path: root/include/llvm/Support/JSONParser.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/llvm/Support/JSONParser.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 448 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/Support/JSONParser.h b/include/llvm/Support/JSONParser.h
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index 11149f1..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/Support/JSONParser.h
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-//===--- JSONParser.h - Simple JSON parser ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file implements a JSON parser.
-// See for an overview.
-// See for the full standard.
-// FIXME: Currently this supports a subset of JSON. Specifically, support
-// for numbers, booleans and null for values is missing.
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
-namespace llvm {
-class JSONContainer;
-class JSONString;
-class JSONValue;
-class JSONKeyValuePair;
-/// \brief Base class for a parsable JSON atom.
-/// This class has no semantics other than being a unit of JSON data which can
-/// be parsed out of a JSON document.
-class JSONAtom {
- /// \brief Possible types of JSON objects.
- enum Kind { JK_KeyValuePair, JK_Array, JK_Object, JK_String };
- /// \brief Returns the type of this value.
- Kind getKind() const { return MyKind; }
- static bool classof(const JSONAtom *Atom) { return true; }
- JSONAtom(Kind MyKind) : MyKind(MyKind) {}
- Kind MyKind;
-/// \brief A parser for JSON text.
-/// Use an object of JSONParser to iterate over the values of a JSON text.
-/// All objects are parsed during the iteration, so you can only iterate once
-/// over the JSON text, but the cost of partial iteration is minimized.
-/// Create a new JSONParser if you want to iterate multiple times.
-class JSONParser {
- /// \brief Create a JSONParser for the given input.
- ///
- /// Parsing is started via parseRoot(). Access to the object returned from
- /// parseRoot() will parse the input lazily.
- JSONParser(StringRef Input, SourceMgr *SM);
- /// \brief Returns the outermost JSON value (either an array or an object).
- ///
- /// Can return NULL if the input does not start with an array or an object.
- /// The object is not parsed yet - the caller must iterate over the
- /// returned object to trigger parsing.
- ///
- /// A JSONValue can be either a JSONString, JSONObject or JSONArray.
- JSONValue *parseRoot();
- /// \brief Parses the JSON text and returns whether it is valid JSON.
- ///
- /// In case validate() return false, failed() will return true and
- /// getErrorMessage() will return the parsing error.
- bool validate();
- /// \brief Returns true if an error occurs during parsing.
- ///
- /// If there was an error while parsing an object that was created by
- /// iterating over the result of 'parseRoot', 'failed' will return true.
- bool failed() const;
- /// \brief These methods manage the implementation details of parsing new JSON
- /// atoms.
- /// @{
- JSONString *parseString();
- JSONValue *parseValue();
- JSONKeyValuePair *parseKeyValuePair();
- /// @}
- /// \brief Helpers to parse the elements out of both forms of containers.
- /// @{
- const JSONAtom *parseElement(JSONAtom::Kind ContainerKind);
- StringRef::iterator parseFirstElement(JSONAtom::Kind ContainerKind,
- char StartChar, char EndChar,
- const JSONAtom *&Element);
- StringRef::iterator parseNextElement(JSONAtom::Kind ContainerKind,
- char EndChar,
- const JSONAtom *&Element);
- /// @}
- /// \brief Whitespace parsing.
- /// @{
- void nextNonWhitespace();
- bool isWhitespace();
- /// @}
- /// \brief These methods are used for error handling.
- /// {
- void setExpectedError(StringRef Expected, StringRef Found);
- void setExpectedError(StringRef Expected, char Found);
- bool errorIfAtEndOfFile(StringRef Message);
- bool errorIfNotAt(char C, StringRef Message);
- /// }
- /// \brief Skips all elements in the given container.
- bool skipContainer(const JSONContainer &Container);
- /// \brief Skips to the next position behind the given JSON atom.
- bool skip(const JSONAtom &Atom);
- /// All nodes are allocated by the parser and will be deallocated when the
- /// parser is destroyed.
- BumpPtrAllocator ValueAllocator;
- /// \brief The original input to the parser.
- MemoryBuffer *InputBuffer;
- /// \brief The source manager used for diagnostics and buffer management.
- SourceMgr *SM;
- /// \brief The current position in the parse stream.
- StringRef::iterator Position;
- /// \brief The end position for fast EOF checks without introducing
- /// unnecessary dereferences.
- StringRef::iterator End;
- /// \brief If true, an error has occurred.
- bool Failed;
- friend class JSONContainer;
-/// \brief Base class for JSON value objects.
-/// This object represents an abstract JSON value. It is the root node behind
-/// the group of JSON entities that can represent top-level values in a JSON
-/// document. It has no API, and is just a placeholder in the type hierarchy of
-/// nodes.
-class JSONValue : public JSONAtom {
- JSONValue(Kind MyKind) : JSONAtom(MyKind) {}
- /// \brief dyn_cast helpers
- ///@{
- static bool classof(const JSONAtom *Atom) {
- switch (Atom->getKind()) {
- case JK_Array:
- case JK_Object:
- case JK_String:
- return true;
- case JK_KeyValuePair:
- return false;
- }
- llvm_unreachable("Invalid JSONAtom kind");
- }
- static bool classof(const JSONValue *Value) { return true; }
- ///@}
-/// \brief Gives access to the text of a JSON string.
-/// FIXME: Implement a method to return the unescaped text.
-class JSONString : public JSONValue {
- /// \brief Returns the underlying parsed text of the string.
- ///
- /// This is the unescaped content of the JSON text.
- /// See for details.
- StringRef getRawText() const { return RawText; }
- JSONString(StringRef RawText) : JSONValue(JK_String), RawText(RawText) {}
- StringRef RawText;
- friend class JSONParser;
- /// \brief dyn_cast helpers
- ///@{
- static bool classof(const JSONAtom *Atom) {
- return Atom->getKind() == JK_String;
- }
- static bool classof(const JSONString *String) { return true; }
- ///@}
-/// \brief A (key, value) tuple of type (JSONString *, JSONValue *).
-/// Note that JSONKeyValuePair is not a JSONValue, it is a bare JSONAtom.
-/// JSONKeyValuePairs can be elements of a JSONObject, but not of a JSONArray.
-/// They are not viable as top-level values either.
-class JSONKeyValuePair : public JSONAtom {
- const JSONString * const Key;
- const JSONValue * const Value;
- JSONKeyValuePair(const JSONString *Key, const JSONValue *Value)
- : JSONAtom(JK_KeyValuePair), Key(Key), Value(Value) {}
- friend class JSONParser;
- /// \brief dyn_cast helpers
- ///@{
- static bool classof(const JSONAtom *Atom) {
- return Atom->getKind() == JK_KeyValuePair;
- }
- static bool classof(const JSONKeyValuePair *KeyValuePair) { return true; }
- ///@}
-/// \brief Implementation of JSON containers (arrays and objects).
-/// JSONContainers drive the lazy parsing of JSON arrays and objects via
-/// forward iterators.
-class JSONContainer : public JSONValue {
- /// \brief An iterator that parses the underlying container during iteration.
- ///
- /// Iterators on the same collection use shared state, so when multiple copies
- /// of an iterator exist, only one is allowed to be used for iteration;
- /// iterating multiple copies of an iterator of the same collection will lead
- /// to undefined behavior.
- class AtomIterator {
- public:
- AtomIterator(const AtomIterator &I) : Container(I.Container) {}
- /// \brief Iterator interface.
- ///@{
- bool operator==(const AtomIterator &I) const {
- if (isEnd() || I.isEnd())
- return isEnd() == I.isEnd();
- return Container->Position == I.Container->Position;
- }
- bool operator!=(const AtomIterator &I) const {
- return !(*this == I);
- }
- AtomIterator &operator++() {
- Container->parseNextElement();
- return *this;
- }
- const JSONAtom *operator*() {
- return Container->Current;
- }
- ///@}
- private:
- /// \brief Create an iterator for which 'isEnd' returns true.
- AtomIterator() : Container(0) {}
- /// \brief Create an iterator for the given container.
- AtomIterator(const JSONContainer *Container) : Container(Container) {}
- bool isEnd() const {
- return Container == 0 || Container->Position == StringRef::iterator();
- }
- const JSONContainer * const Container;
- friend class JSONContainer;
- };
- /// \brief An iterator for the specified AtomT.
- ///
- /// Used for the implementation of iterators for JSONArray and JSONObject.
- template <typename AtomT>
- class IteratorTemplate : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,
- const AtomT*> {
- public:
- explicit IteratorTemplate(const AtomIterator& AtomI)
- : AtomI(AtomI) {}
- bool operator==(const IteratorTemplate &I) const {
- return AtomI == I.AtomI;
- }
- bool operator!=(const IteratorTemplate &I) const { return !(*this == I); }
- IteratorTemplate &operator++() {
- ++AtomI;
- return *this;
- }
- const AtomT *operator*() { return dyn_cast<AtomT>(*AtomI); }
- private:
- AtomIterator AtomI;
- };
- JSONContainer(JSONParser *Parser, char StartChar, char EndChar,
- JSONAtom::Kind ContainerKind)
- : JSONValue(ContainerKind), Parser(Parser),
- Position(), Current(0), Started(false),
- StartChar(StartChar), EndChar(EndChar) {}
- /// \brief Returns a lazy parsing iterator over the container.
- ///
- /// As the iterator drives the parse stream, begin() must only be called
- /// once per container.
- AtomIterator atom_begin() const {
- if (Started)
- report_fatal_error("Cannot parse container twice.");
- Started = true;
- // Set up the position and current element when we begin iterating over the
- // container.
- Position = Parser->parseFirstElement(getKind(), StartChar, EndChar, Current);
- return AtomIterator(this);
- }
- AtomIterator atom_end() const {
- return AtomIterator();
- }
- AtomIterator atom_current() const {
- if (!Started)
- return atom_begin();
- return AtomIterator(this);
- }
- /// \brief Parse the next element in the container into the Current element.
- ///
- /// This routine is called as an iterator into this container walks through
- /// its elements. It mutates the container's internal current node to point to
- /// the next atom of the container.
- void parseNextElement() const {
- Parser->skip(*Current);
- Position = Parser->parseNextElement(getKind(), EndChar, Current);
- }
- // For parsing, JSONContainers call back into the JSONParser.
- JSONParser * const Parser;
- // 'Position', 'Current' and 'Started' store the state of the parse stream
- // for iterators on the container, they don't change the container's elements
- // and are thus marked as mutable.
- mutable StringRef::iterator Position;
- mutable const JSONAtom *Current;
- mutable bool Started;
- const char StartChar;
- const char EndChar;
- friend class JSONParser;
- /// \brief dyn_cast helpers
- ///@{
- static bool classof(const JSONAtom *Atom) {
- switch (Atom->getKind()) {
- case JK_Array:
- case JK_Object:
- return true;
- case JK_KeyValuePair:
- case JK_String:
- return false;
- }
- llvm_unreachable("Invalid JSONAtom kind");
- }
- static bool classof(const JSONContainer *Container) { return true; }
- ///@}
-/// \brief A simple JSON array.
-class JSONArray : public JSONContainer {
- typedef IteratorTemplate<JSONValue> const_iterator;
- /// \brief Returns a lazy parsing iterator over the container.
- ///
- /// As the iterator drives the parse stream, begin() must only be called
- /// once per container.
- const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(atom_begin()); }
- const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(atom_end()); }
- JSONArray(JSONParser *Parser)
- : JSONContainer(Parser, '[', ']', JSONAtom::JK_Array) {}
- /// \brief dyn_cast helpers
- ///@{
- static bool classof(const JSONAtom *Atom) {
- return Atom->getKind() == JSONAtom::JK_Array;
- }
- static bool classof(const JSONArray *Array) { return true; }
- ///@}
- friend class JSONParser;
-/// \brief A JSON object: an iterable list of JSON key-value pairs.
-class JSONObject : public JSONContainer {
- typedef IteratorTemplate<JSONKeyValuePair> const_iterator;
- /// \brief Returns a lazy parsing iterator over the container.
- ///
- /// As the iterator drives the parse stream, begin() must only be called
- /// once per container.
- const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(atom_begin()); }
- const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(atom_end()); }
- JSONObject(JSONParser *Parser)
- : JSONContainer(Parser, '{', '}', JSONAtom::JK_Object) {}
- /// \brief dyn_cast helpers
- ///@{
- static bool classof(const JSONAtom *Atom) {
- return Atom->getKind() == JSONAtom::JK_Object;
- }
- static bool classof(const JSONObject *Object) { return true; }
- ///@}
- friend class JSONParser;
-} // end namespace llvm
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