path: root/include/llvm/Support/system_error.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/llvm/Support/system_error.h')
1 files changed, 910 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/Support/system_error.h b/include/llvm/Support/system_error.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5306ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/llvm/Support/system_error.h
@@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
+//===---------------------------- system_error ----------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This was lifted from libc++ and modified for C++03. This is called
+// system_error even though it does not define that class because that's what
+// it's called in C++0x. We don't define system_error because it is only used
+// for exception handling, which we don't use in LLVM.
+ system_error synopsis
+namespace std
+class error_category
+ virtual ~error_category();
+ error_category(const error_category&) = delete;
+ error_category& operator=(const error_category&) = delete;
+ virtual const char* name() const = 0;
+ virtual error_condition default_error_condition(int ev) const;
+ virtual bool equivalent(int code, const error_condition& condition) const;
+ virtual bool equivalent(const error_code& code, int condition) const;
+ virtual std::string message(int ev) const = 0;
+ bool operator==(const error_category& rhs) const;
+ bool operator!=(const error_category& rhs) const;
+ bool operator<(const error_category& rhs) const;
+const error_category& generic_category();
+const error_category& system_category();
+template <class T> struct is_error_code_enum
+ : public false_type {};
+template <class T> struct is_error_condition_enum
+ : public false_type {};
+class error_code
+ // constructors:
+ error_code();
+ error_code(int val, const error_category& cat);
+ template <class ErrorCodeEnum>
+ error_code(ErrorCodeEnum e);
+ // modifiers:
+ void assign(int val, const error_category& cat);
+ template <class ErrorCodeEnum>
+ error_code& operator=(ErrorCodeEnum e);
+ void clear();
+ // observers:
+ int value() const;
+ const error_category& category() const;
+ error_condition default_error_condition() const;
+ std::string message() const;
+ explicit operator bool() const;
+// non-member functions:
+bool operator<(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs);
+template <class charT, class traits>
+ basic_ostream<charT,traits>&
+ operator<<(basic_ostream<charT,traits>& os, const error_code& ec);
+class error_condition
+ // constructors:
+ error_condition();
+ error_condition(int val, const error_category& cat);
+ template <class ErrorConditionEnum>
+ error_condition(ErrorConditionEnum e);
+ // modifiers:
+ void assign(int val, const error_category& cat);
+ template <class ErrorConditionEnum>
+ error_condition& operator=(ErrorConditionEnum e);
+ void clear();
+ // observers:
+ int value() const;
+ const error_category& category() const;
+ std::string message() const;
+ explicit operator bool() const;
+bool operator<(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs);
+class system_error
+ : public runtime_error
+ system_error(error_code ec, const std::string& what_arg);
+ system_error(error_code ec, const char* what_arg);
+ system_error(error_code ec);
+ system_error(int ev, const error_category& ecat, const std::string& what_arg);
+ system_error(int ev, const error_category& ecat, const char* what_arg);
+ system_error(int ev, const error_category& ecat);
+ const error_code& code() const throw();
+ const char* what() const throw();
+enum class errc
+ address_family_not_supported, // EAFNOSUPPORT
+ address_in_use, // EADDRINUSE
+ address_not_available, // EADDRNOTAVAIL
+ already_connected, // EISCONN
+ argument_list_too_long, // E2BIG
+ argument_out_of_domain, // EDOM
+ bad_address, // EFAULT
+ bad_file_descriptor, // EBADF
+ bad_message, // EBADMSG
+ broken_pipe, // EPIPE
+ connection_aborted, // ECONNABORTED
+ connection_already_in_progress, // EALREADY
+ connection_refused, // ECONNREFUSED
+ connection_reset, // ECONNRESET
+ cross_device_link, // EXDEV
+ destination_address_required, // EDESTADDRREQ
+ device_or_resource_busy, // EBUSY
+ directory_not_empty, // ENOTEMPTY
+ executable_format_error, // ENOEXEC
+ file_exists, // EEXIST
+ file_too_large, // EFBIG
+ filename_too_long, // ENAMETOOLONG
+ function_not_supported, // ENOSYS
+ host_unreachable, // EHOSTUNREACH
+ identifier_removed, // EIDRM
+ illegal_byte_sequence, // EILSEQ
+ inappropriate_io_control_operation, // ENOTTY
+ interrupted, // EINTR
+ invalid_argument, // EINVAL
+ invalid_seek, // ESPIPE
+ io_error, // EIO
+ is_a_directory, // EISDIR
+ message_size, // EMSGSIZE
+ network_down, // ENETDOWN
+ network_reset, // ENETRESET
+ network_unreachable, // ENETUNREACH
+ no_buffer_space, // ENOBUFS
+ no_child_process, // ECHILD
+ no_link, // ENOLINK
+ no_lock_available, // ENOLCK
+ no_message_available, // ENODATA
+ no_message, // ENOMSG
+ no_protocol_option, // ENOPROTOOPT
+ no_space_on_device, // ENOSPC
+ no_stream_resources, // ENOSR
+ no_such_device_or_address, // ENXIO
+ no_such_device, // ENODEV
+ no_such_file_or_directory, // ENOENT
+ no_such_process, // ESRCH
+ not_a_directory, // ENOTDIR
+ not_a_socket, // ENOTSOCK
+ not_a_stream, // ENOSTR
+ not_connected, // ENOTCONN
+ not_enough_memory, // ENOMEM
+ not_supported, // ENOTSUP
+ operation_canceled, // ECANCELED
+ operation_in_progress, // EINPROGRESS
+ operation_not_permitted, // EPERM
+ operation_not_supported, // EOPNOTSUPP
+ operation_would_block, // EWOULDBLOCK
+ owner_dead, // EOWNERDEAD
+ permission_denied, // EACCES
+ protocol_error, // EPROTO
+ protocol_not_supported, // EPROTONOSUPPORT
+ read_only_file_system, // EROFS
+ resource_deadlock_would_occur, // EDEADLK
+ resource_unavailable_try_again, // EAGAIN
+ result_out_of_range, // ERANGE
+ state_not_recoverable, // ENOTRECOVERABLE
+ stream_timeout, // ETIME
+ text_file_busy, // ETXTBSY
+ timed_out, // ETIMEDOUT
+ too_many_files_open_in_system, // ENFILE
+ too_many_files_open, // EMFILE
+ too_many_links, // EMLINK
+ too_many_symbolic_link_levels, // ELOOP
+ value_too_large, // EOVERFLOW
+ wrong_protocol_type // EPROTOTYPE
+template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc> : true_type { }
+error_code make_error_code(errc e);
+error_condition make_error_condition(errc e);
+// Comparison operators:
+bool operator==(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs);
+bool operator==(const error_code& lhs, const error_condition& rhs);
+bool operator==(const error_condition& lhs, const error_code& rhs);
+bool operator==(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs);
+bool operator!=(const error_code& lhs, const error_code& rhs);
+bool operator!=(const error_code& lhs, const error_condition& rhs);
+bool operator!=(const error_condition& lhs, const error_code& rhs);
+bool operator!=(const error_condition& lhs, const error_condition& rhs);
+template <> struct hash<std::error_code>;
+} // std
+#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <string>
+// This must be here instead of a .inc file because it is used in the definition
+// of the enum values below.
+#ifdef LLVM_ON_WIN32
+ // The following numbers were taken from VS2010.
+# define EAFNOSUPPORT 102
+# endif
+# ifndef EADDRINUSE
+# define EADDRINUSE 100
+# endif
+# define EADDRNOTAVAIL 101
+# endif
+# ifndef EISCONN
+# define EISCONN 113
+# endif
+# ifndef E2BIG
+# define E2BIG 7
+# endif
+# ifndef EDOM
+# define EDOM 33
+# endif
+# ifndef EFAULT
+# define EFAULT 14
+# endif
+# ifndef EBADF
+# define EBADF 9
+# endif
+# ifndef EBADMSG
+# define EBADMSG 104
+# endif
+# ifndef EPIPE
+# define EPIPE 32
+# endif
+# define ECONNABORTED 106
+# endif
+# ifndef EALREADY
+# define EALREADY 103
+# endif
+# define ECONNREFUSED 107
+# endif
+# ifndef ECONNRESET
+# define ECONNRESET 108
+# endif
+# ifndef EXDEV
+# define EXDEV 18
+# endif
+# define EDESTADDRREQ 109
+# endif
+# ifndef EBUSY
+# define EBUSY 16
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOTEMPTY
+# define ENOTEMPTY 41
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOEXEC
+# define ENOEXEC 8
+# endif
+# ifndef EEXIST
+# define EEXIST 17
+# endif
+# ifndef EFBIG
+# define EFBIG 27
+# endif
+# define ENAMETOOLONG 38
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOSYS
+# define ENOSYS 40
+# endif
+# define EHOSTUNREACH 110
+# endif
+# ifndef EIDRM
+# define EIDRM 111
+# endif
+# ifndef EILSEQ
+# define EILSEQ 42
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOTTY
+# define ENOTTY 25
+# endif
+# ifndef EINTR
+# define EINTR 4
+# endif
+# ifndef EINVAL
+# define EINVAL 22
+# endif
+# ifndef ESPIPE
+# define ESPIPE 29
+# endif
+# ifndef EIO
+# define EIO 5
+# endif
+# ifndef EISDIR
+# define EISDIR 21
+# endif
+# ifndef EMSGSIZE
+# define EMSGSIZE 115
+# endif
+# ifndef ENETDOWN
+# define ENETDOWN 116
+# endif
+# ifndef ENETRESET
+# define ENETRESET 117
+# endif
+# define ENETUNREACH 118
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOBUFS
+# define ENOBUFS 119
+# endif
+# ifndef ECHILD
+# define ECHILD 10
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOLINK
+# define ENOLINK 121
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOLCK
+# define ENOLCK 39
+# endif
+# ifndef ENODATA
+# define ENODATA 120
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOMSG
+# define ENOMSG 122
+# endif
+# define ENOPROTOOPT 123
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOSPC
+# define ENOSPC 28
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOSR
+# define ENOSR 124
+# endif
+# ifndef ENXIO
+# define ENXIO 6
+# endif
+# ifndef ENODEV
+# define ENODEV 19
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOENT
+# define ENOENT 2
+# endif
+# ifndef ESRCH
+# define ESRCH 3
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOTDIR
+# define ENOTDIR 20
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOTSOCK
+# define ENOTSOCK 128
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOSTR
+# define ENOSTR 125
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOTCONN
+# define ENOTCONN 126
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOMEM
+# define ENOMEM 12
+# endif
+# ifndef ENOTSUP
+# define ENOTSUP 129
+# endif
+# ifndef ECANCELED
+# define ECANCELED 105
+# endif
+# define EINPROGRESS 112
+# endif
+# ifndef EPERM
+# define EPERM 1
+# endif
+# ifndef EOPNOTSUPP
+# define EOPNOTSUPP 130
+# endif
+# define EWOULDBLOCK 140
+# endif
+# ifndef EOWNERDEAD
+# define EOWNERDEAD 133
+# endif
+# ifndef EACCES
+# define EACCES 13
+# endif
+# ifndef EPROTO
+# define EPROTO 134
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifndef EROFS
+# define EROFS 30
+# endif
+# ifndef EDEADLK
+# define EDEADLK 36
+# endif
+# ifndef EAGAIN
+# define EAGAIN 11
+# endif
+# ifndef ERANGE
+# define ERANGE 34
+# endif
+# endif
+# ifndef ETIME
+# define ETIME 137
+# endif
+# ifndef ETXTBSY
+# define ETXTBSY 139
+# endif
+# ifndef ETIMEDOUT
+# define ETIMEDOUT 138
+# endif
+# ifndef ENFILE
+# define ENFILE 23
+# endif
+# ifndef EMFILE
+# define EMFILE 24
+# endif
+# ifndef EMLINK
+# define EMLINK 31
+# endif
+# ifndef ELOOP
+# define ELOOP 114
+# endif
+# ifndef EOVERFLOW
+# define EOVERFLOW 132
+# endif
+# ifndef EPROTOTYPE
+# define EPROTOTYPE 136
+# endif
+namespace llvm {
+template <class T, T v>
+struct integral_constant {
+ typedef T value_type;
+ static const value_type value = v;
+ typedef integral_constant<T,v> type;
+ operator value_type() { return value; }
+typedef integral_constant<bool, true> true_type;
+typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
+// is_error_code_enum
+template <class Tp> struct is_error_code_enum : public false_type {};
+// is_error_condition_enum
+template <class Tp> struct is_error_condition_enum : public false_type {};
+// Some error codes are not present on all platforms, so we provide equivalents
+// for them:
+//enum class errc
+struct errc {
+enum _ {
+ success = 0,
+ address_family_not_supported = EAFNOSUPPORT,
+ address_in_use = EADDRINUSE,
+ address_not_available = EADDRNOTAVAIL,
+ already_connected = EISCONN,
+ argument_list_too_long = E2BIG,
+ argument_out_of_domain = EDOM,
+ bad_address = EFAULT,
+ bad_file_descriptor = EBADF,
+#ifdef EBADMSG
+ bad_message = EBADMSG,
+ bad_message = EINVAL,
+ broken_pipe = EPIPE,
+ connection_aborted = ECONNABORTED,
+ connection_already_in_progress = EALREADY,
+ connection_refused = ECONNREFUSED,
+ connection_reset = ECONNRESET,
+ cross_device_link = EXDEV,
+ destination_address_required = EDESTADDRREQ,
+ device_or_resource_busy = EBUSY,
+ directory_not_empty = ENOTEMPTY,
+ executable_format_error = ENOEXEC,
+ file_exists = EEXIST,
+ file_too_large = EFBIG,
+ filename_too_long = ENAMETOOLONG,
+ function_not_supported = ENOSYS,
+ host_unreachable = EHOSTUNREACH,
+ identifier_removed = EIDRM,
+ illegal_byte_sequence = EILSEQ,
+ inappropriate_io_control_operation = ENOTTY,
+ interrupted = EINTR,
+ invalid_argument = EINVAL,
+ invalid_seek = ESPIPE,
+ io_error = EIO,
+ is_a_directory = EISDIR,
+ message_size = EMSGSIZE,
+ network_down = ENETDOWN,
+ network_reset = ENETRESET,
+ network_unreachable = ENETUNREACH,
+ no_buffer_space = ENOBUFS,
+ no_child_process = ECHILD,
+#ifdef ENOLINK
+ no_link = ENOLINK,
+ no_link = EINVAL,
+ no_lock_available = ENOLCK,
+#ifdef ENODATA
+ no_message_available = ENODATA,
+ no_message_available = ENOMSG,
+ no_message = ENOMSG,
+ no_protocol_option = ENOPROTOOPT,
+ no_space_on_device = ENOSPC,
+#ifdef ENOSR
+ no_stream_resources = ENOSR,
+ no_stream_resources = ENOMEM,
+ no_such_device_or_address = ENXIO,
+ no_such_device = ENODEV,
+ no_such_file_or_directory = ENOENT,
+ no_such_process = ESRCH,
+ not_a_directory = ENOTDIR,
+ not_a_socket = ENOTSOCK,
+#ifdef ENOSTR
+ not_a_stream = ENOSTR,
+ not_a_stream = EINVAL,
+ not_connected = ENOTCONN,
+ not_enough_memory = ENOMEM,
+ not_supported = ENOTSUP,
+ operation_canceled = ECANCELED,
+ operation_canceled = EINVAL,
+ operation_in_progress = EINPROGRESS,
+ operation_not_permitted = EPERM,
+ operation_not_supported = EOPNOTSUPP,
+ operation_would_block = EWOULDBLOCK,
+ owner_dead = EOWNERDEAD,
+ owner_dead = EINVAL,
+ permission_denied = EACCES,
+#ifdef EPROTO
+ protocol_error = EPROTO,
+ protocol_error = EINVAL,
+ protocol_not_supported = EPROTONOSUPPORT,
+ read_only_file_system = EROFS,
+ resource_deadlock_would_occur = EDEADLK,
+ resource_unavailable_try_again = EAGAIN,
+ result_out_of_range = ERANGE,
+ state_not_recoverable = ENOTRECOVERABLE,
+ state_not_recoverable = EINVAL,
+#ifdef ETIME
+ stream_timeout = ETIME,
+ stream_timeout = ETIMEDOUT,
+ text_file_busy = ETXTBSY,
+ timed_out = ETIMEDOUT,
+ too_many_files_open_in_system = ENFILE,
+ too_many_files_open = EMFILE,
+ too_many_links = EMLINK,
+ too_many_symbolic_link_levels = ELOOP,
+ value_too_large = EOVERFLOW,
+ wrong_protocol_type = EPROTOTYPE
+ _ v_;
+ errc(_ v) : v_(v) {}
+ operator int() const {return v_;}
+template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc> : true_type { };
+template <> struct is_error_condition_enum<errc::_> : true_type { };
+class error_condition;
+class error_code;
+// class error_category
+class _do_message;
+class error_category
+ virtual ~error_category();
+ error_category();
+ error_category(const error_category&);// = delete;
+ error_category& operator=(const error_category&);// = delete;
+ virtual const char* name() const = 0;
+ virtual error_condition default_error_condition(int _ev) const;
+ virtual bool equivalent(int _code, const error_condition& _condition) const;
+ virtual bool equivalent(const error_code& _code, int _condition) const;
+ virtual std::string message(int _ev) const = 0;
+ bool operator==(const error_category& _rhs) const {return this == &_rhs;}
+ bool operator!=(const error_category& _rhs) const {return !(*this == _rhs);}
+ bool operator< (const error_category& _rhs) const {return this < &_rhs;}
+ friend class _do_message;
+class _do_message : public error_category
+ virtual std::string message(int ev) const;
+const error_category& generic_category();
+const error_category& system_category();
+/// Get the error_category used for errno values from POSIX functions. This is
+/// the same as the system_category on POISIX systems, but is the same as the
+/// generic_category on Windows.
+const error_category& posix_category();
+class error_condition
+ int _val_;
+ const error_category* _cat_;
+ error_condition() : _val_(0), _cat_(&generic_category()) {}
+ error_condition(int _val, const error_category& _cat)
+ : _val_(_val), _cat_(&_cat) {}
+ template <class E>
+ error_condition(E _e, typename enable_if_c<
+ is_error_condition_enum<E>::value
+ >::type* = 0)
+ {*this = make_error_condition(_e);}
+ void assign(int _val, const error_category& _cat) {
+ _val_ = _val;
+ _cat_ = &_cat;
+ }
+ template <class E>
+ typename enable_if_c
+ <
+ is_error_condition_enum<E>::value,
+ error_condition&
+ >::type
+ operator=(E _e)
+ {*this = make_error_condition(_e); return *this;}
+ void clear() {
+ _val_ = 0;
+ _cat_ = &generic_category();
+ }
+ int value() const {return _val_;}
+ const error_category& category() const {return *_cat_;}
+ std::string message() const;
+ typedef void (*unspecified_bool_type)();
+ static void unspecified_bool_true() {}
+ operator unspecified_bool_type() const { // true if error
+ return _val_ == 0 ? 0 : unspecified_bool_true;
+ }
+inline error_condition make_error_condition(errc _e) {
+ return error_condition(static_cast<int>(_e), generic_category());
+inline bool operator<(const error_condition& _x, const error_condition& _y) {
+ return _x.category() < _y.category()
+ || (_x.category() == _y.category() && _x.value() < _y.value());
+// error_code
+class error_code {
+ int _val_;
+ const error_category* _cat_;
+ error_code() : _val_(0), _cat_(&system_category()) {}
+ error_code(int _val, const error_category& _cat)
+ : _val_(_val), _cat_(&_cat) {}
+ template <class E>
+ error_code(E _e, typename enable_if_c<
+ is_error_code_enum<E>::value
+ >::type* = 0) {
+ *this = make_error_code(_e);
+ }
+ void assign(int _val, const error_category& _cat) {
+ _val_ = _val;
+ _cat_ = &_cat;
+ }
+ template <class E>
+ typename enable_if_c
+ <
+ is_error_code_enum<E>::value,
+ error_code&
+ >::type
+ operator=(E _e)
+ {*this = make_error_code(_e); return *this;}
+ void clear() {
+ _val_ = 0;
+ _cat_ = &system_category();
+ }
+ int value() const {return _val_;}
+ const error_category& category() const {return *_cat_;}
+ error_condition default_error_condition() const
+ {return _cat_->default_error_condition(_val_);}
+ std::string message() const;
+ typedef void (*unspecified_bool_type)();
+ static void unspecified_bool_true() {}
+ operator unspecified_bool_type() const { // true if error
+ return _val_ == 0 ? 0 : unspecified_bool_true;
+ }
+inline error_code make_error_code(errc _e) {
+ return error_code(static_cast<int>(_e), generic_category());
+inline bool operator<(const error_code& _x, const error_code& _y) {
+ return _x.category() < _y.category()
+ || (_x.category() == _y.category() && _x.value() < _y.value());
+inline bool operator==(const error_code& _x, const error_code& _y) {
+ return _x.category() == _y.category() && _x.value() == _y.value();
+inline bool operator==(const error_code& _x, const error_condition& _y) {
+ return _x.category().equivalent(_x.value(), _y)
+ || _y.category().equivalent(_x, _y.value());
+inline bool operator==(const error_condition& _x, const error_code& _y) {
+ return _y == _x;
+inline bool operator==(const error_condition& _x, const error_condition& _y) {
+ return _x.category() == _y.category() && _x.value() == _y.value();
+inline bool operator!=(const error_code& _x, const error_code& _y) {
+ return !(_x == _y);
+inline bool operator!=(const error_code& _x, const error_condition& _y) {
+ return !(_x == _y);
+inline bool operator!=(const error_condition& _x, const error_code& _y) {
+ return !(_x == _y);
+inline bool operator!=(const error_condition& _x, const error_condition& _y) {
+ return !(_x == _y);
+// Windows errors.
+// To construct an error_code after an API error:
+// error_code( ::GetLastError(), system_category() )
+struct windows_error {
+enum _ {
+ success = 0,
+ // These names and values are based on Windows WinError.h
+ // This is not a complete list. Add to this list if you need to explicitly
+ // check for it.
+ invalid_function = 1, // ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION,
+ file_not_found = 2, // ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND,
+ path_not_found = 3, // ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND,
+ too_many_open_files = 4, // ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES,
+ access_denied = 5, // ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED,
+ invalid_handle = 6, // ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE,
+ arena_trashed = 7, // ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED,
+ not_enough_memory = 8, // ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY,
+ invalid_block = 9, // ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK,
+ bad_environment = 10, // ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT,
+ bad_format = 11, // ERROR_BAD_FORMAT,
+ invalid_access = 12, // ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS,
+ outofmemory = 14, // ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY,
+ invalid_drive = 15, // ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE,
+ current_directory = 16, // ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY,
+ not_same_device = 17, // ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE,
+ no_more_files = 18, // ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES,
+ write_protect = 19, // ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT,
+ bad_unit = 20, // ERROR_BAD_UNIT,
+ not_ready = 21, // ERROR_NOT_READY,
+ bad_command = 22, // ERROR_BAD_COMMAND,
+ crc = 23, // ERROR_CRC,
+ bad_length = 24, // ERROR_BAD_LENGTH,
+ seek = 25, // ERROR_SEEK,
+ not_dos_disk = 26, // ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK,
+ sector_not_found = 27, // ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND,
+ out_of_paper = 28, // ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER,
+ write_fault = 29, // ERROR_WRITE_FAULT,
+ read_fault = 30, // ERROR_READ_FAULT,
+ gen_failure = 31, // ERROR_GEN_FAILURE,
+ sharing_violation = 32, // ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION,
+ lock_violation = 33, // ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION,
+ wrong_disk = 34, // ERROR_WRONG_DISK,
+ sharing_buffer_exceeded = 36, // ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDED,
+ handle_eof = 38, // ERROR_HANDLE_EOF,
+ handle_disk_full = 39, // ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL,
+ rem_not_list = 51, // ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST,
+ dup_name = 52, // ERROR_DUP_NAME,
+ bad_net_path = 53, // ERROR_BAD_NETPATH,
+ network_busy = 54, // ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY,
+ file_exists = 80, // ERROR_FILE_EXISTS,
+ cannot_make = 82, // ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE,
+ broken_pipe = 109, // ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE,
+ open_failed = 110, // ERROR_OPEN_FAILED,
+ buffer_overflow = 111, // ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW,
+ disk_full = 112, // ERROR_DISK_FULL,
+ insufficient_buffer = 122, // ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,
+ lock_failed = 167, // ERROR_LOCK_FAILED,
+ busy = 170, // ERROR_BUSY,
+ cancel_violation = 173, // ERROR_CANCEL_VIOLATION,
+ already_exists = 183 // ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS
+ _ v_;
+ windows_error(_ v) : v_(v) {}
+ explicit windows_error(int v) : v_(_(v)) {}
+ operator int() const {return v_;}
+template <> struct is_error_code_enum<windows_error> : true_type { };
+template <> struct is_error_code_enum<windows_error::_> : true_type { };
+inline error_code make_error_code(windows_error e) {
+ return error_code(static_cast<int>(e), system_category());
+} // end namespace llvm
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud