path: root/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h
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1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h b/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h
index 8da2045..31bd606 100644
--- a/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h
+++ b/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h
@@ -28,9 +28,15 @@
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePassRegistry.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/RegisterPressure.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/ScheduleDAGInstrs.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetInstrInfo.h"
namespace llvm {
+extern cl::opt<bool> ForceTopDown;
+extern cl::opt<bool> ForceBottomUp;
class AliasAnalysis;
class LiveIntervals;
class MachineDominatorTree;
@@ -93,6 +99,237 @@ public:
+class ScheduleDAGMI;
+/// MachineSchedStrategy - Interface to the scheduling algorithm used by
+/// ScheduleDAGMI.
+class MachineSchedStrategy {
+ virtual ~MachineSchedStrategy() {}
+ /// Initialize the strategy after building the DAG for a new region.
+ virtual void initialize(ScheduleDAGMI *DAG) = 0;
+ /// Notify this strategy that all roots have been released (including those
+ /// that depend on EntrySU or ExitSU).
+ virtual void registerRoots() {}
+ /// Pick the next node to schedule, or return NULL. Set IsTopNode to true to
+ /// schedule the node at the top of the unscheduled region. Otherwise it will
+ /// be scheduled at the bottom.
+ virtual SUnit *pickNode(bool &IsTopNode) = 0;
+ /// Notify MachineSchedStrategy that ScheduleDAGMI has scheduled an
+ /// instruction and updated scheduled/remaining flags in the DAG nodes.
+ virtual void schedNode(SUnit *SU, bool IsTopNode) = 0;
+ /// When all predecessor dependencies have been resolved, free this node for
+ /// top-down scheduling.
+ virtual void releaseTopNode(SUnit *SU) = 0;
+ /// When all successor dependencies have been resolved, free this node for
+ /// bottom-up scheduling.
+ virtual void releaseBottomNode(SUnit *SU) = 0;
+/// ReadyQueue encapsulates vector of "ready" SUnits with basic convenience
+/// methods for pushing and removing nodes. ReadyQueue's are uniquely identified
+/// by an ID. SUnit::NodeQueueId is a mask of the ReadyQueues the SUnit is in.
+/// This is a convenience class that may be used by implementations of
+/// MachineSchedStrategy.
+class ReadyQueue {
+ unsigned ID;
+ std::string Name;
+ std::vector<SUnit*> Queue;
+ ReadyQueue(unsigned id, const Twine &name): ID(id), Name(name.str()) {}
+ unsigned getID() const { return ID; }
+ StringRef getName() const { return Name; }
+ // SU is in this queue if it's NodeQueueID is a superset of this ID.
+ bool isInQueue(SUnit *SU) const { return (SU->NodeQueueId & ID); }
+ bool empty() const { return Queue.empty(); }
+ void clear() { Queue.clear(); }
+ unsigned size() const { return Queue.size(); }
+ typedef std::vector<SUnit*>::iterator iterator;
+ iterator begin() { return Queue.begin(); }
+ iterator end() { return Queue.end(); }
+ iterator find(SUnit *SU) {
+ return std::find(Queue.begin(), Queue.end(), SU);
+ }
+ void push(SUnit *SU) {
+ Queue.push_back(SU);
+ SU->NodeQueueId |= ID;
+ }
+ iterator remove(iterator I) {
+ (*I)->NodeQueueId &= ~ID;
+ *I = Queue.back();
+ unsigned idx = I - Queue.begin();
+ Queue.pop_back();
+ return Queue.begin() + idx;
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ void dump();
+/// Mutate the DAG as a postpass after normal DAG building.
+class ScheduleDAGMutation {
+ virtual ~ScheduleDAGMutation() {}
+ virtual void apply(ScheduleDAGMI *DAG) = 0;
+/// ScheduleDAGMI is an implementation of ScheduleDAGInstrs that schedules
+/// machine instructions while updating LiveIntervals and tracking regpressure.
+class ScheduleDAGMI : public ScheduleDAGInstrs {
+ AliasAnalysis *AA;
+ RegisterClassInfo *RegClassInfo;
+ MachineSchedStrategy *SchedImpl;
+ /// Ordered list of DAG postprocessing steps.
+ std::vector<ScheduleDAGMutation*> Mutations;
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator LiveRegionEnd;
+ /// Register pressure in this region computed by buildSchedGraph.
+ IntervalPressure RegPressure;
+ RegPressureTracker RPTracker;
+ /// List of pressure sets that exceed the target's pressure limit before
+ /// scheduling, listed in increasing set ID order. Each pressure set is paired
+ /// with its max pressure in the currently scheduled regions.
+ std::vector<PressureElement> RegionCriticalPSets;
+ /// The top of the unscheduled zone.
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator CurrentTop;
+ IntervalPressure TopPressure;
+ RegPressureTracker TopRPTracker;
+ /// The bottom of the unscheduled zone.
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator CurrentBottom;
+ IntervalPressure BotPressure;
+ RegPressureTracker BotRPTracker;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /// The number of instructions scheduled so far. Used to cut off the
+ /// scheduler at the point determined by misched-cutoff.
+ unsigned NumInstrsScheduled;
+ ScheduleDAGMI(MachineSchedContext *C, MachineSchedStrategy *S):
+ ScheduleDAGInstrs(*C->MF, *C->MLI, *C->MDT, /*IsPostRA=*/false, C->LIS),
+ AA(C->AA), RegClassInfo(C->RegClassInfo), SchedImpl(S),
+ RPTracker(RegPressure), CurrentTop(), TopRPTracker(TopPressure),
+ CurrentBottom(), BotRPTracker(BotPressure) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ NumInstrsScheduled = 0;
+ }
+ virtual ~ScheduleDAGMI() {
+ delete SchedImpl;
+ }
+ /// Add a postprocessing step to the DAG builder.
+ /// Mutations are applied in the order that they are added after normal DAG
+ /// building and before MachineSchedStrategy initialization.
+ void addMutation(ScheduleDAGMutation *Mutation) {
+ Mutations.push_back(Mutation);
+ }
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator top() const { return CurrentTop; }
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator bottom() const { return CurrentBottom; }
+ /// Implement the ScheduleDAGInstrs interface for handling the next scheduling
+ /// region. This covers all instructions in a block, while schedule() may only
+ /// cover a subset.
+ void enterRegion(MachineBasicBlock *bb,
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator begin,
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator end,
+ unsigned endcount);
+ /// Implement ScheduleDAGInstrs interface for scheduling a sequence of
+ /// reorderable instructions.
+ virtual void schedule();
+ /// Get current register pressure for the top scheduled instructions.
+ const IntervalPressure &getTopPressure() const { return TopPressure; }
+ const RegPressureTracker &getTopRPTracker() const { return TopRPTracker; }
+ /// Get current register pressure for the bottom scheduled instructions.
+ const IntervalPressure &getBotPressure() const { return BotPressure; }
+ const RegPressureTracker &getBotRPTracker() const { return BotRPTracker; }
+ /// Get register pressure for the entire scheduling region before scheduling.
+ const IntervalPressure &getRegPressure() const { return RegPressure; }
+ const std::vector<PressureElement> &getRegionCriticalPSets() const {
+ return RegionCriticalPSets;
+ }
+ // Top-Level entry points for the schedule() driver...
+ /// Call ScheduleDAGInstrs::buildSchedGraph with register pressure tracking
+ /// enabled. This sets up three trackers. RPTracker will cover the entire DAG
+ /// region, TopTracker and BottomTracker will be initialized to the top and
+ /// bottom of the DAG region without covereing any unscheduled instruction.
+ void buildDAGWithRegPressure();
+ /// Apply each ScheduleDAGMutation step in order. This allows different
+ /// instances of ScheduleDAGMI to perform custom DAG postprocessing.
+ void postprocessDAG();
+ /// Identify DAG roots and setup scheduler queues.
+ void initQueues();
+ /// Move an instruction and update register pressure.
+ void scheduleMI(SUnit *SU, bool IsTopNode);
+ /// Update scheduler DAG and queues after scheduling an instruction.
+ void updateQueues(SUnit *SU, bool IsTopNode);
+ /// Reinsert debug_values recorded in ScheduleDAGInstrs::DbgValues.
+ void placeDebugValues();
+ /// \brief dump the scheduled Sequence.
+ void dumpSchedule() const;
+ // Lesser helpers...
+ void initRegPressure();
+ void updateScheduledPressure(std::vector<unsigned> NewMaxPressure);
+ void moveInstruction(MachineInstr *MI, MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertPos);
+ bool checkSchedLimit();
+ void releaseRoots();
+ void releaseSucc(SUnit *SU, SDep *SuccEdge);
+ void releaseSuccessors(SUnit *SU);
+ void releasePred(SUnit *SU, SDep *PredEdge);
+ void releasePredecessors(SUnit *SU);
} // namespace llvm
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