType(destPointee);
// Add qualifiers if necessary.
- ImpCastExprToType(LHS, destType, CastExpr::CK_NoOp);
+ ImpCastExprToType(RHS, destType, CastExpr::CK_NoOp);
// Promote to void*.
- ImpCastExprToType(RHS, destType, CastExpr::CK_BitCast);
+ ImpCastExprToType(LHS, destType, CastExpr::CK_BitCast);
return destType;
@@ -3731,6 +3608,24 @@ Sema::CheckPointerTypesForAssignment(QualType lhsType, QualType rhsType) {
return ConvTy;
return IncompatiblePointerSign;
+ // If we are a multi-level pointer, it's possible that our issue is simply
+ // one of qualification - e.g. char ** -> const char ** is not allowed. If
+ // the eventual target type is the same and the pointers have the same
+ // level of indirection, this must be the issue.
+ if (lhptee->isPointerType() && rhptee->isPointerType()) {
+ do {
+ lhptee = lhptee->getAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType();
+ rhptee = rhptee->getAs<PointerType>()->getPointeeType();
+ lhptee = Context.getCanonicalType(lhptee);
+ rhptee = Context.getCanonicalType(rhptee);
+ } while (lhptee->isPointerType() && rhptee->isPointerType());
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(lhptee, rhptee))
+ return IncompatibleNestedPointerQualifiers;
+ }
// General pointer incompatibility takes priority over qualifiers.
return IncompatiblePointer;
@@ -3757,7 +3652,7 @@ Sema::CheckBlockPointerTypesForAssignment(QualType lhsType,
AssignConvertType ConvTy = Compatible;
// For blocks we enforce that qualifiers are identical.
- if (lhptee.getCVRQualifiers() != rhptee.getCVRQualifiers())
+ if (lhptee.getLocalCVRQualifiers() != rhptee.getLocalCVRQualifiers())
ConvTy = CompatiblePointerDiscardsQualifiers;
if (!Context.typesAreCompatible(lhptee, rhptee))
@@ -4429,26 +4324,51 @@ QualType Sema::CheckShiftOperands(Expr *&lex, Expr *&rex, SourceLocation Loc,
return LHSTy;
-/// Implements -Wsign-compare.
+/// \brief Implements -Wsign-compare.
+/// \param lex the left-hand expression
+/// \param rex the right-hand expression
+/// \param OpLoc the location of the joining operator
+/// \param Equality whether this is an "equality-like" join, which
+/// suppresses the warning in some cases
void Sema::CheckSignCompare(Expr *lex, Expr *rex, SourceLocation OpLoc,
- const PartialDiagnostic &PD) {
+ const PartialDiagnostic &PD, bool Equality) {
+ // Don't warn if we're in an unevaluated context.
+ if (ExprEvalContext == Unevaluated)
+ return;
QualType lt = lex->getType(), rt = rex->getType();
// Only warn if both operands are integral.
if (!lt->isIntegerType() || !rt->isIntegerType())
+ // If either expression is value-dependent, don't warn. We'll get another
+ // chance at instantiation time.
+ if (lex->isValueDependent() || rex->isValueDependent())
+ return;
// The rule is that the signed operand becomes unsigned, so isolate the
// signed operand.
- Expr *signedOperand;
+ Expr *signedOperand, *unsignedOperand;
if (lt->isSignedIntegerType()) {
if (rt->isSignedIntegerType()) return;
signedOperand = lex;
+ unsignedOperand = rex;
} else {
if (!rt->isSignedIntegerType()) return;
signedOperand = rex;
+ unsignedOperand = lex;
+ // If the unsigned type is strictly smaller than the signed type,
+ // then (1) the result type will be signed and (2) the unsigned
+ // value will fit fully within the signed type, and thus the result
+ // of the comparison will be exact.
+ if (Context.getIntWidth(signedOperand->getType()) >
+ Context.getIntWidth(unsignedOperand->getType()))
+ return;
// If the value is a non-negative integer constant, then the
// signed->unsigned conversion won't change it.
llvm::APSInt value;
@@ -4459,6 +4379,20 @@ void Sema::CheckSignCompare(Expr *lex, Expr *rex, SourceLocation OpLoc,
+ if (Equality) {
+ // For (in)equality comparisons, if the unsigned operand is a
+ // constant which cannot collide with a overflowed signed operand,
+ // then reinterpreting the signed operand as unsigned will not
+ // change the result of the comparison.
+ if (unsignedOperand->isIntegerConstantExpr(value, Context)) {
+ assert(!value.isSigned() && "result of unsigned expression is signed");
+ // 2's complement: test the top bit.
+ if (value.isNonNegative())
+ return;
+ }
+ }
Diag(OpLoc, PD)
<< lex->getType() << rex->getType()
<< lex->getSourceRange() << rex->getSourceRange();
@@ -4472,7 +4406,8 @@ QualType Sema::CheckCompareOperands(Expr *&lex, Expr *&rex, SourceLocation Loc,
if (lex->getType()->isVectorType() || rex->getType()->isVectorType())
return CheckVectorCompareOperands(lex, rex, Loc, isRelational);
- CheckSignCompare(lex, rex, Loc, diag::warn_mixed_sign_comparison);
+ CheckSignCompare(lex, rex, Loc, diag::warn_mixed_sign_comparison,
+ (Opc == BinaryOperator::EQ || Opc == BinaryOperator::NE));
// C99 6.5.8p3 / C99 6.5.9p4
if (lex->getType()->isArithmeticType() && rex->getType()->isArithmeticType())
@@ -5637,7 +5572,8 @@ Action::OwningExprResult Sema::BuildUnaryOp(Scope *S, SourceLocation OpLoc,
UnaryOperator::Opcode Opc,
ExprArg input) {
Expr *Input = (Expr*)input.get();
- if (getLangOptions().CPlusPlus && Input->getType()->isOverloadableType()) {
+ if (getLangOptions().CPlusPlus && Input->getType()->isOverloadableType() &&
+ Opc != UnaryOperator::Extension) {
// Find all of the overloaded operators visible from this
// point. We perform both an operator-name lookup from the local
// scope and an argument-dependent lookup based on the types of
@@ -5814,8 +5750,8 @@ Sema::OwningExprResult Sema::ActOnBuiltinOffsetOf(Scope *S,
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, RD, OC.U.IdentInfo, LookupMemberName);
+ LookupResult R(*this, OC.U.IdentInfo, OC.LocStart, LookupMemberName);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, RD);
FieldDecl *MemberDecl
= dyn_cast_or_null<FieldDecl>(R.getAsSingleDecl(Context));
@@ -5828,7 +5764,7 @@ Sema::OwningExprResult Sema::ActOnBuiltinOffsetOf(Scope *S,
// FIXME: Verify that MemberDecl isn't a bitfield.
if (cast<RecordDecl>(MemberDecl->getDeclContext())->isAnonymousStructOrUnion()) {
Res = BuildAnonymousStructUnionMemberReference(
- SourceLocation(), MemberDecl, Res, SourceLocation()).takeAs<Expr>();
+ OC.LocEnd, MemberDecl, Res, OC.LocEnd).takeAs<Expr>();
} else {
// MemberDecl->getType() doesn't get the right qualifiers, but it
// doesn't matter here.
@@ -6127,6 +6063,34 @@ Sema::OwningExprResult Sema::ActOnGNUNullExpr(SourceLocation TokenLoc) {
return Owned(new (Context) GNUNullExpr(Ty, TokenLoc));
+static void
+MakeObjCStringLiteralCodeModificationHint(Sema& SemaRef,
+ QualType DstType,
+ Expr *SrcExpr,
+ CodeModificationHint &Hint) {
+ if (!SemaRef.getLangOptions().ObjC1)
+ return;
+ const ObjCObjectPointerType *PT = DstType->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>();
+ if (!PT)
+ return;
+ // Check if the destination is of type 'id'.
+ if (!PT->isObjCIdType()) {
+ // Check if the destination is the 'NSString' interface.
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID = PT->getInterfaceDecl();
+ if (!ID || !ID->getIdentifier()->isStr("NSString"))
+ return;
+ }
+ // Strip off any parens and casts.
+ StringLiteral *SL = dyn_cast<StringLiteral>(SrcExpr->IgnoreParenCasts());
+ if (!SL || SL->isWide())
+ return;
+ Hint = CodeModificationHint::CreateInsertion(SL->getLocStart(), "@");
bool Sema::DiagnoseAssignmentResult(AssignConvertType ConvTy,
SourceLocation Loc,
QualType DstType, QualType SrcType,
@@ -6134,6 +6098,8 @@ bool Sema::DiagnoseAssignmentResult(AssignConvertType ConvTy,
// Decode the result (notice that AST's are still created for extensions).
bool isInvalid = false;
unsigned DiagKind;
+ CodeModificationHint Hint;
switch (ConvTy) {
default: assert(0 && "Unknown conversion type");
case Compatible: return false;
@@ -6144,6 +6110,7 @@ bool Sema::DiagnoseAssignmentResult(AssignConvertType ConvTy,
DiagKind = diag::ext_typecheck_convert_int_pointer;
case IncompatiblePointer:
+ MakeObjCStringLiteralCodeModificationHint(*this, DstType, SrcExpr, Hint);
DiagKind = diag::ext_typecheck_convert_incompatible_pointer;
case IncompatiblePointerSign:
@@ -6167,6 +6134,9 @@ bool Sema::DiagnoseAssignmentResult(AssignConvertType ConvTy,
return false;
DiagKind = diag::ext_typecheck_convert_discards_qualifiers;
+ case IncompatibleNestedPointerQualifiers:
+ DiagKind = diag::ext_nested_pointer_qualifier_mismatch;
+ break;
case IntToBlockPointer:
DiagKind = diag::err_int_to_block_pointer;
@@ -6188,7 +6158,7 @@ bool Sema::DiagnoseAssignmentResult(AssignConvertType ConvTy,
Diag(Loc, DiagKind) << DstType << SrcType << Flavor
- << SrcExpr->getSourceRange();
+ << SrcExpr->getSourceRange() << Hint;
return isInvalid;
@@ -6405,11 +6375,29 @@ bool Sema::CheckCallReturnType(QualType ReturnType, SourceLocation Loc,
void Sema::DiagnoseAssignmentAsCondition(Expr *E) {
SourceLocation Loc;
+ unsigned diagnostic = diag::warn_condition_is_assignment;
if (isa<BinaryOperator>(E)) {
BinaryOperator *Op = cast<BinaryOperator>(E);
if (Op->getOpcode() != BinaryOperator::Assign)
+ // Greylist some idioms by putting them into a warning subcategory.
+ if (ObjCMessageExpr *ME
+ = dyn_cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(Op->getRHS()->IgnoreParenCasts())) {
+ Selector Sel = ME->getSelector();
+ // self = [<foo> init...]
+ if (isSelfExpr(Op->getLHS())
+ && Sel.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0)->getName().startswith("init"))
+ diagnostic = diag::warn_condition_is_idiomatic_assignment;
+ // <foo> = [<bar> nextObject]
+ else if (Sel.isUnarySelector() &&
+ Sel.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0)->getName() == "nextObject")
+ diagnostic = diag::warn_condition_is_idiomatic_assignment;
+ }
Loc = Op->getOperatorLoc();
} else if (isa<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(E)) {
CXXOperatorCallExpr *Op = cast<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(E);
@@ -6425,7 +6413,7 @@ void Sema::DiagnoseAssignmentAsCondition(Expr *E) {
SourceLocation Open = E->getSourceRange().getBegin();
SourceLocation Close = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(E->getSourceRange().getEnd());
- Diag(Loc, diag::warn_condition_is_assignment)
+ Diag(Loc, diagnostic)
<< E->getSourceRange()
<< CodeModificationHint::CreateInsertion(Open, "(")
<< CodeModificationHint::CreateInsertion(Close, ")");
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
index dc57681..0eea169 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaExprCXX.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/CXXInheritance.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
@@ -34,8 +35,8 @@ Sema::ActOnCXXTypeid(SourceLocation OpLoc, SourceLocation LParenLoc,
TyOrExpr = GetTypeFromParser(TyOrExpr).getAsOpaquePtr();
IdentifierInfo *TypeInfoII = &PP.getIdentifierTable().get("type_info");
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, StdNamespace, TypeInfoII, LookupTagName);
+ LookupResult R(*this, TypeInfoII, SourceLocation(), LookupTagName);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, StdNamespace);
Decl *TypeInfoDecl = R.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
RecordDecl *TypeInfoRecordDecl = dyn_cast_or_null<RecordDecl>(TypeInfoDecl);
if (!TypeInfoRecordDecl)
@@ -424,14 +425,13 @@ Sema::BuildCXXNew(SourceLocation StartLoc, bool UseGlobal,
Expr **ConsArgs = (Expr**)ConstructorArgs.get();
const RecordType *RT;
unsigned NumConsArgs = ConstructorArgs.size();
+ ASTOwningVector<&ActionBase::DeleteExpr> ConvertedConstructorArgs(*this);
if (AllocType->isDependentType() ||
Expr::hasAnyTypeDependentArguments(ConsArgs, NumConsArgs)) {
// Skip all the checks.
} else if ((RT = AllocType->getAs<RecordType>()) &&
!AllocType->isAggregateType()) {
- ASTOwningVector<&ActionBase::DeleteExpr> ConvertedConstructorArgs(*this);
Constructor = PerformInitializationByConstructor(
AllocType, move(ConstructorArgs),
@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ bool Sema::FindAllocationOverload(SourceLocation StartLoc, SourceRange Range,
DeclarationName Name, Expr** Args,
unsigned NumArgs, DeclContext *Ctx,
bool AllowMissing, FunctionDecl *&Operator) {
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, Ctx, Name, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupResult R(*this, Name, StartLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, Ctx);
if (R.empty()) {
if (AllowMissing)
return false;
@@ -754,6 +754,57 @@ void Sema::DeclareGlobalAllocationFunction(DeclarationName Name,
((DeclContext *)TUScope->getEntity())->addDecl(Alloc);
+bool Sema::FindDeallocationFunction(SourceLocation StartLoc, CXXRecordDecl *RD,
+ DeclarationName Name,
+ FunctionDecl* &Operator) {
+ LookupResult Found(*this, Name, StartLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ // Try to find operator delete/operator delete[] in class scope.
+ LookupQualifiedName(Found, RD);
+ if (Found.isAmbiguous())
+ return true;
+ for (LookupResult::iterator F = Found.begin(), FEnd = Found.end();
+ F != FEnd; ++F) {
+ if (CXXMethodDecl *Delete = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(*F))
+ if (Delete->isUsualDeallocationFunction()) {
+ Operator = Delete;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // We did find operator delete/operator delete[] declarations, but
+ // none of them were suitable.
+ if (!Found.empty()) {
+ Diag(StartLoc, diag::err_no_suitable_delete_member_function_found)
+ << Name << RD;
+ for (LookupResult::iterator F = Found.begin(), FEnd = Found.end();
+ F != FEnd; ++F) {
+ Diag((*F)->getLocation(),
+ diag::note_delete_member_function_declared_here)
+ << Name;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Look for a global declaration.
+ DeclareGlobalNewDelete();
+ DeclContext *TUDecl = Context.getTranslationUnitDecl();
+ CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr Null(Context.VoidPtrTy, SourceLocation());
+ Expr* DeallocArgs[1];
+ DeallocArgs[0] = &Null;
+ if (FindAllocationOverload(StartLoc, SourceRange(), Name,
+ DeallocArgs, 1, TUDecl, /*AllowMissing=*/false,
+ Operator))
+ return true;
+ assert(Operator && "Did not find a deallocation function!");
+ return false;
/// ActOnCXXDelete - Parsed a C++ 'delete' expression (C++ 5.3.5), as in:
/// @code ::delete ptr; @endcode
/// or
@@ -845,32 +896,21 @@ Sema::ActOnCXXDelete(SourceLocation StartLoc, bool UseGlobal,
DeclarationName DeleteName = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXOperatorName(
ArrayForm ? OO_Array_Delete : OO_Delete);
- if (Pointee->isRecordType() && !UseGlobal) {
- CXXRecordDecl *Record
- = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Pointee->getAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());
- // Try to find operator delete/operator delete[] in class scope.
- LookupResult Found;
- LookupQualifiedName(Found, Record, DeleteName, LookupOrdinaryName);
- // FIXME: Diagnose ambiguity properly
- assert(!Found.isAmbiguous() && "Ambiguous delete/delete[] not handled");
- for (LookupResult::iterator F = Found.begin(), FEnd = Found.end();
- F != FEnd; ++F) {
- if (CXXMethodDecl *Delete = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(*F))
- if (Delete->isUsualDeallocationFunction()) {
- OperatorDelete = Delete;
- break;
- }
- }
+ if (const RecordType *RT = Pointee->getAs<RecordType>()) {
+ CXXRecordDecl *RD = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl());
+ if (!UseGlobal &&
+ FindDeallocationFunction(StartLoc, RD, DeleteName, OperatorDelete))
+ return ExprError();
- if (!Record->hasTrivialDestructor())
- if (const CXXDestructorDecl *Dtor = Record->getDestructor(Context))
+ if (!RD->hasTrivialDestructor())
+ if (const CXXDestructorDecl *Dtor = RD->getDestructor(Context))
if (!OperatorDelete) {
- // Didn't find a member overload. Look for a global one.
+ // Look for a global declaration.
DeclContext *TUDecl = Context.getTranslationUnitDecl();
if (FindAllocationOverload(StartLoc, SourceRange(), DeleteName,
@@ -1064,10 +1104,11 @@ Sema::BuildCXXDerivedToBaseExpr(Expr *&From, CastExpr::CastKind CastKind,
Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
const ImplicitConversionSequence &ICS,
- const char* Flavor) {
+ const char* Flavor, bool IgnoreBaseAccess) {
switch (ICS.ConversionKind) {
case ImplicitConversionSequence::StandardConversion:
- if (PerformImplicitConversion(From, ToType, ICS.Standard, Flavor))
+ if (PerformImplicitConversion(From, ToType, ICS.Standard, Flavor,
+ IgnoreBaseAccess))
return true;
@@ -1086,18 +1127,22 @@ Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
} else if (const CXXConstructorDecl *Ctor =
dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(FD)) {
CastKind = CastExpr::CK_ConstructorConversion;
- // If the user-defined conversion is specified by a constructor, the
- // initial standard conversion sequence converts the source type to the
- // type required by the argument of the constructor
- BeforeToType = Ctor->getParamDecl(0)->getType();
+ // Do no conversion if dealing with ... for the first conversion.
+ if (!ICS.UserDefined.EllipsisConversion)
+ // If the user-defined conversion is specified by a constructor, the
+ // initial standard conversion sequence converts the source type to the
+ // type required by the argument of the constructor
+ BeforeToType = Ctor->getParamDecl(0)->getType();
assert(0 && "Unknown conversion function kind!");
- if (PerformImplicitConversion(From, BeforeToType,
- ICS.UserDefined.Before, "converting"))
- return true;
+ // Whatch out for elipsis conversion.
+ if (!ICS.UserDefined.EllipsisConversion) {
+ if (PerformImplicitConversion(From, BeforeToType,
+ ICS.UserDefined.Before, "converting",
+ IgnoreBaseAccess))
+ return true;
+ }
OwningExprResult CastArg
= BuildCXXCastArgument(From->getLocStart(),
@@ -1145,7 +1190,7 @@ Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
const StandardConversionSequence& SCS,
- const char *Flavor) {
+ const char *Flavor, bool IgnoreBaseAccess) {
// Overall FIXME: we are recomputing too many types here and doing far too
// much extra work. What this means is that we need to keep track of more
// information that is computed when we try the implicit conversion initially,
@@ -1273,7 +1318,7 @@ Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
CastExpr::CastKind Kind = CastExpr::CK_Unknown;
- if (CheckPointerConversion(From, ToType, Kind))
+ if (CheckPointerConversion(From, ToType, Kind, IgnoreBaseAccess))
return true;
ImpCastExprToType(From, ToType, Kind);
@@ -1281,7 +1326,7 @@ Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
case ICK_Pointer_Member: {
CastExpr::CastKind Kind = CastExpr::CK_Unknown;
- if (CheckMemberPointerConversion(From, ToType, Kind))
+ if (CheckMemberPointerConversion(From, ToType, Kind, IgnoreBaseAccess))
return true;
if (CheckExceptionSpecCompatibility(From, ToType))
return true;
@@ -1292,6 +1337,17 @@ Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
ImpCastExprToType(From, Context.BoolTy, CastExpr::CK_Unknown);
+ case ICK_Derived_To_Base:
+ if (CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(From->getType(),
+ ToType.getNonReferenceType(),
+ From->getLocStart(),
+ From->getSourceRange(),
+ IgnoreBaseAccess))
+ return true;
+ ImpCastExprToType(From, ToType.getNonReferenceType(),
+ CastExpr::CK_DerivedToBase);
+ break;
assert(false && "Improper second standard conversion");
@@ -1309,7 +1365,7 @@ Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
assert(false && "Improper second standard conversion");
@@ -1374,8 +1430,7 @@ QualType Sema::CheckPointerToMemberOperands(
- if (Context.getCanonicalType(Class).getUnqualifiedType() !=
- Context.getCanonicalType(LType).getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (!Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(Class, LType)) {
CXXBasePaths Paths(/*FindAmbiguities=*/true, /*RecordPaths=*/false,
// FIXME: Would it be useful to print full ambiguity paths, or is that
@@ -1827,8 +1882,6 @@ QualType Sema::FindCompositePointerType(Expr *&E1, Expr *&E2) {
!T2->isPointerType() && !T2->isMemberPointerType())
return QualType();
- // FIXME: Do we need to work on the canonical types?
// C++0x 5.9p2
// Pointer conversions and qualification conversions are performed on
// pointer operands to bring them to their composite pointer type. If
@@ -1850,8 +1903,8 @@ QualType Sema::FindCompositePointerType(Expr *&E1, Expr *&E2) {
// Now both have to be pointers or member pointers.
- if (!T1->isPointerType() && !T1->isMemberPointerType() &&
- !T2->isPointerType() && !T2->isMemberPointerType())
+ if ((!T1->isPointerType() && !T1->isMemberPointerType()) ||
+ (!T2->isPointerType() && !T2->isMemberPointerType()))
return QualType();
// Otherwise, of one of the operands has type "pointer to cv1 void," then
@@ -1865,9 +1918,13 @@ QualType Sema::FindCompositePointerType(Expr *&E1, Expr *&E2) {
// conversions in both directions. If only one works, or if the two composite
// types are the same, we have succeeded.
// FIXME: extended qualifiers?
- llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4> QualifierUnion;
- llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<const Type *, const Type *>, 4> MemberOfClass;
- QualType Composite1 = T1, Composite2 = T2;
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4> QualifierVector;
+ QualifierVector QualifierUnion;
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<const Type *, const Type *>, 4>
+ ContainingClassVector;
+ ContainingClassVector MemberOfClass;
+ QualType Composite1 = Context.getCanonicalType(T1),
+ Composite2 = Context.getCanonicalType(T2);
do {
const PointerType *Ptr1, *Ptr2;
if ((Ptr1 = Composite1->getAs<PointerType>()) &&
@@ -1899,11 +1956,11 @@ QualType Sema::FindCompositePointerType(Expr *&E1, Expr *&E2) {
} while (true);
// Rewrap the composites as pointers or member pointers with the union CVRs.
- llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<const Type *, const Type *>, 4>::iterator MOC
- = MemberOfClass.begin();
- for (llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4>::iterator
- I = QualifierUnion.begin(),
- E = QualifierUnion.end();
+ ContainingClassVector::reverse_iterator MOC
+ = MemberOfClass.rbegin();
+ for (QualifierVector::reverse_iterator
+ I = QualifierUnion.rbegin(),
+ E = QualifierUnion.rend();
I != E; (void)++I, ++MOC) {
Qualifiers Quals = Qualifiers::fromCVRMask(*I);
if (MOC->first && MOC->second) {
@@ -2085,12 +2142,19 @@ Sema::ActOnStartCXXMemberReference(Scope *S, ExprArg Base, SourceLocation OpLoc,
return move(Base);
+ // The object type must be complete (or dependent).
+ if (!BaseType->isDependentType() &&
+ RequireCompleteType(OpLoc, BaseType,
+ PDiag(diag::err_incomplete_member_access)))
+ return ExprError();
// C++ [basic.lookup.classref]p2:
// If the id-expression in a class member access (5.2.5) is an
- // unqualified-id, and the type of the object expres- sion is of a class
+ // unqualified-id, and the type of the object expression is of a class
// type C (or of pointer to a class type C), the unqualified-id is looked
// up in the scope of class C. [...]
ObjectType = BaseType.getAsOpaquePtr();
return move(Base);
@@ -2108,7 +2172,7 @@ CXXMemberCallExpr *Sema::BuildCXXMemberCallExpr(Expr *Exp,
CXXMemberCallExpr *CE =
new (Context) CXXMemberCallExpr(Context, ME, 0, 0,
- SourceLocation());
+ Exp->getLocEnd());
return CE;
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaInit.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaInit.cpp
index 4746a25..0f973d6d 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaInit.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaInit.cpp
@@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ bool Sema::CheckInitializerTypes(Expr *&Init, QualType &DeclType,
// copy-initialization where the cv-unqualified version of the
// source type is the same class as, or a derived class of, the
// class of the destination, constructors are considered.
- if ((DeclTypeC.getUnqualifiedType() == InitTypeC.getUnqualifiedType()) ||
+ if ((DeclTypeC.getLocalUnqualifiedType()
+ == InitTypeC.getLocalUnqualifiedType()) ||
IsDerivedFrom(InitTypeC, DeclTypeC)) {
const CXXRecordDecl *RD =
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaLookup.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaLookup.cpp
index 93752e1..1f49b78 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaLookup.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaLookup.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/CXXInheritance.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
@@ -34,77 +35,161 @@
using namespace clang;
-typedef llvm::SmallVector<UsingDirectiveDecl*, 4> UsingDirectivesTy;
-typedef llvm::DenseSet<NamespaceDecl*> NamespaceSet;
+namespace {
+ class UnqualUsingEntry {
+ const DeclContext *Nominated;
+ const DeclContext *CommonAncestor;
-/// UsingDirAncestorCompare - Implements strict weak ordering of
-/// UsingDirectives. It orders them by address of its common ancestor.
-struct UsingDirAncestorCompare {
+ public:
+ UnqualUsingEntry(const DeclContext *Nominated,
+ const DeclContext *CommonAncestor)
+ : Nominated(Nominated), CommonAncestor(CommonAncestor) {
+ }
- /// @brief Compares UsingDirectiveDecl common ancestor with DeclContext.
- bool operator () (UsingDirectiveDecl *U, const DeclContext *Ctx) const {
- return U->getCommonAncestor() < Ctx;
- }
+ const DeclContext *getCommonAncestor() const {
+ return CommonAncestor;
+ }
- /// @brief Compares UsingDirectiveDecl common ancestor with DeclContext.
- bool operator () (const DeclContext *Ctx, UsingDirectiveDecl *U) const {
- return Ctx < U->getCommonAncestor();
- }
+ const DeclContext *getNominatedNamespace() const {
+ return Nominated;
+ }
- /// @brief Compares UsingDirectiveDecl common ancestors.
- bool operator () (UsingDirectiveDecl *U1, UsingDirectiveDecl *U2) const {
- return U1->getCommonAncestor() < U2->getCommonAncestor();
- }
-/// AddNamespaceUsingDirectives - Adds all UsingDirectiveDecl's to heap UDirs
-/// (ordered by common ancestors), found in namespace NS,
-/// including all found (recursively) in their nominated namespaces.
-void AddNamespaceUsingDirectives(ASTContext &Context,
- DeclContext *NS,
- UsingDirectivesTy &UDirs,
- NamespaceSet &Visited) {
- DeclContext::udir_iterator I, End;
- for (llvm::tie(I, End) = NS->getUsingDirectives(); I !=End; ++I) {
- UDirs.push_back(*I);
- std::push_heap(UDirs.begin(), UDirs.end(), UsingDirAncestorCompare());
- NamespaceDecl *Nominated = (*I)->getNominatedNamespace();
- if (Visited.insert(Nominated).second)
- AddNamespaceUsingDirectives(Context, Nominated, UDirs, /*ref*/ Visited);
- }
+ // Sort by the pointer value of the common ancestor.
+ struct Comparator {
+ bool operator()(const UnqualUsingEntry &L, const UnqualUsingEntry &R) {
+ return L.getCommonAncestor() < R.getCommonAncestor();
+ }
-/// AddScopeUsingDirectives - Adds all UsingDirectiveDecl's found in Scope S,
-/// including all found in the namespaces they nominate.
-static void AddScopeUsingDirectives(ASTContext &Context, Scope *S,
- UsingDirectivesTy &UDirs) {
- NamespaceSet VisitedNS;
+ bool operator()(const UnqualUsingEntry &E, const DeclContext *DC) {
+ return E.getCommonAncestor() < DC;
+ }
- if (DeclContext *Ctx = static_cast<DeclContext*>(S->getEntity())) {
+ bool operator()(const DeclContext *DC, const UnqualUsingEntry &E) {
+ return DC < E.getCommonAncestor();
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ /// A collection of using directives, as used by C++ unqualified
+ /// lookup.
+ class UnqualUsingDirectiveSet {
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<UnqualUsingEntry, 8> ListTy;
+ ListTy list;
+ llvm::SmallPtrSet<DeclContext*, 8> visited;
+ public:
+ UnqualUsingDirectiveSet() {}
+ void visitScopeChain(Scope *S, Scope *InnermostFileScope) {
+ // C++ [namespace.udir]p1:
+ // During unqualified name lookup, the names appear as if they
+ // were declared in the nearest enclosing namespace which contains
+ // both the using-directive and the nominated namespace.
+ DeclContext *InnermostFileDC
+ = static_cast<DeclContext*>(InnermostFileScope->getEntity());
+ assert(InnermostFileDC && InnermostFileDC->isFileContext());
+ for (; S; S = S->getParent()) {
+ if (DeclContext *Ctx = static_cast<DeclContext*>(S->getEntity())) {
+ DeclContext *EffectiveDC = (Ctx->isFileContext() ? Ctx : InnermostFileDC);
+ visit(Ctx, EffectiveDC);
+ } else {
+ Scope::udir_iterator I = S->using_directives_begin(),
+ End = S->using_directives_end();
+ for (; I != End; ++I)
+ visit(I->getAs<UsingDirectiveDecl>(), InnermostFileDC);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (NamespaceDecl *NS = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(Ctx))
- VisitedNS.insert(NS);
+ // Visits a context and collect all of its using directives
+ // recursively. Treats all using directives as if they were
+ // declared in the context.
+ //
+ // A given context is only every visited once, so it is important
+ // that contexts be visited from the inside out in order to get
+ // the effective DCs right.
+ void visit(DeclContext *DC, DeclContext *EffectiveDC) {
+ if (!visited.insert(DC))
+ return;
+ addUsingDirectives(DC, EffectiveDC);
+ }
- AddNamespaceUsingDirectives(Context, Ctx, UDirs, /*ref*/ VisitedNS);
+ // Visits a using directive and collects all of its using
+ // directives recursively. Treats all using directives as if they
+ // were declared in the effective DC.
+ void visit(UsingDirectiveDecl *UD, DeclContext *EffectiveDC) {
+ DeclContext *NS = UD->getNominatedNamespace();
+ if (!visited.insert(NS))
+ return;
- } else {
- Scope::udir_iterator I = S->using_directives_begin(),
- End = S->using_directives_end();
- for (; I != End; ++I) {
- UsingDirectiveDecl *UD = I->getAs<UsingDirectiveDecl>();
- UDirs.push_back(UD);
- std::push_heap(UDirs.begin(), UDirs.end(), UsingDirAncestorCompare());
- NamespaceDecl *Nominated = UD->getNominatedNamespace();
- if (!VisitedNS.count(Nominated)) {
- VisitedNS.insert(Nominated);
- AddNamespaceUsingDirectives(Context, Nominated, UDirs,
- /*ref*/ VisitedNS);
+ addUsingDirective(UD, EffectiveDC);
+ addUsingDirectives(NS, EffectiveDC);
+ }
+ // Adds all the using directives in a context (and those nominated
+ // by its using directives, transitively) as if they appeared in
+ // the given effective context.
+ void addUsingDirectives(DeclContext *DC, DeclContext *EffectiveDC) {
+ llvm::SmallVector<DeclContext*,4> queue;
+ while (true) {
+ DeclContext::udir_iterator I, End;
+ for (llvm::tie(I, End) = DC->getUsingDirectives(); I != End; ++I) {
+ UsingDirectiveDecl *UD = *I;
+ DeclContext *NS = UD->getNominatedNamespace();
+ if (visited.insert(NS)) {
+ addUsingDirective(UD, EffectiveDC);
+ queue.push_back(NS);
+ }
+ }
+ if (queue.empty())
+ return;
+ DC = queue.back();
+ queue.pop_back();
- }
+ // Add a using directive as if it had been declared in the given
+ // context. This helps implement C++ [namespace.udir]p3:
+ // The using-directive is transitive: if a scope contains a
+ // using-directive that nominates a second namespace that itself
+ // contains using-directives, the effect is as if the
+ // using-directives from the second namespace also appeared in
+ // the first.
+ void addUsingDirective(UsingDirectiveDecl *UD, DeclContext *EffectiveDC) {
+ // Find the common ancestor between the effective context and
+ // the nominated namespace.
+ DeclContext *Common = UD->getNominatedNamespace();
+ while (!Common->Encloses(EffectiveDC))
+ Common = Common->getParent();
+ Common = Common->getPrimaryContext();
+ list.push_back(UnqualUsingEntry(UD->getNominatedNamespace(), Common));
+ }
+ void done() {
+ std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), UnqualUsingEntry::Comparator());
+ }
+ typedef ListTy::iterator iterator;
+ typedef ListTy::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ iterator begin() { return list.begin(); }
+ iterator end() { return list.end(); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return list.begin(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return list.end(); }
+ std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator>
+ getNamespacesFor(DeclContext *DC) const {
+ return std::equal_range(begin(), end(), DC->getPrimaryContext(),
+ UnqualUsingEntry::Comparator());
+ }
+ };
// Retrieve the set of identifier namespaces that correspond to a
@@ -153,42 +238,50 @@ getIdentifierNamespacesFromLookupNameKind(Sema::LookupNameKind NameKind,
// Necessary because CXXBasePaths is not complete in Sema.h
-void Sema::LookupResult::deletePaths(CXXBasePaths *Paths) {
+void LookupResult::deletePaths(CXXBasePaths *Paths) {
delete Paths;
-void Sema::LookupResult::resolveKind() {
+void LookupResult::resolveKind() {
unsigned N = Decls.size();
// Fast case: no possible ambiguity.
- if (N <= 1) return;
+ if (N == 0) return;
+ if (N == 1) {
+ if (isa<UnresolvedUsingValueDecl>(Decls[0]))
+ ResultKind = FoundUnresolvedValue;
+ return;
+ }
// Don't do any extra resolution if we've already resolved as ambiguous.
- if (Kind == Ambiguous) return;
+ if (ResultKind == Ambiguous) return;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<NamedDecl*, 16> Unique;
bool Ambiguous = false;
bool HasTag = false, HasFunction = false, HasNonFunction = false;
+ bool HasUnresolved = false;
unsigned UniqueTagIndex = 0;
unsigned I = 0;
while (I < N) {
- NamedDecl *D = Decls[I];
- assert(D == D->getUnderlyingDecl());
+ NamedDecl *D = Decls[I]->getUnderlyingDecl();
+ D = cast<NamedDecl>(D->getCanonicalDecl());
- NamedDecl *CanonD = cast<NamedDecl>(D->getCanonicalDecl());
- if (!Unique.insert(CanonD)) {
+ if (!Unique.insert(D)) {
// If it's not unique, pull something off the back (and
// continue at this index).
Decls[I] = Decls[--N];
- } else if (isa<UnresolvedUsingDecl>(D)) {
- // FIXME: proper support for UnresolvedUsingDecls.
+ } else if (isa<UnresolvedUsingValueDecl>(D)) {
+ // FIXME: support unresolved using value declarations
Decls[I] = Decls[--N];
} else {
// Otherwise, do some decl type analysis and then continue.
- if (isa<TagDecl>(D)) {
+ if (isa<UnresolvedUsingValueDecl>(D)) {
+ HasUnresolved = true;
+ } else if (isa<TagDecl>(D)) {
if (HasTag)
Ambiguous = true;
UniqueTagIndex = I;
@@ -213,7 +306,8 @@ void Sema::LookupResult::resolveKind() {
// wherever the object, function, or enumerator name is visible.
// But it's still an error if there are distinct tag types found,
// even if they're not visible. (ref?)
- if (HasTag && !Ambiguous && (HasFunction || HasNonFunction))
+ if (HideTags && HasTag && !Ambiguous && !HasUnresolved &&
+ (HasFunction || HasNonFunction))
Decls[UniqueTagIndex] = Decls[--N];
@@ -223,10 +317,12 @@ void Sema::LookupResult::resolveKind() {
if (Ambiguous)
+ else if (HasUnresolved)
+ ResultKind = LookupResult::FoundUnresolvedValue;
else if (N > 1)
- Kind = LookupResult::FoundOverloaded;
+ ResultKind = LookupResult::FoundOverloaded;
- Kind = LookupResult::Found;
+ ResultKind = LookupResult::Found;
/// @brief Converts the result of name lookup into a single (possible
@@ -242,10 +338,10 @@ void Sema::LookupResult::resolveKind() {
/// solution, since it causes the OverloadedFunctionDecl to be
/// leaked. FIXME: Eventually, there will be a better way to iterate
/// over the set of overloaded functions returned by name lookup.
-NamedDecl *Sema::LookupResult::getAsSingleDecl(ASTContext &C) const {
+NamedDecl *LookupResult::getAsSingleDecl(ASTContext &C) const {
size_t size = Decls.size();
if (size == 0) return 0;
- if (size == 1) return *begin();
+ if (size == 1) return (*begin())->getUnderlyingDecl();
if (isAmbiguous()) return 0;
@@ -255,9 +351,7 @@ NamedDecl *Sema::LookupResult::getAsSingleDecl(ASTContext &C) const {
= OverloadedFunctionDecl::Create(C, (*I)->getDeclContext(),
for (; I != E; ++I) {
- NamedDecl *ND = *I;
- assert(ND->getUnderlyingDecl() == ND
- && "decls in lookup result should have redirections stripped");
+ NamedDecl *ND = (*I)->getUnderlyingDecl();
if (isa<FunctionDecl>(ND))
@@ -269,7 +363,7 @@ NamedDecl *Sema::LookupResult::getAsSingleDecl(ASTContext &C) const {
return Ovl;
-void Sema::LookupResult::addDeclsFromBasePaths(const CXXBasePaths &P) {
+void LookupResult::addDeclsFromBasePaths(const CXXBasePaths &P) {
CXXBasePaths::paths_iterator I, E;
DeclContext::lookup_iterator DI, DE;
for (I = P.begin(), E = P.end(); I != E; ++I)
@@ -277,7 +371,7 @@ void Sema::LookupResult::addDeclsFromBasePaths(const CXXBasePaths &P) {
-void Sema::LookupResult::setAmbiguousBaseSubobjects(CXXBasePaths &P) {
+void LookupResult::setAmbiguousBaseSubobjects(CXXBasePaths &P) {
Paths = new CXXBasePaths;
@@ -285,7 +379,7 @@ void Sema::LookupResult::setAmbiguousBaseSubobjects(CXXBasePaths &P) {
-void Sema::LookupResult::setAmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes(CXXBasePaths &P) {
+void LookupResult::setAmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes(CXXBasePaths &P) {
Paths = new CXXBasePaths;
@@ -293,7 +387,7 @@ void Sema::LookupResult::setAmbiguousBaseSubobjectTypes(CXXBasePaths &P) {
-void Sema::LookupResult::print(llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
+void LookupResult::print(llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
Out << Decls.size() << " result(s)";
if (isAmbiguous()) Out << ", ambiguous";
if (Paths) Out << ", base paths present";
@@ -306,42 +400,36 @@ void Sema::LookupResult::print(llvm::raw_ostream &Out) {
// Adds all qualifying matches for a name within a decl context to the
// given lookup result. Returns true if any matches were found.
-static bool LookupDirect(Sema::LookupResult &R, DeclContext *DC,
- DeclarationName Name,
- Sema::LookupNameKind NameKind,
- unsigned IDNS) {
+static bool LookupDirect(LookupResult &R, const DeclContext *DC) {
bool Found = false;
- DeclContext::lookup_iterator I, E;
- for (llvm::tie(I, E) = DC->lookup(Name); I != E; ++I)
- if (Sema::isAcceptableLookupResult(*I, NameKind, IDNS))
+ DeclContext::lookup_const_iterator I, E;
+ for (llvm::tie(I, E) = DC->lookup(R.getLookupName()); I != E; ++I)
+ if (Sema::isAcceptableLookupResult(*I, R.getLookupKind(),
+ R.getIdentifierNamespace()))
R.addDecl(*I), Found = true;
return Found;
+// Performs C++ unqualified lookup into the given file context.
static bool
-CppNamespaceLookup(Sema::LookupResult &R, ASTContext &Context, DeclContext *NS,
- DeclarationName Name, Sema::LookupNameKind NameKind,
- unsigned IDNS, UsingDirectivesTy *UDirs = 0) {
+CppNamespaceLookup(LookupResult &R, ASTContext &Context, DeclContext *NS,
+ UnqualUsingDirectiveSet &UDirs) {
assert(NS && NS->isFileContext() && "CppNamespaceLookup() requires namespace!");
- // Perform qualified name lookup into the LookupCtx.
- bool Found = LookupDirect(R, NS, Name, NameKind, IDNS);
- if (UDirs) {
- // For each UsingDirectiveDecl, which common ancestor is equal
- // to NS, we preform qualified name lookup into namespace nominated by it.
- UsingDirectivesTy::const_iterator UI, UEnd;
- llvm::tie(UI, UEnd) =
- std::equal_range(UDirs->begin(), UDirs->end(), NS,
- UsingDirAncestorCompare());
- for (; UI != UEnd; ++UI)
- if (LookupDirect(R, (*UI)->getNominatedNamespace(), Name, NameKind, IDNS))
- Found = true;
- }
+ // Perform direct name lookup into the LookupCtx.
+ bool Found = LookupDirect(R, NS);
+ // Perform direct name lookup into the namespaces nominated by the
+ // using directives whose common ancestor is this namespace.
+ UnqualUsingDirectiveSet::const_iterator UI, UEnd;
+ llvm::tie(UI, UEnd) = UDirs.getNamespacesFor(NS);
+ for (; UI != UEnd; ++UI)
+ if (LookupDirect(R, UI->getNominatedNamespace()))
+ Found = true;
@@ -363,20 +451,23 @@ static DeclContext *findOuterContext(Scope *S) {
return 0;
-Sema::CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
- LookupNameKind NameKind, bool RedeclarationOnly) {
+bool Sema::CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S) {
assert(getLangOptions().CPlusPlus &&
"Can perform only C++ lookup");
+ LookupNameKind NameKind = R.getLookupKind();
unsigned IDNS
= getIdentifierNamespacesFromLookupNameKind(NameKind, /*CPlusPlus*/ true);
// If we're testing for redeclarations, also look in the friend namespaces.
- if (RedeclarationOnly) {
+ if (R.isForRedeclaration()) {
if (IDNS & Decl::IDNS_Tag) IDNS |= Decl::IDNS_TagFriend;
if (IDNS & Decl::IDNS_Ordinary) IDNS |= Decl::IDNS_OrdinaryFriend;
+ R.setIdentifierNamespace(IDNS);
+ DeclarationName Name = R.getLookupName();
Scope *Initial = S;
I = IdResolver.begin(Name),
@@ -427,24 +518,25 @@ Sema::CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
// example, inside a class without any base classes, we never need to
// perform qualified lookup because all of the members are on top of the
// identifier chain.
- if (LookupQualifiedName(R, Ctx, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly))
+ if (LookupQualifiedName(R, Ctx))
return true;
+ // Stop if we ran out of scopes.
+ // FIXME: This really, really shouldn't be happening.
+ if (!S) return false;
// Collect UsingDirectiveDecls in all scopes, and recursively all
// nominated namespaces by those using-directives.
- // UsingDirectives are pushed to heap, in common ancestor pointer value order.
+ //
// FIXME: Cache this sorted list in Scope structure, and DeclContext, so we
// don't build it for each lookup!
- UsingDirectivesTy UDirs;
- for (Scope *SC = Initial; SC; SC = SC->getParent())
- if (SC->getFlags() & Scope::DeclScope)
- AddScopeUsingDirectives(Context, SC, UDirs);
- // Sort heapified UsingDirectiveDecls.
- std::sort_heap(UDirs.begin(), UDirs.end(), UsingDirAncestorCompare());
+ UnqualUsingDirectiveSet UDirs;
+ UDirs.visitScopeChain(Initial, S);
+ UDirs.done();
// Lookup namespace scope, and global scope.
// Unqualified name lookup in C++ requires looking into scopes
@@ -473,7 +565,7 @@ Sema::CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
// Look into context considering using-directives.
- if (CppNamespaceLookup(R, Context, Ctx, Name, NameKind, IDNS, &UDirs))
+ if (CppNamespaceLookup(R, Context, Ctx, UDirs))
Found = true;
if (Found) {
@@ -481,7 +573,7 @@ Sema::CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
return true;
- if (RedeclarationOnly && !Ctx->isTransparentContext())
+ if (R.isForRedeclaration() && !Ctx->isTransparentContext())
return false;
@@ -519,11 +611,12 @@ Sema::CppLookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
/// @returns The result of name lookup, which includes zero or more
/// declarations and possibly additional information used to diagnose
/// ambiguities.
-bool Sema::LookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
- LookupNameKind NameKind, bool RedeclarationOnly,
- bool AllowBuiltinCreation, SourceLocation Loc) {
+bool Sema::LookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, bool AllowBuiltinCreation) {
+ DeclarationName Name = R.getLookupName();
if (!Name) return false;
+ LookupNameKind NameKind = R.getLookupKind();
if (!getLangOptions().CPlusPlus) {
// Unqualified name lookup in C/Objective-C is purely lexical, so
// search in the declarations attached to the name.
@@ -619,7 +712,7 @@ bool Sema::LookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
} else {
// Perform C++ unqualified name lookup.
- if (CppLookupName(R, S, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly))
+ if (CppLookupName(R, S))
return true;
@@ -639,7 +732,8 @@ bool Sema::LookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
return false;
NamedDecl *D = LazilyCreateBuiltin((IdentifierInfo *)II, BuiltinID,
- S, RedeclarationOnly, Loc);
+ S, R.isForRedeclaration(),
+ R.getNameLoc());
if (D) R.addDecl(D);
return (D != NULL);
@@ -674,11 +768,8 @@ bool Sema::LookupName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
/// class or enumeration name if and only if the declarations are
/// from the same namespace; otherwise (the declarations are from
/// different namespaces), the program is ill-formed.
-static bool LookupQualifiedNameInUsingDirectives(Sema::LookupResult &R,
- DeclContext *StartDC,
- DeclarationName Name,
- Sema::LookupNameKind NameKind,
- unsigned IDNS) {
+static bool LookupQualifiedNameInUsingDirectives(LookupResult &R,
+ DeclContext *StartDC) {
assert(StartDC->isFileContext() && "start context is not a file context");
DeclContext::udir_iterator I = StartDC->using_directives_begin();
@@ -697,7 +788,7 @@ static bool LookupQualifiedNameInUsingDirectives(Sema::LookupResult &R,
// We have already looked into the initial namespace; seed the queue
// with its using-children.
for (; I != E; ++I) {
- NamespaceDecl *ND = (*I)->getNominatedNamespace();
+ NamespaceDecl *ND = (*I)->getNominatedNamespace()->getOriginalNamespace();
if (Visited.insert(ND).second)
@@ -709,7 +800,7 @@ static bool LookupQualifiedNameInUsingDirectives(Sema::LookupResult &R,
bool FoundTag = false;
bool FoundNonTag = false;
- Sema::LookupResult LocalR;
+ LookupResult LocalR(LookupResult::Temporary, R);
bool Found = false;
while (!Queue.empty()) {
@@ -719,8 +810,8 @@ static bool LookupQualifiedNameInUsingDirectives(Sema::LookupResult &R,
// We go through some convolutions here to avoid copying results
// between LookupResults.
bool UseLocal = !R.empty();
- Sema::LookupResult &DirectR = UseLocal ? LocalR : R;
- bool FoundDirect = LookupDirect(DirectR, ND, Name, NameKind, IDNS);
+ LookupResult &DirectR = UseLocal ? LocalR : R;
+ bool FoundDirect = LookupDirect(DirectR, ND);
if (FoundDirect) {
// First do any local hiding.
@@ -792,22 +883,23 @@ static bool LookupQualifiedNameInUsingDirectives(Sema::LookupResult &R,
/// @returns The result of name lookup, which includes zero or more
/// declarations and possibly additional information used to diagnose
/// ambiguities.
-bool Sema::LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx,
- DeclarationName Name, LookupNameKind NameKind,
- bool RedeclarationOnly) {
+bool Sema::LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx) {
assert(LookupCtx && "Sema::LookupQualifiedName requires a lookup context");
- if (!Name)
+ if (!R.getLookupName())
return false;
// If we're performing qualified name lookup (e.g., lookup into a
// struct), find fields as part of ordinary name lookup.
+ LookupNameKind NameKind = R.getLookupKind();
unsigned IDNS
= getIdentifierNamespacesFromLookupNameKind(NameKind,
if (NameKind == LookupOrdinaryName)
IDNS |= Decl::IDNS_Member;
+ R.setIdentifierNamespace(IDNS);
// Make sure that the declaration context is complete.
assert((!isa<TagDecl>(LookupCtx) ||
LookupCtx->isDependentContext() ||
@@ -817,7 +909,7 @@ bool Sema::LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx,
"Declaration context must already be complete!");
// Perform qualified name lookup into the LookupCtx.
- if (LookupDirect(R, LookupCtx, Name, NameKind, IDNS)) {
+ if (LookupDirect(R, LookupCtx)) {
return true;
@@ -831,13 +923,12 @@ bool Sema::LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx,
// the unqualified-id shall name a member of the namespace
// designated by the nested-name-specifier.
// See also [class.mfct]p5 and []p2.
- if (RedeclarationOnly)
+ if (R.isForRedeclaration())
return false;
- // If this is a namespace, look it up in
+ // If this is a namespace, look it up in the implied namespaces.
if (LookupCtx->isFileContext())
- return LookupQualifiedNameInUsingDirectives(R, LookupCtx, Name, NameKind,
- IDNS);
+ return LookupQualifiedNameInUsingDirectives(R, LookupCtx);
// If this isn't a C++ class, we aren't allowed to look into base
// classes, we're done.
@@ -851,7 +942,7 @@ bool Sema::LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx,
// Look for this member in our base classes
CXXRecordDecl::BaseMatchesCallback *BaseCallback = 0;
- switch (NameKind) {
+ switch (R.getLookupKind()) {
case LookupOrdinaryName:
case LookupMemberName:
case LookupRedeclarationWithLinkage:
@@ -875,7 +966,8 @@ bool Sema::LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx,
- if (!LookupRec->lookupInBases(BaseCallback, Name.getAsOpaquePtr(), Paths))
+ if (!LookupRec->lookupInBases(BaseCallback,
+ R.getLookupName().getAsOpaquePtr(), Paths))
return false;
// C++ [class.member.lookup]p2:
@@ -977,10 +1069,7 @@ bool Sema::LookupQualifiedName(LookupResult &R, DeclContext *LookupCtx,
/// @returns True if any decls were found (but possibly ambiguous)
bool Sema::LookupParsedName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, const CXXScopeSpec *SS,
- DeclarationName Name, LookupNameKind NameKind,
- bool RedeclarationOnly, bool AllowBuiltinCreation,
- SourceLocation Loc,
- bool EnteringContext) {
+ bool AllowBuiltinCreation, bool EnteringContext) {
if (SS && SS->isInvalid()) {
// When the scope specifier is invalid, don't even look for
// anything.
@@ -994,7 +1083,9 @@ bool Sema::LookupParsedName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, const CXXScopeSpec *SS,
if (!DC->isDependentContext() && RequireCompleteDeclContext(*SS))
return false;
- return LookupQualifiedName(R, DC, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly);
+ R.setContextRange(SS->getRange());
+ return LookupQualifiedName(R, DC);
// We could not resolve the scope specified to a specific declaration
@@ -1004,8 +1095,7 @@ bool Sema::LookupParsedName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, const CXXScopeSpec *SS,
// Perform unqualified name lookup starting in the given scope.
- return LookupName(R, S, Name, NameKind, RedeclarationOnly,
- AllowBuiltinCreation, Loc);
+ return LookupName(R, S, AllowBuiltinCreation);
@@ -1025,11 +1115,13 @@ bool Sema::LookupParsedName(LookupResult &R, Scope *S, const CXXScopeSpec *SS,
/// precedes the name.
/// @returns true
-bool Sema::DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(LookupResult &Result, DeclarationName Name,
- SourceLocation NameLoc,
- SourceRange LookupRange) {
+bool Sema::DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(LookupResult &Result) {
assert(Result.isAmbiguous() && "Lookup result must be ambiguous");
+ DeclarationName Name = Result.getLookupName();
+ SourceLocation NameLoc = Result.getNameLoc();
+ SourceRange LookupRange = Result.getContextRange();
switch (Result.getAmbiguityKind()) {
case LookupResult::AmbiguousBaseSubobjects: {
CXXBasePaths *Paths = Result.getBasePaths();
@@ -1136,12 +1228,13 @@ addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(const TemplateArgument &Arg,
- case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
+ case TemplateArgument::Template: {
// [...] the namespaces in which any template template arguments are
// defined; and the classes in which any member templates used as
// template template arguments are defined.
+ TemplateName Template = Arg.getAsTemplate();
if (ClassTemplateDecl *ClassTemplate
- = dyn_cast<ClassTemplateDecl>(Arg.getAsDecl())) {
+ = dyn_cast<ClassTemplateDecl>(Template.getAsTemplateDecl())) {
DeclContext *Ctx = ClassTemplate->getDeclContext();
if (CXXRecordDecl *EnclosingClass = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(Ctx))
@@ -1151,7 +1244,9 @@ addAssociatedClassesAndNamespaces(const TemplateArgument &Arg,
CollectNamespace(AssociatedNamespaces, Ctx);
+ }
+ case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
case TemplateArgument::Integral:
case TemplateArgument::Expression:
// [Note: non-type template arguments do not contribute to the set of
@@ -1490,8 +1585,7 @@ IsAcceptableNonMemberOperatorCandidate(FunctionDecl *Fn,
if (T1->isEnumeralType()) {
QualType ArgType = Proto->getArgType(0).getNonReferenceType();
- if (Context.getCanonicalType(T1).getUnqualifiedType()
- == Context.getCanonicalType(ArgType).getUnqualifiedType())
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(T1, ArgType))
return true;
@@ -1500,14 +1594,21 @@ IsAcceptableNonMemberOperatorCandidate(FunctionDecl *Fn,
if (!T2.isNull() && T2->isEnumeralType()) {
QualType ArgType = Proto->getArgType(1).getNonReferenceType();
- if (Context.getCanonicalType(T2).getUnqualifiedType()
- == Context.getCanonicalType(ArgType).getUnqualifiedType())
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(T2, ArgType))
return true;
return false;
+NamedDecl *Sema::LookupSingleName(Scope *S, DeclarationName Name,
+ LookupNameKind NameKind,
+ RedeclarationKind Redecl) {
+ LookupResult R(*this, Name, SourceLocation(), NameKind, Redecl);
+ LookupName(R, S);
+ return R.getAsSingleDecl(Context);
/// \brief Find the protocol with the given name, if any.
ObjCProtocolDecl *Sema::LookupProtocol(IdentifierInfo *II) {
Decl *D = LookupSingleName(TUScope, II, LookupObjCProtocolName);
@@ -1537,8 +1638,8 @@ void Sema::LookupOverloadedOperatorName(OverloadedOperatorKind Op, Scope *S,
// of type T2 or "reference to (possibly cv-qualified) T2",
// when T2 is an enumeration type, are candidate functions.
DeclarationName OpName = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXOperatorName(Op);
- LookupResult Operators;
- LookupName(Operators, S, OpName, LookupOperatorName);
+ LookupResult Operators(*this, OpName, SourceLocation(), LookupOperatorName);
+ LookupName(Operators, S);
assert(!Operators.isAmbiguous() && "Operator lookup cannot be ambiguous");
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
index 3e6778b..adcd977 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
@@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ Sema::IsOverload(FunctionDecl *New, Decl* OldD,
if (NewTemplate &&
- false, false, SourceLocation()) ||
+ false, TPL_TemplateMatch) ||
OldType->getResultType() != NewType->getResultType()))
return true;
@@ -519,8 +520,6 @@ Sema::IsStandardConversion(Expr* From, QualType ToType,
// cv-unqualified version of T. Otherwise, the type of the rvalue
// is T (C++ 4.1p1). C++ can't get here with class types; in C, we
// just strip the qualifiers because they don't matter.
- // FIXME: Doesn't see through to qualifiers behind a typedef!
FromType = FromType.getUnqualifiedType();
} else if (FromType->isArrayType()) {
// Array-to-pointer conversion (C++ 4.2)
@@ -678,8 +677,9 @@ Sema::IsStandardConversion(Expr* From, QualType ToType,
// a conversion. [...]
CanonFrom = Context.getCanonicalType(FromType);
CanonTo = Context.getCanonicalType(ToType);
- if (CanonFrom.getUnqualifiedType() == CanonTo.getUnqualifiedType() &&
- CanonFrom.getCVRQualifiers() != CanonTo.getCVRQualifiers()) {
+ if (CanonFrom.getLocalUnqualifiedType()
+ == CanonTo.getLocalUnqualifiedType() &&
+ CanonFrom.getLocalCVRQualifiers() != CanonTo.getLocalCVRQualifiers()) {
FromType = ToType;
CanonFrom = CanonTo;
@@ -756,8 +756,7 @@ bool Sema::IsIntegralPromotion(Expr *From, QualType FromType, QualType ToType) {
// We found the type that we can promote to. If this is the
// type we wanted, we have a promotion. Otherwise, no
// promotion.
- return Context.getCanonicalType(ToType).getUnqualifiedType()
- == Context.getCanonicalType(PromoteTypes[Idx]).getUnqualifiedType();
+ return Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(ToType, PromoteTypes[Idx]);
@@ -864,7 +863,7 @@ BuildSimilarlyQualifiedPointerType(const PointerType *FromPtr,
Qualifiers Quals = CanonFromPointee.getQualifiers();
// Exact qualifier match -> return the pointer type we're converting to.
- if (CanonToPointee.getQualifiers() == Quals) {
+ if (CanonToPointee.getLocalQualifiers() == Quals) {
// ToType is exactly what we need. Return it.
if (!ToType.isNull())
return ToType;
@@ -876,7 +875,8 @@ BuildSimilarlyQualifiedPointerType(const PointerType *FromPtr,
// Just build a canonical type that has the right qualifiers.
return Context.getPointerType(
- Context.getQualifiedType(CanonToPointee.getUnqualifiedType(), Quals));
+ Context.getQualifiedType(CanonToPointee.getLocalUnqualifiedType(),
+ Quals));
static bool isNullPointerConstantForConversion(Expr *Expr,
@@ -1155,7 +1155,8 @@ bool Sema::isObjCPointerConversion(QualType FromType, QualType ToType,
/// true. It returns true and produces a diagnostic if there was an
/// error, or returns false otherwise.
bool Sema::CheckPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType ToType,
- CastExpr::CastKind &Kind) {
+ CastExpr::CastKind &Kind,
+ bool IgnoreBaseAccess) {
QualType FromType = From->getType();
if (const PointerType *FromPtrType = FromType->getAs<PointerType>())
@@ -1169,7 +1170,8 @@ bool Sema::CheckPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType ToType,
// ambiguous or inaccessible conversion.
if (CheckDerivedToBaseConversion(FromPointeeType, ToPointeeType,
- From->getSourceRange()))
+ From->getSourceRange(),
+ IgnoreBaseAccess))
return true;
// The conversion was successful.
@@ -1238,7 +1240,9 @@ bool Sema::IsMemberPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType FromType,
/// true and produces a diagnostic if there was an error, or returns false
/// otherwise.
bool Sema::CheckMemberPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType ToType,
- CastExpr::CastKind &Kind) {
+ CastExpr::CastKind &Kind,
+ bool IgnoreBaseAccess) {
+ (void)IgnoreBaseAccess;
QualType FromType = From->getType();
const MemberPointerType *FromPtrType = FromType->getAs<MemberPointerType>();
if (!FromPtrType) {
@@ -1344,8 +1348,7 @@ Sema::IsQualificationConversion(QualType FromType, QualType ToType) {
// of types. If we unwrapped any pointers, and if FromType and
// ToType have the same unqualified type (since we checked
// qualifiers above), then this is a qualification conversion.
- return UnwrappedAnyPointer &&
- FromType.getUnqualifiedType() == ToType.getUnqualifiedType();
+ return UnwrappedAnyPointer && Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(FromType,ToType);
/// \brief Given a function template or function, extract the function template
@@ -1399,6 +1402,13 @@ Sema::OverloadingResult Sema::IsUserDefinedConversion(
// functions are all the converting constructors (12.3.1) of
// that class. The argument list is the expression-list within
// the parentheses of the initializer.
+ bool SuppressUserConversions = !UserCast;
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(ToType, From->getType()) ||
+ IsDerivedFrom(From->getType(), ToType)) {
+ SuppressUserConversions = false;
+ AllowConversionFunctions = false;
+ }
DeclarationName ConstructorName
= Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXConstructorName(
@@ -1415,20 +1425,18 @@ Sema::OverloadingResult Sema::IsUserDefinedConversion(
= cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(ConstructorTmpl->getTemplatedDecl());
Constructor = cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(*Con);
if (!Constructor->isInvalidDecl() &&
Constructor->isConvertingConstructor(AllowExplicit)) {
if (ConstructorTmpl)
AddTemplateOverloadCandidate(ConstructorTmpl, false, 0, 0, &From,
- 1, CandidateSet,
- /*SuppressUserConversions=*/!UserCast,
- ForceRValue);
+ 1, CandidateSet,
+ SuppressUserConversions, ForceRValue);
// Allow one user-defined conversion when user specifies a
// From->ToType conversion via an static cast (c-style, etc).
AddOverloadCandidate(Constructor, &From, 1, CandidateSet,
- /*SuppressUserConversions=*/!UserCast,
- ForceRValue);
+ SuppressUserConversions, ForceRValue);
@@ -1481,9 +1489,14 @@ Sema::OverloadingResult Sema::IsUserDefinedConversion(
// sequence converts the source type to the type required by
// the argument of the constructor.
- // FIXME: What about ellipsis conversions?
QualType ThisType = Constructor->getThisType(Context);
- User.Before = Best->Conversions[0].Standard;
+ if (Best->Conversions[0].ConversionKind ==
+ ImplicitConversionSequence::EllipsisConversion)
+ User.EllipsisConversion = true;
+ else {
+ User.Before = Best->Conversions[0].Standard;
+ User.EllipsisConversion = false;
+ }
User.ConversionFunction = Constructor;
@@ -1500,6 +1513,7 @@ Sema::OverloadingResult Sema::IsUserDefinedConversion(
// implicit object parameter of the conversion function.
User.Before = Best->Conversions[0].Standard;
User.ConversionFunction = Conversion;
+ User.EllipsisConversion = false;
// C++ [over.ics.user]p2:
// The second standard conversion sequence converts the
@@ -1727,7 +1741,7 @@ Sema::CompareStandardConversionSequences(const StandardConversionSequence& SCS1,
QualType T2 = QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(SCS2.ToTypePtr);
T1 = Context.getCanonicalType(T1);
T2 = Context.getCanonicalType(T2);
- if (T1.getUnqualifiedType() == T2.getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(T1, T2)) {
if (T2.isMoreQualifiedThan(T1))
return ImplicitConversionSequence::Better;
else if (T1.isMoreQualifiedThan(T2))
@@ -1763,7 +1777,7 @@ Sema::CompareQualificationConversions(const StandardConversionSequence& SCS1,
// If the types are the same, we won't learn anything by unwrapped
// them.
- if (T1.getUnqualifiedType() == T2.getUnqualifiedType())
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(T1, T2))
return ImplicitConversionSequence::Indistinguishable;
ImplicitConversionSequence::CompareKind Result
@@ -1803,7 +1817,7 @@ Sema::CompareQualificationConversions(const StandardConversionSequence& SCS1,
// If the types after this point are equivalent, we're done.
- if (T1.getUnqualifiedType() == T2.getUnqualifiedType())
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(T1, T2))
@@ -1918,8 +1932,8 @@ Sema::CompareDerivedToBaseConversions(const StandardConversionSequence& SCS1,
// -- binding of an expression of type C to a reference of type
// B& is better than binding an expression of type C to a
// reference of type A&,
- if (FromType1.getUnqualifiedType() == FromType2.getUnqualifiedType() &&
- ToType1.getUnqualifiedType() != ToType2.getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(FromType1, FromType2) &&
+ !Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(ToType1, ToType2)) {
if (IsDerivedFrom(ToType1, ToType2))
return ImplicitConversionSequence::Better;
else if (IsDerivedFrom(ToType2, ToType1))
@@ -1929,8 +1943,8 @@ Sema::CompareDerivedToBaseConversions(const StandardConversionSequence& SCS1,
// -- binding of an expression of type B to a reference of type
// A& is better than binding an expression of type C to a
// reference of type A&,
- if (FromType1.getUnqualifiedType() != FromType2.getUnqualifiedType() &&
- ToType1.getUnqualifiedType() == ToType2.getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (!Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(FromType1, FromType2) &&
+ Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(ToType1, ToType2)) {
if (IsDerivedFrom(FromType2, FromType1))
return ImplicitConversionSequence::Better;
else if (IsDerivedFrom(FromType1, FromType2))
@@ -1977,8 +1991,8 @@ Sema::CompareDerivedToBaseConversions(const StandardConversionSequence& SCS1,
if (SCS1.CopyConstructor && SCS2.CopyConstructor &&
SCS1.Second == ICK_Derived_To_Base) {
// -- conversion of C to B is better than conversion of C to A,
- if (FromType1.getUnqualifiedType() == FromType2.getUnqualifiedType() &&
- ToType1.getUnqualifiedType() != ToType2.getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(FromType1, FromType2) &&
+ !Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(ToType1, ToType2)) {
if (IsDerivedFrom(ToType1, ToType2))
return ImplicitConversionSequence::Better;
else if (IsDerivedFrom(ToType2, ToType1))
@@ -1986,8 +2000,8 @@ Sema::CompareDerivedToBaseConversions(const StandardConversionSequence& SCS1,
// -- conversion of B to A is better than conversion of C to A.
- if (FromType1.getUnqualifiedType() != FromType2.getUnqualifiedType() &&
- ToType1.getUnqualifiedType() == ToType2.getUnqualifiedType()) {
+ if (!Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(FromType1, FromType2) &&
+ Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(ToType1, ToType2)) {
if (IsDerivedFrom(FromType2, FromType1))
return ImplicitConversionSequence::Better;
else if (IsDerivedFrom(FromType1, FromType2))
@@ -2099,14 +2113,15 @@ Sema::TryObjectArgumentInitialization(Expr *From, CXXMethodDecl *Method) {
// First check the qualifiers. We don't care about lvalue-vs-rvalue
// with the implicit object parameter (C++ [over.match.funcs]p5).
QualType FromTypeCanon = Context.getCanonicalType(FromType);
- if (ImplicitParamType.getCVRQualifiers() != FromTypeCanon.getCVRQualifiers() &&
+ if (ImplicitParamType.getCVRQualifiers()
+ != FromTypeCanon.getLocalCVRQualifiers() &&
return ICS;
// Check that we have either the same type or a derived type. It
// affects the conversion rank.
QualType ClassTypeCanon = Context.getCanonicalType(ClassType);
- if (ClassTypeCanon == FromTypeCanon.getUnqualifiedType())
+ if (ClassTypeCanon == FromTypeCanon.getLocalUnqualifiedType())
ICS.Standard.Second = ICK_Identity;
else if (IsDerivedFrom(FromType, ClassType))
ICS.Standard.Second = ICK_Derived_To_Base;
@@ -2228,7 +2243,18 @@ Sema::AddOverloadCandidate(FunctionDecl *Function,
if (!CandidateSet.isNewCandidate(Function))
+ if (CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(Function)){
+ // C++ [class.copy]p3:
+ // A member function template is never instantiated to perform the copy
+ // of a class object to an object of its class type.
+ QualType ClassType = Context.getTypeDeclType(Constructor->getParent());
+ if (NumArgs == 1 &&
+ Constructor->isCopyConstructorLikeSpecialization() &&
+ Context.hasSameUnqualifiedType(ClassType, Args[0]->getType()))
+ return;
+ }
// Add this candidate
OverloadCandidate& Candidate = CandidateSet.back();
@@ -2342,6 +2368,33 @@ void Sema::AddFunctionCandidates(const FunctionSet &Functions,
+/// AddMethodCandidate - Adds a named decl (which is some kind of
+/// method) as a method candidate to the given overload set.
+void Sema::AddMethodCandidate(NamedDecl *Decl, Expr *Object,
+ Expr **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
+ OverloadCandidateSet& CandidateSet,
+ bool SuppressUserConversions, bool ForceRValue) {
+ // FIXME: use this
+ //DeclContext *ActingContext = Decl->getDeclContext();
+ if (isa<UsingShadowDecl>(Decl))
+ Decl = cast<UsingShadowDecl>(Decl)->getTargetDecl();
+ if (FunctionTemplateDecl *TD = dyn_cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(Decl)) {
+ assert(isa<CXXMethodDecl>(TD->getTemplatedDecl()) &&
+ "Expected a member function template");
+ AddMethodTemplateCandidate(TD, false, 0, 0,
+ Object, Args, NumArgs,
+ CandidateSet,
+ SuppressUserConversions,
+ ForceRValue);
+ } else {
+ AddMethodCandidate(cast<CXXMethodDecl>(Decl), Object, Args, NumArgs,
+ CandidateSet, SuppressUserConversions, ForceRValue);
+ }
/// AddMethodCandidate - Adds the given C++ member function to the set
/// of candidate functions, using the given function call arguments
/// and the object argument (@c Object). For example, in a call
@@ -2593,7 +2646,7 @@ Sema::AddConversionCandidate(CXXConversionDecl *Conversion,
// call on the stack and we don't need its arguments to be
// well-formed.
DeclRefExpr ConversionRef(Conversion, Conversion->getType(),
- SourceLocation());
+ From->getLocStart());
ImplicitCastExpr ConversionFn(Context.getPointerType(Conversion->getType()),
&ConversionRef, false);
@@ -2603,7 +2656,7 @@ Sema::AddConversionCandidate(CXXConversionDecl *Conversion,
// allocator).
CallExpr Call(Context, &ConversionFn, 0, 0,
- SourceLocation());
+ From->getLocStart());
ImplicitConversionSequence ICS =
TryCopyInitialization(&Call, ToType,
@@ -2693,6 +2746,7 @@ void Sema::AddSurrogateCandidate(CXXConversionDecl *Conversion,
= ImplicitConversionSequence::UserDefinedConversion;
Candidate.Conversions[0].UserDefined.Before = ObjectInit.Standard;
+ Candidate.Conversions[0].UserDefined.EllipsisConversion = false;
Candidate.Conversions[0].UserDefined.ConversionFunction = Conversion;
= Candidate.Conversions[0].UserDefined.Before;
@@ -2807,27 +2861,16 @@ void Sema::AddMemberOperatorCandidates(OverloadedOperatorKind Op,
if (RequireCompleteType(OpLoc, T1, PDiag()))
- LookupResult Operators;
- LookupQualifiedName(Operators, T1Rec->getDecl(), OpName,
- LookupOrdinaryName, false);
+ LookupResult Operators(*this, OpName, OpLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupQualifiedName(Operators, T1Rec->getDecl());
+ Operators.suppressDiagnostics();
for (LookupResult::iterator Oper = Operators.begin(),
OperEnd = Operators.end();
Oper != OperEnd;
- ++Oper) {
- if (CXXMethodDecl *Method = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(*Oper)) {
- AddMethodCandidate(Method, Args[0], Args+1, NumArgs - 1, CandidateSet,
- /*SuppressUserConversions=*/false);
- continue;
- }
- assert(isa<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*Oper) &&
- isa<CXXMethodDecl>(cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*Oper)
- ->getTemplatedDecl()) &&
- "Expected a member function template");
- AddMethodTemplateCandidate(cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*Oper), false, 0, 0,
- Args[0], Args+1, NumArgs - 1, CandidateSet,
- /*SuppressUserConversions=*/false);
- }
+ ++Oper)
+ AddMethodCandidate(*Oper, Args[0], Args + 1, NumArgs - 1, CandidateSet,
+ /* SuppressUserConversions = */ false);
@@ -2975,6 +3018,8 @@ BuiltinCandidateTypeSet::AddPointerWithMoreQualifiedTypeVariants(QualType Ty,
QualType PointeeTy = PointerTy->getPointeeType();
unsigned BaseCVR = PointeeTy.getCVRQualifiers();
+ if (const ConstantArrayType *Array =Context.getAsConstantArrayType(PointeeTy))
+ BaseCVR = Array->getElementType().getCVRQualifiers();
bool hasVolatile = VisibleQuals.hasVolatile();
bool hasRestrict = VisibleQuals.hasRestrict();
@@ -3050,7 +3095,7 @@ BuiltinCandidateTypeSet::AddTypesConvertedFrom(QualType Ty,
Ty = RefTy->getPointeeType();
// We don't care about qualifiers on the type.
- Ty = Ty.getUnqualifiedType();
+ Ty = Ty.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
// If we're dealing with an array type, decay to the pointer.
if (Ty->isArrayType())
@@ -4710,10 +4755,10 @@ Sema::OwningExprResult Sema::CreateOverloadedUnaryOp(SourceLocation OpLoc,
+ Args[0] = Input;
ExprOwningPtr<CallExpr> TheCall(this,
new (Context) CXXOperatorCallExpr(Context, Op, FnExpr,
- &Input, 1, ResultTy, OpLoc));
+ Args, NumArgs, ResultTy, OpLoc));
if (CheckCallReturnType(FnDecl->getResultType(), OpLoc, TheCall.get(),
@@ -5226,17 +5271,22 @@ Sema::BuildCallToObjectOfClassType(Scope *S, Expr *Object,
// (E).operator().
OverloadCandidateSet CandidateSet;
DeclarationName OpName = Context.DeclarationNames.getCXXOperatorName(OO_Call);
- DeclContext::lookup_const_iterator Oper, OperEnd;
- for (llvm::tie(Oper, OperEnd) = Record->getDecl()->lookup(OpName);
- Oper != OperEnd; ++Oper)
- AddMethodCandidate(cast<CXXMethodDecl>(*Oper), Object, Args, NumArgs,
- CandidateSet, /*SuppressUserConversions=*/false);
if (RequireCompleteType(LParenLoc, Object->getType(),
- << Object->getSourceRange()))
+ << Object->getSourceRange()))
return true;
+ LookupResult R(*this, OpName, LParenLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, Record->getDecl());
+ R.suppressDiagnostics();
+ for (LookupResult::iterator Oper = R.begin(), OperEnd = R.end();
+ Oper != OperEnd; ++Oper) {
+ AddMethodCandidate(*Oper, Object, Args, NumArgs, CandidateSet,
+ /*SuppressUserConversions=*/ false);
+ }
// C++ []p2:
// In addition, for each conversion function declared in T of the
// form
@@ -5405,7 +5455,14 @@ Sema::BuildCallToObjectOfClassType(Scope *S, Expr *Object,
QualType ProtoArgType = Proto->getArgType(i);
IsError |= PerformCopyInitialization(Arg, ProtoArgType, "passing");
} else {
- Arg = CXXDefaultArgExpr::Create(Context, Method->getParamDecl(i));
+ OwningExprResult DefArg
+ = BuildCXXDefaultArgExpr(LParenLoc, Method, Method->getParamDecl(i));
+ if (DefArg.isInvalid()) {
+ IsError = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ Arg = DefArg.takeAs<Expr>();
TheCall->setArg(i + 1, Arg);
@@ -5447,8 +5504,14 @@ Sema::BuildOverloadedArrowExpr(Scope *S, ExprArg BaseIn, SourceLocation OpLoc) {
OverloadCandidateSet CandidateSet;
const RecordType *BaseRecord = Base->getType()->getAs<RecordType>();
- LookupResult R;
- LookupQualifiedName(R, BaseRecord->getDecl(), OpName, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ if (RequireCompleteType(Base->getLocStart(), Base->getType(),
+ PDiag(diag::err_typecheck_incomplete_tag)
+ << Base->getSourceRange()))
+ return ExprError();
+ LookupResult R(*this, OpName, OpLoc, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupQualifiedName(R, BaseRecord->getDecl());
+ R.suppressDiagnostics();
for (LookupResult::iterator Oper = R.begin(), OperEnd = R.end();
Oper != OperEnd; ++Oper)
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.h b/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.h
index 898393a..0d1f37a 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.h
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaOverload.h
@@ -156,6 +156,14 @@ namespace clang {
/// object parameter of the conversion function.
StandardConversionSequence Before;
+ /// EllipsisConversion - When this is true, it means user-defined
+ /// conversion sequence starts with a ... (elipsis) conversion, instead of
+ /// a standard conversion. In this case, 'Before' field must be ignored.
+ // FIXME. I much rather put this as the first field. But there seems to be
+ // a gcc code gen. bug which causes a crash in a test. Putting it here seems
+ // to work around the crash.
+ bool EllipsisConversion : 1;
/// After - Represents the standard conversion that occurs after
/// the actual user-defined conversion.
StandardConversionSequence After;
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaStmt.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaStmt.cpp
index 6a65bd1..d0f214f 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaStmt.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaStmt.cpp
@@ -873,8 +873,7 @@ static bool IsReturnCopyElidable(ASTContext &Ctx, QualType RetType,
if (!RetType->isRecordType())
return false;
// ... the same cv-unqualified type as the function return type ...
- if (Ctx.getCanonicalType(RetType).getUnqualifiedType() !=
- Ctx.getCanonicalType(ExprType).getUnqualifiedType())
+ if (!Ctx.hasSameUnqualifiedType(RetType, ExprType))
return false;
// ... the expression is the name of a non-volatile automatic object ...
// We ignore parentheses here.
@@ -965,9 +964,12 @@ Sema::ActOnReturnStmt(SourceLocation ReturnLoc, ExprArg rex) {
// In C++ the return statement is handled via a copy initialization.
// the C version of which boils down to CheckSingleAssignmentConstraints.
// FIXME: Leaks RetValExp on error.
- if (PerformCopyInitialization(RetValExp, FnRetType, "returning", Elidable))
+ if (PerformCopyInitialization(RetValExp, FnRetType, "returning", Elidable)){
+ // We should still clean up our temporaries, even when we're failing!
+ RetValExp = MaybeCreateCXXExprWithTemporaries(RetValExp, true);
return StmtError();
+ }
if (RetValExp) CheckReturnStackAddr(RetValExp, FnRetType, ReturnLoc);
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp
index 5ef3701..466a0e3 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaTemplate.cpp
@@ -10,12 +10,14 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "TreeTransform.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
+#include "clang/Parse/Template.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
@@ -129,29 +131,29 @@ TemplateNameKind Sema::isTemplateName(Scope *S,
QualType ObjectType = QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(ObjectTypePtr);
LookupCtx = computeDeclContext(ObjectType);
isDependent = ObjectType->isDependentType();
+ assert((isDependent || !ObjectType->isIncompleteType()) &&
+ "Caller should have completed object type");
} else if (SS.isSet()) {
// This nested-name-specifier occurs after another nested-name-specifier,
// so long into the context associated with the prior nested-name-specifier.
LookupCtx = computeDeclContext(SS, EnteringContext);
isDependent = isDependentScopeSpecifier(SS);
+ // The declaration context must be complete.
+ if (LookupCtx && RequireCompleteDeclContext(SS))
+ return TNK_Non_template;
- LookupResult Found;
+ LookupResult Found(*this, TName, SourceLocation(), LookupOrdinaryName);
bool ObjectTypeSearchedInScope = false;
if (LookupCtx) {
// Perform "qualified" name lookup into the declaration context we
// computed, which is either the type of the base of a member access
// expression or the declaration context associated with a prior
// nested-name-specifier.
+ LookupQualifiedName(Found, LookupCtx);
- // The declaration context must be complete.
- if (!LookupCtx->isDependentContext() && RequireCompleteDeclContext(SS))
- return TNK_Non_template;
- LookupQualifiedName(Found, LookupCtx, TName, LookupOrdinaryName);
- if (ObjectTypePtr && Found.getKind() == LookupResult::NotFound) {
+ if (ObjectTypePtr && Found.empty()) {
// C++ [basic.lookup.classref]p1:
// In a class member access expression (5.2.5), if the . or -> token is
// immediately followed by an identifier followed by a <, the
@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ TemplateNameKind Sema::isTemplateName(Scope *S,
// FIXME: When we're instantiating a template, do we actually have to
// look in the scope of the template? Seems fishy...
- LookupName(Found, S, TName, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupName(Found, S);
ObjectTypeSearchedInScope = true;
} else if (isDependent) {
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ TemplateNameKind Sema::isTemplateName(Scope *S,
return TNK_Non_template;
} else {
// Perform unqualified name lookup in the current scope.
- LookupName(Found, S, TName, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupName(Found, S);
// FIXME: Cope with ambiguous name-lookup results.
@@ -190,8 +192,8 @@ TemplateNameKind Sema::isTemplateName(Scope *S,
// template, the name is also looked up in the context of the entire
// postfix-expression and [...]
- LookupResult FoundOuter;
- LookupName(FoundOuter, S, TName, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupResult FoundOuter(*this, TName, SourceLocation(), LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupName(FoundOuter, S);
// FIXME: Handle ambiguities in this lookup better
NamedDecl *OuterTemplate
= isAcceptableTemplateName(Context, FoundOuter.getAsSingleDecl(Context));
@@ -283,6 +285,46 @@ TemplateDecl *Sema::AdjustDeclIfTemplate(DeclPtrTy &D) {
return 0;
+static TemplateArgumentLoc translateTemplateArgument(Sema &SemaRef,
+ const ParsedTemplateArgument &Arg) {
+ switch (Arg.getKind()) {
+ case ParsedTemplateArgument::Type: {
+ DeclaratorInfo *DI;
+ QualType T = SemaRef.GetTypeFromParser(Arg.getAsType(), &DI);
+ if (!DI)
+ DI = SemaRef.Context.getTrivialDeclaratorInfo(T, Arg.getLocation());
+ return TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(T), DI);
+ }
+ case ParsedTemplateArgument::NonType: {
+ Expr *E = static_cast<Expr *>(Arg.getAsExpr());
+ return TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(E), E);
+ }
+ case ParsedTemplateArgument::Template: {
+ TemplateName Template
+ = TemplateName::getFromVoidPointer(Arg.getAsTemplate().get());
+ return TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(Template),
+ Arg.getScopeSpec().getRange(),
+ Arg.getLocation());
+ }
+ }
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Unhandled parsed template argument");
+ return TemplateArgumentLoc();
+/// \brief Translates template arguments as provided by the parser
+/// into template arguments used by semantic analysis.
+void Sema::translateTemplateArguments(ASTTemplateArgsPtr &TemplateArgsIn,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<TemplateArgumentLoc> &TemplateArgs) {
+ TemplateArgs.reserve(TemplateArgsIn.size());
+ for (unsigned I = 0, Last = TemplateArgsIn.size(); I != Last; ++I)
+ TemplateArgs.push_back(translateTemplateArgument(*this, TemplateArgsIn[I]));
/// ActOnTypeParameter - Called when a C++ template type parameter
/// (e.g., "typename T") has been parsed. Typename specifies whether
/// the keyword "typename" was used to declare the type parameter
@@ -517,34 +559,30 @@ Sema::DeclPtrTy Sema::ActOnTemplateTemplateParameter(Scope* S,
/// parameter.
void Sema::ActOnTemplateTemplateParameterDefault(DeclPtrTy TemplateParamD,
SourceLocation EqualLoc,
- ExprArg DefaultE) {
+ const ParsedTemplateArgument &Default) {
TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TemplateParm
= cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(TemplateParamD.getAs<Decl>());
- // Since a template-template parameter's default argument is an
- // id-expression, it must be a DeclRefExpr.
- DeclRefExpr *Default
- = cast<DeclRefExpr>(static_cast<Expr *>(DefaultE.get()));
// C++ [temp.param]p14:
// A template-parameter shall not be used in its own default argument.
// FIXME: Implement this check! Needs a recursive walk over the types.
- // Check the well-formedness of the template argument.
- if (!isa<TemplateDecl>(Default->getDecl())) {
- Diag(Default->getSourceRange().getBegin(),
- diag::err_template_arg_must_be_template)
- << Default->getSourceRange();
- TemplateParm->setInvalidDecl();
- return;
- }
- if (CheckTemplateArgument(TemplateParm, Default)) {
- TemplateParm->setInvalidDecl();
+ // Check only that we have a template template argument. We don't want to
+ // try to check well-formedness now, because our template template parameter
+ // might have dependent types in its template parameters, which we wouldn't
+ // be able to match now.
+ //
+ // If none of the template template parameter's template arguments mention
+ // other template parameters, we could actually perform more checking here.
+ // However, it isn't worth doing.
+ TemplateArgumentLoc DefaultArg = translateTemplateArgument(*this, Default);
+ if (DefaultArg.getArgument().getAsTemplate().isNull()) {
+ Diag(DefaultArg.getLocation(), diag::err_template_arg_not_class_template)
+ << DefaultArg.getSourceRange();
- DefaultE.release();
- TemplateParm->setDefaultArgument(Default);
+ TemplateParm->setDefaultArgument(DefaultArg);
/// ActOnTemplateParameterList - Builds a TemplateParameterList that
@@ -591,7 +629,8 @@ Sema::CheckClassTemplate(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec, TagUseKind TUK,
// Find any previous declaration with this name.
DeclContext *SemanticContext;
- LookupResult Previous;
+ LookupResult Previous(*this, Name, NameLoc, LookupOrdinaryName,
+ ForRedeclaration);
if (SS.isNotEmpty() && !SS.isInvalid()) {
if (RequireCompleteDeclContext(SS))
return true;
@@ -602,11 +641,10 @@ Sema::CheckClassTemplate(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec, TagUseKind TUK,
return true;
- LookupQualifiedName(Previous, SemanticContext, Name, LookupOrdinaryName,
- true);
+ LookupQualifiedName(Previous, SemanticContext);
} else {
SemanticContext = CurContext;
- LookupName(Previous, S, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupName(Previous, S);
assert(!Previous.isAmbiguous() && "Ambiguity in class template redecl?");
@@ -669,7 +707,8 @@ Sema::CheckClassTemplate(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec, TagUseKind TUK,
// Ensure that the template parameter lists are compatible.
if (!TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParams,
- /*Complain=*/true))
+ /*Complain=*/true,
+ TPL_TemplateMatch))
return true;
// C++ [temp.class]p4:
@@ -923,8 +962,8 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateParameterList(TemplateParameterList *NewParams,
= OldParams? cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(*OldParam) : 0;
if (OldTemplateParm && OldTemplateParm->hasDefaultArgument() &&
NewTemplateParm->hasDefaultArgument()) {
- OldDefaultLoc = OldTemplateParm->getDefaultArgumentLoc();
- NewDefaultLoc = NewTemplateParm->getDefaultArgumentLoc();
+ OldDefaultLoc = OldTemplateParm->getDefaultArgument().getLocation();
+ NewDefaultLoc = NewTemplateParm->getDefaultArgument().getLocation();
SawDefaultArgument = true;
RedundantDefaultArg = true;
PreviousDefaultArgLoc = NewDefaultLoc;
@@ -936,10 +975,12 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateParameterList(TemplateParameterList *NewParams,
// that points to a previous template template parameter.
- PreviousDefaultArgLoc = OldTemplateParm->getDefaultArgumentLoc();
+ PreviousDefaultArgLoc
+ = OldTemplateParm->getDefaultArgument().getLocation();
} else if (NewTemplateParm->hasDefaultArgument()) {
SawDefaultArgument = true;
- PreviousDefaultArgLoc = NewTemplateParm->getDefaultArgumentLoc();
+ PreviousDefaultArgLoc
+ = NewTemplateParm->getDefaultArgument().getLocation();
} else if (SawDefaultArgument)
MissingDefaultArg = true;
@@ -1085,7 +1126,7 @@ Sema::MatchTemplateParametersToScopeSpecifier(SourceLocation DeclStartLoc,
if (ExpectedTemplateParams)
- true);
+ true, TPL_TemplateMatch);
} else if (ParamLists[Idx]->size() > 0)
@@ -1118,28 +1159,6 @@ Sema::MatchTemplateParametersToScopeSpecifier(SourceLocation DeclStartLoc,
return ParamLists[NumParamLists - 1];
-/// \brief Translates template arguments as provided by the parser
-/// into template arguments used by semantic analysis.
-void Sema::translateTemplateArguments(ASTTemplateArgsPtr &TemplateArgsIn,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocs,
- llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgumentLoc, 16> &TemplateArgs) {
- TemplateArgs.reserve(TemplateArgsIn.size());
- void **Args = TemplateArgsIn.getArgs();
- bool *ArgIsType = TemplateArgsIn.getArgIsType();
- for (unsigned Arg = 0, Last = TemplateArgsIn.size(); Arg != Last; ++Arg) {
- if (ArgIsType[Arg]) {
- DeclaratorInfo *DI;
- QualType T = Sema::GetTypeFromParser(Args[Arg], &DI);
- if (!DI) DI = Context.getTrivialDeclaratorInfo(T, TemplateArgLocs[Arg]);
- TemplateArgs.push_back(TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(T), DI));
- } else {
- Expr *E = reinterpret_cast<Expr *>(Args[Arg]);
- TemplateArgs.push_back(TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(E), E));
- }
- }
QualType Sema::CheckTemplateIdType(TemplateName Name,
SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
@@ -1169,7 +1188,8 @@ QualType Sema::CheckTemplateIdType(TemplateName Name,
QualType CanonType;
- if (TemplateSpecializationType::anyDependentTemplateArguments(
+ if (Name.isDependent() ||
+ TemplateSpecializationType::anyDependentTemplateArguments(
NumTemplateArgs)) {
// This class template specialization is a dependent
@@ -1228,13 +1248,12 @@ Action::TypeResult
Sema::ActOnTemplateIdType(TemplateTy TemplateD, SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgsIn,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocsIn,
SourceLocation RAngleLoc) {
TemplateName Template = TemplateD.getAsVal<TemplateName>();
// Translate the parser's template argument list in our AST format.
llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgumentLoc, 16> TemplateArgs;
- translateTemplateArguments(TemplateArgsIn, TemplateArgLocsIn, TemplateArgs);
+ translateTemplateArguments(TemplateArgsIn, TemplateArgs);
QualType Result = CheckTemplateIdType(Template, TemplateLoc, LAngleLoc,,
@@ -1336,13 +1355,12 @@ Sema::OwningExprResult Sema::ActOnTemplateIdExpr(const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
SourceLocation TemplateNameLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgsIn,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgSLs,
SourceLocation RAngleLoc) {
TemplateName Template = TemplateD.getAsVal<TemplateName>();
// Translate the parser's template argument list in our AST format.
llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgumentLoc, 16> TemplateArgs;
- translateTemplateArguments(TemplateArgsIn, TemplateArgSLs, TemplateArgs);
+ translateTemplateArguments(TemplateArgsIn, TemplateArgs);
return BuildTemplateIdExpr((NestedNameSpecifier *)SS.getScopeRep(),
@@ -1449,6 +1467,333 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateTypeArgument(TemplateTypeParmDecl *Param,
return false;
+/// \brief Substitute template arguments into the default template argument for
+/// the given template type parameter.
+/// \param SemaRef the semantic analysis object for which we are performing
+/// the substitution.
+/// \param Template the template that we are synthesizing template arguments
+/// for.
+/// \param TemplateLoc the location of the template name that started the
+/// template-id we are checking.
+/// \param RAngleLoc the location of the right angle bracket ('>') that
+/// terminates the template-id.
+/// \param Param the template template parameter whose default we are
+/// substituting into.
+/// \param Converted the list of template arguments provided for template
+/// parameters that precede \p Param in the template parameter list.
+/// \returns the substituted template argument, or NULL if an error occurred.
+static DeclaratorInfo *
+SubstDefaultTemplateArgument(Sema &SemaRef,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
+ SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
+ TemplateTypeParmDecl *Param,
+ TemplateArgumentListBuilder &Converted) {
+ DeclaratorInfo *ArgType = Param->getDefaultArgumentInfo();
+ // If the argument type is dependent, instantiate it now based
+ // on the previously-computed template arguments.
+ if (ArgType->getType()->isDependentType()) {
+ TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs(SemaRef.Context, Converted,
+ /*TakeArgs=*/false);
+ MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList AllTemplateArgs
+ = SemaRef.getTemplateInstantiationArgs(Template, &TemplateArgs);
+ Sema::InstantiatingTemplate Inst(SemaRef, TemplateLoc,
+ Template, Converted.getFlatArguments(),
+ Converted.flatSize(),
+ SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
+ ArgType = SemaRef.SubstType(ArgType, AllTemplateArgs,
+ Param->getDefaultArgumentLoc(),
+ Param->getDeclName());
+ }
+ return ArgType;
+/// \brief Substitute template arguments into the default template argument for
+/// the given non-type template parameter.
+/// \param SemaRef the semantic analysis object for which we are performing
+/// the substitution.
+/// \param Template the template that we are synthesizing template arguments
+/// for.
+/// \param TemplateLoc the location of the template name that started the
+/// template-id we are checking.
+/// \param RAngleLoc the location of the right angle bracket ('>') that
+/// terminates the template-id.
+/// \param Param the non-type template parameter whose default we are
+/// substituting into.
+/// \param Converted the list of template arguments provided for template
+/// parameters that precede \p Param in the template parameter list.
+/// \returns the substituted template argument, or NULL if an error occurred.
+static Sema::OwningExprResult
+SubstDefaultTemplateArgument(Sema &SemaRef,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
+ SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
+ NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *Param,
+ TemplateArgumentListBuilder &Converted) {
+ TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs(SemaRef.Context, Converted,
+ /*TakeArgs=*/false);
+ MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList AllTemplateArgs
+ = SemaRef.getTemplateInstantiationArgs(Template, &TemplateArgs);
+ Sema::InstantiatingTemplate Inst(SemaRef, TemplateLoc,
+ Template, Converted.getFlatArguments(),
+ Converted.flatSize(),
+ SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
+ return SemaRef.SubstExpr(Param->getDefaultArgument(), AllTemplateArgs);
+/// \brief Substitute template arguments into the default template argument for
+/// the given template template parameter.
+/// \param SemaRef the semantic analysis object for which we are performing
+/// the substitution.
+/// \param Template the template that we are synthesizing template arguments
+/// for.
+/// \param TemplateLoc the location of the template name that started the
+/// template-id we are checking.
+/// \param RAngleLoc the location of the right angle bracket ('>') that
+/// terminates the template-id.
+/// \param Param the template template parameter whose default we are
+/// substituting into.
+/// \param Converted the list of template arguments provided for template
+/// parameters that precede \p Param in the template parameter list.
+/// \returns the substituted template argument, or NULL if an error occurred.
+static TemplateName
+SubstDefaultTemplateArgument(Sema &SemaRef,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
+ SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
+ TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param,
+ TemplateArgumentListBuilder &Converted) {
+ TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs(SemaRef.Context, Converted,
+ /*TakeArgs=*/false);
+ MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList AllTemplateArgs
+ = SemaRef.getTemplateInstantiationArgs(Template, &TemplateArgs);
+ Sema::InstantiatingTemplate Inst(SemaRef, TemplateLoc,
+ Template, Converted.getFlatArguments(),
+ Converted.flatSize(),
+ SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
+ return SemaRef.SubstTemplateName(
+ Param->getDefaultArgument().getArgument().getAsTemplate(),
+ Param->getDefaultArgument().getTemplateNameLoc(),
+ AllTemplateArgs);
+/// \brief Check that the given template argument corresponds to the given
+/// template parameter.
+bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgument(NamedDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgumentLoc &Arg,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ SourceLocation TemplateLoc,
+ SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
+ TemplateArgumentListBuilder &Converted) {
+ // Check template type parameters.
+ if (TemplateTypeParmDecl *TTP = dyn_cast<TemplateTypeParmDecl>(Param))
+ return CheckTemplateTypeArgument(TTP, Arg, Converted);
+ // Check non-type template parameters.
+ if (NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *NTTP =dyn_cast<NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(Param)) {
+ // Do substitution on the type of the non-type template parameter
+ // with the template arguments we've seen thus far.
+ QualType NTTPType = NTTP->getType();
+ if (NTTPType->isDependentType()) {
+ // Do substitution on the type of the non-type template parameter.
+ InstantiatingTemplate Inst(*this, TemplateLoc, Template,
+ NTTP, Converted.getFlatArguments(),
+ Converted.flatSize(),
+ SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
+ TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs(Context, Converted,
+ /*TakeArgs=*/false);
+ NTTPType = SubstType(NTTPType,
+ MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList(TemplateArgs),
+ NTTP->getLocation(),
+ NTTP->getDeclName());
+ // If that worked, check the non-type template parameter type
+ // for validity.
+ if (!NTTPType.isNull())
+ NTTPType = CheckNonTypeTemplateParameterType(NTTPType,
+ NTTP->getLocation());
+ if (NTTPType.isNull())
+ return true;
+ }
+ switch (Arg.getArgument().getKind()) {
+ case TemplateArgument::Null:
+ assert(false && "Should never see a NULL template argument here");
+ return true;
+ case TemplateArgument::Expression: {
+ Expr *E = Arg.getArgument().getAsExpr();
+ TemplateArgument Result;
+ if (CheckTemplateArgument(NTTP, NTTPType, E, Result))
+ return true;
+ Converted.Append(Result);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
+ case TemplateArgument::Integral:
+ // We've already checked this template argument, so just copy
+ // it to the list of converted arguments.
+ Converted.Append(Arg.getArgument());
+ break;
+ case TemplateArgument::Template:
+ // We were given a template template argument. It may not be ill-formed;
+ // see below.
+ if (DependentTemplateName *DTN
+ = Arg.getArgument().getAsTemplate().getAsDependentTemplateName()) {
+ // We have a template argument such as \c T::template X, which we
+ // parsed as a template template argument. However, since we now
+ // know that we need a non-type template argument, convert this
+ // template name into an expression.
+ Expr *E = new (Context) UnresolvedDeclRefExpr(DTN->getIdentifier(),
+ Context.DependentTy,
+ Arg.getTemplateNameLoc(),
+ Arg.getTemplateQualifierRange(),
+ DTN->getQualifier(),
+ /*isAddressOfOperand=*/false);
+ TemplateArgument Result;
+ if (CheckTemplateArgument(NTTP, NTTPType, E, Result))
+ return true;
+ Converted.Append(Result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // We have a template argument that actually does refer to a class
+ // template, template alias, or template template parameter, and
+ // therefore cannot be a non-type template argument.
+ Diag(Arg.getLocation(), diag::err_template_arg_must_be_expr)
+ << Arg.getSourceRange();
+ Diag(Param->getLocation(), diag::note_template_param_here);
+ return true;
+ case TemplateArgument::Type: {
+ // We have a non-type template parameter but the template
+ // argument is a type.
+ // C++ [temp.arg]p2:
+ // In a template-argument, an ambiguity between a type-id and
+ // an expression is resolved to a type-id, regardless of the
+ // form of the corresponding template-parameter.
+ //
+ // We warn specifically about this case, since it can be rather
+ // confusing for users.
+ QualType T = Arg.getArgument().getAsType();
+ SourceRange SR = Arg.getSourceRange();
+ if (T->isFunctionType())
+ Diag(SR.getBegin(), diag::err_template_arg_nontype_ambig) << SR << T;
+ else
+ Diag(SR.getBegin(), diag::err_template_arg_must_be_expr) << SR;
+ Diag(Param->getLocation(), diag::note_template_param_here);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case TemplateArgument::Pack:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Caller must expand template argument packs");
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check template template parameters.
+ TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TempParm = cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Param);
+ // Substitute into the template parameter list of the template
+ // template parameter, since previously-supplied template arguments
+ // may appear within the template template parameter.
+ {
+ // Set up a template instantiation context.
+ LocalInstantiationScope Scope(*this);
+ InstantiatingTemplate Inst(*this, TemplateLoc, Template,
+ TempParm, Converted.getFlatArguments(),
+ Converted.flatSize(),
+ SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
+ TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs(Context, Converted,
+ /*TakeArgs=*/false);
+ TempParm = cast_or_null<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(
+ SubstDecl(TempParm, CurContext,
+ MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList(TemplateArgs)));
+ if (!TempParm)
+ return true;
+ // FIXME: TempParam is leaked.
+ }
+ switch (Arg.getArgument().getKind()) {
+ case TemplateArgument::Null:
+ assert(false && "Should never see a NULL template argument here");
+ return true;
+ case TemplateArgument::Template:
+ if (CheckTemplateArgument(TempParm, Arg))
+ return true;
+ Converted.Append(Arg.getArgument());
+ break;
+ case TemplateArgument::Expression:
+ case TemplateArgument::Type:
+ // We have a template template parameter but the template
+ // argument does not refer to a template.
+ Diag(Arg.getLocation(), diag::err_template_arg_must_be_template);
+ return true;
+ case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable(
+ "Declaration argument with template template parameter");
+ break;
+ case TemplateArgument::Integral:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable(
+ "Integral argument with template template parameter");
+ break;
+ case TemplateArgument::Pack:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Caller must expand template argument packs");
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
/// \brief Check that the given template argument list is well-formed
/// for specializing the given template.
bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgumentList(TemplateDecl *Template,
@@ -1499,226 +1844,105 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgumentList(TemplateDecl *Template,
if (ArgIdx > NumArgs && PartialTemplateArgs)
- // Decode the template argument
- TemplateArgumentLoc Arg;
- if (ArgIdx >= NumArgs) {
- // Retrieve the default template argument from the template
- // parameter.
- if (TemplateTypeParmDecl *TTP = dyn_cast<TemplateTypeParmDecl>(*Param)) {
- if (TTP->isParameterPack()) {
- // We have an empty argument pack.
- Converted.BeginPack();
- Converted.EndPack();
- break;
- }
- if (!TTP->hasDefaultArgument())
+ // If we have a template parameter pack, check every remaining template
+ // argument against that template parameter pack.
+ if ((*Param)->isTemplateParameterPack()) {
+ Converted.BeginPack();
+ for (; ArgIdx < NumArgs; ++ArgIdx) {
+ if (CheckTemplateArgument(*Param, TemplateArgs[ArgIdx], Template,
+ TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc, Converted)) {
+ Invalid = true;
- DeclaratorInfo *ArgType = TTP->getDefaultArgumentInfo();
- // If the argument type is dependent, instantiate it now based
- // on the previously-computed template arguments.
- if (ArgType->getType()->isDependentType()) {
- InstantiatingTemplate Inst(*this, TemplateLoc,
- Template, Converted.getFlatArguments(),
- Converted.flatSize(),
- SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
- TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs(Context, Converted,
- /*TakeArgs=*/false);
- ArgType = SubstType(ArgType,
- MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList(TemplateArgs),
- TTP->getDefaultArgumentLoc(),
- TTP->getDeclName());
- if (!ArgType)
- return true;
- Arg = TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(ArgType->getType()), ArgType);
- } else if (NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *NTTP
- = dyn_cast<NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(*Param)) {
- if (!NTTP->hasDefaultArgument())
- break;
- InstantiatingTemplate Inst(*this, TemplateLoc,
- Template, Converted.getFlatArguments(),
- Converted.flatSize(),
- SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
- TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs(Context, Converted,
- /*TakeArgs=*/false);
- Sema::OwningExprResult E
- = SubstExpr(NTTP->getDefaultArgument(),
- MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList(TemplateArgs));
- if (E.isInvalid())
- return true;
- Expr *Ex = E.takeAs<Expr>();
- Arg = TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(Ex), Ex);
- } else {
- TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TempParm
- = cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(*Param);
- if (!TempParm->hasDefaultArgument())
- break;
- // FIXME: Subst default argument
- Arg = TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(TempParm->getDefaultArgument()),
- TempParm->getDefaultArgument());
- } else {
- // Retrieve the template argument produced by the user.
- Arg = TemplateArgs[ArgIdx];
+ Converted.EndPack();
+ continue;
+ if (ArgIdx < NumArgs) {
+ // Check the template argument we were given.
+ if (CheckTemplateArgument(*Param, TemplateArgs[ArgIdx], Template,
+ TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc, Converted))
+ return true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We have a default template argument that we will use.
+ TemplateArgumentLoc Arg;
+ // Retrieve the default template argument from the template
+ // parameter. For each kind of template parameter, we substitute the
+ // template arguments provided thus far and any "outer" template arguments
+ // (when the template parameter was part of a nested template) into
+ // the default argument.
if (TemplateTypeParmDecl *TTP = dyn_cast<TemplateTypeParmDecl>(*Param)) {
- if (TTP->isParameterPack()) {
- Converted.BeginPack();
- // Check all the remaining arguments (if any).
- for (; ArgIdx < NumArgs; ++ArgIdx) {
- if (CheckTemplateTypeArgument(TTP, TemplateArgs[ArgIdx], Converted))
- Invalid = true;
- }
- Converted.EndPack();
- } else {
- if (CheckTemplateTypeArgument(TTP, Arg, Converted))
- Invalid = true;
+ if (!TTP->hasDefaultArgument()) {
+ assert((Invalid || PartialTemplateArgs) && "Missing default argument");
+ break;
+ DeclaratorInfo *ArgType = SubstDefaultTemplateArgument(*this,
+ Template,
+ TemplateLoc,
+ RAngleLoc,
+ TTP,
+ Converted);
+ if (!ArgType)
+ return true;
+ Arg = TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(ArgType->getType()),
+ ArgType);
} else if (NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *NTTP
= dyn_cast<NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(*Param)) {
- // Check non-type template parameters.
- // Do substitution on the type of the non-type template parameter
- // with the template arguments we've seen thus far.
- QualType NTTPType = NTTP->getType();
- if (NTTPType->isDependentType()) {
- // Do substitution on the type of the non-type template parameter.
- InstantiatingTemplate Inst(*this, TemplateLoc,
- Template, Converted.getFlatArguments(),
- Converted.flatSize(),
- SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
- TemplateArgumentList TemplateArgs(Context, Converted,
- /*TakeArgs=*/false);
- NTTPType = SubstType(NTTPType,
- MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList(TemplateArgs),
- NTTP->getLocation(),
- NTTP->getDeclName());
- // If that worked, check the non-type template parameter type
- // for validity.
- if (!NTTPType.isNull())
- NTTPType = CheckNonTypeTemplateParameterType(NTTPType,
- NTTP->getLocation());
- if (NTTPType.isNull()) {
- Invalid = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- switch (Arg.getArgument().getKind()) {
- case TemplateArgument::Null:
- assert(false && "Should never see a NULL template argument here");
- break;
- case TemplateArgument::Expression: {
- Expr *E = Arg.getArgument().getAsExpr();
- TemplateArgument Result;
- if (CheckTemplateArgument(NTTP, NTTPType, E, Result))
- Invalid = true;
- else
- Converted.Append(Result);
+ if (!NTTP->hasDefaultArgument()) {
+ assert((Invalid || PartialTemplateArgs) && "Missing default argument");
- case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
- case TemplateArgument::Integral:
- // We've already checked this template argument, so just copy
- // it to the list of converted arguments.
- Converted.Append(Arg.getArgument());
- break;
- case TemplateArgument::Type: {
- // We have a non-type template parameter but the template
- // argument is a type.
- // C++ [temp.arg]p2:
- // In a template-argument, an ambiguity between a type-id and
- // an expression is resolved to a type-id, regardless of the
- // form of the corresponding template-parameter.
- //
- // We warn specifically about this case, since it can be rather
- // confusing for users.
- QualType T = Arg.getArgument().getAsType();
- SourceRange SR = Arg.getSourceRange();
- if (T->isFunctionType())
- Diag(SR.getBegin(), diag::err_template_arg_nontype_ambig)
- << SR << T;
- else
- Diag(SR.getBegin(), diag::err_template_arg_must_be_expr) << SR;
- Diag((*Param)->getLocation(), diag::note_template_param_here);
- Invalid = true;
- break;
- }
+ Sema::OwningExprResult E = SubstDefaultTemplateArgument(*this, Template,
+ TemplateLoc,
+ RAngleLoc,
+ Converted);
+ if (E.isInvalid())
+ return true;
- case TemplateArgument::Pack:
- assert(0 && "FIXME: Implement!");
- break;
- }
+ Expr *Ex = E.takeAs<Expr>();
+ Arg = TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(Ex), Ex);
} else {
- // Check template template parameters.
TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TempParm
= cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(*Param);
- switch (Arg.getArgument().getKind()) {
- case TemplateArgument::Null:
- assert(false && "Should never see a NULL template argument here");
+ if (!TempParm->hasDefaultArgument()) {
+ assert((Invalid || PartialTemplateArgs) && "Missing default argument");
- case TemplateArgument::Expression: {
- Expr *ArgExpr = Arg.getArgument().getAsExpr();
- if (ArgExpr && isa<DeclRefExpr>(ArgExpr) &&
- isa<TemplateDecl>(cast<DeclRefExpr>(ArgExpr)->getDecl())) {
- if (CheckTemplateArgument(TempParm, cast<DeclRefExpr>(ArgExpr)))
- Invalid = true;
- // Add the converted template argument.
- Decl *D
- = cast<DeclRefExpr>(ArgExpr)->getDecl()->getCanonicalDecl();
- Converted.Append(TemplateArgument(D));
- continue;
- }
- // fall through
- case TemplateArgument::Type: {
- // We have a template template parameter but the template
- // argument does not refer to a template.
- Diag(Arg.getLocation(), diag::err_template_arg_must_be_template);
- Invalid = true;
- break;
- }
- case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
- // We've already checked this template argument, so just copy
- // it to the list of converted arguments.
- Converted.Append(Arg.getArgument());
- break;
- case TemplateArgument::Integral:
- assert(false && "Integral argument with template template parameter");
- break;
- case TemplateArgument::Pack:
- assert(0 && "FIXME: Implement!");
- break;
- }
+ TemplateName Name = SubstDefaultTemplateArgument(*this, Template,
+ TemplateLoc,
+ RAngleLoc,
+ TempParm,
+ Converted);
+ if (Name.isNull())
+ return true;
+ Arg = TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(Name),
+ TempParm->getDefaultArgument().getTemplateQualifierRange(),
+ TempParm->getDefaultArgument().getTemplateNameLoc());
+ // Introduce an instantiation record that describes where we are using
+ // the default template argument.
+ InstantiatingTemplate Instantiating(*this, RAngleLoc, Template, *Param,
+ Converted.getFlatArguments(),
+ Converted.flatSize(),
+ SourceRange(TemplateLoc, RAngleLoc));
+ // Check the default template argument.
+ if (CheckTemplateArgument(*Param, Arg, Template, TemplateLoc,
+ RAngleLoc, Converted))
+ return true;
return Invalid;
@@ -1864,8 +2088,8 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgumentAddressOfObjectOrFunction(Expr *Arg,
/// \brief Checks whether the given template argument is a pointer to
/// member constant according to C++ [temp.arg.nontype]p1.
-Sema::CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Expr *Arg, NamedDecl *&Member) {
+bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Expr *Arg,
+ TemplateArgument &Converted) {
bool Invalid = false;
// See through any implicit casts we added to fix the type.
@@ -1896,13 +2120,33 @@ Sema::CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Expr *Arg, NamedDecl *&Member) {
Arg = Parens->getSubExpr();
- if (UnaryOperator *UnOp = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(Arg))
+ // A pointer-to-member constant written &Class::member.
+ if (UnaryOperator *UnOp = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(Arg)) {
if (UnOp->getOpcode() == UnaryOperator::AddrOf) {
DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(UnOp->getSubExpr());
if (DRE && !DRE->getQualifier())
DRE = 0;
+ }
+ // A constant of pointer-to-member type.
+ else if ((DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Arg))) {
+ if (ValueDecl *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(DRE->getDecl())) {
+ if (VD->getType()->isMemberPointerType()) {
+ if (isa<NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(VD) ||
+ (isa<VarDecl>(VD) &&
+ Context.getCanonicalType(VD->getType()).isConstQualified())) {
+ if (Arg->isTypeDependent() || Arg->isValueDependent())
+ Converted = TemplateArgument(Arg->Retain());
+ else
+ Converted = TemplateArgument(VD->getCanonicalDecl());
+ return Invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DRE = 0;
+ }
if (!DRE)
return Diag(Arg->getSourceRange().getBegin(),
@@ -1915,7 +2159,10 @@ Sema::CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Expr *Arg, NamedDecl *&Member) {
// Okay: this is the address of a non-static member, and therefore
// a member pointer constant.
- Member = DRE->getDecl();
+ if (Arg->isTypeDependent() || Arg->isValueDependent())
+ Converted = TemplateArgument(Arg->Retain());
+ else
+ Converted = TemplateArgument(DRE->getDecl()->getCanonicalDecl());
return Invalid;
@@ -2119,16 +2366,8 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgument(NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *Param,
return true;
- if (ParamType->isMemberPointerType()) {
- NamedDecl *Member = 0;
- if (CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Arg, Member))
- return true;
- if (Member)
- Member = cast<NamedDecl>(Member->getCanonicalDecl());
- Converted = TemplateArgument(Member);
- return false;
- }
+ if (ParamType->isMemberPointerType())
+ return CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Arg, Converted);
NamedDecl *Entity = 0;
if (CheckTemplateArgumentAddressOfObjectOrFunction(Arg, Entity))
@@ -2241,14 +2480,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgument(NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *Param,
return true;
- NamedDecl *Member = 0;
- if (CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Arg, Member))
- return true;
- if (Member)
- Member = cast<NamedDecl>(Member->getCanonicalDecl());
- Converted = TemplateArgument(Member);
- return false;
+ return CheckTemplateArgumentPointerToMember(Arg, Converted);
/// \brief Check a template argument against its corresponding
@@ -2257,9 +2489,14 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgument(NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *Param,
/// This routine implements the semantics of C++ [temp.arg.template].
/// It returns true if an error occurred, and false otherwise.
bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgument(TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param,
- DeclRefExpr *Arg) {
- assert(isa<TemplateDecl>(Arg->getDecl()) && "Only template decls allowed");
- TemplateDecl *Template = cast<TemplateDecl>(Arg->getDecl());
+ const TemplateArgumentLoc &Arg) {
+ TemplateName Name = Arg.getArgument().getAsTemplate();
+ TemplateDecl *Template = Name.getAsTemplateDecl();
+ if (!Template) {
+ // Any dependent template name is fine.
+ assert(Name.isDependent() && "Non-dependent template isn't a declaration?");
+ return false;
+ }
// C++ [temp.arg.template]p1:
// A template-argument for a template template-parameter shall be
@@ -2276,15 +2513,16 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgument(TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param,
!isa<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Template)) {
assert(isa<FunctionTemplateDecl>(Template) &&
"Only function templates are possible here");
- Diag(Arg->getLocStart(), diag::err_template_arg_not_class_template);
+ Diag(Arg.getLocation(), diag::err_template_arg_not_class_template);
Diag(Template->getLocation(), diag::note_template_arg_refers_here_func)
<< Template;
return !TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(Template->getTemplateParameters(),
- true, true,
- Arg->getSourceRange().getBegin());
+ true,
+ TPL_TemplateTemplateArgumentMatch,
+ Arg.getLocation());
/// \brief Determine whether the given template parameter lists are
@@ -2300,9 +2538,7 @@ bool Sema::CheckTemplateArgument(TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param,
/// \param Complain If true, this routine will produce a diagnostic if
/// the template parameter lists are not equivalent.
-/// \param IsTemplateTemplateParm If true, this routine is being
-/// called to compare the template parameter lists of a template
-/// template parameter.
+/// \param Kind describes how we are to match the template parameter lists.
/// \param TemplateArgLoc If this source location is valid, then we
/// are actually checking the template parameter list of a template
@@ -2316,7 +2552,7 @@ bool
Sema::TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParameterList *New,
TemplateParameterList *Old,
bool Complain,
- bool IsTemplateTemplateParm,
+ TemplateParameterListEqualKind Kind,
SourceLocation TemplateArgLoc) {
if (Old->size() != New->size()) {
if (Complain) {
@@ -2327,10 +2563,10 @@ Sema::TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParameterList *New,
Diag(New->getTemplateLoc(), NextDiag)
<< (New->size() > Old->size())
- << IsTemplateTemplateParm
+ << (Kind != TPL_TemplateMatch)
<< SourceRange(New->getTemplateLoc(), New->getRAngleLoc());
Diag(Old->getTemplateLoc(), diag::note_template_prev_declaration)
- << IsTemplateTemplateParm
+ << (Kind != TPL_TemplateMatch)
<< SourceRange(Old->getTemplateLoc(), Old->getRAngleLoc());
@@ -2348,9 +2584,9 @@ Sema::TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParameterList *New,
NextDiag = diag::note_template_param_different_kind;
Diag((*NewParm)->getLocation(), NextDiag)
- << IsTemplateTemplateParm;
+ << (Kind != TPL_TemplateMatch);
Diag((*OldParm)->getLocation(), diag::note_template_prev_declaration)
- << IsTemplateTemplateParm;
+ << (Kind != TPL_TemplateMatch);
return false;
@@ -2358,26 +2594,21 @@ Sema::TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParameterList *New,
if (isa<TemplateTypeParmDecl>(*OldParm)) {
// Okay; all template type parameters are equivalent (since we
// know we're at the same index).
-#if 0
- // FIXME: Enable this code in debug mode *after* we properly go through
- // and "instantiate" the template parameter lists of template template
- // parameters. It's only after this instantiation that (1) any dependent
- // types within the template parameter list of the template template
- // parameter can be checked, and (2) the template type parameter depths
- // will match up.
- QualType OldParmType
- = Context.getTypeDeclType(cast<TemplateTypeParmDecl>(*OldParm));
- QualType NewParmType
- = Context.getTypeDeclType(cast<TemplateTypeParmDecl>(*NewParm));
- assert(Context.getCanonicalType(OldParmType) ==
- Context.getCanonicalType(NewParmType) &&
- "type parameter mismatch?");
} else if (NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *OldNTTP
= dyn_cast<NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(*OldParm)) {
// The types of non-type template parameters must agree.
NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *NewNTTP
= cast<NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(*NewParm);
+ // If we are matching a template template argument to a template
+ // template parameter and one of the non-type template parameter types
+ // is dependent, then we must wait until template instantiation time
+ // to actually compare the arguments.
+ if (Kind == TPL_TemplateTemplateArgumentMatch &&
+ (OldNTTP->getType()->isDependentType() ||
+ NewNTTP->getType()->isDependentType()))
+ continue;
if (Context.getCanonicalType(OldNTTP->getType()) !=
Context.getCanonicalType(NewNTTP->getType())) {
if (Complain) {
@@ -2389,7 +2620,7 @@ Sema::TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParameterList *New,
Diag(NewNTTP->getLocation(), NextDiag)
<< NewNTTP->getType()
- << IsTemplateTemplateParm;
+ << (Kind != TPL_TemplateMatch);
<< OldNTTP->getType();
@@ -2399,7 +2630,6 @@ Sema::TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParameterList *New,
} else {
// The template parameter lists of template template
// parameters must agree.
- // FIXME: Could we perform a faster "type" comparison here?
assert(isa<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(*OldParm) &&
"Only template template parameters handled here");
TemplateTemplateParmDecl *OldTTP
@@ -2409,7 +2639,7 @@ Sema::TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(TemplateParameterList *New,
if (!TemplateParameterListsAreEqual(NewTTP->getTemplateParameters(),
- /*IsTemplateTemplateParm=*/true,
+ (Kind == TPL_TemplateMatch? TPL_TemplateTemplateParmMatch : Kind),
return false;
@@ -2635,16 +2865,9 @@ bool Sema::CheckClassTemplatePartialSpecializationArgs(
} else if (TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TTP
= dyn_cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(
TemplateParams->getParam(I))) {
- // FIXME: We should settle on either Declaration storage or
- // Expression storage for template template parameters.
+ TemplateName Name = ArgList[I].getAsTemplate();
TemplateTemplateParmDecl *ArgDecl
- = dyn_cast_or_null<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(
- ArgList[I].getAsDecl());
- if (!ArgDecl)
- if (DeclRefExpr *DRE
- = dyn_cast_or_null<DeclRefExpr>(ArgList[I].getAsExpr()))
- ArgDecl = dyn_cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(DRE->getDecl());
+ = dyn_cast_or_null<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Name.getAsTemplateDecl());
if (!ArgDecl ||
ArgDecl->getIndex() != TTP->getIndex() ||
ArgDecl->getDepth() != TTP->getDepth())
@@ -2724,7 +2947,6 @@ Sema::ActOnClassTemplateSpecialization(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec,
SourceLocation TemplateNameLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgsIn,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocs,
SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
AttributeList *Attr,
MultiTemplateParamsArg TemplateParameterLists) {
@@ -2733,7 +2955,14 @@ Sema::ActOnClassTemplateSpecialization(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec,
// Find the class template we're specializing
TemplateName Name = TemplateD.getAsVal<TemplateName>();
ClassTemplateDecl *ClassTemplate
- = cast<ClassTemplateDecl>(Name.getAsTemplateDecl());
+ = dyn_cast_or_null<ClassTemplateDecl>(Name.getAsTemplateDecl());
+ if (!ClassTemplate) {
+ Diag(TemplateNameLoc, diag::err_not_class_template_specialization)
+ << (Name.getAsTemplateDecl() &&
+ isa<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Name.getAsTemplateDecl()));
+ return true;
+ }
bool isExplicitSpecialization = false;
bool isPartialSpecialization = false;
@@ -2772,12 +3001,11 @@ Sema::ActOnClassTemplateSpecialization(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec,
} else {
TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TTP = cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Param);
- if (Expr *DefArg = TTP->getDefaultArgument()) {
- Diag(TTP->getDefaultArgumentLoc(),
+ if (TTP->hasDefaultArgument()) {
+ Diag(TTP->getDefaultArgument().getLocation(),
- << DefArg->getSourceRange();
- TTP->setDefaultArgument(0);
- DefArg->Destroy(Context);
+ << TTP->getDefaultArgument().getSourceRange();
+ TTP->setDefaultArgument(TemplateArgumentLoc());
@@ -2819,7 +3047,7 @@ Sema::ActOnClassTemplateSpecialization(Scope *S, unsigned TagSpec,
// Translate the parser's template argument list in our AST format.
llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgumentLoc, 16> TemplateArgs;
- translateTemplateArguments(TemplateArgsIn, TemplateArgLocs, TemplateArgs);
+ translateTemplateArguments(TemplateArgsIn, TemplateArgs);
// Check that the template argument list is well-formed for this
// template.
@@ -3625,7 +3853,6 @@ Sema::ActOnExplicitInstantiation(Scope *S,
SourceLocation TemplateNameLoc,
SourceLocation LAngleLoc,
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgsIn,
- SourceLocation *TemplateArgLocs,
SourceLocation RAngleLoc,
AttributeList *Attr) {
// Find the class template we're specializing
@@ -3664,7 +3891,7 @@ Sema::ActOnExplicitInstantiation(Scope *S,
// Translate the parser's template argument list in our AST format.
llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgumentLoc, 16> TemplateArgs;
- translateTemplateArguments(TemplateArgsIn, TemplateArgLocs, TemplateArgs);
+ translateTemplateArguments(TemplateArgsIn, TemplateArgs);
// Check that the template argument list is well-formed for this
// template.
@@ -3966,19 +4193,16 @@ Sema::DeclResult Sema::ActOnExplicitInstantiation(Scope *S,
= ExternLoc.isInvalid()? TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDefinition
: TSK_ExplicitInstantiationDeclaration;
- LookupResult Previous;
- LookupParsedName(Previous, S, &D.getCXXScopeSpec(),
- Name, LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupResult Previous(*this, Name, D.getIdentifierLoc(), LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupParsedName(Previous, S, &D.getCXXScopeSpec());
if (!R->isFunctionType()) {
// C++ [temp.explicit]p1:
// A [...] static data member of a class template can be explicitly
// instantiated from the member definition associated with its class
// template.
- if (Previous.isAmbiguous()) {
- return DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(Previous, Name, D.getIdentifierLoc(),
- D.getSourceRange());
- }
+ if (Previous.isAmbiguous())
+ return true;
VarDecl *Prev = dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(
@@ -4047,10 +4271,8 @@ Sema::DeclResult Sema::ActOnExplicitInstantiation(Scope *S,
TemplateIdAnnotation *TemplateId = D.getName().TemplateId;
ASTTemplateArgsPtr TemplateArgsPtr(*this,
- TemplateId->getTemplateArgIsType(),
- TemplateId->getTemplateArgLocations(),
HasExplicitTemplateArgs = true;
@@ -4259,11 +4481,11 @@ Sema::CheckTypenameType(NestedNameSpecifier *NNS, const IdentifierInfo &II,
assert(Ctx && "No declaration context?");
DeclarationName Name(&II);
- LookupResult Result;
- LookupQualifiedName(Result, Ctx, Name, LookupOrdinaryName, false);
+ LookupResult Result(*this, Name, Range.getEnd(), LookupOrdinaryName);
+ LookupQualifiedName(Result, Ctx);
unsigned DiagID = 0;
Decl *Referenced = 0;
- switch (Result.getKind()) {
+ switch (Result.getResultKind()) {
case LookupResult::NotFound:
DiagID = diag::err_typename_nested_not_found;
@@ -4280,13 +4502,16 @@ Sema::CheckTypenameType(NestedNameSpecifier *NNS, const IdentifierInfo &II,
Referenced = Result.getFoundDecl();
+ case LookupResult::FoundUnresolvedValue:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("unresolved using decl in non-dependent context");
+ return QualType();
case LookupResult::FoundOverloaded:
DiagID = diag::err_typename_nested_not_type;
Referenced = *Result.begin();
case LookupResult::Ambiguous:
- DiagnoseAmbiguousLookup(Result, Name, Range.getEnd(), Range);
return QualType();
@@ -4436,12 +4661,24 @@ QualType Sema::RebuildTypeInCurrentInstantiation(QualType T, SourceLocation Loc,
Sema::getTemplateArgumentBindingsText(const TemplateParameterList *Params,
const TemplateArgumentList &Args) {
+ // FIXME: For variadic templates, we'll need to get the structured list.
+ return getTemplateArgumentBindingsText(Params, Args.getFlatArgumentList(),
+ Args.flat_size());
+Sema::getTemplateArgumentBindingsText(const TemplateParameterList *Params,
+ const TemplateArgument *Args,
+ unsigned NumArgs) {
std::string Result;
- if (!Params || Params->size() == 0)
+ if (!Params || Params->size() == 0 || NumArgs == 0)
return Result;
for (unsigned I = 0, N = Params->size(); I != N; ++I) {
+ if (I >= NumArgs)
+ break;
if (I == 0)
Result += "[with ";
@@ -4484,6 +4721,14 @@ Sema::getTemplateArgumentBindingsText(const TemplateParameterList *Params,
+ case TemplateArgument::Template: {
+ std::string Str;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Str);
+ Args[I].getAsTemplate().print(OS, Context.PrintingPolicy);
+ Result += OS.str();
+ break;
+ }
case TemplateArgument::Integral: {
Result += Args[I].getAsIntegral()->toString(10);
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateDeduction.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateDeduction.cpp
index 7b5ad7f..10594c7 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateDeduction.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateDeduction.cpp
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ DeduceNonTypeTemplateArgument(ASTContext &Context,
/// from the given type- or value-dependent expression.
/// \returns true if deduction succeeded, false otherwise.
static Sema::TemplateDeductionResult
DeduceNonTypeTemplateArgument(ASTContext &Context,
NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *NTTP,
@@ -166,34 +165,87 @@ DeduceNonTypeTemplateArgument(ASTContext &Context,
return Sema::TDK_Success;
+/// \brief Deduce the value of the given non-type template parameter
+/// from the given declaration.
+/// \returns true if deduction succeeded, false otherwise.
+static Sema::TemplateDeductionResult
+DeduceNonTypeTemplateArgument(ASTContext &Context,
+ NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *NTTP,
+ Decl *D,
+ Sema::TemplateDeductionInfo &Info,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<TemplateArgument> &Deduced) {
+ assert(NTTP->getDepth() == 0 &&
+ "Cannot deduce non-type template argument with depth > 0");
+ if (Deduced[NTTP->getIndex()].isNull()) {
+ Deduced[NTTP->getIndex()] = TemplateArgument(D->getCanonicalDecl());
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
+ }
+ if (Deduced[NTTP->getIndex()].getKind() == TemplateArgument::Expression) {
+ // Okay, we deduced a declaration in one case and a dependent expression
+ // in another case.
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
+ }
+ if (Deduced[NTTP->getIndex()].getKind() == TemplateArgument::Declaration) {
+ // Compare the declarations for equality
+ if (Deduced[NTTP->getIndex()].getAsDecl()->getCanonicalDecl() ==
+ D->getCanonicalDecl())
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
+ // FIXME: Fill in argument mismatch information
+ return Sema::TDK_NonDeducedMismatch;
+ }
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
static Sema::TemplateDeductionResult
DeduceTemplateArguments(ASTContext &Context,
+ TemplateParameterList *TemplateParams,
TemplateName Param,
TemplateName Arg,
Sema::TemplateDeductionInfo &Info,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<TemplateArgument> &Deduced) {
- // FIXME: Implement template argument deduction for template
- // template parameters.
- // FIXME: this routine does not have enough information to produce
- // good diagnostics.
TemplateDecl *ParamDecl = Param.getAsTemplateDecl();
- TemplateDecl *ArgDecl = Arg.getAsTemplateDecl();
- if (!ParamDecl || !ArgDecl) {
- // FIXME: fill in Info.Param/Info.FirstArg
- return Sema::TDK_Inconsistent;
+ if (!ParamDecl) {
+ // The parameter type is dependent and is not a template template parameter,
+ // so there is nothing that we can deduce.
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
- ParamDecl = cast<TemplateDecl>(ParamDecl->getCanonicalDecl());
- ArgDecl = cast<TemplateDecl>(ArgDecl->getCanonicalDecl());
- if (ParamDecl != ArgDecl) {
- // FIXME: fill in Info.Param/Info.FirstArg
+ if (TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TempParam
+ = dyn_cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(ParamDecl)) {
+ // Bind the template template parameter to the given template name.
+ TemplateArgument &ExistingArg = Deduced[TempParam->getIndex()];
+ if (ExistingArg.isNull()) {
+ // This is the first deduction for this template template parameter.
+ ExistingArg = TemplateArgument(Context.getCanonicalTemplateName(Arg));
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
+ }
+ // Verify that the previous binding matches this deduction.
+ assert(ExistingArg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Template);
+ if (Context.hasSameTemplateName(ExistingArg.getAsTemplate(), Arg))
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
+ // Inconsistent deduction.
+ Info.Param = TempParam;
+ Info.FirstArg = ExistingArg;
+ Info.SecondArg = TemplateArgument(Arg);
return Sema::TDK_Inconsistent;
- return Sema::TDK_Success;
+ // Verify that the two template names are equivalent.
+ if (Context.hasSameTemplateName(Param, Arg))
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
+ // Mismatch of non-dependent template parameter to argument.
+ Info.FirstArg = TemplateArgument(Param);
+ Info.SecondArg = TemplateArgument(Arg);
+ return Sema::TDK_NonDeducedMismatch;
/// \brief Deduce the template arguments by comparing the template parameter
@@ -224,32 +276,20 @@ DeduceTemplateArguments(ASTContext &Context,
assert(Arg.isCanonical() && "Argument type must be canonical");
// Check whether the template argument is a dependent template-id.
- // FIXME: This is untested code; it can be tested when we implement
- // partial ordering of class template partial specializations.
if (const TemplateSpecializationType *SpecArg
= dyn_cast<TemplateSpecializationType>(Arg)) {
// Perform template argument deduction for the template name.
if (Sema::TemplateDeductionResult Result
- = DeduceTemplateArguments(Context,
+ = DeduceTemplateArguments(Context, TemplateParams,
Info, Deduced))
return Result;
- unsigned NumArgs = Param->getNumArgs();
- // FIXME: When one of the template-names refers to a
- // declaration with default template arguments, do we need to
- // fill in those default template arguments here? Most likely,
- // the answer is "yes", but I don't see any references. This
- // issue may be resolved elsewhere, because we may want to
- // instantiate default template arguments when we actually write
- // the template-id.
- if (SpecArg->getNumArgs() != NumArgs)
- return Sema::TDK_NonDeducedMismatch;
// Perform template argument deduction on each template
// argument.
+ unsigned NumArgs = std::min(SpecArg->getNumArgs(), Param->getNumArgs());
for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumArgs; ++I)
if (Sema::TemplateDeductionResult Result
= DeduceTemplateArguments(Context, TemplateParams,
@@ -276,13 +316,12 @@ DeduceTemplateArguments(ASTContext &Context,
// Perform template argument deduction for the template name.
if (Sema::TemplateDeductionResult Result
= DeduceTemplateArguments(Context,
+ TemplateParams,
Info, Deduced))
return Result;
- // FIXME: Can the # of arguments in the parameter and the argument
- // differ due to default arguments?
unsigned NumArgs = Param->getNumArgs();
const TemplateArgumentList &ArgArgs = SpecArg->getTemplateArgs();
if (NumArgs != ArgArgs.size())
@@ -315,8 +354,8 @@ static QualType getUnqualifiedArrayType(ASTContext &Context, QualType T,
Qualifiers &Quals) {
assert(T.isCanonical() && "Only operates on canonical types");
if (!isa<ArrayType>(T)) {
- Quals = T.getQualifiers();
- return T.getUnqualifiedType();
+ Quals = T.getLocalQualifiers();
+ return T.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
assert(!T.hasQualifiers() && "canonical array type has qualifiers!");
@@ -639,9 +678,9 @@ DeduceTemplateArguments(ASTContext &Context,
// template-name<T> (where template-name refers to a class template)
// template-name<i>
- // TT<T> (TODO)
- // TT<i> (TODO)
- // TT<> (TODO)
+ // TT<T>
+ // TT<i>
+ // TT<>
case Type::TemplateSpecialization: {
const TemplateSpecializationType *SpecParam
= cast<TemplateSpecializationType>(Param);
@@ -785,13 +824,28 @@ DeduceTemplateArguments(ASTContext &Context,
case TemplateArgument::Type:
- assert(Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Type && "Type/value mismatch");
- return DeduceTemplateArguments(Context, TemplateParams, Param.getAsType(),
- Arg.getAsType(), Info, Deduced, 0);
+ if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Type)
+ return DeduceTemplateArguments(Context, TemplateParams, Param.getAsType(),
+ Arg.getAsType(), Info, Deduced, 0);
+ Info.FirstArg = Param;
+ Info.SecondArg = Arg;
+ return Sema::TDK_NonDeducedMismatch;
+ case TemplateArgument::Template:
+ if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Template)
+ return DeduceTemplateArguments(Context, TemplateParams,
+ Param.getAsTemplate(),
+ Arg.getAsTemplate(), Info, Deduced);
+ Info.FirstArg = Param;
+ Info.SecondArg = Arg;
+ return Sema::TDK_NonDeducedMismatch;
case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
- // FIXME: Implement this check
- assert(false && "Unimplemented template argument deduction case");
+ if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Declaration &&
+ Param.getAsDecl()->getCanonicalDecl() ==
+ Arg.getAsDecl()->getCanonicalDecl())
+ return Sema::TDK_Success;
Info.FirstArg = Param;
Info.SecondArg = Arg;
return Sema::TDK_NonDeducedMismatch;
@@ -829,7 +883,10 @@ DeduceTemplateArguments(ASTContext &Context,
if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Expression)
return DeduceNonTypeTemplateArgument(Context, NTTP, Arg.getAsExpr(),
Info, Deduced);
+ if (Arg.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Declaration)
+ return DeduceNonTypeTemplateArgument(Context, NTTP, Arg.getAsDecl(),
+ Info, Deduced);
assert(false && "Type/value mismatch");
Info.FirstArg = Param;
Info.SecondArg = Arg;
@@ -885,13 +942,21 @@ static bool isSameTemplateArg(ASTContext &Context,
return X.getAsDecl()->getCanonicalDecl() ==
+ case TemplateArgument::Template:
+ return Context.getCanonicalTemplateName(X.getAsTemplate())
+ .getAsVoidPointer() ==
+ Context.getCanonicalTemplateName(Y.getAsTemplate())
+ .getAsVoidPointer();
case TemplateArgument::Integral:
return *X.getAsIntegral() == *Y.getAsIntegral();
- case TemplateArgument::Expression:
- // FIXME: We assume that all expressions are distinct, but we should
- // really check their canonical forms.
- return false;
+ case TemplateArgument::Expression: {
+ llvm::FoldingSetNodeID XID, YID;
+ X.getAsExpr()->Profile(XID, Context, true);
+ Y.getAsExpr()->Profile(YID, Context, true);
+ return XID == YID;
+ }
case TemplateArgument::Pack:
if (X.pack_size() != Y.pack_size())
@@ -1030,15 +1095,6 @@ Sema::DeduceTemplateArguments(ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl *Partial,
Info.FirstArg = Partial->getTemplateArgs()[I];
return TDK_SubstitutionFailure;
- } else if (TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TTP
- = dyn_cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Param)) {
- // FIXME: template template arguments should really resolve to decls
- DeclRefExpr *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(InstExpr);
- if (!DRE || CheckTemplateArgument(TTP, DRE)) {
- Info.Param = makeTemplateParameter(Param);
- Info.FirstArg = Partial->getTemplateArgs()[I];
- return TDK_SubstitutionFailure;
- }
@@ -1384,16 +1440,16 @@ Sema::DeduceTemplateArguments(FunctionTemplateDecl *FunctionTemplate,
// - If A is a cv-qualified type, the top level cv-qualifiers of A’s
// type are ignored for type deduction.
QualType CanonArgType = Context.getCanonicalType(ArgType);
- if (CanonArgType.getCVRQualifiers())
- ArgType = CanonArgType.getUnqualifiedType();
+ if (CanonArgType.getLocalCVRQualifiers())
+ ArgType = CanonArgType.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
// C++0x []p3:
// If P is a cv-qualified type, the top level cv-qualifiers of P’s type
// are ignored for type deduction.
- if (CanonParamType.getCVRQualifiers())
- ParamType = CanonParamType.getUnqualifiedType();
+ if (CanonParamType.getLocalCVRQualifiers())
+ ParamType = CanonParamType.getLocalUnqualifiedType();
if (const ReferenceType *ParamRefType = ParamType->getAs<ReferenceType>()) {
// [...] If P is a reference type, the type referred to by P is used
// for type deduction.
@@ -2074,6 +2130,7 @@ Sema::getMoreSpecializedPartialSpecialization(
// Determine whether PS2 is at least as specialized as PS1
+ Deduced.clear();
bool Better2 = !DeduceTemplateArgumentsDuringPartialOrdering(Context,
@@ -2153,6 +2210,9 @@ MarkUsedTemplateParameters(Sema &SemaRef,
+ if (QualifiedTemplateName *QTN = Name.getAsQualifiedTemplateName())
+ MarkUsedTemplateParameters(SemaRef, QTN->getQualifier(), OnlyDeduced,
+ Depth, Used);
if (DependentTemplateName *DTN = Name.getAsDependentTemplateName())
MarkUsedTemplateParameters(SemaRef, DTN->getQualifier(), OnlyDeduced,
Depth, Used);
@@ -2309,6 +2369,7 @@ MarkUsedTemplateParameters(Sema &SemaRef,
switch (TemplateArg.getKind()) {
case TemplateArgument::Null:
case TemplateArgument::Integral:
+ case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
case TemplateArgument::Type:
@@ -2316,12 +2377,9 @@ MarkUsedTemplateParameters(Sema &SemaRef,
Depth, Used);
- case TemplateArgument::Declaration:
- if (TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TTP
- = dyn_cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(TemplateArg.getAsDecl())) {
- if (TTP->getDepth() == Depth)
- Used[TTP->getIndex()] = true;
- }
+ case TemplateArgument::Template:
+ MarkUsedTemplateParameters(SemaRef, TemplateArg.getAsTemplate(),
+ OnlyDeduced, Depth, Used);
case TemplateArgument::Expression:
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
index dfe37d8..58fe59e 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
@@ -28,11 +28,20 @@ using namespace clang;
/// \brief Retrieve the template argument list(s) that should be used to
/// instantiate the definition of the given declaration.
+/// \param D the declaration for which we are computing template instantiation
+/// arguments.
+/// \param Innermost if non-NULL, the innermost template argument list.
-Sema::getTemplateInstantiationArgs(NamedDecl *D) {
+Sema::getTemplateInstantiationArgs(NamedDecl *D,
+ const TemplateArgumentList *Innermost) {
// Accumulate the set of template argument lists in this structure.
MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList Result;
+ if (Innermost)
+ Result.addOuterTemplateArguments(Innermost);
DeclContext *Ctx = dyn_cast<DeclContext>(D);
if (!Ctx)
Ctx = D->getDeclContext();
@@ -87,6 +96,23 @@ Sema::getTemplateInstantiationArgs(NamedDecl *D) {
return Result;
+bool Sema::ActiveTemplateInstantiation::isInstantiationRecord() const {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ case TemplateInstantiation:
+ case DefaultTemplateArgumentInstantiation:
+ case DefaultFunctionArgumentInstantiation:
+ return true;
+ case ExplicitTemplateArgumentSubstitution:
+ case DeducedTemplateArgumentSubstitution:
+ case PriorTemplateArgumentSubstitution:
+ case DefaultTemplateArgumentChecking:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
Decl *Entity,
@@ -104,7 +130,6 @@ InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
Inst.NumTemplateArgs = 0;
Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
- Invalid = false;
@@ -128,7 +153,6 @@ Sema::InstantiatingTemplate::InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef,
Inst.NumTemplateArgs = NumTemplateArgs;
Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
- Invalid = false;
@@ -152,7 +176,9 @@ Sema::InstantiatingTemplate::InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef,
Inst.NumTemplateArgs = NumTemplateArgs;
Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
- Invalid = false;
+ if (!Inst.isInstantiationRecord())
+ ++SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries;
@@ -164,48 +190,119 @@ Sema::InstantiatingTemplate::InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef,
SourceRange InstantiationRange)
: SemaRef(SemaRef) {
- Invalid = CheckInstantiationDepth(PointOfInstantiation,
- InstantiationRange);
- if (!Invalid) {
- ActiveTemplateInstantiation Inst;
- Inst.Kind
- = ActiveTemplateInstantiation::DeducedTemplateArgumentSubstitution;
- Inst.PointOfInstantiation = PointOfInstantiation;
- Inst.Entity = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(PartialSpec);
- Inst.TemplateArgs = TemplateArgs;
- Inst.NumTemplateArgs = NumTemplateArgs;
- Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
- SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.push_back(Inst);
- Invalid = false;
- }
+ Invalid = false;
+ ActiveTemplateInstantiation Inst;
+ Inst.Kind = ActiveTemplateInstantiation::DeducedTemplateArgumentSubstitution;
+ Inst.PointOfInstantiation = PointOfInstantiation;
+ Inst.Entity = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(PartialSpec);
+ Inst.TemplateArgs = TemplateArgs;
+ Inst.NumTemplateArgs = NumTemplateArgs;
+ Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
+ SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.push_back(Inst);
+ assert(!Inst.isInstantiationRecord());
+ ++SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries;
Sema::InstantiatingTemplate::InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef,
- SourceLocation PointOfInstantation,
+ SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
ParmVarDecl *Param,
const TemplateArgument *TemplateArgs,
unsigned NumTemplateArgs,
SourceRange InstantiationRange)
: SemaRef(SemaRef) {
- Invalid = CheckInstantiationDepth(PointOfInstantation, InstantiationRange);
+ Invalid = CheckInstantiationDepth(PointOfInstantiation, InstantiationRange);
if (!Invalid) {
ActiveTemplateInstantiation Inst;
= ActiveTemplateInstantiation::DefaultFunctionArgumentInstantiation;
- Inst.PointOfInstantiation = PointOfInstantation;
+ Inst.PointOfInstantiation = PointOfInstantiation;
Inst.Entity = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Param);
Inst.TemplateArgs = TemplateArgs;
Inst.NumTemplateArgs = NumTemplateArgs;
Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
- Invalid = false;
+InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgument *TemplateArgs,
+ unsigned NumTemplateArgs,
+ SourceRange InstantiationRange) : SemaRef(SemaRef) {
+ Invalid = false;
+ ActiveTemplateInstantiation Inst;
+ Inst.Kind = ActiveTemplateInstantiation::PriorTemplateArgumentSubstitution;
+ Inst.PointOfInstantiation = PointOfInstantiation;
+ Inst.Template = Template;
+ Inst.Entity = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Param);
+ Inst.TemplateArgs = TemplateArgs;
+ Inst.NumTemplateArgs = NumTemplateArgs;
+ Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
+ SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.push_back(Inst);
+ assert(!Inst.isInstantiationRecord());
+ ++SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries;
+InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgument *TemplateArgs,
+ unsigned NumTemplateArgs,
+ SourceRange InstantiationRange) : SemaRef(SemaRef) {
+ Invalid = false;
+ ActiveTemplateInstantiation Inst;
+ Inst.Kind = ActiveTemplateInstantiation::PriorTemplateArgumentSubstitution;
+ Inst.PointOfInstantiation = PointOfInstantiation;
+ Inst.Template = Template;
+ Inst.Entity = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Param);
+ Inst.TemplateArgs = TemplateArgs;
+ Inst.NumTemplateArgs = NumTemplateArgs;
+ Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
+ SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.push_back(Inst);
+ assert(!Inst.isInstantiationRecord());
+ ++SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries;
+InstantiatingTemplate(Sema &SemaRef, SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
+ TemplateDecl *Template,
+ NamedDecl *Param,
+ const TemplateArgument *TemplateArgs,
+ unsigned NumTemplateArgs,
+ SourceRange InstantiationRange) : SemaRef(SemaRef) {
+ Invalid = false;
+ ActiveTemplateInstantiation Inst;
+ Inst.Kind = ActiveTemplateInstantiation::DefaultTemplateArgumentChecking;
+ Inst.PointOfInstantiation = PointOfInstantiation;
+ Inst.Template = Template;
+ Inst.Entity = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Param);
+ Inst.TemplateArgs = TemplateArgs;
+ Inst.NumTemplateArgs = NumTemplateArgs;
+ Inst.InstantiationRange = InstantiationRange;
+ SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.push_back(Inst);
+ assert(!Inst.isInstantiationRecord());
+ ++SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries;
void Sema::InstantiatingTemplate::Clear() {
if (!Invalid) {
+ if (!SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.back().isInstantiationRecord()) {
+ assert(SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries > 0);
+ --SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries;
+ }
Invalid = true;
@@ -214,8 +311,11 @@ void Sema::InstantiatingTemplate::Clear() {
bool Sema::InstantiatingTemplate::CheckInstantiationDepth(
SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
SourceRange InstantiationRange) {
- if (SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.size()
- <= SemaRef.getLangOptions().InstantiationDepth)
+ assert(SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries <=
+ SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.size());
+ if ((SemaRef.ActiveTemplateInstantiations.size() -
+ SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries)
+ <= SemaRef.getLangOptions().InstantiationDepth)
return false;
@@ -322,6 +422,34 @@ void Sema::PrintInstantiationStack() {
+ case ActiveTemplateInstantiation::PriorTemplateArgumentSubstitution: {
+ NamedDecl *Parm = cast<NamedDecl>((Decl *)Active->Entity);
+ std::string Name;
+ if (!Parm->getName().empty())
+ Name = std::string(" '") + Parm->getName().str() + "'";
+ Diags.Report(FullSourceLoc(Active->PointOfInstantiation, SourceMgr),
+ diag::note_prior_template_arg_substitution)
+ << isa<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(Parm)
+ << Name
+ << getTemplateArgumentBindingsText(
+ Active->Template->getTemplateParameters(),
+ Active->TemplateArgs,
+ Active->NumTemplateArgs)
+ << Active->InstantiationRange;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ActiveTemplateInstantiation::DefaultTemplateArgumentChecking: {
+ Diags.Report(FullSourceLoc(Active->PointOfInstantiation, SourceMgr),
+ diag::note_template_default_arg_checking)
+ << getTemplateArgumentBindingsText(
+ Active->Template->getTemplateParameters(),
+ Active->TemplateArgs,
+ Active->NumTemplateArgs)
+ << Active->InstantiationRange;
+ break;
+ }
@@ -332,18 +460,20 @@ bool Sema::isSFINAEContext() const {
Active = ActiveTemplateInstantiations.rbegin(),
ActiveEnd = ActiveTemplateInstantiations.rend();
Active != ActiveEnd;
- ++Active) {
+ ++Active)
+ {
switch(Active->Kind) {
case ActiveTemplateInstantiation::TemplateInstantiation:
case ActiveTemplateInstantiation::DefaultFunctionArgumentInstantiation:
// This is a template instantiation, so there is no SFINAE.
return false;
case ActiveTemplateInstantiation::DefaultTemplateArgumentInstantiation:
- // A default template argument instantiation may or may not be a
- // SFINAE context; look further up the stack.
+ case ActiveTemplateInstantiation::PriorTemplateArgumentSubstitution:
+ case ActiveTemplateInstantiation::DefaultTemplateArgumentChecking:
+ // A default template argument instantiation and substitution into
+ // template parameters with arguments for prior parameters may or may
+ // not be a SFINAE context; look further up the stack.
case ActiveTemplateInstantiation::ExplicitTemplateArgumentSubstitution:
@@ -427,6 +557,9 @@ namespace {
Sema::OwningExprResult TransformDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *E,
bool isAddressOfOperand);
+ Sema::OwningExprResult TransformCXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExpr *E,
+ bool isAddressOfOperand);
/// \brief Transforms a template type parameter type by performing
/// substitution of the corresponding template type argument.
QualType TransformTemplateTypeParmType(TypeLocBuilder &TLB,
@@ -440,10 +573,11 @@ Decl *TemplateInstantiator::TransformDecl(Decl *D) {
if (TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TTP = dyn_cast<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(D)) {
if (TTP->getDepth() < TemplateArgs.getNumLevels()) {
- assert(TemplateArgs(TTP->getDepth(), TTP->getPosition()).getAsDecl() &&
+ TemplateName Template
+ = TemplateArgs(TTP->getDepth(), TTP->getPosition()).getAsTemplate();
+ assert(!Template.isNull() && Template.getAsTemplateDecl() &&
"Wrong kind of template template argument");
- return cast<TemplateDecl>(TemplateArgs(TTP->getDepth(),
- TTP->getPosition()).getAsDecl());
+ return Template.getAsTemplateDecl();
// If the corresponding template argument is NULL or non-existent, it's
@@ -454,9 +588,8 @@ Decl *TemplateInstantiator::TransformDecl(Decl *D) {
return D;
- // FIXME: Implement depth reduction of template template parameters
- assert(false &&
- "Reducing depth of template template parameters is not yet implemented");
+ // Fall through to find the instantiated declaration for this template
+ // template parameter.
return SemaRef.FindInstantiatedDecl(cast<NamedDecl>(D), TemplateArgs);
@@ -567,7 +700,6 @@ TemplateInstantiator::TransformDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *E,
NamedDecl *D = E->getDecl();
if (NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *NTTP = dyn_cast<NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(D)) {
if (NTTP->getDepth() < TemplateArgs.getNumLevels()) {
// If the corresponding template argument is NULL or non-existent, it's
// because we are performing instantiation from explicitly-specified
// template arguments in a function template, but there were some
@@ -592,7 +724,38 @@ TemplateInstantiator::TransformDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *E,
if (!VD)
return SemaRef.ExprError();
- return SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(VD, VD->getType(), E->getLocation(),
+ if (VD->getDeclContext()->isRecord()) {
+ // If the value is a class member, we might have a pointer-to-member.
+ // Determine whether the non-type template template parameter is of
+ // pointer-to-member type. If so, we need to build an appropriate
+ // expression for a pointer-to-member, since a "normal" DeclRefExpr
+ // would refer to the member itself.
+ if (NTTP->getType()->isMemberPointerType()) {
+ QualType ClassType
+ = SemaRef.Context.getTypeDeclType(
+ cast<RecordDecl>(VD->getDeclContext()));
+ NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier
+ = NestedNameSpecifier::Create(SemaRef.Context, 0, false,
+ ClassType.getTypePtr());
+ CXXScopeSpec SS;
+ SS.setScopeRep(Qualifier);
+ OwningExprResult RefExpr
+ = SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(VD,
+ VD->getType().getNonReferenceType(),
+ E->getLocation(),
+ /*FIXME:*/false, /*FIXME:*/false,
+ &SS);
+ if (RefExpr.isInvalid())
+ return SemaRef.ExprError();
+ return SemaRef.CreateBuiltinUnaryOp(E->getLocation(),
+ UnaryOperator::AddrOf,
+ move(RefExpr));
+ }
+ }
+ return SemaRef.BuildDeclRefExpr(VD, VD->getType().getNonReferenceType(),
+ E->getLocation(),
/*FIXME:*/false, /*FIXME:*/false);
@@ -625,10 +788,46 @@ TemplateInstantiator::TransformDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *E,
if (!InstD)
return SemaRef.ExprError();
- // If we instantiated an UnresolvedUsingDecl and got back an UsingDecl,
- // we need to get the underlying decl.
- // FIXME: Is this correct? Maybe FindInstantiatedDecl should do this?
- InstD = InstD->getUnderlyingDecl();
+ // Flatten using declarations into their shadow declarations.
+ if (isa<UsingDecl>(InstD)) {
+ UsingDecl *UD = cast<UsingDecl>(InstD);
+ bool HasNonFunction = false;
+ llvm::SmallVector<NamedDecl*, 8> Decls;
+ for (UsingDecl::shadow_iterator I = UD->shadow_begin(),
+ E = UD->shadow_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ NamedDecl *TD = (*I)->getTargetDecl();
+ if (!TD->isFunctionOrFunctionTemplate())
+ HasNonFunction = true;
+ Decls.push_back(TD);
+ }
+ if (Decls.empty())
+ return SemaRef.ExprError();
+ if (Decls.size() == 1)
+ InstD = Decls[0];
+ else if (!HasNonFunction) {
+ OverloadedFunctionDecl *OFD
+ = OverloadedFunctionDecl::Create(SemaRef.Context,
+ UD->getDeclContext(),
+ UD->getDeclName());
+ for (llvm::SmallVectorImpl<NamedDecl*>::iterator I = Decls.begin(),
+ E = Decls.end(); I != E; ++I)
+ if (isa<FunctionDecl>(*I))
+ OFD->addOverload(cast<FunctionDecl>(*I));
+ else
+ OFD->addOverload(cast<FunctionTemplateDecl>(*I));
+ InstD = OFD;
+ } else {
+ // FIXME
+ assert(false && "using declaration resolved to mixed set");
+ return SemaRef.ExprError();
+ }
+ }
CXXScopeSpec SS;
NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = 0;
@@ -648,6 +847,15 @@ TemplateInstantiator::TransformDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *E,
+Sema::OwningExprResult TemplateInstantiator::TransformCXXDefaultArgExpr(
+ CXXDefaultArgExpr *E, bool isAddressOfOperand) {
+ assert(!cast<FunctionDecl>(E->getParam()->getDeclContext())->
+ getDescribedFunctionTemplate() &&
+ "Default arg expressions are never formed in dependent cases.");
+ return SemaRef.Owned(E->Retain());
TemplateInstantiator::TransformTemplateTypeParmType(TypeLocBuilder &TLB,
TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc TL) {
@@ -889,9 +1097,9 @@ Sema::InstantiateClass(SourceLocation PointOfInstantiation,
Member != MemberEnd; ++Member) {
Decl *NewMember = SubstDecl(*Member, Instantiation, TemplateArgs);
if (NewMember) {
- if (NewMember->isInvalidDecl())
+ if (NewMember->isInvalidDecl()) {
Invalid = true;
- else if (FieldDecl *Field = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(NewMember))
+ } else if (FieldDecl *Field = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(NewMember))
else if (UsingDecl *UD = dyn_cast<UsingDecl>(NewMember))
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
index 7288ae2..7e618cd 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "Sema.h"
+#include "Lookup.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
@@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ namespace {
DeclContext *Owner;
const MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList &TemplateArgs;
+ void InstantiateAttrs(Decl *Tmpl, Decl *New);
typedef Sema::OwningExprResult OwningExprResult;
@@ -62,11 +65,19 @@ namespace {
Decl *VisitFunctionTemplateDecl(FunctionTemplateDecl *D);
Decl *VisitTemplateTypeParmDecl(TemplateTypeParmDecl *D);
Decl *VisitNonTypeTemplateParmDecl(NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *D);
- Decl *VisitUnresolvedUsingDecl(UnresolvedUsingDecl *D);
+ Decl *VisitTemplateTemplateParmDecl(TemplateTemplateParmDecl *D);
+ Decl *VisitUsingDirectiveDecl(UsingDirectiveDecl *D);
+ Decl *VisitUnresolvedUsingValueDecl(UnresolvedUsingValueDecl *D);
+ Decl *VisitUnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl(UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl *D);
// Base case. FIXME: Remove once we can instantiate everything.
- Decl *VisitDecl(Decl *) {
- assert(false && "Template instantiation of unknown declaration kind!");
+ Decl *VisitDecl(Decl *D) {
+ unsigned DiagID = SemaRef.getDiagnostics().getCustomDiagID(
+ Diagnostic::Error,
+ "cannot instantiate %0 yet");
+ SemaRef.Diag(D->getLocation(), DiagID)
+ << D->getDeclKindName();
return 0;
@@ -89,6 +100,18 @@ namespace {
+// FIXME: Is this too simple?
+void TemplateDeclInstantiator::InstantiateAttrs(Decl *Tmpl, Decl *New) {
+ for (const Attr *TmplAttr = Tmpl->getAttrs(); TmplAttr;
+ TmplAttr = TmplAttr->getNext()) {
+ // FIXME: Is cloning correct for all attributes?
+ Attr *NewAttr = TmplAttr->clone(SemaRef.Context);
+ New->addAttr(NewAttr);
+ }
Decl *
TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitTranslationUnitDecl(TranslationUnitDecl *D) {
assert(false && "Translation units cannot be instantiated");
@@ -172,6 +195,15 @@ Decl *TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitVarDecl(VarDecl *D) {
= SemaRef.SubstExpr(D->getInit(), TemplateArgs);
if (Init.isInvalid())
+ else if (!D->getType()->isDependentType() &&
+ !D->getInit()->isTypeDependent() &&
+ !D->getInit()->isValueDependent()) {
+ // If neither the declaration's type nor its initializer are dependent,
+ // we don't want to redo all the checking, especially since the
+ // initializer might have been wrapped by a CXXConstructExpr since we did
+ // it the first time.
+ Var->setInit(SemaRef.Context, Init.takeAs<Expr>());
+ }
else if (ParenListExpr *PLE = dyn_cast<ParenListExpr>((Expr *)Init.get())) {
// FIXME: We're faking all of the comma locations, which is suboptimal.
// Do we even need these comma locations?
@@ -258,6 +290,8 @@ Decl *TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitFieldDecl(FieldDecl *D) {
return 0;
+ InstantiateAttrs(D, Field);
if (Invalid)
@@ -632,6 +666,12 @@ Decl *TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitCXXRecordDecl(CXXRecordDecl *D) {
TemplateParams, Function);
+ } else if (FunctionTemplate) {
+ // Record this function template specialization.
+ Function->setFunctionTemplateSpecialization(SemaRef.Context,
+ FunctionTemplate,
+ &TemplateArgs.getInnermost(),
+ InsertPos);
if (InitFunctionInstantiation(Function, D))
@@ -645,9 +685,10 @@ Decl *TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitCXXRecordDecl(CXXRecordDecl *D) {
// Look only into the namespace where the friend would be declared to
// find a previous declaration. This is the innermost enclosing namespace,
// as described in ActOnFriendFunctionDecl.
- Sema::LookupResult R;
- SemaRef.LookupQualifiedName(R, DC, Function->getDeclName(),
- Sema::LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupResult R(SemaRef, Function->getDeclName(), SourceLocation(),
+ Sema::LookupOrdinaryName,
+ Sema::ForRedeclaration);
+ SemaRef.LookupQualifiedName(R, DC);
PrevDecl = R.getAsSingleDecl(SemaRef.Context);
@@ -683,14 +724,6 @@ Decl *TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitCXXRecordDecl(CXXRecordDecl *D) {
Function->setInstantiationOfMemberFunction(D, TSK_ImplicitInstantiation);
- if (FunctionTemplate && !TemplateParams) {
- // Record this function template specialization.
- Function->setFunctionTemplateSpecialization(SemaRef.Context,
- FunctionTemplate,
- &TemplateArgs.getInnermost(),
- InsertPos);
- }
return Function;
@@ -785,9 +818,17 @@ TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitCXXMethodDecl(CXXMethodDecl *D,
if (D->isOutOfLine())
- } else if (!FunctionTemplate)
+ } else if (FunctionTemplate) {
+ // Record this function template specialization.
+ Method->setFunctionTemplateSpecialization(SemaRef.Context,
+ FunctionTemplate,
+ &TemplateArgs.getInnermost(),
+ InsertPos);
+ } else {
+ // Record that this is an instantiation of a member function.
Method->setInstantiationOfMemberFunction(D, TSK_ImplicitInstantiation);
+ }
// If we are instantiating a member function defined
// out-of-line, the instantiation will have the same lexical
// context (which will be a namespace scope) as the template.
@@ -805,8 +846,10 @@ TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitCXXMethodDecl(CXXMethodDecl *D,
NamedDecl *PrevDecl = 0;
if (!FunctionTemplate || TemplateParams) {
- Sema::LookupResult R;
- SemaRef.LookupQualifiedName(R, Owner, Name, Sema::LookupOrdinaryName, true);
+ LookupResult R(SemaRef, Name, SourceLocation(),
+ Sema::LookupOrdinaryName,
+ Sema::ForRedeclaration);
+ SemaRef.LookupQualifiedName(R, Owner);
PrevDecl = R.getAsSingleDecl(SemaRef.Context);
// In C++, the previous declaration we find might be a tag type
@@ -817,13 +860,6 @@ TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitCXXMethodDecl(CXXMethodDecl *D,
PrevDecl = 0;
- if (FunctionTemplate && !TemplateParams)
- // Record this function template specialization.
- Method->setFunctionTemplateSpecialization(SemaRef.Context,
- FunctionTemplate,
- &TemplateArgs.getInnermost(),
- InsertPos);
bool Redeclaration = false;
bool OverloadableAttrRequired = false;
SemaRef.CheckFunctionDeclaration(Method, PrevDecl, false, Redeclaration,
@@ -898,18 +934,8 @@ Decl *TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitTemplateTypeParmDecl(
- // FIXME: Do we actually want to perform substitution here? I don't think
- // we do.
- if (D->hasDefaultArgument()) {
- DeclaratorInfo *DefaultPattern = D->getDefaultArgumentInfo();
- DeclaratorInfo *DefaultInst
- = SemaRef.SubstType(DefaultPattern, TemplateArgs,
- D->getDefaultArgumentLoc(),
- D->getDeclName());
- Inst->setDefaultArgument(DefaultInst,
- D->defaultArgumentWasInherited() /* preserve? */);
- }
+ if (D->hasDefaultArgument())
+ Inst->setDefaultArgument(D->getDefaultArgumentInfo(), false);
// Introduce this template parameter's instantiation into the instantiation
// scope.
@@ -959,7 +985,75 @@ Decl *TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitNonTypeTemplateParmDecl(
Decl *
-TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitUnresolvedUsingDecl(UnresolvedUsingDecl *D) {
+ TemplateTemplateParmDecl *D) {
+ // Instantiate the template parameter list of the template template parameter.
+ TemplateParameterList *TempParams = D->getTemplateParameters();
+ TemplateParameterList *InstParams;
+ {
+ // Perform the actual substitution of template parameters within a new,
+ // local instantiation scope.
+ Sema::LocalInstantiationScope Scope(SemaRef);
+ InstParams = SubstTemplateParams(TempParams);
+ if (!InstParams)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Build the template template parameter.
+ TemplateTemplateParmDecl *Param
+ = TemplateTemplateParmDecl::Create(SemaRef.Context, Owner, D->getLocation(),
+ D->getDepth() - 1, D->getPosition(),
+ D->getIdentifier(), InstParams);
+ Param->setDefaultArgument(D->getDefaultArgument());
+ // Introduce this template parameter's instantiation into the instantiation
+ // scope.
+ SemaRef.CurrentInstantiationScope->InstantiatedLocal(D, Param);
+ return Param;
+Decl *TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitUsingDirectiveDecl(UsingDirectiveDecl *D) {
+ // Using directives are never dependent, so they require no explicit
+ UsingDirectiveDecl *Inst
+ = UsingDirectiveDecl::Create(SemaRef.Context, Owner, D->getLocation(),
+ D->getNamespaceKeyLocation(),
+ D->getQualifierRange(), D->getQualifier(),
+ D->getIdentLocation(),
+ D->getNominatedNamespace(),
+ D->getCommonAncestor());
+ Owner->addDecl(Inst);
+ return Inst;
+Decl * TemplateDeclInstantiator
+ ::VisitUnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl(UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl *D) {
+ NestedNameSpecifier *NNS =
+ SemaRef.SubstNestedNameSpecifier(D->getTargetNestedNameSpecifier(),
+ D->getTargetNestedNameRange(),
+ TemplateArgs);
+ if (!NNS)
+ return 0;
+ CXXScopeSpec SS;
+ SS.setRange(D->getTargetNestedNameRange());
+ SS.setScopeRep(NNS);
+ NamedDecl *UD =
+ SemaRef.BuildUsingDeclaration(/*Scope*/ 0, D->getAccess(),
+ D->getUsingLoc(), SS, D->getLocation(),
+ D->getDeclName(), 0,
+ /*instantiation*/ true,
+ /*typename*/ true, D->getTypenameLoc());
+ if (UD)
+ SemaRef.Context.setInstantiatedFromUnresolvedUsingDecl(cast<UsingDecl>(UD),
+ D);
+ return UD;
+Decl * TemplateDeclInstantiator
+ ::VisitUnresolvedUsingValueDecl(UnresolvedUsingValueDecl *D) {
NestedNameSpecifier *NNS =
@@ -972,9 +1066,11 @@ TemplateDeclInstantiator::VisitUnresolvedUsingDecl(UnresolvedUsingDecl *D) {
NamedDecl *UD =
- SemaRef.BuildUsingDeclaration(D->getLocation(), SS,
- D->getTargetNameLocation(),
- D->getTargetName(), 0, D->isTypeName());
+ SemaRef.BuildUsingDeclaration(/*Scope*/ 0, D->getAccess(),
+ D->getUsingLoc(), SS, D->getLocation(),
+ D->getDeclName(), 0,
+ /*instantiation*/ true,
+ /*typename*/ false, SourceLocation());
if (UD)
@@ -1006,7 +1102,7 @@ TemplateDeclInstantiator::SubstTemplateParams(TemplateParameterList *L) {
PI != PE; ++PI) {
NamedDecl *D = cast_or_null<NamedDecl>(Visit(*PI));
- Invalid = Invalid || !D;
+ Invalid = Invalid || !D || D->isInvalidDecl();
// Clean up if we had an error.
@@ -1240,6 +1336,7 @@ TemplateDeclInstantiator::InitFunctionInstantiation(FunctionDecl *New,
(void) FunTmpl;
ActiveInst.Kind = ActiveInstType::TemplateInstantiation;
ActiveInst.Entity = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(New);
+ --SemaRef.NonInstantiationEntries;
@@ -1656,7 +1753,13 @@ static bool isInstantiationOf(EnumDecl *Pattern,
return false;
-static bool isInstantiationOf(UnresolvedUsingDecl *Pattern,
+static bool isInstantiationOf(UnresolvedUsingValueDecl *Pattern,
+ UsingDecl *Instance,
+ ASTContext &C) {
+ return C.getInstantiatedFromUnresolvedUsingDecl(Instance) == Pattern;
+static bool isInstantiationOf(UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl *Pattern,
UsingDecl *Instance,
ASTContext &C) {
return C.getInstantiatedFromUnresolvedUsingDecl(Instance) == Pattern;
@@ -1679,7 +1782,15 @@ static bool isInstantiationOfStaticDataMember(VarDecl *Pattern,
static bool isInstantiationOf(ASTContext &Ctx, NamedDecl *D, Decl *Other) {
if (D->getKind() != Other->getKind()) {
- if (UnresolvedUsingDecl *UUD = dyn_cast<UnresolvedUsingDecl>(D)) {
+ if (UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl *UUD
+ = dyn_cast<UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl>(D)) {
+ if (UsingDecl *UD = dyn_cast<UsingDecl>(Other)) {
+ return isInstantiationOf(UUD, UD, Ctx);
+ }
+ }
+ if (UnresolvedUsingValueDecl *UUD
+ = dyn_cast<UnresolvedUsingValueDecl>(D)) {
if (UsingDecl *UD = dyn_cast<UsingDecl>(Other)) {
return isInstantiationOf(UUD, UD, Ctx);
diff --git a/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp b/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
index f003127..00dc809 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
+++ b/lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
@@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ static QualType ConvertDeclSpecToType(Declarator &TheDeclarator, Sema &TheSema){
case DeclSpec::TST_enum:
case DeclSpec::TST_union:
case DeclSpec::TST_struct: {
- TypeDecl *D = cast_or_null<TypeDecl>(static_cast<Decl *>(DS.getTypeRep()));
+ TypeDecl *D
+ = dyn_cast_or_null<TypeDecl>(static_cast<Decl *>(DS.getTypeRep()));
if (!D) {
// This can happen in C++ with ambiguous lookups.
Result = Context.IntTy;
@@ -1703,7 +1704,7 @@ bool Sema::RequireCompleteType(SourceLocation Loc, QualType T,
// class template specialization, or an array with known size of such,
// try to instantiate it.
QualType MaybeTemplate = T;
- if (const ConstantArrayType *Array = T->getAs<ConstantArrayType>())
+ if (const ConstantArrayType *Array = Context.getAsConstantArrayType(T))
MaybeTemplate = Array->getElementType();
if (const RecordType *Record = MaybeTemplate->getAs<RecordType>()) {
if (ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl *ClassTemplateSpec
diff --git a/lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h b/lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
index 767725a..2bee32a 100644
--- a/lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
+++ b/lib/Sema/TreeTransform.h
@@ -1063,8 +1063,18 @@ public:
/// Subclasses may override this routine to provide different behavior.
OwningExprResult RebuildInitList(SourceLocation LBraceLoc,
MultiExprArg Inits,
- SourceLocation RBraceLoc) {
- return SemaRef.ActOnInitList(LBraceLoc, move(Inits), RBraceLoc);
+ SourceLocation RBraceLoc,
+ QualType ResultTy) {
+ OwningExprResult Result
+ = SemaRef.ActOnInitList(LBraceLoc, move(Inits), RBraceLoc);
+ if (Result.isInvalid() || ResultTy->isDependentType())
+ return move(Result);
+ // Patch in the result type we were given, which may have been computed
+ // when the initial InitListExpr was built.
+ InitListExpr *ILE = cast<InitListExpr>((Expr *)Result.get());
+ ILE->setType(ResultTy);
+ return move(Result);
/// \brief Build a new designated initializer expression.
@@ -1699,7 +1709,7 @@ Sema::OwningStmtResult TreeTransform<Derived>::TransformStmt(Stmt *S) {
if (E.isInvalid())
return getSema().StmtError();
- return getSema().Owned(E.takeAs<Stmt>());
+ return getSema().ActOnExprStmt(getSema().FullExpr(E));
@@ -1947,6 +1957,10 @@ void TreeTransform<Derived>::InventTemplateArgumentLoc(
+ case TemplateArgument::Template:
+ Output = TemplateArgumentLoc(Arg, SourceRange(), Loc);
+ break;
case TemplateArgument::Expression:
Output = TemplateArgumentLoc(Arg, Arg.getAsExpr());
@@ -1987,7 +2001,7 @@ bool TreeTransform<Derived>::TransformTemplateArgument(
DeclarationName Name;
if (NamedDecl *ND = dyn_cast<NamedDecl>(Arg.getAsDecl()))
Name = ND->getDeclName();
- TemporaryBase Rebase(*this, SourceLocation(), Name);
+ TemporaryBase Rebase(*this, Input.getLocation(), Name);
Decl *D = getDerived().TransformDecl(Arg.getAsDecl());
if (!D) return true;
@@ -2008,6 +2022,19 @@ bool TreeTransform<Derived>::TransformTemplateArgument(
return false;
+ case TemplateArgument::Template: {
+ TemporaryBase Rebase(*this, Input.getLocation(), DeclarationName());
+ TemplateName Template
+ = getDerived().TransformTemplateName(Arg.getAsTemplate());
+ if (Template.isNull())
+ return true;
+ Output = TemplateArgumentLoc(TemplateArgument(Template),
+ Input.getTemplateQualifierRange(),
+ Input.getTemplateNameLoc());
+ return false;
+ }
case TemplateArgument::Expression: {
// Template argument expressions are not potentially evaluated.
EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(getSema(),
@@ -2119,7 +2146,7 @@ template<typename Derived>
TreeTransform<Derived>::TransformQualifiedType(TypeLocBuilder &TLB,
QualifiedTypeLoc T) {
- Qualifiers Quals = T.getType().getQualifiers();
+ Qualifiers Quals = T.getType().getLocalQualifiers();
QualType Result = getDerived().TransformType(TLB, T.getUnqualifiedLoc());
if (Result.isNull())
@@ -3893,7 +3920,7 @@ TreeTransform<Derived>::TransformInitListExpr(InitListExpr *E,
return SemaRef.Owned(E->Retain());
return getDerived().RebuildInitList(E->getLBraceLoc(), move_arg(Inits),
- E->getRBraceLoc());
+ E->getRBraceLoc(), E->getType());
template<typename Derived>
@@ -5279,7 +5306,7 @@ TreeTransform<Derived>::RebuildNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier *Prefix,
QualType T) {
if (T->isDependentType() || T->isRecordType() ||
(SemaRef.getLangOptions().CPlusPlus0x && T->isEnumeralType())) {
- assert(!T.hasQualifiers() && "Can't get cv-qualifiers here");
+ assert(!T.hasLocalQualifiers() && "Can't get cv-qualifiers here");
return NestedNameSpecifier::Create(SemaRef.Context, Prefix, TemplateKW,
@@ -5363,6 +5390,9 @@ TreeTransform<Derived>::RebuildCXXOperatorCallExpr(OverloadedOperatorKind Op,
return getSema().CreateBuiltinArraySubscriptExpr(move(First),
move(Second), OpLoc);
+ } else if (Op == OO_Arrow) {
+ // -> is never a builtin operation.
+ return SemaRef.BuildOverloadedArrowExpr(0, move(First), OpLoc);
} else if (SecondExpr == 0 || isPostIncDec) {
if (!FirstExpr->getType()->isOverloadableType()) {
// The argument is not of overloadable type, so try to create a
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud